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Questions About the Flat Earth

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by rotor Fri Jan 25, 2019 1:32 am

Hi Schpankme,

Thanks for the quick reply, but neither response really addresses my questions.

Even if I mark the shadow every quarter of an hour throughout the day there is no explanation for why the angles the shadow cast from sunrise to sunset should exceed a range of 180 degrees. The fact that yin-yang proves the earth is stationary is not in dispute, just the path that the sun is taking. I apologise if I'm missing something in the video that explains this.

At sunrise this morning for example, the sun rose slightly in the south-east, casting a shadow slightly to the north-west. The angle produced in comparison to a straight east-west line was probably -10 degrees.

Throughout the vast majority of the day however, the sun will be slightly to the north, casting various shadows slightly to the south with angles ranging from 10 to 170 degrees.

Tonight, the sun will set slightly in the south-west, casting a shadow slightly to the north-east. The angle will be around 190 degrees.

The total range of angles cast is 200 degrees. This can't happen if the sun is always situated slightly to the north as the flat earth model, and indeed the heliocentric model, suggests.

The moon phases question has nothing to do with the new moon and eclipses. The earth casting a shadow on the moon is not the reason for the moon phases, which is what I'm talking about. The phases of the moon still occur regardless of where the Earth lies, so suggesting that because the Earth isn't blocking the moon during a lunar eclipse somehow addresses moon phases is incorrect.

This morning the moon was showing it's last quarter. The sun was trailing the moon by about 6hrs and the half lit up from our perspective was the side nearest the sun.

In two weeks time, the opposite will be the case. The sun will be leading the moon by about 6hrs and the half lit up from our perspective will still be the side nearest the sun, the first quarter.

If the moon shines independently of the sun, then why does the other half of the moon not shine in these circumstances? If anything, the fact that the sun is on the opposite side, should mean that the moon is brighter on that half as it doesn't have to contend with the light from the sun.

Hopefully, I've made clear what point I'm trying to make. Believe me, I want there to be a satisfactory answer. I'm not trying to disprove the flat earth model. It may be that we just don't have an answer for this at the moment and that's fine, but we're here to investigate and find answers.



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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by markwilson Fri Jan 25, 2019 1:43 am

rotor wrote:Currently in the Southern Hemisphere, it seems that the sun casts a shadow in the early morning and late evening (sunrise and sunset) in the opposite direction (north) to that which it casts in the middle of the day (south).

Take a look at this gif:

Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Y92hffgn

In Africa, a viewer either at the north or south side of the red line, would see a generally east/west sunrise/sunset, correct? But depending on the viewer's perspective from his location, north/south of the line, the noonday sun either passes to the south of him, or to the north.

A viewer at the extreme north of Africa sees a southeast, southwest sun. A viewer at the extreme south of Africa sees a northeast, northwest sun.

In your estimation, is this not a replication of what is going on prompting your question?

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Schpankme Fri Jan 25, 2019 1:54 am

rotor wrote:
The moon phases

The Moon along with Mercury and Venus show phases; they look to be self-illuminated; and their location to the Sun may be what triggers these phase changes.

Moon Phases

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by markwilson Fri Jan 25, 2019 2:00 am

rotor wrote:Even if I mark the shadow every quarter of an hour throughout the day there is no explanation for why the angles the shadow cast from sunrise to sunset should exceed a range of 180 degrees.
"Mark[ing] the shadow every quarter of an hour throughout the day" is what sundials do, correct? Do sundial shadows work, marking out the hours of the day wherever placed on Earth?

In other words, if sundials work wherever placed, then your understanding of shadows would need to correspond with the demonstrable facts in nature that, 1) sundial shadows don't lie, and 2) those shadows must be doing what you're asking about, no matter where on earth the sundial is.


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by rotor Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:23 am

markwilson wrote:
rotor wrote:Currently in the Southern Hemisphere, it seems that the sun casts a shadow in the early morning and late evening (sunrise and sunset) in the opposite direction (north) to that which it casts in the middle of the day (south).

