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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Guest Fri May 06, 2016 4:00 am

Schpankme wrote:
steemin wrote:

HAARP had shut down
Well it's ba-aack

A quote from the university of alaska article:
HAARP's ability to change the weather have made researchers wince
a complicated instrument that sends invisible energy into a zone no one can see

Statements like this lead me to conclude that these scientopaths are from the same school as allopathy

people still dismiss the notion that their weather is being fucked with.
Maybe its because these adverts aren't stuffed in to our post boxes

1. I've seen this word "scientopaths" used once on the Internet; did you create this word?

Here's the discussion where the word "scientopaths" emerged:

Aug 20 07 11:34 PM

"They realized that the bulk of humanity were selfish idiots ... Same goes for the scientopaths."

2. Can you elaborate on how HAARP changes the weather; more specifically, how does this non-directional-antenna-array (pointing straight up) effect weather across the face of the Earth?

Hello Schpankme,

1. I thought up "scientopaths" as I typed as I think it appropriately describes entities who run experiments and either deny the consequences and/or have no empathy for those effected by them - scientists with psychopathic traits. I did not think to web-search it prior to using it.
2. I don't know if HAARP in Alaska beaming RF straight up can massively effect the weather in for example Italy. The link I posted previously suggests that there are antennae arrays with a similar function in multiple locations on the plane. I think the effect of heating the atmosphere immediately above each array would cause atmospheric movement from the resultant hot, high pressure area to cooler, lower pressure areas, which would effect the weather locally and possibly more wide spread depending how many arrays are operating simultaneously.



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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Beashambassador Fri Jun 03, 2016 8:34 pm

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Beashambassador Fri Jun 03, 2016 8:44 pm

Chemtrail massacre Memorial Weekend in Anchorage, AK 5/28/16


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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Beashambassador Sat Jul 16, 2016 3:52 pm

Solar Radiation Management (CHEMTRAILS)


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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Beashambassador Wed Aug 03, 2016 6:56 pm

Dane Wigington-Chemtrails Killing Environment & Life on Earth

Lawsuit filed against US government

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by plinthearth Sun Sep 18, 2016 12:12 am

Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Dscn0711

Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Dscn0712

Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Dscn0713

Chemtrails Observed At Night From Pennsylvania: September 15, 2016

Observation Data:
1. 41° N, 76° W
2. 700' above sea level
3. Facing South By Southeast
4. 09-15-16, 10:16 pm

While photographing the near full Moon two nights ago, I was able to capture some interesting images of chemtrails floating across the night sky.

The chemtrails were not visible to the naked eye. I only noticed them while trying to focus my camera.

The chemtrails even managed to occult the Moon for a few seconds (see third photo).

There truly is no rest for the wicked.



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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty thank you and about nanobots..

Post by Faith Irene Luecke Thu Oct 13, 2016 7:28 am

Thank You ThinkForYourself for your post. In 2009 a couple of my videos were removed from my old channel which they also locked me out of and one of the videos was about nanotech in the culling aerosol spraying programs. Anyways thanks for the good info. I didn't watch the vids honestly but just wanted to say your right on =)
Faith Irene Luecke
Faith Irene Luecke

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by TheAbsoluteTruth Tue Nov 08, 2016 5:34 pm

I have been watching the spraying for many years and if course the first thought has been that we are being poisoned with heavy metals. It fits the same agenda as vaccines. Create a dumbed down passive workforce that does not question. The other thing I have noticed is that the spraying often obscures the sunrise and sunset. I can't help but think they are hiding something that would otherwise be in plain sight. The firmament?


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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Schpankme Tue Nov 08, 2016 5:42 pm

TheAbsoluteTruth wrote:
The Absolute Truth
I have been watching the spraying [of Chemtrails] for many years
we are being poisoned with heavy metals
  It fits the same agenda as vaccines
  Create a dumbed down passive workforce that does not question
the spraying often obscures the sunrise and sunset

they are hiding something that would otherwise be in plain sight
The firmament?

What are you doing to protect yourself and your loved ones from all these Chemtrails (heavy metals you've been inhaling/wearing) and their "dumb down effect"?

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by TheAbsoluteTruth Tue Nov 08, 2016 5:51 pm

I have to believe that toxic vaccines,GMOs, and other fake Foods exacerbate the problem. We avoid all of them in an attempt to mitigate the problem.


