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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by markwilson Fri Mar 13, 2020 2:13 am

One may also see two Schpankme comments in that thread, All Governments are Owned by Banks! https://ifers.123.st/t244-all-governments-are-owned-by-banks

The reason I bring up his two posts from that thread, is that he has chastised me for getting off topic when convenient to him in the Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP, thread (17 pages as of today). Are we going to walk the talk?

His 1st comment (keep in mind the subject of the thread is banking):

"You claim to be 20 years old, yet you state, "whatever the kids are calling [god] these days".

Join date : 2017-02-27
Age : 20
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End Schpankme's 1st comment.

The young man shared a very informative video, and Schpankme was critical of the young man, instead of, addressing anything in the video.

Do you see where this is going?

Schpankme's 2nd, and only other comment thus far in that thread, was:

"From within the corporation known as the UNITED STATES, the Citizen, Resident, Person is indoctrinated from birth to worship two man-made constructs called Heaven and Space (Fiction).  The Freemasons incorporate both constructs into one.  E.g. Godspeed!

Creator:  Big Bang
Abode:   Space (Gravity Theory)
Indoctrination:  Educational System (Copyright)

Creator:  God
Abode:    Heaven (Holy Spirit)
Indoctrination:  Bible (Copyright)

End Schpankme's 2nd comment.

What?! What?! The thread is on b.a.n.k.i.n.g.

Neither comment is anywhere close to being on-topic, yet the young man, who by the way began the thread, was completely on topic with his first two posts and the videos he shared. Why the vitriol in a new thread on banking?

Here is the chronology;

1) Young man (one year removed from being a teen) starts thread.

2) Young man shares a couple very informative videos in first two posts on central banking practices.

3) Schankme launches first attack.

4) Young man good-naturedly responds to unwarranted criticism having nothing to do with topic of the thread.

5) Schankme doubles down, launches 2nd assault having nothing to do with the thread, anymore than his 1st comment did.

Why? Do you find it odd that both Schpankme, and now Just Vital today (3/12/20), have both been off-topic with comments totally unrelated to the subject of that other thread? Coincidence?

And though the Schpankme posts in question were in 2017 (Just Vital's today), what does one say when he sees the same pattern there, in particular with Just Vital's tactics today, coupled with what has gone on in the Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP, and this thread since the exact point I merely shared a video I thought  informative (on page 11, now at 17 in the HAARP thread); exactly as happened in this thread, the HAARP thread, and is now happening in the other thread?

The video I shared on page 11 in the HAARP thread: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI2OGALLTT0&feature=emb_logo

I'm not going to be browbeat by these guys, especially when I share a video on a separate topic only to have it spuriously challenged by those who have an axe to grind, and proceed to promptly attack me in another thread.

If the pattern is there, the pattern is there; then and now. And if I'm going to be attacked in this thread, the thread Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP, and now in the banking thread, I sure as heck can play the game exposing the hypocrisy of the actions of the two aligning themselves against me.

Last edited by markwilson on Fri Mar 13, 2020 2:54 am; edited 1 time in total

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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by Russian Blue Cat Fri Mar 13, 2020 2:28 am

What experiment can anyone do proving 5G is harmful? I'm new to this subject and want to prove to myself that 5G is bad
Russian Blue Cat
Russian Blue Cat

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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by susie Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:11 pm

Effects of Wireless Devices on Human Body


Having a severe TBI my brain is more susceptible to influences such as barometric pressure, light, sound, etc. Because of this when I use a cell phone it causes heat and pressure of some sort because it kills my head. I have to always use speakerphone mode. This is the same for my friend who has also had a TBI. Her face starts burning when she gets the phone too close to her head.
I do not experience that sensation with my corded home phone nor does she.

The arguments being made against harmful waves eminsting from these devices falls on deaf ears here. Personal experience beats any so called agenda driven information for me.

Last edited by susie on Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:21 pm

stop your witchhunt markwilson.


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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:42 pm

susie wrote:Effects of Wireless Devices on Human Body


So you take some survey center (on Pakistan doctors? I am not even sure what it is) above the actual tests done which you can find here:



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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by susie Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:54 pm

vincey84 wrote:
susie wrote:Effects of Wireless Devices on Human Body


So you take some survey center (on Pakistan doctors? I am not even sure what it is) above the actual tests done which you can find here:



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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:37 pm

susie wrote:
vincey84 wrote:
susie wrote:Effects of Wireless Devices on Human Body


So you take some survey center (on Pakistan doctors? I am not even sure what it is) above the actual tests done which you can find here:



take it easy, and no i cannot know how it affects you. But than say that and you don't even need to say what it is.


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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by markwilson Mon Mar 16, 2020 8:45 pm

vincey84 wrote:stop your witchhunt markwilson.

Would you care to expound upon why you use a fallacious appeal to frame your opponent as one witch-hunting, or on a "witchhunt" [sic]? If you made a similar fallacious appeal to frame your oppenent "boogey man," would you provide anything of substance validating your claim? Or was your purpose simply to cheer from the sidelines?

