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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by RickFE Wed Apr 26, 2017 10:21 pm

Found this video on youtube. This man goes to the Civic Center Park in Denver talking to people about science, religion, and Flat Earth. There seems to have been some sort of protest there when he made this video.

I think he did a great job sticking to observable proof, and staying away from models. He also corrects one person during the interview about the "flat earth society". He tells them flat out, they are full of disinfo and directs them to Ifers.


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Foreverlearning Sat Apr 29, 2017 10:50 pm

RickFE wrote:Found this video on youtube. This man goes to the Civic Center Park in Denver talking to people about science, religion, and Flat Earth. There seems to have been some sort of protest there when he made this video.

I think he did a great job sticking to observable proof, and staying away from models. He also corrects one person during the interview about the "flat earth society". He tells them flat out, they are full of disinfo and directs them to Ifers.

Great video Rick! It really expresses the cognitive dissonance people experience when the Flat Earth is presented to them, some can't even listen to the natural science facts, and so dependent on the authoritarian information.

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by RickFE Sun Apr 30, 2017 4:49 pm

Yup, and I found out, it was a march for science lol. Right into the belly of the beast.

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Foreverlearning Mon May 01, 2017 7:18 pm

I have told my father and his wife that I know the Earth is Flat, and referred them to Eric's video 200 proofs the Earth is not a spinning ball. My father and his wife are probably two of the most indoctrinated people I know, so I'm already hearing the condescending attitude and the inability to consider the possibilities of this truth.
I know I am going to be verbally attacked with their understanding of how they believe this Earth is, and most likely recommend I go see a therapist to resolve my disbelief in the indoctrination.

I'm sure a lot of people here have had this experience, and I am curious how this has worked out for you, whether the outcome was good or bad. Thank you!

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by damnice Tue May 02, 2017 9:43 am

Foreverlearning wrote:
I'm sure a lot of people here have had this experience, and I am curious how this has worked out for you, whether the outcome was good or bad. Thank you!

In my transition through different understanding throughout my life, as more and more truth has revealed itself through layers of bullshittery, I'm glad to say I've never tried to convert my friends directly. The approach of, "9/11 was an inside job!" or "I know the Earth is flat, look into it." will never work. You have to be much more subtle, much more Socratic in your methods as they say. If you live near a beach, ask them to come along for a scientific experiment you want to try and show the lack of curve between two ships 20-30 miles apart, or if there are lighthouses & islands out there a great distance, let them see them and then show the curve calculator.

If you live near salt flats and a giant lake, like me, invite them to do a visual experiment. For example, we have mountains that are nearly 150 miles away from us across the Great Salt Lake that you can see looking Northwest. The surface of the lake sits around 4,000 feet above sea level. The mountains are around 10,000 ft above sea level meaning they are really only about 6000 feet tall, on a clear day we can see the entire mountain of course because the earth is flat, but even if we say they are only 130 miles away, and we're 500 feet above the water, the calculation says there should be 7000 feet of obfuscation meaning we shouldn't even see the tops with conservative measurement. My kids were like, "Sure dad, if you say so." about FET when I explained everything verbally and showed them videos etc. But when I actually took them out and showed them with their own eyes, now they get it and they understand. That's where the real power is in belief, because you don't have to "believe" when you know what you can see(the flatness) and you know what you can't see(the curve).

In my opinion there are no other methods, youtube videos, theoretical visualizations, and the like more powerful than seeing things with your own eyes that absolutely debunk the globe. It might take some gentle persuasion or you may have to beat their butts into submission and make them look at it like Nada had to do to Frank in the movie They Live, but even a lead pipe won't open the mind of some people so you just have to move on. People may mock you, laugh at it, so what? When I heard that people still believed the Earth was flat 15 years ago I laughed too, and I was wide awake to the JWO(media/politics/money), 9/11, OKC, JFK, Freemasonry, etc. then. I never even looked at it until about 2 years ago and I've seen it periodically throughout the years in all my conspiracy research. I still bring it up at work, talk about it with friends and family, and I don't concern myself with the need to be surrounded by fellow flat earthers. I'm of the mindset where if I know what I know is the truth, I'll draw a line on sand with me on one side and 7.5 billion people on the other if it's what's right. That kind of conviction isn't blind or stupid, it's not faith based, it's factual and it's unshakeable. My best friend didn't believe me about vaccines, he didn't ever really look into it, but then his daughter had partial 3rd nerve palsy after her 18 month MMR shots and he called me to apologize and to admit he was an idiot for not looking into it. He has to live with that guilt now. Sadly sometimes that's the only way people will ever know anything, to go through it themselves, hence why the ultimate power is in witnessing truth for yourself.

