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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Lingua Veritas
Dead Reckoner
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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Thu Nov 23, 2017 11:09 pm

Gentle soul, Marmar Queen, shouted down by Dean Odle and others at Shillfest 2017 for taking a stand against their blatant proselytizing at a place in which demonstrable facts in nature should have carried the day, not a particular faction's alleged "holy" book.

Beginning at 1:22:00
Flat Earth International Conference 2017 Part 7 Dean Odle

Marmar speaks about it afterwards here:
FLAT EARTH Convention 2017. Christian Proselytizing questioned by Marmar

Marmar was escorted off the property by police.

"But I got invited here as a Christian Pastor." --Dean Odle (yes, Dean, problem succinctly stated)

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Admin Fri Nov 24, 2017 5:06 am


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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Dead Reckoner Fri Nov 24, 2017 3:59 pm

This message is in response to some of the things markwilson, cps, and others have been posting on this thread.

I dug into who Thomas England is and it doesn't really amount to much.

I will explain this in text form first and then post some of the images and links down below or in another post.

Rick Hummer in the most recent episode of Globebusters explains why (at 1:24:00) the FECORE website is listed at 101 Maple St in North Liberty, Indiana. His explanation is that he has a friend in North Liberty (who he doesn't name, but who is Thomas England) that owns a small business and that this friend is doing them a favor by offering a physical address for which to place their new non-profit, FECORE. This is because non-profits need to be registered to an actual physical address where they can receive mail and are thus tied to a property owner should things go awry legally. This is completely normal and within the law. The questions remain however as to why they chose this location, who owns this building, etc.

Here is my analysis of what is going on here:

Rick Hummer is friends with Thomas England, likely because they are from the same part of Indiana. This is apparent given they are friends on Facebook and Rick Hummer is from North Liberty and Thomas England lives there currently.

FECORE lists 101 Maple St in North Liberty on their website, which is a defunct Mennonite church. It was sold to Shamrock Holdings LLC in Sept. 2012.

Shamrock Holdings LLC is registered to Thomas England at 608 West Maple Ave in North Liberty. This is a residential house that is currently owned by Heather J. Pace. It was owned by both Heather and Thomas prior to that but was sold to just Heather in late 2016. I believe Thomas England was married to Heather J Pace in 2010 (as listed on Facebook) and then divorced(I have no proof of this, but Thomas' Facebook lists him as Single) in late 2016 when he moved to 101 S State St, which he bought in Feb 2017 and probably lives currently.

101 S State St. is literally a block (within eye-sight) of his small business, Unique Tooling Inc. which is at 109 W Center St. This is owned by Shamrock Holdings LLC.

Shamrock Holdings LLC is not related to Disney in any way. There are over 100 LLC's called Shamrock Holdings in the US, all completely unrelated to one another.

In light of this information I simply don't see much going on here. Rick Hummer knows Thomas England who owns a small business in the middle of nowhere in Indiana. He is not a NY power broker, he doesn't have ties to Metatron, etc. He seems to be a simple man running a small business in small-town Indiana. If anyone can come up with documents saying otherwise, I'd love to see them. But from what I can tell, this whole FECORE Shamrock Holdings Mennonite connection simply ends in North Liberty IN with a guy doing a favor for a friend. I have all the property cards from which I inferred all of this and will post the links on request. You can check their Facebooks at your own convenience.

Given this information I'd like to respectfully request that no one harass, call, or otherwise malign Thomas England or his business. As far as I can tell he is just doing a favor for a friend and should not have his livelihood threatened by people on the internet who draw conclusions before procuring evidence.

-Dead Reckoner

Dead Reckoner

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Fri Nov 24, 2017 5:22 pm

Dead Reckoner wrote:
Given this information I'd like to respectfully request that no one harass, call, or otherwise malign Thomas England or his business.
-Dead Reckoner

So what brings you to IFERS, Dead Reckoner? Are you new to the knowledge we live on a stationary horizontal plane? Have you just discovered IFERS, having studied the issue of such short duration that you hadn't, until just very recently, been aware of Eric Dubay's sterling efforts here and at his YouTube channel and websites? And now having discovered the forum, you apparently felt compelled that your very first post should be about FECORE, Mike Cavanaugh, Rick Hummer, et al., while at the same time expressing your loving concern for Thomas England (no doubt, just a complete stranger to you).

