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ODD Controlled Ops TV

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ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Empty Re: ODD Controlled Ops TV

Post by Schpankme Sun Feb 26, 2017 4:17 am

Admin wrote:
ODD now thinks Mark Sargent is fine and Eric seems more shilly.

ODD says, "There's videos on him [Eric] more telling than the ones on Mark Sargent and Patricia Steer."

In other words, ODD couldn't find his ass with both hands, or he's the latest sock-puppet recruited by the Controlled Ops.

This is part of the Controlled Ops strategy:
  o Vilify Eric Dubay
  o Do not participate on IFERS
  o Recruit video production talent
  o Promote State Sponsored Religion (fiction) in conjunction with flat Earth
  o Continue to spin half-truths about the flat Earth making it the subject of ridicule

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ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Empty Re: ODD Controlled Ops TV

Post by Realearth Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:27 pm

Received reply to my Email from ODD/Mike today...

Was in contact early last year with ODD encouraging him to stay away from Mark S, Pat & Hot Potatoes, DITRH, Globebusters and other Shills he was associating with. Eric Dubey was also helping ODD with joint videos. ODD seemed to be doing well with his YouTube site and subscribers until receiving attacks and within a few days his site was shut down. ODD continued on with a newer site but he seemed very distraught. Upon hearing about his recent shill Fest plans, sent him this email below, received his reply today......

On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 8:03 PM, wrote to ODD/Mike:

Mike, Your recent comments are 180 degrees from what you wrote in this song:
Please reconsider your decision and don't lend credibility to this shill Fest.
If it is all about the money I can understand but that will NOT work well for you in the future when they spit you out.
Sorry to burden you with my advice, thought I would give it a try....
Wish you well

From: ODD TV Conspiracy Vlog    
Today 2/28/2017 at 2:54 PM  

Thanks. I'm just growing everyday as a person and I'm taking my own path. To me everything has changed and it's no longer about any people or single person. I couldn't care less if Patricia wants to have her show or if Mark Sargent makes videos. They have a decent following of genuine flat earthers and I see no harm from them. If anyone wants to continue with the shill stuff, hey I don't mind. You do you. I do ODD. Much love.

Last edited by Realearth on Fri Mar 03, 2017 3:59 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo)

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ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Empty Re: ODD Controlled Ops TV

Post by Mar L Thu Mar 02, 2017 9:56 am

Hello everyone.
This is my first post and I think this forum is amazing and Eric truly, truly woke me up to the truth so I really want to stay here and keep reading and researching this most important truth.
I just wanted to chime in on what i have been reading and seeing about this ridiculousness: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/flat-earth-international-conference-2017-registration-31616018362

It seems to be full to the rafters of shills; I'm no expert but Mark Sargent, Patricia Steere and Jeranism surely wave up huge red flags for all of us. I was thinking , wow this is surely going to do immense damage to the movement as a whole as I am sure they will be trying their best to muddy the clear waters of truth.
Then I was watching an ODD Reality interview here:


(who up to now was my second sure source of truth after Eric, as he seems to genuinely be sincere and I instinctively trusted his videos etc) and he is apparently opening the conference with a Flat Earth 101 talk?! Why do you think he would do that?
This whole thing has baffled me and I was wondering what anyone's /everyone's thoughts were on this supposed conference, where the leader of the movement (in my and I'm sure a GREAT DEAL of other's opinions) Eric Dubay isn't even involved. It's screams fakery to me.

I just felt the strong need to voice this and I hope someone will discuss any of these things with me as I think it's atrocious that such a sham is being played out on the grand stage which will get attention and intentionally, I presume, mislead innocent inquirers of the real truth.

I am thankful to all those who tell the real truth about our world and happy to be on the forum
Peace to all.

I had posted that elsewhere and was guided here by admin so I thought I'd post it as it was although there's been lots of discussion about the things I bring up, and all my questions were answered , especially regarding ODD which to me is so disappointing - although it doesn't change the quality of his early videos on flat earth.
Anyway peace and joy to all.

Mar L

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ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Empty Re: ODD Controlled Ops TV

Post by Skywalker Thu Mar 02, 2017 5:25 pm

Poor ODD couldn't resist the $ signs. It's a sad day.

