Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP
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Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP
I agree that the term "chemtrail" can be used to promote fear and it can also be used as a tool to promote fear mongering. And I agree that most people who believe in chemtrails are living in fear from them, and they promote fear because they want other people to feel the same way as they do. But I was never once feared through research the of "chemtrails" I was just aware. Aware that something unnatural is happening in our sky. I've always wanted to know the truth behind "chemtrails", what really are they and why are they only in the sky on only certain days, why do they mainly spray along where the sun is located and where the sun will be at within a half hour to an hour or so.. There is nothing wrong with asking questions, but who has the answers? We aren't being told directly what is happening in our skies. Sure there have been whistle blowers but we dont know definitely if they are telling the truth or just trying to make money from their conferences. Most of these whistle-blowers claim that what they are spraying is a direct attack on the people and our earth which can further cause listeners to live in fear, or run away from the topic all together.
Instead of using "chemtrail", the government uses the term "stratospheric aerosol injection" but there is "sphere" within that word so it is not entirely true, but it is a better term than chemtrail since "chemtrail" is being used a fear-based term. (especially on this thread)
In my honest opinion they are using this method of injecting various aerosol(s) into the stratos to mitigate "global warming" which is an entire hoax in itself.
Currently the lie known as global warming is being pushed very hard by the mass media and it will continue to be pushed harder in the very near future. Dimming of the sun is their main solution to this made up problem. So if that is the case what future does our sky hold? Again there are many unanswered questions because the government is in secrecy when it comes to what they do to our sky, just as they are in secrecy about everything else they don't want us to know. So what is there to hide?
You cannot deny that certain airplanes spray certain aerosols in the sky(stratospheric aerosol injections)
They are primarily silica based combined with various other particles. Silica is among the most common minerals on Earth.
Please see Patent US20100127224A1
But you can deny that through the spraying of these various aerosols they have a certain agenda such as (killing us off and everything on our planet through the spraying of chemtrails while infecting us with nano tech at the same time) or whatever else you may think.
I could sit here all day and think of other hidden agendas they have rather than just dimming out the sun due to fake global warming(which is their mainstream outcry). I'm not sure what there hidden agenda is.. I do know one thing, doing this to our sky is not natural. And it is more than likely.. not safe, because of that reason alone.
Do not live in fear. Ever. Just be aware that this IS, happening.
Instead of using "chemtrail", the government uses the term "stratospheric aerosol injection" but there is "sphere" within that word so it is not entirely true, but it is a better term than chemtrail since "chemtrail" is being used a fear-based term. (especially on this thread)
In my honest opinion they are using this method of injecting various aerosol(s) into the stratos to mitigate "global warming" which is an entire hoax in itself.
Currently the lie known as global warming is being pushed very hard by the mass media and it will continue to be pushed harder in the very near future. Dimming of the sun is their main solution to this made up problem. So if that is the case what future does our sky hold? Again there are many unanswered questions because the government is in secrecy when it comes to what they do to our sky, just as they are in secrecy about everything else they don't want us to know. So what is there to hide?
You cannot deny that certain airplanes spray certain aerosols in the sky(stratospheric aerosol injections)
They are primarily silica based combined with various other particles. Silica is among the most common minerals on Earth.
Please see Patent US20100127224A1
But you can deny that through the spraying of these various aerosols they have a certain agenda such as (killing us off and everything on our planet through the spraying of chemtrails while infecting us with nano tech at the same time) or whatever else you may think.
I could sit here all day and think of other hidden agendas they have rather than just dimming out the sun due to fake global warming(which is their mainstream outcry). I'm not sure what there hidden agenda is.. I do know one thing, doing this to our sky is not natural. And it is more than likely.. not safe, because of that reason alone.
Do not live in fear. Ever. Just be aware that this IS, happening.
Last edited by Torus_Ouroboros on Thu Feb 14, 2019 2:43 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : video removed)
Torus_Ouroboros- Posts : 34
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Torus_Ouroboros- Posts : 34
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Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP
Torus_Ouroboros wrote:
CIA weather control
HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! Get your Weather Modification Memorandum!
