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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Yogi Tolord
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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 8:41 am

The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Flat-earth-society

The Flat Earth Society is a controlled opposition group that mixes truth with lies and satire to discredit genuine flat Earth research, a job they have been doing for a long time now.  Founded in 1970 by Leo Ferrari, a suspected Freemason and philosophy professor at St. Thomas' University, Leo spent his life making a mockery of the legitimate subject of our flat Earth.  Though he passed away in 2010, his Flat Earth Society still exists today online as a website/forum which, still true to form, purports several false flat-Earth arguments and treats the entire subject as a dead-pan joke.


The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Shenton

In 1956 a genuine truth-seeker and flat-Earth researcher, Samuel Shenton, had started the IFERS (International Flat Earth Research Society) and was making quite an impact with his publications and interviews, revealing the truth of our flat Earth to the masses.  The globalists attempted to ignore the threat posed by Shenton for over a decade before finally creating their competing, farcical controlled opposition FES (Flat Earth Society) which has spent the past 45 years steering all flat-Earth inquiry into the realms of satire and sarcasm.  

The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Fesc

To give an idea of how the controlled opposition works, consider the example of Leo Ferrari's pumpkin-sized rock he would always take during interviews and lectures claiming he brought the stone back from the edge of our flat Earth!  He would say, with a huge smirk on his face, how his boat had fallen over the edge but he was luckily saved by hanging onto this rock.  Clearly, treating our flat Earth in this tongue-in-cheek way discouraged people from taking the matter seriously.

The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Ferrari-mason

Ferrari's entire schtick involved approaching the flat Earth subject from every angle EXCEPT the rational and scientific.  For example, he published a series of articles including "The Global Fallacy as a Cause of Racial Prejudice," arguing that people in countries at the top of the globe felt superior to those at the bottom, when in fact there was no top or bottom to the world, so, "even if one assumed that the world was spherical, the 'top' and 'bottom' have been arbitrarily selected, resulting in racial discrimination against those in the south.  How can the globularists, their hirelings and dupes, seriously claim to believe that all men are created equal when they teach that some men are eternally fated to hang like bats from the bottom of a globe on which other men stand upright?  The only solution is a flat Earth!"  So instead of presenting measurements or experiments, instead of presenting any proofs or evidence, Ferrari would often simply argue the flat Earth as a serendipitous satirical solution to social problems.

The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! 1389114_557350437675216_1603566927_n

In a famous 1971 CBC interview Ferrari was asked, "how do you explain the fact that the Earth appears round in the pictures taken from space by the astronauts?"  Instead of answering and addressing the clear photo-trickery involved, Ferrari replied, "Simple.  No doubt you're familiar with Einstein's theory of the curvature of space.  If space is curved - and modern physics is based on that assumption - the Earth, from space, would appear circular.  It's a simple optical illusion."  This convoluted, pandering answer really is no answer at all and serves only to make the listener cock their head and raise an eyebrow.  

The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Charles-k-johnson

Around this time, Charles K. Johnson, another genuine flat-Earther, took over the IFERS from the recently deceased Shenton.  He and his wife Marjory, along with being flat-Earthers, were also vegetarians and anti-vivisectionist activists who campaigned for better treatment of our animal friends.  In 1974, when Johnson heard of Ferrari's budding organization, he decided to contact him and wrote a cordial letter requesting further information about his society, to which Ferrari never replied.  Two years later Johnson wrote another polite letter saying, how he was "delighted by the prospect of a like-minded campaigner," and said how it was "a very happy day" when he learned of Ferrari's society.  "I feel sure at the core we can't be too far apart in aims," Johnson wrote, "I do try to practice what I preach, to think and seek and search out reasonable ideas and concepts."  He closed saying that "he could hardly wait" to hear from Ferrari and hoped very much he would please reply.  After six months without a response, Johnson wrote one more time, explaining again his sole purpose to "enlarge his view" and "getting and holding onto the facts," which would benefit himself, and in time, the rest of the world.  He requested a reply and a copy of Ferrari's FES magazine.  In conclusion Johnson signed "thanks from the bottom of my heart," in advance, but warned that if Ferrari insisted on ignoring him once again, "I will then know for sure you are some kind of enemy of the Flat Earth work."  Eventually Ferrari did reply this time, but not with a message or magazine as requested, he simply enclosed a FES paid-application form.    