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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Wed Nov 09, 2016 6:26 am

I don't buy the poisoning of the people with Chentrails, although it is possible.
I think the chentrails are simply being sprayed to artificially increase the temperature
They did not start the chemtrail spraying till around the mid 1990's, incidentally this was when the 'global warming' lie was actually proven not to be true and that Global average temperatures were actually dropping.
It was also just a few years later that 'Global Warming' became 'Climate Change', which is actually an oxymoron, of course the climate changes, we have Sunshine, Rain, Sleet, Snow, Wind, Ice, Thunder, Lightning, Tornadoes, Twisters and so on.
The money-grabbing Jews want a Global Carbon Tax, once the One World Government is implemented, and to push this Carbon Tax they need the average temperature to increase so the sheeple accept it.

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by fightback5289 Tue Nov 22, 2016 4:14 am

Blue light flashes were seen in the sky during the earthquake in New Zealand.

The epicenter of this earthquake was in the South Island, but the light flashes were reported in the lower North Island. Based on where these lights were seen, they appear to be flashing over the fault line.

If you look at these lights during the Japan earthquake, it shows the light is concentrated at ground level.


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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by ABalancedKarma Tue Nov 22, 2016 10:47 am

Chemtrails are full of heavy metals. That means people getting sick. That means they can "cure us" making BIG money with pharmaceutical industries they own. They DO have a depopulation plan, it's undeniable, so what does not add up? It's crystal clear. It's all about money and depopulation, maybe even more.

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by ABalancedKarma Tue Nov 22, 2016 2:24 pm

So... people believe this shit is normal? Contrails? Are we joking?

no doubt it's NATO air force spraying us.

Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Chem_1
Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Chem_2
Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Chem_3

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Schpankme Tue Nov 22, 2016 5:57 pm

ABalancedKarma wrote:

Note the Rainbow in the pictures provided; do they also Spray water at 30+ thousand feet above the ground?

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by ABalancedKarma Tue Nov 22, 2016 9:27 pm

All I know is we're breathing crap, 'cause my allergy is getting worse. How can people think these are contrails, it's beyond me.
Real contrails only last few seconds and disappear without traces, while this shit stays there for hours and the sky becomes a sick white curtain. Btw, water/steam is naturally found in the atmosphere!

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Schpankme Tue Nov 22, 2016 9:39 pm

ABalancedKarma wrote:
we're breathing crap
'cause my allergy is getting worse

Do you take any doctor prescribed chemicals for your Chem-Trail Allergies?

By Mayo Clinic Staff
All true food allergies are caused by an immune system malfunction. Your immune system identifies certain milk (dairy) proteins as harmful, triggering the production of immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies to neutralize the protein (allergen). The next time you come in contact with these proteins, IgE antibodies recognize them and signal your immune system to release histamine and other chemicals, causing a range of allergic signs and symptoms.

There are two main proteins in cow's milk that can cause an allergic reaction:

Casein, found in the solid part (curd) of milk that curdles
Whey, found in the liquid part of milk that remains after milk curdles

You or your child may be allergic to only one milk protein or both. These proteins may be hard to avoid because they're also in some processed foods. And, most people who react to cow's milk will react to sheep's, goat's and buffalo's milk. Less commonly, people allergic to cow's milk are also allergic to soy milk.

Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES)

A food allergen can also cause what's sometimes called a delayed food allergy. Although any food can be a trigger, milk is one of the most common. The reaction, commonly vomiting and diarrhea, usually occurs within hours after eating the trigger rather than minutes.

Unlike some food allergies, FPIES usually resolves over time. As with typical milk allergies, preventing an FPIES reaction involves avoiding milk and milk products.

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by ABalancedKarma Tue Nov 22, 2016 9:49 pm

None of the above, food is not the problem, unless you mean that this crap, when it reaches the ground, do contaminate plants, vegetables and aquifers, so we end up eating and drinking more shit. And of course we're breathing it. I have difficulties to breathe.
My nose, sinuses, airways and eyes are affected. Maybe I didn't make myself clear.

Doctors? Are you joking? My doctor say I need to vaccinate myself against flu! Do you think he will acknowledge chemtrails and their damages to our health?

Are you trolling?

