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NASA Fail Compilation

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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

Post by jayd Fri Feb 10, 2017 10:34 pm

susie wrote:Oh this wasn't planned to mindmeld the audience.NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Nasa_i10

Wooooow... Shocked thanks for sharin'... most definitely by design...

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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

Post by Admin Sun Feb 26, 2017 3:39 am


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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Sun Feb 26, 2017 5:02 pm

I never noticed this before, check the size difference between the Apollo 15 module being blasted off the Moon & the module unpacked on the Moon

Last edited by FL@T-E@RTH on Sun Feb 26, 2017 11:55 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Imagebam pop-ups)

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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

Post by csp Tue Feb 28, 2017 5:07 am


You never see it in those lovely NASA pictures of Earth, but the space surrounding our pale blue dot is a cosmic junkyard. Debris abounds, moving at ludicrous speeds and presenting plenty of hassles for satellite operators who do business in orbit.

This pollution poses an existential risk for greater commercialization of space, from the grand ambitions of Elon Musk’s SpaceX Corp. and Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin LLC to other players who see promising futures for an array of space activities, from tourism, to imaging, to pharmaceutical research.

In low-earth orbit, space debris travels at velocities approaching 5 miles per second—roughly 18,000 mph—which gives even the tiniest bits of junk enormous destructive energy. A 1-centimeter-wide aluminum sphere in low-earth orbit packs the kinetic equivalent of a safe moving at 60 mph. If it hits your satellite, well, that could ruin the whole day.

More fake space garbage, literally - note all the CGI images.. why not show us some real pictures of "space" with the alleged "space junk".. or perhaps it does not exist Surprised

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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Tue Feb 28, 2017 2:36 pm

SpaceX are allegedly taking two people to the Moon LMFAO.
The MSM just showed this video as proof, this is the most blatantly obvious CGI ever seen.


Shadow on the right of the alleged rocket, no shadow whatsoever on the nose cone, clearly specular highlights on the tower to the left which are clearly CGI.
Seriously? people accept this?

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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Tue Feb 28, 2017 2:52 pm

Everyone loves a cartoon:

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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

Post by Wertikal Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:31 pm

So i watched this video on NASA channel on youtube called Observing Earth from Space
Im not sure whats going on but the japanese guy (i think its Koichi Wakata) in the middle seems to say something he is not suposed to say.
fast forward to 15:05, Pay attention to the reactions of Koichi Wakata, Gail (the woman down to the right) and also the Host.


Clearly something is done or said that wasn't intentional.
Its kinda fun to watch videos on NASA channel with open eyes, its so obvious how fake it all is.


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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

Post by vortexpuppy Thu Mar 02, 2017 11:16 pm

Liar 1: "... Bahamas, lakes, red orange, yellow, green... Its amazing how colorful the color of the water is throughout the world".
Liar 2 takes his cue: "Its probably a question that a lot of those people down there are asking about you, you know, its, its...", stutter, splutter, need to talk shite about something else

Funny how blue didn't get a mention. It's a yellow sphere pear now. lol
I don't watch their space anymore.
So what gives? Do they have a CGI color control meltdown?


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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

Post by Root Tue Apr 11, 2017 7:28 am

Does anyone remember NASA's goofy J-track? Where you could go to thier 3d interactive site and click on objects in orbit around the Earth. Like a lost glove or some other rediculous item that was floating around out there. This was around 2005

I always thought that was the most insane claim that NASA was live tracking thousands of pieces of space junk.  Also that you could click on them revealing what they were. Come on LOL.

I guess they finally took it down and gave up on that one.


You can use archive wayback machine to see the old page.

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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

Post by RickFE Tue Apr 11, 2017 4:35 pm

Lately there has been daily NASA "news" in most homepages. I read for comical value, kind of like the old comics section to get a laugh. Anyhow I thought this was quite the odd compilation.

Up in the ISS hugs and kisses and goodbyes.....followed by the hatch closing. Then cut to Soyuz in full parachute deployment.....then harsh looking landing on dirt, which should have seriously given them all injuries.....Then the ceremonial carry with press all around and no video of them driving up and opening the hatch....It is so cut and paste and of course these landings are planned in the middle of nowhere so you don't see the plane drop this empty shell with no one in it.

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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

Post by Schpankme Tue Apr 11, 2017 9:14 pm

RickFE wrote:
daily NASA "news" in most homepages
I read for comical value like the old comic [strips] to get a laugh

Excellent comment; and YES, NASA and the other space ENTERPRISE participants provide an on going dialog of fictional achievements within the man-made construct of Space.

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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Prroblems with nextgen spacesuits.April 27,2017

Post by Ziggy Kelleher Sun Apr 30, 2017 7:09 pm


The spacesuits would not be ready before NASA retires the space station.

