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MG Controlled Op TV

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MG Controlled Op TV Empty MG Controlled Op TV

Post by Schpankme Sat Dec 02, 2017 8:26 pm

MG TV exposes his Christian Agenda today by promoting Fake Nukes as used by the US Military (1940's - 1960's) to try and penetrate the Dome they found over head, and all this in an attempt to hide the Christian HE GOD from the Bible; or as I like to say, that JEW circumcised savior called Christ; and the JEW circumcised deceiver called Anti-Christ.

MG TV as been on top of my "controlled putz list" ever since he started spinning tales about his YouTube account being deleted; and promoting ODD TV videos, who himself claimed to have his YouTube account deleted.  As with ODD, MGTV has a Christian agenda, they must sale Bibles, and they must promote Fear Mongering on the Back of flat Earth.

MG TV now produces videos for FEOHP.com, a website he purchased.



Published on Dec 2, 2017

Video Synopsis:

We have been lied to about where we live. This Video is best watched along with the others in the series playlist. These nuclear tests were part of that deception...
Furthermore, the position of flying through space while orbiting the sun, headed to nowhere exactly, is what really devalues and distracts from God's creation and human life. The earth is reduced to happenstance and insignificance in light of the unending universe of space, planets, and stars. Humanity appears to be a cosmic accident rather than a beautifully designed creation of God.

[MGTV (FEOHP) tells us that GOD the creator was discovered through Fake Nuke testing and that there is an Unending Universe of Fake Space that is filled with Planets and Stars.]

Let us now consider "Operation Fishbowl." Operation Fishbowl was a series of high-altitude nuclear tests in 1962 that were carried out by the United States as a part of the larger Operation Dominic nuclear test program. I find it ironic that the term "fishbowl" is being used because I suspect that it was around this time that our modern day "elites" discovered that we were under the dome of God around this time through the nuclear missile test programs. What is interesting to note is how post war nuclear tests started in 1946 at Bikini Atoll with 2, and increased dramatically in 1957 to 30 in operation Plumbbob. It is again interesting to note the term "plumbbob" and how that is a Masonry tool. Masons love their symbolic references to measurements.

[MGTV (FEOHP) knows a Freemason Con when he sees one, he however, seems incapable of attributing the creation of Freemasonry to the JEWS.]

What also occurred in 1957? The Illuminati's current plan to reduce the world's population was set into motion at a 1957 symposium on future world development. The astonishing 'conclusion' of this seemingly benign symposium was that over-population and excessive exploitation of the environment would result in the self- destruction of the earth by the year 2,000 or shortly thereafter.

[MGTV (FEOHP) it seems over population but not nuclear fallout will end the Earth's Population sometime around the Year 2000; I mean 2017?, 2018?, 2020?]

President Eisenhower secretly commissioned a group of scholars, known as The JASON Society to review the conclusions of the '57 symposium. The members of the JASON Society are in fact part of a secretive Illuminati group known as the Order of the Quest. The same individuals who formed the JASON Society were also key members on the Council on Foreign Relations known as the Wise Men. (From "Behold a Pale Horse" 1991 by William Cooper).

Why would there be an increase in nuclear bomb tests coupled with a population control symposium? Because they discovered the dome of the flat earth and realized that we are within an enclosed eco-system, which, according to their view, only has enough resources for a certain number of human beings.

[MGTV (FEOHP) now we have it; were in an enclosed eco-system were Fake Nukes were used and no one has ever died from the Half-Life exposure.]

I would also like to add that around this time The Antarctic Treaty was signed in Washington on December 1st, 1959 by the twelve countries whose scientists had been active in and around Antarctica during the International Geophysical Year (IGY) of 1957-58. It entered into force in 1961 and has since been acceded to by many other nations. The total number of Parties to the Treaty are now 53. Antarctica represents the very edge of the flat earth.

Isn't that interesting to note that bombs increased to 30 in 1957, a symposium on population control was convened in 1957, and soon after, the Antarctica Treaty was signed in 1959!