Best of luck to you.

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by active Wed May 03, 2017 11:09 am


As an intelligent person whom also has a knack for reading people and demonstrating an aptitude towards persuasion I know when to talk, and when not to talk. Yet, when telling friends and family about "flat Earth" it can prove difficult.

I am creating animations, diagrams, and other tools,to convey these ideas to those with already short attention spans.

This does not worry Me.

What does worry me?

Is attaching my name, my face, to any of this. Publicly. IF we are right, and we are right, the there are those in very strong powers who wish to oppose us.

IF we are wrong, which we are not, then our name is still scrutinized and it will make living in this era more difficult.

Those of you who have attached your REAL name to this.... how do you deal with this?

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Socrates Visits ZeroHedge To Share That Nukes May Not Be Real... WTF ?

Post by Bro Wed May 03, 2017 5:29 pm

Zerohedge is one of the most trafficked web sites in the USA (rank 542) and Globaly FlatEarthly (rank 1512)  Smile

In other words... They get HUGE web traffic from ALL over the Globe Flat Earth...

They have comments from anybody who can articulate dissent or agreement about articles at ZeroHedge below the articles in full view for everyone to read... the comments are usually better than the articles... These comments including extreme dissent against Zionism, US Israeli Influence, American War Crimes, and they are accepted and not deleted (unless VERY badly written).... Pretty open place for last 8 years... don't know if it will last ?


On May 1, 2017 in an Article written by Paul Craig Roberts and posted on ZeroHedge about Washington Nuking Russia and China... War Porn... Yeppers...

An intrepid chap posted this...
Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Ohregi10

But he was not well received as down votes outnumber up votes by a large majority...

But none the less i applauded his efforts by writing in just below his post with this post...  (Hat Tip To Socrates and Eric Dubay Strategies)
Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Siredg10

I was surprised i was not down voted also...

About 70,000 people from around the world read this Paul Craig Roberts article and countless other people also read ZHedge comment to... So i was glad to slip this in there... My link in my comment was to this video of Eric's on YouTube...  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sULjMjK5lCI

A bit later in the day another 'Scientific' fellow posted this...
Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Master10

But i did not reply to him since i know that he will 'FESTER' in his intellectual juices if he is really interested in the truth he will look at Eric's Nuke video at least somewhat and possibly all of it... So either way the laddie is hooked regardless of calling my video link 'retarded'... and that is how you bait em... Smile

Hat Tip To All On IFERS who do what they can...

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Bro Wed May 03, 2017 6:32 pm

active wrote:Serious.

As an intelligent person whom also has a knack for reading people and demonstrating an aptitude towards persuasion I know when to talk, and when not to talk.  Yet, when telling friends and family about "flat Earth" it can prove difficult.

I am creating animations, diagrams, and other tools,to convey these ideas to those with already short attention spans.

This does not worry Me.

What does worry me?

Is attaching my name, my face, to any of this.  Publicly.  IF we are right, and we are right, the there are those in very strong powers who wish to oppose us.

IF we are wrong, which we are not, then our name is still scrutinized and it will make living in this era more difficult.

Those of you who have attached your REAL name to this.... how do you deal with this?  

Decent Question... But Think It Through...

Consider David Duke (regardless if anyone likes him or not) on his points of view on Jewish/Zionist Influence in the USA.. He has been around with a family in the USA for a number of years... and he has been about as public on the Anti-Zionist topic as anyone in the USA... and this topic is the toughest to deal with that i have had to handle... and David Duke and his family have had many difficulties but he is still bumping along.

I (Bro on IFERS, Sir Edge on ZeroHedge, etc) have never publicly put my formal name and address on any dissenting comments across the web....

But !

BUT... What is funny is that i HAVE HAD THE USA SECRET SERVICE COME DIRECTLY TO MY DOOR IN 2010... and question me about my interaction with local army and navy and marine soldiers that i had local contact with in my local area.

