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Questions About the Flat Earth

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Moonhowling Fri Apr 23, 2021 9:19 pm

Yeah they'll lump anyone behind the whole truth, along with the terrorists etc.. No doubt. Unless humanity wises up. And fast.


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by nowhereelsetogo Fri Apr 23, 2021 9:27 pm

Moonhowling wrote:Yeah they'll lump anyone behind the whole truth, along with the terrorists etc.. No doubt. Unless humanity wises up. And fast.


"I have a great deal of respect for Eric and his work although I deeply disagree with much of the new-agey stuff.

I can't fault the FE content here, or Eric's contribution in keeping the subject fresh and alive.


It is very easily demonstrated that any genuine threat to the Talmudic NWO is dealt with quickly and summarily and mostly with tremendous symbolism:
John Smith
John Magufuli
and many others.

With respect to Eric, David Icke, James Corbett, Spiros whatssisname (activist post), renegade tribune, truth stream media, the chemtrails guy and natural news, GAB etc. etc. etc......

Just take what you can use but bear in mind that knowingly or not they are all Judas goats. If they weren't they wouldn't have as much of a voice as they do.

Sorry peeps, but you need to know that we've been identified and when the sh*t starts really hitting the fan we WILL be sought out and rounded up. So be ready to flee or fight, because it IS coming."

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Tree Fri Apr 23, 2021 10:06 pm

I don’t put my faith in any man. I consider all ideas individually. I know there are probably disinformation agents but I think trying to pinpoint them specifically can make you paranoid and is often incorrect. I believe a better way may be to be weary in general of concepts and test them all in your own mind for logic and decide for yourself. It doesn’t matter where the info comes from if it is concluded to be correct in your mind. And no one is perfect and we will come to different conclusions.

Why do you call these people Judas goats? They have come to a different conclusion than you but that does not mean they are purposely or even accidentally leading people astray. Comparing David ike or James Corbett’s influence to that of President Kennedy or Lincoln seems very different. Perhaps if these truth seekers got to that level of influence then they would deal with them (god forbid) but that does not mean they are leading us astray (not that I am “following” anyone) just because they are still speaking.

Who would you consider NOT a Judas goat? There are Christian truth seekers like Rob Skiba who hasn’t been hampered by any powers that be. There are those that don’t practice new age or religious ideas like Jeranism who also seem unhampered.

But maybe you are more saying we are all targets if the powers that be wish to stop us. And that the time for this is coming. I don’t know I fully agree with that either. It’s possible, but it’s not absolute. If most of their power is based on fooling people then they may lose their power as people wake up and have no power to stop us. But they might try. I don’t know, I just feel like thinking they’re coming makes me live in fear. Best to simply seek the truth as I make my way in the world. I’m weary of any life philosophy that makes me dwell primarily in Fear, Anger, or Apathy as a general rule.

In any case, we should really stick to focusing on FE questions I think. And working on proof and evidence instead of pointing fingers. Or atleast leading fulfilling lives and checking in with evidence when we have it.


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Moonhowling Fri Apr 23, 2021 10:15 pm

Yeah you make a firm point. Critical thinkers do as they must with said information. As you say, a person comes to their own conclusions when the time comes. And no fingers are being pointed. I too consider that a pointless means of "productivity" I'm just against anyone convoluting the truth and will help anyway I can In order to help get us all to thinking about How to actually win over the system.. Sitting in forums and talking can only do so much..


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by nowhereelsetogo Sat Apr 24, 2021 10:28 pm

Judas Goat's are a real and disturbing thing. In the context of 'truthers' I would recommend reading Michael Collins Pipers book of the same name. It's available as an audio book on archive.org - I found this a welcome relief from sight reading dozens of books recently. I probably read more books than watch videos.

My point is that if anyone and particularly anyone even remotely famous (which would include these days people with 'followers') steps too far out of line and won't respond to threats or blackmail (JFK made the fatal mistake of digging his heels in over Israel getting nukes which was a step too far. His public execution as well as fulfilling occult objectives was a very visible and long remembered warning that it doesn't matter how powerful you think you are, you're not) they will summarily deal with you.

I am not casting aspersions because I genuinely think 'they' are clever enough to be in control of people who even seem to be (and think themselves) against them. It would only take a degree or two of separation to be able to feed or restrict what you want out there.

