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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Admin Sat Mar 24, 2018 3:24 am


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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Fri Mar 30, 2018 12:13 pm

As of today FECORE is still not in the IRS database as a recognized 501(c)(3).

IRS database can be searched here: https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Screen11
The above screen grab taken from: https://tinyurl.com/y9k8ux2z

And from the first post in this thread:

7) The requested documents FECORE Inc. must provide upon request can be found in Publication 4221, beginning on page 25:

Exemption Application – A public charity must make available for public inspection its exemption application, Form 1023, Application for Recognition of
Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, along with each of the following documents:

- all documents submitted with Form 1023;
- all documents the IRS requires the organization to submit in support of its application; and,
- the exemption ruling letter issued by the IRS.

See Publication 4221: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p4221pc.pdf

Since FECORE is a small mom & pop startup, I would imagine (though can't confirm) that they filed a Form 1023-EZ since the Form 1023 applicant is "typically large or complex organizations."

The question then becomes-- if FECORE filed the Form 1023-EZ, why isn't the organization listed in the IRS database by now since those forms typically have a much faster turn-around time? Mike Cavanaugh (President FECORE, aka FE ASTRONOMY), claimed the application was "filed and awaits the IRS approval as of october 17th 2017. Everything is retro active from the start date of the incorporation so your request is denied upon further notice."


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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Sat May 19, 2018 6:13 pm

As of today, 5/19/18, "FECORE" is still not recognized in the IRS database as a "tax exempt organization." Just saying.

Search the term by Organization Name; https://tinyurl.com/yau2oyfh

Correct me if you find it and then we can demand the paperwork they filed with government in support of 501(c)(3) status pursuant to IRS Publication 4221.

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Screen10

Quoth again Mike Cavanaugh, "Every starting foundation begins or comes in existence as soon as you file you[r] Articles of Incorporation with the state government. As soon as those return you are a legal 501c3 and can accept donations without approval of the IRS. Those approvals can last from 3 to 12 months sometimes depending on the organisation itself. Our has been filed and awaits the IRS approval as of october 17th 2017." (emphasis mine)

The question still remains, since FECORE presumably doesn't fall into the category "typically large or complex organizations," did the organization file the much faster Form 1023-EZ to get their coveted blessings from government to shear the sheep? Since a little mom & pop startup presumably filed the EZ form, which has a typical turn-around time of "2-4 weeks," why isn't FECORE in the IRS database 7 months later?!

We shall continue to wait for the happy news that the duped sheep may confidently offer up tax deductible love offerings to the Church of FECORE, for needed support of its priesthood, and knowing full well their gifts are blessed by no less than the Grand Overseer-- that shining City on a hill, Washington, District of the goddess Columbia.

Question: Are only gifts above the cost of the tiered memberships considered tax deductible gifts? Or can the sheep deduct the cost of membership, with the contractual obligations put on the Church of FECORE to provide agreed upon considerations for the cost of those tiered memberships? Seems to me a gift requires nothing in return, however, a membership implies considerations returned for that membership cost-- especially when tiered memberships being sold by the Church of FECORE stipulate what considerations are returned in exchange for the escalating annual cost of each tier ($25, $50, $250).

No. I think probably the priesthood should publicly post a disclaimer that sheep who pony up the money for tiered "memberships," enjoining certain contractual obligations returned based on tier cost, cannot deduct membership cost from their taxable income. After all, the Church no doubt wishes to remain pure.

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Sat May 19, 2018 7:28 pm

And let us never forget; one of the illustrious priests of the Church of FECORE has a special message tattooed on the back of his neck of esoteric importance in these calamitous end days-- but most earnestly directed toward any rascally future executioner who may be stalking brethern of the faith in the name of everything evil, what with his head-lopping ax as part of his standard load-bearing equipment while endeavoring to overthrow the Christianity that was put on display at Shillfest 2017. Amen & amen.

Ask Marmar Queen, who had the backbone to standup and question the holy-roller-revival that broke out at what was supposed to be a flat Earth convention. She'll tell you about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaT6pqPwRbQ

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Fri Jun 29, 2018 2:18 pm

In my 1st post in this thread I quoted from the FECORE website this:

"FE Core is established as a tax exempt non profit organization under the U.S. Code 501(c)(3) Internal Revenue Service regulations...."

Their about us page now states this:

"FE Core is in the process of establishing as a tax exempt non profit organization under the U. S. Code 501(c) (3)"

Why are they, these months later, still "in the process"?

In my 2nd post in this thread I pointed out that Mike Cavanaugh, puppet president of FECORE, wrote this: "AS SOON AS THOSE RETURN YOU [FECORE INC.] ARE A LEGAL 501C3 AND CAN ACCEPT DONATIONS...." (emphasis mine)

If they were acting as though they were then "established as a tax exempt non profit organization," why are they now "in the process" of doing the thing they claimed from the start they had already accomplished? Just saying.