For one thing, we don't have to accept your assessment that none of the many Shamrock Holdings entities (including the one in question) are "not related to Disney in any way." You haven't proved that. Nor do we need to acquiesce to your assessment that you "simply don't see much going on here." You haven't proved that either.

What is the motivation for your interest here, if I might ask? Because you made no attempt to refute any particular point discussed in this thread in a concrete, meaningful way.

I tell you what, though; your closing comment, your opinion, that "he [England] is just doing a favor for a friend [Hummer] and should not have his livelihood threatened by people on the internet who draw conclusions before procuring evidence," reeks of the danger Rick Hummer himself conjured up against flat earthers being given to "anger" during his closing remarks at Shillfest 2017.

Are you Rick Hummer?

Last edited by markwilson on Fri Nov 24, 2017 5:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Dead Reckoner Fri Nov 24, 2017 5:38 pm


You said in the 1st page of this thread that you agreed with csp when he said there was no connection to Disney, so I'm not quite sure why you're against me coming out and saying there's probably no connection to Disney.

I believe this is making connections where connections are not present.

For example:
(I can't post this link as I'm still in the probationary period on this forum)

This is a LLC setup by THOMAS ENGLAND in JAN 2012.

Roy E. Disney's Shamrock Holdings was founded in 1978 and operates out of CA.

Both companies using the clover stems from the word "Shamrock":
A shamrock is a young sprig of clover, used as a symbol of Ireland.

Unless someone can create a credible connection, I believe this is FUD.

To me it appears like THOMAS ENGLAND, who is part of UNIQUE TOOLING and SHAMROCK HOLDINGS LLC is helping incorporate and setup FECORE as a non profit."

To which you wrote:

"Agree with you, csp, about the Shamrock LLC, Disney connection. I had made a similar comment over at Flat Earth Reset's page. Kudos to those guys for their efforts in this."

Can we agree that Disney is likely not involved? If you have now changed your mind, what new evidence have you discovered that we could use to solidify the connection?

Dead Reckoner

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Fri Nov 24, 2017 5:49 pm

"Don't ruin the party, you don't want to anger flat earth people (pause) they're crazy." --Rick Hummer

See at 38:30
Flat Earth International Conference 2017 Part 12 Awards...

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by csp Fri Nov 24, 2017 5:52 pm

Dead Reckoner wrote:
You said in the 1st page of this thread that you agreed with csp when he said there was no connection to Disney, so I'm not quite sure why you're against me coming out and saying there's probably no connection to Disney.

We've already come to the conclusion that it's only a speculative connection to Disney. In fact, nothing in your post is news to us, however you already know this and simply regurgitated what was already posted, with the addition of the following:

Given this information I'd like to respectfully request that no one harass, call, or otherwise malign Thomas England or his business.

So it begs the question, why are you trying to misdirect away from Tom? Who are you to request we don't investigate persons directly linked to these frauds? Is Tom aware FECore are already taking donations without the proper legal status? Who are you, really?

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Dead Reckoner Fri Nov 24, 2017 6:00 pm

I have determined through public document research that Thomas England is likely just a man in Indiana who runs a small business. I am not misdirecting, just trying to focus our attention on real provable connections. If you have more information on Thomas, please post it.

I have in fact contributed more than my last line. I procured the property cards for every property linked to Thomas England and Shamrock Holdings LLC in North Liberty IN. So far I've seen fuck-all from you or csp when it comes to actual public documents. I can't link to them because I just signed up and have to wait 7 days to post a link. See if this works though:


Dead Reckoner

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Dead Reckoner Fri Nov 24, 2017 6:03 pm

Oh, I guess it does if you remove the http://

That is a property card for 109 W Center St, which is Unique Tooling. I have them for all other properties owned by Shamrock/Thomas England. In fact, such you are all such great researchers on here, someone please link to one other property card owned by Shamrock Holdings LLC in that town.

Dead Reckoner

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by csp Fri Nov 24, 2017 6:12 pm

Dead Reckoner wrote:
That is a property card for 109 W Center St, which is Unique Tooling. I have them for all other properties owned by Shamrock/Thomas England. In fact, such you are all such great researchers on here, someone please link to one other property card owned by Shamrock Holdings LLC in that town.