In Africa, a viewer either at the north or south side of the red line, would see a generally east/west sunrise/sunset, correct? But depending on the viewer's perspective from his location, north/south of the line, the noonday sun either passes to the south of him, or to the north.

A viewer at the extreme north of Africa sees a southeast, southwest sun. A viewer at the extreme south of Africa sees a northeast, northwest sun.

In your estimation, is this not a replication of what is going on prompting your question?

Thanks Mark - Illustrations definitely make it easier to explain.  I suppose what I'm saying is, pretend you were situated in South Africa (below the red line).  Wouldn't you expect your shadow to always be to the south of you and never to the north?  The sun is always north of your location so how can the shadow ever been cast to the north of you?  At noon, the logic is fine, but at sunrise and sunset it's not the case and I think it should be.  To put it plainly, how can the sun rise and set south of you (living in South Africa) if the red line is well north of you as is the midday sun?

Regarding sundials - Your two points are correct - The sundials show shadows in their correct position, and the shadows are doing what they do. However, the theory of where the sun passes overhead is the sticking point. If it rises to the south of me, travels to the north and remains there throughout the day and eventually makes it's way back down south by sunset (which it does), then either/and/or it travels much further south than the tropic of Capricorn, it doesn't work it's way out from the north pole in concentric circles, some other force is acting upon the sun at least in the southern latitudes, or some other combination of all or none of these things and something else is the explanation. Correct?

Last edited by rotor on Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:32 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Remove repeat gif and answer second post)


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Schpankme Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:34 am

rotor wrote:
what I'm saying
pretend you were situated in South Africa
your shadow to always be to the south of you and never to the north
how can the shadow ever been cast to the north of you

The majority of Africa is north of the Tropic of Cancer, the Sun travels between the two Tropics.  You've stated, that in Africa when an object is south of the Tropic of Cancer, and lit by the Sun, shadows are cast to the North.  Please provide evidence for this statement?   Basketball

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by rotor Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:48 am

Schpankme wrote:
rotor wrote:
what I'm saying
pretend you were situated in South Africa
your shadow to always be to the south of you and never to the north
how can the shadow ever been cast to the north of you

The majority of Africa is north of the Tropic of Cancer, the Sun travels between the two Tropics.  You've stated, that in Africa when an object is south of the Tropic of Cancer, and lit by the Sun, shadows are cast to the North.  Please provide evidence for this statement?   Basketball

That's exactly what I'm saying. Assuming I can prove it to you, you'd find that strange, right? Welcome to the club. Presumably the same conditions may apply in the northern hemisphere, but I don't live there so can't know for sure. I'll see if I can take a photo or something. Stay tuned.


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by markwilson Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:51 am

Agree with Schpankme, rotor. And like him I'm curious what evidence you have, or are you now, or have you been, in such a location to observe such a phenomenon?

Where do you believe the source of light is that is causing the northward facing shadow? My contention would be that if a sundial works on the southern tip of Africa (it does), then there can be no such anomaly as described.

Your evidence can't include anything produced by Anthony Powell (Antarctica; A Year On Ice) if your assertion includes a 24 hour sun in Antarctica.

Blatant fraud: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgZa9oZDN5g

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by markwilson Fri Jan 25, 2019 6:03 am

rotor, this may be premature since you haven't answered my question yet, but since I mentioned Powell above I provide the below video for consideration by anybody who may try and make the claim that Powell's stuff is legit.

His stuff is legit in the documentary Antarctica; A Year on Ice. But they do not try and claim a 24 hour sun in that documentary. They knew better than to try that. And the documentary shows beautiful time-lapse footage of the sun sweeping by Powell's position parallel to the Earth.

I don't know much about all his stuff, but check out this video by Zero11s:

The falsely claimed 24 hour sun from Antarctica comes up from time to time, so it can't hurt to have a marker to it here.