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Schpankme Tue Nov 22, 2016 10:04 pm

ABalancedKarma wrote:
None of the above, food is not the problem
My nose, sinuses, airways and eyes are affected
Are you trolling?

Are you telling me that you do not consume DAIRY PRODUCTS?

What caused you to have Allergies?

Are you here to spin unsubstantiated stories?

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by ABalancedKarma Tue Nov 22, 2016 11:59 pm

"unsubstantiated stories?" You gotta be kidding me. You're either trolling or in denial, so stop diverting the argument with food when I'm talking about respiratory system, rhinitis, sinusitis, asthma, catarrh ecc.
I'm allergic to pollen and dust and never had a single food allergy. And I'm careful about dust and this is not pollen's season where I live, so NO, NO AND NO.
All I know is when there's a large concentration of chemtrails my respiratory system do suffer and I'm experiencing all of the above, while my food stays the same, so it can't be that. So end of the story for me, this nonsense about food just annoys me. Bye.

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by fightback5289 Sat Nov 26, 2016 12:14 am

Schpankme, there's no need to link to drug-peddling organizations like the Mayo clinic. These people push dangerous misinformation.

ABalancedKarma, some areas don't have any chemtrails or fewer of them. It's not easy to just move places, but it's a possibility.
I live in a capital city where most people work for the government or provide services to them. I've never seen the planes spraying here like I did in the industrial city where I used to live. They might be spraying in the surrounding rural areas and letting the clouds blow over us. Or possibly, their AGENTUR don't like being sprayed.

EDIT: it turns out we definitely have chemtrails in my city, as I just witnessed them. But I would be surprised if the same could be said for Washington DC. Surely the elite must have designated some areas as no-spray zones.

Last edited by fightback5289 on Fri Dec 02, 2016 11:36 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Schpankme Sat Nov 26, 2016 8:14 am

fightback5289 wrote:
there's no need to link to drug-peddling organizations like the Mayo clinic.

Mayo Clinic Staff
Your immune system identifies certain milk (dairy) proteins as harmful, triggering the production of immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies to neutralize the protein (allergen).
...these proteins, IgE antibodies recognize them and signal your immune system to release histamine and other chemicals, causing a range of allergic signs and symptoms.

Most educated idiots consume large amounts of dairy products. From NutritionMD, here are eight great reasons to eliminate dairy products from your diet.

1. Osteoporosis

Milk is touted for preventing osteoporosis, yet clinical research shows otherwise.
The Harvard Nurses’ Health Study, which followed more than 75,000 women for 12 years, showed an increased of calcium from dairy products was associated with a higher fracture risk.
An Australian study showed the same results.
You can decrease your risk of osteoporosis by reducing sodium and animal protein intake in your diet, and by increasing intake of fruits and vegetables, and ensuring adequate calcium intake from plant foods such as leafy green vegetables and beans.

2. Cardiovascular Disease

Dairy products -- including cheese, ice cream, milk, butter, and yogurt -- contribute significant amounts of cholesterol and fat to the diet.
Diets high in fat and saturated fat can increase the risk of several chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease.
A PLANT BASED DIET can not only prevent heart disease, but may also reverse it.

3. Cancer

Several cancers are attributed to the consumption of DAIRY, such as ovarian cancer, have been linked to the consumption of dairy products.
The milk sugar lactose is broken down in the body into another sugar, galactose. In turn, galactose is broken down further by enzymes. According to a study by Daniel Cramer, M.D., and his colleagues at Harvard, when dairy product consumption exceeds the enzymes’ capacity to break down galactose, it can build up in the blood and may affect a woman’s ovaries. Some women have particularly low levels of these enzymes, and when they consume dairy products on a regular basis, their risk of ovarian cancer can be triple that of other women.

Breast and prostate cancers have also been linked to consumption of dairy products, presumably related, at least in part, to increases in a compound called insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I).
IGF-I is found in cow’s milk and has been shown to occur in increased levels in the blood by individuals consuming dairy products on a regular basis.
Other nutrients that increase IGF-I are also found in cow’s milk.
A recent study showed that men who had the highest levels of IGF-I had more than four times the risk of prostate cancer compared with those who had the lowest levels.14

4. Diabetes

Insulin-dependent diabetes (Type I or childhood-onset) is linked to consumption of dairy products.
Epidemiological studies of various countries show a strong correlation between the use of dairy products and the incidence of insulin-dependent diabetes.
Researchers in 1992 found that a specific dairy protein sparks an auto-immune reaction, which is believed to be what destroys the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas.

5. Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance is common among many populations, affecting approximately
95 percent of Asian Americans,
74 percent of Native Americans,
70 percent of African Americans,
53 percent of Mexican Americans, and
15 percent of Caucasians.
Symptoms, which include gastrointestinal distress, diarrhea, and flatulence, occur because these individuals do not have the enzymes that digest the milk sugar lactose.
Additionally, along with unwanted symptoms, milk-drinkers are also putting themselves at risk for development of other chronic diseases and ailments.

6. Vitamin D Toxicity

Consumption of milk may not provide a consistent and reliable source of vitamin D in the diet.
Samplings of milk have found significant variation in vitamin D content, with some samplings having had as much as 500 times the indicated level, while others had little or none at all.
Too much vitamin D can be toxic and may result in excess calcium levels in the blood and urine, increased aluminum absorption in the body, and calcium deposits in soft tissue.

7. Contaminants

Synthetic hormones such as recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) are commonly used in dairy cows to increase the production of milk.
Because the cows are forced to produce quantities of milk nature never intended, the end result is mastitis, or inflammation of the mammary glands.
The treatment requires the use of antibiotics, and traces of these and hormones have been found in samples of milk and other dairy products.
Pesticides and other drugs are also frequent contaminants of dairy products.

8. Health Concerns of Infants and Children

Milk proteins, milk sugar, fat, and saturated fat in dairy products may pose health risks for children and lead to the development of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and formation of athersclerotic plaques that can lead to heart disease.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants below one year of age not be given whole cow’s milk, as iron deficiency is more likely on a dairy-rich diet.
Cow’s milk products are very low in iron.
If they become a major part of one’s diet, iron deficiency is more likely.
Colic is an additional concern with milk consumption; One out of every five babies suffers from colic.
We now know that breastfeeding mothers can have colicky babies if the mothers are consuming cow’s milk.
The cows’ antibodies can pass through the mother’s bloodstream into her breast milk and to the baby.
Additionally, food allergies appear to be common results of milk consumption, particularly in children.
A recent study also linked cow’s milk consumption to chronic constipation in children.
Researchers suggest that milk consumption resulted in perianal (anus) sores and severe pain on defecation, leading to constipation.

Milk and dairy products are not necessary in the diet and can, in fact, be harmful to your health.

I see the story of Chem-Trails as one used to cover up the sickness and disease spread by humans, who have been indoctrinated to eat an animal based diet; these perverts who eat like species having a Mother, Face, and Blood.  HOW were these perverted humans taught to be cannibalistic?  They participate in the Faith based worship of Religions, they worship at the Theory based altar of Evolutionary Science; and they respond to corporate Advertising Champagnes for the Meat and Diary Industry funded by their Governments!

Humans never stop nursing they just switch species.

ref:  NutritionMD

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by vortexpuppy Sat Nov 26, 2016 2:46 pm

I like your train of thought here Schpankme.

It was the IFERS community (You, Eric, LK, etc.), that opened my eyes to a plant-based diet and my thoughtless cannabilsm. My entire family are vegan since about 2 years and the health benefits are (at least for me) proven.

That a Geo-engineering that doesn't work or is faked, could provide a convenient red-herring to distract from a real nutrition and dietary poisoning is a distinct possibility, especially if the symptoms cannot be differentiated.

On the other hand, I'm not sure if we can wholly discount other forms of poisoning even if the evidence is not as strong as for our inhumane and unhealthy diet. I personally do not experience any respiratory problems and I never (at least consciously) experienced any allergies, irrespective of my diet.

Hmm, you've given me food for thought ...


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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Schpankme Sat Nov 26, 2016 3:57 pm

vortexpuppy wrote:
My entire family are vegan since about 2 years and the health benefits are proven.

Geo-engineering could provide a convenient red-herring to distract from a real nutrition and dietary poisoning is a distinct possibility

How insidious this white terror from the sky, combined with Cannibals who eat everything but the OINK!

9 out of 10 Cannibals agree that their dietary perversions are not the cause of their health issues.

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 4 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by ShillKiller Sun Nov 27, 2016 10:53 pm

How do we stop and or protect ourselves against this? We're all going to have alzheimers by 50


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