It doesn't really matter who I think is a JG, what we have is what we have and we can but make the most of it. FFS I check David Ickes site daily as it's a reasonable aggregator.

One person I can't say I suspect yet is the ice age farmer. I really like his presentations. Another site is pleasestoptheride which has loads of sickening industry videos.

I am however VERY sceptical of just about everything and anyone here should know there are serious problems with;
Allopathic medicine - with germ theory, viruses and vaccines being the most egregious areas
by association and on past performance - nukes, quantum stuff, possibly DNA
and just about everything else we thought we knew.

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Tree Sun Apr 25, 2021 7:36 pm

I’ll look into this book, thank you. And the ice age farmer. Smile
I’m also highly skeptical of any truther. I try to just look at the content objectively. It’s hard because there very likely are purposeful disinformation agents but then there are also people just being slightly led astray or even just having different conclusions. Some people I listen to often are: Mark Knight (Waykiwayki), Rob Skiba, Eric Dubay, Jerainism, and David Weiss. I can’t see how any of these people could be shills because they consistently seem to offer good content. I especially think David Weiss is doing a good job of going on about 10 podcasts a week to teach FE theory. I wish there were a few others that took this approach (I know I’m being a hypocrite lol).

One thing I don’t really understand is if these evil people at the top have all this power why wouldn’t they take out more people that are spreading truth? I don’t want to talk about specific people because that would be not a nice thing to say aloud even in hypothetical wondering. But my thought is maybe these “evil controlers” can’t kill people. Or atleast they don’t like to? They could be greedy without wanting to be murderous. Or could we be fooling ourselves somehow and there is not really anyone at the top? I don’t know. It’s just kind of weird. I’m not saying it doesn’t ever happen but it seems like if they were running a very tight operation it would happen more often to FE truthers. Maybe they work almost exclusively in an information and psychological war. And that’s why they want us to think we are in danger if we figure out the truth and get too big. Just saying maybe that’s not such a danger? Could be a psyop to make us live in fear. I don’t really know. But either way I’m pursuing the truth so I might as well not let it scare me.

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Gyroscope?

Post by Luminous Sun Apr 25, 2021 8:34 pm

I have searched the whole site but there was no info on gyroscopes. Could someone explain how gyroscopes prove that the earth is not a globe?
Or can he point me to information online?

I was only able to find this:


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by AlwaysCurious Sun Apr 25, 2021 11:43 pm

The one proof I head is airplanes use gyroscopes and there has been no course correction in regards to the curve recorded. Eric mentions that based on the calculations airplanes would constantly have to dip their nose down every several minutes to maintain the same altitude if the Earth was a Globe, but gyroscope have not recorded any of this as the air plane flies parallel with a flat plane. I would love to hear more information on other relevant proofs using gyroscopes...hope someone who knows shares.


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by AlwaysCurious Sun Apr 25, 2021 11:47 pm

One of my friends who doesn't believe in a flat Earth mentioned something that I would love explained about gyroscopes...he states that if you take a gyroscope it will rotate 15 degrees per hour which proves the Earths rotation, didn't know how to answer this one, and couldn't find any information if it actually rotates 15 deg per hour. Anyone please do share if you have any info. Thank you


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Luminous Mon Apr 26, 2021 12:02 am

Hey timing! I just to find info on this on this new (and first) documentary about FE Smile



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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by nowhereelsetogo Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:09 am

AlwaysCurious wrote:One of my friends who doesn't believe in a flat Earth mentioned something that I would love explained about gyroscopes...he states that if you take a gyroscope it will rotate 15 degrees per hour which proves the Earths rotation, didn't know how to answer this one, and couldn't find any information if it actually rotates 15 deg per hour. Anyone please do share if you have any info. Thank you

Ask your friend to prove it or back it up with proof or references.

Sounds utter crap to me that a gyroscope would gently rotate on its own when everything else is completely unaffected.

Also wouldn't the GS have to be oriented to the rotation correctly making a general assumtion invalid.

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Moonhowling Mon Apr 26, 2021 12:56 pm

They'll use all the equipment they want but a sextant proves the local sun not to be 94 million miles away and the line of the earth proves the stars to rotate over a stationary earth.. Simply think reality over shity equipment..


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Oliver_Bestfall Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:00 pm

Luminous wrote:Any thoughts on this video below? I searched the forum but didn't found it so I thought to ask here.


