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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:33 pm

Posted by planetruth on 04/20/2015

"Minds are like parachutes, they work best when fully opened"

Hi All,
I have been investigating, through direct experience the spraying of the world, and the use of Direct Energy Tesla technology now for a decade. I am good friends with Dane Wiggington out here in N. California, who runs Geoengineeringwatch.org. I vouch for him personally and his dedication to exposing the truths, though his life is threatened doing so.

We have been testing ponds, streams, soil, air now for a decade and we continue to see large increases in barium, aluminum and stronium as well as others reporting fluoride now coming down from the air as we are all on this world being sprayed like insects...there is no organic food grown anymore in this country (USA) and beyond...'sky painting' has been going on for half a decade and cover the Earth by the sociopaths using our tax dollars to do so in complete secrecy from most of the public who cannot even Look UP! and see what is going on for themselves.

Monsanto has even come up with a heavy metal tolerant seed to sell.

Gates, et. al built the Doomsday Seed Vault in Norway in 2007 as well

..but it gets much worse, sad to inform....with the technology, and the fact we are all "metalized" to be antenna's from the constant aluminum intake in our bodies...they can control our very thoughts, put voices in our heads and worse in the worst Orwellian personal nightmare imaginable using Direct energy weaponry.

..Technology doubles every year, according to Moore's Law. DARPA is decades ahead of what we see technology wise in the public arena. Machine over Man is here for those with eyes to see and ears to hear...or just ask the many growing individuals who have had their minds confiscated by the merging of supercomputer, nanobot technology, chemtrail/HAARP and RFID.

MK Ultra's Big Brother today~

“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.” J. Edgar Hoover –

(The interview with Dr. Robert Duncan is excellent to get your head around all that this means. He claims to actually have worked with DoD, CIA, etc. on this mind control warfare technology)

This link is from a claimed "target individual". This "soul catching" has been ongoing now for decades according to those who have been targeted. (This my even be new to Eric...)

Here is a video of the nanobots being remotely anchored inside the human brain as "nueron replacers" using nanocapsulated bots. (The highest concentration of Nanobot technology development is at UC Berkeley, right next to the Lawrence Livermore Lab of Nuke development fame/hoax, fyi.) 

They use chemtrails to deliver the below micron nanobots, then use directed energy GWEN and HAARP on targets. According to those infected, we all have our own IP protocol which machines use to track us anywhere in the world.

here is the technology being used to control speech on well known subjects.  It is one of the only examples of Directed Energy mind control that can be seen.

What this means is that a few supercomputers can now control the more and more. When people speak we will not know if they even know what they are saying, or if they've been programmed. This also lead credence to those who say they hear voices, are gang stalked and are being controlled by remote forces.

Brave New World indeed!  

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:36 pm

Posted by planetruth on 04/20/2015

I've got too much physical proof and evidence that says otherwise from direct personal experience and lab testing. you're welcome to your beliefs but I suggest a simple test if you can get a basic microscope. You will see reflecting metal that has come from inside your own mouth. Mind and others have tested positive for aluminum.

check out London the other day...and you cannot believe we're being sprayed like insects?? wow.

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:37 pm

Posted by harry on 04/20/2015
if it was just persistent water vapour? it wouldn't be effecting peoples health directly, when they haven't sprayed for a couple weeks (which is rare these days), or only lightly and then lay it down heavy, I can feel it before ive left the house... very draining energy wise, makes you feel lethargic and out of balance, you know that chem'ed-up feeling, like your coming down with juvenile dementia, very probably a result of aluminium oxide in the trails btw (& other things), nano sized which makes it pass through the blood brain barrier instantly. 

Im sure im more sensitive than most, as im conscious of my surroundings in general, but you can see it effecting peoples health immediately, like asthma, tight chest, itchy eyes, chest infections, headaches etc. Occasionally you can taste it, a small % can smell the different types of spray, which must be horrible. After a good dose im very mucousy the next morning. Its like a bad dream and everyone is asleep.