Am I supposed to stay on topic when others accuse me of being a "liar" and on a "witchhunt" [sic]? Do you think I should be silent while you paint me in a way without anything supporting it? You have no evidence any more than he had evidence.

Or do you think accusing me, sans providing any evidence in support of the claim, automatically excuses your brain-fart to not provide a hint of substance giving evidence to what you lazily claim? I think you took a wrong turn on your walk over from (((YouTube))) where such prattle comes off as genius to those such as yourself who like-minded revel in immature one-sentence quips.

Tell me what it is you disagree with that you frame me on a "witchhunt."

Extend to me the courtesy of explaining your popularity vote.

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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by markwilson Mon Mar 16, 2020 9:24 pm

From Susie's above linked pdf:

"These devices emit the harmful radiations which cause the diseases like male infertility, brain tumor, hearing impairment, fetus, effect on eyes, etc. Besides, these radiations severely affect other various parts of human body."

Are we all agreed that radiation is harmful? Are we all agreed that energy was employed on 9/11?

We have a confluence of technology all coming together, it seems. How much of what is going on now is psychological, how much in the physical?

The "pandemic" scare (a lie) is psychological. Energy being applied and people dropping dead from it, or courtesy of a toxic vaccine they have agreed to take, have been forced to take, or even a synchronicity of two or more of the technologies, is the mystery.

We don't have a clue how those Twin Towers were in essence turned to dust in 10, 11 seconds, outside of the demonstrable fact that energy was employed. All the cover given to the conspirators was psychological in nature. Who controls America? Who controls the publishing, media outlets? Who marches in lock step parroting all together whatever in-vogue lie is being used to cover the criminal conspirators' actions?

Cui bono? When retired admiral William Crowe, for example, was cashing in on Bioport stock (which may have been given to him free of charge), the manufacturer of the toxic anthrax vaccination which was being forced on innocent people, he didn't care. Who is cashing in on, who controls, who doesn't care about, what has now become a practically earth-wide, Coronavirus "pandemic," which is nothing more than propaganda driving people to do silly things? One of the questions is, how much evidence do we have that the same cabal who perpetrated 9/11, are now at work creating this latest propaganda theater. How many actually died, sans the laughable "vic-sim" board provided by that same compromised media who wouldn't speak about the truth of those things any more than they would willingly jeopardize their salaries, positions, and pensions?

How much, in cost, preparation and resources, do the Controllers expend to stage things? How did they stage 9/11? Boston Marathon? Sandy Hook? Why are the criminals never brought to justice. Q is worthless. Wolfgang Halbig (Sandy Hook) has done more for truth than Q has done since the inception of his little theater of deceit.

So when we see various street, office, business, security cameras purporting to show people falling over, we now live in an age of deceit in which we can't possibly know if they're merely crisis actors or actually physically dropping over. They've only projected a few of such cases that I know of; i.e., we have not seen bunches of people in one locale drop over dead, as we have seen with some of the animal mass-deaths. At least we haven't seen that yet, to my knowledge.

Is the virus the cover for such future occurrences? If something is making animals drop en masse dying, we certainly know that such occurrence is not a consequence of the natural order of things. We die separately at our own time, unless, for example, we're having the bejesus bombed out of us by something not of nature, and by design to the demise of many innocent people (Germany comes to mind, WWI & WWII).

But some among us apparently want to give the impression that Our Enemy, the State, would never ever consider using technology as an assassination technique giving them virtual ironclad cover to wantonly destroy others while claiming "disease," or some such thing, even though we all know it would be willful murder, if they are given, or already have, that technology. They used energy on 9/11, a military-grade operation in which psychosis was induced, and people murdered.

We're being sold a massive lie no matter what is actually happening in the physical realm. It is all built on a lie. Edward Bernays, the Father of Modern Mass Propaganda, right?

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, and our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of…. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind." https://tinyurl.com/y7uyquv2

Who perpetrated 9/11? Who controls HAARP? Who controls the energy to destroy? Is 5G energy? Do we ever see energy frequencies in the manmade clouds left by the airplanes producing them?

We've all seen them. The clouds that give the appearance of some kind of energy source producing a rippling design in the clouds. I can usually very easily distinguish between chem-clouds and real clouds.

Water evaporates leaving clear sky. Water evaporates timely behind aircraft that are not spraying chemicals. There is nothing going on here other than an insistence that personal observations be recognized as the same guiding light as informs us that water's surface at rest in a basin doesn't bend.

Last edited by markwilson on Fri Mar 20, 2020 6:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2020 10:56 pm

markwilson wrote:
vincey84 wrote:stop your witchhunt markwilson.

Would you care to expound upon why you use a fallacious appeal to frame your opponent as one witch-hunting, or on a "witchhunt" [sic]? If you made a similar fallacious appeal to frame your oppenent "boogey man," would you provide anything of substance validating your claim? Or was your purpose simply to cheer from the sidelines?

