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The Flat Earth Truth

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The Flat Earth Truth Empty The Flat Earth Truth

Post by Admin Mon Apr 11, 2016 11:53 am

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“In the Middle Ages people believed that the earth was flat, for which they had at least the evidence of their senses: we believe it to be round, not because as many as one percent of us could give the physical reasons for so quaint a belief, but because modern science has convinced us that nothing that is obvious is true, and that everything that is magical, improbable, extraordinary, gigantic, microscopic, heartless or outrageous is ‘scientific.’”  -George Bernard Shaw

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Modern astronomy has absolutely convinced the world, as George Bernard Shaw stated, that nothing that is obvious is true.  It is obvious that the Earth is flat, yet they say it is curved; it is obvious that the world is motionless, yet they say that it moves; it is obvious that the heavens revolve around us, yet they say it is us that revolves; it is obvious that the stars are stars yet they say the stars are suns; it is obvious that the Sun is bigger than the stars, yet they say the stars are bigger than the Sun; it is obvious that the Sun and Moon are the same size, yet they say the Sun is 400 times larger; it is obvious that Earth is the only “planet,” yet they say there are over a septillion (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) planets; it is obvious that up is up and down is down, yet they say it is not so!

“With the Modem Astronomer there is theoretically neither ‘Up’ nor ‘Down,’ though his experience belies his assertion, every time he looks ‘up’ to the heavens or ‘down’ to the ground. Such aberration of intellect is really to be pitied.”  -David Wardlaw Scott, “Terra Firma” (274)

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“Astronomer Denison Olmsted, in describing a diagram which is supposed to represent the Earth as a globe, with a figure of a man sticking out at each side and one hanging head downwards, says ‘We should dwell on this point until it appears to us as truly up,’ In the direction given to these figures as it does with regard to a figure which he has placed on the top!  Now, a system of philosophy which requires us to do something which is, really, the going out of our minds, by dwelling on an absurdity until we think it is a fact, cannot be a system based on God's truth, which never requires anything of the kind. Since, then, the popular theoretical astronomy of the day requires this, it is evident that it is the wrong thing, and that this conclusion furnishes us with a proof that the Earth is not a globe.”  -William Carpenter, “100 Proofs the Earth is Not a Globe” (65)

The Flat Earth Truth Rounwrld

“The physical properties of a physical globe would create insurmountable difficulties for the being called ‘man’ for man is a two-legged, smooth-footed, clawless-toed, and heavily-built creature.  Picture him on the outside of a sphere in our popular 34 degree South latitude.  He has his boots on and his head is depressed in space 34 degrees to his feet.  Consider him magnetized through his boots to the center of the globe, where the ‘big magnet’ is located.  Picture him looking down in to the gaseous void, with his eyes gouging out of their sockets and his heart in his mouth; and his prayer that his ‘hob-nailed’ boots will not lose their magnetism.  No wonder the world’s brain got addled!  The reader has been hoaxed by the stupidest manifest hoax ever perpetrated.”  -S.G. Fowler, “Truth - The Earth is Flat” (3)

It should be obvious that up truly is up and down truly is down, that flat truly is flat, and still truly is still.  It should be obvious the universe was intelligently designed by an intelligent designer, purposefully created by a purposeful creator.  Yet modern “science” and “astronomy” through centuries of deception and manipulation have obfuscated the obvious and left people blinded to the simple truth.  

“The one thing the fable of the revolving Earth has done, it has shown the terrible power of a lie, a lie has the power to make a man a mental slave, so that he dares not back the evidence of his own senses.  To deny the plain and obvious movement of the Sun he sees before him.  When he feels himself standing on an Earth utterly devoid of motion, at the suggestion of someone else he is prepared to accept that he is spinning furiously round.  When he sees a bird flying, and gaining over the ground, he is prepared to believe that the ground is really travelling a great number of times faster than the bird, finally, in order to uphold the imagination of a madman, he is prepared to accuse his Maker of forming him a sensiferous lie.”  -E. Eschini, “Foundations of Many Generations” (Cool

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The truth is that the Earth is not a “planet”; it is a plane.  Other than the heights and depths of mountains and valleys the Earth has no curvature or convexity and is for all intents and purposes flat.  Just as it appears, the Sun, Moon and stars (fixed and wandering) all revolve around the flat Earth which is the stationary, immovable center of the universe.  The magnetic North Pole is the center of the Earth and the universe.  Polaris, the North Pole star remains always significantly situated atop the dome of the heavens, while the Sun, Moon, and stars revolve in circular cycles around us.  The truth is that all standing wateris always flat, the horizon is always flat, and all canals, tunnels and railways are built without regard for the supposed curvature or convexity of the Earth.  The light from lighthouses can be seen at incredible distances only possible on a flat surface.  The truth is pilots do not make constant nose declinations or compensation acceleration to account for the supposed curvature and rotation of the ball-Earth.  The truth is sailors do not use spherical calculations, but plane trigonometry when navigating.  

