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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Lingua Veritas
Dead Reckoner
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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Thu Nov 30, 2017 9:21 pm

Lingua Veritas, thanks for your response. I can't address your questions about posting the links, etc. An Admin would have to address that for you. Cheers, and looking forward to your contributions.

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Lingua Veritas Fri Dec 01, 2017 1:11 pm

I looked around here, and can't find any answer to links. My confusion came from reading the posts of Dead Reckoner, (concerning links), so I will copy/paste them, in the order I followed them to get a picture of the "why"s to incorporating 501c3s in various states, foreign nonprofits, Indiana charities, ect. Again...I'm really just trying to sort these things out and am offering what resources may help others who are looking at this. I'm no expert, nor the smartest guy, so...

I tried writing this, with the links, and got the message "not allowed to post links or emails within seven days", so, I will say this: there is a whole lot of room for impropriety in the 501c3 realm. The web of possibilities goes far and wide. It is precisely these factors that have me irritated about FECORE's aggressive monologue at those wanting complete transparency. And, may I say, by way of subjective observation, that Mike Cavenaugh alone has a noticeable lack of poise and character. These factors cannot, and should not, be compartmentalized. It's what makes up your integrity.

The links I have are meant to provide a path of understanding, (if you will), concerning the reasons for various decisions FECORE may be making that they have been unclear about from the start. Should this thread still be active next week, (and I don't see why not), I will post the links, as to follow the rules of this forum. In the meantime, I will keep looking things over. Unfortunately, for those researching this topic, all lawyers seem to be too busy squeezing the rest of the Goy, to lend a helping hand. They want to giggle because we may not be entirely aware of all the occulted information those in the "bar" protect. What hypocrites!

I can't say I entirely understand why, if all is above board, Mike Cavenaugh would come to my You Tube channel, (which only has 250 subs), to aggressively comment on a video I mirrored of another channel who was simply reading a number of entries from this discussion. Why should he care? I don't practice in deception and thus do not care what others may say, or be looking into about me. I suppose if anyone were slandering me and lying about me I'd want to clear my name, but this hasn't been FECORE's approach. They are quite literally attacking those who are researching them and/or holding them to the same standard they say they are holding "the powers that should not be" to...(thanks Pat)

One last bit: something that hasn't, to my knowledge, been really highlighted...how does FECORE think they're going to take from the Feds, monetarily (through grants), without being subject to them? The Gov does not hand out grants willie-nillie with no oversight. And when you put one leg in bed with the Fed by way of 501c3, and then say you're going to swing the other leg in with Federal grants, then act indignant when those you want support from are saying, "Hang on...this all stinks like the last hundred scams pulled on us!", you must be either oblivious to what sort of world you live in, or you're counting on your supporters to be so.

I hope any of that bears fruit.

Lingua Veritas

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Fri Dec 01, 2017 1:31 pm

Lingua Veritas wrote:I can't say I entirely understand why, if all is above board, Mike Cavenaugh would come to my You Tube channel, (which only has 250 subs), to aggressively comment on a video I mirrored of another channel who was simply reading a number of entries from this discussion.

What is your channel, Lingua Veritas? I, for one, would like to read Cavanaugh's comments, and the comments at the other channel mirrored, but the "Lingua Veritas" channel I found has only 2 subscribers and no flat earth content.

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Schpankme Fri Dec 01, 2017 1:44 pm

Many places you visit on the internet will not allow LINKS, be it for trail periods or spam prevention, so here's how you post links in these situations; you separate the "periods" and remove http://.


mylink . shes_a_reallybig . com

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Lingua Veritas Fri Dec 01, 2017 2:18 pm

I didn't know there was a channel named Lingua Veritas. I just came up with it, since a majority of my current studies are on old language. Just search "Jonathan Machtemes" channel, and Mike's comments are on the "FECORE's lies are not adding up" video. Thanks for the heads up on the links. I will post 'em

Lingua Veritas

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by csp Fri Dec 01, 2017 4:49 pm

here is a link to the video in question:

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Lingua Veritas Fri Dec 01, 2017 4:58 pm

Tell you what. I tried to post links without http and separated dots...no dice. That's expected...rules of the forum and all. I will post document (site links) to some items of interest in the description of the video csp linked to.