[MGTV (FEOHP) nukes nukes nukes nukes, sign my treaty, nukes nukes nukes nukes]

The Tower of Babel, which was the judgment and design of God, ordered and designated ethno-national heritages and culture groups to exist (Acts 17:26). The very notion of multiculturalism is a satanic attempt to reverse this judgment and destroy cultures and nation, which, by disobedience, is causing the turmoil and deaths across the earth today, internationally, which simply is an add on part of the agenda. One causes wars through multiculturalism and if you run the corporations in funding it, you get rich by causing these wars.

[MGTV (FEOHP) GOD struck down the mighty erection of man called the Tower of Babel, and changed his mind about "one blood all nations of men".]

The Georgia Guidestones also clearly demonstrate the depopulation agenda. The Georgia Guidestones are a granite monument erected in 1980 in Elbert County, Georgia, in the United States. A set of 10 guidelines is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient language scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs. The very first inscription reads: "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature."

So now, what do sterilization, sodomite marriage, Zika virus, geo-engineering, chemtrails, abortion (infanticide), wars in the Middle East, GMO's, multiculturalism, and vaccines have in common? Population control....and essentially population reduction. The elites believe the earth, that is enclosed, has too many people. They believe they must maintain balance between the number of people vs. the amount of resources available (this also includes an agenda with humans being replaced as workers by robots and technological advances).

[MGTV (FEOHP) again, "The Elites" are the Jews who control education, media, and the entertainment industry.  Maybe, these JEWS should stop allowing the production of RECORD AGRICULTURAL SALES in places like California and Thailand, if in fact they want population reduction.]

What can we do as Christians about it?
"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them" - Ephesians 5:11. We must remain vigilante, stay sober and alert, expose the heck out of this. (PS Look up Agenda 21) - MGTV

[MGTV (FEOHP)  From birth, you are indoctrinated to worship the man-made construct of Heaven and Space (Fiction).

MG Controlled Op TV Blue_m11

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MG Controlled Op TV Empty Re: MG Controlled Op TV

Post by Admin Sun Dec 03, 2017 3:12 am

Interesting, while I agree nukes certainly don't exist and there is a lot of Christian speculation being toted as fact here, I don't yet see enough evidence to claim MGTV as controlled.  His Mark Sargent Origins series was excellent.  Let's keep an eye out and see how his channel progresses.

Last edited by Admin on Sun Jan 21, 2018 5:21 am; edited 1 time in total

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MG Controlled Op TV Empty Re: MG Controlled Op TV

Post by Schpankme Sun Dec 03, 2017 5:38 am

Lets look at the indoctrinated Theist another way; if the puppet with the bat is MGTV, and the puppet being assaulted is Mark Sargent, who then is the Puppeteer?

MGTV, as a flat Earth content provider - how is the Earth heated?
God said let there be light and on the fourth day HE created the Sun; it says this in the Holy Book I purchased.

Mark Sargent, as a flat Earth content provider - how is the Earth heated?
From a game perspective, the Earth is heated from below; that's how I would write the program.

MG Controlled Op TV Punch_10

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MG Controlled Op TV Empty Re: MG Controlled Op TV

Post by MGTV Fri Dec 08, 2017 6:50 pm

@SpamME / SpankME I purchased the domain name feohp dot com when It was made know Patricia Steere had an LLC in the same name.. I now USE it almost everywhere in order to get the YT algorythim to play my Mark Sargent video's pretty much everywhere the potatoes post.. and guess what? It's working! Over the course of the FEIC Patricia was forced to place 'FEOHP' in as the first thing in all her videos as my Sargent videos were messing up her press coverage. Do I get satisfaction knowing that I paid 10USD for two domains I KNOW that she intended on using? HELL YES! Smile

As for my 'history' channel, if you had read the channel description, it would have told you that I was going to be uploading ALL of the 200 plus videos I had on my deleted channel.. i.e hence the name, 'History'. I even had Flat Earth Videos that had images of the AE map.. does that mean I dont upload it as people would get upset about it? I had about 8 videos of the Antarctic Exploration programs on there but obviously I had lost all my ORIGINAL video descriptions. What you read and posted was taken from a site ( I'll have to find it again ) actually you do it, just copy and past a paragraph into google.. and while youre at it go social blade dot com and type in "MGTVOnline" and have a look at the date the data stops and the stats., then try going to youtube.com/MGTVOnline and show me where it says "Channel was deleted by the user"

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MG Controlled Op TV Empty Re: MG Controlled Op TV

Post by Schpankme Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:17 pm

MGTV wrote:
Do I get satisfaction knowing that I paid 10USD for two domains

I uploading ALL 200 plus videos on my deleted channel
What you read

My accusations about you are specific and to the point:

Did you create the video synopsis for "OPERATION DOMINIC HIDING FLAT EARTH"?

