Is the moon a reflection of earth?
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Is the moon a reflection of earth?
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Re: Is the moon a reflection of earth?
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Re: Is the moon a reflection of earth?
Here's a good place to start your investigation.
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Vibes of Cosmos YT channel
I have been watching a lot of Vibes of Cosmos videos on youtube. They are very hard to follow but I find them captivating. Does anyone have any opinions on this Youtube channel?
Thanks in advance
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Moon Earth Map
Very great video. I usually appreciate your content. Please keep up the good work!
There's only one thing missing from this moon video and I'd like to help you explore it.
I want to specifically address the "Potch Marks" on the moon as I do actually know the explanation of this mystery and it's quite simple. As a matter of fact, once you see it, you will appreciate the beauty behind the design.
When you look at a full moon, what you are seeing is a perfect map of what the flat earth actually looks like. The "Potch Marks" are the land based continents. The moon is a reflection of the Earth. She's showing you what she sees, what the Earth truly looks like.
Now take a picture of the full moon and tell me if you can spot North America, can you then see the United States? Can you see Russia and Asia and you must realize that the maps we are given are off, including the flat earth ones.
Please study this matter, for I assure you it's true. The land that they are hiding from us is well evident in the map of the Earth that is reflected in the full moon.
Included is a screenshot I took with North America circled in blue, do you see the US, Canada, and Alaska?
I would appreciate your comment on this. Thank you.
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Re: Is the moon a reflection of earth?
If that spot is Northamerika mirrored, then the other continents would have to be recognizable, but do they?
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Re: Is the moon a reflection of earth?
DivineData wrote:I've been seeing things lately about the moon being a reflection or original picture of our flat earth. The thing is, it shows only a small part as being the world we know, and a much much larger area of land we have never seen. Has anyone heard ab this? I went back to find the videos and I can't find them now. Does the moon show more land?
Yes you are spot on and I can prove it but it's going to take some serious digging on my part. I have already dug into this about a year ago and the proof has been pushed deeper down, and I don't currently have it but I'm going to find it for you, just be patient and give me a few days...
Here's the summary for now though: the Earth actually has about 3 times the land geography than we are currently told by world governments. This land is owned and operated by high level officials in governments around the world and rich corporate elitists for various nefarious purposes. This land is also being hidden from you because the elite will hide there in the event of severe wars and catastrophies so you will be in danger while they are safe.
By the use of controlled fly zones and map manipulation this land has been easily hidden from all of us and as has been tested, if you attempt to go to this land by boat or plane, you will be confronted by a military force and threatened with lethal force if you don't turn around. Basically, it's inaccessible to the general public.
Furthermore, the moon is a map of the Flat Earth Plane, as part of an intelligent design to show people what the Earth looks like, that's my take on it. Form your own opinion. But the fact remains that the real Earth is fully reflected in the full moon and I will point out each area of our known earth within the moon in the near future.
It's actually quite fascinating and I will demonstrate to you where we can find recorded data proving the actual amount of physical land recorded by governments. The truth is out there although well hidden.
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Re: Is the moon a reflection of earth?
My opinions :
We live beneath a celestial dome - I don't know for sure but the moon doesn't have material substance and could well be a reflection of the plane from the domes surface. That's why the moon appears different in daylight.
All maps and globes are approximations only. If a world map/globe shows latitude lengthening towards the pole then you know it's wrong, a construct promoting the globe deception.
Most maps are drawn up using triangulation method's - like the O.S. maps of the UK - latitudes and longitudes are not used.
Have come across this idea of the moon being a reflection before but would like more detail . Very intriguing and might tie in to my ideas about our deceptive maps .
TyrannicalSawdustRex- Posts : 96
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Re: Is the moon a reflection of earth?
swentz101 wrote:When you look at a full moon, what you are seeing is a perfect map of what the flat earth actually looks like. The "Potch Marks" are the land based continents. The moon is a reflection of the Earth. She's showing you what she sees, what the Earth truly looks like.
Now take a picture of the full moon and tell me if you can spot North America, can you then see the United States? Can you see Russia and Asia and you must realize that the maps we are given are off, including the flat earth ones.
Please study this matter, for I assure you it's true. The land that they are hiding from us is well evident in the map of the Earth that is reflected in the full moon.
Included is a screenshot I took with North America circled in blue, do you see the US, Canada, and Alaska?
If you come across any evidence for this definitely post it.