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by rotor Fri Jan 25, 2019 6:23 am

markwilson wrote:rotor, this may be premature since you haven't answered my question yet, but since I mentioned Powell above I provide the below video for consideration by anybody who may try and make the claim that Powell's stuff is legit.

His stuff is legit in the documentary Antarctica; A Year on Ice. But they do not try and claim a 24 hour sun in that documentary. They knew better than to try that. And the documentary shows beautiful time-lapse footage of the sun sweeping by Powell's position parallel to the Earth.

I don't know much about all his stuff, but check out this video by Zero11s:

The falsely claimed 24 hour sun from Antarctica comes up from time to time, so it can't hurt to have a marker to it here.

Thanks Mark - I'll take a look at that.

In regards to proof, I plan to take a series of photos throughout the day of the same vertical item (such as a pole) and show that the shadow occupies angles ranging beyond 180 degrees. I live in Melbourne, Australia, by the way, not South Africa, I just wanted to demonstrate my point using a location clearly visible on the gif you provided. The sun exhibits this same behaviour every day here, so shouldn't be too long before I'm able to take the relevant series of photos.


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Schpankme Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:13 am

rotor wrote:
series of photos
throughout the day of the same vertical item (such as a pole)
show that the shadow occupies angles ranging beyond 180 degrees
I live in Melbourne, Australia

Time lapse taken with a Canon EOS 60D and EOS utility v2.1.3
Melbourne, Australia
November 5th, 2013


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by rotor Mon Jan 28, 2019 12:40 am

Ok - So I have the photos now.  I used a lamp post in the street to demonstrate the different positions of the shadow throughout the day and they cover around 230 degrees of arc.  Here are the pictures.  I have other pictures from different times of the day but the upload function has resticted me to three at a time.  These three demonstrate the facts though.

One is at noon yesterday showing the shadow cast pretty much due South as you'd expect.
One is at 8pm last night showing the shadow cast north-east and the sun is visible in the south-west.
One is this morning at 8am showing the shadow cast almost due west but slightly to the north meaning the sun is slight south of due east.

As far as I can gather, the flat earth model of the sun circling the north pole does not allow for this to occur.  Can we come at with a plausible explanation of how this is able to happen?

Whilst undertaking this little experiment over the last few days, I've stumbled across a much more serious issue with the FE model.  Now it requires further investigation, but it seems the entire night sky follows two different and distinct cycles that also don't seem to be explained with the current model.  Now, correct me if I have this wrong, but the FE model suggests all of the night sky rotates around the north star and occupies the same position at the same time each night, correct?  If that is true, then why is Orions belt not visible in the June solstice but visible in the December solstice?  If however, the night sky only rotates around polaris on a yearly basis then why aren't the constellations visible in the same position throughout the night?  Either way it seems only one cycle is accounted for and not both (daily cycle and annual cycle) if the FE model dictating that the Earth doesn't spin or orbit the sun is correct.

Now don't get me wrong.  I want to disprove the heliocentric model and embrace flat earth science, but these questions are starting to worry me.  I just want to make sure the theory is sound before investing myself too heavily in it.  It would be great if Eric could chime in with suitable explanations to overcome these concerns of mine.

Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 20190113
Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 20190114
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Last edited by rotor on Mon Jan 28, 2019 12:45 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Tried to add the photos again - Not sure if it works though)


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Schpankme Mon Jan 28, 2019 12:48 am

rotor wrote:
the flat earth model of the sun circling the north pole

I've stumbled across a much more serious issue with the FE model
the FE model suggests all of the night sky rotates around the north star
if the FE model dictating that the Earth doesn't spin or orbit the sun is correct

I want to embrace flat earth science
I just want to make sure the theory is sound

What other Model would you "embrace" if not the flat Earth?
Is water always flat on some other Model?

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by markwilson Mon Jan 28, 2019 12:54 am

BS meter engaged.