The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Leo20ferrari_s-edit

Johnson investigated Ferrari's organization further and found that he was using "the flat earth idea as a gimmick to entertain and promote the atheistic society."  From then on, Johnson worked hard to expand his IFERS and constantly for the rest of his life exposed Ferrari's FES, calling him a "false prophet guilty of muddying the waters of truth."  Near the end of his life, tragically Johnson's house burned down along with all the flat Earth materials he and Shenton had collected over their lifetimes.  Until his dying day, Johnson claimed the fire to be the result of arson by a NASA agent he had seen snooping around.

The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Quotation-Vladimir-Ilyich-Lenin-control-best-Meetville-Quotes-45157

Nowadays the IFERS has disappeared and only Ferrari's FES exists as a website and message board maintained by moderators who, following in the footsteps of Ferrari, make a mockery of the whole thing and turn every thread into a joke deterring any serious flat Earth researcher from pursuing further.  The only redeeming aspect of their website is the library of other people's flat Earth material they maintain, which is actually quite good.  The current President, Daniel Shenton, (coincidentally NO relation to the genuine flat-Earther and IFERS founder Samuel Shenton) can be heard in the following clip, still "muddying the waters of truth," with several false flat Earth arguments:

Notice he says he is "not sure about the Sun, Moon and planets, but that they're probably spheres, but it's definitely not proven, I think."  He flip-flops his answers and expertly fumbles his words as if intentionally trying to sound scatter-brained.  Compare and contrast this shill with genuine flat Earth researchers like myself who will tell you unequivocally that the Sun, Moon, stars and "planets" are all merely luminaries, round discs of celestial light, NOT spherical terra firma capable of landing on as the Freemasons at NASA would have you believe.  He then goes on saying "the effects of gravity, I feel, could be simulated by the disc Earth moving upwards, accelerating upwards at 9.8 meters per second, would have the same effects of what people traditionally think of as gravity."  This ridiculous false flat-Earth argument also appears on Wikipedia and the FES homepage.  It is provably wrong as the "upwards accelerating disc" would smash into all helicopters, planes and hot-air balloons making sustained flight of any kind impossible, but they purposely promote these strawman arguments so flat Earth neophytes will rightly laugh off their dumb explanations, and then following suit, write off the entire subject.  

The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Ifers-banner

To combat Ferrari's Flat Earth Society controlled opposition forum, and in memory of Samuel Shenton, Charles Johnson, and other true flat Earth researchers of the past I have now (re)started IFERS, The International Flat Earth Research Society forum!  Please join up and help make this a useful and informative board!  Also help join and share my new Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Society group on Facebook which already has triple the FES following and growing fast!  


Last edited by Admin on Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:00 am; edited 1 time in total

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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by Admin Wed Jan 06, 2016 2:11 pm

Post by Admin on Mar 5, 2015

As an example of how the Flat Earth Society controls opposition, just look at this Vice.com interview with them and see how the misinfo psy-op works:

Yes, There are Still People Who Believe the Earth is Flat: http://www.vice.com/read/flat-earth-society-interview-876]Yes

For example, see the answer given for seeing different stars in different places on Earth:

"We all know some stars are visible from the Southern Hemisphere and not from the Northern Hemisphere, but the reason behind that is electromagnetic and optical acceleration through an aetheric whirlpool. We believe in cosmic speed, but in an esoteric sense."