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:40 pm

Posted by eschaton on 04/20/2015
Normal jet contrails disappear, they don't slowly spread into weird haze clouds.  Why somedays are there perfect x formation's (sometimes grids) in front of the sun that linger all day and then other days nothing.  Is there no air traffic those days?  Please don't says "atmospheric conditions" or something because it happens too often in too many different weather conditions.

Maybe you don't see them often where you are?  To me it's too obvious that they are consciously spraying something, often times it's in front of the Sun.  Even if they were all "con trails" what are all those planes possibly doing?  Like I already said, the angles that I've seen them fly at there's no way they are just commercial aircraft.  

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:42 pm

Posted by planetruth on 04/20/2015
Harry, they are not my videos. Tripolite, Evergreen Air in McMinnville, Oregon is one of the CIA fronts that run the sky painting. They attained USPS world wide travel rights which allow them to go to a country in Africa that gets the chem spray mixes for use in different countries.

For anyone that does not believe in Geo-engineering, please explain these patents taken out by our government and private corps over the past thirty years specifically dealing with Stratospheric Aerosol Spraying (SAG).

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:44 pm

Posted by planetruth on 04/21/2015

Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace.-Dalai Lama

I hope all go through the videos above as to the use geoengineering along w/supercomputers, rfid and nanobot neuron replacer technology for remote mind control of individuals.  There are also many books by targeted individuals who have had there lives completely taken over by this secret technology that uses chemtrails to lower the ionospheric "roof" to direct their energy weapons. 

 Few understand how advanced this is and how it has been in use for decades, as more report being targeted individuals.  here is an excellent intro.

Also, this week, Earth Day, protests around the Earth (heart spelled sideways) to protest us all being sprayed like bugs.

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:45 pm

Posted by planetruth on 04/21/2015
This is an excellent intro documentary made by a guy who spent his own $350K to produce. He is a film maker and when he tested his children for aluminum and barium, found their levels off the charts, so he made this video. I give these out to all I can to get them up to speed and awakened. 

Planes used for sky painting are many and varied and are NOT contrails. It is virtually impossible for today's airliner's jet engines to produce contrails, no matter what your indoctrination education told you.

Many military planes being used are drones (no pilots), fly at much lower altitudes than commerical airliners (20k ft. vs 30k ft.) and use ground based directed energy instead of jet fuel so they can carry a much higher payload to delouse us all.

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:45 pm

Posted by tripolite on 04/21/2015
What I am claiming is that I can SEE a difference with my own eyes between persistant trails and non-persistant trails. And that the persistant trails make the blue sky white. That the planes which have persistant trails fly in strange formations, flying incredible low and slow, together as a bunch and that they are NOT on sites like planefinder.net. You can even see the trails come out of the tails of the planes and not out of the engines, that's how low they are flying. And the persistant trails stay in the sky for hours. That is what I am claiming. For me the evidence does not lay in what they are spaying but the fact that they are spraying. And that is something I can see with my own eyes. I don't need to try and look for nanoparticles in my swimmingpool like you do. But hey, we're all different. This forum is about finding out truth ourselfs and not rely on so called evidence brought to us by a third party. So please use the tools available to you.

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:46 pm

Posted by on 04/21/2015
On Sept. 17 2014 approx. 11:00 AM, I drove by car from Maastricht in
Holland to Han in Belgium. Perfect blue sky. At around 14:00 in Han, I
saw the first (chem)trails being laid. After having visited Givet in
France at 18:45 I drove back to Holland. Route taken: Givet-Namur-Liège.
During this 1½ hour drive all of the sky was full of chemtrails and had
spread out to form a blanket. Arriving at the border with Holland just
south of Maastricht, bang!: clear sky over Holland.
That to me was proof that the (chem)trails are purposely being laid. It
also was proof that the argument of some people these trails only occur
during specific atmospheric conditions is not valid.

And even if these trails would not be chemtrails, it's a scandal that
blue skies are taken way from us, as well as the sun being put behind a
lace curtain. And this several days per week.

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:46 pm

Posted by harry on 04/21/2015
hey they lied about the flat earth didn't they? maybe they aren't persistent contrails after all? big brother would never lie lol.