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by markwilson Mon Jan 28, 2019 1:06 am

rotor wrote:...if the FE model dictating that the Earth doesn't spin or orbit the sun is correct.

1) FE is not a model "dictating" anything. Demonstrable facts in nature dictate to us proofs of our reality. We're not in a model, nor do we hold forth a laughably phony model like the Heliocentric Masonic Priest Class must do. And if you place a shorter stick in the ground next to the light pole, mark the shadow tips throughout the day every 30 or so minutes, the tips form an elongated curved line around your light pole and/or stick.

2) All evidence conclusively proves the Earth stationary. No spin, no orbit.

3) Your pictures show a street light as a sundial. The sundial works. The sun circles the stationary plane parallel to the plane.

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by markwilson Mon Jan 28, 2019 8:35 pm

rotor wrote:Ok - So I have the photos now.  

Can you explain the meta data time stamps on your photos?

1st (morning): Sun Jan 27 2019 11:56:39 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
2nd (midday): Sun Jan 27 2019 04:29:24 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
3rd (evening): Sun Jan 27 2019 23:57:15 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

Should the timestamps match an expected morning/noon/evening sequence? If the 1st photo is at 12:00, and the last at 24:00, twelve hours apart, doesn't it make sense that the middle shot would be at about 18:00?


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by markwilson Tue Jan 29, 2019 12:32 am

rotor wrote:Ok - So I have the photos now.

Here's another exif viewer: https://www.get-metadata.com

I see what I did. The pictures, top to bottom, were snapped in sequence 2, 1, 3, with midday on the 27th (picture 2), evening on the 27th (picture 1), and then the next morning on the 28th (picture 3). The time-frames, in order taken, are on the 27th at 12:29, then 19:56, and finally at 07:57 the morning of the 28th.

Evening (taken 2nd): DateTimeOriginal : 2019:01:27 19:56:39
Midday (taken 1st): DateTimeOriginal : 2019:01:27 12:29:24
Morning (taken 3rd): DateTimeOriginal : 2019:01:28 07:57:15

Here are the readings from Melbourne, taken from https://susdesign.com/sunangle/. In standard day sequence, though the last one was taken the following morning: morning (3rd pic), midday (2nd pic), and evening (1st pic).

Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Jmklub12

Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Pbtqzo11

Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Rgymgp10

The altitude angle sequence is (morning to evening): 15.40, 66.30, 7.01
The azimuth angle sequence is (morning to evening): -78.43, -138.46, 72.04

Regarding the azimuth angle, we find this at the above solar panel calculator: "The azimuth angle is measured clockwise from the zero azimuth. For example, if you're in the Northern Hemisphere and the zero azimuth is set to South, the azimuth angle value will be negative before solar noon, and positive after solar noon."

I used a "zero azimuth" of "SOUTH" in the above solar calculations. Changing it to "NORTH" results in a azimuth angle sequence of: 101.57, 41.54, -107.96


Obviously, and looking at the altitude angle sequence of the pics predicated on the time of day they were taken, the sun begins low on his horizon in the northeast (15.40 degrees), is at 66.30 degrees to the north during the midday pic, and then is low again in the northwest when setting on the horizon (7.01 degrees).

In such case there could never be an occurrence of a shadow facing north, since the sun (the only source of light causing shadows) is always north of his position in Melbourne, Australia.


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by markwilson Tue Jan 29, 2019 12:43 am

rotor wrote:
Even if I mark the shadow every quarter of an hour throughout the day there is no explanation for why the angles the shadow cast from sunrise to sunset should exceed a range of 180 degrees.  

The range of shadow of the sundial, or stick in the ground, traces the sun's circumpolar movement; a great sweeping arc. The shadow tips clearly paint an elongated curve. The length of shadows vary dependent upon geographic location relative to the source of light that is circling the North Pole. It's ever-moving, the shadows ever-changing.