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“Rational people believe Salisbury Plain to be a Plane, and Lake Windermere to be horizontal, but our Astronomers say that this is all a mistake, that we must not trust our eyes, when we see these or other such places, as being horizontal, but that we should believe what they tell us, that Salisbury Plain, Lake Windermere, as also all other plains, lakes, and places upon the Earth, as well as the vast Pacific and all other oceans, are only parts of a great Globe, and, therefore, must have a curve; besides which, mirabile dictu, that all rush together round the Sun at the rate of 65,000 miles per hour! They give their law for this fancied curvature, based on the world being 25,000 miles in circumference at the Equator, as being 8 inches for the first mile, 2 feet 8 inches for the second, 6 feet for the third, and so on, the rule being to square the number of miles between the observer and the object, then multiply that square by 8 inches and divide by 12 to bring it into feet, the quotient being the supposed curvature. Unfortunately, however, for Astronomers, this theory does not agree with fact, for this rule of curvature has been found to be utterly fallacious both on land and water. All houses have to be built on level ground, but no allowance whatever is made for the curvature of the Earth, and all compasses point North and South at the same time even at the Equator, which incontestably proves that the sea is horizontal, and, therefore, that the world is not globular, for if it were, one end of the magnet would then dip towards the North and the other point to the Heavens.”  -David Wardlaw Scott, “Terra Firma” (123-4)

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The truth is that Antarctica is a giant ice wall holding in the oceans and the South Pole does not exist!  Various anomalies and differences between the Arctic and Antarctic prove the earth is not a ball.  The Arctic midnight Sun proves the universe is geocentric.  The truth is the Sun and Moon are equal divine balanced opposites made for signs and seasons, to light the Earth, and divide day from night.  The Moon is not merely a reflector of the Sun’s light but emanates a demonstrably unique light of its own; It is completely self-luminescent and semi-transparent.  The truth is that man has not and cannot ever walk on the Moon or Mars because the heavenly bodies are simply luminaries and not terrestrial terra firma like the Earth.  The Moon and Mars landings were/are all hoaxes staged and filmed by Freemasons on Earth.  Orbiting satellites and space stations do not exist; all video and photographs you have ever seen from NASA, Hubble, and other “official” sources are all CGI (computer-generated images).  Gravity does not exist, and all “floating” astronauts are simply using wires or filming aboard Zero G planes.  Relativity does not exist, and that is why Einstein is always sticking his tongue out at you!

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The truth is the universe was intelligently designed by anintelligent designer, purposefully created by a purposeful creator, not the haphazard result of some inexplicable cosmic accident.  The truth is that life, consciousness, the incredible beautiful diversity and complexity of nature is divinely created, not coldly, blindly “evolved” out of nothing.

“When we consider what the advocates of the Earth's stationary and central position can account for, and explain their celestial phenomena as accurately to their own thinking as we can ours, in addition to which they have the evidence of their SENSES and Scripture and facts in their favour, which we have not; it is not without a show of reason that they maintain the superiority of their system . . . However perfect our theory may appear in our own estimation, and however simply and satisfactorily the Newtonian hypotheses may seem to us to account for all the celestial phenomena, yet we are here compelled to admit the astounding truth, if our premises be disputed and our facts challenged, the whole range of Astronomy does not contain one proof of its own accuracy."  -Dr. Woodhouse, Cambridge Astronomy Professor

“The more I consider them the more I doubt all systems of Astronomy; I doubt whether we can with certainty know either the distances or the magnitude of any star in the firmament, else why do Astronomers so immensely differ with regard to the distance of the Sun from the Earth?  Some affirming it to be only three and others ninety millions of miles away!”  -Rev. John Wesley

