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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by BosnianFlatearther Sat Sep 28, 2019 10:48 pm

Man to me its not even fun anymore of searching good vides on jewtube, you have to scroll waybdown for the vides you were looking for


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by notdownunder Sat Nov 23, 2019 1:33 am

Army records PROVE the Earths REAL Shape


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by nowhereelsetogo Sun Jan 26, 2020 8:09 pm

So.... went on a fermented foods course today. About 15 people. At the end we're all sitting round the table and it goes quiet for about a minute until I say

"So. Has anyone else here noticed that the earth is flat?"

Most people laughed but I had three serious engagements and simply said I just know it's flat and most of the rest is speculation. I explained curvature and vanishing points, got around the 'but why' crap and mentioned the antartic ice wall. But mostly I said look into it and think about why you are convinced of the spinny, non-drip ball.

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by nowhereelsetogo Wed Mar 11, 2020 8:44 pm

There's a lively FE thread on David Icke's forum at the moment.

I've already slipped in one of Eric's vid's. Tides.

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Admin Fri Mar 13, 2020 3:25 am

With all the online censorship, pamphleteering really is a smart next step:


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by nowhereelsetogo Fri Mar 13, 2020 2:26 pm

[quote="Admin"]With all the online censorship, pamphleteering really is a smart next step:

I agree wholeheartedly it is the only way to reach out really - handing out a leaflet is completely random and not confined to targeting those that already at least partially agree.

I realized a while ago that we lazily allow ourselves to congregate online with people we already agree with. THEY know this and use it to keep us in our pens.

Being lazy I haven't looked for a printable copy of the leaflet shown yet, does anyone have a pdf?

Could there be a sub-thread somewhere where we could have outreach stuff to download or am I so lazy that I haven't found it yet? I'm thinking just about the things like leaflets stickers, graffiti stencils etc.

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Admin Fri Mar 13, 2020 3:09 pm

Natalie is an IFERS member, hopefully when she reads this she can give everyone a link to her PDF file study

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Kids Instinctively Know Flat Earth

Post by ispeakthetruth Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:51 pm

My almost 5 year old daughter seems to know that the sun and moon are close. She told me one day that she wished she had wings so she could fly up in the sky and touch the sun and moon.
Then the public school system will teach them otherwise and most kids will have forgotten their natural instincts.

On another note, I purchased flyers and business cards from flatearth101.com to leave different places for people to find. This will help to spread flat earth to the masses.

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Rapsher Tue Sep 07, 2021 11:14 am

A few days ago I had a failed flat earth attempt with one of my friends (it's slightly possible a seed was planted, but I doubt it). I decided to go with the extended 200 proofs video (got about 40 minutes in). I can't seem, to decide what's the best go too video to show someone. With this person I knew it was a long shot attempt (I gave myself a 5% chance), which is the lowest chance I would give anyone. I couldn't even convince him that one of the blue marble Earth pictures was CGI... at that point what can you do?

It messes with me a little bit when I'm able to present a flat earth video or a portion of one and it doesn't convince the person. The first time it happened it messed with me bad, because I considered it an impossibility. It made me question people's consciousness. Are only a portion of people in society conscious? Am I on the Goddamn Truman show and is everyone messing with me? Do we have individual realities... maybe I'm creating this goofy one that I'm experiencing, which would be the most legendarily messed up reality that any being has ever created?


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Xander Tue Sep 07, 2021 4:33 pm

At least you tried, which is more than I do. I'm no good at proselytising, so I don't even try. (Truthfully, I don't have the patience for people that can't see the obvious!) I'm hoping to come up with a way I can help those people that do want to learn and have an open mind though.

Rapsher wrote:A few days ago I had a failed flat earth attempt with one of my friends (it's slightly possible a seed was planted, but I doubt it). I decided to go with the extended 200 proofs video (got about 40 minutes in). I can't seem, to decide what's the best go too video to show someone. With this person I knew it was a long shot attempt (I gave myself a 5% chance), which is the lowest chance I would give anyone. I couldn't even convince him that one of the blue marble Earth pictures was CGI... at that point what can you do?  

It messes with me a little bit when I'm able to present a flat earth video or a portion of one and it doesn't convince the person. The first time it happened it messed with me bad, because I considered it an impossibility. It made me question people's consciousness. Are only a portion of people in society conscious? Am I on the Goddamn Truman show and is everyone messing with me? Do we have individual realities... maybe I'm creating this goofy one that I'm experiencing, which would be the most legendarily messed up reality that any being has ever created?


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Slowbutsure Tue Sep 07, 2021 10:02 pm

Rapsher wrote: I can't seem, to decide what's the best go too video to show someone.

This was the video that got me intrested in the topic, so thats What i try to share, i think 200 proofs is not a good starting point.

First they need to know that space is fake, then they need to learn How a flat Earth works. There is to many peices of the puzzle missing in ppls head to just start with specifc proofs, they need an explaination first i think.



