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Max Igan is a Shill

Yogi Tolord
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Max Igan is a Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Samp69 Thu Jan 16, 2020 11:43 pm

He's come out with the follow up to that previous click bait vid. Now he's saying "the is Earth is a globe and the Earth is flat at the same time...the truth is subjective depending on what you believe..."

Nonsense! I couldn't help but correct him in the comments section of his vid.


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Max Igan is a Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Alpha Fri Jan 17, 2020 12:56 am

I was told back in 2010 that Max had a hander and to be wary. No warning was necessary after the 2013 OPPT floodgates opened and he allowed them to take over his comments and networked by mass concerted newage friending missions. Then his Ken Okeefe bullshit. His refusal to acknowledge flat earth and his ridiculous analysis of the Christchurch event, which Peekay absolutely destroyed.

Eric is right, Igan is only mentioning flat earth now to keep some semblance of relevance. His credibility is shot. We have all known he is a shill for awhile and he will continue with his dis-info and gatekeeping.


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Max Igan is a Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Schpankme Fri Jan 17, 2020 1:04 am

Alpha wrote:
Igan is only mentioning flat earth now to keep some semblance of relevance

Igan, will be just another shill on the flat Earth, pre-pay circuit, spinning Faith in Theory.

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Max Igan is a Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Alpha Fri Jan 17, 2020 1:45 am

Schpankme wrote:
Alpha wrote:
Igan is only mentioning flat earth now to keep some semblance of relevance

Igan, will be just another shill on the flat Earth, pre-pay circuit, spinning Faith in Theory.

Similar to how Owen Benjewman embraced flat earth and other topics.


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Max Igan is a Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 17, 2020 3:45 am

Further confirming his shilldom, Max's new video today says the Earth is both a globe and flat simultaneously:

"The Earth that we live on is a globe but the Earth that we operate on is also flat, and I'm going to try and explain this to you. Truth is subjective depending on what you want to believe." -Max Igan


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Max Igan is a Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by notdownunder Fri Jan 17, 2020 4:05 am

Admin wrote:Further confirming his shilldom, Max's new video today says the Earth is both a globe and flat simultaneously:

"The Earth that we live on is a globe but the Earth that we operate on is also flat, and I'm going to try and explain this to you.  Truth is subjective depending on what you want to believe."  -Max Igan

"Damage Control" comes to mind.

I think Igan like Zionist Alex Jones, both in general also promote 'Fear Porn'.

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Max Igan is a Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Sun Jan 19, 2020 3:14 am

Max Igan is a Shill - Page 4 82755210

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Max Igan is a Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Tue Feb 04, 2020 10:27 am


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Max Igan is a Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Schpankme Tue Feb 04, 2020 2:50 pm

Admin wrote:
Max Igan melt down

It's very simple, Max Igan wants to get paid from both sides of the fence; his only motivation is MONEY and SHILLING. Basketball

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Max Igan is a Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Realearth Wed Feb 05, 2020 2:54 am

Schpankme wrote:
Admin wrote:
Max Igan melt down

It's very simple, Max Igan wants to get paid from both sides of the fence; his only motivation is MONEY and SHILLING.  Basketball

Have been back and forth with Max Igan in comments several times as has Eric.
IMHO Max Igan is a complete fraud, would sell his mother or friends for a few shekels.

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Max Igan is a Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by nowhereelsetogo Wed Feb 05, 2020 9:50 pm

It's a recent thing for me, confirmation of suspicions about people like Max I and David I. I wondered for a long time why he (saint David) was allowed to continue when real thorns like John Smith or David Kelly were just summarily dismissed. I'm so glad there are people who can see some of these things 'at first glance'. Now my point is that although I considered myself awake or awakening, as i have progressed through the treacle it's become painfully apparent that I am still subject to the conditioning and control  - so although DI says the right things about some stuff and it attracts me, I get tricked again into letting someone else think for me. As disappointing as it is to have someone like Icke virtually destroyed, truth is more important. I Love you guys. (non-gendered comment there, I used to call non-male colleagues guys too when I was a wage slave)

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Max Igan is a Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by notdownunder Thu Feb 06, 2020 2:48 am

No-one in their right mind, who has a sound mind & character, loves truth + justice, would say "F*ck God!"
Unless one has a guilty conscience and or has something to hide.

Igan obviously has exposed his true character.

