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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by nsdcrew Tue May 07, 2024 1:46 am

Hi guys, i already have an opinion about it but i would be interested to get yours without influance you by saying what i think of it for now ... SO what do you think about Witsit, the new trend and supposedly smart flat earther ?

Do you think he is 100% honest, real truther or a paid agent here to say most of the truth about flat earth but keep the informations compartementalised and lie or is wrong about some other truth topics ?

Thank you guys, i will be really happy te read every point of view. Cheers


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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by Ant Tue May 07, 2024 9:56 pm

That info wars debate alone -can only assume @witsit is controlled —
Austin had every opportunity to destroy heliocentric model, in that debate ,
& never did ……
Something is off in f/e community lately …….


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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by nsdcrew Wed May 08, 2024 5:47 am

Thx for you point of view, I feel the same. Even at the beginning when he laugh about the fact that Infowars is supposed to be controlled opposition but letting people think it s not the case... And if you search just few minutes about Alex Jones it became so fastly so obvious ...A real truther cant do that !!! He his obviously fake (Alex) !

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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by enagfis Thu May 09, 2024 9:54 pm

OK, not sure how weird this is, but…

I signed up again here (switched comps… lost password… was “spinningwaterrockhaha”) to talk about how excited I am about were we are in 20024 and just how far we’ve come. LOL that not only is Austin one of the top guys moving this discussion forward, but I literally refer to him to friends as “the Good Will Hunting of this shit.” I see him and explain that he’s a real and rare genius, a true autodidactic, and has real heart. He regularly speaks with and has even debated/destroyed: phd physicists, pilots, surveyors and the tool “debunkers” on the internet as well.

My wife and I met him a few years ago when he was trying to explain this shit through a megaphone while offering a hundred dollars to anyone who could answer three of the most basic questions in their helio-clownworld like how far the Sun is supposed to be. No one made money, lol. We spent the night there right in front of the Bellagio in Las Vegas. He was there with his now-wife and my read then to now has not changed. These are some special folks and they do care.

Back to my post that was deleted with a message attached that I was some kind of spammer. Seriously. I messaged Eric and haven’t heard anything as I’m sure he’s busy, but sure hope this post goes through and that others have not experienced this and have simply left.

And it wasn’t even just on Austin, but Shane, Toby, and Alan as well. These guys are behind the adl (the good one “anti-disinformation league”), space audits, audit nasa and aether cosmology which gets to the meat of all this.

Is the aether coming back? Why do so many papers in both the relativistic and quantum world keep saying it without ever saying it, lol.

And what will they do with our dear friends and their amazing body of work?

1871 - Sir George Biddell Airy

1887 - Albert Abraham Michelson
          Edward William Morley

1904 - Albert Abraham Michelson
          Dayton Clarence Miller

1911 - Franz Harress

1913 - Georges Sagnac

1921-24 - Dayton Clarence Miller

1925 - Albert Abraham Michelson
          Henry Gordon Gale
          F. Pearson

1929 - Albert Abraham Michelson
          F. G. Peace
          F. Pearson

1930 – Dayton Miller

1942 – A. Dufour
           F. Prunier

1951 – P.A.M., Dirac

2001-2 – Yuri Galaev

2004 – James Demeo

2004 – Ruyong Wang

2006 – Hector Munera

2014 - Roert Bennet

2018 – Rubik

2020 – Gocho Sharlanov

And if Michelson actually debunked the aether as modern science MUST claim, then what the hell were all these folks wasting their time for?

At the end of day, for anyone interested in getting a better understanding of their pretend world, I would highly recommend these guys. They literally can steel man their phd opponents’ arguments better than they can. The looks on their faces as the gears begin to turn is gold. If anyone remembers the interview that taboo did with the famous astrophysicist lady, and how that ended, it’s pretty much like that throughout the whole thing.

To the infowars ‘debate.’ He commented after that he went in their with a plan to keep him as comfortable as possible, hoping to get more coverage. And he did make his points for anyone that felt like learning. For the flat earth community on his ass for that, I can’t help but wonder what they’ve been doing.