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ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Empty Re: ODD Controlled Ops TV

Post by Muahahazz Fri Mar 03, 2017 12:57 am

The one thing that stands out to me as a flat earther is when someone talks about the "edge" and what I love about Eric is that he straight up says he doesnt know (we really dont know). ODD, before, said the same thing. To paraphrase both Eric and ODD, "we dont know, there could be a dome, an edge, an infinite plain.. we just dont know." The new ODD now firmly believes in Genesis and the flat earth having a dome above it as he said in his new video. I dont have anything against Genesis or a dome but to say, with certainty, that a dome is above us is sketchy to me since we have 0 proof of such a thing.

This flip flopping ODD truly is sad and like the poster above me said, he was my 2nd go to (Eric being the first) for flat earth material.

Also something to note. Prior to all this, ODD left a comment supporting Eric and praising him and all that, then when someone called him out on the shillery stuff he immediately said Mark Sargent does good stuff and Eric seems more shillery than him (Mark). So either A)ODD has been BSing with Eric this whole time or B) Within a week (maybe a couple of days even) of him leaving a nice comment for Eric then calling Eric more shillery than Mark, his mind set ALL OF A SUDDEN changed and now Mark is cool and Eric is not.. I dont know, everything seems suspicious with this dude now.. it really does suck.


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ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Empty Re: ODD Controlled Ops TV

Post by Admin Fri Mar 03, 2017 2:44 am

ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Oddaga10

ODD Hypocrisy now says that all I do is focus on people/gossip like TMZ, yet people like Patricia (whose show is exactly like TMZ for flat Earthers) are fine and doing good for the movement.

Here's an example of Patricia "helping the flat Earth":


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ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Empty Re: ODD Controlled Ops TV

Post by Guest Fri Mar 03, 2017 7:22 am

So that makes it official. Odd is nothing more than a narrator of scripts given to him by sugar daddies. I bet he doesn't even edit or film his own videos.

Anyone who's followed Eric knows he supports factual content whether they support him or not; Comparing him to TMZ is a low life move. Shame on ODD.


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ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Empty Re: ODD Controlled Ops TV

Post by csp Sat Apr 22, 2017 11:32 am

ODD now promoting the "mandela" effect bullshit

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ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Empty Re: ODD Controlled Ops TV

Post by Admin Sat Apr 22, 2017 11:50 am

I saw that. He even pre-empted the expected backlash for covering this shilly topic in his outro. Just to re-iterate my position on the Mandela Effect: The Mandela Effect is an irrelevant, non-topic that has been injected into the flat Earth discussion by the Potato shill squad. The fact that the Jews/Masons are changing certain titles/phrases in their various medias is NOT proof that there is some psychological timeline meta-manipulation going on where CERN is changing our reality. It is more stupid distraction disinformation to get people talking about la-la-land issues with no substance. Just because the Jews/Masons changed Sex in the City to Sex and the City has nothing to do with Flat Earth and nothing to do with CERN or "timelines." They're merely changing keywords and trying to make you think you're crazy for noticing.

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ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Empty Re: ODD Controlled Ops TV

Post by Schpankme Sat Apr 22, 2017 2:27 pm

Admin wrote:
The Mandela Effect is an irrelevant, non-topic that has been injected into the flat Earth discussion by the Potato shill squad

Agreed - The Mandela Effect is yet another distraction to the flat Earth discussion, perpetrated by the Controlled Opposition.

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ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Empty Re: ODD Controlled Ops TV

Post by RickFE Sat Apr 22, 2017 3:45 pm

Admin wrote:Just because the Jews/Masons changed Sex in the City to Sex and the City has nothing to do with Flat Earth and nothing to do with CERN or "timelines." They're merely changing keywords and trying to make you think you're crazy for noticing.

What is even worse, I remember the articles on why they changed the name. It was brought on by NY citizens organizations that did not want NY associated with sex tourism. Same with products. They use products that are from movies, that are intentionally changed slightly.

As far as ODD, he runs with the potato crew commenting on the same videos, trying to be "supportive" and "friendly", while they demonize every one else and claim the division is from the real flat earthers. Del puts it best: " A narcissist puts any dress on". If you point out how fake their friendly banter is, you are causing division and you are the problem.

