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Welcome To IFERS - Page 8 Empty Re: Welcome To IFERS

Post by Schpankme Sat May 06, 2017 5:34 pm

Birdog770 wrote:
On a cloudy day, the dish power was boosted.
I've also been down range (even Djibouti) and our signal was via dishes.

Interesting, ground based telemetry requires signal boost when clouds cover, yet fake Sats have no additional power requirements.

There is no Space, therefore there are no Satellites in Space.

The Military uses Ground based stations and Air communication via multi plane relays. There's also dedicated planes for Air Control Systems called the Boeing E-3 Sentry, commonly known as AWACS; an American airborne early warning and control aircraft developed by Boeing as the prime contractor.
Unit cost: $270,000,000 USD (1998)

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Post by Bro Sat May 06, 2017 6:12 pm

Birdog770 wrote:Hello friends.....  My kids will now be exposed with the truth to combat the bs that they receive.  My kids have never received a vaccine......

Bravo... No Vaccinations for Your Kids... That took guts and intelligence and i guess a lot of research on your part.... !

Interesting Fact About Vaccinations To Date...

By 2010, the U.S. Court of Claims had awarded nearly $3 billion dollars to vaccine victims for their catastrophic vaccine, although two out of three applicants have been denied compensation.

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Post by Birdog770 Sat May 06, 2017 7:11 pm

I'll take the next week or so to gather the info of my experience with this and share it with you guys I'm spit balling here strictly from memory.
Here are some the characteristics that I remember:
Afghan drone to Germany relay.
- it was not bidirectional. One channel for transmit and one for receive.
- ku band was one option.
- dishes would auto lock otherwise they would drift and have to constantly adjust.
- based on the location of the drone mission, we would use a gov website to see the footprints of the sats ( or whatever) and decide which one the dish would connect to. It looked like a heat map.
- once decided, we would get the azmuith and elevation, then adjust the dish based on those figures.
- the drone would communicate directly with the sat.
- African mission, there was no good coverage to any sats in Africa. Sending drones to Africa needed quick provisioning.
- real time video used to both fly and shoot targets. I saw people die in real time. Comments like " we have a squirter", meaning a person was hit but limping away, was often used. Truly disgusting and was the final straw for me. But I digress.
So I think that spankme is on to something being airborne as opposed to land based.
I realize that we live on a flat non moving plane and that space does not exist. I'm just trying to figure out this issue which I experienced first hand. Everyone working in the program believed it was sats.
Vaccines - I told the hospital no vaccines for my children. I had to talk to doctors and school them. Once they realized I knew what I was talking about they let it go. I asked why other parents don't educate themselves on this.
I, on the other hand, have been shot with everything. Anthrax, small pox, you name it. I have not had a vaccine since 2006 and focus a lot on removing heavy metals from my body. I also have not had the flu since then either.
I opening discuss all things with anyone without fear. I don't live in fear.


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Welcome To IFERS - Page 8 Empty Re: Welcome To IFERS

Post by Schpankme Sat May 06, 2017 7:16 pm

Birdog770 wrote:
Everyone working in the program believed it was sats

Communication Satellites, an invention by Science Fiction writer Arthur C Clarke (1945), to explain how communication could work around Spaceball Earth.

Based on your responses you were compartmentalized and the only thing you know about Satellites is the Science Fiction stories you've been told and the little button you push.

Last edited by Schpankme on Mon May 15, 2017 10:48 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Post by Birdog770 Sat May 06, 2017 7:48 pm

Thanks for your responses guys. I won't clutter this section anymore with this topic. I'm still in the process of unlearning​ and relearning everything​.
I've been researching everything else that is fake until Eddie bravo's comments on flat Earth got me looking into this. My mind and Spirit was ready to accept this reality.
Luckily, I went straight to Eric dubay and got the truth before going to shills.
Just know that I'll be spreading this info to all of my peers here in Georgia. I think this topic is imperative to our human race.
(And I'll try to keepy long winded rants to a minimum.)