I'm not quite seeing what you're seeing in what you've circled as North America. Are you able to find a HD photo of the moon online and circle what you're seeing as each continent?
And yes the maps we see are seriously distorted. Russia and Northern Canada are ridiculously distorted and enlarged, as well as many other parts of the maps distorted in various ways. I've come across this website: - gives a much better idea of continent size and distortion in comparison to other continents and latitudes.
Kotolos- Posts : 21
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Re: Is the moon a reflection of earth?
Kotolos wrote:swentz101 wrote:When you look at a full moon, what you are seeing is a perfect map of what the flat earth actually looks like. The "Potch Marks" are the land based continents. The moon is a reflection of the Earth. She's showing you what she sees, what the Earth truly looks like.
Now take a picture of the full moon and tell me if you can spot North America, can you then see the United States? Can you see Russia and Asia and you must realize that the maps we are given are off, including the flat earth ones.
Please study this matter, for I assure you it's true. The land that they are hiding from us is well evident in the map of the Earth that is reflected in the full moon.
Included is a screenshot I took with North America circled in blue, do you see the US, Canada, and Alaska?
If you come across any evidence for this definitely post it.
I'm not quite seeing what you're seeing in what you've circled as North America. Are you able to find a HD photo of the moon online and circle what you're seeing as each continent?
And yes the maps we see are seriously distorted. Russia and Northern Canada are ridiculously distorted and enlarged, as well as many other parts of the maps distorted in various ways. I've come across this website: - gives a much better idea of continent size and distortion in comparison to other continents and latitudes.
it's a fun thought-experiment, although it seems difficult to imagine how we're seeing terrestrial reflection here:
they sure do look like shadows being cast on the surface there
furthermore, the lunar shadows are interesting in general(!)
it definitely looks like a physical surface; there appear to be mountains & ridges; craters...
it'd be one thing if the surface changed as our clouds do, although...
Last edited by RileySlowWave on Sat Apr 22, 2023 9:15 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : learning the platform)
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Re: Is the moon a reflection of earth?
In these pictures I want you to notice that they claim the US has 9 million km2 and that Greenland has 2 million, notice the actual difference and you can clearly see that Greenland is much larger than the US, despite the claim. Another example: notice that it's claimed that Russia has 17 million km2 and Antarctica sits around 14 million, but as you can see in the picture, Antarctica is clearly at least 3 times bigger, this is my point on data manipulation. Also note how "US outlying Islands" is currently listed at 0.
In the other pictures, I have circled North America on the moon and again on the Earth map, do you see a resemblance now? Again, I have taken a FE map and the moon and circled North America on both, can you see a resemblance?
You must know that this won't be perfect. The reason is that it's not possible to get a full picture of the Earth because you hit the Dome before you can get out far enough to get a picture of the whole thing. That is why the moon is the only way to see what the Earth Plane really looks like.
(Pictures described are posted below)
Last edited by swentz101 on Mon Apr 24, 2023 3:23 am; edited 1 time in total
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Re: Is the moon a reflection of earth?
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Re: Is the moon a reflection of earth?
Admin wrote:They literally look nothing alike. I don't understand how this flimsy theory has captured so many people's imaginations.
swentz101 wrote:In these pictures I want you to notice that they claim the US has 9 million km2 and that Greenland has 2 million, notice the actual difference and you can clearly see that Greenland is much larger than the US, despite the claim. Another example: notice that it's claimed that Russia has 17 million km2 and Antarctica sits around 14 million, but as you can see in the picture, Antarctica is clearly at least 3 times bigger, this is my point on data manipulation. Also note how "US outlying Islands" is currently listed at 0.
I agree. Thats why I wanted to see if swentz101 could highlight any resemblance on a clearer photo although I don't see any resemblance on North America as circled and no other continents appear.
Also about claiming data manipulation that Greenland is 2mil km/2 and the US 9mil km/2 but that not being true because if you look at the map Greenland appears much larger than the US (+ Russia & Antarctica) is ridiculous. That's because the map is the Mercator projection which distorts and makes the northern hemisphere appear equal size latitude to equator which enlarges more and more then further north because in reality the lines of latitude shrink northward; That's why Greenland and Russia appear much larger on map when in reality Greenland = 14x smaller than appears on Mercator proj. & Russia I think ~65% smaller. This claim is wrong and silly and is based on no evidence and a misunderstanding of actual continent size and map projections and distortions.