I saw him once in a live chat, called out the potatoes, Nathan and the others. ODD responded saying, so am I a shill, Eric says I am a shill.
I corrected him," Eric said Odd seems legit, it remains to be seen if he will represent the true movement at the conference. " I then added " If you run with known shills, you get painted with shill paint." He never responded.

Ever since this year started, the shills goal is to start a shill division war. Sending their shills on live chats, and in comments calling people out. Globebusters has been trying for weeks to get someone to call them shills. He must have a video in his pocket to respond immediately. Comments by bob are so baited.....In a live chat, he will say " So why do you think globebusters are shills...." No one has said it, he inputs the idea that someone has on the chat as it scrolls by so fast you don't know if someone did or not....

Reminds me of those old movies, where the actor would screw up, and do this ludicrous tap-dance routine to try to play it off, taking your attention off his error. This became a comedy bit after time and some comedians expanded on it like the three stooges.

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ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Empty Re: ODD Controlled Ops TV

Post by Realearth Sat Apr 22, 2017 4:01 pm

RickFE wrote
" " I then added " If you run with known shills, you get painted with shill paint." He never responded. "

My friend Andy says:
"If you get in the pig pen with the shills you get shit on your feet"

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ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Empty Re: ODD Controlled Ops TV

Post by Admin Sun Apr 23, 2017 7:11 pm

ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Odd310

CSP merely posted ODD's video and I commented that I had seen it and posted my thoughts on the Mandela Effect. Just now ODD emailed me the following, once again pre-empting what he expects me to do which is print-screen for IFERS.

"Just wondering real quick why it's a big deal that I covered a "mandela effect" that I was affected by? Why does it matter anything I do? Why do you pay attention? Why is everything that's not Flat earth unimportant or here to distract from flat earth? From what I see Flat earth is doing great. Why is Eric Dubay the only nonshill as far as FE on the internet? This shit is ridiculous, Eric. Can you just answer and not go post my message on ifers? "

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ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Empty Re: ODD Controlled Ops TV

Post by Schpankme Sun Apr 23, 2017 7:36 pm

Admin wrote:
ODD's video on the Mandela Effect
Admin wrote:The Mandela Effect is an irrelevant, non-topic that has been injected into the flat Earth discussion by the Potato shill squad.

ODD is following the agenda of his colleagues.

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ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Empty Re: ODD Controlled Ops TV

Post by csp Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:35 am

ODD, if you have the time to email Eric directly, why not respond here? Why is it that we can't discuss this in the open?

Why did you flip flop on the potato shill squad? They are obviously spreading misinformation and muddying the waters, you even acknowledged this in the past and now you seem to be part of their ridiculous clique. From an objective view point, you have simply sold out and started following their agenda as Schpankme has pointed out.

And Why is Eric the only "non shill"? Well, he isn't the only one, but Eric single-handedly revived the FE movement while staying consistent and factual with his message. You don't see Eric making videos on "heart shaped maps", or "how the FE proves the bible/quran/insert book written by men", or "black goo" or the "mandela effect" bullshit.

If you want to spread speculative crap and hang around with others who are doing the same, then go ahead, you'll just become irrelevant like the other sell outs.

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ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Empty Re: ODD Controlled Ops TV

Post by Admin Mon Apr 24, 2017 4:19 am

Thanks CSP, great questions

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ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Empty Re: ODD Controlled Ops TV

Post by theJopket Tue Apr 25, 2017 1:39 am

Nice, I just registered here because I was looking for some clues on the "Mandela Effect" posted by ODD four days ago.

I encountered the ME-"conspiracy" (or whatever it is supposed to be) last week, and without considering otherwise I noticed from the sheer mass of videos and their respective hit counts that this "conspiracy" must be some kind of psy-op. It is by far too popular to be true in any kind. And it does not make sense at all, especially not when you think that the earth is flat.

Still, I just watched ODD's ME-video on moonraker, and at first I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought I was on some ODD-clone-dis-info-channel, but it was genuine. I can't believe I wasted an hour or so to google for that garbage-moonraker-ME. I almost bought a f***ing VHS of the movie on ebay and was wondering whether I'd find a VHS-player in my parents' basement when I realized that they're just messing with us.

