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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by mike_wolf23 Mon Nov 07, 2022 5:40 pm

Eric Dubay seems to me a really legit guy, in his videos I can feel his honesty and good vibe. But, even tough he seems to have good intentions, it's not the first time I really trust someone and in the end I conclude he is another agent. I was a big fan of David Icke and so many others just to know they were part of the game. I think Eric is to trust, his youtube channel is full of amazing knowledge, but would like to know your opinions!


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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by Guest Tue Nov 08, 2022 2:29 am

No, Eric Dubay is not controlled opposition. In the midst of imposters and ingrates, Eric Dubay stands apart as a paragon of integrity; and has been consistently tested and verified as someone who defers to what is true instead of selling himself out for popularity or well-paying gain.

He even turns down offered donations and instead encourages people to buy his books to help spread the word about what he writes about.

I would like to also mention that David Icke's books are actually very good and he goes much further than almost anyone; and he actually hasn't come out and said the earth isn't flat.


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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by mike_wolf23 Tue Nov 08, 2022 11:13 am

Hey animal sanctuary I agree with what you said. But I listened rumors that ODD TV, Eddie Bravo and David Weiss were controlled opposition. Eric Dubay participated in the movie "Level" where those persons appeared too, that's why I'm doubting the integrity of Eric. Talking about David Icke, I read his book "Human Race Get Off Your Knees, The Lion Sleeps No More" and I found it really interesting and helpful in escaping the matrix. But, the own Eric told that David spread disinformation about the reptilians and cosmology. And in his book, David Icke says the earth is round and ridiculized the flat earth topic.


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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by blueskygrannie Thu Nov 10, 2022 4:53 am

Calling people "controlled opposition" is meant to confuse us. I believe we are dealing with very evil beings/demons/satanic forces. The fallen angels have been observing us humans for so many years, they know how to frighten and confuse us. Fear and confusion come from Satan. So what should we think about those we follow and like what they're saying? Trust only God, our Creator, 100%. Be alert and aware of what all men are teaching and believing. No man has 100% truth. We have a deep and unrelenting desire to know what is TRUE. May God grant us wisdom and courage. Just my little old opinion at 75. Smile


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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by Admin Sat Nov 12, 2022 1:25 am

Eric Dubay Exposed or Not?  

There are several slanderous disinformation videos online spreading lies about me and claiming to have "exposed," me.  I have addressed and debunked these allegations several times in the past, but over the years these claims keep re-surfacing and bewildering my newer supporters, so I am making this video to address all of the accusations made about me in one place.

1. You Are a C.I.A. Agent!  We Have Proof You Lived in Washington D.C.!
2. Your Wife/Fiance's Father is a 5-Star General in the Dictatorial Thai Military!
3. You are a Cross-Dresser who Performed an Illuminati Shame Ritual Wearing a Dress!
4. You were Awarded a $100,000 Vaccine Settlement which was Actually your CIA Payout for Rolling out the Flat Earth Movement!
5. You are a Freemason From a Masonic Family!  Your Great Uncle is a 32nd Degree Freemason!
6. But You Make Masonic Signs and Symbols in Your Pictures and Videos!
7. You are Anti-Christ and a New Age Deceiver Because you do Yoga and Made a video Saying Jesus Never Existed!
8. You are Actually Andrea Casiraghi Prince of Monaco Pretending to be Eric Dubay!
9. You're a Hollywood Actor!  You Have an IMDB Profile!
10. You are a Psychopath and Abused Your Ex-Girlfriends!
11. You Promote Hitler and and it is Harming the Flat Earth Truth!
12. You Promote Veganism which is the Unhealthy NWO Agenda 21 Slave Diet!

The simple truth is the powers that be are gravely concerned of the flat Earth movement I have helped spark and maintain, and they are desperate to defame, denounce and discredit me in any way possible.  Since they have completely failed to debunk my evidence, they are now taking to personal attacks and trying to denounce my character so people will not see me as trust-worthy.  To my supporters, if you do see people making these slanderous false accusations about me, please link them to this video so they can hear my side of the story and figure out the truth for themselves.

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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by Admin Sat Nov 12, 2022 1:28 am

As I explained in the David Weiss thread: In the original LEVEL I was narrator, given script edit capabilities, clued in every step of the process and given final-cut editorial permission. With this next Level Sean isn't using a narrator, so there is no script, I would not have final-cut editorial permission nor would I know much about the content of the film until it was released. I am not very comfortable appearing in something I know so little about and have so little control over. Also I have concerns about David Weiss' inclusion: https://ifers.forumotion.com/t369-david-weiss-exposed

In other words, I purposely left the LEVEL 2 project because of David Weiss' inclusion and because of how little control I would have had over production.