What's your problem? You think this is a competition? You are acting awfully strange.

Not to mention, again, it provides no further information to what we have already discovered.

And yes, you were trying to misdirect from Tom. Tom is directly related to FECore via association, FECore is actively masquerading as a "flat earth  research organisation" while taking donations without the proper legal status and making a mockery of the subject.

So again, who are you, and why is your first post here in this thread, requesting we stop looking into Tom? You are awfully bad at hiding your true intent.

Last edited by csp on Sat Nov 25, 2017 1:08 am; edited 1 time in total

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Fri Nov 24, 2017 6:17 pm

Dead Reckoner wrote:I am not misdirecting, just trying to focus our attention on real provable connections.

What you're doing is coming into a thread, brand new to IFERS, and presuming to take possession of it with inane prattle;

"I have determined...."
"trying to focus our attention...."
"please post it."
"I have in fact contributed more than...."
"I've seen fuck-all from you or csp...."
"such you are all such great researchers on here...."

It's self-serve here, Dead Reckoner. You come in and measure the rope needed to hang yourself with it.

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Schpankme Fri Nov 24, 2017 11:32 pm

What we see with "Dead Reckoner" in a desperate attempt to tell IFERS to stop investigating the Shills and their connection to Shillery.  In fact, it seems extremely probable that "Tom England" is the one who provided monies for the Team who came over from The Flat Earth Society, and who through the pretense of Flat Earth content providers, have now labeled themselves as board member's for the newly created FE Scam called FECORE (where FE means Field Engineers not Flat Earth).

To form the lie so sweet that it tastes like candy.

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Dead Reckoner Sat Nov 25, 2017 3:08 am

@csp Yes I am a bit competitive. I'm interested in researching people with questionable antecedents on Youtube and other public forums. The expose on FEOHP which tied them to Metatron and government contracts was very good research that made sense. Props to MGTV and whoever else took part in that.

csp "Not to mention, again, it provides no further information to what we have already discovered."

I discovered the property cards of Thomas England and Shamrock Holdings LLC. How is this not new information? It wasn't posted on this thread before I got here. Property cards are essential legal documents that tie people to property, from which you can track their movements, monies, investments, etc. This is obviously a key piece of research that you are trying to dismiss because I am new on the forum.

csp" Tom is directly related to FECore via association"

Yes I agree, he is obviously connected now since they are using one of his properties as a legal physical address. I don't have information yet to infer that this relationship is anything but mere convenience for FECORE.

I don't care if you look into Tom. I did some digging and couldn't come up with much more than what I first posted. If something pops up down the road, I'll gladly take a look at it.

@markwilson The walking thesaurus who doesn't know what a property card is.

"inane prattle..."

"sterling efforts..."

"commandeered by nefarious forces...."

"amalgamation of forces..."

"Quite the spectacle of bantering amongst..."

@Schpankme Tom England likely provided monies for the Team from The FES? Great, could you post some of the documentation on that?

I am investigating Shills, that's why I'm on here. And ya, I came out guns blazing. Deal with it.

Dead Reckoner

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by csp Sat Nov 25, 2017 3:24 am

Dead Reckoner wrote:I don't care if you look into Tom.

Dead Reckoner wrote:I'd like to respectfully request that no one harass, call, or otherwise malign Thomas England



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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Schpankme Sat Nov 25, 2017 3:25 am

Dead Reckoner wrote:
I am investigating Shills, that's why I'm on here. And ya, I came out guns blazing. Deal with it.

Fantastic, you came to investigate shills.  How, by reading what IFERS and others have reported?

Can you give me the name of a Shill that you've investigated related to FECORE or FEOHP?

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Dead Reckoner Sat Nov 25, 2017 3:29 am

@csp. Looking into someone and harassing them are two different things.

@Schpankme Thomas England.

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Dead Reckoner Sat Nov 25, 2017 3:30 am

@Schpankme I also found where Mark Sargent's mom currently lives and have a list of all the Sargents who live on Whidbey Island.

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Dead Reckoner Sat Nov 25, 2017 3:33 am

I also take back what I said about you all doing fuck-all when it comes to this. I got worked up. There's some decent stuff on pages 1 and 2.

Dead Reckoner

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Sat Nov 25, 2017 4:57 am

Dead Reckoner wrote:I also take back what I said about you all doing fuck-all when it comes to this. I got worked up. There's some decent stuff on pages 1 and 2.