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Post by Calamity Wed May 10, 2017 10:11 pm

I have always been skeptical of the real world, but until the past few years pursued the wrong conspiracies. Flat Earth? That seemed impossible. For a while my focus was on the otherworldy or otherdimensional. My stance on a few has changed, most notably extraterrestrials. The vast distances required to visit out world, if it were even a universe type scenario, seem to point towards them either having visited a long time ago or we'll never meet them. The window of time of our existance, knowing the "universe" has existed for trillions of years, makes it incredibly unlikely unless we mastery lightspeed travel. It doesn't matter because it's flat anyways.

Researching flat earth has opened my eyes to many other mysterious and conspiracies of our world. Many that I wish that weren't true. On the otherhand, when I argue with others about flat earth, I propose that a flat earth would mean a better world and strenghtens my arguement. I throw the vast amounts of money blindly thrown at our government, scientists, and entertainers. I tell them these billions of dollars would have an immediate impact positively on the world if reallocated to the right scientists and back into our education or social systems. Free energy? Free water? Free information? All long overdue.

This whole concept is almost too much to bear. I look forward to reaching out and gaining support.


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Welcome To IFERS - Page 8 Empty Re: Welcome To IFERS

Post by nzwench Fri May 26, 2017 10:16 am

Is this where I can say hello and say how I woke up about 6 months ago!
I do not follow any form of mainstream media anymore, other than netflix from time to time and music. I now spend my free time studying, listening and looking at EVERYTHING Smile

Hi Smile


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Welcome To IFERS - Page 8 Empty Re: Welcome To IFERS

Post by Realearth Fri May 26, 2017 11:57 pm

nzwench wrote:Is this where I can say hello and say how I woke up about 6 months ago!
I do not follow any form of mainstream media anymore, other than netflix from time to time and music.  I now spend my free time studying, listening and looking at EVERYTHING Smile
Hi Smile
Welcome aboard

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Welcome To IFERS - Page 8 Empty Hello

Post by JackD Sat May 27, 2017 3:31 pm

I've been a subscriber to Eric's YouTube channel for a while now so I thought I'd come and have a look over here and I must say even though I've only had a quick look around, it looks well put together & thought out.
I look forward to spending some quality time here.

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Welcome To IFERS - Page 8 Empty Re: Welcome To IFERS

Post by Realearth Sun May 28, 2017 2:10 am

JackD wrote:I've been a subscriber to Eric's YouTube channel for a while now so I thought I'd come and have a look over here and I must say even though I've only had a quick look around, it looks well put together & thought out.  
I look forward to spending some quality time here.

Welcome, are you a proactive flat earther?

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Post by JackD Sun May 28, 2017 2:54 am

JackD wrote:

Welcome, are you a proactive flat earther?

I dunno about proactive but I do what I can trying to convince my family & friends.  I try to point people in the right direction about about all the hoax's & deceptions etc but there's just so many nowadays that they're asking if I believe anything anymore.
I don't make Youtube vids, I wouldn't know where to start.  I've been watching them for about 2 years now, starting off with the NWO threat & my passion for learning the truth evolved.  Like so many, one of my first subscriptions was with Alex Jones but it didn't take long to figure out that something wasn't right there. My news is Youtube now, I haven't watched regular TV since 'My Awakening'.  I have Kodi, it suits me just fine.

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Post by Senna12 Mon May 29, 2017 12:28 am

Hey Eric, I made an account just to say you're a living legend. I remember the first time I heard about flat earth and thought it was the most rediculus thing. I decided to give it a look to see what they were on about since I knew already about things like the moon landing hoax, 911...etc so I knew truth gets ridiculed to death by the mainstream and if flat earth was so violently opposed there must be some truth in it. A year on and so much has changed. The FE awakening literally inverted my perspective about this place. I personally want to thank you Eric for never deviating from the facts and not mixing the FE subject with shit like Mandela, giant trees bullshit. I hope you keep up the good work and stay well. I know you have so much opposition, you really must be getting the elites ticked off. Anyway have a good day and all the good people on this forum peace;)


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Post by JessicaSage Fri Jun 02, 2017 1:25 pm

Hey Eric and Admin, I finally made it! Thank you all for your time and effort. I love you I love you I love you

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Welcome To IFERS - Page 8 Empty Re: Welcome To IFERS

Post by İntikam4 Mon Jun 05, 2017 11:47 pm

Hello everybody.