It’s 2024 and we need to bring this thing together. Check out his youtube video simply called “AETHER.” He simultaneously destroys atomism and relativity while explaining the whole thing in a graspable way for those with eyes to see. Take apart his ideas if you can. I’ll be waiting.

Bring back the aether and everything changes as we MUST be at rest.

All Love

Last edited by enagfis on Fri May 10, 2024 12:05 am; edited 1 time in total


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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by nsdcrew Thu May 09, 2024 10:45 pm

Enagfis, thanks for your reply. I really appreciate taking your point of view into consideration regarding what you think about him!

I agree on many points about his intellectual capacity and the fact that he really seems like a good guy full of love. But sadly, you didn't address any of my doubts about him or the idea that the flat Earth theory is created to control the masses. I still find it strange that when you search for who controls humanity's mind, you never talk about The Talmud, the Jewish ideology that believes they are the chosen people (I don't care if it's true or not), or The Holocaust...

How can you become free and independent if you miss some of the most important points about who is trying to control everyone and for what reasons? Sticking with the Jesuits & secret society narrative, in my honest opinion, only addresses two things: either he doesn't want to talk about it for a reason, and in this context, how could I trust him in general... Or at the end of the day, if you can see the flat Earth but not the Holocaust, maybe you're not that much of a genius...

So here, I'm just explaining my suspicions and why. I'm not saying he is a shill and it has been proven. Knowing the opinion of people in general about these points would be great.

Cheers, guys!


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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by enagfis Fri May 10, 2024 1:17 am

nsdcrew wrote:Enagfis, thanks for your reply. I really appreciate taking your point of view into consideration regarding what you think about him!

I agree on many points about his intellectual capacity and the fact that he really seems like a good guy full of love. But sadly, you didn't address any of my doubts about him or the idea that the flat Earth theory is created to control the masses. I still find it strange that when you search for who controls humanity's mind, you never talk about The Talmud, the Jewish ideology that believes they are the chosen people (I don't care if it's true or not), or The Holocaust...

How can you become free and independent if you miss some of the most important points about who is trying to control everyone and for what reasons? Sticking with the Jesuits & secret society narrative, in my honest opinion, only addresses two things: either he doesn't want to talk about it for a reason, and in this context, how could I trust him in general... Or at the end of the day, if you can see the flat Earth but not the Holocaust, maybe you're not that much of a genius...

So here, I'm just explaining my suspicions and why. I'm not saying he is a shill and it has been proven. Knowing the opinion of people in general about these points would be great.

Cheers, guys!

Ah, OK, well for one he has spoken on the Talmud and Jewish supremacist ideology. He literally just did a deep dive into this and brought Adam Green on for part two. If you aren’t familiar, he goes by knowmorenews. Also, he has an older vid titled “the Mark” that discusses the star on israel’s flag and why each letter in the Hebrew alphabet fits inside of it, line for line. He goes deep into the symbolism of it all. I think you would enjoy. I am not sure I have heard him on the holohoax, but I’m sure he gets it. He also has other channels on rokfin, rumble, odysee, and bitchute for his content that youtube no likey.

All that said, the brother is making flat Earth a legitimate discussion once again. I haven't seen this since Eric, and probably since Mr. Rowbotham before him. He has mainstream guys listening and talking on subjects that are simply never discussed. Personally, I just can’t understand why he would bring up such topics to begin with. Isn’t that a giant target that flat Earth doesn’t need? Are we not looked at as "crazy' enough? Don’t you see what an easy out for these guys have to never even speak with him if he’s out there “denying the holocrap?”

Let him continue to destroy them on relativity, we’ll bring back the aether, and everything else will fall into place, no?


All Love


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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by nsdcrew Fri May 10, 2024 1:47 am

Okay, thank you again for your message. Actually, I have already watched all shows between Adam Green and him. I even watched 2 or 3 of old shows with him (who I also suspect to be a shill, unlike Matthew North). Fun fact: Not long ago, I watched the old discussion between Adam Green and Matthew North, and I was feeling the same things as when I listened to the one and only show where Eric Dubay talked briefly with David Weiss... feeling that those guys are here to take the place of a legitimate honest truther, saying really nice things to them before robbing their work and molding it as much as they want.