It took me 3 years to realize (I woke up one morning and smacked my forehead) that the Secret Service agent came to my door (and ONLY my door in a large condo complex) because obviously the NSA or the DOD or whoever had a dossier on me due to my Anti-American War Crimes rants on webs across the world since 2001 +

Remember that when you surf the web the NSA collects everything you web visit, blog, email, write, phone, post, comment, upload, like, share, download... etc and then stores it...

EVERYTHING ! ---- This has ALL BEEN ADMITTED TOO ! ... It's Called PRISM

If you use GMail or Yahoo Mail or MSN mail it is all read by Google (GMail), Yahoo (Yahoo Mail), Microsoft (MSN Mail) and shared with the USA government... same for most of the rest of the world if you live outside the USA.

They intelligence agencies can track you from your geo location (home area) and triangulate you regardless of whether or not you hand out your formal name and address and contact info on the web...

They know your social contacts from Facebook and other forums... They know your complete spending habits from your credit card expenses. They can listen in to your phone calls with hardly a need for a decent warrant... and worse Israel is in a direct loop with the NSA and other USA intelligent agencies to get first dibs on any American gathered intelligence FROM ANYWHERE.

So post your name or not you are as naked as a jay bird in Grand Central Station on a busy Monday in New York City.

Always keep reserves of everything... Cash, Food, Residences so you have flexibility to act if you are threatened...

and to mask youself on the web there are steps you can take to keep notice of your activities to a minimum...  


There are many websites like that one that can help you disappear on the web... You can use the Israeli Zionsit Controlled Search Engine called Google or the Israeli Zionist Controlled website Facebook to find more info on this subject or you could use Startpage.com or DuckDuckGo.com as your search page... Hint...  

Just have fun learning how to slowly semi disappear as best you can... I hope i helped a little.  Smile

Last edited by Bro on Mon Jun 26, 2017 1:14 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : emphasis in bold on one line in post needed.)

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by liamhendo1990 Thu May 04, 2017 5:42 pm

hey guys, recently on my social media i've seen an increase in the mention of flat-earth, not one person on my social media has sourced your material so when they post about flat-earth,i direct them to you.

Also, I type in flat-earth when not signed into youtube, and globebusters/marksargent/randomchristianity channels appear, not your work Eric, already, as soon as they begin their flat earth awakening; they are suckered in by know it alls presenting a dome/plane as absolute truth, exactly what you said with regards to disinformation agents.

I have recently learned, thanks to your videos, how to spot a shill. If you're no threat, and what you say is so ludicrous and easily disproven, why are they creating channels with an "even more retarded" (in their eyes, ofcourse) view? It's obviously exactly the opposite, you are a threat, you have always been a threat, probably since the first video/book you put out about flat-earth.

Flat-earth gives even the most researched "conspiracy theorists" the willies, why? I have a feeling they throw us bones (JFK,911 revelations) on purpose, so we feel we're "getting somewhere", they can have us theorising about JFK's true killers or 9/11's true masterminds, yet they cannot have us theorising about the place we inhabit? it's so ridiculous it had me incredulous when I first started out, yet it is absolutely OBVIOUS why.

Flat earth is THE most important truth, "why does it matter if it's flat, who cares" That's the beauty of it, it simply doesn't matter to these folk because they have disconnected their home from who they are, why they are here and so on. Flat-earth literally jumpstarts you out of your slumber

Could it be that we've been brainwashed since birth, to never question authority, to not ask questions, to work, to 'live'

Then when you start to wake up, you've got disinformation agents pulling you left right and centre, I spent 3 years listening to Alex Jones and around 7 listening to David Icke, it went; loose-change, jones,icke, I thought I was awake but I couldn't have been more asleep. I've only been enlightened, truly enlightened, since I found Eric, they have a spiders web of disinformation agents to pull you in, I truly believed there were shape shifting reptilians, once you've had your mind blown and realise everything isn't how it is, you're susceptible to these con men, you're a piece of clay just waiting to be moulded, and it is imperative they find genuine truth seekers like Eric before Con men like jones and icke. When I seen David Icke dodge the flat-earth question, I was suspicious, but even that wasn't enough. It wasn't until I watched 200 proofs that my mind fell completely out of my head. So thanks for that, Eric

Flat-earth blows my mind every single day, it's absolutely fascinating how we can be convinced by "authority figures" to reject everything our senses tell us, in the favour of theoretical math and pseudo-science. They expect us to believe they have monopolised every single industry on earth, EXCEPT science? science is independent of government! That's how easy it is.