I started with a bad chance, I don't understand why but I caught to wrath of admin.

I'm a well known flat earth believer / researcher in two other forums. System doesn't allow me to sharing external links but you can find out my researchs in flatearthsociety org forum in believer section. Also I'm using tfes forum as an alternative. You can find out me at there in the name of İntikam.

I have made several research about flat earth. I'm a believer and was using an avatar showing my belief. As I see that in this forum, religinal symbols are forbid. I think I have to keep to rules. I will not be surprised if this account is banned meaninglessly. No explanation is given. I wonder what I am doing wrong.

As a last word, I want the ban on the vindication account to be lifted. I prefer to continue from there.

I will glad if the "admin" doesn't show his wrath again. Relax man, I'm a well known flat earth researcher, if you let me, you'll learn too. If you let me, I want to continue in this site but if you force me to stay out, I will have to stay those places which in the hand of government or CIA. Let me in.


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Welcome To IFERS - Page 8 Empty Re: Welcome To IFERS

Post by Schpankme Tue Jun 06, 2017 1:58 am

İntikam4 wrote:
I started with a bad chance
I don't understand why
I caught to wrath of admin.

I'm a well known flat earth believer / researcher in two other forums.

I'm using tfes forum as an alternative name of İntikam.

I have made several research about flat earth
I'm a believer and was using an avatar showing my belief
I see that in this forum, religinal symbols are forbid
I think
I have to keep to rules
I will not be surprised if this account is banned meaninglessly
I wonder
I am doing wrong.

I want the ban on the vindication account to be lifted
I prefer to continue from there.

I will glad if the "admin" doesn't show his wrath again
I'm a well known flat earth researcher
I want to continue in this site but if you force me to stay out
I will have to stay those places which in the hand of government or CIA

Welcome Back.

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Welcome To IFERS - Page 8 Empty Re: Welcome To IFERS

Post by İntikam4 Tue Jun 06, 2017 12:46 pm

Schpankme wrote:
İntikam4 wrote:
Welcome Back.

At last, I made a dialogue before get banned. For now, I'm trying to figure out what's up here. Eric Dubay is a known name. However, there is no rule that a known name will everytime behave correctly.  I am waiting for the removal ban of my "İntikam" account, which is my original membership. There's a mistake of mentality while I get banned here  and I'm trying to understand whats going on here.  

There is numerous sites in the internet that most part of them in the hand of government. There is really hard to understand which ones are sincere and which ones are not. On the other hand, many admins be obsessed with the earth is flat or not.

I got a membership in metabunk about 2 weeks ago. It was really a crazy experience. While I was made a mistake, admin Mick West was saving it and sharing everybody as "how a FEB making mistake", but when I reply it, and when I found his a mistake of working, either he were deleting my post or Restricting authority to reply. I'm writing on flatearthsociety and admin John Davis is a person with problems. We know he is a false flag and just kidding. Wiki on that forum is a nonsence. Although we want an authority to correct the information pages, he denied our suggests by the reason of "wiki will be closed (!)". When he gets angry, login to another account and insulting us. Other admins are no different. Almost they are receiving "salaries" per person.

I found that site while examining November 2017 conference, completely coincidence. Eric Dubay is a well known name but here did not got my attention. I know atlanteanconspiracy but there is really complicated. The main problem of Eric Dubay seems like regularity.

I have not encountered a "brain healthy" admin until now. And when I came here, immedietely banned without say me any reason. I guess I will not do much until I see that everything goes "normal" here.