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Max Igan is a Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by notdownunder Wed Oct 14, 2020 4:33 am



Courtesy Elissa Hawke #youtube (The Earth is FLAT). The truth is out there! And the holocaust is FAKE.

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Max Igan is a Shill - Page 4 Empty Max Igan= FAKE Name

Post by notdownunder Tue Oct 24, 2023 6:52 am

Mind Controlled Narratives, CIA, Infiltration, Max Igan and other ‘Cult’ members at Nightcap


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Max Igan is a Shill - Page 4 Empty Awesome responses by Eric!

Post by Visionseeker68 Thu Jan 04, 2024 12:07 am

I love how Eric skillfully puts these shilling globe-idiots in their place while they pathetically try to defend the biggest, most ridiculous lie in history. Bravo!! Very Happy

Admin wrote:Post by Admin on Apr 14, 2015 at 1:39pm

Now "Chris J. Perkins" who apparently has a show called "Authentic Enlightenment" (which is such a joke) and his lap-dog Jeff M. Giles are shilling hard for the ball-Earth:

Does everyone realize that by me calling out the flat earthers and writing my article about it, that I have perpetuated it even more? lol not only am I gaining a load of publicity, but I've helped weed out the kooks from the truthers. You're welcome  Razz
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14 people like this.

Ryan Donahue I'd love to see Eric Dubay on the show.

I love how people call themselves truthers, but won't take a few hours to do their own research. Nope, I heard on the radio we went to the moon, what more proof do I need? NASA has given me photoshopped pics of the earth from space, and all these "authorities" in science says the math works. It really reminds me of religion 500-1000 years ago. People couldn't read Latin so they had to take the "authorities" word for it. You have never seen that the earth is a globe, you can't do the math yourself, all you have to go on is "authority" words. People will admit that the government has lied about many, many things, some people don't believe a word the government says, but if NASA says it, then it must be true, don't worry that they're a military branch of the United States government, they wouldn't lie to you.
14 hrs · Unlike · 3

Ryan Donahue I mean, the whole argument could be set to rest with ONE FUCKING PICTURE. But NASA, the people "putting probes on Mars" can't give me a damn photo, or even better a time lapse video of the earth rotating? Give me a fuckin' break.
14 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay Someone hasn't given their due diligence www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/search/label/Flat%20Earth
Flat Earth
Flat Earth The Atlantean Conspiracy, Conspiracy, Spirituality, Philosophy and Health Blog
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
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Chris J. Perkins Eric is more than welcome to come on the show.
14 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay I already debunked your article here too: ifers.boards.net/post/3725/thread
A Few Questions About the Flat Earth Model | The International Flat Earth...
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Joseph Richardson great job, i give no attention to the flat earth kooks. the logic is screwy from the get-go so i just cant even listen to them type of peoples.
14 hrs · Like

Ryan Donahue ^^^wow, very open minded of you.
14 hrs · Like

Chris J. Perkins Someone needs to come on my show and explain this shit. We need a good healthy debate or something, because talking about it on FB isn't getting anywhere.
14 hrs · Like

Ryan Donahue "Logic is screwy" dude, if you had never heard of NASA or seen their fake ass photos, you would assume the earth is flat. NASA has done a great job at making people believe they can't trust their senses.
14 hrs · Like

Ryan Donahue The information is all over. You can prove it yourself with a flat enough area and some basic trigonometry skills.
14 hrs · Like

Chris J. Perkins LMFAO. Stop Ryan. I'm gonna pee myself.
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Chris J. Perkins Hey, you know why when you pee it falls down toward the earth? Gravity.
14 hrs · Like

Ryan Donahue So open minded, Chris. God forbid you go into it with an open mind, and do your own research, and experiments. Nope, you got it all figured out because NASA told ya so.
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Chris J. Perkins I'm def tired of talking about it on FB though. If someone is willing to come on my show and explain it so we can talk back and forth about it, great. There's the invitation.
14 hrs · Like

Ryan Donahue Seeing how you treat people that believe we live on a plane and not a planet, I wouldn't dare. Sounds like you just want to get on there to make fun of them, instead of seriously listening to the evidence they have.
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Joseph Richardson ^agreed space exploration is not just nasa, other countries would have leaked info asap just to discredit nasa
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Joseph Richardson i would much rather have a show with people discussing temp/long term fukushima discussions
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Ryan Donahue Then show me a fuckin' picture. Show me one space agency that has been high enough to see besides government (any country) owned space programs.
14 hrs · Like · 1