What the hell are they talking about!? "Electromagnetic and optical acceleration through an aetheric whirlpool? Esoteric cosmic speed sense?" It's purposeful, pointless word salad to discredit the flat Earth message. The real reason, as given by the man whose work they're claiming to represent, is as follows:

“What can be more common than the observation that, standing at one end of a long row of lamp-posts, those nearest to us seem to be the highest; and those farthest away the lowest; whilst, as we move along towards the opposite end of the series, those which we approach seem to get higher, and those we are leaving behind appear to gradually become lower … It is an ordinary effect of perspective for an object to appear lower and lower as the observer goes farther and farther away from it. Let any one try the experiment of looking at a light-house, church spire, monument, gas lamp, or other elevated object, from a distance of only a few yards, and notice the angle at which it is observed. On going farther away, the angle under which it is seen will diminish, and the object will appear lower and lower as the distance of the observer increases, until, at a certain point, the line of sight to the object, and the apparently uprising surface of the earth upon or over which it stands, will converge to the angle which constitutes the ‘vanishing point’ or the horizon; beyond which it will be invisible.” -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Zetetic Astronomy, Earth Not a Globe!” (230-1)

The horizon is not the end of the heavens, it is merely the vanishing point of your perspective, so different stars are visible and appear at different inclinations wherever you are in the world. In fact, the range at which people all over the Earth are able to see the same stars does not fit with the globular model. For instance, Ursa Major, very close to Polaris, can be seen from 90 degrees North latitude (the North Pole) all the way down to 30 degrees South latitude. The constellation Vulpecula can be seen from 90 degrees North latitude, all the way to 55 degrees South latitude. Taurus, Pisces and Leo can be seen from 90 degrees North all the way to 65 degrees South. Aquarius and Libra can be seen from 65 degrees North to 90 degrees South! The constellation Virgo is visible from 80 degrees North down to 80 degrees South, and Orion can be seen from 85 degrees North all the way to 75 degrees South latitude! An observer on a ball-Earth, regardless of any tilt or inclination, should not logically be able to see this far.

“Another thing is certain, that from within the equator the north pole star, and the constellations Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, and many others, can be seen from every meridian simultaneously; whereas in the south, from the equator, neither the so-called south pole star, nor the remarkable constellation of the Southern Cross, can be seen simultaneously from every meridian, showing that all the constellations of the south - pole star included - sweep over a great southern arc and across the meridian, from their rise in the evening to their setting in the morning. But if the earth is a globe, Sigma Octantis, a south pole star, and the Southern Cross, a southern circumpolar constellation, they would all be visible at the same time from every longitude on the same latitude, as is the case with the northern pole star and the northern circumpolar constellations. Such, however, is not the case.” -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Zetetic Astronomy, Earth Not a Globe!” (286)

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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 6:41 pm

Posted by Admin on 04/03/2015

Yes, I noticed that, starting a couple days ago they have purposely started paying for ads to try and bring back some of the traffic they're losing to our far superior flat Earth forum Smile Good luck shills, all genuine flat Earth researchers can see within a few minutes of perusing our two boards which one is legit and which is controlled opposition.

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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:48 pm

Posted by schpankme on 04/06/2015

People should promote "The International Flat Earth Research Society" on their YouTube Channels, Blog's, and Websites.

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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:48 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 04/06/2015

Apr 5, 2015 19:02:48 GMT schpankme said:
Poeple promoting "The International Flat Earth Research Society" should start using this in their subject fields on YouTube and Websites.
That is a good idea.

We need to try and spread the truth as much as we can.

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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:49 pm

