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The Real Purpose of TFE (imo)

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The Real Purpose of TFE (imo) Empty The Real Purpose of TFE (imo)

Post by StoopsTheCat Mon Nov 04, 2024 7:02 pm

A 24 hour sun won't settle anything and they all know it.

They're all still going to spend bookoo amounts of money though, so what does that mean?

Well, it could mean that it's all actually just a marketing campaign.

Even though Duffy looks like a snake, I think he's a clever snake, so he's probably thought about what the moves going to be after the trip.

He's going to use TFE and it's undoubtedly inconclusive results, to launch some sort of channel or series of some sort.

Nobody spends money like that without anticipating a return at some point.

All the other YouTubies will gain attention and grow their channels.

MC Toon has already gotten his fans to pay for most of his trip already by using a go fund me page.

The whole thing is a smart business move really!

Unfortunately, if this is the case, they actually don't really give a fuck about the results.

The point of the trip would be to capitalize on the investment, not settle a debate.

That, my friends, is called


could ruin the whole thing for them if he wanted to. They need him. I'm sure he knows that.

He might think this will help draw attention to the movement, but knowing grifters, even if the results were in favor of FE Duffy could just edit it out. I wouldn't trust them.

The debate will continue regardless.


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The Real Purpose of TFE (imo) Empty Re: The Real Purpose of TFE (imo)

Post by TyrannicalSawdustRex Sat Nov 09, 2024 11:55 am

Having looked at the " Final Experiment" web site I can only agree with you. I cannot see any experiment described in there. No mention of any scientific observation - recording the elevation of the sun and seeing whether that agrees with supposed latitude of the basecamp at 79degs S would be a start .

The magnetic south pole is given as 64degs S so how can they navigate - how can they know this supposed base is at the latitude given by their special GPS. No mention of checking star trails/constellation or their zeniths , obvious scientific checks that should be carried out. Have TPTB ripped up the Antarctic Treaty for this bunch of bozo's with no scientific experiments included.

I see that the group of globe believers include people described as Science Educators, another term for propogandists . One of the chaps is medical doctor and another has a BA in chemistry. Not a surprise and a probable explanation as to why no scientific experiments are planned . Many GoFund me  desperados in there. One is wanting a to buy a telescope by this method.

I see they are trying to foist the Gleason AE map upon the FEr's so hiding the true position of latitude according to star position . Required to prolong the globe deception.


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The Real Purpose of TFE (imo) Empty Re: The Real Purpose of TFE (imo)

Post by Earthtoed Sun Nov 17, 2024 5:51 am

Damage control. They can simply destroy the Antarctica Treaty, prove water bends, take true photographs from space, demonstrate how planes do not fly level, explain how we see the North Star in the same spot every evening with all the supposed motions, et., al. if they wanted to prove the Earth was a spinning ball. They can't, so they promote their farcical experiments instead.


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