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:47 pm

Posted by eschaton on 04/21/2015
I have no problem being skeptical about what exactly they are spraying.  People have claimed to find barium, aluminum, varies other heavy metals and even human blood molocules in the fallout from these trails. I have personally never done these tests though, so I'm just going on what I witness (something is being sprayed on some days).     

 If all "chemtrails" come from turbo jet fans, does that mean some days no turbo jets are flying and other days they are all over the sky?  They also would not answer if they thought Geo-engineering was going on or possible.  Instead it's like they are reading the Joe Rogan/Mick West playbook on chemtrail debate.

I think that chemtrails are a multifaceted operation that tie several seemingly unrelated topics together.  The more we uncover the more we will understand what/why they are spraying, but to act like it's not going on at all is "naive" at best.

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:49 pm

Posted by madhatter on 05/06/2015
Hi all, I took the following photo myself just near my work place. These "trails" expanded and blotted out the blue sky with a white haze.Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   25d2a4d6710b8e9244052091b56d330c

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:51 pm

Posted by ancientjon on 06/05/2015
There is abundant evidence that the government(s) has been working on weaponized weather manipulation systems for many decades. What do you think HAARP and ultra-low frequency Nexrad Stations are built for? Nikola Tesla was engineering wireless frequency transmitting towers back in the 1800s - this is nothing new. Spraying nano-particles of heavy metals from above is just a way of manipulating the atmosphere so that it will respond to wireless frequencies. You are being ignorant if you think you are not being affected by what is coming out of those planes.

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:52 pm

Posted by planetruth on 06/05/2015
Anyone wishing to see the massive amount of physical data that geo-engineering has been going on for 50 years, wants physical proof of the metals (barium, stronium, aluminum), proof of Morgellons disease and proof of over 113 government/business solar radiation management and solar radiation injections patents, please introduce yourself to this site.

Additionally, please peruse the site below to see how chemtrails, nano fiber nueron synapse replacement technology, rfid chips and super computers are being used to take over peoples minds, V2k or Voice to Skull and even implant micro cameras.  Technology is way ahead of our ability to follow it.  Google, "Moore's Law".

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:55 pm

Posted by Admin on 06/07/2015
I'm not very old but I know for a fact there is far more white shit coming out of planes now then there ever used to be when I was young. And whatever it is, it lingers in the air far longer than normal contrails do.

Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Holly-chemtrail

Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Chemtrails

Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   HPIM5833

Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   HPIM5591

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:56 pm

Posted by schpankme on 06/07/2015

Jun 7, 2015 9:23:52 GMT Admin said:

Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Chemtrails

IFR Holding Pattern, 
also see, Missed Approach Pattern 

Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   103552-004-E061D172
Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Paperclip-contrails

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:58 pm

Posted by vortexkitten on 06/07/2015

Jun 7, 2015 11:14:31 GMT schpankme said:
IFR Holding Pattern, 
also see, Missed Approach Pattern 

Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   103552-004-E061D172

Hi schpankme,

Yeah you could be right. 

There is a tremendous amount of shit out there to wade through regarding CONtrails and CHEMtrails,
a lot of info & disinfo out there regarding this topic, official scientific explanations for it all and more.
I am just trying to understand what my eyes are seeing more frequently than before. 

But speaking for myself I do get slightly anxious when there are persistent trails in the sky . . . .?

I found this though:

There are no airports HERE. The nearest is 80km away.
Four planes did a U-turn over Blaenau Ffestiniog ( North Wales ) last Tuesday lunchtime (16th March 2010)! Other parts of the sky were plastered with trails during the day.
The planes did their u-turns almost above Manod Quarry - heading back East where they came from. No doubt back to cover Merseyside / Manchester areas which have been worse than ever recently for trailing - day and night! 

Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   WlJlvKh2amYhfivBtpGyChemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   ZMS2g2eWGqtq9MNJq2jg

Below the horizon as always at eye level.
The white lines sure look wicked and don't look fake to me.
I'd feel better though if I knew they had been photoshopped in Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Smiley
Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   UdN8bxgBEo8JhVapBadO

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:00 pm

Posted by vortexkitten on 06/08/2015

I was not being flippant. I am not a pilot but going downwind I imagine would be easier for the pilots to see if their spraying apparatus was working or not before they arrived to wherever they wanted to go?