Am I supposed to stay on topic when others accuse me of being a "liar" and on a "witchhunt" [sic]? Do you think I should be silent while you paint me in a way without anything supporting it? You have no evidence any more than he had evidence.

Or do you think accusing me, sans providing any evidence in support of the claim, automatically excuses your brain-fart to not provide a hint of substance giving evidence to what you lazily claim? I think you took a wrong turn on your walk over from (((YouTube))) where such prattle comes off as genius to those such as yourself who like-minded revel in immature one-sentence quips.

Tell me what it is you disagree with that you frame me on a "witchhunt."

Extend to me the courtesy of explaining your popularity vote.

Ah come the fuck on man, spare me your overextended words. Everyone that opposes you in some way or capacity you start calling out and take it personally. Stop that. Further more you link all kinds of things. A word that you seem to really like is energy. You know that is just a general term for just about everything right? You are not explaining what something is when you say:"they used energy on 9/11". What are you baffling about man? You are trying to link everything together without having a real understanding of these events on itself and making post after post after post. You know when someone does actually is on to something you know straight away: less text, to the point, in their own words and with something that is actually testable for someone else.


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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by markwilson Mon Mar 16, 2020 11:22 pm

vincey84 wrote:
markwilson wrote:
vincey84 wrote:stop your witchhunt markwilson.

Would you care to expound upon why you use a fallacious appeal to frame your opponent as one witch-hunting, or on a "witchhunt" [sic]? If you made a similar fallacious appeal to frame your oppenent "boogey man," would you provide anything of substance validating your claim? Or was your purpose simply to cheer from the sidelines?

Am I supposed to stay on topic when others accuse me of being a "liar" and on a "witchhunt" [sic]? Do you think I should be silent while you paint me in a way without anything supporting it? You have no evidence any more than he had evidence.

Or do you think accusing me, sans providing any evidence in support of the claim, automatically excuses your brain-fart to not provide a hint of substance giving evidence to what you lazily claim? I think you took a wrong turn on your walk over from (((YouTube))) where such prattle comes off as genius to those such as yourself who like-minded revel in immature one-sentence quips.

Tell me what it is you disagree with that you frame me on a "witchhunt."

Extend to me the courtesy of explaining your popularity vote.

Ah come the fuck on man, spare me your overextended words. Everyone that opposes you in some way or capacity you start calling out and take it personally. Stop that. Further more you link all kinds of things. A word that you seem to really like is energy. You know that is just a general term for just about everything right? You are not explaining what something is when you say:"they used energy on 9/11". What are you baffling about man? You are trying to link everything together without having a real understanding of these events on itself and making post after post after post. You know when someone does actually is on to something you know straight away: less text, to the point, in their own words and with something that is actually testable for someone else.

I thought this was about your assertion I'm on a "witchhunt" [sic].

Did you extend to me the courtesy I asked for? Please provide context of the witch, or witches, you assert me to be on the hunt for.

You seem to be confused. You accused me of a witch hunt.  Don't change the subject now. Why are you now talking about "something that is actually testable for someone else." How did you test your hypothesis I'm allegedly on a witch hunt?

I demand you now provide that which is testable proving me the hunter of witches. Because you have failed to do that even though you demand it of others.

By the way, not many scholarly papers begin with "Ah come the fuck on man...." Have some more whine and think about it.

Have I avoided "overextended words" to your satisfaction?

When you're baited into attempting to prove the thing you can't prove, and knowing that you can't save face by spinning a fallacious argument into something other than what it is (no silk purses from your pig ear offerings), simply admit it and move on. You're guilty of logical fallacy, and now it has been pointed out to you. Logical fallacies debates do not win. Just like you're not winning this one.


Ad hominem is an insult used as if it were an argument or evidence in support of a conclusion. "A thread on Quora lists the following doozies against Hillary Clinton: “Killary Clinton,” “Crooked Hillary,” “Hilla the Hun,” “Shillary,” “Hitlery,” “Klinton,” “Hildebeest,” “Defender of Child rapists,” “Corporate Whore,” “Mr. President,” “Heil Hillary,” “Wicked Witch of the West Wing,” “Robberty Hillham Clinton,” “Mrs. Carpetbagger”, and the decidedly unsubtle, “The Devil.”

"Witchhunt" [sic]?


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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2020 11:43 pm

markwilson wrote:
vincey84 wrote:
markwilson wrote:
vincey84 wrote:stop your witchhunt markwilson.

Would you care to expound upon why you use a fallacious appeal to frame your opponent as one witch-hunting, or on a "witchhunt" [sic]? If you made a similar fallacious appeal to frame your oppenent "boogey man," would you provide anything of substance validating your claim? Or was your purpose simply to cheer from the sidelines?

Am I supposed to stay on topic when others accuse me of being a "liar" and on a "witchhunt" [sic]? Do you think I should be silent while you paint me in a way without anything supporting it? You have no evidence any more than he had evidence.

