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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Birdog45 Mon Mar 27, 2017 10:15 pm

Hollywood makes the same movies, same stories over and over again. This could be the subject of so many story lines and new "sci-fi" style movies.


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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by watermelonman Tue Mar 28, 2017 2:10 am

Yeah and what happened to his crew? I think it would be more realistic to send a drone over the North Pole. I'm very interested to know what is there as it is after all the centre of the universe. I'm inclined to think that there is no land beyond the South Pole but who knows? I enjoy Flat Water's videos on this topic he goes through quite a lot of old literature about men who have allegedly travelled to the NP and encountered civilisation/magnetic mountain. Again, sounds like a stretch and don't like to speculate too much but I think NP is definitely doable with a drone or RC balloon and confirmation of this would only help in our cause. Their technology is becoming more and more advanced the best we can do is use it against them.


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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by new.vinland Sat Apr 22, 2017 11:09 pm

I like to think that you would eventually reach the side of the dome if you penetrated far enough beyond the ice wall. This is speculation on my part based on the evidence of rockets crashing into the firmament from the top.


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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Wisdom1 Sat Jun 03, 2017 1:23 pm

I suspect there are other lands beyond the icewall probably inhabited by beings who in large part have everything to do with this entire deception.


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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by David Colquitt Mon Jun 05, 2017 8:30 am

I am new to this sight and loving it. I have seen most of Eric's stuff on Utube and admit I am a flat earther, converted from 65 years of indoctrination. You may have heard this story but it bears repeating.
There was once a family of horses which lived on what they thought was an endless plain. They had everything they needed to live a wonderful life and lived in peace and harmony.
One day they came across a high white fence. They couldn't get over or under it, go round or through it. The sky above was blue and the ground below was solid.Consequently they decided to return to their wonderful life and ignored the fence.
Then who should turn up but a tribe called Homo Sapiens. Apparently Sapiens meant wise, something the horses would grow to doubt. This new tribe was obsessed with discovering what was on the other side. They eventually found a way over and returned many years later with many stories and a plan for the horses.
They would put the horses to work ploughing fields and the faster ones would be trained to run around race tracks so the wise ones could bet on them.
One of the older horses queried as to what other barriers they found. There was this great wall of ice which fascinated the wise ones but they had plans to sort it out. An old horse, who was considered wise and noble, just sighed with a long face!

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Vespillo Thu Jul 13, 2017 3:57 pm

Are there any beaches of Antarctica ? I have found images online, but cannot verify it in the least.

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Vish1511 Sat Jul 15, 2017 12:05 pm

Theres a video I've watched where a spiritualist talks about other places and beings that may live beyond the arctic wall. ITs very intriguing to know and the spiritualist is reliable, just putting it out there because theres a lot of so called spiritualist who claim themselves to be that but are not really.


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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Realearth Sat Jul 15, 2017 3:30 pm

Vish1511 wrote:Theres a video I've watched where a  spiritualist talks about other places and beings that may live beyond the arctic wall. ITs very intriguing to know and the spiritualist is reliable, just putting it out there because theres a lot of so called spiritualist who claim themselves to be that but are not really.

Where can someone find the video you watched?
What is the spiritualist name?
What evidence do you have that shows spiritualist is reliable?

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Vish1511 Sat Jul 15, 2017 9:37 pm

Realearth wrote:
Vish1511 wrote:Theres a video I've watched where a  spiritualist talks about other places and beings that may live beyond the arctic wall. ITs very intriguing to know and the spiritualist is reliable, just putting it out there because theres a lot of so called spiritualist who claim themselves to be that but are not really.

Where can someone find the video you watched?
What is the spiritualist name?
What evidence do you have that shows spiritualist is reliable?

The video is on youtube, he has a channel where he posts his stuff, of course it is very un-mainstream and he doesn't try to convince people of his spirituality or anything. He gives his opinions with his knowledge. The said person also has a blog which to me has also been pretty helpful in connecting with truth. 

However, I do not want to mention his details here, as I am fairly new to this forum and even though I am a firm believer in the forum's purpose and Eric Dubay, I am a skeptic of people in general. Not being offensive, but it is something I learnt though connecting with the inner most-parts of my own mind. I would only want more people to check him out and try to understand what he is trying to say in his videos and blog, but in order to do so one has to have some amount of grounded Earthly nature within themselves to even be ready to open up to his information. I say this because I do not want to be responsible for allowing a person to view his information just to shun it or have idealistic thoughts about him. A lot of it is about respect, as is with him when he presents himself connecting with true nature. 