If you read through any of my posts on this forum, you may see that I avoid the use of the words, "Prove", "Proof" and "Debunk".

I do prefer the word, "Evidence" and I would implore you to make your own decision on this bicycle experiment. With that, I present to you, these pieces of evidence and thoughts that occurred to me while watching:

1) The tests took place in between the two towns in Sasketchwan, Canada, along Highway 33.

2) Regina SK, Canada latitude is 50.4452°N, 104.6189° W

3) Stoughton SK, Canada latitude is 49.6786°N, 103.0298° W

4) They used a yardstick to measure the angle of the sun at two very different latitudes and longitudes, at the same time of day.

5) They used the calculation based on a slightly modified version of the test performed by Eratosthenes, with the presumption that the sun is 93 million miles away.

6) The narrator, Kurtis Baute, claimed that Highway 33 was one of the flattest, straightest highways in existence, but he did not perform a viewable distance test.

I'm going to pause right here and let you watch again for yourselves.

What if they did indeed perform a straight-line viewability test? It seemed as though with the filmed introduction, as they made a very big emphasis that Highway 33 was flat, straight and continuous. It only makes sense that a man of science, as Baute claims to be, would have measured the maximum viewable distance.

This video was posted in 2018, during what had become a fever-pitch of flat Earth awakening. A test like this at that time was among a smattering of debunk-this and 100%-proof of that. Baute shows his bona fides on his YouTube page as MSc-Environmental Science, so as a scientist, why didn't he test the idea that the Sun is only 3,100 miles away?

At the very end of the video, he presents his Eratosthenes-results with chalk lines across an entire parking lot, bragging about his 17-percent error deviation. He exclaimed that he was very happy about that result.

17% is a pretty big margin of error. If 17% of your bank account suddenly went missing, would you be Very Happy about that?

Those are are my thoughts. What say you?


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by AlwaysCurious Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:31 pm

I agree he is assuming the sun is 93 million miles away if he assumed a local sun this experiment would not prove a flat or globe earth. And yes the 17% error margin is huge, this guy didn't prove anything to me, would be better if he used a sextant and triangulation the sun's distance with sun ray angles through clouds or something like that.


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by RedorBlue Tue Apr 27, 2021 11:32 pm

Bozo on a bike.
Assumes the earth is globe and the sun is 93,000,000 mls away. So he is not performing an experiment , he is carrying out a geometric exercise .Needs to give his head a fkn wobble.  Triangulating to a moving object is ridiculous. Any scientist serious about proving the shape of earth would measure a base line and triangulate to Polaris - that stationary thing in the sky - along an arc of longitude.

Of course none of the cloth headed wassocks will do this because it's a real scientific experiment that doesn't assume anything.

Why repeat such a shit "experiment"?

Eratosthenes was a librarian - trained as a fkn poet , not at a school of philosophy . None of his work survives amazingly enough but this fanciful bullshit is ascribed to him.

The main source of this rubbish is a book by a Greek astronomer/philosopher called Cleomedes about whom fuck all is known except his name - apparently lived sometime between 200bc to 200ad.Can't remember the name of the book offhand - revolutions of the heavenly bodies or something.

The main body of the book was an attack on the Epicurean school of philosophy - earth is flat in that school .

Whole thing is a designed to give the impression that blob earth was known in ancient times , rewriting of history .

Seems that the oldest reference to that book appears around the 1600 hundreds as far as I've been able to find so far. Jehoosuits no doubt

Fkn amazes me that this shit is touted about as a proof of a globe - proves that science is populated by librarians to me.


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Tree Fri Apr 30, 2021 7:49 am

(Possible idea for experiment) Sun Speed Measurement

Correct me if I’m wrong on this, perspective and motions confuse me sometimes but tell me if this is correct:

On a ball-earth the sun would travel across the sky overhead the same distance every hour. So if you marked the points every hour then the points would all be roughly equal distance. Right?


On a flat-plane the sun would appear to move at varying speeds as it traveled over head and into the horizon. It would move slowly over the horizon during sunrise, then quickly overhead at noon time, then slowly again during sunset as it approached the visible horizon again. This would all be due to perspective of course, but it would be measurable. Right?

The point being this should be very noticeable, right? Could we not measure this and see? I’m guessing this has been thought of but I just don’t know what the results were. Or possibly I’m not thinking about it correctly. I’ve included a drawing of how you could measure this. Basically the person could sit under a curving measuring stick that’s a half sphere (or you could use a little glass dome to sit under, but that might get hot!), and just draw a mark every hour for where the sun was then and see if it changes speed or stays the same.