1965 - Hurricane Betsy caused by Weather Modification at the hands of Freemasons?
began as a tropical disturbance photographed by the TIROS weather satellite
Space is a man-made construct there are no satellites orbiting the flat Earth
8 Sept, Betsy hit Key Largo, FL as Category 3 hurricane
9 Sept, Betsy hit Grand Isle, LA? as Category 3 hurricane
1944 - Great Atlantic Hurricane (GAH)
began as a tropical disturbance photographer by reconnaissance aircraft
hurricanes are spotted by aircraft not fake space satellites
12 Sept, GAH hit northern Bahaman Islands as Category 4 hurricane
14 Sept, GAH hit eastern Long Island, NY as Category 3 hurricane
You are promoting unsubstantiated propaganda.
The sheep run from stories about the big bad wolf never worrying about what fate the farmer has in store for them.
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP
Space is a man-made construct there are no satellites orbiting the flat Earth
1944 - Great Atlantic Hurricane (GAH)
began as a tropical disturbance photographed by reconnaissance aircraft
-hurricanes are spotted by aircraft not fake space satellites
You are promoting unsubstantiated propaganda.
I am not promoting unsubstantiated propaganda at all.. of course terms like "satellite" and globe would be used in a government document, but conscious flat earth viewers that are watching the video already should know satellites aren't orbiting our flat earth.
Like you said there are other ways of surveying hurricanes such as reconnaissance aircraft and weather balloons. Yes the document uses propaganda terms such as satellite and "globe" but that shouldn't take away the authenticity of a weather modification agenda.
This is not my video, I thought it was an interesting share.
Torus_Ouroboros- Posts : 34
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Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP
Torus_Ouroboros wrote:
I am not promoting unsubstantiated propaganda.
the authenticity of a weather modification agenda
I thought it was an interesting
You did not address the FACT that the so called Betsy Hurricane (name of the farmers cow) was no different then those that came YEARS BEFORE IT.
In fact, in a previous comment you also stated: "they are injecting aerosol(s) into the stratos to mitigate "global warming" which is an entire hoax in itself"
Meaning, that THEY are some how manipulating CLIMATE with "AEROSOLS", that just happen to look like Con-Trails.
Provide me, with the name of any US State or Country; and I'll provide proof that TEMPERATURE will average the same now as fifty years (50) ago. This is
something YOU SHOULD have done prior to making such a ridiculous comment.
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP
Well pointed Schpankme.
Climate control locally yes, like creating a fog. It's a hydrological cycle in which we exist, so it is possible locally.
Spraying us from sky with poison, that's goverment supported distraction propaganda to make some of us look like people in fear with paranoiac states, as they warn people of being deadly sprayed, when at the same time they stand next under plane which supposedly do that, and they are not even trying to hide themselves. How serious they gonna sound, when next they try to introduce someone to topic of flat Earth?
Climate control locally yes, like creating a fog. It's a hydrological cycle in which we exist, so it is possible locally.
Spraying us from sky with poison, that's goverment supported distraction propaganda to make some of us look like people in fear with paranoiac states, as they warn people of being deadly sprayed, when at the same time they stand next under plane which supposedly do that, and they are not even trying to hide themselves. How serious they gonna sound, when next they try to introduce someone to topic of flat Earth?
Last edited by Real World on Fri Jun 07, 2019 1:58 am; edited 1 time in total
Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP
Real World wrote:
Climate control locally
like creating a fog
Please, provide an example of "local climate control"?
California Agricultural Production is one of the largest across the face of the Earth. In 2017, California's farms and ranches received over $50 billion in cash receipts for their output. This represents an increase of almost 6 percent compared to 2016. California's agricultural abundance includes more than 400 commodities. California is the leading US state for cash farm receipts, accounting for over 13 percent of the nation's total agricultural value.
Eighty percent (80%) of California’s water demand comes from OTHER STATES.
California agriculture should learn about "Local Climate Control", so they too could make it rain.
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP
Schpankme wrote:Real World wrote:
Climate control locally
like creating a fog
Please, provide an example of "local climate control"?
As far as i know its possible to create fog, then you have clouds from it, and then from clouds falls rain. So you have climate being controlled localy.
Here example (mind the NASA bullshit):
California could learn (and not only Califonia), but as far as i know California is under Jewish contoll, so i dont think they gonna introduce people to that alternative, but they will twiste it towards spraying poison from the sky.
Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP
Real World wrote:
"local climate control"
example (mind the NASA bullshit)
will twist it towards spraying poison from the sky
So, "local climate control" is caused by burning large quantities of Hydrogen through NASA Rocket Engines; then the vapor cloud produced by the Hydrogen conversion floats along until such time as it turns into rain.