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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Rapsher Fri Sep 10, 2021 9:37 am

I agree, that's one of my favorite ones as well (there are a couple other radioshow/podcasts with Dubay that I also like a lot). 200 proofs in of itself is not necessarily a good starting point, however I like the introduction of the extended version. I went with the Hibler productions extended version, which has a 30 minute intro prior to the proofs with the intention of going 40 minutes total. The extended versions have quick attention grabs which is what I was going for.

I've made the mistake of going with The History of The Flat Earth for a first video, which I've found not to be a good first video, since it's too gradual... most people will close themselves off before it gets going. It's an excellent 2nd video in the event someone's at least partially receptive to the first, since it elaborates on the why.


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Xander Fri Jan 07, 2022 2:22 pm

(This seems to be the most appropriate thread I can find to share this video - apologies if it's wrong. )

Dave Weiss talks to a 102-year old lady at his mother's care home and she tells him she was taught when she was young the earth was flat. Dave explains to her this was correct and we never went to the moon and she cries tears of joy. It's such a beautiful moment and it'd be a crime for me not to share it!  Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 1f60d


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Flat Earth Activism

Post by Spake Face Thu Feb 09, 2023 12:10 pm

Activism is needed and the more the better.

The deceivers have it figured out and know that if the lie is repeated enough it will become truth in the minds of the beholders. We must put forth the truth as much as possible to make it a more common topic.

Repeat it and truth will become truth again.

Online activism is very helpful and has awoken myself but many become desensitised to it and quickly dismiss it or scroll past it. We must come up with different strategies to bring people to truth by inciting critical thought.
Eric Has a nice video about activism


So it is wise to lead people to the truth rather than tell them what is true. Like Morpheus says "You can't be told what the matrix is, you must see it for yourself."

I propose that we brainstorm ideas and share ideas to further the normalisation of Flat Earth.

I have created this flyer and found that I was able to pass it out easily because of a few factors:
     1. It is small only 1/4 of a sheet of paper
     2. I made it colourful
     3. It has no no claims to seemingly absurd ideals in the title. If it were titled "THE EARTH IS FLAT", I feel many would be deterred.
     4. The title states a thought exercise which can seem fun or interesting.

The reader is compelled to think critically in a world filled with misinformation and Disinformation before learning about some fundamental flaws with the physics of the reality they have been taught. Then the reader is challenged to think critically again or be someone incapable of it, further enticing critical thought before being led to links which explain more.

Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Exerci10
Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Exerci13

It is carefully thought out ideas like this that will help to spread this truth. I hope that my flyers will be printed by others as they are a physical reminder to the receiver to investigate and can reach many people that don't use social media or aren't even aware that this movement exists.

There is much online activism, channels and videos that are shadow banned and light can be brought to them through promotional activism.

Creation of stickers with the YouTube channel printed on it is one way. Possibly adding a small slogan such as "The Truth Will Blow Your Mind!" maybe raising the curiosity of the reader. Many stickers creating multiple views would increase the possibility of more views. Use bright colours, Big letters, easy to read, near places where people will be waiting like crosswalk buttons or bus stops. Made small enough to fit on smaller posts or garbage cans, paper boxes. Or bigger posters for walls.

The classic globe comparisons with links to channels might work. That's what woke me up. "North America is different sizes!", "What is this ...Fake?", "Is NASA lying?"

I will continue to create activism posters and flyers and share them here on this post and I encourage you to do the same and then we can have a good place to easily pull out some media to do activism.
I'm a shy person and have trouble speaking out to a very critical crowd but I find it real easy to pass a piece of paper or tape up a poster or stick a sticker.

The Creator will be smiling down on all who make an effort to create awareness. Let's not do nothing. Even though there is much resistance, this type of silent activism can awaken many. If we all try there will be large results, so let's all pitch in and do a little or a lot because time is running out before a totalitarian system totally enslaves the future generations.
Share new ideas like these!

Here are some of my older posters, flyers, etc.

Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Differ10

If you don't like the channels I promote or have ideas but don't have computer skills, feel free to reach out to me and I will try to accommodate you and what you would like to promote by creating graphics for you.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to seeing other ideas, sharing and constructive criticism.
Let's wake more people!