Would this work?

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by RedorBlue Fri Apr 30, 2021 8:45 am

Globe earth fantasy has its solar system spiraling through space at over 500,000mph with all planets rotating and keeping up as if by magic , as well as star positions adjusting constantly to appear to be in the same position over thousands of years.

All scientific experiments to prove earth rotation have failed . Earth is stationary - the scientific conclusion .

This means sun must be small and local . We know everything we are told about the mainstream solar system is a myth .

Our view of the suns journey across the sky is limited by perspective but we know it takes 24 hours to travel around our plane . Why do you think its angular velocity should differ in reality? Why are you assuming the suns path is parallel to the plane? I don't know if it is.

There are videos posted where the sun is tracked and curves away as it nears vanishing point.
Maybe I'm wrong but you seem to regard the solar system model as being compatible with reality. We live in an observable geocentric system .


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Tree Fri Apr 30, 2021 9:08 am

You’re misunderstanding. All evidence points towards it as flat. This experiment is not so much specifically for me as it is for proving this to others. I will say though I am always open to where the evidence leads me. Until I can fly high enough for myself it is only assumed by myself based on the current evidence that I have gathered that it is likely flat. But yeah I’m not really here to argue (that’s for Reddit) I’m more trying to devise some experiments or discuss ideas with like minded people.

About the experiment
I have seen these videos where it seems to curve away a bit at the end but this is rather subtle (though admittedly good evidence). The experiment I’m proposing is to track the sun’s motion every hour over one full day. Preferably at the equator when the sun is on a path directly overhead so there’s the greatest difference in perspective.. It seems to me the difference in its position would be markedly different if it were on a globe from that of a flat plane which could serve as a great proof for the flat earth (or not; we should follow the evidence, not our egos of course.).

I have heard it said it’s difficult to triangulate the sun’s position, but that is not really what we are doing with this experiment, it’s instead to simply see if it’s motion across the sky appears to be a steady rate or a change in APPARENT speed (becasue it is on a flat plane).


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by RedorBlue Fri Apr 30, 2021 10:43 am

I do understand . In what way should the suns position be markedly different between the two models you are unsure about? What do you predict for each model ? You should outline what you expect for each model if it appears to you that there should be a marked difference.

You want to do observations at the midpoint of the suns journey from one tropic to the other (equinox) - is that right?

The instant the sun crosses the "equator" is known to the second - by observation ,and these are the only instants when the sun will be directly above the imaginary equator. and will be traveling N or S of the equator depending on the season. This equinox , as it is known , should result in day/night of close to 12 hrs in solar system model - reality is different though .


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Tree Fri Apr 30, 2021 6:29 pm

I thought I made that atleast basically clear, but I’ll restate it with a more clear idea for this experiment. I’ve also attached a more accurate model of the proposed experiment. (Click on the picture to expand it)

Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Ed680a10


1. On a flat earth we should see the sun appear to set more slowly as it approaches the horizon in comparison to its previous movements across the sky. This is because it is only an apparent horizon and the sun is actually just going away too far for us to see.


2. On a globe earth we should see the sun set at the same speed as it has always moved across the sky. Its perspective movements across the sky should be the same speed during noon, afternoon, sunset... This is because on the globe earth model the sun moves over a physical horizon and because the sun moves across the sky because we are rotating which should give a uniform movement of the sun.

We should be able to note these differences by having a large curved ruler (about 7 ft high. one that is big enough to stand under) and mark the points on the ruler every hour aligning with the sun overhead. As the sun approaches sunset it’s movements downward on the marked points should becomes slighter (less difference) between them if we are on a flat earth. Ideally this experiment would be done at the equator when the sun is traveling directly overhead and there should be the greatest difference in perspective of the sun traveling, but anywhere could work I think.

Some possible problems with this perspective:
The distances could be too great that this difference is not noticeable
The sun’s perspective may not be easily measured. It’s very bright. May need special glasses. Could also do the moon instead. It’s also possible I’m not understanding perspective of the sun and motions correctly and these differences would not be noticeable for some other reason I’m unaware of. If so please let me know.