So in your first foray posting your observations on IFERS, you're now immediately forced into trying to save face with, "I also take back what I said." And you also decided to go ahead and take a cursory look at "pages 1 and 2" after "[getting] worked up."

You obviously have a hidden agenda and are probably one of the key players or close associate, which means you're probably here to attempt to hijack a thread that was doing just fine without your prattling immature comments.

Anybody who takes winged flight into an incredibly rude "I've seen fuck-all from you or csp," and condescendingly spews we're "all such great researchers on here," the first day he makes a post, most likely hasn't read the book How to Win Friends & Influence People.

I don't accept your "take back what [you] said." It wasn't a sincere apology to either me, or csp.

Are you this Dead Reckoner: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkWjGvhQFYE-A_x1fuemMWQ/videos

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Sun Nov 26, 2017 11:53 pm

Back in April I shared several facts I had discovered about the public dispute regarding a “JC” involved in an allegation of the theft of bitcoins.

My post can be found on page 9, http://ifers.123.st/t106p200-jeranism-is-a-raging-shill

Because of the formation of “FECORE,” a corporate entity not found in the Indiana Secretary of State database as of 11/26/17, and because the board members of FECORE have a public duty to responsibly handle funds solicited under the umbrella of a 501(c)(3) organization, I thought it prudent to address the issue one more time in this newly formed FECORE thread since Jeran Campanella is now a board member of that 501(c)(3).

Search “FECORE” at https://bsd.sos.in.gov/publicbusinesssearch, for the occasion it becomes available in the database of corporations formed in Indiana.

Briefly, Jeran Campanella and Eric Dubay had a dispute and texts were exchanged.

These are the facts:

1. “JC,” of the Bitcoin affair, Jeran Campanella, and one “JCampy,” all three have the same “JC” initials. There is also the use of a “campycoin,” but I’m not familiar with it, nor am I familiar with the registered nom de plume Campanella was using during the exchange with Eric Dubay when he was also a member of IFERS.

2. “JC” of the Bitcoin affair, and Jeran Campanella, append “PST” to their time of day references, i.e.,

JC of the Bitcoin affair: “You have 6 hours. 1800 PST.” (emphasis mine)
JC of FECORE: You, Eric Dubay, “contact me by 6am PST.” (emphasis mine)

3. Both the JC’s demanded certain actions be complied with in an arbitrarily established time frame of their own choosing, i.e.,

JC of the Bitcoin affair: “You have 6 hours.”
JC of FECORE: “contact me by….”

It should be noted that these are not mere allegations, but simply points of fact. I simply discovered the similarities and posted my findings.

Please also note; the letter copied verbatim into the IFERS thread begins,

“Look at this OBVIOUS EVIDENCE OF EXTORTION right here by JCampy (Jeran Campanella):”

The allegation that the extortioner is Jeran Campanella, is made by another. It is not my allegation.

In the letter alleged to have been written by JCampy, to a “Michael,” the writer is forceful in the expected time frame that Michael must comply; i.e., besides the above reference to having “6 hours. 1800 PST,” it also states, “Last Chance: It is now 12:21 and you have until 1800 Address is above. Do the right thing by me at least since you used my power to sucker other suckers.”

The apparent goal of the letter which Michael must timely comply with: “But I need one of the 7 accounts sent to me at 1E3BPXsPLhv9cHVLHgWJHCZqaMc9cXzvyn  It is a brand new wallet, with no connections.”

The letter can be found in its entirety at the above “Jeranism is a Raging Shill” thread, or by searching “michael jcampy bitcoin” (I used Bing).

Finally, the email address, stephenhendersen@aol.com, apparently used to send the extortion threat to Michael Moriarty is somehow linked to a jerancampanella.com (no longer working), at an independent website linking the two for some reason: http://www.boxwind.com/site/en/jerancampanella.com

A comment somebody else made in the “Jeranism is a Raging Shill” thread: “After corresponding with Jeran Campanella, I received this email immediately from one ‘Stephen Hendersen’, an obviously fake name. He signs off as ‘JC’ and says ‘you know who I am’. Also his IP address in the email header is the same as Jeran Campanella.”