ODD, today you lost a lot of credibility, and that's just sad. Time will tell, whether you sold out or not. I think you still could be legit, although I noticed an upstream of speculation in your latest videos. Just don't go there man...

@ Eric: Dude, you are the best. You woke me up 4 months ago, and I thank you very much. I thought I was awake for 12 years now (Loose Change), but I was wrong. And, I think your voice is angelic Very Happy


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ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Empty Re: ODD Controlled Ops TV

Post by Admin Wed May 10, 2017 8:04 am

This Mandela Effect bullshit is such a distracting non-topic, I have to post this discussion with Elissa Hawke here for posterity:

Elissa Hawke I adore Erics wit, intellect, art, documentaries, written and spoken word -almost all the time, i don't always agree with him, but he still entertains me, educates me, and inspires me more than most... come on! In less than 3 years he has reinvigorated a worldwide reappraisal of science, gathered and inspired an army of free thinkers, he's demolished the globe, gravity, evolution, he-lie-ocentrism, and dinosaurs. And all for free. He's a fucking champion of the fucking world! Its not impossible he's an agent pushing a lot of suppressed truth to gather this group and lead us somewhere, but, thats human nature, we're always going to watch and follow stellar humans until they are no longer trustworthy. Anyone calling Boyband an inspiration is a red flag for me...

Eric Dubaz Thanks Elissa and Daniel!

Kev Edwards Where has he lead us other than truth so far? I just read a thread where he got ripped for not wanting to get involved in the Mandela effect debate, surely now he has a foot in the door he could lead us down any rabbit hole?

Anthony Ciconte I asked Shane Bode for proof of his accusations and he immediately blocked me.

Elissa Hawke Kev Edwards I also think the mandela effect only hits people when they are close to one of the changed things... I know theres something in it, just massaged a girl today and she told me she has used Braggs Vinegar for years, she looped out when i showed her it is now Bragg. This one effected me a LOT as I've used it for 25 years and didn't notice when the change occurred, neither did anyone at the company apparently...ITS FUCKING WILD

Elissa Hawke Eric Dubaz Theres not enough dollars in this world to repay you what you've gifted us, not just all your research and organised hard work, your brilliant spirit, your kick ass hugeness, your quiet humble beauty, your caustic wit- so may factors have combined to see this resurgence in THINKING! You make us all greater, really. PS- if i ever found out you were working for someone, it doesn't take away the new things I see, the science we are reappraising and the sheer joy I had watching one human DO THIS, absolutely mind blowing I can't imagine many others with the chutzpah to envision it in this age, let alone achieve this true evolution of humanity. Seeing public records of you living in Washington just doesn't undo any of the things we are currently reappraising. Hearing you have had bitter breakups is your own personal business and anyone with a heart who has lived and loved a few times will sooner or later see their emotions manifest. I threw an iron at one ex boyfriend, so just getting that out there before anyone else tries to pip me to the post. If you are working for some shady mensclub it will be disappointing but at least they finally got a talented and charismatic spokesman. I think you're far too magic to be working for them. I see, I hope, I feel, you are really just one man with an idea, really working for the great spirit that we all really are

Eric Dubaz Thanks again Elissa, I promise you I'm not working for any shady mens-club. Quite the contrary, I would like Freemasonry and other such organizations exposed and abolished. As for Mandela Effect, I'm aware they are changing various names/phrases in their medias and logos etc. but are you speculating that this is some kind of proof that we are living in a simulation and CERN is changing our reality!? That is the problem with Mandela Effect. It is obvious they have changed Sex in the City to Sex and the City (there was actually a lawsuit that spurred them to change this one), BUT the part of this that is such huge disinfo is the theoretical leap everyone takes from acknowledging the Jews/Masons are changing various titles/phrases in their medias to saying, no, no, wait, it's not that, it's our entire reality is shifting time-lines due to living in a simulation and THAT is what is causing Sex in the City to become Sex and the City. This line if thinking is absolutely ridiculous and has purposely been injected into the flat Earth discussion by the potato shill squad. Peace