Do you call yourself a Christian?

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MG Controlled Op TV Empty Re: MG Controlled Op TV

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Fri Dec 08, 2017 9:09 pm

Your obsession with Religion is rather disturbing, Yes religion is an anathema.
I cited a video was excellent, to which you rebutted the author was a religious loon, yet the video contained NO references to religion, you totally shifted the concept of the video to being about the author and their 'religious' (in your opinion) standpoint, totally omitting the videos content!

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MG Controlled Op TV Empty Re: MG Controlled Op TV

Post by Schpankme Fri Dec 08, 2017 10:39 pm

FL@T-E@RTH wrote:
Your obsession with Religion is rather disturbing

You mean my obsession with DOGMA and SUPERSTITION, which affiliates themselves with the words Theory and Faith Based Religion.

The VIDEO came with the SYNOPSIS written by MGTV, which is his opinion on what you will be watching.
Coincidentally, this is the same State Sponsored, Christian Agenda as spun by the Controlled Opposition.  Leave them reciting Dogma.

MGTV says, through high-altitude nuclear testing the "elites" discovered that we were under the Dome of God.

MGTV says, what can we do as Christians about it?
"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them" - Ephesians 5:11.
We must remain vigilante, stay sober and alert, expose the heck out of this. (PS Look up Agenda 21) - MGTV

Let's connect the dots, shall we?

Theist Agenda
Dome of God + Ephesians 5:11, means MGTV is promoting Bible Babel, and that would be the Jew circumcised savior God.
We also see the Fear Mongering with the promoting of Nuclear Missiles and Agenda 21.

Do not bring your Gravity and other Jew Gods to the flat Earth community.

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MG Controlled Op TV Empty Re: MG Controlled Op TV

Post by ciocc Mon Dec 11, 2017 6:07 pm

Is MGTV's YouTube icon a TV screen or a blue lozenge?

"You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

I have to say that I find MGTV's amount of output, the slick production values and the recent obsession with Mad Mike Hughes' sideshow rocket nonsense highly suspicious.


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MG Controlled Op TV Empty Re: MG Controlled Op TV

Post by MGTV Tue Dec 12, 2017 8:18 am

Mad Mike hughes was a hugely trending topic in MSM two weeks ago... My channel is not for Flat Earthers per see, nor Is my point to 'preach fe to the fe converted'. My aim ( as was in my old deleted channel ) is to bring people INTO the Flat Earth topic. If you actually watch my Mad Mike 'updates' and look at the tags, each video is designed to keep the viewer either engaged enough to watch the next video, which will be a more of an eye opener on the FE topic, OR my hashtag #WeAreNotmarkSargent. I have cards embedded in each video drawing people ( Im targeting the MEDIA ) to LOOK INTO Mark Sargent... I know the media watch them as I'v had over 100 media requests for interviews with Mad Mike, assuming that I have something to do with it. Must be my site madmikehuges dot live. Thanks for the compliment on the slick videos. I use Picasa for thumbnails and Wondershare Editor for the main content Smile

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MG Controlled Op TV Empty Re: MG Controlled Op TV

Post by TerrestialJones Sat Jan 13, 2018 12:17 am


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MG Controlled Op TV Empty Re: MG Controlled Op TV

Post by Schpankme Sat Jan 13, 2018 12:34 am

TerrestialJones wrote:
IPS The Revelation

TerrestialJones, are you in charge of mending the Christian clique that MGTV promotes?

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MG Controlled Op TV Empty Re: MG Controlled Op TV

Post by TerrestialJones Sat Jan 13, 2018 1:45 am

No not at all! I just thought this video was quite informative and decided to post here since this seems like the most appropriate thread for it.

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