Or do you think accusing me, sans providing any evidence in support of the claim, automatically excuses your brain-fart to not provide a hint of substance giving evidence to what you lazily claim? I think you took a wrong turn on your walk over from (((YouTube))) where such prattle comes off as genius to those such as yourself who like-minded revel in immature one-sentence quips.

Tell me what it is you disagree with that you frame me on a "witchhunt."

Extend to me the courtesy of explaining your popularity vote.

Ah come the fuck on man, spare me your overextended words. Everyone that opposes you in some way or capacity you start calling out and take it personally. Stop that. Further more you link all kinds of things. A word that you seem to really like is energy. You know that is just a general term for just about everything right? You are not explaining what something is when you say:"they used energy on 9/11". What are you baffling about man? You are trying to link everything together without having a real understanding of these events on itself and making post after post after post. You know when someone does actually is on to something you know straight away: less text, to the point, in their own words and with something that is actually testable for someone else.

I thought this was about your assertion I'm on a "witchhunt" [sic].

Did you extend to me the courtesy I asked for? Please provide context of the witch, or witches, you assert me to be on the hunt for.

You seem to be confused. You accused me of a witch hunt.  Don't change the subject now. Why are you now talking about "something that is actually testable for someone else." How did you test your hypothesis I'm allegedly on a witch hunt?

I demand you now provide that which is testable proving me the hunter of witches. Because you have failed to do that even though you demand it of others.

By the way, not many scholarly papers begin with "Ah come the fuck on man...." Have some more whine and think about it.

Have I avoided "overextended words" to your satisfaction?

When you're baited into attempting to prove the thing you can't prove, and knowing that you can't save face by spinning a fallacious argument into something other than what it is (no silk purses from your pig ear offerings), simply admit it and move on. You're guilty of logical fallacy, and now it has been pointed out to you. Logical fallacies debates do not win. Just like you're not winning this one.


Ad hominem is an insult used as if it were an argument or evidence in support of a conclusion. "A thread on Quora lists the following doozies against Hillary Clinton: “Killary Clinton,” “Crooked Hillary,” “Hilla the Hun,” “Shillary,” “Hitlery,” “Klinton,” “Hildebeest,” “Defender of Child rapists,” “Corporate Whore,” “Mr. President,” “Heil Hillary,” “Wicked Witch of the West Wing,” “Robberty Hillham Clinton,” “Mrs. Carpetbagger”, and the decidedly unsubtle, “The Devil.”

"Witchhunt" [sic]?


Don't suddenly act like you don't know what you are doing. You called me a shill and are suggesting that others are deliberately sabotaging your posts/links. And yeah i call it a witch hunt as soon as you start accusing someone of deliberate sabotage. I suggest you come off your high horse and stop getting one side of the story. You have created a set of beliefs that function like a filter of information. You don't get the full picture and are only expanding on what you believe.


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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by susie Tue Mar 17, 2020 8:08 pm

jewry/trannywood wrote:From what Ive read, the negative health effects from 5G frequencies will be way more pronounced than from current EMFs.
And guess where the technology was created? Yep Israel by JEWS!

Looks like the JWO is getting impatient with the slow-kill option and would like to speed it up a little.

A lady in the UK was sectioned under  the mental health act for telling her GP that she was experiencing health issues since a tower was erected near her home.

Let’s talk about his use of this bullshit to control a charging bull.

Yeah, I cant see the dirty bastards club using MIND CONTROL on us.  You realize this shutdown of schools is to install 5g under guise of “cleaning crews”?
School boards were informed previous to the shutdown apparently.  They knew parents would raise hell.

Same shit as MKULTRA.  That’s not hard for you to digest.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5480854/?fbclid=IwAR1tpDAYiQoZW_rgowFAsQnJXQO4ET65E1jYP2wqVoizKN_m7Gbzr61_BJIMISSING MANUSCRIPT OF RADIO CONTROLLED BULL


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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by susie Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:09 am

Alarge number of young women carry their cellphones in the bra unaware that they are exposing themselves directly to microwave radiation. That is not a good idea. In fact, the phones come with specific warnings from manufacturers not to do so.

Dr. John West and his colleagues at Breast Care in Southern California have been working with Dr. Lisa Bailey, former president of the American Cancer Society California and one of the nation’s top breast surgeons. Together with Dr. Bailey and Dr. West’s team, we have accumulated seven cases of young women with very unusual breast cancers, all of whom have no family history or genetic risk factors for the disease.

Normally, breast cancer occurs in the upper outer quadrant of the breast, toward the armpit. These unusual cases have breast tumours that are barely under the skin and have multiple tumors at the centre of the chest right under the outline of where these women kept their cellphones. Two of these cases are only 21 years old. Breast cancer rarely occurs in 21 year olds. These women carried their cellphones in their bras from the time they were 13 years old for hours per day. Multiple primary breast cancer is not common, either. No more than 10 percent of all breast cancers present as multiple primary.