“Many have been able to see through the delusions of modern astronomy.  Letters from various parts testify that, in some cases, men and women have begun to make use of their brain-power, which had been stunted and dwarfed by acceptation, without the slightest proof, of the unscientific, unreasonable, unnatural and infidel teachings of men foisted upon a credulous public in the name of ‘Science.’  Others again, tell that the writers have thrown to the moles and to the bats the world-wide and almost universally believed hoax that we are living on a whirling sea-earth globe, revolving faster than a cannonball travels, rushing through ‘space’ at a rate beyond human power to conceive, and flying - with the whole of the so-called ‘solar system’ - in another direction twenty times the speed of its rotation.”  -Thomas Winship, “Zetetic Cosmogeny - Conclusive Evidence That the World is Not a Rotating Revolving Globe But a Stationary Plane Circle.” (ii)

The Flat Earth Truth Nasa-un-flat-earth-bs

In conspiracy research, the term “globalist” usually refers to “internationalists,” people in favor of a one world order, but more literally and more accurately, as the U.N. world government logo shows, the term “globalist” signifies those who propagate the centuries old myth of a globe Earth.  Heliocentricism and the ball-Earth mythos have long been promoted by Masonic patriarchal pagan Sun-worshippers.  In typical sun-worshipping fashion the Sun was made to be the most important and central entity of the so-called “solar system.”  The Earth was demoted to being a mere planet like the wandering stars.  All the fixed stars were turned into distant suns as well!  The Sun was said to be the only giver of light and the Moon demoted to a mere reflector of the Sun’s light.  The Sun was said to be the largest thing in our corner of the galaxy, bigger than the Earth, Moon and planets!

By removing Earth from the motionless center of the Universe, these Masons have moved us physically and metaphysically from a place of supreme importance to one of complete nihilistic indifference. If the Earth is the center of the Universe, then the ideas of God, creation, and a purpose for human existence are resplendent. But if the Earth is just one of billions of planets revolving around billions of stars in billions of galaxies, then the ideas of God, creation, and a specific purpose for Earth and human existence become highly implausible.

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By surreptitiously indoctrinating us into their scientific materialist Sun-worship, not only do we lose faith in anything beyond the material, we gain absolute faith in materiality, superficiality, status, selfishness, hedonism and consumerism.  If there is no God, and everyone is just an accident, then all that really matters is me, me, me.  They have turned Madonna, the Mother of God, into a material girl living in a material world.  Their rich, powerful corporations with slick Sun-cult logos sell us idols to worship, slowly taking over the world while we tacitly believe their “science,” vote for their politicians, buy their products, listen to their music, and watch their movies, sacrificing our souls at the altar of materialism.

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“Such discrepancies remind me of the confusion which attended those who in olden days attempted to build the Tower of Babel, when their language was confounded, and their labour brought to nought. But no wonder is it that their calculations are all wrong, seeing they proceed from a wrong basis. They assumed the world to be a Planet, with a circumference of 25,000 miles, and took their measurements from its supposed centre, and from supposed spherical angles of measurement on the surface. Again, how could such measurements possibly be correct while, as we are told, the Earth was whirling around the Sun faster than a cannon ball, at the rate of eighteen miles per second, a force more than sufficient to kill every man, woman, and child on its surface in less than a minute? Then, the Earth is supposed to have various other motions, into the discussion of which I need not enter here, and will only notice that of its supposed rotation round its imaginary axis at the rate, at the Equator, of a thousand miles per hour, with an inclination of 23.5 degrees.”  -David Wardlaw Scott, “Terra Firma” (12-13)

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“Ptolemy had made it appear that the sun and stars revolved around a stationary earth, but Copernicus advanced the theory that it was the earth which revolved around a stationary sun, while the stars were fixed; and either of these entirely opposite theories gives an equally satisfactory explanation of the appearance of the sun by day and the stars by night. Copernicus did not produce any newly discovered fact to prove that Ptolemy was wrong, neither did he offer any proof that he himself was right, but worked out his system to show that he could account for all the appearances of the heavens quite as well as the Egyptians had done, though working on an entirely different hypothesis; and offered his new Heliocentric Theory as an alternative.  Ptolemy shows very ingeniously that the Earth must be at the centre of the celestial sphere. He proves that unless this were the case, each star would not move with the absolute uniformity which does characterise it. He shows also that the Earth could not be animated by any movement of transition. ‘The Earth,’ argued Ptolemy, ‘lies at the centre of the celestial sphere. If the Earth were to be endowed with movement, it would not lie always at this point, it must therefore shift to some other part of the sphere. The movements of the stars, however, preclude this, and therefore the Earth must be as devoid of any movement of translation as it is of rotation.’”  -E. Eschini, “Foundations of Many Generations” (6)