You know the sentence that says 'every opposition has to be controlled.' Obviously, in the group of the most visible guys talking about flat earth, there is necessarily 50% of controlled opposition. I have very low doubt about that David Weiss, Mark Sergents, Flat Earth Society, etc., are controlled, where I see a really low chance that Matthew North was controlled.

About Witsit, maybe he talked about the Talmud, but I haven't seen it. What I have seen recently is a show with a young guy where they were both talking about the fact that they think the controllers are mostly Jesuits and that they don't think the J are in it. Strange to me to accept that after having read part of the Talmud myself, difficult to accept that Austin doesn't see a probleme here. . Here is the show i m talking about : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqNoSQw48No . It was only one week before he received Adam Green. Austin is clearly not consistent about the obvious fact that Jews are controlling a lot of big positions in the world and that the Globalist ideology comes from them and from their book! That in almost all occidental country, the biggest lobby that controle politics in general a the jewish lobby.

So your arguments didn't convince me that he is not a shill 100%. But I really appreciate exchanging about that, so thank you again. My ego would love to trust him, especially since I like how smart he is and how well he explains things, but it doesn't make sense that he doesn't figure out that (if he is not one himself), many of his friends in the flat earth community are shills. He should know that the controllers want to control all sides... Is he as naive as that?

It would be really nice to have other points of view here. Thanks!!!


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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by enagfis Fri May 10, 2024 2:07 am

OK, time will tell, but if your hunch is true, we need shills like him making the shredding of e=mcHONK a legit discussion with the very people who thought they got it.

Plenty of folks all over the synagogue of satan and the holononsense.

Agree to disagree, brother.

All Love


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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by comradelevelplane Sun May 12, 2024 8:27 pm

nsdcrew wrote:Enagfis, thanks for your reply. I really appreciate taking your point of view into consideration regarding what you think about him!

I agree on many points about his intellectual capacity and the fact that he really seems like a good guy full of love. But sadly, you didn't address any of my doubts about him or the idea that the flat Earth theory is created to control the masses. I still find it strange that when you search for who controls humanity's mind, you never talk about The Talmud, the Jewish ideology that believes they are the chosen people (I don't care if it's true or not), or The Holocaust...

How can you become free and independent if you miss some of the most important points about who is trying to control everyone and for what reasons? Sticking with the Jesuits & secret society narrative, in my honest opinion, only addresses two things: either he doesn't want to talk about it for a reason, and in this context, how could I trust him in general... Or at the end of the day, if you can see the flat Earth but not the Holocaust, maybe you're not that much of a genius...

So here, I'm just explaining my suspicions and why. I'm not saying he is a shill and it has been proven. Knowing the opinion of people in general about these points would be great.

Cheers, guys!

You're wrong. Austin has had discussions about zionism. You're also appealing to your emotions. And to think that Witsit is "compartmentalizing" flat earth is just stupid. Not only did Austin prove that Harrison doesn't know shit about heliocentrism, he brought composure to an already hostile attempt to censor flat earth.

Kindly, nsdcrew. STFU

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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by nsdcrew Sun May 12, 2024 10:45 pm

Thanks comradelevelplane.

I think you didn't quite grasp my point because I'm having trouble identifying with what you just said.

Yes, I clearly react emotionally. Those who think otherwise don't really understand how MK Ultra works. So yes, I'm absolutely describing what happened with my emotions and instinct. My instinct tells me that there is something wrong in the fact that Witsit has never invited Eric Dubay on the show, and that they stay united among all the famous (BIG) flat earthers without acknowledging that it is highly probable that the system will try to control or infiltrate at least 50% of the big flat earther community. My instinct tells me that it is strange to denounce something to free yourself but not spend time explaining the emotional process which makes MK Ultra possible and effective. So to me, I don't understand how you can talk about the emotional effect you have the first time you hear about flat earth (big rejection - made possible by MK-Ultra), and at the same time not acknowledge that there is the exact same process, both in the media and globally, every time you speak about the Jews, not just Zionism....