There has not been serious experimental or public health research on the relationship between cellphones and breast cancer in the United States. However, Turkey scientific publications report that breast cancer cell growth quadrupled when exposed them to cellphone radiation. In reviewing the 18-year-old approach to cellphone testing, the US Government Accounting Office noted that phones are not tested as used and recommended more realistic testing scenarios be developed. Modelling studies indicate that phones kept close to the body in the shirt or pants pocket can produce two to six times more microwave radiation than recommended.

The warnings on an iPhone can be found under “Settings” by selecting “General>About>Legal>RF Exposure”. It advises you to use a headset or a speakerphone during a call, to keep the phone at least 10 mm away from the body at all times, and that cellphone cases (or holders) with metal parts may change the phone’s compliance with RF exposure guidelines in a manner that has not been tested or certified. Unlike most other contents of the iPhone, the text of these RF Exposure warnings cannot be enlarged or copied. Most consumers are completely unaware of the existence of those warnings. Some women tuck cellphones into their bras or their headscarves, and men often carry cellphones in their pants pockets. In addition, some children and youth put cellphones or mobile devices in their chest pockets. BlackBerry and other smartphones have similar warnings, such as, “Don’t keep the phone in the pocket” and “Keep the phone at least 2.54 cm away from the abdomen of pregnant women or teenagers.”

Men who want to father healthy children have to be aware: if you take sperm from healthy men and put them in two test tubes, where one test tube gets exposed to cellphone radiation and the other does not, the sperm in the test tube exposed to cellphone radiation die three times faster and have three times more damage in their DNA than the unexposed sperm. There is a growing consensus in the medical community that cellphone radiation is a health problem. According to Professor Stanton Glantz of the University of California, a well-known expert in biostatistics, cellphones clearly do damage sperm, but should not be considered a reliable form of birth control.

I was trained as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Johns Hopkins University in Cancer Epidemiology and I worked with the US National Academy of Sciences for 10 years directing environmental studies. As director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh cancer institute, I owned three cellphones and insisted that all the senior staff whom I was working with had to carry a BlackBerry on their bodies so I could reach them when I needed them.

When my first grandchild was at nine months of age, he was able to take a cellphone, turn it on, find a game, and play it. At first I was very proud of him. Inspired by my grandson’s skills with cellphones, I began to look into what we knew about cellphones.

What I found shocked me.

I naively thought that all consumer goods had been adequately tested for safety. However, I discovered that the so-called “safety” of cellphones was based on an extremely outdated paradigm that contradicted cutting edge science. I further realized that the mobile industry used their financial advantage to “war game” scientists whose research revealed that cellphone radiation was associated with increased risk to human health. While reviewing cellphones, I noted a serious problem looming—that there was no more unexposed control group, as most people in the world were using cellphones. I saw from my own research on environmental studies and my previous work on the war of cancer how long it took for us to take action against tobacco, asbestos, and other toxic substances. It took us far too long to reduce people’s cigarette smoking. Although we have finally seen a decline in tobacco death, numerous lives have been sacrificed over decades while the problem was denied and the solution was delayed.

The public needs to understand that a cellphone is a two-way microwave radio. In order for it to receive information, it must send signals to the tower for the tower to send signals back to it. Whenever you are moving (e.g. in cars or on bikes) while you are on your phone, the phone operates at full power to maintain connection with one cell tower after another. That means continuous, maximum microwave radiation. On top of that, you have constant microwave radiation plumes generated by Wi-Fi and Bluetooth two-way transmissions as well as notifications and updates of numerous smartphone apps. The mobile industry euphemizes this radiation as “radiofrequency energy,” because marketing cellphones as two-way microwave radios used next to the brain would not make them very popular.

To use a cellphone smartly, turn it on only when you need to use it. Otherwise, keep it on airplane mode because on airplane mode it cannot send microwave radiation to a cell tower or into you. In addition, distance is your friend. Keep your cellphone away from your body, use a wired headset or speakerphone. Keep the cellphone out of your pockets and your bra. Make the bra a no-phone zone.

Dr. Devra Lee Davis, M.P.H., Ph.D, is recognized internationally for her work on environmental health and disease prevention. A presidential appointee who received bi-partisan Senate confirmation, Dr. Davis was the founding director of the world’s first Center for Environmental Oncology and currently serves as president of Environmental Health Trust. She lectures at universities around the world and was the recent winner of the Carnegie Science Medal in 2010 and the Lifetime Achievement Award from Green America in 2012. Her 2007 book, The Secret History of the War on Cancer, is being used at major schools of public health, including Harvard University. Her most recent book, Disconnect, was awarded the Silver Medal from Nautilus Books for Courageous Reporting and selected by TIME magazine and Amazon editors as a top pick. Dr. Davis’ research has appeared in major scientific journals and has been featured on CNN, CSPAN, CBC, BBC, and public radio.

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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by susie Fri Mar 20, 2020 3:44 pm

I was just stopped from posting about this subject on fool book & jeutube.

Nothing to see here.