Thank you for your interest.


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Welcome To IFERS - Page 8 Empty Re: Welcome To IFERS

Post by Admin Tue Jun 06, 2017 1:34 pm

Intikam, you were banned and will continue to be banned because of your unintelligible use of the English language. Your grammar, vocabulary and sentence structure in the various posts you've made have ranged from difficult to completely unreadable. Then to add insult to injury, after I banned you, you have come back with 3 more accounts and created 3 new threads (against forum rules) where you proceeded to question the integrity of this forum and make several ad hominem attacks against me. Now you are playing holier than thou like a little cry-bully. Go back to Metabunk, FES, TFES and the other government shill sites you came from.

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Welcome To IFERS - Page 8 Empty Re: Welcome To IFERS

Post by Intikam5 Tue Jun 06, 2017 3:47 pm

You have no more difference than Mike west who has brain error. There is no any rule on your rules about "to be have a good english". You  are talking about as haven't good english is an odd, or makes me a government agent or a bad minded man. On the other hand, you are deleting my posts which answer you as how Mike West doing. Are they normal? I am just inadequate in english but you are inadequate in brain. You have a high ego.

You see criticism as an insult because there is no difference from other admins. You are under the control of government. You are also a controlled opposite. You are hypocrite. You can not decide where I may to write. You can only fool yourself by deleting my replies. You have done wrong to me and I will announce it as much as I can. I am announcing this two-faced attitude of yours.

>> issue on tfes: Eric Dubay is a false flag controlled opposition https://forum. tfes.org/index.php?topic=6346.0

Tomorrow I will examine your posts and find out mistakes and will declare you as a dishonored mason agent in all forums. And smarmies are everywhere. They immediately appreciated you. You vile bitch traitor! Insert your own site to your ass and save it! If you continue to play the ego and wipe it off, I will come back. If you can be a man, this will be my last post.

As a result, I'm a better flat earth scientist than you. You are fake, you are weak. So you are loser against me. You are just a Media clown, but I'm real. So you pre-hate  me. Bye bye loser !


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Welcome To IFERS - Page 8 Empty Re: Welcome To IFERS

Post by Admin Tue Jun 06, 2017 4:04 pm

I'll leave that one there so people can clearly see why I've deleted this guy 5 times now.

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Welcome To IFERS - Page 8 Empty Re: Welcome To IFERS

Post by Birdog770 Thu Jun 08, 2017 4:20 pm

Admin wrote:I'll leave that one there so people can clearly see why I've deleted this guy 5 times now.
Good job Eric. Man, the entitlement from this guy. Seniority does have it's value. He's brand new and immediately makes demands on day one. I'm new to this forum and was banned the first time because I didn't completely read the rules. This is your forum with your rules so if he doesn't like it, he can start his own.
I just want to say again that I really appreciate this forum and everyone on here. The information is priceless and any responses that I've received from fellow posters has been nothing but polite, helpful, and informative.
Eric, you're the man for putting this together but also everyone that contributes here has been great. I depend on you guys for clear, concise info and so far that is exactly what I've received.
Thanks and have a great day.


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Welcome To IFERS - Page 8 Empty Re: Welcome To IFERS

Post by Admin Thu Jun 08, 2017 4:59 pm

Thanks Birdog, I really appreciate the wonderful job everyone has done with this forum as well. As far as I'm concerned, this is the best Conspiracy forum on the net, and we've had to take a hard stance on shills/rules to keep it that way. Smile Peace

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Welcome To IFERS - Page 8 Empty Re: Welcome To IFERS

Post by bengbeng Fri Jun 23, 2017 1:51 am

"to be have a good english" -Intikam

this guy is obviously typing confusing on purpous. my english is altso faulty and i have not been baned.