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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by mike_wolf23 Sat Nov 12, 2022 4:02 pm

Thanks Eric for the effort on the reply, I'm now more concerned on why you were in those projects. Keep up with your great content, peace


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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by BridgeyGirl77 Sun Nov 13, 2022 4:29 am

Thank you for the video, Eric. My husband and I have been following you since 2016 when we began questioning the moon landing. We found your website Atlantean Conspiracy via Google Search. My, how the info-supression-times have changed! You exploded our minds that year. Ever since, we've been very careful about listening to imposter FE theories. You're one of the few FEers we trust because your research is always honest, thorough and logical. Even though we are devout Christians and believe in Jesus (still / 100%) we were NOT offended by your video saying Jesus never existed. We appreciate the massive time/work you put into researching this and other topics and your historical perspective. And also that you share with kindness. We always learn SO much and you HAVE definitely changed our theological and historical perspectives on many things. These last 7-8 years, we've been lurkers, always listening to your stuff but never commenting. Just wanted you to know we are so grateful for all that you've written, videoed and continually shared despite the neverending opposition and lies. We'd probably still be globe-earthers if it weren't for you. FOREVER thankful. 💗

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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by Admin Sun Nov 13, 2022 4:46 am

I appreciate that very much, thanks BridgeyGirl

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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by Earthtoed Thu Jan 26, 2023 5:06 am

Eric is definitely the most honest flat-Earther I've seen. Navigating this site speaks volumes for that statement. The shills and controlled opposition are pretty easy to find for inquiring minds who research flat Earth. Eric is censored. The Google, YouTube, Wiki sites are in damage control mode, enter their delegates.


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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by Russian Blue Cat Mon Jan 30, 2023 6:27 pm

Twitter promoted a tweet from a person using Eric Dubays name, right away I knew it was a fake account and the person was a controlled opposition shill trying to mispresent eric and the truth.
Eric dubay real twitter: https://twitter.com/ericdubay
Fake dubay twitter: https://twitter.com/Eric_Dubay_FE
Based on the amount of followers on the fake dubay twitter account and twitter promoting the tweet they are trying to get people to think this fake twitter account is actually run by eric and therefor his views
Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? B16fbc10

And of course the fake twitter account is trying to profit by selling t shirts
T shirts sold by the fake twitter account

Some of the posts that mispresent eric and flat earth:
Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? B5cb4b10
Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? 38523d10
Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Fa41b410
Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Fmecly10
Russian Blue Cat
Russian Blue Cat

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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by Admin Tue Jan 31, 2023 2:02 am

Thanks for posting that. Yes, that fake Eric Dubay Twitter account has been selling flat Earth merchandise pretending to be me for years. I have personally reported them multiple times along with dozens of supporters doing the same and Twitter refuses to ban the account. I have even provided official ID to prove who I am and they refuse to ban the account claiming they are not impersonating me because they are not using my picture. So simply because they don't use my picture in their profile, they are allowed to use my name and sell products with people thinking it is me.

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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by Earthtoed Tue Jan 31, 2023 5:40 am

Admin wrote:Thanks for posting that.  Yes, that fake Eric Dubay Twitter account has been selling flat Earth merchandise pretending to be me for years.  I have personally reported them multiple times along with dozens of supporters doing the same and Twitter refuses to ban the account.  I have even provided official ID to prove who I am and they refuse to ban the account claiming they are not impersonating me because they are not using my picture.  So simply because they don't use my picture in their profile, they are allowed to use my name and sell products with people thinking it is me.  

The mere fact that Eric's identity is targeted is an indirect compliment of his success. Here's a guy who is censored, ridiculed when he can't be censored, and misrepresented by Big Tech. I have yet to see any of the damage control shills treated this way by the mainstream media.


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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by Alpha Sun Mar 19, 2023 5:15 am

Eric's recent behaviour in his chat with TheSeattleGreen is concerning


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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by chimaira92 Sun Mar 19, 2023 6:20 am

Alpha wrote:Eric's recent behaviour in his chat with TheSeattleGreen is concerning



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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by Alpha Sun Mar 19, 2023 7:25 am

chimaira92 wrote:
Alpha wrote:Eric's recent behaviour in his chat with TheSeattleGreen is concerning


Have a watch and decide for yourself


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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by chimaira92 Sun Mar 19, 2023 9:44 am

Alpha wrote:
chimaira92 wrote:
Alpha wrote:Eric's recent behaviour in his chat with TheSeattleGreen is concerning


Have a watch and decide for yourself

I have and I've decided. So let me ask you why you think Eric's recent behavior is concerning?