Btw, FECORE is still not in the IRS database for a tax exempt (501)(c)(3). Correct me if I'm wrong: https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Fri Jun 29, 2018 2:46 pm

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Mylckh10

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Fri Jun 29, 2018 5:49 pm

Make of this what you will. In the below video we have Robbie Davidson, aka Celebrate Truth, writing, "Rolan Reddy is a character for a show nothing more. I'm sure Rick will be able to tell the entire story very soon. Nothing nefarious about it." (pause at 36 seconds)

Why would the fellow, Rick Hummer, be the one to "tell the entire story very soon," if he wasn't in fact the clown playing the part of the clown, Rolan Reddy, man on the street having a "happenstance" meeting with the clown, Neil Tyson?

And who died and made the clown, Robbie Davidson, a spokesperson for the clowns Rollan Reddy and Rick Hummer, on clown Steere's show as he was performing wrench duties on behalf of the controlled opposition agent? And why does Davidson, of his own volition, feel compelled to associate "nefarious" with Rick Hummer revealing the "entire story very soon"?

How many clowns are packed into that tiny car?! Hurry, hurry, step right up....

"So Rolan Reddy is the head of FECORE Rick Hummer is Rolan Reddy"

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Yfmvcc10

And if you can stomach listening to shills for 2 hours and 48 minutes, see this video (I haven't worked up the gumption yet):

"Accusations of Shillery. Featuring IPS and FECORE founder Rick Hummer aka Rolan Reddy"

Note in the above YouTube still, the square chin, the horizontal crease just under the lower lip, and the bald area of the chin (similar in each pic). There are also pronounced creases of the face from nose to corners of the mouth. The fake buck teeth cause the upper lip of the Reddy character to exaggerate the creases in the pic on the left.

Maybe this is all just a coincidence. They say everybody has a doppelganger. Maybe we've come upon Rick Hummer's doppelganger in the buck toothed clown, Rolan Reddy ;-)

And since the above video also features IPS along with Rick Hummer, see also, "Behind The Curve with Mark Sargent and IPS. Flat Earth Trolls," in which IPS confirms “I don’t believe in flat Earth."  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6yJlXwaKes

EDIT: I listened to as much of it as I could bear. The FECORE Inc. clown, Rick Hummer, is the clown, Rolan Reddy (an act within an act), who infamously claimed (Shillfest 2017) that the tattoo on the back of his neck is a message to any imagined future executioner come to lop off Hummer's head in the glorious end days before Jesus appears on his white steed. Ask yourself the question; who really is the boots on the ground coordinating this massive controlled opposition operation?

And finally, it appears that both Bob Knodel and Patricia Steere were in the chat room during the above fiasco of prattling mumbo jumbo. Both were addressed by the participants though neither spoke during what was, a waste of everybody's time (except that we now know Hummer is Rolan Reddy). All in all, a festering pool of malignant cancer on the body of flat Earth knowledge.

"Show me a man's friends and I'll show you the man.” —Mike King, www.tomatobubble.com

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Sat Jul 14, 2018 5:30 pm

I requested documents FECORE is required to provide upon request, and pursuant to IRS Publication 4221, using the FECORE 'contact us' page. Pretend president, Mike Cavanaugh, responded with:

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Screen11

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Sat Jul 14, 2018 5:31 pm

I filed the following complaint with the Better Business Bureau:

I requested information pursuant to IRS Publication 4221 and the president, Mike Cavanaugh, refuses to comply with said request. They historically claimed, “FE Core is established as a tax exempt non profit organization under the U. S. Code 501(c) (3) Internal Revenue Service regulations….” That claim can be found archived on the Wayback Machine at, https://web.archive.org/web/20171216103509/http://fecore.org:80/about-us.

It should be noted that they are incorporated as “FECORE, INC,” not as “FE Core.”

Their ‘about us’ page now claims, “FE Core is in the process of establishing as a tax exempt non profit organization under the U. S. Code 501(c) (3) Internal Revenue Service regulations….”

Further, Mike Cavanaugh, made the following claim several months ago— which I have an archival copy of: "Every starting foundation begins or comes in existence as soon as you file you[r] Articles of Incoporation with the state government." And he further goes on to state, "AS SOON AS THOSE RETURN YOU [FECORE INC.] ARE A LEGAL 501C3 AND CAN ACCEPT DONATIONS….” (emphasis mine)

I believe fraud is being perpetrated in that they claimed to be recognized as a legitimate 501(c)(3) in the past, but are now claiming to be “in the process” of becoming a recognized 501(c)(3).

