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Dollars Vigilante controlled opposition ?

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Dollars Vigilante controlled opposition ?  Empty Dollars Vigilante controlled opposition ?

Post by nsdcrew Tue May 07, 2024 1:59 am

Hi guys, i just create another thread about witsitGetsIt and Dustin nemos but i'm also creating another one about Dollars Vigilante (search @DollarVigilante on Odysee )... i already have an opinion about it but i would be interested to get yours without influance you by saying what i think of it for now ... SO what do you think about this apparently nice guys talking about the NASA lies, The power of the jews in this world, but still trusting that Bitcoin is awsome !!!

Do you think he is 100% honest, real truther or a paid agent here to say most of the truth about flat earth and the jew because it became trendy (even if i think it's true), but he keep spreading that crypto will help you ?

Thank you guys, i will be really happy te read every point of view. Cheers


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Dollars Vigilante controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Dollars Vigilante controlled opposition ?

Post by tc4truth Tue May 07, 2024 8:51 pm

Jeff Berwick aka Dollar Vigilante is either controlled opposition or just rambling idiot imo. His content makes me lose braincells and 90% of his videos hes talking about his dead dog/reality being a video game/crypto. I will admit he does speak a lot of truth but he's all over the place during his videos and theres not much useful information to take in. He seems like he cares a lil to much about $ more than helping ppl wake up to actual truths.
Witsit seems legit but I'm not a big fan of whole Globebusters crew which I believe he is a part of. His FE content is good but would like to see what Mr. Dubay has to say on Witsit. Would love to see Mr. Dubay and Witsit do a video together just as an open discussion.


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Dollars Vigilante controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Dollars Vigilante controlled opposition ?

Post by nsdcrew Tue May 07, 2024 9:35 pm

Thanks, I appreciate getting your point of view! I'm also skeptical about the Globebusters team and Witsit. Firstly, both myself and others have lost our YouTube channels for discussing similar topics, even with just 20 followers. I don't understand why YouTube allows him to speak if there isn't some interest for them. What I see from him is that he's selective about the information he shares. He's very knowledgeable about our electromagnetic realm, but he avoids topics like the Holo-hoax. For instance, he believes Wernher von Braun was a Nazi, which seems improbable to me considering the apparent photoshopping in the images we see of him with military personnel. He never discusses who owns the banks or mentions the Talmud, focusing more on the Jesuits. Can someone truly be a genuine truth-seeker if they believe the Earth is flat yet also think a real Nazi could be Walt Disney's best friend who is jewish?

So, while I think Dollars Vigilante might not be entirely useful, at least I have more confidence that he isn't controlled opposition compared to Witsit. And I say this as someone who used to admire Witsit's discussions about the physics of a flat Earth. However, like others have pointed out, he might be cherry-picking information to support his views, missing out on crucial points. For example, why hasn't there been a debate between him and Eric Dubay? That seems odd to me.

I'd love to see an honest debate between Witsit and Eric, discussing the existence of Jesus, the credibility of the King James Bible, and the reality of World War II. Do you believe the Germans were attempting genocide, or were they merely trying to reclaim their freedom from the corrupt Talmudic global banking system? Frankly, I don't think a true truth-seeker can be fully trusted if they overlook significant lies we're confronted with. So, I no longer trust Witsit, but that's okay. Blindly trusting anyone, even Eric, isn't wise. Although, I do have more trust in Eric than almost anyone else, but still, blind faith isn't right—like in the case of the King James Bible, even if it supports a flat Earth.

You know what? I've even directly emailed Witsit instead not long ago or even just commenting on his videos, suggesting he should engage in a debate with Eric. The fact that he hasn't pursued it seems suspicious to me. I'd appreciate hearing your thoughts or any other viewpoints. Thanks, and cheers!


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