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Transparent/Translucent Moon

Jack Aurora
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Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Empty Re: Transparent/Translucent Moon

Post by Truth Center Tue May 29, 2018 5:41 am

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Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Empty Re: Transparent/Translucent Moon

Post by Admin Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:12 pm

Zorch Martino has just taken these excellent Moon photographs showing stars appearing through the dark part of the crescent Moon:

Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 41527310

Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 41503510

Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 41435210

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Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Empty Re: Transparent/Translucent Moon

Post by Cyriak Tue Oct 02, 2018 11:52 pm

Admin wrote:Zorch Martino has just taken these excellent Moon photographs showing stars appearing through the dark part of the crescent Moon:
images :

interesting, though I suspect it is something else. can he check his original files and give me the used camera, lens focal lenght, aperture, iso and shutterspeed?


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Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Empty Re: Transparent/Translucent Moon

Post by MMDC Tue Oct 30, 2018 2:10 pm

30-9-2018 (00:52,8:32), +-8 hours apart.
Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 DCmAngf
Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 ITmy1Uq
Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 0E9fSn8
Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 VgoyNRB

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Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Empty Re: Transparent/Translucent Moon

Post by Realearth Wed Oct 31, 2018 1:04 am

MMDC wrote:30-9-2018 (00:52,8:32), +-8 hours apart.
Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 DCmAngf

Great pics, thank you.

Why do we see, what appears to be, similar positioned shadows in depressions?

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Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Empty Re: Transparent/Translucent Moon

Post by MMDC Thu Nov 01, 2018 12:06 am

Realearth wrote:
MMDC wrote:30-9-2018 (00:52,8:32), +-8 hours apart.

Great pics, thank you.

Why do we see, what appears to be, similar positioned shadows in depressions?

thank you for liking the photo's.
Regarding the similar positioned shadows, they indeed are the same at night compared to during the day or (in the same picture) relative to each other.
I notice they change depending on the waxing / waning cycle.
But, I do not know how it actually works. It can't be from the sun as they say, though. As the shadows would change visibly, over a relative short period of time. I would say.

I mainly posted the photo's to show the black and blue colour tint the moon has during day and night.

Take care,


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Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Empty Re: Transparent/Translucent Moon

Post by Dovla Fri Jan 25, 2019 10:21 pm

Transparent Moon during day - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6c3ZB6hWTzk&t=22s

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Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Empty Re: Transparent/Translucent Moon

Post by Admin Sun Oct 13, 2019 5:06 am

NASA and modern astronomy maintain that the Moon is a solid, spherical, Earth-like habitation which man has actually flown to and set foot on. They claim the Moon is a non-luminescent planetoid which receives and reflects all its light from the Sun. The reality is, however, that the Moon is not a solid body, it is clearly circular, but not spherical, and not in any way an Earth-like planetoid which humans could set foot on. In fact, the Moon is largely transparent and completely self-luminescent, shining with its own unique light.

The Sun’s light is golden, warm, drying, preservative and antiseptic, while the Moon’s light is silver, cool, damp, putrefying and septic. The Sun’s rays decrease the combustion of a bonfire, while the Moon’s rays increase combustion. Plant and animal substances exposed to sunlight quickly dry, shrink, coagulate, and lose the tendency to decompose and putrify; grapes and other fruits become solid, partially candied and preserved like raisins, dates, and prunes; animal flesh coagulates, loses its volatile gaseous constituents, becomes firm, dry, and slow to decay. When exposed to moonlight, however, plant and animal substances tend to show symptoms of putrefaction and decay.

In direct sunlight a thermometer will read higher than another thermometer placed in the shade, but in full, direct moonlight a thermometer will read lower than another placed in the shade. If the Sun’s light is collected in a large lens and thrown to a focus point it can create significant heat, while the Moon’s light collected similarly creates no heat. In the "Lancet Medical Journal,” from March 14th, 1856, particulars are given of several experiments which proved the Moon's rays when concentrated can actually reduce the temperature upon a thermometer more than eight degrees.

So sunlight and moonlight clearly have altogether different properties, and furthermore the Moon itself cannot physically be both a spherical body and a reflector of the Sun’s light! Reflectors must be flat or concave for light rays to have any angle of incidence; If a reflector’s surface is convex then every ray of light points in a direct line with the radius perpendicular to the surface resulting in no reflection.

The following video was taken from a chapter in my book, "The Flat Earth Conspiracy," available here:

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Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Empty Re: Transparent/Translucent Moon

Post by Admin Wed Feb 19, 2020 3:18 am

I see you Mars!