Thank you for keeping at this, all...I, for one, appreciate the vigilance.

Lingua Veritas

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Fri Dec 01, 2017 6:56 pm

I'm confident Mike Cavanaugh, President and Chairman of FECORE, Inc., will now finally provide us the State the Articles of Incorporation are filed. [EDIT 12/3/17 Cavanaugh did not answer the question, the last entry captured in the below screen grabs. As can be seen in the below screen shot, and going to the linked video, he simply falls silent and refuses to answer.]

"FECORE's lies are not adding up"

Hear, hear! to Jonathan Machtemes' comments in this thread!

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 IbbZ15pl

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 XslYoSal

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 P0ukbBXl

Last edited by markwilson on Sun Dec 03, 2017 11:04 am; edited 1 time in total

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by starfox42 Sat Dec 02, 2017 7:35 am

Damn fine information there, Lingua Veritas. I super respect how you are to the point, precise and cordial. The fact that you are being levelheaded and factual is infuriating to this guy, it’s clear as day in his response! You hit the nail on the head with the “you think it’s funny when people get things wrong...” “...not only keep up, but intensify” Mark Wilson and csp I’ve been following this three from the start and you’re both fricken work horses. Really nice job.


Last edited by starfox42 on Sat Dec 02, 2017 7:38 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Typo)

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Lingua Veritas Sat Dec 02, 2017 1:28 pm

There isn't a need to thank me, but I do appreciate it. Therefore...you're welcome.

Everyone seems to have a different perspective when it comes to "Flat Earth", (as this earth science has come to be known). Some see it affirming the Bible, others see it as a sledgehammer to demolish the pseudo-science that has warped our perceptions in ways that, even after 2.5 years being a flat earther, I am still recovering from.

My musings and theories will differ from others, and we can only know things for sure when they have been thoroughly observed, tested, and repeated in an objective way. If we've all learned one thing thus far, is it not that the governments pushing these lies are not our friends?

Having this in mind, I can't see why FECORE isn't repugnant to every last genuine Flat Earth scientist and researcher. There is a thoughtco dot com page entitled, "The Truth About Government Grants", in which the author makes it explicitly clear that grants from Uncle Sam have very real, very accountable expectations to THEM, not to their myriad contributors. After all, your donors can't as easily jail and fine you.

FECORE made it quite clear they would be seeking US Federal, (and maybe state as well), grants. That's "game over" for true science, for the betterment of any of us...period. The first grant taken WILL overshadow any and all of the money received from donors, (even were it in the millions), and at that point, (if adhering to all of the IRS' requirements to be a 501c3 weren't bad enough), they are 110% obliged to the very entity who are selling us the globe, GMOs, chemo therapy, evolution, sensitivity training, constant wars, federal reserve notes, gun control...and you know I can go on and on.

This is the conflict: they, (FECORE), simply CANNOT represent the very people they are conning, at this very moment, out of their hard earned money.

Thank you, for maintaining and contributing to forums such as this! I've learned quite a bit here.

Lingua Veritas

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Lingua Veritas Sun Dec 03, 2017 1:41 pm

Everyone investigating FECORE. I just put out another video on my channel, "Jonathan Machtemes", entitled, "Let's Talk About FECORE". I included as many various links, in the description, as possible.

Last edited by Admin on Sun Dec 03, 2017 2:09 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Added the video for Lingua)

Lingua Veritas

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by csp Mon Dec 04, 2017 8:03 am

csp wrote:here is a link to the video in question:

In the above video, Mike originally responded in the comments with: "maybe you should ask our phd law attorney.."

And as you can see in the screenshots posted in the thread above, I (Chris P Ⓥ on YouTube) responded asking if I could get in touch with said attorney, today I was greeted with Mike's eloquent response:

"Chris P Ⓥ still waiting for your formal request pussy......."


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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Lingua Veritas Mon Dec 04, 2017 9:57 am

Thank you, Admin, for posting the videos. I heard, through the grapevine, that FECORE may be going to a pay-to-view site, off You Tube. I don't have any confirmation yet.