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The Ptolemaic Geocentric system prevailed for over 1,400 years and even thousands of years before Ptolemy, Flat-Earth Geocentricism was the widely accepted truth.  The modern Ball-Earth Heliocentricism popularized by the likes of Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Einstein, and NASA, however, is a comparatively recent belief system that has been foisted upon an unsuspecting world for 500 years.  Ptolemy never imagined the scientific magicians of the future would be so brazen, nor the public so gullible, as to accept that we see no parallax change in the stars after hundreds of millions of miles of supposed orbital motion, simply because all those stars are trillions upon trillions of miles further distant at a sufficient enough scale for no change in relative parallax to occur!  How convenient!?  Yet another “fact” of modern astronomy which defies our common sense and experience!

“They expect us to ‘believe’ that the earth and sea together comprise a flying globe (which they speak of as a solid ‘orb,’ supposed by astronomers to have been ‘originally shot off the sun in a soft plastic mass, which, as the temperature decreased, gradually solidified,’) yet not one single fact or proof can they produce for this far-fetched idea, and in spite of the fact that the whirling globe theory was (even according to the open confessions of its founders) set forth to the world in the first instance as a mere ‘supposition,’ it is now presented as unquestionable truth.”  -Lady Blount, “The Romance of Science”

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“It was said, in effect, by Newton, and has ever since been insisted upon by his disciples: ‘Allow us, without proof, which is impossible, the existence of two universal forces--centrifugal and centripetal, or attraction and repulsion, and we will construct a theory which shall explain all the leading phenomena and mysteries of nature.’ An apple falling from a tree, or a stone rolling downwards, and a pail of water tied to a string and set in motion were assumed to be types of the relations existing among all the bodies in the universe. The moon was assumed to have a tendency to fall towards the earth, and the earth and moon together towards the sun. The same relation was assumed to exist between all the smaller and larger luminaries in the firmament; and it soon became necessary to extend these assumptions to infinity. The universe was parcelled out into systems--co-existent and illimitable. Suns, planets, satellites, and comets, were assumed to exist infinite in number and boundless in extent; and to enable the theorists to explain alternating and constantly recurring phenomena, which were everywhere observable, these numberless and for-ever-extending objects were assumed to be spheres. The earth we inhabit was called a planet, and because it was thought to be reasonable that the luminous objects in the firmament, which were called planets, were spherical and had motion, so it was only reasonable to suppose that, as the earth was a planet, it must also be spherical and have motion--ergo, the earth is a globe and moves upon axes, and in an orbit round the sun! And as the earth is a globe and is inhabited, so again it is only reasonable to conclude that the planets are worlds like the earth, and are inhabited by sentient beings. What reasoning! What shameful perversion of intellectual gifts!”  -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Zetetic Astronomy, Earth Not a Globe!” (348)

“Copernicus put forward the hypothesis of the revolution of the earth round the sun in order to explain the cycle of the seasons. His theory is not very satisfactory seeing that the earth is supposed to be at its greatest distance from the sun in the summer during the hot weather, and at its shortest distance in the winter when the temperature is at its lowest. These unusual conditions which clearly contradict the laws of nature as regards the effects of heat, are, it is said, due to the angle formed by the rays of the sun as they fall on the earth’s surface. It is also stated that the opposition of the seasons north and south of the equator is due to a tilt of the earth, first on one side, and then on the other, which conveniently occurs at the right moment.  Nothing is said, however, of the shifting of the waters of the sea and rivers which this change in the centre of gravity and in the position of the earth would inevitably bring twice a year. It might also be assumed that under those conditions, very high constructions would swerve from the vertical. The American sky-scrapers and the Eiffel Tower, for instance, cannot be seen to lean right or left according to the seasons, although this should be a logical and natural consequence of the alternate inclination attributed to the earth.”  -Gabrielle Henriet, “Heaven and Earth” (1-2)

If the Earth were a sphere that rotated daily on its vertical axis at a uniform velocity, revolving annually around the Sun, it would follow that half the “globe” would always be sunlit while the other half dark, every place on the globe receiving an equal amount of day and night.  In actuality, however, the drastically varying lengths of day/night over the Earth are consistent with the Geocentric Flat-Earth model.  If the Earth were a sphere it would follow that seasons the world over would be simultaneous due to distance from the Sun.  When the Earth is farthest away from the Sun, the entire globe should be ensconced in winter and recording the coldest temperatures for the year.  When the Earth is closest to the Sun, the entire globe should be summery and recording the warmest temperatures for the year.  In actuality, however, this is not the case.  The frozen depths of Antarctica remain forever frigidly foreboding while just a few thousand miles away it is tropical summer.  How is it that the heat from the Sun could supposedly come from an eyebrow-raising 93 million miles away to simultaneously burn the skin of beach bums in Hawaii while leaving Antarctic explorers frozen in their boots just a few thousand miles away?  