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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by Russian Blue Cat Fri Mar 20, 2020 6:44 pm

How is 5G harmful? I see controlled op like David Icke promote the idea it's harmful and i've been looking around and i don't see any experiments that anyone can do proving it's harmful or bad.
All i see is more scientism worship when people say hundreds of scientists around the world say it's harmful. I don't want to beLIEve 5G is harmful, i want to know
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Russian Blue Cat

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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by markwilson Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:59 pm

Russian Blue Cat wrote:How is 5G harmful? I see controlled op like David Icke promote the idea it's harmful and i've been looking around and i don't see any experiments that anyone can do proving it's harmful or bad.
All i see is more scientism worship when people say hundreds of scientists around the world say it's harmful. I don't want to beLIEve 5G is harmful, i want to know

Why are you linking Icke with 5G? Is 5G energy? Have governments harnessed energy and weaponized it against its people? Who conducted 9/11? What weaponized energy was used to in essence turn to dust two 110 story towers in 10, 11 seconds?

You seem to be projecting "scientism worship" by associating it to a known disinformation agent, while at the same time taking the position that the energy of 5G is not subject to manipulation by governments, and others, seeking to do harm with that access to destructive force when harnessed properly. Have the warmongers decided to never build advancements in weaponology, never improve upon their tanks, rifles, ships, airplanes and sundry trinkets of death; including energy weapons? Find within these IFERS pages the government panel posing questions regards safety to the end-user, put to the representatives of that 5G industry. The point is, they admitted that testing had not been done to insure its safety. If it's safe, why didn't they provide the proof that they had given due diligence to the matter of insuring the health of their clientele around RF exposure to the devices they profit from?!

See, for example, https://ehtrust.org/scientific-research-on-5g-and-health/, Published Scientific Research on 5G, Small Cells Wireless and Health.

"Published peer reviewed science already indicates that the current wireless technologies of 2G, 3G and 4G – in use today with our cell phones, computers and wearable tech – creates (create) radio frequency exposures which poses (pose) a serious health risk to humans, animals and the environment. Scientists are cautioning that before rolling out 5G, research on human health effects urgently needs to be done first  to ensure the public and environment are protected." (emphasis added)

Also in the same article, "Published Research Documents Adverse Effects of RF Exposure."

A sampling:

"a research review that documents the range of reported adverse effects of RF and millimeter waves—effects range from cancer to bacteria growth changes to DNA damage."

"identifies the wide-spectrum of adverse health effects of non-ionizing non-visible radiation and concludes that 5 G mobile networking technology will affect not only the skin and eyes, but will have adverse systemic effects as well."

"a research review detailing research findings that millimeter waves can alter gene expression, promote cellular proliferation and synthesis of proteins linked with oxidative stress, inflammatory and metabolic processes."

"documents how significant tissue heating can be generated by 5G technology’s rapid short bursts of energy.  “The results also show that the peak-to-average ratio of 1,000 tolerated by the International Council on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection guidelines may lead to permanent tissue damage after even short exposures"

"two papers by physicists presenting research that found higher 5G frequencies are intensely absorbed into human sweat ducts (in skin), at much higher absorption levels than other parts of our skin’s tissues"

"published in Scientific Reports is the first study to investigate how insects (including the Western honeybee) absorb the higher frequencies (2 GHz to 120 GHz) to be used in the 4G/5G rollout. The scientific simulations showed increases in absorbed power between 3% to 370% when the insects were exposed to the frequencies. Researchers concluded, “This could lead to changes in insect behaviour, physiology, and morphology over time….”

"found that 93 of the 100 peer-reviewed studies dealing with oxidative effects of low-intensity RFR, confirmed that RFR induces oxidative effects in biological systems"

"published in The Lancet documents the significant increase in environmental levels of radio-frequency (RF) electromagnetic wireless radiation over the last two decades. The study cites an evaluation that found 68.2% of 2266 studies in humans, animals, and plants demonstrated significant biological or health effects associated with exposure to electromagnetic fields."

"The paper states that “exposure to low frequency and radiofrequency electromagnetic fields at low intensities poses a significant health hazard that has not been adequately addressed by national and international organizations such as the World Health Organization.”

"research that has found a link between radiofrequency radiation and oxidative stress and changes to the reproductive system including sperm count, motility, normal morphology and viability. The review concludes that the “available data indicate that exposure to EMF can cause adverse health effects. It is also reported that biological effects may occur at very low levels of exposure.”

"review study on 56 studies that reported biological effects found at very low intensities, including impacts on reproduction, permeability of the blood-brain barrier, behavior, cellular and metabolic changes, and increases in cancer risk"

I'm not going to go on. The above studies, with links, are not even inclusive of ALL the provided information from just the ONE link I provide above! They are found in only the very top portion of the overall page with much more documentation proving the adversity of RF exposure.

What causes animal mass-deaths? Energy? Do you have a better explanation? Is it natural, plausible, in the immutable laws of nature, that animal mass death is built into those laws pertaining to our animal friends on this plane? https://duckduckgo.com/?q=animal+mass+deaths&iax=images&ia=images

Review the provided peer reviewed links. What do you not understand about peer review science linking adversity with the RF exposure to those around it? WHO is it adverse to? Animals, insects, you, I and our children?