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Welcome To IFERS - Page 8 Empty Re: Welcome To IFERS

Post by Schpankme Fri Jun 23, 2017 1:54 am

bengbeng wrote:
Intikam, you were banned and will continue to be banned because of your unintelligible use of the English language.
you obviously type confusing on purpous

Thanks bengbeng.

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Welcome To IFERS - Page 8 Empty Re: Welcome To IFERS

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Fri Jun 23, 2017 5:43 am

Intikam5 wrote:You have no more difference than Mike west who has brain error. There is no any rule on your rules about "to be have a good english". You  are talking about as haven't good english is an odd, or makes me a government agent or a bad minded man. On the other hand, you are deleting my posts which answer you as how Mike West doing. Are they normal? I am just inadequate in english but you are inadequate in brain. You have a high ego.

You see criticism as an insult because there is no difference from other admins. You are under the control of government. You are also a controlled opposite. You are hypocrite. You can not decide where I may to write. You can only fool yourself by deleting my replies. You have done wrong to me and I will announce it as much as I can. I am announcing this two-faced attitude of yours.

>> issue on tfes: Eric Dubay is a false flag controlled opposition https://forum. tfes.org/index.php?topic=6346.0

Tomorrow I will examine your posts and find out mistakes and will declare you as a dishonored mason agent in all forums. And smarmies are everywhere. They immediately appreciated you. You vile bitch traitor! Insert your own site to your ass and save it! If you continue to play the ego and wipe it off, I will come back. If you can be a man, this will be my last post.

As a result, I'm a better flat earth scientist than you. You are fake, you are weak. So you are loser against me. You are just a Media clown, but I'm real. So you pre-hate  me. Bye bye loser !

It's like being back in High School reading that load of old garbage, especially the sentence in bold
You clearly need professional help, You make the religious zealots look sane


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Post by lookwithin Fri Jun 30, 2017 2:51 pm

My eyes starting opening after my 'spiritual awakening'. I became obsessed with searching for the truth about this reality we live in.

I always rejected religion, and I was fairly atheistic until I met someone who's interest in spirituality inspired me to look into things that I previously thought were nonsense. After reading various different texts on spirituality and recognising the ego and subsequently not identifying with it, and also after delving into my subconscious in gestalt therapy sessions and raising my awareness of what was happening within for me psychologically, I started having profound experiences - Kundalini awakening, feeling energy flow and chakras during meditation, consciously moving energy throughout chakra system. Seeing colours and patterns during deep meditation and feeling an unusual 'shifting' feeling in my head, which I believe to be my pineal gland, or 'third eye opening'. Discovered astral projection and have managed to have a few out of body experiences. I literally had a consciousness shift and now every day feels different to the 28 years I had lived before it. My entire existence feels different from within, like I can feel the life energy. I truly feel alive, aware, awake.

I've tried explaining this to people and a lot of the time I think people must just think I sound crazy. It's impossible to explain to someone who hasn't experienced anything like it as they have no reference, it just sounds like delusion. And this stuff certainly isn't covered in the mainstream. But I know it's not delusion, I know it's real. And I'm sure there are others out there who feel this way too.

It is the same with flat earth. I stumbled upon Eric Dubay's work when I was reading about astral projection. A google search took me to a post of his on his Atlantean Conspiracy blog. I thought it was brilliantly written with great sources, so I checked out more of the blog. The rest is history.

There is so much that should be impossible if we live on a globe... And I can't ignore this. It's taken me a while to come round to it, and I still have questions. I sometimes think I'm going crazy, and talking about flat earth has certainly caused problems in my relationships. But I really just cannot ignore this feeling now that I've seen all of Eric's work, and after all my experiences, that the globe model and all of 'outer space' just seems like utter nonsense and that the reality of this world is far more spiritual than it is material... That this is a 'realm' we're living in. It is not mechanical, it can't be explained by mathematical equations.

So, here I am. I've finally registered to this forum, after quite a few months of lurking. Hi everyone! I'm here with an open mind, I honestly struggle to know what to believe. But I hope everything becomes clearer as I learn more. Peace


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