And then why would you come to that conclusion?

And then why do we draw conclusions?



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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by Earthtoed Sun Mar 19, 2023 9:53 am

Alpha wrote:
chimaira92 wrote:
Alpha wrote:Eric's recent behaviour in his chat with TheSeattleGreen is concerning


Have a watch and decide for yourself

Eric and his guest were awesome in their video! The guy critiquing them in this one is at the very least disingenuous. This guy in the video is totally symptomatic of a paid shill. He somehow finds the time to watch Eric's two-hour interview and splice it like a television network editor. Moreover, watch him start to blink shortly into this video:
[Liars] They blink less than normal during the lie, and then have a flurry up to eight times faster than usual afterwards.
'It is striking what different patterns in eye blinks emerged for liars and truth tellers,' said Dr Sharon Leal, co-author of the study at Portsmouth University.
'Such striking differences in behaviour between liars and truth tellers are rarely seen in deception research.'
The psychologists say that the discovery, reported in the Journal of Non-verbal Behaviour, means that blink rates could be used by professionals to catch liars.


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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by Alpha Sun Mar 19, 2023 6:13 pm

chimaira92 wrote:
Alpha wrote:
chimaira92 wrote:
Alpha wrote:Eric's recent behaviour in his chat with TheSeattleGreen is concerning


Have a watch and decide for yourself

I have and I've decided. So let me ask you why you think Eric's recent behavior is concerning?


And then why would you come to that conclusion?

And then why do we draw conclusions?


The question is actually how?


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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by Alpha Sun Mar 19, 2023 6:25 pm

Earthtoed wrote:
Alpha wrote:
chimaira92 wrote:
Alpha wrote:Eric's recent behaviour in his chat with TheSeattleGreen is concerning


Have a watch and decide for yourself

Eric and his guest were awesome in their video! The guy critiquing them in this one is at the very least disingenuous. This guy in the video is totally symptomatic of a paid shill. He somehow finds the time to watch Eric's two-hour interview and splice it like a television network editor. Moreover, watch him start to blink shortly into this video:
[Liars] They blink less than normal during the lie, and then have a flurry up to eight times faster than usual afterwards.
'It is striking what different patterns in eye blinks emerged for liars and truth tellers,' said Dr Sharon Leal, co-author of the study at Portsmouth University.
'Such striking differences in behaviour between liars and truth tellers are rarely seen in deception research.'
The psychologists say that the discovery, reported in the Journal of Non-verbal Behaviour, means that blink rates could be used by professionals to catch liars.

Can you be specific on exactly what Del was disingenuous about?

Can you prove Del is a shill?

Did you find time to watch Eric's two-hour video? I'm sure some people did

Blinking? The last sentence says could, how have you proved that study to be true? Instead of using ad hominem directed at the person focus on the point of the discussion


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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by chimaira92 Sun Mar 19, 2023 10:53 pm

Alpha wrote:
chimaira92 wrote:
Alpha wrote:
chimaira92 wrote:
Alpha wrote:Eric's recent behaviour in his chat with TheSeattleGreen is concerning


Have a watch and decide for yourself

I have and I've decided. So let me ask you why you think Eric's recent behavior is concerning?


And then why would you come to that conclusion?

And then why do we draw conclusions?


The question is actually how?



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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by RileySlowWave Sun Mar 19, 2023 10:57 pm

to be fair, Eric strikes me as about the last person i’d consider a shill working against the FE movement, when he’s responsible for properly waking up [& insisting we do our diligence; also using appropriate & historic resources] most modern FE’ers like myself

the difference between candor & content on Eric’s information [videos, articles, books, etc. etc.; as well as running a tight ship here at IFERS] is evident, to me, that he is sincere & thorough

wore my Flat-Earth Education shirt in public a couple days ago: very nice(!)

lastly, in terms of skills or effectiveness within a discipline, i’d say Eric is classed w/ M. Jordan, W. Gretzky, M. Ali… 🙏 & i’m extremely grateful

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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by Earthtoed Sun Mar 19, 2023 11:26 pm