He mentions the earth is flat, and he mentions that there are beings beyond the wall. And not only that, he allows you to see his direct connection with nature through electricity and music. I.e: electric guitar. He shows this by creating rain by playing the guitar, in one of his videos. 
Information such as this is hard to fathom at first glance, and I would feel uncomfortable allowing myself to give it away in a forum I only joined recently. When I got my FE information recently and browsed a few videos, I could see a lot of brainwashed assholes trying to debunk it without an ounce of research. Made me see the height of ignorance, and honestly, made me quite depressed that the world is in such  state where a person refuses to go through any physical evidence at all before jumping into conclusions. It's ridiculous. 
I learnt the capacity of todays human through this experience, and by doing so and becoming more grounded in myself it is only right to want the identity of true spiritualist to be limited to those who see truth in the most dedicated manner, so as not to mix true purity with mass arrogance and ignorance. 
IFERS is definitely a good place for a truth seeker to be. 

>I hope this answers your first question. 

In answer to your second question I will have to go deep into my own experience with spirituality and higher consciousness. I will keep it short. 

For the last 4 or so years my path has been nothing but spiritual. Most of which I spent unlearning things that were "fed" to me through my immediate environment, done while being in a recluse state. Through this slow but sure identification of false reality I've learnt to accept the true reality which generated from within me as I let go of the false beliefs. This is when I came across flat earth and it opened me to so far and wide that knowledge kept flowing in like a gushing river. How did I find out about flat earth? It was when I heard said spiritualist merely mentioning it in a video regarding a completely different topic.

This in it self is enough to fathom that the spiritualist is reliable (for me at least)... However I would understand the pessimism anybody else would have. But like Eric Dubay mentions in his example of the detective and crime scene in his interview with Eddie Bravo, where he talk about the detective who has to let go of his preconceived notions and truly observe the evidence in order to get to the truth, one would have to have the same mindset when watching his videos or reading his blog. 

There is a a "code" in true nature far greater than any man created pattern or matrix, and the person I speak of lives by it to his greatest capability. Truly connecting with the true nature of the Earth, which is Flat and not a ball. A person who understand this at it's root depths should be revered and respected, but in todays world which is clouded by the psychopathic nature of humans, to tap into this energy requires deep soul groundedness. Otherwise the knowledge presented would be like looking at a blank wall. 
I only wish for the people of this forum to tread in the right direction in finding truth, as the world right now is polluted profoundly with lies, everything you see in the world we live in you see a lie, like in the movie where the guy wears the glasses and sees the truth meaning of everything in his environment. It is as real as that. Coming across this information makes you pretty sad and angry, as it was in my case. So it is important to have that grounded-ness within yourself in order to not only fathom the exterior world of lies but also one's inner emotions. 

I hope you understand...


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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Schpankme Sat Jul 15, 2017 11:32 pm

Vish1511 wrote:
Theres a video I've watched where a  spiritualist talks about other places and beings that may live beyond the arctic wall
The video is on youtube

I do not want to mention his details here
I am fairly new to this forum
I am a firm believer in the forum's purpose and Eric Dubay
I am a skeptic of people in general
I learnt though connecting with the inner most-parts of my own mind
I would only want more people to check him out and try to understand what he is trying to say in his videos and blog
  one has to be ready to open up to his information
I do not want to be responsible for allowing a person to view his information just to shun it or have idealistic thoughts about him

I will have to go deep into my own experience with spirituality and higher consciousness.
I will keep it short. 
I came across flat earth and it opened me to so far and wide that knowledge kept flowing in like a gushing river
I find out about flat earth?
I heard said spiritualist merely mentioning it in a video regarding a completely different topic.

I hope you understand...

You have been asked to provide the YouTube video to this Spiritualist that convey's information beyond the wall?

Please provide the name or Link to this video?

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by exo Sun Dec 24, 2017 1:45 am

Found a way in!

Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 A347fa10


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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by starfox42 Sun Dec 24, 2017 10:08 am

Schpankme, I've sat here for an hour trying to figure out the youtuber he's talking about, and I'm coming back with -HAHA- AwakenWithJP

I really hope that's not who he's referring to... lol. I really wish I had more names to offer, but that is the ONLY one that resembles the things he describes.