If you are geographically located far enough north during Midnight sun (while sun is at Tropic of Cancer), and place a stick in the ground, it's guaranteed the shadow cast will "exceed a range of 180 degrees." In such case the range of shadow is 360 degrees since the viewer is located far enough north to see the sun circle himself without setting. The sun never sets during the midnight sun phenomenon, but only in the north, and only to those geographically located in those positions to see it relative to the sun's position while circling in the sky. There is no concomitant 24 hour sun in the south.

So anybody well south of the southern tropic making the case for northward facing shadows has some 'splaining to do.

You stated, "Currently in the Southern Hemisphere, it seems that the sun casts a shadow in the early morning and late evening (sunrise and sunset) in the opposite direction (north) to that which it casts in the middle of the day (south)."

Impossible. Sun sweeps by to the north of your position, which is well south of the southern tropic. And unlike the midnight sun phenomenon, in which the shadow is 360 degrees, your sun certainly isn't jumping back and forth, one side to the other, of your pole/stick placed in the ground south of the sun's movement passing by you to the north. The sun is only ever to the NORTH of you.

You claim to be in Melbourne, 37°48'50.4" latitude. The Tropic of Capricorn is at 23°26′12.5,″. You're some 14 degrees south of the sun's passing you by when at the December solstice. It's even further north of you now. Since there are roughly 69 miles between latitude lines, you're some 966 miles from the sun when it is at the Tropic at the December solstice.

It's roughly 38 days since December solstice. Assuming the sun contracts from its largest circumference roughly 18.4 miles per day to June solstice, circumference getting smaller day by day, that means we need to add roughly another 699 miles to the distance the sun presently is north of you; or 966 miles, plus 699 miles, means the sun is roughly 1,665 miles north of your location!

Why are you claiming northward facing shadows in Melbourne?!

Note: I'll post my computations below for finding rough speed, distances, and the position of the sun presently, so my figures can be disputed if necessary.

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by markwilson Tue Jan 29, 2019 12:58 am

I've posted this elsewhere on IFERS but do so now so rotor can see where my calculation for the present rough distance to the sun north of his position in Melbourne derives.


The sun travels from solstice to solstice, 24 degrees (rounded for simplicity’s sake) either side of the Equator.

Therefore the sun, when at the equator during an equinox, is 90 degrees from the north center point, or stated in “global” parlance, 0 degrees latitude.

However, a flat earther’s point of reference would be 0 degrees at the north center point (the Center of the earth), with latitude lines stepping out 69 miles per line around that center point, if indeed each latitude line is correctly figured based on the pretended “globe” size of 24,901 miles.

Sixty-nine miles between latitude lines.

24 degree N latitude line, 4,554 miles radius (66 lines x 69), times 2 =
a diameter of 9,108 miles.
Equator line, 6,210 miles radius (90 lines x 69), times 2 =
a diameter of 12,420 miles.
24 degree S latitude line, 7,866 miles radius (114 lines x 69), times 2 =
a diameter of 15,732 miles.

Now that we have the diameter sizes of each circle--- 24N latitude, 0/90 Equator, 24S latitude--- using the calculator at, www.omnicalculator.com/math/circumference

we can convert the above diameters to circumference lengths and ascertain the rough speed of the sun at 24N/Equator/24S:

24 degree N latitude line circumference: 28,614 miles.
Equatorial latitude line circumference: 39,019 miles.
24 degree S latitude line circumference: 49,423 miles.

"Distance divided by time equals speed.”

28,614 divided by 24 = 1,192 mph at 24 degrees N.
39,019 divided by 24 = 1,626 mph at the equator.
49,423 divided by 24 = 2,059 mph at 24 degrees S.

We find that the sun travels at a variable speed, in the same 24 hours daily throughout the year— and going much faster at the southern Tropic, with its much larger circumference, than at the northern Tropic, with its much smaller circumference.