Can you tell us about, "spraying poison from the sky" and how this effects animal life, and at the same time increases California Agriculture production by 16 % yearly?
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP
Schpankme - So what are your thoughts on Cloud Seeding?
Torus_Ouroboros- Posts : 34
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Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP
Torus_Ouroboros wrote:
what are your thoughts
on Cloud Seeding
Please, address the facts:
1) The so called CIA Betsy Hurricane (moo cow) was no different then those that came years before it.
2) Climate Change by injecting aerosols into the stratos is another hoax, and you can provide no evidence for Climate Change over the last fifty (50) years.
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP
Schpankme wrote:Torus_Ouroboros wrote:
what are your thoughts
on Cloud Seeding
Please, address the facts:
1) The so called CIA Betsy Hurricane (moo cow) was no different then those that came years before it.
2) Climate Change by injecting aerosols into the stratos is another hoax, and you can provide no evidence for Climate Change over the last fifty (50) years.
1. My point isn't about that Hurricane or any Hurricane in general, it's about how the weather can be manipulated through various methods such as cloud seeding.
Also, if they can control precipitation in a local area why wouldn't they use the ability to manipulate the amount of sun we can receive by artificial foggy clouds(aka "chemtrails"). This can also prevent/effect sun-gazing and other beneficial properties of the suns energy.
From hours of my observation in my area, the artificial clouds(foggy looking wide trails aka chemtrails) that get produced coming from aircraft are always directed to be underneath the sun.
2. I'm not interpreting to say the climate has been changing drastically over the past 50 years, It can just be manipulated.. What is your reason for weather manipulation being a hoax?
Torus_Ouroboros- Posts : 34
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Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP
Torus_Ouroboros wrote:
1. My point isn't about [CIA BETSY] Hurricane
it's about how the weather can be manipulated
Hello mister dot dot..
You continue to come to this forum on multiple accounts and spread absolute nonsense.
Torus_Ouroboros wrote:
2. I'm not [saying] the climate can be manipulated..
artificial clouds produced from aircraft
are always directed to be underneath the sun
the weather can be manipulated
I'm not [saying] the climate can be manipulated..
Which is it Mister dot dot..?
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP
Schpankme wrote:
So, "local climate control" is caused by burning large quantities of Hydrogen through NASA Rocket Engines; then the vapor cloud produced by the Hydrogen conversion floats along until such time as it turns into rain.
Can you tell us about, "spraying poison from the sky" and how this effects animal life, and at the same time increases California Agriculture production by 16 % yearly?
So not only by NASA, but you look like you see only that what you want to see. Using your logic we should say, no its not possible to create cloud of rain, yes? Maybe hydrological cycle is also a NASA hoax? Do you see where you getting?
How can i tell you something about spraying when this is nonsense propaganda? Please read with understanding.
Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP
Real World wrote:
How can i tell you something about spraying when this is nonsense propaganda?
Where is your proof for "spraying poison from the sky"?
How is Agriculture THRIVING in California year after year?
What Meat and Dairy eater is sick from "poison from the sky"?
WHERE IS YOUR PHYSICAL EVIDENCE for "spraying poison from the sky"?
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP
Schpankme wrote:Real World wrote:
How can i tell you something about spraying when this is nonsense propaganda?
Where is your proof for "spraying poison from the sky"?
How is Agriculture THRIVING in California year after year?
What Meat and Dairy eater is sick from "poison from the sky"?
WHERE IS YOUR PHYSICAL EVIDENCE for "spraying poison from the sky"?
I'm not saying they are spraying us with poison from the sky. Give me quote where i said it, or stop putting something in my mouth.
How Agriculture is thiriving in California? The same way as been by all the years. What kind of question is that?
Meat and Diary eating is one of the main reason health prolblem, not suposed poison from the sky.
Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP
Real World wrote:
I'm not saying they are spraying us with poison from the sky
My apologies, I'm combining two threads with yours.
Are saying, that cloud seeding could be classified as weather modification?
As for using the word "fog", all fog most have a moister source (rain, snow, lake, ocean) for it to be seen.
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP
Schpankme wrote:Real World wrote:
I'm not saying they are spraying us with poison from the sky
My apologies, I'm combining two threads with yours.