**Just found a weird channel called Channeling Eric. Here's an interesting video (check out the comments too)--> https://youtu.be/WKeikgJTogE

***noce catch on the eye movement, csp!!

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by csp Sun Dec 24, 2017 11:38 am

starfox42 wrote:**Just found a weird channel called Channeling Eric. Here's an interesting video (check out the comments too)--> https://youtu.be/WKeikgJTogE

The woman "channeling" constantly looks to her top right

Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Lying%20eyes

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by TheFreedomMinistry Wed Jan 17, 2018 5:51 pm

Thinkforyourself wrote:Posted by thinkforyourself on 06/29/2015

It must be pointed out that all of this is pure speculation, and I am now suspicious of the whole 'more hidden land' theory, because it seemed to be promoted by the Shill Matt Boylan. 

I also thought that it should be pointed out that in reality, there was no US War of Independence; it was simply a false flag, designed to lead the American public into believing that they were 'free'. The fact that the US troops were funded by the British just goes to show that the whole event was controlled, manipulated and faked, in order for the British to control events in America from behind the scenes. 

Exactly right. It's plain as day if you just read the Paris "Peace" Treaty of 1783. Who issues all the decrees in it? If you just LOST the war, would you be the one making the terms and telling the other side what to do and what they get (benefits)? No. But in this Treaty you will read that the KING is the one making the terms and telling it like it is. It's HIS LAND and those who will inhabit HIS LAND will have to PAY THE KING if they'd like to enjoy HIS BENEFITS (it goes into minerals and waterways et al.) The long and short of it is this: The united states of America has been, and always will be, a CROWN COLONY ultimately paying homage to it's overlords in the Vatican (see the 'Three City States that Rule the World', which are Washington D.C., City State of London, 1 mi. sq., & the Vatican City State, if you wish to look more into this issue about who controls the world and how.) Truth is always much scarier than fiction. These greedy men wish to control it all. Everything. Every last resource on the planet. Ever look at the term "HR" in the corporate world? Human Resources anyone? Hmm....... I wonder....

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Dactylion Fri Aug 17, 2018 2:30 am

I speculate that if you continued south beyond the Ice Wall, the density of air eventually increases (and temperature decreases) until it has an effect that causes all motion to cease, like being trapped inside a solid object.

Likewise above the sun where the stars are, trapped among layers of dense, cold, 'solid-like' states, that rotate as a single object via a current, endlessly circling around above.

The trapped materials among these layers we identify as stars and "planets".

Overall I believe we are in an enclosed cosmos of motion existing within a motionless void.

If there are other worlds beyond ours, there probably isn't the means to reach them.

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by BeeGeeDee Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:55 pm

Dactilyon, that's some interesting thinking!  nice to see thinking as opposed to what we've all dealt with; repeating gooberment school nonsense.
probably everyone once they realize that we're not magically spinning without detection, then wonders  what's beyond the antarctic ring; the wall of the firmament of endless flatness.

since probably everyone here knows the gooberments and religions hide things in plain sight, then once we see replicas of the firmament in churches and capital buildings, we say, "AHA, there, they are telling us that we are in eco-hemisphere!"
i say, "AHA, that's what they want us to 'discover'!"
therefore, i vote that it goes on and on, with many suns and moons.

it has occurred to many of us that teaching us that we are meaningless, non-reincarnating, soul-less animals on a rock in space supports the notion of a Godless world, one where we cannot invoke the powers that Jesus learned in his studies in the mystery schools in india, tibet and nepal during his missing years in the new testament all while the evil powers-that-be use those same powers to enslave us.  magic itself does not "know" black or white.

so i ask you, which is more dangerous for the PTB, us learning that there is a dome keeping us on the plantation, or that we can all 'fly the coop' and leave their circular prison?

add to that Admiral Byrd's report of a continent beyond, and my vote is for land beyond antarctica.  beyond that, i dunno.  BUT if the land just beyond the antarctic ring is not so frozen, then there must be another sun...


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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Dactylion Tue Aug 21, 2018 1:05 am


Yea I'm not in favor of the dome model prescribed by religions and cultures, as I haven't found the means by which such a model could conventionally work.

On further thought, I think the layers which lock the sun, moon, and stars in place, are connected to a force, an 'axis', resembling that of a giant spin-top, rotating at a constant speed from the center of the Earth.

Whats more is that I think the axis widens and retracts over the course of the year, which consequently causes the sun to drift between Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn (since it is located at the vertical center of the spin-top). Stars are not affected (much) since their layer connected to the axis is at the tip of it.

