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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Thinkforyourself Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:00 am

Posted by zachswade on 08/22/2015
you beat me to the punch eric! lol. his imdb is crazy though still!

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Thinkforyourself Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:00 am

Posted by eleven on 08/22/2015
I actually joined this forum 10 minutes ago after having gone over all of the Math Powerland media. 
It was just "shill, shill, shill" "Jesuit, Jesuit, Jesuit". He went on some Jew white knight crusade to defend them. I found the hypocrisy fucking astounding.

First he rants about how the FE movement shouldn't get itself mixed into other conspiracies, and then moments later won't shut the hell up about Jesuits.

Personally, I've been a holocaust revisionist since 2008. I didn't discover FE until this year. I'm not going to magically think the Jews are angels just because I'm in this movement. Does that make me a shill? If it does then NASA owes me a long overdue check.

I'm not surprised he's an actor. He acts like a damn cartoon character sometimes.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Thinkforyourself Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:01 am

Posted by incorporated on 08/22/2015

Aug 22, 2015 7:16:00 GMT Admin said:

This is pretty telling. Matt is an actor in a 2015 movie who admits to having a real life "alter-ego": thebadgethemovie.com/bullock.html

I found it strange on his acting resume that he was a Boston Marathon runner.

His Resume 

Some of the other strange movies made by Soner Rock Films

Last edited by Thinkforyourself on Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:02 am; edited 1 time in total

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Thinkforyourself Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:01 am

Posted by schpankme on 08/23/2015

Aug 22, 2015 7:16:00 GMT Admin said:

 Matt [Boylan] is an actor
2015 movie 
the badge 

This goes hand in hand with hiring "crisis actors" to stage hoax terrorist attacks.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Thinkforyourself Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:02 am

Posted by zachswade on 08/23/2015
why would any ACTOR put down the boston marathon on an acting resume!!?? lol... TOTAL CRISIS ACTOR... this must be to signal whoever is looking for potential crisis actors for the next false flag attack. hes a total freemason.. no doubt about it... in his stand up it seems like he tries to imitate Bill Hicks in both material and body movement, but in his videos he seems like a completely different, calm person... then in the audio with the wannabe hippie girl he seems like another person who is broke and has no money to live(which is very suspicious, given all of his various outlets to make $$$!... this is getting very strange... his general demeanor just doesn't jive to me, then finding out he acts and listing the false flag boston marathon in his resume?! WEIRD

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Thinkforyourself Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:03 am

Posted by incorporated on 08/23/2015

Aug 22, 2015 19:17:14 GMT zachswade said:
why would any ACTOR put down the boston marathon on an acting resume!!?? lol... TOTAL CRISIS ACTOR... this must be to signal whoever is looking for potential crisis actors for the next false flag attack. hes a total freemason.. no doubt about it... in his stand up it seems like he tries to imitate Bill Hicks in both material and body movement, but in his videos he seems like a completely different, calm person... then in the audio with the wannabe hippie girl he seems like another person who is broke and has no money to live(which is very suspicious, given all of his various outlets to make $$$!... this is getting very strange... his general demeanor just doesn't jive to me, then finding out he acts and listing the false flag boston marathon in his resume?! WEIRD

Psychopahy's mask of sanity. They will change who they are on the drop of a dime when needed to suit any situation, even invent them or imitate others personalities to target people. All created persona's, they have no personality, live their lives acting. Math has displayed so many traits of psychopathy in his and others content. 

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Thinkforyourself Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:03 am

Posted by okayako on 08/23/2015
I bet he trained at the same crappy acting school as Robbie Parker and Gene Rosen lol! (I always assumed Sandy Hook was a false flag from day 1, but after seeing Parker and Rosen's pathetic acting, I realized it was a total hoax)

Before I found this forum, of course I watched his video-the one with him doing a stand up comedy act in front of a projection screen. Something about it struck me as odd--why would a former NASA artist be doing a comedy act where he "outs" NASA? Who would go to such a show? It seemed like he wanted to be an amateur comedian, and this was his bit. Now, knowing he's an actor, it was probably just practicing a character in front of the public (like Gene Rosen's many outtakes of his script, performed in front of an amateur camera man). They need to have experience performing in real time, in front of real people. 

These actors are ridiculous, but what's worse is that people believe in them. Math's job in this movement is twofold: to catch folks early on, and then deter the from ever looking further into the flat earth. Or, people will like him and follow him down the wrong path. Why else would a confirmed actor be so involved in such a movement as this? Shill for sure.

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Thinkforyourself Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:04 am

Posted by Jimmy on 08/23/2015
Incredible find on Matt Shilland. 