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Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Empty Moon as Never Seen Before

Post by boogeyman Thu Apr 09, 2020 9:14 pm

Hi everyone,
I took a photo of the moon last night that really freaked me out.
The moon looks like the stars do in Eric's 'Stars are not Suns' video. It only looked this way for a few seconds. I wasn't able to capture it again.
I suspect this is why they have us all hiding in our homes. They don't want us to see what's happening in the skies.
I'd like to post it here but am not able to for some reason.

Can someone please advise how to post a photo here?


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Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Empty Re: Transparent/Translucent Moon

Post by Truth Center Thu Feb 18, 2021 6:29 am

Someone posted this on twitter showing a compilation of pictures taken over the span of 10 years showing the moon changing colors. If this is indeed legit, how could a solid ball of rock merely reflecting the sun's light change colors? If it is reflecting the sunlight, how could it be purple? Again, I'm not certain how legit this is, but if real then it seems to contradict what we're told about the moon and might lend more support to the moon clearly emitting its own light and possibly changing colors.

The moon is so bizarre, yet beautiful and it's hard to know what it really is

Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Moonco10
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Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Empty Re: Transparent/Translucent Moon

Post by tycho_brahe Fri Aug 13, 2021 6:57 pm

A video of a Tesla self driving car on autopilot confusing the moon for a traffic light. Very strange. I thought Tesla calculated the distance objects ahead and are equipped with an array of sensitive sensors to detect and correct such reactions. Do you think it detects the moon as local? Here’s the link:


Another link:



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Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Empty Re: Transparent/Translucent Moon

Post by Jack Aurora Wed Sep 15, 2021 6:29 pm

I have an honest question regarding the self luminating observation we have of the Moon. Is there some explanation as to how it does this?

I imagine quite often as to how the luminaries function, and since I've joined IFERS, a lot of my imagination has been clarified and put into perspective.

Still trying to wrap my imagination "around" the self luminating effect of the moon. Punny...
Especially in relation to the moons position to the sun... waxing and waning...
Is there a thread in here somewhere giving some reasonable explanation?
Jack Aurora
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Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Empty Re: Transparent/Translucent Moon

Post by nowhereelsetogo Wed Sep 15, 2021 10:03 pm

Jack Aurora wrote:I have an honest question regarding the self luminating observation we have of the Moon. Is there some explanation as to how it does this?

I imagine quite often as to how the luminaries function, and since I've joined IFERS, a lot of my imagination has been clarified and put into perspective.

Still trying to wrap my imagination "around" the self luminating effect of the moon. Punny...
Especially in relation to the moons position to the sun... waxing and waning...
Is there a thread in here somewhere giving some reasonable explanation?

I was looking this evening at a three quarter moon. Looked spherical and in my imagination I could see how it might be illuminated partially by the sun, however the sun was long gone. SO I know it's not the sun.

But why does it appear partially illuminated? If it has it's own light why does it appear to be a reflecting ball?

For me these are genuine questions. I may be dim and it's been explained here but bear with.


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Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Empty Re: Transparent/Translucent Moon

Post by RedorBlue Thu Sep 16, 2021 9:59 am

The moon never appears as a reflecting ball .

If the moon was a reflecting sphere then we would see a pronounced central hot spot dimming to the edges since the light would be scattered in all directions . Have a look at optics and reflective surfaces. It's a problem science is aware of.

Same applies to the planets - light is scattered by spherical surfaces so how do we see such objects in the way we do with telescopes . Simplest explanation is that they are luminaries .


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Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Empty Re: Transparent/Translucent Moon

Post by Jack Aurora Thu Sep 16, 2021 10:17 am

nowhereelsetogo wrote:
Jack Aurora wrote:I have an honest question regarding the self luminating observation we have of the Moon. Is there some explanation as to how it does this?

I imagine quite often as to how the luminaries function, and since I've joined IFERS, a lot of my imagination has been clarified and put into perspective.

Still trying to wrap my imagination "around" the self luminating effect of the moon. Punny...
Especially in relation to the moons position to the sun... waxing and waning...
Is there a thread in here somewhere giving some reasonable explanation?

I was looking this evening at a three quarter moon. Looked spherical and in my imagination I could see how it might be illuminated partially by the sun, however the sun was long gone. SO I know it's not the sun.

But why does it appear partially illuminated? If it has it's own light why does it appear to be a reflecting ball?

For me these are genuine questions. I may be dim and it's been explained here but bear with.

I know as an artist that the moon is not reflecting sunlight. Thus self illuminated.
But how?
Is this the great mystery of the moon?