The inorganic introduction of all these players, their fast rise, and now their monetization of all they can monetize, (not to mention their misdirecting thousands away from the science of Flat Earth), reminds me of Dave McGowan's book, "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon". There were serious, intelligent men and women who were threatening the establishment at that time, so they pooled all their MK kids and created a Music/Hippie culture, the same way they are moving real, pertinent truths about our world and what's going on in it, to another personality driven farce.

In the Laural Canyon scene, as McGowan tells it, the MK kids were there to be the actors and most of the music was written and recorded by the same people. So as with this tight-knit group: someone is writing their script. They want to be the face of FE, in the media, (Mark and Pat, rappers, athletes, reality porn stars). They want to be our face in the practical science, (FECORE). As far as where their tentacles are in print...that I'm not sure of yet. I've been suspicious of every person out there, at one time or another: knowing who to trust, when the stakes are high, is beyond difficult.

I do know MGTV History is down now, and Mike Cavenaugh said, in the comments for "Let's Talk About FECORE", (speaking to Flat Earth Reset), "your channel will be down soon". Does he know things we don't? Its likely he does. What MC isn't, in my opinion, is the head of this thing. Someone commented to the fact that Mike is Dutch. Yes, as is my wife, but there are the Dutch and then there are Dutch Merchants, ie Dutch East India Co . These merchants have been shown to be Jews masquerading as whatever people they parasite off of. Thus, the slave trade, the drug trade, the law of the sea, (a plague of every country that participates), human trafficking, international banking...the source are these merchants. That really says nothing definitive about Cavenaugh, but I couldn't help the rant.

I look forward to seeing anything else that comes to light.

Lingua Veritas

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Lingua Veritas Mon Dec 04, 2017 9:01 pm

I apologize for an error in the last post. FE Reset just told me that Cavenaugh was saying his own channel is going down soon and is relishing the thought of being away from us all...

It seems that the whole crew might be planning on moving all operations to pay-per-view, or at least subscription only...wait...that's "pay-per-view"

Wasn't there some company out there specializing in turning free content into paid content? I can't remember their name, but I think it rhymes with Wetatron

Lingua Veritas

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Schpankme Mon Dec 04, 2017 10:36 pm

FECORE is part of the controlled opposition; FE means Field Engineers, it has nothing to do with Flat Earth; it is just another scam, who's board members once participate as Heliocentric Priests on "The Flat Earth Society". These so called Board Members are made-up of "Video Content Providers" who's sole purpose is to bring ridicule to the flat Earth subject.

Bob Knodel
aka XanaDude60 (bitcoin)
aka TheEarthIsASphere (on The Flat Earth Society)

FEOHP was created by NASA through data-mining; it was shown that flat Earth should be lead from within and the commitment was made to fund this organization through Metatron who received a contract to distribute "Astronaut created music". Mark Sargent who was connected with the original data-mining was selected as the point person to lead flat Earth and was parachuted in with a complete video series called, "Flat Earth Clues". Mark Sargent is portrayed as a Video Content Provider, who's sole purpose is to bring ridicule to the flat Earth subject.

FEOHP and FECORE will be the funding mechanisms used to delude the flat Earth subject; and the predominant marks for this Con will be those calling themselves Christians (Theist).

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by csp Tue Dec 05, 2017 12:47 am

Lingua Veritas wrote:I apologize for an error in the last post. FE Reset just told me that Cavenaugh was saying his own channel is going down soon and is relishing the thought of being away from us all...

It seems that the whole crew might be planning on moving all operations to pay-per-view, or at least subscription only...wait...that's "pay-per-view"

Yes, after grilling Mike on the YouTube comments, his response to me was essentially:

"You're all trolls, I don't care, and I'm going to delete my entire internet presence"

Feel free to read all his tripe in the comments on the video posted above.

Schpankme wrote:FEOHP and FECORE will be the funding mechanisms used to delude the flat Earth subject; and the predominant marks for this Con will be those calling themselves Christians (Theist).

Incorporating the flat earth movement, masquerading as engineers while pretending to be a non-profit for tax exemption.

Sound awful similar to:

Incorporating religion, masquerading as priests while pretending to be a non-profit for tax exemption.