Posted by lizardking on 04/07/2015

Apr 6, 2015 16:58:41 GMT faithfultotruth said:
I agree with the FES being controlled. Their website seemed to be confusing, lacking and contradicting of its self in areas that I read without having to join their forum. I always find it a strange thing when men and women dress up in costumes, like times from the past, and try to convey to the world a serious matter with such an unserious presentation of themselves. With such a serious matter as an earth plain rather than a globe, it is very difficult for me as a truth seeker to not look at these people and wander if there are a few screws loose upstairs. Today's society is all about making it fun. This is a tactic from the depths of hell. Making things fun makes it very convenient to take truth and mix it with untruth with emotions of confusion. Taking "fun" which brings emotions of relaxed, carefree, happy and telling the people that basically you are being lied to on so many levels of your everyday life that to even comprehend all the lies and where does your life today really fit in with the whole theatre of things, in reality makes you an absolute "fool", which in turn when reality of these lies come to the con-science, you realize you know nothing more than what you have been fed all your life from "fools" that have been fed from "fools" and you start to realize that if your information is given to you by man, it is no more than that person's imagination and reasoning that you have accepted as "truth". You in turn "believe and accept" that person's reality which is only their imaginaztion which has been fed by other's imaginations. It's truly a terrible circular cycle. Unless, you interject absolute truth which only comes from our Creator, and in His Word, only those people who have His Holy Spirit that has sealed us until redemption will ever be able to understand that truth in its purity. Our Creator made His Word only understandable by His children. The only way you can understand absolute truth, the Word of YeHeWaH, is to be His child which can only be accomplished by Acts 20:21. Without His Holy Spirit, only His gospel of His son YeHoshuWa is understood. His Kingdom is in the Bible, the Key to enter is the Gospel and the door you must walk through is His son. Their is no other way to enter. John 14:6. The knowledge in His Word is filling to the soul and body and complete for all of our living. To reject the KEY he freely gave us to His Kingdom and try to climb up another way is as a thief. Many claim to see errors in the Creator's written Word and when I was a young Christian of only a few years, I believed these lies from man. But, I have had 40 years to study the precious truths given to me and their are no errors, and you will never find any of His true children (John 14:6 & Acts 20:21) saying their are errors. please do not get sucked into the lie from the pit of hell that says " That's your interpretation". Know child of YeHoWah sees that understanding. For our understandings come strictly from absolute truth, through His Holy Spirit who teaches us all things, John 14:26. The Creator does not let you analyze His word outside His Spirit. Matthew 7:6. It's our "only" absolute truth, without it, we are most miserable. 2 Timothy 3:16 , Hebrews 10:38 & 11:1.
YeHoshuWa? Christ almighty.

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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:49 pm

Posted by Admin on 04/08/2015

Apr 6, 2015 17:19:19 GMT planetruth said:
Why is Flat Earth Society link prominently displayed at top of IFERS site if FES is disinfo? just wandering..
Hey PlaneTruth, the FES has started paying to have that ad show up there since last week 8-) I think it's pretty hilarious and pathetic. As you can see before and after your comment, they are even coming into threads here to spam their ad banner across the forum every day. Just proving what terrible paid trolls they are (rofl)

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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:50 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 04/13/2015

Apr 12, 2015 1:42:31 GMT pilot said:
Do you all see the FES banner at the top of your page?? wth?? The same one that guy kept spamming the threads with?? again, wth?
By advertising on this forum, the FES just show how desperate they are, and how scared they are of Eric and his success.

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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:50 pm

Posted by schpankme on 04/13/2015

I like that FES is paying to advertise here; it means more money for "boards.net", and longevity for this forum.
"Let them eat cake"

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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:51 pm

Posted by schpankme on 04/13/2015

Apr 12, 2015 15:58:08 GMT planetruth said:
Also this months cover of Nt'l Geographic is revealing..
This is funny. It is now predicted that due to Al Gore, climate change, Snow will stop Falling in the Artic, by 2016;
evidently, because water will stop evaporating, and cooling over these areas.

Beam me up Scotty.

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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:51 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 04/13/2015

Gore should be handcuffed, dragged into court, whilst being filmed, and be made to explain why the Arctic Ice Caps haven't all melted yet. The conniving cockroach should be publicly humiliated and shamed for his lies.

What an absolutely disgraceful, deceptive and greedy bastard.

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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:51 pm

Posted by questioneverything on 05/09/2015

I didn't even know the word "shill" or fully realize what controlled opposition meant and was capable of until I started researching flat earth!
I still don't completely understand who all is or is not authentic; but I'm trying to become more discerning.

Another reason I'm so grateful for this forum!

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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:51 pm

Posted by susie on 05/20/2015

All media is owned by the Dirty Bastards Club that keeps our minds encased in perpetual disinformation and lies.
These controllers want to dictate the narrative so their story is all you are allowed to absorb.
Starting from birth we are "programmed" and molded into their brainwashed robots to do their demonic bidding.

Move away from the Corporation control grid and back to natural information that you yourself can independently verify. Trust your eyes and senses.

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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:52 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 05/21/2015

Exactly. The fact that 95% of the Western media companies, printing presses and book publishers are owned by Zionist Jews says all that you need to know. They cannot be trusted.