This dude is so wrecked. If he wasn't exposed before, he is totally outed now. Notice how his last name in his latest movie role is "Bullock" as in bull shit lol... Now makes me think that the whole ordeal with him and the girl was probably an act as well.

Hey Robert, welcome mate, but you do realize there are 6,957 posts on this forum and not all of them are about shills, right?

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Thinkforyourself Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:04 am

Posted by cheifstareatscreen on 08/31/2015
Hey guys I was just watching the movie I'm Not There (2007), and Math pops up on screen at about 1hr 37min. Funny how he talked about his past jobs but never brought up that he was in movies XD.

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Thinkforyourself Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:05 am

Posted by csp on 08/31/2015

Aug 31, 2015 0:57:22 GMT incorporated said:
What's the deal with his latest video BABIES OF BABYLON - FLAT EARTH SONG link

I couldn't watch more than 20 seconds of it. 

It's really bizarre and creepy. I think he's losing his marbles or something?

Some of the comments were saying that he has been cloned and replaced to shut him up. what a joke.

He's losing his grip on reality - this is what happens when you live a lie.

And he is probably trying hard to hold onto his last few subscribers until he disappears or gets disappeared.

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Thinkforyourself Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:05 am

Posted by incorporated on 08/31/2015
Some of his poor acting: link

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Thinkforyourself Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:06 am

Posted by Admin on 09/06/2015
Kristy Moreno had an experience similar to several women it seems:

"Mathew Boylan is a creep..he drove to my hometown bc he liked me. He came without a heads up or planning things out with me first. He got pissed when i told him he couldn't sleep on my couch.I TOLD HIM I DONT ALLOW STRANGERS TO STAY AT MY HOUSE WITH MY CHILDREN. I GUESS HE THOUGHT I WAS A DESPERATE SINGLE MOM AND A WHORE. JUST BC WE HAD A FEW CONVERSATIONS OVER THE PHONE DIDNT MEAN I WANTED TO HAVE SEX WITH HIM. HES A PERVERT. .BEWARE WOMEN...ALL HE TALKED ABOUT WAS HE COULDN'T WAIT TO PAINT ME NAKED... He quit talking to me when i told him NO he couldn't stay at my house...btw...when he figured out i wasnt easy or stupid...he was done with me. Now someone go back and tell him i said this...or better yet..i hope one of his minions takes a screenshot and shows the paranoid creep. I knew something was wrong with him when he just showed up in my hometown unannounced and asked if he could crash on my couch. Thank god i didn't let him. He also told me i was exactly what he was looking for bc Im Native American..Cherokee Indian...he knew i could get major benefits for this. .Sorry i don't do gov assistance. .hes such a liar and hypocrite. After listening to that recording i wanted to puke"

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Thu Feb 18, 2016 11:38 am

Matt is now going to court claiming that I violated some copyright by uploading parts of his videos (which is perfectly legal under YouTube's copyright agreement).  Here's the real kicker though.  I already deleted the two videos in question several weeks ago (which fall under YT's fair-use policy anyway, so he hasn't a leg to stand on) yet he has a video of me still on his channel WHICH HE RECORDED AND POSTED WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT and refuses to delete it even after I told him to (Crazy Notion, I'm sitting there on skype with my shirt off).  So I have already complied with his demands, even though he is not complying with mine, and he is continuing the court case anyway.  And of course he makes sure to call me "anti-semetic" and accuse me of "hate speech" several times for good measure.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Feb 18, 2016 3:08 pm

Admin wrote:

Matt is now going to court claiming that I violated some copyright by uploading parts of his videos (which is perfectly legal under YouTube's copyright agreement).  Here's the real kicker though.  I already deleted the two videos in question several weeks ago (which fall under YT's fair-use policy anyway, so he hasn't a leg to stand on) yet he has a video of me still on his channel WHICH HE RECORDED AND POSTED WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT and refuses to delete it even after I told him to (Crazy Notion, I'm sitting there on skype with my shirt off).  So I have already complied with his demands, even though he is not complying with mine, and he is continuing the court case anyway.  And of course he makes sure to call me "anti-semetic" and accuse me of "hate speech" several times for good measure.

How fabulous! I wondered what Matt Boil-face, the grand failed actor of the FE movement was doing recently, and it is wonderful to see one last desperate gasp of gassy putrid air pass through his rapidly ageing cod-lips. Matt is obviously very comfortable living in his Shill-hovel underneath the barrel he scraped through a long time ago, but still the sheer desperation of this pathetic last stand has actually managed to shock me. Matt never lets me down; he always disappoints me.