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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Tue Dec 05, 2017 6:19 am

Lingua Veritas wrote:

It seems that the whole crew might be planning on moving all operations to pay-per-view, or at least subscription only...wait...that's "pay-per-view"

Wasn't there some company out there specializing in turning free content into paid content? I can't remember their name, but I think it rhymes with Wetatron

And that's how you can tell the shills and gold-diggers from the genuine researchers and truthers.
I can guarantee the 'hook' will be:

Some large channel starts deleting videos themselves, cites Youtube is censoring the 'truth' and will then 'offer' a paid subscription so Youtube cannot 'censor' the 'truth'

It's simple problem, reaction solution marketing

The problem = Youtube users delete their own content.
The reaction = Said Youtuber's claim Youtube is 'censoring' the 'truth'
The solution = Join our website for just $5 a month to get the 'real truth', it's only the cost of a Starbucks is it not!

As an extra revenue stream they then sell all the subscribers details to any company that will pay for it.

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Tue Dec 05, 2017 3:03 pm

For some inexplicable reason, Mike Cavanaugh, continues to prove himself something other than the caliber one would expect of a President and Chairman of anything, in this, a continuation of his childish rants shared above.

This is the continuation of the exchange under Jonathan Machtemes' video as several of us try to elicit anything of actual substance from the President of FECORE Inc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8efx7BeRnF8

We're all failing miserably.

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 ScjMdlcl

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 9PbcsYXl

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Q3ZlRfJl

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 RlAGhval

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Tue Dec 05, 2017 4:26 pm

I requested FECORE.org be added to the Wayback Machine so changes to it can be archived. https://web.archive.org/web/20171205151812/http://fecore.org

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 HCFg8Ckl

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 00wuL5Ol

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 OhjbbR4l

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 OIApZHXl

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Tue Dec 05, 2017 6:18 pm

It is apparent, to me anyway, that Richard Harris Hummer is the agent in charge of this operation. He predominated at Shillfest 2017 and is also the point of contact with Foundation Group doing the paperwork for the Articles of Incorporation, with whichever State of the union they are/will-be incorporated in, and/or the 501(c)(3) application with the Feds. Why isn't he part of the "Executive group" of this organization, choosing rather to remain a mere board member?

Looking at Cavanaugh's inane prattling in the discussion thread above, and under other videos he's made comments, nobody will mistake him for anything other than a superficial warm body to occupy the office of "President and Chairman," and in fact, is a foreigner who is the least likely candidate to legitimately head up a 501(c)(3) charitable organization in America, with a brick and mortar presence in an old Mennonite church building in Indiana, while the hidden authority runs the operation from Indiana.

Also, it should be noted that the "About Us" page at the FECORE website, contains nothing about them. Ironic. No bio's, no shared qualifications; nothing. And Mike Cavanaugh has done nothing, if not being completely secretive, about any academic credentials he may have qualifying him to hold the office of President, though he boasts having credentials without revealing them in the above discussion thread, even though asked to.

Bob Knodel, at the next board meeting, how about discussing with your fellow board members the possibility of actually having a linked bio published for each board member of FECORE on the "About us" page (including your own; with all dot-org's, academic qualifications, and previous 501(c)(3)'s, LLC's, bitcoin scam's, etc., each member is historically linked with, past and present)? In essence, actually being a fully transparent 501(c)(3) charitable organization soliciting tax deductible gifts.

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 BnsLmHDl

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Lingua Veritas Tue Dec 05, 2017 10:47 pm

all traditional, "tried and true", confidence scams involve the mark, (us in the social media, FE, community), believing all the players to be strangers to one another. The old "Prize Dog" con wouldn't work if the mark assumed the dog owner and the "dog expert" were in cahoots.

The idea that FECORE, or other groups and players, even decided, once they got to Flat Earth social media, to begin scamming us, is still too 2 dimensional. If there is a nice chunk to make off of Flat Earthers, then they knew it a long time ago and didn't just happen to hook up here, over their love of FE. And they aren't sitting at the top of the Social Media Flat Earth heap by chance.

Some involved may be hapless boobs whose uncle is well juiced in, so they got their part to play. Others though...the ones moving things, answering all the sticky questions at the FEIC and GB Strikes Back...He's the guy who is the operative for the faction that looks at all of this as pure money.