Spake Face

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Spake Face Thu Feb 09, 2023 12:20 pm

Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Flat_d10
Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Flat_d11
Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Odd_tv10

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Spake Face Thu Feb 09, 2023 12:24 pm

Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Questi11
Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Nasa_d12
Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Nasa_d11

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by RileySlowWave Thu Mar 02, 2023 7:56 pm

hey all,

waxing philosophical: funny how before realizing the apparent truth of flat & motionless Earth, distractive subjects like politics & much entertainment, etc. seem wholly important & consequential; then when being viewed through the FE lens, they seem completely lacking in merit or fundament — like a house of cards built upon poor axioms

it’s weird feeling “genius” as modern man, w/ so much affluence & access; the luxuries of technology, plentiful food, etc.; holding concepts that separate us & root us profoundly; as if our brethren hold inferior ideas, or are yet to learn… humility often slaps us, WAKE UP

studying languages, religions, philosophies… the human family becomes much closer & connected, as words travel through generations; a torch

something about purpose comes up: a human being, being human; being Man; being alive — perhaps we are reflective

building businesses around flat-Earth; creating & wearing/selling clothes & merchandise; being steadfast & chipper in presenting ideas… the waves splash; ripples spread; people hear; their ideas are challenged… impossible to predict infinity; so, instead, accepting the paradox: where infinity meets reality

being a beacon of light, when the light from within flickers in uncertainty; tho light is truth — God is +

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Flat Earth merch? (for support and activism)

Post by Etou Mon Apr 03, 2023 2:13 am

Hi guys,

I tried to search through the forum before posting, and perhaps I'm blind, but is there a way to support IFERS/Eric by buying other type of merch besides books? Like FE t-shirts, etc.

I think I'd be a good way for both the support and activitsm.



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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Admin Mon Apr 03, 2023 6:25 pm

Hey, thanks Etou, for now the only way to support me is buying my books direct from the publisher: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ericdubay

I have always been reluctant to produce merch because people are always criticizing anyone who monetizes truth content in any way.

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Flat Earth Geographer

Post by FlatEarthGeographer Mon Jun 12, 2023 4:43 pm

I appreciate your approach to Flat Earth and the like Eric! I began to wake up because of #WTC7 and other 9/11 oddities, and have been spreading the word about the #Dempublican cult since!

I was expelled from law school 3 ungraded credits and a final paper shy of graduating for criticizing Obomber, but was able to submit the most important legal argument ever and submitted it to that judicial joke, SCOTUS. I was also able to use my legal understanding to convince Kroger corporate to end the mask mandate a few months in!

Now I’m using my BA in Geography enhanced by your research to demolish the online Ball Earth trolls. For the last month that I’ve been aware of Flat Earth Truth I’ve even been using my Instacart work at the groceries to play your words for others EVERY day! I had a QFC employee blown away by it as he repeatedly found me as I shopped to ask more questions, and another guy got excited simply because he heard your voice! You’ve got a powerful new ally who’d love to do a video and/or an interview with you!!! 😁💪

#FlatEarthGeographer #MasklessMessiah

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Admin Wed Jul 05, 2023 2:22 pm

How You Can Help:

After living 20 years in America and 20 years in Thailand, I have finally just moved back home to Maine, USA at 40 years old, ready to begin my midlife crisis. Jokes aside, I am actually very happy to be home, and won't be having any midlife crises because I have always listened to my intuition, followed my heart and lived my purpose. Going forward, I hope to continue my online activism, writing books, making videos, doing interviews, answering questions and everything else I have been doing for the past 15 years. It has been a challenge to maintain a living through other means but I have always made it work and throughout this time have always (and will always) give away all my books and materials for free in article, audiobook, and video formats along with paid paperback options purchased by generous supporters. If possible, I would like to put my full time and effort into this work and several kind souls have expressed a desire to help fund my activism. Towards this goal I have recently created a Patreon with several tiers of membership that supporters can pledge, each with their own perks such as priority direct messaging and special digital downloads. For the first 30 Patrons who complete their second month as God Level members, I am also giving away a hand-autographed copy of one of my books delivered to your door. To everyone who has donated to me and/or joined as a new Patron I want to extend my sincere gratitude for allowing me to continue putting my full effort into this important work...

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EricDubay

Get Connected With and Help Support Eric:
Website: http://www.EricDubay.com
Blog: http://www.AtlanteanConspiracy.com
Forum: http://www.IFERS.123.st
Books: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ericdubay
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EricDubay
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/edfes/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ericdubaz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ericdubay
Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/eric_dubay
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/eric-dubay/
Mewe: https://mewe.com/i/ericdubay
Minds: https://www.minds.com/EricDubay
Gab: https://gab.ai/Eric-Dubay
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/ericdubay
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/flateartheric
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@EricDubay:c
BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/TCgwKoAf3Y9z/
Real Truthseekers: https://real-truth-seekers.com/@ericdubay
Rokfin: https://rokfin.com/EricDubay
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1286253
Dollar Vigilante: https://dollarvigilante.tv/c/eric.dubay/videos
Telegram: t.me/flatearthericdubay
Email: ericdubaynewsletter@protonmail.com

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by FlatEarthGeographer Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:21 pm

Welcome back to the US! Good luck getting all the patronage you need! ✌

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by tensor Thu Jul 13, 2023 12:29 pm

I added a website https://plaskaziemia.eu which is available as:


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth - Page 11 Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Sponsored content

Sponsored content

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