Bob Knodel, also a board member of FECORE, once wrote (see the Jeranism is a Raging Shill thread): “XanaDude60 4:33 PM I am a bitcoiner also. I do BTC mining. I am very familiar with what happened with Jeran and Bitcoin. He is no scammer!”

I would only inform Bob Knodel, since we know he’s following this thread, that the affair was not with “Jeran and Bitcoin.” It was between Jeran and another man alleging that he had been extorted of his money. Bitcoin, so far as I know, has never been accused of stealing another man’s money.

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Schpankme Mon Nov 27, 2017 12:11 am

markwilson wrote:
the board members of FECORE
Jeran Campanella is now a board member of that 501(c)(3).

“JC,” of the Bitcoin affair, Jeran Campanella, and one “JCampy,” all three have the same “JC” initials
“Jeranism is a Raging Shill” thread

Bob Knodel, also a board member of FECORE, wrote
I am very familiar with what happened with Jeran and Bitcoin. He is no scammer!”

Excellent find Mark.

FECORE (FE means field engineers not Flat Earth)

Yet again, Bob Knodel aka GLOBEBUSTERS aka TheEarthIsASphere (on The FLat Earth Society) is connected to Jeran aka Jeranism, through this Bitcoin scam, and connected to scamming flat Earth people who ask questions on the Controlled Opposition site called "The Flat Earth Society".

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by csp Mon Nov 27, 2017 1:14 am

markwilson wrote:
Bob Knodel, also a board member of FECORE, once wrote (see the Jeranism is a Raging Shill thread): “XanaDude60 4:33 PM I am a bitcoiner also. I do BTC mining. I am very familiar with what happened with Jeran and Bitcoin. He is no scammer!”

Bob was most definitely associated with Jeran from the get go, even when Jeran was attempting his poor excuse for a laser test (which Eric had donated towards), Bob, under the alias XanaDude, was very active in the chat. I believe this is when someone originally quizzed him on the bit coin scam and Bob responded with the statements above.

And after Bob's latest outbreak calling MW all sorts of names, I believe we are causing some major issues for their fake little parade.

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Lingua Veritas Thu Nov 30, 2017 4:01 pm

I've been following this since the FEIC, and I appreciate the posts I've seen here.

In light of the lack of transparency,
I'd like to add, as food for thought:

The State of Indiana, (which they would not give reason for establishing point of contact in), allows two things:
1) No initial registration is required to begin collecting donations
2) you can be a Foreign Nonprofit in Indiana...which means...
3) They could have decided to register their articles in Delaware, (which doesn't show a public list and is extremely advantageous, even for nonprofit 501's, although they are required to have a residential contact...maybe they and Metatron could share one
4) When they have a Foreign Nonprofit in Indiana, the Indiana Attorney General doesn't keep close tabs on them. This from Indiana Attorney General's site: our office does not keep records on the amount of money a charity spends on fundraising and administrative expenses compared to the amount of money a charity spends on programs and services

There is more to come, as well, but the thing is, a Delaware 501c3 with Indiana Foreign Nonprofit status can also slip a number of reasonable claims made against the Indiana Nonprofit by having their branches split. This further limits their liability. LLCs and other methods to protect a little guy from getting sued for everything he has, are good things, but, for sake of full disclosure...these kinds of structures don't seem to exists, (specifically for 501c3s), because their motives are entirely altruistic.

If they've got things cooking between Delaware and Indiana, I'd call it a red flag...but, its going to be tough to tell what's what with them, as they've chosen to adopt a superior attitude from the start, which need not provide answers to the silly Goy whom only exist to give them money and worship.

Lingua Veritas

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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by markwilson Thu Nov 30, 2017 7:44 pm

Lingua Veritas, can you provide publication(s) relied upon for your assessment? (and I add the addendum here that comments below are in no way to be taken as confrontational toward your own comment. I'm going to play Devil's advocate.)

For example, who is boots on the ground in Delaware? "Delaware law requires every business entity to maintain a registered agent in Delaware." https://tinyurl.com/ybkt5tct

Foundation Group, in Tennessee, fails that requirement at first blush. And since there must be an agent physically in Delaware, why would FECORE use an outfit in Tennessee to do their paperwork on the Articles of Incorporation, and not one in Delaware well versed with the in's and out's of Delaware law?