Key connections like that are nearly impossible to make and prove, so if we can't, I'd at least be content knowing we are awake enough at the wheel to look under every rock and examine every sliver, so that the con-men find Flat Earth to be a far more difficult mark than they first thought.

I really do appreciate all the labor being done here and in social media, in general, by all the hard working average (but above average) Joes.

Lingua Veritas

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Schpankme Tue Dec 05, 2017 11:43 pm

FECORE (FE means Field Engineers)

Field Engineer means, interacts remotely with prospects away from the employer's office.
Who's the employer?
Who's the prospect?

Sample FECORE motto:
"Telling you what you need to know"
"Participation is the name of the game"
"Where money and time produce answers"
"Give us your money and will give you the truth"
"FECORE, when things are spinning out of your control"

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Wed Dec 06, 2017 4:07 pm

I post this concluding series of screen grabs now that Mike Cavanaugh finally responded to my request he provide the State FECORE is incorporated in. It took about 4 days from my original question, with multiple requests in between, for him to even acknowledge it. He didn't have the decency to simply answer the question a couple of us asked, but chose to embody the definition of a "hypocrite" he was provided before proving the issue unquestionably settled.

What does it say that the President and Chairman of a 501(c)(3) refuses to answer a simple question? Why would a man of such impish proclivities and lack of character, who routinely broadcasts his stupidity for others to see, be chosen by another/others to helm an alleged "foundation" seeking funds to be a conduit of publishing the truth we live on a plane?

What Steere, Sargent, and IPS are to Shillfest 2017, and any future Shillfests sincere people of Earth will be forced to endure, so Mike Cavanaugh is to FECORE and those associated with it in any way; charlatans pretending to be something they're not. As Mike King of www.tomatobubble.com wrote a day or so ago; "Show me a man's friends and I'll show you the man.”

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 X3QaJSrl

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 K9zaXnal

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 7mEdPFJl

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 PiUzwqKl

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Wed Dec 06, 2017 6:30 pm

I have to say your continued work on FEOCORE is impressive, but I cannot help think you are essentially wasting your time and effort (which could be better channeled in to something else)
MC is clearly a shill and a gold-digger, you have clearly demonstrated that, and by continuing to engage with this succubus your time and effort are being engaged with a simpleton.
Don't get me wrong, your research and constant work is admirable, but I feel we in the FE community are being 'sucked' in to these slagging-matches and pointless debates.
We know it's flat, we know there are many shills, but our purpose must be to spread the truth and not get drawn in to these petty social media feuds.
It draws focus from the real truth - THE EARTH IS NOT A GLOBE, it never has been and never will be.

(sorry if that sounds elitist, it was not my intention, all I ever see is arguments and debates over everything)
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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Wed Dec 06, 2017 8:16 pm

At the CorporationWiki we find this:

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 G8S8QgLl

The above based on a "Richard Hummer" search: https://www.corporationwiki.com/search/results?term=richard%20hummer

If you'll notice below, Richard "H" Hummer is involved in the same entities (i.e., Heno, Dairy Queen, possibly the same as "Dq Aquisitions, or maybe it's two divisions within Dairy Queen?), as the Richard "E" Hummer, above.

I believe the point of contact handling FECORE, Inc. paperwork with Foundation Group is more properly Richard Harris Hummer.

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 7KHboGNl

Heno? Possibly http://www.heno.io/

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 GoFsNeMl

A "Donna Kay Hummer," age 57, is linked to simply "Richard Hummer" in one search engine:


FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 Nid5oZQl

The below search was based on a "Richard E Hummer" (middle initial E.):

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 BSTYHunl

The below search was based on a "Richard H Hummer" (middle initial H.):

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 4 KlkCqZjl

Are Richard E. and Richard H. brothers separated by 12 years, cousins (also separated by 12 years), or no relation at all (because I don't think the odds favor a child of 12 having a son that he names after himself, with only middle name differentiating); or, are they one and the same person possibly? And I realize that these people search engines can blend things incorrectly.


There's an interesting article linking the CIA with the Mennonite church here (unfortunately, he doesn't cite references): https://tinyurl.com/y7w9se67

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