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty Matt Boylan/Math Powerland Baphomet symbolism

Post by Skywalker Sun Aug 28, 2016 1:06 am

I thought the use of both orange AND the number 33 at the same time was over-doing it a bit

Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Math_33_orange_zpszcl7nfpl

This was then followed by references to a goat that looks like the devil!

We're all familiar with Baphomet the goat and the 'as above, so below' symbolism...
Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Baphonet_goat_zpsqol5d2q5

How about this then? This is from Patricia Steere and other SHILL potatoes #41. And no, I didn't just go looking for a frame from the video that resembled this. This is the official thumbnail for the video on Youtube.
Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Math_as_above_so_below_zpshe6psbd7

Check it out: https://youtu.be/SxSqyMBKUOo?t=2362

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Sun Aug 28, 2016 4:11 am

Nice finds, thanks Skywalker

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty More 'as above so below'

Post by Skywalker Sun Aug 28, 2016 10:50 pm

Just came across this! Source: http://www.hhlittlesky.com/post/119406184265/four-years-ago-i-watched-a-video-on-youtube-called

"As above, so Below"
Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Math_as_above_so_below2_zpsgzjl3ahk

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Skywalker Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:49 pm

Don't know how I missed this one.... MATT BOYLAN also = 33. Chances of that!

Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Matt33_zpsdr9ymsqk

With so many 33s and other symbolism, is he just doing this for fun, or is he hoping to get noticed? Or is he just doing what he is told?

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by freejack Wed Sep 21, 2016 4:31 am

This was posted on FB today by the Flat Earth Asshole. I don't know either of them personally and I'm not calling anyone a shill. Just passing it along...

I just got a disturbing phone call from Math Powerland telling me that his art work is being destroyed and erased. He has been working on this job site for 3 months and now suddenly a federal agency comes in and says his designs are not approved and they must be sanded down. The floor he painted when we performed in Reno has also been covered up and the buisness shut down shortly afterward. Math's work is being attacked and he is super pissed off right now. I have been to his last job site and I have seen the work he put in there with my own eyes. To see the same place I went to being sanded down and his work erased is fucked up.


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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by TerrestialJones Fri Sep 30, 2016 12:12 pm

I think she is a good woman... honest and courageous Smile


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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty MATT SENT ME A COMMENT SAYING

Post by Faith Irene Luecke Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:35 am

MATHEW COWARDland SENT ME A COMMENT A YEAR AGO (I ONLY JUST SAW IT IN PENDING POSTS AND WILL ADD IT TO A VID TO MY YT CHANNEL ASAP) BUT HE SAYS THAT HE THOUGHT I WAS A JEW BECAUSE GRANT TOLD HIM THAT HE AND I WERE?! GW (Grant, Hollywood Disney jew loving creep x-boyfriend) may very well be and Im no longer with him and never really saw him when we were but anyways, so Mathew sends me a comment saying that if I don't remove my videos against him then he will sue me and that I will "learn the hard way" (thats how he ended the comment but also goes into how he cant believe that Faith (me) would give that audio I had recorded without his knowing to Eric Dubay ( a "Nazi" he hystericaly writes as if a bad thing) and then interweaves some lies about how it was me who was sexual flirty in front of my daughter to try to get with him?! THAT IS A LIE. I am Not that kind of woman! Grant and he tried to get me to marry him (Cowardland!) but they both will deny of course where as I will volunteer lie detector test and have no reason to lie nor get negative attention like this by putting out to the public all that I know and can share along the way as I learn as well. THANKS FOR YOUR AWESOME POST HERE ERIC.
Faith Irene Luecke
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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Sat May 20, 2017 5:41 am

In an effort to keep track of all the lies Powerland spews about me, I have to put this here.  He claims my father talked with Alex Jones and was crying on the phone with him.  I have no idea what he is talking about, unless he has purposely conflated this phone call:

This is the only time my dad successfully called into Infowars, and it was on Jason Bermas' Infowarrior show, he didn't speak with Alex, nor does he cry.  Powerland is such a jealous narcissitic liar and he can't sing to save his life.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by csp Sat May 20, 2017 6:32 am

This is just further evidence of people attacking your character (and your fathers), instead of focusing on the matter at hand. Fallacies, a shills favorite weapon.


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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by lotuseater Sat May 20, 2017 3:46 pm

Wow, Eric, I've never seen that vid before. That hit home for me. I haven't spoken to my father for over seven years after one conversation about 9/11.

What an asshole Math is. And talking about assholes is that "Flat Earth Asshole" in the background? That would be like Neil Disgrace Tyson playing bass and Joe Rogan singing a song dissing Einstein.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 3 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Wed May 31, 2017 7:17 am

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