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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by nowhereelsetogo Sat Mar 21, 2020 12:08 pm

I cant help stopping vids now whenever books are mentioned and looking for them.

extensive website: 5gexposed.com from which I got this 17 page summary of the below mentioned book;


It's a shocker (pun intended). I will try and find myself a free translation of the original work.

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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by markwilson Sat Mar 21, 2020 5:09 pm

From nowhereelsetogo's above provided link;

"DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY, Biological Effects of Electromagnetic (Radiowaves and Microwaves) Eurasian Communist Countries (U)" https://tinyurl.com/tueuash

From the above pdf, and by way of example (mass animal deaths, anybody?);

"Animal experiments reported in the open literature have demonstrated the use of low-level microwave signals to produce death by heart seizure or by neurological pathologies resulting from breaching of the blood-brain barrier."

Also from the above document, we find;

"Similar studies With rats indicated apparent DECREASE in cholinesterase activity in the central nervous system." (all-caps, "decrease," mine)

Which takes us here;

"Cholinesterase INHIBITORS (also called acetylcholinesterase inhibitors) are a group of medicines that block the normal breakdown of acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is the main neurotransmitter found in the body and has functions in both the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system. For example, acetylcholine is released by motor neurons to activate muscles; acetylcholine also has an important role in arousal, attention, learning, memory and motivation." (all-caps, "inhibitors," mine) See, https://www.drugs.com/drug-class/cholinesterase-inhibitors.html

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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by susie Sat Mar 21, 2020 11:37 pm

   The Inpower Movement
   What is 5G Info
   Clear Light Ventures
   Environmental Health Trust
   Generation Zapped
   In Power Movement
   National Association for Children and Safe Technology
   Parents for Safe Technology
   Scientists for Wired Tech
   We Are The Evidence
   Age Of Autism
   Anngwyn St Just
   Bio-Electromagnetic Research Initiative (BEMRI)
   Council Tax Scam Information
   Dangers of 5G rollout-studies
   Eiwell Spring
   Electro Sensitivity
   Electrosmog report
   EMF Exposure Limits/World
   EMR safety
   Enchanted Life Path TV & Radio
   Global Research
   Refuse Smart Meters
   Research 5G and Stop It
   Return to Now
   Scientific Research on EMF
   Stop Smart meters
   Studies on EMF
   The Bernician a great resource for beating the system
   The Community (Debt,Health and Well Being)
   The CrowHouse Max Igan
   The Full Circle Project
   The Happy Fox
   The Vigilant Citizen
   Thermo Guy
   Transparency International’s UK
   Visit the We Do No Consent Campaign
   Zeusian Revelations
   Center For Safer Wireless
   Center For Electrosmog Prevention
   Citizens for Safe Technology
   Clear Light Ventures
   Dr. Sam Milham
   Environmental Health Trust
   We Are The Evidence

More In-depth Scientific Research Material:
01. https://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Engineering_Technology/Orders/1996/fcc96326.pdf
02. http://www.iarc.fr/en/media-centre/pr/2011/pdfs/pr208_E.pdf
03. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_IARC_Group_2B_carcinogens
04. http://www.panna.org/resources/ddt-story
05. http://emfrefugee.blogspot.ca/2016/04/levels-of-man-made-artificial-radio.html
06. http://www.parentsforsafetechnology.org/worldwide-countries-taking-action.html
07. http://www.aekwien.at/media/REFLEX_Vortrag.pdf
08. To preserve the privacy of these people and to in order to make an important point, I had to change their names and circumstances slightly. Every single one of these case studies are based on real stories that were reported by doctors and experts on treating electro hypersensitivity (EHS). To read more examples of people reporting many symptoms from the installation of a smart meter or other excess sources of radiation, see http://www.mainecoalitiontostopsmartmeters.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Exhibit-10-Smart-Meter-Health-Effects-Report-Survey2.pdf
09. Plourde, E., PhD, and Plourde, M., PhD. (2016). EMF Freedom — Solutions for the 21st Century Pollution – 3rd Edition. New Voice Publications. Drs. Plourde have reported that a lot of their patients mistakenly think they suffer from early menopause, when in reality they suffer from EMF radiation sickness.
10. This story is classic. See Building Biologist Oram Miller who reported such results when being interviewed on CBS Local 2 a few years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WONwXP5lvM
11. https://www.aap.org/en-us/about-the-aap/aap-press-room/Pages/American-Academy-of-Pediatrics-Announces-New-Recommendations-for-Childrens-Media-Use.aspx
12. https://www.consumerreports.org/cell-phones/what-the-cell-phone-brain-cancer-study-means-for-you/
13. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17482179
14. http://emfsafetynetwork.org/harvard-doctor-warns-against-wi-fi-hazards/
15. http://www.physiology.columbia.edu/MartinBlank.html
16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nxDOf8Yv94
17. https://emfscientist.org/images/docs/EMF_Scientist_Press_Release_5-1-2015.pdf
18. http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/download/Havas%20-%20spread%20of%20wifi%20and%20risks%202013.pdf
19. Blank, M., PhD. (2015). Overpowered: The Dangers of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) and What You Can Do about It. Seven Stories Press.
20. See http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160412014001354, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21799142, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2776019/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3752730/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24700791 and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27601711
21. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3341445/
22. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0891061815000599
23. http://www.marioninstitute.org/electromagnetic-load-a-hidden-factor-in-many-illnesses/
24. Research by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has shown that candida and mold cultures can start spewing up to 600 times more biotoxins when exposed to EMF radiation. See http://it-takes-time.com/2015/07/10/microbial-growth-and-electromagnetic-radiation/
25. See this report listing several studies on EMFs and their effects on the blood-brain barrier: http://www.emfresearch.com/emfs-blood-brain-barrier/
26. http://www.bioinitiative.org/conclusions/
27. http://electromagnetichealth.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Havas_HRV_Ramazzini1.pdf
28. http://www.clearlightventures.com/blog/2014/07/emf-reduction-for-autism.html
29. See this interview with Dr. Elizabeth Plourde to hear about the whole story: http://onairwithella.com/067-2/
30. Experiment done by Dr. Magda Havas from the Trent University in Toronto, Canada. Live blood cells in a low-electrosmog environment (A), and after using a cordless phone for 10 min (B). Excerpt of her 2013 paper: http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/download/Havas%20-%20spread%20of%20wifi%20and%20risks%202013.pdf