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by RedorBlue Sat May 01, 2021 10:09 am

Yes I see , I take it that you expect the path the setting sun takes to be different in each model too?

Couldn't you track the sun with a camera ? Need a good unobstructed view of the horizon ,a cloudless sunny day and a sea side view would be best . You could also use time lapse photography to track the path . Try for two hours until sunset , should give suns path over 30 degrees .

Had a look at some sunset videos , here's one don't know the exact time of the time lapse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPBxL3aSSQ8

Interesting how the suns reflection shrinks in width - small local sun would do that .

Might have to learn how to use the camera .


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Tree Sun May 02, 2021 10:16 pm

Yeah you could use a camera. You need to have it noting the time too of course. It should be a relatively simple experiment with a time lapse camera. I don’t have one but I bet there’s a FE researcher who does. Eventually when I have money to buy one maybe I’ll be able to do this at the moment I definitely do not. Just see if the sun moves across the sky at the same speed or not. If it moves slower as it reaches the horizon that should (I think?) indicate a flat earth.

Interestingly I cannot find a video on YouTube of the sun moving in time-lapse with a clock telling what time it is. There must be one right? But I just don’t see it.


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by ConnorSingh Wed May 05, 2021 10:47 am

Hello friends.

This is my first time posting on the IFERS forum, if I am misplacing this post, please forgive me, remove it and direct me to the appropriate section. I have a few things I want to ask of varying subjects.

1. How much time should be allocated to debating roundearthers, and what arenas are better for such things? I find myself getting into very extensive debates with people in comment sections on YouTube. Do you consider this a worthy use of time and why? I mean this with regard to extremely long responses thoroughly refuting every point made against me, not with quick responses that do not completely explain evidence or brush things off.

2. Do you think that shills are also included in YouTube comment sections? I have noticed highly illogical behaviour from some people challenging me in comment sections consistent with shills, would you consider this likely?

3. Do you have any advice for mental wellbeing while refuting roundearthers? It is not difficult to refute the round earth and it is satisfying at times, but being repeatedly insulted every day is rather unpleasant and I find myself needing to cease responses for a day or two sometimes, even though I am capable of responding concisely, just to keep myself in a positive state of mind. Is this normal or is it a sign of weakness on my part?

4. Has any research been done by IFERS into the validity of the apparent speed of light? It has come to my attention that even within the heliocentric scientific community there is some debate as to the validity of the speed of light, if indeed it is provable conclusively that the currently accepted speed of light is incorrect, it could potentially add several more proofs of geocentrism.

5. Is there an entire debunk of professor slave explains? I understand Mr Dubay has done an excellent refutation of one of his videos, but as he keeps getting referenced by roundearthers, I wondered if anyone had done an entire refutation of all of his flat earth videos, or is working on such a debunk? If not, I would like to take it upon myself to create a long format video dismantling his entire anti flat earth catalogue.


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Oliver_Bestfall Wed May 05, 2021 4:41 pm

ConnorSingh wrote:Hello friends.

This is my first time posting on the IFERS forum, if I am misplacing this post, please forgive me, remove it and direct me to the appropriate section. I have a few things I want to ask of varying subjects.

1. How much time should be allocated to debating roundearthers, and what arenas are better for such things? I find myself getting into very extensive debates with people in comment sections on YouTube. Do you consider this a worthy use of time and why? I mean this with regard to extremely long responses thoroughly refuting every point made against me, not with quick responses that do not completely explain evidence or brush things off.

2. Do you think that shills are also included in YouTube comment sections? I have noticed highly illogical behaviour from some people challenging me in comment sections consistent with shills, would you consider this likely?

3. Do you have any advice for mental wellbeing while refuting roundearthers? It is not difficult to refute the round earth and it is satisfying at times, but being repeatedly insulted every day is rather unpleasant and I find myself needing to cease responses for a day or two sometimes, even though I am capable of responding concisely, just to keep myself in a positive state of mind. Is this normal or is it a sign of weakness on my part?

4. Has any research been done by IFERS into the validity of the apparent speed of light? It has come to my attention that even within the heliocentric scientific community there is some debate as to the validity of the speed of light, if indeed it is provable conclusively that the currently accepted speed of light is incorrect, it could potentially add several more proofs of geocentrism.