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“It is geometrically demonstrable that all the visible luminaries in the firmament are within a distance of a few thousand miles from the earth, not more than the space which stretches between the North Pole and the Cape of Good Hope; and the principle of measurement - that of plane triangulation with, invariably, an accurately measured base line - which demonstrates this important fact is one which no mathematician claiming to be a master in the science will for a moment deny. All these luminaries, then, and the sun itself, being so near to us, cannot be other than very small as compared with the earth we inhabit. They are all in motion over the earth, which is alone immovable; and, therefore, they cannot be anything more than secondary and subservient structures continually ministering to this fixed world and its inhabitants. This is a plain, simple, and in every respect demonstrable philosophy, agreeing with the evidence of our senses, borne out by every fairly instituted experiment, and never requiring a violation of those principles of investigation which the human mind has ever recognized and depended upon in its every-day life. The modern or Newtonian astronomy has none of these characteristics. The whole system taken together constitutes a most monstrous absurdity. It is false in its foundation; irregular, unfair, and illogical, in its details; and, in its conclusions, inconsistent and contradictory. Worse than all, it is a prolific source of irreligion and of atheism, of which its advocates are practically supporters. By defending a system which is directly opposed to that which is taught in connection with the Jewish and Christian religion they lead the more critical and daring intellects to question and deride the cosmogony and general philosophy contained in the sacred books. Because the Newtonian theory is held to be true they are led to reject the Scriptures altogether, to ignore the worship, and doubt and deny the existence of a Creator and Supreme Ruler of the world.”  -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Zetetic Astronomy, Earth Not a Globe!” (354)

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“The facts and experiments already advanced render it undeniable, that the surface of all the waters of the earth is horizontal; and that however irregular the upper outline of the land itself may be, the whole mass, land and water together, constitutes an IMMENSE NON-MOVING CIRCULAR PLANE.  If we travel by land or sea, from any part of the earth in the direction of any meridian line, and towards the northern central star called ‘Polaris,’ we come to one and the same place, a region of ice, where the star which has been our guide is directly above us, or vertical to our position. This region is really THE CENTRE OF THE EARTH; and recent observations seem to prove that it is a vast central tidal sea, nearly a thousand miles in diameter, and surrounded by a great wall or barrier of ice, eighty to a hundred miles in breadth. If from this central region we trace the outline of the lands which project or radiate from it, and the surface of which is above the water, we find that the present form of the earth or ‘dry land,’ as distinguished from the waters of the ‘great deep,’ is an irregular mass of capes, bays, and islands, terminating in great bluffs or headlands, projecting principally towards the south, or, at least, in a direction away from the great northern centre. If now we sail with our backs continually to this central star, ‘Polaris,’ or the centre of the earth's surface, we shall arrive at another region of ice. Upon whatever meridian we sail, keeping the northern centre behind us, we are checked in our progress by vast and lofty cliffs of ice. If we turn to the right or to the left of our meridian, these icy barriers beset us during the whole of our passage. Hence, we have found that there is a great ebbing and flowing sea at the earth's centre; with a boundary wall of ice, nearly a hundred miles in thickness, and three thousand miles in circumference; that springing or projecting from this icy wall, irregular masses of land stretch out towards the south, where a desolate waste of turbulent waters surrounds the continents, and is itself engirdled by vast belts and packs of ice, bounded by immense frozen barriers, the lateral depth and extent of which are utterly unknown.  How far the ice extends; how it terminates; and what exists beyond it, are questions to which no present human experience can reply. All we at present know is, that snow and hail, howling winds, and indescribable storms and hurricanes prevail; and that in every direction human ingress is barred by unsealed escarpments of perpetual ice, extending farther than eye or telescope can penetrate, and becoming lost in gloom and darkness.”  -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Zetetic Astronomy, Earth Not a Globe!” (91)

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What remains unknown at this time are 1) the extent of the Antarctic ice-wall, how far can one travel Southwards atop the ice?  Is it just water, snow, ice, and darkness forever, or is there some limit, like the glass wall in The Truman Show?  2) Is there a limit to space?  Is the universe infinite, or as the Bible claims, contained within a physical “firmament,” the “vault of heaven?”  3) What exists beneath the “mighty deep?”  Is it just deeper and darker water going downward forever, or is there some limit?  