With the above information, we can get the rough estimate of the incremental daily speed change of the sun every 6 months as he expands/contracts between the two Tropics yearly.

Speed at southern Tropic, keeping 24 hours: 2,059 mph
Speed at northern Tropic, keeping 24 hours: 1,192 mph
DIFFERENCE: 867 mph, fast to slow, and vice versa

867 mph, divided by 180 days (roughly the 6 months between solstices), equals 4.8 mph the sun accelerates/decelerates daily, in each 6 month period, as it faithfully marks out the 24 hour days we experience.

FINALLY, and with the above information, we can ascertain the rough change in miles the sun’s circumpolar path expands/contracts daily as it circles the North Pole.

At the southern Tropic of Capricorn the radius is: 7,866 miles.
At the northern Tropic of Cancer the radius is: 4,554 miles.

The daily expansion/contraction of the sun, as his circumferential travel expands/contracts between the two Tropics is roughly 18.4 MILES PER DAY. (7,866 miles radius at southern Tropic, minus 4,554 miles radius at northern Tropic equals 3,312 miles, divided by 180 days between solstices)


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Schpankme Tue Jan 29, 2019 1:12 am

markwilson wrote:
Melbourne, Australia
there could never be an occurrence of a shadow facing north
the sun is always north of his position

The indoctrinated balltard comes to IFERS to invent shadows since they beLIEve about living on a tilted Spaceball, where the Sun is so massive that it's light illuminates the furthest northern regions to the furthest souther regions of the Spaceball.  In other words, shadows that face North must occur on Spaceballs, if your location is Melbourne, Australia.  Basketball

Mark, your dissection of the hoax was very well done.

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by markwilson Tue Jan 29, 2019 1:31 am

Schpankme wrote:
markwilson wrote:
Melbourne, Australia
there could never be an occurrence of a shadow facing north
the sun is always north of his position

The indoctrinated balltard comes to IFERS to invent shadows since they beLIEve about living on a tilted Spaceball, where the Sun is so massive that it's light illuminates the furthest northern regions to the furthest souther regions of the Spaceball.  In other words, shadows that face North must occur on Spaceballs, if your location is Melbourne, Australia.  Basketball

Right! I wasn't even thinking along those lines since I'm so used to not thinking in an abstract fictional model as they do ;-)

But I laid down my best explanation. I welcome his (or anyone else's) refutation of anything I'm in error on. And since I'm retired now, I have all day to do this kind of stuff!

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Alpha Tue Jan 29, 2019 4:03 am

markwilson wrote:
Schpankme wrote:
markwilson wrote:
Melbourne, Australia
there could never be an occurrence of a shadow facing north
the sun is always north of his position

The indoctrinated balltard comes to IFERS to invent shadows since they beLIEve about living on a tilted Spaceball, where the Sun is so massive that it's light illuminates the furthest northern regions to the furthest souther regions of the Spaceball.  In other words, shadows that face North must occur on Spaceballs, if your location is Melbourne, Australia.  Basketball

Right! I wasn't even thinking along those lines since I'm so used to not thinking in an abstract fictional model as they do ;-)

But I laid down my best explanation. I welcome his (or anyone else's) refutation of anything I'm in error on. And since I'm retired now, I have all day to do this kind of stuff!

Great work Mark.


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by markwilson Tue Jan 29, 2019 7:04 pm

rotor wrote:Believe me, I want there to be a satisfactory answer.

Facts do not negotiate with "wants." And satisfactory answers are only as good as the facts supporting them.

Your allegation of phantom northward facing shadows got the inquisitive juices going a little bit. This morning I was considering a city north of the equator the same distance you are south of the equator; Melbourne 37.48 lat, Oakland 37.80 lat.

Let’s compare, shall we?

We want to compare/contrast the two cities to see the differences in what is going on, for example, when the sun is in a great sweep at the Tropic of Capricorn, which Melbourne has recently been experiencing (largest circumpolar circumference), compared to Oakland in the June timeframe when the sun is at the Tropic of Cancer (smallest circumpolar circumference).