Why do the media use the tactic of ridicule when someone talks about the Jews, like someone is talking about flat earth, but it doesn't work the same at all when we are talking about black, white, or Arab people? When you see a brainwashing mechanism tactic about flat earth, why do you only denounce it when talking about flat earth? Isn't it important to explain how this emotional MK Ultra technique works and denounce it NOT ONLY WHEN IT'S ABOUT FLAT EARTH? Here are the points I still don't get .... and yeah obviously I'm emotionally impacted by this topic.

Also, when I'm talking about 'compartmentalizing', I'm not talking about compartmentalizing flat earth, but compartmentalizing the biggest conspiracies in general.
Talking about the globe brainwashing without explaining (many times) that it is the same process as the Holo-hoax, could make you think twice about where technique can really make us free. So my point is not saying he's doing bad with flat earth, I just don't understand how you regain your freedom knowing about flat earth but not another really big conspiracy topic which relates to WHO THE HECK (Which GROUP) is really controlling your mind and why? And skipping some obvious conspiracies feels weird to me.

Again, I'm not saying he is necessarily a shill, my goal is not to blame, it's to understand, and I still don't get how you can help to try to free people with flat earth but don't talk about how to free yourself from the people who generate the MK Ultra. So yes, the Jesuits and secret societies are a big part of it, but never talking about the weirdness of circumcision on the 8th day, the weirdness that it is really almost Jews who own cinema studios, media, and really big international companies (my brother just married a Jewish girl to have access to higher positions as a screenwriter.... the fact that what unites most of the presidents of the world we never talk about flat earth is their weird Jewish connections, Putin and Trump are Zionist puppets.

So again, I'm not blaming him, I just don't get the full picture and understanding of what he's trying to achieve .... becoming famous and earning money about flat earth? or trying to really make people free?


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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by enagfis Mon May 13, 2024 4:57 am

I'm loling because RunBostonBear posted a conversation today that Witsit had and in the first 30 minutes he was accused of holocaust denial. Additionally, he pointed out at least a few times how the whole of this heliocentric, relativistic idiocy, basically amounts to Jewish Kabbalah that was sold to the world by an incestuous Jewish pedophile. It's mysticism where we can never know anything... there is no up or down, we appear stationary and in the center, but it could be us moving, etc.
Check it:


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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by nsdcrew Mon May 13, 2024 5:43 pm

Hahaha. I can see that my messages and remarks have concrete and fast effects on the controlled opposition. Well, like I said, I'm not close-minded. Maybe he gets the info that I should about some stuff to not be flagged as CO. Maybe he is honest and not controlled, even if I feel strange that YouTube lets him say that without being controlled one way or another. I will have a look at this video. Thanks, braaa.


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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by Ant Mon May 13, 2024 9:31 pm

I watched that vid with RunBostonBear & witsit
@ Run bostonbear is definitely govern -ments wet dream
these type of debates only serve as humiliation ritual for flat earth


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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by nsdcrew Tue May 14, 2024 12:57 am

I know it doesn't mean anyrthing but it s funney :-p Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Captur10

I'm currently watching the entire show. I'll let you know my thoughts afterward. However, at this point, Witsit isn't addressing the concerns I mentioned in my previous message.

Okay, so I haven't finished yet, but I just heard:

'It's Jewish mysticism, so it's nonsense.' But I believe Jewish mysticism is one of the most effective forms of esoteric practice, so I don't consider it nonsense at all. It works very effectively.

However, in his defense, he mentioned, 'I spoke with an astronaut and caught them lying, but I can't provide evidence because they would silence me.' Actually, I think it's plausible that if he were an honest truth-seeker and exposed a real astronaut lying, his channel could be shut down.

I haven't finished watching yet, but I don't think this video will change my mind. The speaker can talk about the Earth being flat but can't address the idea that NASA, like Hollywood, might have Jewish influence (and non-Jewish employees being Freemasons, which is akin to Kabbalah for non-Jews). It's a clever but evil idea to deceive and manipulate people for profit, and it's clearly influenced by Talmudic principles. If he wants to be seen as a genuine truth-seeker and not just another flat Earth proponent, he should address these points more directly. Otherwise, fewer than 98% of people will take him seriously anyway.