“If the earth is a distinct structure standing in and upon the waters of the ‘great deep,’ it follows that, unless it can be shown that something else sustains the waters, that the depth is fathomless.  As there is no evidence whatever of anything existing underneath the ‘great deep,’ and as in many parts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans no bottom has been found by the most scientific and efficient means which human ingenuity could invent, we are forced to the conclusion that the depth is boundless.”  -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Earth Not a Globe, 2nd Edition” (201)

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“From the earliest times it has been believed and said that the heavens were not an empty space, but a solid surface. The Chaldeans and Egyptians regarded the sky as the massive cover of the world; and in India and Persia it was thought to be a metallic lid, flat or convex, or even pyramidal. Up to the 17th century the earth was always regarded as the centre of an empty sphere with solid walls; and on this account, it was always represented with a cover. This indispensable complement, however, was eliminated upon the advent of the theory of gravitation, for convenience sake, as a solid dome limiting the space round the earth would have rendered impossible the extravagant motions of the planets which were sent revolving in the air at phenomenal distances. Thus from this time, the fact universally accepted for thousands of years that the sky is a firm surface, completely disappeared.  Nevertheless, the possible existence of a solid vault over the earth is a question of great importance in view of the tremendous consequences which would result from this fact, if it happened to be true. There is no doubt that the general reaction is one of incredulity; but, on the other hand, it can be considered that it is not without reason that the ancients believed in the existence of the material vault of heaven; nor without reason, either, that this notion should have been consistently handed down through the ages since the earliest times up to the 17th century, in all parts of the world … The planets are not solid, opaque masses of matter, as is believed. They are simply immaterial, luminous and transparent discs; and in view of these circumstances, it is plain that the craters, asperities, mountains and valleys which were thought to exist on the surface of these imaginary masses, are the topographic features of the solid vault of the sky which are illuminated and thrown into relief by the luminous and transparent discs which we call planets. It is also to be realized that the lens of the telescope creates an appearance of convexity which, standing out in relief, conveys the impression of a spherical mass, but this convexity effect is merely an optical illusion.”  -Gabrielle Henriet, “Heaven and Earth” (22-23)

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Flat-Earthers historically have been subject to not only intense ridicule and ostracism, but many have even been threatened and assaulted for espousing their beliefs.  I have personally been threatened by Freemasons on multiple occasions for my work exposing their conspiracies, hoaxes and manipulations.  Flat-Earth Society president Charles K. Johnson claimed a man from NASA attempted to murder him, and later had a massive suspicious fire that burned his house down, likely the result of arson, which destroyed his entire Flat-Earth library, all records and contacts of Flat-Earth Society members.  The most renowned Flat-Earther in modern times, Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, also had his fair share of violent opposition.  He stated that, “For the long period of thirty-one years I have labored singlehandedly to bring this important subject before the world: both on the lecture platform and in local journals, and travelling from place to place - never resting longer than a few months in one locality, but like a scientific philosophic gypsy breaking up his tent and pitching it ‘here there and everywhere’ in order to draw this great question to the attention of all classes and degrees of intelligence.  And as matter of course I have had to bear every possible form of opposition, the bitterest denunciations - often amounting to threats of violence and personal danger, the foulest misrepresentations, the most reckless calumny, and the wildest and most desperate efforts to stay my career and counteract my teachings.  It has become a duty, paramount and imperative, to meet them in open, avowed, and unyielding rebellion; to declare that their unopposed reign of error and confusion is over; and that henceforth, like a falling dynasty, they must shrink and disappear, leaving the throne and the kingdom to those awakening intellects whose numbers are constantly increasing, and whose march is rapid and irresistible.  The soldiers of truth and reason have drawn the sword, and ere another generation has been educated, will have forced the usurper to abdicate!”