5. Is there an entire debunk of professor slave explains? I understand Mr Dubay has done an excellent refutation of one of his videos, but as he keeps getting referenced by roundearthers, I wondered if anyone had done an entire refutation of all of his flat earth videos, or is working on such a debunk? If not, I would like to take it upon myself to create a long format video dismantling his entire anti flat earth catalogue.


There are plenty of trolls, shills and agents who know that the Earth is Flat, but they choose to perpetuate a pattern of behavior that is manipulative and divisive. Troll, shill, agent, these are valid labels with distinct meanings.

Shills give an artificial level of credibility while maintaining a financial interest or undisclosed relationships. Imagine a studio audience applauding fervently during an infomercial, the insincerity is blatantly obvious, because the infomercial studio audience is paid to be there. If someone is selling, or overselling, it will resonate in your shill-caution meter.

Trolls inflame emotions online for their own amusement or specific gain, according to the Wikipedia definition of an "internet troll."

Meanwhile, an agent is much more subtle and cunning, as they may be seeking to spread disinformation while collecting data and reporting to government and industry.

If you can recognize trolls, shills and agents for what they are, their methods will fail when you recognize the illusions and betrayals that they deliver.

To answer your questions:

1) How much time should you spend debating round-earthers? None. Extensive debates in the comment sections on YouTube are, at best, a waste of time, but may also be an easy place for shills to entice you, trolls to inflame you and agents to target you. Your words can and will be used against you later on and could get your own content taken down or account blocked.

2) Do you think that shills are also included? Absolutely.

3) Advice for preserving one's own Mental well-being while debating round-earthers?

Step one -- recognize that the round-earthers are probably caught up in their own cognitive dissonance and they are probably angry at Nasa and everyone else that has built this up -- they can't lash out at Nasa, but they will lash out at you.

Step two -- relax. It is not your responsibility to proselytize and convert non-believers. Exist with your own knowledge.

Step three -- tell them to stop by ifers.123.st and linger for a while.

4) Research on the speed of light? Trust your own senses. Light moves fast. I did see a YouTube video where they filmed a laser shooting through milky water at one trillion frames per second. It was entertaining. I don't know how accurate that could be as a methodology of measuring light speed, but it was fun to watch.

5) Debating and debunking are debilitating. Professor Dave was probably assigned the task of presenting the "Destroying Flat Earth" videos by his own masters to maintain his monetary YouTube status.

By my definition above, Shills give an artificial level of credibility while maintaining a financial interest or undisclosed relationship, therefore Professor Dave is a shill. He had not chimed in on Flat Earth until 2019, cashing in on his status as a science educator on YouTube.

In conclusion, relax, trust your own senses, and consider the following statements:

Water is always flat and level.

The unyielding, unending, unforgiving vacuum of outerspace cannot exist, side-by-side with the Earth's atmosphere.

Sunlight crepuscular rays reveal that the sun is not 93 million miles away.

All maps of the Earth are inaccurate.

All calendars are wrong.

Dinosaurs never existed.

There is no need to debate anyone or debunk anything.

Just consider and decide for yourself.


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 13 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by ConnorSingh Wed May 05, 2021 11:41 pm

Thank you for your clear and detailed response.

I see the strong argument that I am wasting my time with shills, trolls and agents in comment sections, the reason I do it is not for the sake of the people I am debating, but for the sake of people who will read it, it is difficult to convince people to come to IFERS or watch Eric Dubay's content, but people will read comment section arguments of their own volition, because they want to see flat earthers shown to be foolish, but I can ensure the opposite happens and the amount of points they make that I emphatically refute stacks up and makes them look worse and worse. Perhaps this is a highly ineffective use of my time in relation to the number of people helped, but in my mind there seems to be a logic, there are so many people that will never look into this beyond youtube videos and comments, and as the algorithm has been rigged, comment sections seem an essential place to have quality representation.

I really appreciate your advise with regards to self care, that puts things in perspective, however I do disagree that it is not my responsibility to make people aware of this truth, I think that this is probably the most important thing one could do with their free time, I have a finite amount of time in this human life, and I would see holding this information and not spreading it akin to sitting on vast heaps of wealth without giving any to the poor.

Light is indeed at least extremely fast, but whether it could be shown to be any speed contrary to the currently accepted number could prove very valuable. That being said, it would not be as effective as the force the line test.

Thank you for your kind words and explanation of Pro. Dave, it makes sense that he should be a shill but I would still like to take apart his entire set of arguments for the globe in time.

Thanks again.


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