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by liamhendo1990 Thu May 04, 2017 5:47 pm

Also, why would any genuine flat-earther spend their time making the subject look absolutely ridiculous? There are either a host of severely, and the rock means SEVERELY incompetent idiots talking flat-earth, or they are disinformation agents designed to obfuscate and muddy the waters

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by active Thu May 04, 2017 7:59 pm

One thing about Eric, This Site, etc.

He does an really good job at informing newcomers to the idea that the earth is flat. I especially enjoy his references and his comments on using your own individual observations and senses. In many tests, you can do these yourself. Facts that can be proof checked.

YET, the public is dismissing their own eyes. What I am trying to say is that the "IFERS" or "EricDubay" has many opinions. In my opinion the most convincing is the flat earth. When we throw in other areas such as NWO, Zion, Jews, Hitler, etc I think it is making it more difficult to proove flat earth. I am not saying those things aren't true, I am saying that some people will combine that and say "oh, nevermind". So perhaps we are muddling our own waters?

If we ONLY as a community ONLY stuck to flat earth, and had another venue to talk about "other" conspiracys it wouldn't have the possibility of having these counter arguments used against us.... or someone seeing the word "hitler" and running like the wind.

There are many conspiracys and many beliefs. I believe the ones I personally can check myself. This can be a huge hindrance, for myself, by limiting my sources of information to only myself and experiences..... but as the sake of accuracy.

I hope that this message was not taken negatively at all towards this site or its creators or contributors. Tone and vocal range is lost in text and I am saying this in a positive way as an idea - brainstorming type of fashion. Very Happy

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Realearth Thu May 04, 2017 11:41 pm

active wrote:One thing about Eric, This Site, etc.
If we ONLY as a community ONLY stuck to flat earth, and had another venue to talk about "other" conspiracys it wouldn't have the possibility of having these counter arguments used against us.... or someone seeing the word "hitler"  and running like the wind.

In my opinion its better not to avoid truths even when they offend many others. I find people are more receptive to the Jew World Order and Hitler truths than the flat earth truth. Present all the truths to people for their own discernment. Never hide or avoid a truth from anyone.
The IFERS forum is for those seeking all truths.

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by active Fri May 05, 2017 1:39 am

Real earth, you're right. It is also quite noble to stick to the truth only. I agree that we should not avoid truths.

But it is difficult to fact check some truths against others. I guess it comes down to different agendas.

I am still deciding on what my personal agenda is, but I think it should be to share the flat Earth with people in this time period, reality, era, society.

What makes this easiest? The primary directive. If I have a truth but other truths are making it more difficult, perhaps I will leave them out of the way initially.

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by liamhendo1990 Fri May 05, 2017 2:21 am

I understand your point, it's hard to get people to awaken to the smallest conspiracy, however if the facts back it up, let it speak for itself. It is all relevant because it is all intrinsically linked, you see how they get away with printing half truths (they own the media), the same way they get away with subverting science (they own science).

Dropping ww2/hitler truth, you get a very similar reaction when you talk about flat earth, because they're essential to the truth-seekers. Hitler is vilified and vehemently detested by my family, yet they've done almost no research, I hated him too, because I was taught it.

If someone will not look at the evidence of something that counters their world view, we cannot do anything other than present the evidence for it as clear as possible, so others might. If it's true, let it out.

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Schpankme Wed May 10, 2017 11:38 am

Who invented the space ENTERPRISE?

Galileo Galilei, claims planetary motion.
  Galileo Galilei is a beneficiary of the Jesuit payroll.

Christopher Clavius, a Jesuit at the Collegio Romano, confirms Galileo’s observations of planetary motion.
  Jesuits claim that Lights they observe through their Telescopes are in fact Spaceballs (Planets) that orbit about one another.

The reader will note, that from this point on "verifiable reality" has been replaced with Theoretical Math Equations (pretend).

Sir Isaac Newton, Publication of the Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy becomes foundation Theoretical Physics (pretend), inventing the theory of Gravity, and establishing the friction-less environment required for Spaceballs to orbit about one another.

Sir Henry Cavendish invents the MASS of the Earth, which he publishes in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society in 1798.  Through his invention Sir Cavendish then yielded the Mass for all other Spaceballs. This meant that Sir Cavendish was the first to calculate the gravitational constant [G].  It was the stroke of the pen that showed how Spaceballs orbit about one another in the vacuum of space.  