Elissa Hawke Ok Im gonna try be brief as its a huge subject but...yes, I admire so much the work you've done to establish and expose the masons (and their zionist masters) in so many ways, and for your resistance to their attempts to dampen you. Incredible effort. For me, mandela effect is beyond physical, as I have two real life friends who I trust not to have any reason to lie about such a thing, who have told me their possessions have changed in their homes. One friends DVD copy of Interview with a Vampire changed (to "the") and another friends childhood video copy of Snow White (in her family home in France) has recently changed to now say "magic mirror". As I am not these people, I don't have enough objective or subjective proof for myself to decide definitively. But I am taking note that these effects are happening worldwide. To some, many of us. Many of us have different ones. Many are also being seeded in as disinfo/misinfo. I had Bernstein bears books as a kid, Not Berenstein OR BerenstAIN, and yet i have met one other who remembers that. I KNOW it was Mirror Mirror, I know it was Sex in the city, I know it was BRAGGS, Sketchers, I remember 4 in the JFK vehicle but quickly had to concede Gov Connolly and his wife MUST have been ducked down behind the seat in all the footage I saw... BUT ... "Reality residue" ...WHY a TIME magazine photoshoot of the car after the assassination features a four seater? Why does the FORD Museum recreation of the assassination feature a four seater... I don't speculate, ever, that we are living in any simulation as I feel everything combined of the whole natural world is so vastly superior to anything manmade, we can't even make a blade of grass! But I do pay attention to the crappy elitists noticing us (bragging) that they have some connection to this "effect" with their CERN guy and the BOND 1 HAPPY sign. Its one thing to have things changing in google, but one day a company is called sketchers, the next, skechers, or Braggs, and then Bragg, the amount of physical effort to change every sign, every label, every tag, every shoe PAST and pRESENT is not physically possible with our current understanding of materiaL REALITY. The son of The "BerenstAINS"says the family name was ALWAYS BerenstAIN. YET, there are countless old TVguides from 80's-90's where every episode is titled the BerenstEIN Bears. Someone has dug up an old lawsuit with the writers and the name is spelled BerenstEIN. And Dolly from MOONRAKER DeFINITELY had braces. How can some physical copies of old videos be changed? Trust me I LOVE objective truth, but I LOVE the fact this is happening too.. it certainly aint groundhog day

Elissa Hawke If anyone is interested or having any "effects" this is how it unfolded for me... it also shows a good example of me falling for a internet "trick disinfo mandela effect"when i thought the Flintstones had been changed to the flinstones

Elissa Hawke Mandela effect was VERY quickly jumped on by many quickly coming out with many snazzy troll videos saying "the statue of liberty has moved"or "a continent next to western australia has disappeared"or human anatomy is changing and now the heart is in the centre of the ribcage or, ... many many dumb things, plus a million lonely people started dropping their own "personal"effects like yesterday their car was blue, today its pink.... just like when researching FE you need to spit out 85% of the videos, many mandela vids are the same. Plus both mandela and FE stuff hit me at the same time, early 2015

Eric Dubaz It seems clear to me we are just being gaslighted and distracted, same as the new Blood Over Intent crap that is being pushed alongside flat Earth telling people to cut themselves and bleed on a piece of paper so they can magically transport to Shamballa in 2019. Have you heard of this one? Please tell me you're not into that too. There is no way I believe people's personal copies of books have changed on their shelves. The only way that would be possible is that we are living in a simulation which can change things at will like the Matrix. And this is EXACTLY what mainstream media is now pushing. Since the Big Bang is dying they have come up with this new bullshit to make everyone think they are just living inside an alien computer or something. And when this non-sense is presented side by side with verifiable, true, and far more important information like the Flat Earth it discredits you in the eyes of neophytes who have never heard any of this stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QKqDd_Y6ec&t=3s Peace
Gaslight (1940 film)

Eric Dubaz Seriously, if we were living in some alien Matrix CERN computer simulation where reality can be changed at will, you think THIS is the stuff that would be changed!? The simulation-controllers can do whatever they like with our reality, but the shit they choose to fuck with is prounouns in movie titles!? Muahahahaha, we'll change Interview with a Vampire to Interview with the Vampire, hahahaha, those stupid humans will never figure out our ultimate Mandela Plan! HAHAHAHAHA

Elissa Hawke I have pondered that. Maybe these are little insignificant tests? Maybe they are tests or differentiators of us. its funny how it doesn't bother people, they can't believe it is really happening if "it" hasn't happened to them, (yet). Obviously nothing has changed for you Eric, as if it had, you would be more confounded. You sound like someone ridiculing why the elitists would lie about the shape of the globe. Until you've done enough research to see how ridiculous the globe is, you are only programmed to see it as a globe, so you can't imagine anything else is real. I wait until something you knew and loved is changed.