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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:52 pm

Posted by Admin on 05/31/2015
Charles and Marjory Johnson were the last heads of IFERS before they had their house and all their Flat Earth materials and correspondence burned down by (who Charles swore was) a NASA agent. I re-started this IFERS community in remembrance of them.

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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:53 pm

Posted by sargentsucks on 08/22/2015

Just for a laugh I went over to TFES and read through some threads. Sometimes I feel as though maybe we should be more inclusive and forgiving and not jump to conclusions too quickly about shills. The next time I or anyone else feels this way, it would behoove us to go over to TFES and take a first hand look at what a FE board becomes when not properly (and sometimes yes even by draconian tactics) maintained and kept on point.

No the ADMINS did not put me up to this; as I've mentioned before I have even been kicked off here at one time early on (a rite of passage into the Flat World if I do say so :-)

Anyway what I'm getting at is as was so graciously put on Sacred Cow by the interviewer, Eric the Awful and his evil band of ADMINS are probably batting 1,000 right now on calling out the major shills. BUT...even if they are not, and they only hit 4 of 5 or even 2 of 3, just spending 5 minutes at TFES forum is enough to convince me that err'ing on the side of caution is immensely important to keeping the integrity and purpose of this site as it WAS and IS meant to forever be, a RESEARCH site, OF the flat earthers, BY the flat earthers and FOR the flat earthers...

Keep up the good work ADMINS, I don't know how you guys and gal find the time but I think I speak for most everyone here when I say I'm glad you do, peace!

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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:54 pm

Posted by Admin on 08/22/2015

Great comment Sargentsucks! I agree just skimming TFES for 10 minutes should be enough to convince anyone of the importance of such strict rules as we enforce on IFERS. Big thanks is owed to Thinkforyourself and Lizardking for doing such a great job helping maintain this forum!

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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:54 pm

Posted by garwin on 09/04/2015

It is one thing for those who "believe" in a 'globe' view to cite a supposed lack of authentic details of proof, without turning the same laser vision they believe they have on their own scientific proof. Minds function only when open. Kudos to this forum and the open minds who want only the Honest Truth.

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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:54 pm

Posted by eclipse91 on 09/06/2015

I'm relatively new to the FE/GeoCent truth... and I saw one post on their forums... total nonsense.
The leader is a clown.

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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:54 pm

Posted by atmo on 09/08/2015

I'm so glad I found this place.. I've been researching this theory for a bit now and a lot of it made sense, and that was the only forum I knew about but a lot of what they say is completely bonkers, and how they deal with people asking questions is really condescending and they do a lot of evading.. around here it seems very friendly and helpful, showing and demonstrating specific things that support flat earth. So glad I joined here! Thank you Eric!
I really like that shill wall of fame post as well, I knew some of those guys had to be controlled opposition!

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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:54 pm

Posted by marleyites on 09/08/2015

Aug 22, 2015 13:30:54 GMT Admin said:
Great comment Sargentsucks! I agree just skimming TFES for 10 minutes should be enough to convince anyone of the importance of such strict rules as we enforce on IFERS. Big thanks is owed to Thinkforyourself and Lizardking for doing such a great job helping maintain this forum!
Big up Thinkforyourself and Lizardking for moderating/maintaining this forum.

One of the main points that convinced me to join and post here is that it is a no-nonsense community.

This is really a scientific journal online, created by very intelligent researchers. I'm honored to be here and feel like I've discovered something amazing.

Another thing, many sincere thanks to Eric Dubay for the courage and initiative to start and continue this fight. Just like Bob Marley, Adolph Hitler and a few others, I believe Eric was given a gift of communication as well as the inspiration to use it for the good of the Earth. For the purpose of uplifting - people, animal friends and all creation/creatures here.

Controlled opposition is clearly a weapon being used against peace-loving people by what Hitler called "the warmongers." Lizardking, thinkforyourself, Eric, and others here, fighting the fight for righteous livity.

Blessings be.