In such scenario, we need to believe that Hummer, the point of contact with Foundation Group, Tennessee, instructs them to incorporate in Delaware, keeping their most transparent organization hidden, while the operation runs out of Indiana with his good buddy, Thomas England, all the while the President and Chairman of our most transparent organization (seeking only to spread the good news of the horizontal plane) lives across the big pond (yeah, that's a logical choice), and, oh by the way, here is my registered agent's power of attorney in Delaware.

If I'm not mistaken, there was never any other state addressed in the Globebusters "FE CORE Strikes Back!" show, or during Q&A at Shillfest 2017. And they are knowingly keeping the public in the dark regarding documentation on that incorporation and subsequent 501(c)(3) status sought at the Federal level. I asked the President and Chairman for a copy of the 501(c)(3) application, and other documents filed pursuant to IRS Publication 4221, and he averred an "as of" date of October 17, 2017, and then promptly fell silent.

Quote Cavanaugh; "Ours [501(c)(3)] has been filed and awaits the IRS approval as of october 17th 2017." https://imgur.com/a/1eRAw

Which makes the back and forth at Shillfest 2017 (November), about which status would be most beneficial for FECORE to file under, quite amusing since the IRS already had an application seeking 501(c)(3) in October.

You indicated;

"1) No initial registration is required to begin collecting donations
2) you can be a Foreign Nonprofit in Indiana...which means...
3) They could have decided to register their articles in Delaware, (which doesn't show a public list...."

1) Does that mean I can go scam some people for "donations" under the guise, sham, and pretext that I'm going to do some paperwork with the state to make it official-- never meaning in my evil little heart to follow through?

Or does it just simply mean that anybody, anywhere, can solicit donations-- just don't expect the IRS to bless you when you try to claim that money tax deductible-- because the fool who claimed he was going to do the paperwork absconded with my money and departed the state.

2 & 3) For one thing, please provide the citation for 2) and 3), and-- granting the supposition they can keep their corporate entity hidden in Delaware, they certainly cannot keep 501(c)(3) hidden. See IRS Publication 4221.

And I suppose the most glaring question would be, why would a charitable organization in Indiana go the the lengths of hiding the Corporate Charter in the state of Delaware?


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FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh - Page 3 Empty Re: FECORE Inc., FE ASTRONOMY, Mike Cavanaugh

Post by Lingua Veritas Thu Nov 30, 2017 8:22 pm

Right. And I appreciate your need of what documents and/or sites I am pulling from. I have them all in a folder and the information is essentially in a chain, as I needed to search each new topic as I went. I also have spent more time than I'd like re-listening the the Globebusters show wherein FECORE was discussed.

Since I recently joined IFERS, I am assuming I can't yet post links? I will show addresses though. I hope that's allowed.
Bear with me on this train of thought though. The TN firm, according to them, sets up more 501c3s than any other firm, so I'd expect this firm knows what states will work best for their purposes. I don't know that that means Delaware. I suggested the possibility because no one is finding them registered anywhere right now. The amount of reading I did, just this morning, on it gave me a bit of a headache, so I will need to pick back up when my head is clear. The incomplete bits of information are my offerings in the way of someone looking deeper and catching those things that my limited abilities miss.

The addresses where I gleaned the info from are as follows, in order of reading. I believe you'll see why I followed that path.

Sorry...before I give those links...am I allowed to post them, but they won't be active links for now, or am I not supposed to post links, being new? I'm not sure I understood that part.

The very reason I followed the path I did was their inability to be clear on important issues...like why Indiana, the secret "scientists", their credentials, ect. and, really, their associations. If you could let me know the policy on links, I will provide them. If not, I will just wait until tomorrow morning and double check here at IFERS, concerning the links policy.

But, yes...you are very correct about the impropriety of immediately accepting donations w/o approved 501c3 status. Those donation will only be valid, for write-off, upon approval. This is why, on GB, Jeran said, "this is why we picked that law firm, they have a 100% success rate on 501c3s". Now that I think about it, the time frames they've given, for FECORE's developement, doesn't add up.

If this, or the links I give, aren't very helpful, it is because I am not very adept at this sort of research, (legal, business law, nonprofit, LLCs, .orgs, ect). It all gets pretty slippery. I had just hoped some of the info, which covers angles, I've not yet seen perused, would help.

Lingua Veritas

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