Elissa Hawke i can't even click on one blood over intent video they all have horrible vibes

Elissa Hawke like I said, until I have something morph in my own home I won't be able to seriously know that effect is happening, but thousands around the world start reporting it at once, and even you must have heard snow white as a kid, you must remember it was Mirror Mirror, there are vids of people finding all old copies of VHS Moonraker Dolly has lost her braces. There really can't be a physical material method for doing this so the first idea I jumped to, is that something is happening at the level of atomic organisation. Why and how can it affect so much and still leave reality residue? Why does that 1963 LIFE magazine photo show a four seater assassination vehicle? One thing that unites the true mandela effects is the "reality residue"I haven't even seen the movie the Matrix but Ive seen the computer green lettering suggesting we are in a simulation. I don't think mandela effect is evidence we are in a simulation, more likely it is evidence that some people have technology to reorganise atoms. Who knows what they are doing, changing or have already done. The man at Tiannaman square now jumps up on the tank... when i was in high school everyone in Australia denounced the chinese government for running over that guy with that tank... what do you make of no one at a brand like BRAGGS recalling the brand was called BRAGGS when thousands of people remember? Would you notice if tomorrow The Hobbit became A Hobbit?, or would you just think you misremembered

Eric Dubaz Neither, I would think the Jews/Masons are changing various titles and phrases in their media and making you think you're crazy for noticing. You literally think, at this point, that it is more likely that the elite have technology that re-organizes atoms so they can sneak into peoples bookshelves and change arbitrary pronouns in book titles! Some kind of atomizer re-organizer gun that they shoot at old copies of Moonraker and it takes away Dolly's braces!? How is that more logical than that they are just using CGI changing things and then having a few shill potatoes gaslight you that they had old personal copies of things changed?

Eric Dubaz Your example of the guy on the tank for example... he has always jumped on the tank. You probably just saw the beginning of that clip before where he stands in front of it. Now you've seen the full clip in some Mandela Effect video and fallen for the idea that the clip has changed. It hasn't changed. You just never saw the whole clip before where he gets on the tank and starts talking with the guys inside. What you've never seen was a clip where the guy gets squashed by the tank as you said "everyone in Australia" believed for some reason. That doesn't happen.

Elissa Hawke Eric Dubaz agreed about Tiananmen square footage, and I was I was right there with you until my friend Aurora told me her snow white had changed She hadn't heard about mandela and didn't believe me when i told her. Months later she went back to france and told me her video was now different! This was my first real friend evidence of what thousands of similarly amazed people were reporting on youtube. Its possible that someone has cgi'd dolls braCES in all modern releases and yes, its possible that the people saying old video copies have changed could be stooges, but, just like ALL the people pushing FE aren't stooges, I know the same with this. How do you reconcile the life mag photo of the 4 seater assassination vehicle photoshoot?

Elissa Hawke i think its wild none of the people involved in these things have spoken out about it, it hasn't made mainstream media, really, none of the SITC girls remember the old name, but all the clips of old award shows prove it WAS changed... why does Anne Rice not remember the name of her own book, why doesn't the Berenstain guy remember the Berenstein name when that was what the show was called on all the TV guides up until 2011?

Eric Dubaz These very Jews/Masons that created these medias are surely part of the psyop. I'll tell you how I DON'T reconcile any of these anomalies: by creating completely outlandish reality-bending theories to try and explain them like a atom reorganizer or living in a CERN matrix simulation. As I keep saying, it's far more likely that the Jews/Masons are just tweaking their various medias and making you think you're crazy for noticing. If the ability to re-organize atoms existed or the ability to totally change our "simulated reality" existed, I'm SURE the controllers would be changing more things than movie phrases and book titles!

Eric Dubaz And why did you bring up Tank Man as being an example of Mandela Effect, but then immediately agree with me when I told you the opposite?