The charts speak for themselves, but I will make a few notes along the way.

Curiously, this first one didn't have the same chart for Oakland, but it highlights that Melbourne gets only about 5 hours of sun four months out of the year.

The below chart is from www.holiday-weather.com/melbourne/averages/

Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Blfzv010

The below charts are all from: https://tinyurl.com/ya3vfbha

Maybe that's why the tourism score is so low during those four months. And you can see that Oakland has a bit more extended peak tourism score during its summer months. But it's quite clear that where goes the sun goes the tourism ;-)

Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Zed2mu10

I'm not sure why the below Hours of Daylight chart varies so much from the Average Daily Sunshine Hours above showing only five hours for the four months out of the year. Since you live there it would be nice to know which one is more accurate.

Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Ttcjtx10

Average Water Temperature. This one is interesting. Notice that at 37 degrees south the water temperature extremes are more pronounced than in the north. Something to think about when watching Eric's video posted below regarding the characteristics of the sun's warmth and intensity during a larger/faster sweep in the south, versus the smaller/slower sweep in the north. And though the sun's circumference and miles traveled are variable, yet it keeps perfect 24 hour time throughout the ages!

Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Npkshy10

Again notice the longer monthly duration of higher relative temps at Oakland, versus the somewhat hotter, but shorter of duration, high temps for Melbourne. This matches what is seen in the tourism score.

Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Hehuzl10

Growing Degree Days plummet end of June, Melbourne, end of December, Oakland.

Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Ohs8bz10

Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Xjxxtt10

Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Mdko2a10

Recommend watching Eric's video, "The Arctic and Antarctic Prove Flat Earth" — a stark contrast between two Tropics; one with the sun moving slower in a small circumference, one with the sun moving faster in a large circumference.

No logical reason whatsoever to keep pretending to be clinging to the Masonic Mythical (and) Maddeningly Spinning Spaceball! And More proof Earth Not a Globe!!

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by markwilson Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:22 pm

rotor wrote:It's great to be here discussing this most interesting subject. Thanks 

Where did you go, rotor? Are you a flat earther, pretender, or honest in your pursuit here?

"Broken halos that used to shine."

They're robbing us of the thing we used to be.

Where did it go? That thing we daily see slipping away from us every time we listen to the liars reading their scripts on the nightly news? Or when we listen to the prattle coming from the mouths wondrously trained in the art of deceit in the halls of Congress? And how much proof do you need of the many demonstrable facts in nature that your journey is in fact on a stationary horizontal plane with irregular hills and valleys throughout it?

Do you get northward facing shadows in Melbourne, or not? Of the one standing where he sees the sun 24 hours a day, how can the shadow of his stick in the ground ever point back toward the sun? Why must Anthony Powell post a fraudulent video to YouTube purported to be a time-lapse video of a 24 hour sun in the south we know doesn't occur? We know water is level (a plane when at rest), and that there is only the one true Midnight Sun in the north. We know there is therefore only ONE universal horizontal, ONE universal vertical. Explain how, with the sun over 1,000 miles to the north of your position, you get shadows to bend around and point back 180 degrees toward that source of light. Why are you clinging so tenaciously to the Masonic Spaceball?

It. was. always. a. lie.

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Schpankme Sat Feb 02, 2019 5:18 am

markwilson wrote:
the Masonic Spaceball
It. was. always. a. lie.

My top three (3) Balltardisms:

  1) "invent or support a hoax" so they can continue worshiping their theory based, Space Enterprise.

  2) "lack of firsthand knowledge" about Spaceballs; please provide empirical evidence without theory.

  3) "appeal to authority" based on what an ancient clairvoyant people knew or what theoretical science teaches.

Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 6 Faith_10

Last edited by Schpankme on Mon Feb 18, 2019 6:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

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