RileySlowWave wrote:to be fair, Eric strikes me as about the last person i’d consider a shill working against the FE movement, when he’s responsible for properly waking up [& insisting we do our diligence; also using appropriate & historic resources] most modern FE’ers like myself

the difference between candor & content on Eric’s information [videos, articles, books, etc. etc.; as well as running a tight ship here at IFERS] is evident, to me, that he is sincere & thorough

wore my Flat-Earth Education shirt in public a couple days ago: very nice(!)

lastly, in terms of skills or effectiveness within a discipline, i’d say Eric is classed w/ M. Jordan, W. Gretzky, M. Ali… 🙏 & i’m extremely grateful

I agree 100%. And rather than argue with that troll, I would also like to point out to you and others viewing that Eric is an exceptionally honest flat-Earther as evidenced by all of the other stuff he puts out: Zionism, wars, governments, historical facts that almost nobody else would publicly acknowledge. Eric is also an advocate for each of us to become leaders, which is the best way to ensure the FE movement stays pure.


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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by Alpha Mon Mar 20, 2023 12:33 am

Earthtoed wrote:
RileySlowWave wrote:to be fair, Eric strikes me as about the last person i’d consider a shill working against the FE movement, when he’s responsible for properly waking up [& insisting we do our diligence; also using appropriate & historic resources] most modern FE’ers like myself

the difference between candor & content on Eric’s information [videos, articles, books, etc. etc.; as well as running a tight ship here at IFERS] is evident, to me, that he is sincere & thorough

wore my Flat-Earth Education shirt in public a couple days ago: very nice(!)

lastly, in terms of skills or effectiveness within a discipline, i’d say Eric is classed w/ M. Jordan, W. Gretzky, M. Ali… 🙏 & i’m extremely grateful

I agree 100%. And rather than argue with that troll, I would also like to point out to you and others viewing that Eric is an exceptionally honest flat-Earther as evidenced by all of the other stuff he puts out: Zionism, wars, governments, historical facts that almost nobody else would publicly acknowledge. Eric is also an advocate for each of us to become leaders, which is the best way to ensure the FE movement stays pure.

There is no argument, I'm asking genuine questions, looking for discussion on what can be shown to be demonstrably true. And here you are with an ad hominem attack labelling me a troll for asking questions. This behaviour is very telling.

You were asked directly:
Can you be specific on exactly what Del was disingenuous about?

Can you prove Del is a shill?

Nothing in your reply addresses those two questions.


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Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition? Empty Re: Is Eric Dubay controlled opposition?

Post by chimaira92 Mon Mar 20, 2023 12:52 am

Alpha wrote:
Earthtoed wrote:
RileySlowWave wrote:to be fair, Eric strikes me as about the last person i’d consider a shill working against the FE movement, when he’s responsible for properly waking up [& insisting we do our diligence; also using appropriate & historic resources] most modern FE’ers like myself

the difference between candor & content on Eric’s information [videos, articles, books, etc. etc.; as well as running a tight ship here at IFERS] is evident, to me, that he is sincere & thorough

wore my Flat-Earth Education shirt in public a couple days ago: very nice(!)

lastly, in terms of skills or effectiveness within a discipline, i’d say Eric is classed w/ M. Jordan, W. Gretzky, M. Ali… 🙏 & i’m extremely grateful

I agree 100%. And rather than argue with that troll, I would also like to point out to you and others viewing that Eric is an exceptionally honest flat-Earther as evidenced by all of the other stuff he puts out: Zionism, wars, governments, historical facts that almost nobody else would publicly acknowledge. Eric is also an advocate for each of us to become leaders, which is the best way to ensure the FE movement stays pure.

There is no argument, I'm asking genuine questions, looking for discussion on what can be shown to be demonstrably true. And here you are with an ad hominem attack labelling me a troll for asking questions. This behaviour is very telling.

You were asked directly:
Can you be specific on exactly what Del was disingenuous about?

Can you prove Del is a shill?

Nothing in your reply addresses those two questions.

Hey I like Del and have been following his content for a while now. I don't think he is a shill but I just don't see where Del is coming from with his need for a "downwards vector" when the largest and densest object, the earth is downward. Hence why density separates with the downward vector, towards the earth.

Del seems adamant that there must be some other force causing this motion but his assumption that it is caused by Earth accelerating upwards is ridiculous. Drop a slinky and watch how it falls. The earth isn't accelerating up to slam into it.


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