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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by ABalancedKarma Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:54 am

when I started looking at the flat earth, a few months ago, I knew nothing about the subject and I found myself in the wrong place, the flat earth society. IFERS forum was shut down, and I knew nothing about shills, controlled opposition etc.

long story short, I posted a lot of questions and I even proposed my own theories, looking for intelligent people to talk to...
but I found myself battling with literally dozens of "experts" (-> shills <-) whose only obvious reason to be there was to give false teachings and say arrogant bullshits 24/7, to harass and mock people.
all this without the moderators doing anything. it was just too obvious.

so I started calling them out, and every time they came in mass to fight me, I always asked "if this is a stupid theory of some madmen, why do you bother?". guess what, they never replied, so I suggested 'em to use their time (life is short as we know it) in a better way, instead of losing their time with a bunch of lunatics...

I told 'em they're the lowest kind of scumbags on this flat earth, they're slaves to this system and they should be ashamed for what they are doing.

freemasons or jews or simply paid shills, makes no difference. even if you're dirty poor and they are paying good money to do it, I don't care, it's no excuse for them, so I just do hope there's one justice and all of the money they earned this way would be lost or even stolen, because that's really devil's money.

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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by hmasoud Sat Nov 19, 2016 8:32 am

ABalancedKarma wrote:so I started calling them out, and every time they came in mass to fight me, I always asked "if this is a stupid theory of some madmen, why do you bother?". guess what, they never replied, so I suggested 'em to use their time (life is short as we know it) in a better way, instead of losing their time with a bunch of lunatics...

Exactly. It's obvious they are getting paid to do this boring task (misinform, ridicule, joke). Why would you establish a forum to defend an idea but end up attacking it?!


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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by ABalancedKarma Sat Nov 19, 2016 8:42 am

hmasoud wrote:
ABalancedKarma wrote:so I started calling them out, and every time they came in mass to fight me, I always asked "if this is a stupid theory of some madmen, why do you bother?". guess what, they never replied, so I suggested 'em to use their time (life is short as we know it) in a better way, instead of losing their time with a bunch of lunatics...

Exactly. It's obvious they are getting paid to do this boring task (misinform, ridicule, joke). Why would you establish a forum to defend an idea but end up attacking it?!

...and those who play the "flat-earthers role" do propose only bullshit theories to muddy up the waters...  Rolling Eyes

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The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition! Empty Re: The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition!

Post by Schpankme Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:33 am

What is "Controlled Opposition"?
These are people who through indoctrination promote Fiction instead of sticking with flat Earth facts.

I'm told about an impromptu conference call specific to flat Earth, there were 6 participants, one I knew fairly well and his understanding is exceptional; the other participants were unknown to me.  My self-imposed role was to be a fly on the wall.

The call starts as most, how did you find out about flat Earth; and then the Fictional Stories start flying.

Participant 1) My best friend to whom I completely trust, tells me he saw a Demon (wings ect.) fly-by.  I've now converted from Atheism to Theist because of what was told to me.  There's definitely a dome and creator god.

Participant 2) I THINK there's a Dome because there's must be something separating us from Space.  The most likely scenario is that we live in 4-dimensions and the Dome is just an energy barrier.  Water above water below.

Participant 3) Says all the right things. Warns about being indoctrinated through Church and State.

Participant 4) The Jesuits are the master minds behind Ball Earth; they own all the massive Telescopes and know about the Firmament, and they study the Galaxies.

Participant 5) Admiral Bird and Operation high jump, along with many other secret missions shot hundreds of Nuclear Missile at the Dome, trying to break it.  They found something and their not telling us.

Participant 6) "this man is about 30 years old", States that he just got out of the hospital (he's laying down during the call) where he had open heart surgery to remove the animal fat and cholesterol from some of his arteries.  He just found out about the flat Earth, and he's Catholic.  He's on the hunt to discover the facts.

EVERY Participant on this call, except #3, has falling for every fake story floated by the Controlled Opposition. Many of the participant made up their own nonsense to have something special to offer to their recently discovered flat Earth experience.

Moral of the Story:  fiction is used with facts to make things more believable.

Note: this is my rendition of the call, the participants maybe out of order, this is to be used as an example of the nonsense you are bombarded with daily.

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