Research on Wireless Radiation Exposure to the Immune System


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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by susie Sun Mar 22, 2020 12:19 pm

Coronavirus Kung Flu
Dr Thomas cowan MD explains Virus.
Electric Virology

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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by Russian Blue Cat Mon Mar 23, 2020 2:27 am

So what are you doing to protect yourself from 5g, how are the ones in on the conspiracy gonna protect themselves if 5g is being set up everywhere. How is this gonna impact us but not the environment. Why is it when i ask for an experiment anyone can do proving 5g is harmful markwilson immediately brings up 911?
Markwilson wrote:Have governments harnessed energy and weaponized it against its people? Who conducted 9/11?
So 911 happened therefore proof of 5g? I point out how 5g requires you to trust strangers doing experiments no one else can do I.E. scientism worship and somehow it's not scientism worship when 5g is another undetectable, unseenable, danger yet I can't prove 5g is harmful for myself and every controlled op agent and their mother talks about 5g. Could markwilson have a confirmation bias? If you can't prove it yourself how does it benefit you by beLIEving in it?
Markwilson wrote:Review the provided peer reviewed links. What do you not understand about peer review science linking adversity with the RF exposure to those around it? WHO is it adverse to? Animals, insects, you, I and our children?
I really appreciate the condescension and worship of "peer reviewed links" This undetectable and invisible danger affects "animals, insects, you, i and our children" but i guess proof anyone can do is to much to ask for on a research forum dedicated to truth
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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by Russian Blue Cat Mon Mar 23, 2020 7:06 pm

How to get people to write you off 101: Point to the air and start talking about invisible, undetectable, and unprovable danger

GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 3tq8k110

the shills i'm referring to are those that perpetuate the system of jewish control by spouting unfounded beLIEfs
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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by markwilson Mon Mar 23, 2020 8:50 pm

(((They))) always ultimately give themselves away. Isn't this fun?

"the shills i'm referring to are those that perpetuate the system of jewish control by spouting unfounded beLIEfs"

What he means to say is; "Shills i'm referring to," like Mark Wilson, "perpetuate the [false idea of a] system of jewish control by spouting unfounded beLIEfs."

It just takes some patience to draw them out.

Note regarding the meme you hastily made; you might want to replace "unseenable" with "unseeable." Just a suggestion.

"They [Jews] are the incarnation of that destructive force that in these terrible years has guided the enemy war leadership [corporate UNITED STATES, Britain, USSR] in a fight against all that we see as noble, beautiful, and worth keeping. For that reason alone the Jews hate us. They despise our culture and learning, which they perceive as towering over their nomadic worldview. They fear our economic and social standards, which leave no room for their parasitic drives. They are the enemy of our domestic order, which has excluded their anarchistic tendencies. Germany is the first nation in the world that is entirely free of the Jews." ---Joseph Goebbels, The Creators of the World's Misfortunes

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GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G - Page 4 Empty Re: GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G

Post by markwilson Mon Mar 23, 2020 9:33 pm

Russian Blue Cat wrote:the shills i'm referring to are those that perpetuate the system of jewish control by spouting unfounded beLIEfs

This conversation has become off-topic to the purpose of this thread (GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G). Please address any further concerns in a thread appropriate to your contentions. May I suggest, http://ifers.123.st/t324-the-international-jew-the-world-s-foremost-problem

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