Kotolos- Posts : 21
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Re: Is the moon a reflection of earth?
Elitists: +1
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But who's keeping score?
swentz101- Posts : 43
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Re: Is the moon a reflection of earth?
Look at this photo. It's not mine but it is typical of the view I see through my telescopes.
Those crater shadows only appear at the edges of the moon . The way the moon is lit has always been a puzzle for me . Heliocentric version is pure bullshit.
I was inclined to believe that the moon was a disc shaped luminary , always had a bit of doubt about that since those craters wouldn't have shadows at all on a self illuminating body.
I've studied that photo and a few others and I'm now of the belief that the image of the moon shows light cast from above and to the sides - from a mirror or lens as such . It has to be directed light .
The sun is small and local . Reflection of sunlight from the earth plane to the celestial dome and mirroring back to earth gives us the image that we see.
Perhaps the angles of reflection depending on the suns position between the plane and dome gives us the phases and those strange shadows .
Those are my thoughts at the moment . I would like to see more info of you have any.
TyrannicalSawdustRex- Posts : 96
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Re: Is the moon a reflection of earth?
swentz101 wrote:I can see I'm not getting my point across at all here. Which I do find extremely unfortunate. Greenland and Antarctica are both vital in understanding the Flat Earth, but I'm defeated in this point and won't try to convince anyone further. I would have dived into this further had their been more open-minded interest, but no worries... As for the moon, I won't battle that point further either, but your missing out on vital information. How can you understand the FE without understanding the Dome? Every piece of this puzzle is extremely vital. The map manipulation and moon are no different. The elite have managed to pull the cover over on this but I digress...
Elitists: +1
Flat Earth: 0
But who's keeping score?
Don't give up. I'm very interested in the moon-map subject. I've been taking hi-res pictures but it's hard to find the time for serious personal research.
Personally I don't trust ANY important so-called satellite images (e.g. google earth) I realise now that the control is SO complete and sophisticated that we're not going to get much in the way of 'truth' other than what we can personally establish and verify, and we're not allowed to do that freely anyway!
Actually I don't fully trust anyone to tell me anything any more. Eric and Henry Makow are about all I can tolerate now. All the rest are demonstrably shills.
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Re: Is the moon a reflection of earth?
swentz101 wrote:I can see I'm not getting my point across at all here. Which I do find extremely unfortunate. Greenland and Antarctica are both vital in understanding the Flat Earth, but I'm defeated in this point and won't try to convince anyone further. I would have dived into this further had their been more open-minded interest, but no worries... As for the moon, I won't battle that point further either, but your missing out on vital information. How can you understand the FE without understanding the Dome? Every piece of this puzzle is extremely vital. The map manipulation and moon are no different. The elite have managed to pull the cover over on this but I digress...
Elitists: +1
Flat Earth: 0
But who's keeping score?
You are getting you're point across and I was 100% willing to see what you mean through further evidence but what you circled as North America doesn't look like North America and nothing else on the moon looks like any other continents
- Even Eric Dubay agrees. You haven't posted anything in support of this claim? If you're able to circle each continent and label them on a photo of the moon do it. I asked you to do this but you posted the same photo of 'North America' which has no resemblance so I went and looked up photos of the moon and continents to try see any resemblance myself but there's none.Admin wrote:They literally look nothing alike. I don't understand how this flimsy theory has captured so many people's imaginations.
Kotolos wrote:Also about claiming data manipulation that Greenland is 2mil km/2 and the US 9mil km/2 but that not being true because if you look at the map Greenland appears much larger than the US (+ Russia & Antarctica) is ridiculous. That's because the map is the Mercator projection which distorts and makes the northern hemisphere appear equal size latitude to equator which enlarges more and more then further north because in reality the lines of latitude shrink northward; That's why Greenland and Russia appear much larger on map when in reality Greenland = 14x smaller than appears on Mercator proj. & Russia I think ~65% smaller. This claim is wrong and silly and is based on no evidence and a misunderstanding of actual continent size and map projections and distortions.
And like I said in my previous post, you're saying Greenland is said officially to be 4x smaller by km/2 but because you're seeing Greensland's visible size on the Mercator projection to actually be bigger than the US based on how it looks on this projection so therefore we've been lied to about its land size km/2, but what you're not realizing is that the map you're using for the sizes of the continents is the Mercator projection which greatly distorts/enlarges Greenland and Northern latitudes.