I'm imagining that the Aurora lights hold some clues as to the luminating of the sun and moon.
Somehow the upward sound energy of earth at N pole and downward water energy of Polaris meet at some point up in the sky, to display as the Aurora lights. This energy is then distributed into the atmosphere. The sun disc and moon disc absorbs this energy to luminate and distribute it down as light. Perfectly balanced opposite light energy. One regenerative, one degenerative.

Any thoughts on this?
Jack Aurora
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Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Empty Re: Transparent/Translucent Moon

Post by RedorBlue Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:49 am

I'd say the great mystery of the moon is just a plain"what the hell is it?" .

No idea of it's reality . Perhaps it is a projection onto the dome .


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Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Empty Re: Transparent/Translucent Moon

Post by Gemini Tue Dec 07, 2021 8:01 am

I have further evidence as well, which I love to share with you. We are told the Moon’s phases are from Sunlight through the Sun ́s angle to the Moon, but this cannot be. Because if this was the case, during each lunar month, the Moon would be at a different angle to the Sun. It would be impossible for the phases to remain the same each lunar month, However, we are all aware that we get the same phases and same time on each lunar month.. If the Moon is orbiting the Earth, and both were orbiting the Sun, then six months later the Moon’s phases should have swapped over – and each lunar month, the phases should appear different but it never happened in recorded history.

Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Img_0610

This is professor Foster talking confidently about the moon. Full interview.

Last edited by Gemini on Tue Dec 07, 2021 8:03 am; edited 1 time in total


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Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Empty Planets transiting the moon

Post by teoh Sat Sep 09, 2023 12:05 am

[quote="Admin"]Zorch Martino has just taken these excellent Moon photographs showing stars appearing through the dark part of the crescent Moon:

Hi FE'rs,

I'ld love to take similar fotos of a planet through the moon. Would anyone know a way to know when such conjunctions happen? Is there any calendar or website reporting these events? I've been looking on the internet but found nothing about.. Any clue would be very welcome!


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Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Empty Re: Transparent/Translucent Moon

Post by johannes.wallenfang Sun Jul 07, 2024 2:29 pm

Next Sunday we will have another chance to document the moon's transparency.
The star Spica will then disappear behind the "dark" half of the moon.

Unfortunately, the event cannot be observed from Germania.
If you live on the American east coast or the Caribbean, the chances of seeing it are not bad.
Here you can find more info:


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Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Empty Re: Transparent/Translucent Moon

Post by johannes.wallenfang Tue Sep 10, 2024 6:43 am

Did you also notice that the craters are particularly clearly visible along the cut-off line?

I took a few photos of the moon from the web and put them side by side.
The one on the left is the same in all of them.
I changed the photos so that the moon fit into the circles of the same size and rotated them so that the dark spots were on the red line. The yellow circles show my alignment points.
Then marked oval on the right and moved to the left together with the circumference.

You can see that the clearly visible craters only appear along the (I'll just call it) phase boundary while you look in vain for them in the full moon.

A woman from a German Telegram group brought this to our attention.
Not my discovery.

Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Vgl_110

Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Vgl_210

Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Vgl_310

Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Vgl_410

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Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Empty Re: Transparent/Translucent Moon

Post by Suseuser Wed Sep 25, 2024 3:05 pm

[quote="johannes.wallenfang"]Did you also notice that the craters are particularly clearly visible along the cut-off line?

I took a few photos of the moon from the web and put them side by side.
The one on the left is the same in all of them.
I changed the photos so that the moon fit into the circles of the same size and rotated them so that the dark spots were on the red line. The yellow circles show my alignment points.
Then marked oval on the right and moved to the left together with the circumference.

You can see that the clearly visible craters only appear along the (I'll just call it) phase boundary while you look in vain for them in the full moon.

The line is called the terminator is a moving line that divides the daylit side from the dark night side of the moon. It's a great time to observe the moon because the long shadows cast by features on the moon make them easier to see and increase the contrast. I got my first telescope in the early 70’s and this is definitely the best time to see crater details because the aren’t washed out by the full moon.


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Transparent/Translucent Moon - Page 3 Empty Re: Transparent/Translucent Moon

Post by johannes.wallenfang Fri Nov 08, 2024 7:26 am

There is another anomaly with the moon.
If you look at the Moon Light World Map as in the example of the last new moon, it says at Timeanddate:
The Moon is so close to the Sun that it is probably impossible to see from earth

This is directly below the input field for date, time and location.

This statement can be found for every new moon, but in the rarest cases there is also a solar eclipse...
A massive object should at least be visible as a dark outline.

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