Are saying, that cloud seeding could be classified as weather modification?
As for using the word "fog", all fog most have a moister source (rain, snow, lake, ocean) for it to be seen.
No problem Schpankme. I admire your contribution at this forum, as i know there is a lot of people trying to promote "chemtrails", but i'm deffinetly not one of them.
You are doing great work clearing that topic. It is not a easy job, but very important to understand bigger picture of the problem - Meat and Diary consumption.
Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP
US Patent 5003186 Stratospheric welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming (spraying with aluminum)
Monsanto develops Aluminum Resistant biotech seeds
Hmm, wonder why they would need to develop aluminum resistant seeds??
Monsanto develops Aluminum Resistant biotech seeds
Hmm, wonder why they would need to develop aluminum resistant seeds??
Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP
susie wrote:
Monsanto develops Aluminum Resistant biotech seeds[/url]
why the need to develop aluminum resistant seeds
Monsanto, like Noah's Ark, will have their work cutout for them.
"There are about 391,000 species of vascular plants currently known to science"
For without these aluminum resistant plants all plant life on Earth WILL DIE FROM ALUMINUM POISONING.
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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markwilson- Posts : 583
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Plane photos
Chemtrails over Los Angeles have been heavy in the last couple days. Used my Nikon p1000 to try and catch some planes because it seemed like every single plane that was flying over me was leaving a thick cloud that just hangs and slowly falls and spreads out into the haze we all know and can clearly see.. my attached photo you can clearly see this particular plane was an Alaska airlines flight.. another video and photos I got were of a Southwest plane with its distinct paint.
Freepressfreepeople- Posts : 17
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Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP
Freepressfreepeople wrote:Chemtrails over Los Angeles...
That heavy, heavy spraying extends over to Yuma where we're staying, too. It's been an incredibly heavy bombardment the last couple days. It's clear we're under toxic aerosol attack by enemies domestic.
[EDIT] Btw, excellent catch with that P1000! They aren't contrails.
markwilson- Posts : 583
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Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP
Schpankme, I'm 65 in June. I grew up with clear skies sans these massive chemtrails wafting out forming sun-obscuring manmade clouds. They did not exist in my childhood. If it's not toxic chemicals being sprayed, what is it you believe they're spraying causing these unnatural cloud formations everyplace the spraying occurs? Is it your position that what we are seeing are harmless contrails, contrails that always evaporated in short order behind the aircraft when flying along when I was a young man?Schpankme wrote:Real World wrote:
How can i tell you something about spraying when this is nonsense propaganda?
Where is your proof for "spraying poison from the sky"?
How is Agriculture THRIVING in California year after year?
What Meat and Dairy eater is sick from "poison from the sky"?
WHERE IS YOUR PHYSICAL EVIDENCE for "spraying poison from the sky"?
My physical evidence is the clouds themselves filling my eyes, now, as opposed to, then. I am of a generation that used to have blue skies, sans chemical clouds obscuring those blue skies. And since they were not there, then, as a natural function of water evaporating behind aircraft, and the skies are filled now with persistent chemical clouds, clearly present as the trails linger and waft into persistent manmade cloud formations, I need no other evidence than my own practical experience that somebody is spraying something other than what is natural, and which was not present then.
It's sort of like fluoride. Water is natural until chemicals make it unnatural and harmful. I don't want their chemtrails, I don't want their fluoride, I don't want their vaccines.
markwilson- Posts : 583
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Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP
I'll hazard a couple guesses. GMO's (unnatural) increasing production per acre? Or, possibly, land previously not used for crops now being used for such? A production increase could be attributed to several different things, I'm sure you would agree. Yet another farmer got him a bigger tractor?Schpankme wrote:Real World wrote:
"local climate control"
example (mind the NASA bullshit)
will twist it towards spraying poison from the sky
So, "local climate control" is caused by burning large quantities of Hydrogen through NASA Rocket Engines; then the vapor cloud produced by the Hydrogen conversion floats along until such time as it turns into rain.
Can you tell us about, "spraying poison from the sky" and how this effects animal life, and at the same time increases California Agriculture production by 16 % yearly?
You say to Real World, "Can you tell us about, 'spraying poison from the sky' and how this effects animal life, and at the same time increases California Agriculture production by 16 % yearly?" Why do you believe that 16% production increase is the direct consequence of the spraying, and not something else?
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