Finally, today when requesting the documents FECORE must provide pursuant to IRS Publication 4221, I received the following reply:

Dear mr Wilson,

I am sorry to inform you we do not honor E-requests for security reasons. All document requests can only go through a formal registered request. The next stage of that request is an identity and address verification to ensure we are not sending documents to malicious individuals or organisations. Once the verification has been processed a fee of 100 dollars must be paid in full for administrative costs and potential postal fees. Once the invoice has been paid in full we will do our best to honor your request.

Up yours,
Mike Cavanaugh 
President and Chairman 

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Sat Jul 14, 2018 5:47 pm

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Screen12

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Sun Jul 22, 2018 5:00 pm

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Screen14

FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Screen13


1) It's really not our intent to give the appearance that it's a family-friendly event-- all children will have a ticket (after all, it's really about the partying and cultish veneration of the Toxic Twins as they parade about in their ritualistic garb for a couple days).

2) Mommy & Daddy pay $514.44, and with little baby (assuming no child escapes the fee), the total for admission is $577.49 (Disney World doesn't charge for children under 3 years). To put it in perspective, the median hourly wage for a Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) in America is $12 an hour. Daddy, if a CNA, will work 48.12 hours in order to be able to afford tickets (not counting transportation/food/lodging expenses), to go have his family's ears tickled by the Toxic Twins. See, https://www.payscale.com/research/US/Country=United_States/Salary

3) You better hope, when considering paying $770.74 for an 'Exhibitor Table' in order to hock your flat earth trinkets, that the exorbitant entrance fees being charged to come gawk at the Toxic Twins' performance doesn't scare away throngs of people from the laughably overpriced big shoo. Roll the dice!

4) I imagine there will be a lot of networking amongst zealous Toxic Twins fans leading up to the big shoo, as they buddy-up to take advantage of the $50 price break per ticket for the Group Rate of 4+ people. They will even save $1.25 per ticket on the associated 'Fee' by simply quadrupling up on their ticket purchases-- Toxic Twins Nirvana!

5) No word yet if the Rick Hummer/Rolan Reddy clown will attend and attempt to top last year's regaling of the attendees with the tattoo-on-the-back-of-my-neck-is-a-message-to-the-executioner-come-to-lop-off-my-head-in-these-end-days performance. His name isn't presently listed as a "featured" guest: http://fe2018.com/featuring/

6) What if everybody decides to pay the $349 'All Access' fee so they can hope that the mere shadow of the Toxic Twins passing over them heals them of their afflictions while seated on the front row? That's going to be one packed front row-- heaven on earth! We'll have to seek clarification if children, at $63.49 per ticket, are precluded from sitting with Mommy & Daddy on the privileged front row should they buy the 'All Access' tickets for themselves.

FINALLY, it should be noted that security personnel will be issued a picture of Marmar Queen prior to the event so that, should another holy-roller revival meeting break out at this year's big shoo, she will not be in attendance to publicly challenge the anointing of whatever ministerial spirit is doing its thing:

"FLAT EARTH Convention 2017. Christian Proselytising questioned by Marmar"

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Admin Thu Aug 02, 2018 5:55 am


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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Wed Oct 17, 2018 12:05 pm

Posted by one Robert Scott on October 4, 2018, under the heading, Progress FECORE Tax Exempt Status. See https://fecore.org/progress-fecore-tax-exempt-status/

If you type into an internet search the question, “How long does it take for tax exempt status of a 501c3?” The answer comes back, “Typically, IRS 501(c)(3) approval takes between 2 and 12 months, inclusive of likely written follow-up questions. Sometimes it takes a little less; sometimes a little more.”
That is a very ambiguous answer. But we know dealing with government requirements can be time consuming. At FECORE we all donate our time and money toward producing scientific research to benefit everyone. All of the executive board members have full time work supporting themselves and their families. No one has been paid a penny for the work they do. And our sacrifice has returned good results. We have been successful in adding to the understanding of the earth. From early November of 2017 until March 1 we devoted all our efforts to the website and one project, the Lake Balaton Laser test. We had about 14 people working toward those two things. Now in this month of October 2018 we are working on 7 projects and we have 37 people involved in everything from, idea formulation, operational path, and execution. All along the way we have critical analysis of each element and people devoted to obtain solid data.
No one is working full time as a business manager or an accountant to manage the incorporation process. Frankly that is not our passion. Making money has nothing to do with why we established FECORE.
But we are completing step by step the process of establishing our tax exempt status. And we have complied with every requirement along the way.
The final piece of the puzzle is to submit form 990 to the IRS who will then check it thoroughly before they give us their answer. How long they spend on it is up to them. As of this writing it is a little less than 11 months since we announced FECORE.
We are confident that it will be approved sooner or later because we are devoted to making FECORE a place where finding the truth comes first. There isn’t much money in searching for truth but there are great rewards worth more than money. That is our passion.