Basically you're looking at a map that makes Greenland appear 9x bigger than it really is and thinking that is its real size so the land sizes in km/2 we're given are wrong and then saying this actual larger sized Greenland is whats reflected on the moon. Then to make this claim also goes against the flat earth map.
swentz101 wrote:but your missing out on vital information. The map manipulation and moon are no different.
You haven't provided any information other than a circle of some dark patch on the moon. We both agree there's map manipulation so why are you using a non-flat earth map and a map that is manipulated and distorted and goes against the flat earth map as evidence?
Its hard to believe you've been on this forum since 2016 and don't... know? that the map you're using is the Mercator projection and what that does to continents and then using this for evidence & Using this map to demonstrate how the moon is a reflection of the flat earth instead of the flat earth map when what you're claiming with Greenland's size on the Mercator projection couldn't work on a flat earth/the flat earth map and actually goes against it given that by necessity on flat earth the latitudes as you get closer north shrink (which is where Greenland is).
The photo you circled of the moon In my opinion shows that the moon isn't a reflection of the earth because nothing else on the moon looks like the other continents and relies on using the appearance of continents of a map projection that enlarges the sizes of continents. If you have any other evidence definitely post it but nothing you've posted in support in any way demonstrates the moon is a reflection of earth
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Re: Is the moon a reflection of earth?
To everyone else, I respect you as fellow flat earthers, it takes an open mind to do what we do. There use to be a video that someone did with a clean picture of the full moon with a Nikon p900 and the continents labeled as well as extra land and they did a great job at this but the videos buried now as it was on a Russian site.
To Mr Kotolos, of course I know about the Mercator map. I did a rushed up job and that's where I went wrong. But I will say something, I do believe Greenland is actually very large and that no fly zones and other strategies are used to keep us in the dark because Greenland is close to the North Pole and holds many secrets, just as we know Antarctica circles us. Parts of Greenland cannot be traveled to, just like Antarctica. I do also believe that the Flat Earth maps are also missing land, but that's why we need to keep researching this so we can get it right.
Last but not least, I will revisit this when I can take the time to make a good video on the topic and I will label each piece of land to the best of my ability, but I will need patience. It will take some time as I have once again fallen into corporate slavery and other parts of my life are in disarray. When I can though, I hope you all will maintain interest while you wait. Thanks for your time and comments.
swentz101- Posts : 43
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Re: Is the moon a reflection of earth?
Reflection of sunlight from the plain will involve distortion - atmospheric and magnetic at least, I would imagine. Any reflection of the earth plane will be subject to distortion so will appear "wrong" to us.
Shallow seas may make land masses appear larger when reflected .We can't expect an exact image corresponding to our fake maps.
Latitudes do not lengthen towards the North Pole - this is global nonsense yet we see this on all maps presented to us,
Given distances from pole to equator and tropics are fictional. No one has surveyed the seven seas.
I find it interesting that moon maps have seas. Nasa pretends to have landed in the sea of Tranquility I think.
I look forward to more posts on this . The idea may not be everyone's cup of tea but it deserves investigation
Eric has posted another excellent video about time zones on the Maps thread. Needs to be viewed .
TyrannicalSawdustRex- Posts : 96
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Re: Is the moon a reflection of earth?
And I have talked to someone who thinks the stars are reflections of "other craters" witch ofcorse is impossible due to how they move in circles above us.
It dont make sense to me.
Last edited by Slowbutsure on Sun Apr 30, 2023 9:32 am; edited 3 times in total
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Re: Is the moon a reflection of earth?
swentz101- Posts : 43
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Re: Is the moon a reflection of earth?
Slowbutsure- Posts : 31
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Re: Is the moon a reflection of earth?
Slowbutsure wrote:When ppl talk about these kind of theories in public, it makes flat earthers look even more crazy to the globers, I would suggest to keep them a bit private among already flat earthers and stick to the basic stuff in public. Its hurting the topic of FE IMO, but when i tell this to the ones talking in public they dont care, so maybe im wrong?
Exactly. No you're 100% correct, some of the stuff said on this moon reflection thing sounds ridiculous and nothing commented makes any sense or any evidence
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» Proof the Sun is not 93 Million miles away
» The Sun, Moon, and Stars Prove the Flat Earth
» Phases of the moon | relation latitude of sun and moon?