Ziggy Kelleher

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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

Post by FEfreeInDec14 Wed May 03, 2017 3:38 pm

I cannot find a video I viewed recently of a NASA fail from the 80s. They were broadcasting some sort of space shuttle nonsense and showing the deployment of some object lifting out of the shuttle in orbit when a mans face clearly comes into the background of the image. It makes it obviously apparent that the shuttle is a model and the blackness of space where the mans face shows up was just part of the set.

edit: found it


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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

Post by Torus_Ouroboros Thu May 04, 2017 10:45 am

I never click on any of the NASA video's anymore but this one had a funny title and I thought I needed a good laugh. It's named "Voyager 1's Getting Closer to Earth Right Now."

Anyways, In the video they are in some supposed "control room." In the background on TV's they are showing 3D ANIMATIONS of fake probes and silly fake space nonsense.. You would think NASA would actually be trying to show somewhat real evidence of their probe and what's going on with it to show their viewers but instead they show fake child-like 3D animations. But not a surprise, what else would you expect.

What really caught my eye was that they are showing DISNEY CASTLE out of all things for a height reference to one of the antenna's. Kind of ironic out of all things they chose Disney Castle to be shown at the NASA Control room.. This reminded me about how Walt Disney has ties to the roots of NASA with Von Braun and also about how all the pictures and videos we get of Earth are complete Disney fakery. I'll leave a link to the video if you would like to check it out.


NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 NWsSmMO

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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Thu May 04, 2017 7:36 pm

NASA are just getting lazy now, they see the masses are so dumb they will accept anything....So they put out shit like this, something a 4 year old Chimp using Paint could do.....


How the F do you embed Vimeo videos? - Click the link above

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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

Post by Skywalker Tue May 09, 2017 3:52 pm

NASA/Disney must be one big revolving door.

Some other recent examples of NASA promoting Disney:
NASA release new most detailed image yet of Saturnian moon Mimas (which just happens to look like the Death Star - which just happens to look like one eye symbolism) a few weeks after the release of Star Wars: Rogue One (which is all about the Death Star) to boost ticket sales.

A module on the Juno probe is named Jupiter Energetic-Particle Detector Instrument (JEDI). JEDI was switched on while still en-route to Jupiter a few weeks after the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens to boost ticket sales.

And of course NASA Pluto looks like Disney Pluto.

I'm sure there are more I have missed!

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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

Post by csp Thu May 18, 2017 3:52 am


Another news article full of CGI.

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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Damage Control

Post by susie Sun May 28, 2017 2:26 pm

NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Img_0910
Makin shit up to cover their ass!

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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

Post by susie Mon May 29, 2017 9:50 pm

[url=https://www.sciencealert.com/nasa-space-probes-have-detected-a-human-made-barrier-shrouding-earth] [url=https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/05/wow-guys/527193/] [url=http://www.popsci.com/radio-wave-shield-space-weather]
[url=http://www.newsweek.com/nasa-barrier-earth-artificial-protect-space-weather-611356] [url=https://www.sciencealert.com/nasa-space-probes-have-detected-a-human-made-barrier-shrouding-earth] [url=https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2017/nasas-van-allen-probes-spot-man-made-barrier-shrouding-earth/]

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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

Post by Spaz Thu Jun 01, 2017 8:25 pm

I'm not sure where I should post this and maybe its just a mistake but I've been looking into the Space shuttle Challenger and how the astronauts are probably still alive. Quite the coincidence that 2 of the astronauts on that mission had twin brothers.. I found this on Ronald McNair and his twin Carl. They Say Carl is sitting In the front row far right but Ronald is the supposed astronaut in the picture...
I can't post the link for seven days but  it is  on storycorps dot org, listen/ carl-mcnair


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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

Post by csp Tue Jun 06, 2017 8:11 am

This latest one from NASA is beyond hilarious...

NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter recently captured a vast pit on Mars and scientists have no idea what caused it.

NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 27kfq7X

Even a five year old can see this is poor quality computer generated graphics.


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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

Post by Emeraldacid Tue Jun 06, 2017 4:25 pm

csp wrote:This latest one from NASA is beyond hilarious...

NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter recently captured a vast pit on Mars and scientists have no idea what caused it.

NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 27kfq7X

Even a five year old can see this is poor quality computer generated graphics.

Christ on a golfcart it looks like a fucking screenshot from an Interplay game in 1995

That's one of the worst I've seen


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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

Post by Admin Mon Jan 08, 2018 10:06 am


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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

Post by Foreverlearning Mon Jan 08, 2018 6:16 pm

I can't believe that these people aren't doing this on purpose???
Is this the set up to throw nasa and all space agencies under the bus, or a psychological test too see how indoctrinated the masses are???

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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

Post by rowehowe Wed Jan 10, 2018 8:29 pm

I have been thinking about this vid since ODD uploaded it and its astounding the level of in your face bs they are spouting. I can only imagine its a test to see how indoctrinated we are to the fairy-tale stories of scientism.

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NASA Fail Compilation - Page 8 Empty Re: NASA Fail Compilation

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