“It may be boldly asked where can the man be found, possessing the extraordinary gifts of Newton, who could suffer himself to be deluded by such a hocus-pocus, if he had not in the first instance willfully deceived himself? Only those who know the strength of self-deception, and the extent to which it sometimes trenches on dishonesty, are in a condition to explain the conduct of Newton and of Newton's school. To support his unnatural theory Newton heaps fiction upon fiction, seeking to dazzle where he cannot convince.  In whatever way or manner may have occurred this business, I must still say that I curse this modern theory of Cosmogony, and hope that perchance there may appear, in due time, some young scientist of genius, who will pick up courage enough to upset this universally disseminated delirium of lunatics.”  -Goethe

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“I could easily cite other good authorities to similar effect, but I think enough have been already given, to show that the absurdities of Modem Astronomy have not been palmed upon the world without a strong protest from thoughtful minds, and I sincerely trust that the following pages may prove useful to some honest thinkers, not only in exposing the fallacies of this chimerical science, but in showing the true position of the world, as proved by facts in nature … I sincerely trust that, after considering the evidence which has been brought before him, the thoughtful Reader will clearly see that this world of ours is not a Planet, as supposed by our Modem Astronomers, but a real Terra Firma, founded upon the waters of the Great Deep, from which come and to which return, with unceasing flow, the rivers of the Earth, in accordance with the wise and beneficent purpose of our Divine Creator.”   -David Wardlaw Scott, “Terra Firma” (20-271)

“Thus we see that this Newtonian philosophy is devoid of consistency; its details are the result of an entire violation of the laws of legitimate reasoning, and all its premises are assumed. It is, in fact, nothing more than assumption upon assumption, and the conclusions derived therefrom are willfully considered as things proved, and to be employed as truths to substantiate the first and fundamental assumptions. Such a ‘juggle and jumble’ of fancies and falsehoods extended and intensified as in theoretical astronomy is calculated to make the unprejudiced inquirer revolt with horror from the terrible conjuration which has been practised upon him; to sternly resolve to resist its further progress; to endeavour to over-throw the entire edifice, and to bury in its ruins the false honours which have been associated with its fabricators, and which still attach to its devotees. For the learning, the patience, the perseverance and devotion for which they have ever been examples, honour and applause need not be withheld; but their false reasoning, the advantages they have taken of the general ignorance of mankind in respect to astronomical subjects, and the unfounded theories they have advanced and defended, cannot be otherwise than regretted, and ought to be by every possible means uprooted.”  -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Zetetic Astronomy, Earth Not a Globe!” (351)

The Flat Earth Truth Flat-earth-cover-pdf

The Globe-Earth lie or what I have titled “The Flat-Earth Conspiracy” is in my humble opinion, the greatest deception in human history and most important taboo issue which desperately needs to be exposed.  If people knew the extent to which they have been lied to and brain-washed from birth, there would be a veritable revolution in critical thinking, personal sovereignty, and belief in God by morning.  The New World Order “globalists,” Satan’s prophesized One World Government Masonic minions are everywhere spreading their “scientific” disinformation, “deceiving the very elect,” and herding the sheeple to their slaughter.  Please help spread the word to your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers, direct them to AtlanteanConspiracy.com, Ifers.ace.st and send copies of this book to help awaken them and support my life-long efforts to bring Truth, Freedom, Peace and Love to the flat Earth!


Last edited by Admin on Fri Apr 05, 2019 7:24 am; edited 3 times in total

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The Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: The Flat Earth Truth

Post by Themis Mon Apr 11, 2016 2:46 pm

Its scary that everything we learned is fake in this world.

This your great video Eric Dubay, and FE truth- proves that we have Fake Education, fake Scientific Research, Fake International Space Station and Fake Space Walks, Fake Moon Landing....
And that we should question everything else: Fake Authority, Fake History, Fake Crisis Actors,  Fake Clouds, Fake Morality, Fake Rights, Fake Elections, Fake Democracy, Fake Government, Fake Economy, Fake Money, Fake Food, Fake Medicine, Fake Journalism, Fake News.......

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The Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: The Flat Earth Truth

Post by Guest Tue Apr 12, 2016 6:57 am

Pure awesome. Eric's the best of the best. This is my new go to video. love it!


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The Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: The Flat Earth Truth

Post by Admin Thu Apr 14, 2016 5:05 pm

Thanks so much guys, I always appreciate the encouragement! Peace

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The Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: The Flat Earth Truth

Post by lizardking Sun Apr 17, 2016 6:09 pm

Greatly worded, fantastic post - no one can deny the facts presented here, keep these wonderful articles coming!

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