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Wed Oct 17, 2018 12:36 pm

From the website, https://www.thebalancesmb.com/what-nonprofits-need-to-know-about-form-990-2502284

"FECORE" does not appear at all in two of the search engines linked to from the above Form 990 explanatory site;

1) https://www.guidestar.org/search

2) https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/

Robert Scott claims, "The final piece of the puzzle is to submit form 990 to the IRS," but Form 990 is NOT part of the tax-exempt application process. It is filed annually after tax-exempt has been granted. I wonder why Robert Scott is conflating the tax-exempt application process with an an annual requirement to file Form 990 with the IRS after it has received tax-exempt status?

[Edit: It should be noted that a couple organizations by the name "Lifecore" do appear when doing a search for "FECORE" here: https://tinyurl.com/y9hbh3b7

"Lifecore" also shows up in the two search engines listed above, so we know the search engines are working as intended, but "FECORE" is AWOL some 12 months later now even though Robert Scott claims that in their zeal for truth "No one is working full time as a business manager or an accountant to manage the incorporation process," and this in the face of Mike Cavanaugh telling us that the 501(c)(3) application had been submitted by Foundation Group "as of october 17th 2017" https://imgur.com/a/1eRAw]

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:15 pm

Perhaps Robert Scott should speak with Mike Cavanaugh so they can get on the same page. And since the buck-toothed clown, Rolan Reddy, is the point of contact with Foundation Group, Messrs. Scott and Cavanaugh might contact him for clarification as to whether FECORE does have somebody "working full time" on the tax-exempt application, or not.

Robert Scott, October 4, 2018: "No one is working full time as a business manager or an accountant to manage the incorporation process."

Mike Cavanaugh, October of 2017: "The organisation working on our 501c3 status is Foundation Group in Nashville TN."

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Admin Wed Feb 20, 2019 5:16 am

FE Core has now taken thousands of dollars from well-meaning flat-Earthers and concluded "Earth is concave"

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by RedorBlue Thu Feb 21, 2019 12:08 pm

Weren't Fecore the guys who told us the seas were flat and the land convex ?
I remember at the time the experiment carried out with tall buildings in reference to the plane - thought this was reasonably well done . However when I saw their model spinning in space i realised that this groups' main aim was to save Nasa's holywood space film industry . "Breath easy astronomy and gravity - you are safe with fecore, type model .
I've listened to 10 mins of that interview where the "force the level" experiment seem to be getting confused with Mullins' " force the line experiment " - maybe deliberately so.
       Might listen to the rest later but this organisation doesn't sit well with me .
Hell of a conclusion to reach after surveying 525m .
       Gatekeepers spring to mind . Think the leaders may have entranced some gullible people .
Thanks for the preceding info as well.


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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Schpankme Thu Feb 21, 2019 12:51 pm

RedorBlue wrote:
told us the land convex
Gatekeepers spring to mind

Fe(ore, the Iron CORE of Spaceball Earth

Here's the information

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Admin Tue Jun 25, 2019 4:41 pm


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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Mon Oct 28, 2019 2:36 am

Fe(iron)Core is now in the IRS database: https://tinyurl.com/yxzbyeqf

Karen Endecott is given as the Principal Officer.

[EDIT] New names (at least to me; treasurer, etc): https://fecore.org/irs-forms/

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Schpankme Mon Oct 28, 2019 2:59 am

markwilson wrote:Fe(iron)Core is now in the IRS database: https://tinyurl.com/yxzbyeqf

Karen Endecott is given as the Principal Officer.

Iron Core of Spaceball Earth; this Controlled Opposition (Judaeo-Freemasons) huddle together giving themselves titles:

Mike Cavanaugh
President GS-11

Robert Scott
Treasurer GS-9

Karen B. Endecott
Secretary GS-9

Steve Torrence
Board Member GS-9

Bob Knodel
Board Member  GS-9
aka GLOBEBUSTERS aka XanaDude60 (bitcoin) aka TheEarthIsASphere (on The Flat Earth Society)

Sandor Szekely
Board Member GS-9

Rick Hummer
Board Member GS-9

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 6 Empty Official laser measurement says that the surface of the lake Balaton is flat

Post by Adam Kadmon Wed Sep 23, 2020 10:51 pm


I know a guy in Hungary who did this laser measurement successfully.
The organisation called fecore dot org is the homepage.
What do you think about this result?
Thaks for the answers

Adam Kadmon

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