The old maps of the North Pole reveal four land masses separated by a massive stretch of water, with a huge mountain in the middle (Mt Meru). There's been described a gigantic whirlpool surrounding the mountain, which would serve as a never-ending and consistent rotational force of motion.

The "planets" revolving around the sun, would also imply that the sun exudes a similar rotational axis connected to their layers in much the same way.

I will draw a diagram of this.

As for Admiral Byrd's report about his discoveries, it is only one man. I wouldn't trust the words of a single person's observation anymore than that of someone's personal revelation from a deity. heh.

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Frenetic Zetetic Tue Aug 21, 2018 1:58 am

I've always thought of it just being ice, as the result of no light, an thus heat, source. As far as we know, it's most likely just ice unless it's interrupted by another Sun somewhere. Vast planes of ice. Dactylion's idea above makes sense similarly. Where there's no light, there's no motion, and thus no life. Endless, icy void...
Frenetic Zetetic
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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Ranniz Fri Aug 24, 2018 10:13 pm

Hi all,
I understand the concept of the theory of relativity, as we just travelled no those bullet trains in Japan. Looking at other passengers we couldn't tell we were traveling at 300km/h. But we could feel movement and looking outside could definitely see we were traveling very fast. Now I guess if the earth spun ferfectly smooth and particularly at the equator this may be accepted. But surely at the North Pole people would feel and look as if the are on a merry go round? They would no longer be relative to each other. Someone directly on the Pole would feel like spinning top.


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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Wertikal Sat Aug 25, 2018 10:53 pm

I've been looking for that documentary, mentioned a few pages ago,for hours now, i have found it for sale on one site but it is currently unavailable.
UK Amazon

I also found it on a stream site but i am not allowed to watch it cause i live in sweden?!?
So im wondering if any of you can watch it

The documentary is called The Snowman, made in 2009 by Juliet Lamont

I would very much like to see it, so if anybody know where i can find it, buy it, steal it or whatever please share.

First i only was curious to see the documentary cause i watched the trailer and then tried to find the whole movie, and i never had such trouble finding one video, so this trouble made me wanna see it even more. So either it is worth seeing or it is total garbage. But see it i will!


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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Wertikal Sat Aug 25, 2018 11:08 pm

oh yea, the production company is Antidote Films
i read in some old threads/post in various places that it can be bought from them directly, but if you take a look at there own film menu the snowman is not to be found?!?!

here is one review of The Snowman by Rebecca Ryan

I wonder why anditode wont show the documentary under their own films? it has been nominated for some awards so it should not be anything to be ashamed of.

Gona write a mail to antidote and ask if i can buy it from them


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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by jewry/trannywood Wed Aug 29, 2018 3:15 pm

Wertikal wrote:I've been looking for that documentary, mentioned a few pages ago,for hours now, i have found it for sale on one site but it is currently unavailable.
UK Amazon

I also found it on a stream site but i am not allowed to watch it cause i live in sweden?!?
So im wondering if any of you can watch it

The documentary is called The Snowman, made in 2009 by Juliet Lamont

I would very much like to see it, so if anybody know where i can find it, buy it, steal it or whatever please share.

First i only was curious to see the documentary cause i watched the trailer and then tried to find the whole movie, and i never had such trouble finding one video, so this trouble made me wanna see it even more. So either it is worth seeing or it is total garbage. But see it i will!

Dont know where you can get it but it allows me, in Australia, to subscribe to watch it on beamafilm.


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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by jewry/trannywood Wed Aug 29, 2018 3:21 pm

Wertikal wrote:oh yea, the production company is Antidote Films
i read in some old threads/post in various places that it can be bought from them directly, but if you take a look at there own film menu the snowman is not to be found?!?!

here is one review of The Snowman by Rebecca Ryan

I wonder why anditode wont show the documentary under their own films? it has been nominated for some awards so it should not be anything to be ashamed of.

Gona write a mail to antidote and ask if i can buy it from them

A little searching and I find that Pony films deals with international sales of this movie.
Try contacting them.



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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Admin Sun Mar 31, 2019 9:23 am


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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   - Page 4 Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by infiniterelaxations Mon Sep 16, 2019 5:33 am

Hi everybody, would you guys possibly have some files of flat earth pictures ie. the ice wall, high altitude balloon, or zoom tests that I could download, Ice wall pictures are heavily censored these days


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