I can see with my eyes they are spraying here where I live. I have seen it stopping and starting. I don't know what is being sprayed into the air though.

www.carnicominstitute.org/ now in its 15th year of re-search is a valuable resource for all of us.

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:01 pm

Posted by seven1 on 06/08/2015
I've seen as many as 4 planes flying in a perfect diagonal formation laying chemtrails, maybe the the Blue Angels F18's were in the shop that day. 

Just a few that I have


Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   CJWvxQ2TNIR5dbBytVbO

Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   QAYx4LwIyIjilaUib2Yz

Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   PfARqWoeh2no9vN5Eks6

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:02 pm

Posted by vortexkitten on 06/08/2015

My eyes tell me that they are not contrails, it appears to me as if the pilots switched On and then Off again.
One thing I have noticed is that Chemtrails persist and expand where contrails do not.

Back to my Re-Search for me now. I'm going to watch this video explaining how turbo fan engines work.
from the website www.geoengineeringwatch.org

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:04 pm

Posted by harry on 06/09/2015
what about the cross hatching or tic tac toeing? a fleet of planes working in harmony are needed to pull off a chemtrail operation. This is why you will see a number of planes changing path simultaneously, flying parallel, making u-turns no where near airports.

i can definitely feel a good spraying, if it was just condensation it wouldn't make people react to it. 

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:05 pm

You said that I " fail to answer your question" I have answered your question schpankme!

Posted by vortexkitten on 06/09/2015

my Question?
Can you imagine that there are established flight patterns which have multiple airliners flying in circles leaving their jet exhaust behind like some teenager doing ‘donuts and wheelies’ on his motorcycle in the empty school parking lot?!

IS THIS photo merely a snapshot of everyday contrail activity?
Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   0q3tGyiWKlk52PhB_idd

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:07 pm

Posted by on 06/10/2015

All one has to do is test for themselves.  you can read the many comments from those who found greatly elevated levels of aluminum and barium and other synergistic toxities.  Everyone has it in them

Or you can review results others have done. Personally, i have sampled my water and soil for ten years and continue to get ever increasing amounts of barium, aluminum and stronium in my results.  Anyone wishing to see results plz contact me.

and how do you like flying, admittedly knowing they are/have been using pesticides on commercial flights for decades??

and now they have a new problem with us sheeple, "aerotoxic syndrome" from flying through chemtrail b.s.

Group of trees are dying all around where i live in N. Cal. Oak trees exploding above ground, strands of pines turning burnt red, my orchard is losing cherry, apple and pear trees on last year perfectly healthy trees. It looks like their DNA has just been turned off.  Trees started to bud in Feb, then just died. Never seen this before in 58 years.
 i live in the forest and the ancient Redwoods and the forest is dying from the geoengineering, drought and dramatic, life ending increases in UV-B.  And no one seems to give a rats ass about it...yet it's making for great kindling in a state that has declared the drought to be the "greatest crisis in California history"..yet golf courses play on, car washes keepin' em clean, all the water you want for you lawn estates....this is being geo-engineered folks, no two ways about it.

Wake up world!

All about Shillaphobia

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:09 pm

Posted by eschaton on 06/10/2015

Jun 9, 2015 18:08:04 GMT said:
which come from turbojet engines 

I can't seem to follow the logic that turbojet engines are what cause "chemtrails".  I asked the same question in this thread about 4 times a couple of months ago and never got an answer from you.  If all chemtrails are actually just contrails from turbojet engines that means that some days the sky is full of turbo jet engine planes and other days they are all grounded, that makes no sense.  

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:10 pm

Posted by susie on 06/10/2015
Guy down the road is getting higher test levels of aluminum and Barium in his soil. I watch the criss cross patterns several times a week and when they are heavy my asthma kicks my ass. Yes, I can definately tell a heavy spray day without looking up.

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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