Jules Verne publishes, From the Earth to the Moon

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (USSR), inspired by the writings of Jules Verne, published "The Exploration of Cosmic Space by Means of Rocket Devices", showing that the man-made construct called Space was a physical place that could be explored.

  Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, is known as the founding father of astronautics

Drawing by Tsiolkovksy for the film ‘Cosmic Voyage’ showing a cosmonaut exiting a spherical rocket via an airlock into the vacuum of Space.

Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Tsiolk11

  Credit: Archive of Russian Academy of Science

1942 - October
NAZI claim to be the first to reach Space, traveling 118 miles (189.9 km) in altitude.

Sir Arthur C. Clarke's most famous prediction on the future is his proposal of geostationary satellite communications.

It was Science Fiction writers who invented the properties of SPACE, SPACEBALLS and GRAVITY; these Fairy Tales then enter Universities under the guise of THEORETICAL Physics (pretend) and a New One World Religion was created called SCIENTISM.

Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Blue_m11

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Admin Mon May 15, 2017 10:15 am

Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 18033310


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Admin Fri May 19, 2017 5:06 am


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Schpankme Fri May 19, 2017 5:36 pm

Admin wrote:youtube/ QtXL3r73r8s

Eric, upon investigating this "D. Marble", I'd say he has lost his Marbles, this guy claims to be one of the forgotten Black Israelite's; with Jews being his Lord and Savior.  

He is promoting flat Earth and selling Bibles, while supporting the Zionist State.  Of course his flat Earth knowledge came from IFERS and not the Bible he purchased.
Flat Earth: What is #FEOffensive?

Last edited by Schpankme on Fri May 19, 2017 6:22 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I sometimes type faster then I think.)

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Admin Fri May 19, 2017 5:41 pm

Thanks for the heads-up. I haven't checked out any of his other videos yet. Peace

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by RickFE Sat May 20, 2017 11:01 am

I called out the domes being rabbit holes. They are reinforcing their systems of belief. All religion channels are also recalibrating. Even the crazy guy claiming to be satan and cutting himself, is now mirroring all the videos you recommend. Quasicrazy or something Something is wrong in Disneyland.....

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by GoldenAges Wed May 24, 2017 6:07 am

I have recently shared flat Earth with my work mates. I got this from one of Erics interviews. I showed them how the water in my glass was flat and level. The nature of water is to always find it's level. The swimming pool, the pond, the lake always exhibit this phenomena. Than I hit them with the truth! Water is always flat and level. The Earth's surface is made up of 70% flat and level water, therefore the Earth is __________


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by GoldenAges Wed May 24, 2017 7:26 am

Instead of trying to convince them - just plant the seed


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Admin Thu May 25, 2017 6:57 am

Last edited by Admin on Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:01 am; edited 1 time in total

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Admin Thu Jun 01, 2017 6:28 am

Great 1 minute easy to share, impossible to refute video. Let's get this one out there!

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Has this community begun thinking about an alternative to youtube yet? RE: Growing Censorship / Shadow banning

Post by Emeraldacid Mon Jun 05, 2017 9:40 pm

Obviously you want to be ON the big platform otherwise the average joe might have zero hope of ever questioning his reality. That being said, am I the only one worried about the fact that this entire movement is basically thriving on the pillars of youtube and therefore google?

Urban dictionary definition of Shadow Banning incase you are reading this and have never experienced it:

Banning a user from a web forum in such a way that the banned user is unaware of the ban. Usually takes the form of showing that user's posts/profile/etc. only to that user; other users never see them. Considered underhanded chicken-shit behavior.

You may have noticed this happening to your posts on facebook, youtube, reddit etc. They are able to control the number of likes, dislikes and visibility from behind the scenes. While this entire movement spread virally through these platforms, it could just as easily be snuffed out if we continue flocking to those platforms exclusively.

For all you know you could be flagged as a FE person, and your posts are automatically fucked with by an algorithm. You could even be awarded fake likes to hide the fact that your post is only shown to YOU and not the other people on the channel. Alternatively they could only show your post to subsets of other similarly flagged people, compartmentalizing you. Either case is a form of shadow banning

I guess I am suggesting that the more web savvy members of the truth movement begin working out at least SOME kind of alternative. Thoughts?


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Sponsored content

Sponsored content

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