Chris J. Perkins How I treat people? Well when some like Darrell Fox comes to MY page and starts calling me a moron and a shill because I know the earth is round, what do you expect? Plus, I've been pretty mild about it, compared to others.
14 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay Lol at this guy wants to have me on his show to boost his ratings, but won't actually look into the research I've presented him with and the complete debunking of his article. You're not a genuine truth-seeker Chris. Neither is Joseph, just two know-it-all's that are more brain-washed than the average sheep. At least the average sheep take a look before deciding.
14 hrs · Like · 1

Eric Dubay Your attitude stinks so you're not getting me on your show, but if you want to hear what you're missing it's here:
Eric Dubay Real Flat Earther Interview
Have you ever met a real Flat Earther? Did you know there are fake Flat Earther's too? The entire Flat Earth...
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Ryan Donahue You put up articles and status updates baiting people and then get upset when they comment with their opinions?

Doesn't make much sense, but ok. I hope you ca get Eric on. I'd love to hear him smash your belief.
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Chris J. Perkins I don't need someone to boost our ratings, I can assure you that. Point being, I work, I can't be on FB doing this all day, I already did this last week.
14 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay
Flat Earth Podcast with Eric Dubay and Mark Knight
In this highly-informative and humorous podcast...
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Chris J. Perkins What a pussy. You just don't dare to.
14 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay
Eric Dubay | The Flat Earth Theory & The Masonic Matrix Manipulators
The man behind AtlanteanConspiracy.com, Eric...
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Eric Dubay What a moron
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Chris J. Perkins You're the one claiming the earth is flat.
14 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay It is, moron
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Chris J. Perkins I'm sure we can find another kook willing to muster up enough balls to come on the show. We're not going to be like those other shows you go on, and just agree with you, we are objective.
14 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2015/03/nasas-huge-balls-exposed.html
NASA's Huge Balls Exposed
NASA's Huge Balls Exposed The Atlantean Conspiracy, Conspiracy, Spirituality, Philosophy and Health Blog
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
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Chris J. Perkins Yes man, I went through your webpage last week. I watched your doc, I listened to some interviews.
13 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay No you didn't liar
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Eric Dubay What a shill this guy is
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Eric Dubay What's your show's name?
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Chris J. Perkins Dude, you're fucking paranoid huh?
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Eric Dubay No, you're just retarded.
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Eric Dubay What's your retarded show called?
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Chris J. Perkins Yes, of course, I'm a shill and I'm retarded because I know the earth is a sphere lol and of course, you are much smarter than Einstein, Sagan, Newton, and so on lol
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Eric Dubay Smart enough to expose their lies, and no you're not living on a sphere sheep:
No Curvature on the Flat Earth
Check out this excellent amateur balloon footage of our flat, motionless Earth! You can clearly see the Sun is...
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Chris J. Perkins What does it matter at this point? You don't dare to come on and talk to people who are objective, I bet you pick and choose which shows you go on just so you can further your agenda... Good grief.
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Eric Dubay I am objective, you're the one in denial and without any research.
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Chris J. Perkins and you know this how?
13 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay I've already debunked your 10 points you borrowed from someone smarter than yourself: ifers.boards.net/post/3725/thread?hc_location=ufi
A Few Questions About the Flat Earth Model | The International Flat Earth...
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Eric Dubay Give your ego a rest, read the research I've linked you to, watch the videos, and accept reality, OR accept being called a shill who is clearly not interested in truth-seeking
13 hrs · Like · 3

Chris J. Perkins Science is a wonderful thing. www.physlink.com/Education/AskExperts/ae535.cfm
How can one prove that the world is round?
Ask the experts your physics and astronomy...
physlink.com|By Anton Skorucak
13 hrs · Like

Chris J. Perkins You are the only person calling me a shill.
13 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay Pseudo-science, and again, I have debunked every article or video you can find trying to tell you you live on a spinning ball.
13 hrs · Like · 2

They continue on for hundreds more comments without me and at one point decide that I should be murdered for my free speech:

Max Igan is a Shill - Page 4 To7fmj10


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