And why the fuck is he not inviting the most famous flat earther Eric Dubey to his show.... NON sens, He could say, i suggest it to Eric and didn't reply or reply negativly.... and we will be able to find out if it s true or not, but i didn't even try to talk to Eric ? Why the fucking fuck is that ?


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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by nowhereelsetogo Tue May 14, 2024 10:58 pm

[quote="nsdcrew"]I know it doesn't mean anyrthing but it s funney :-p Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Captur10

They HAVE to signal their allegiance, no matter how subtly or briefly. I saw a feckin' video of that Larken Rose anarchist (who i used to admire but is a jew lover) and he wore sunglasses which periodically reflected one of those donut lights giving a perfect but subtle one-eye.

Another fallen hero is David Icke, there are too many things wrong with his stuff but he'd never done the one-eye publicly to my knowledge until......

Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Icke-o10

This appeared on his website but only very briefly.

p.s. I am permanently banned from his forum for raising questions about him, oh and being really offensive to the numerous flat earth/space trolls there.

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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by nsdcrew Tue May 14, 2024 11:08 pm

Thx nowhereelsetogo. I agree with you I know those 2 ick and rose are controlled opposition. But what do you think about witsit yourself ?


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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by nowhereelsetogo Thu May 16, 2024 9:04 am

nsdcrew wrote:Thx nowhereelsetogo. I agree with you I know those 2 ick and rose are controlled opposition. But what do you think about witsit yourself ?

I don't know them or their content, sorry.

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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by jay ram Fri May 17, 2024 6:45 am

Well, Dubay did create a video entitled, "Jesus Christ Never Existed". Perhaps this is a reason for the non-invite. I think Witsit is an honest man. I can understand why he would steer away from spending too much time on the Zionist issue. Witsit would prefer to focus on the topic of flat earth. Flat Earth is hot potato enough for one man to cover. Yes, everything is connected (MK Ultra, Zionism, Flat Earth etc. , but I'm not going to fault Witsit for staying in one major lane.
jay ram
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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by nsdcrew Fri May 17, 2024 10:34 pm

Thx jay ram. It s nice to get your point of view.


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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by nsdcrew Fri May 17, 2024 11:29 pm

I have heared Witsit Many time talking and making reference to tesla work as a great source of great knowleadge to describe de world, now listen to this guy and the me what you think please : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCCcmSrR4fg


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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by enagfis Sat May 18, 2024 6:00 am

Ant wrote: I watched that vid with RunBostonBear & witsit
@  Run bostonbear is definitely govern -ments wet dream
 these type of debates only serve as humiliation ritual for flat earth
How is RBB that? And while most of the debates get pretty toxic, here is some of that next level stuff that he's bringing to the game:


nsdcrew wrote:
And why the fuck is he not inviting the most famous flat earther Eric Dubey to his show.... NON sens, He could say, i suggest it to Eric and didn't reply or reply negativly.... and we will be able to find out if it s true or not, but i didn't even try to talk to Eric ? Why the fucking fuck is that ?
I am sure he would be honored. Personally, I would LOVE to hear Eric's take on this presentation right here:

If that's what today's shills are up to... I'll take em all, lol.


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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by nsdcrew Sat May 18, 2024 5:54 pm

people who know about flat earth, should also talk about that is they really care avout real truth : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGVsQH_ju6Q&list=PLcxMB4P43jI49UaGg9qC88i3-9aLUYaYH


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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by Ant Sun May 19, 2024 9:30 pm



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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by nsdcrew Sun May 19, 2024 11:15 pm

ant, your youtuber with his weird voice , who prefere convex earth more, didn t really convinced me of the shillness of witsit :-p


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Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?  Empty Re: Is WitsitGetsIt controlled opposition ?

Post by Basic Mon May 20, 2024 7:09 am

I don't know enough to have an opinion on witsit, but shortly after his infowar debate someone made a cgi of him making the vow of silence which is now being used on twitter. I find that a strange choise. IMO, all the people watching infowar and think flat earth is a psyop and then see that will only have their belief strengthened.

https:// x.com/100KryptoKeyz/status/1786566765599748151


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