Elissa Hawke re;Tiananmen, because can't reconcile why the whole countrys media would have been up in arms about human rights abuses that never occurred, even though I should know better about media fakery, AND because a combination of many of these changes has affected me! They were the Berenstein Bears in all the TV guides up till 2011 on Microfiche. then something changed that even the family its named after don't notice? The Life Magazine photo of the wrong car? There comes a point where they don't seem like they can all be reconciled within our current concept of reality

NOTE: I'm only posting this here in the Shill Wall of Shame because we have been discussing the Mandela Effect here. This is not to suggest any shillyness on the part of Elissa as I find her to be very genuine. Peace

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Post by csp Wed May 10, 2017 8:44 am

those stupid humans will never figure out our ultimate Mandela Plan! HAHAHAHAHA

lol! my thoughts exactly when I was reading this...

On a dark and stormy night, the most powerful men in the world meet to discuss their plans of world domination....

"If we change it from sex in the city to sex and the city..."
*evil laughs fill the room*

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Post by Admin Wed May 10, 2017 8:46 am



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ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Empty Re: ODD Controlled Ops TV

Post by AJRas Mon May 15, 2017 12:10 pm

Damn...I just had to Unsubscribe to ODD Reality on YouTube.

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ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Empty Re: ODD Controlled Ops TV

Post by Mar L Thu May 18, 2017 9:56 am

Just a little detail I noticed. ODD'S video 21 questions about flat earth. ..the thumbnail has now changed to that globe earth map and a huge eye over the top of it. It was different before. Guess they're really letting us know that they got him

Mar L

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ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Empty Re: ODD Controlled Ops TV

Post by RickFE Sat May 27, 2017 12:19 am

Here is superstar ODD's youtube profile. 15 years in the music business....yup had to put that in after people were saying your music is a little to produced.....Or is it auto toned in a studio production. Anyone can sing with a studio. Just look at Glee. Or that movie with the Australian comediane. Rebel Wilson in Pitch Perfect......how ironic right. Her singing voice is American, but you can hardly understand her once the music stops.....Yup ODD is showing his colors. 24/7 stream is just the icing on the cake. Wonder how many days he will keep it up? Think its been at least 4 days now that I noticed.

ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Oddclo10

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ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Empty Re: ODD Controlled Ops TV

Post by lotuseater Wed May 31, 2017 10:10 pm

Anybody else catch the FlatCon publicity stunt ODD and some others were doing by raiding children's video game chat rooms spamming flat earth memes. I was going to link it but looks like it was deleted or something. Seeing grown men do that is kind of disturbing. Wonder how many people they had doing advertising for them.
this is one of the streams

Last edited by lotuseater on Thu Jun 01, 2017 8:23 pm; edited 3 times in total

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ODD Controlled Ops TV - Page 2 Empty Re: ODD Controlled Ops TV

Post by Muahahazz Thu Jun 01, 2017 7:33 am

lotuseater wrote:Anybody else catch the FlatCon publicity stunt ODD and some others were doing by raiding children's video game chat rooms spamming flat earth memes. I was going to link it but looks like it was deleted or something. Seeing grown men do that is kind of disturbing. Wonder how many people they had doing advertising for them.

They "raided" a friend of mine who was just having fun trying to stream. Me and my friend, who is not a FEer, later talked about it and he said they felt like a cult trying to force their ideology down his throat. Well last night me him and bunch of buddies were out and he descried them as just that, a cult. Another friend said what if they're just trolls raiding to get a reaction out of people much like 4chan. Later my buddy said, "If they're not trolls then they're just a bunch of f*cking lunatics that need to go away.."

Now, I am fairly new this FE stuff so I dont think i can educate those friends yet. A couple of my coworkers were looking into and on a daily basis we discuss it so the word is spreading. I am educating myself each and everyday on the subject so when we, the group of buddies, do eventually talk about it I will have poignant clear answers for all their questions.

I "get" what ODD and Mark are trying to do with these raids and spreading the FE word out but this bulldozing bully down your throat stuff might not be the answer. The FE word is ALREADY spreading like wildfire in a nice way where people hear about it, think about it, look it up, get puzzled by it, research it then eventually get around to it ALL on their own pace. But having 200 people screaming FLAT EARTH B*TCH! in someone's face might off put them and make them view the whole flat earth thing as just plain stupid.


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