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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:55 am

Post by Admin on May 22, 2015 at 9:43pm
Due to the fact that this forum is under on-going concentrated shill attack, here are some rules to abide by if you don't want to get banned:

1. Do not start a new thread if you merely have a question. First, do your due diligence in searching the forum for an existing related thread, and if your questions haven't already been asked/answered, feel free to post there. If you cannot find an appropriate thread to ask your question, please ask in the Questions About the Flat Earth thread: https://ifers.123.st/t70-questions-about-the-flat-earth

2. Do not start new threads unless they contain beneficial and significant "RESEARCH" regarding the Flat Earth or other related topics. One sentence and a video link, for example, does NOT warrant it's own thread.  This is meant to be a "research society," where Flat Earthers can come learn and discuss the flat Earth conspiracy. Ballers beware! This is not a ball Earth "debate" society.

3. Do not promote the ball-Earth or other related propaganda

4. Do not promote your unwavering faith in any religious belief

5. Be respectful, thorough and clear with your comments, and be sure to provide sufficient evidence/proof/sourced links for your claims.

Thanks for reading and regarding the rules of the forum 8-|

Last edited by Admin on Mon Apr 26, 2021 1:37 pm; edited 6 times in total

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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:56 am

Post by truetom27 on May 23, 2015 at 7:18am
I've noticed they are playing hard ball with you Eric, I've seen some of the propaganda on YouTube specially after you went on the AM talk show, they are trying hard to disapprove you're flat earth video's with shit photo still shot of actual evidence to say that it's a ball. I'm afraid into next year is the final run of things to come. And they trying to silence the real truth of this world.. I hope you're forum stays up and running, May I ask if you have Facebook? Or any other way to stay in contact .. I know about you're atlanteanconspricy site, that's where I started after looking into admiral E Birds Antarctica trips, and the so called hollow earth bullshit.. Peace to you and to all others, May the truth break free into the open

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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:02 am

Post by Thinkforyourself on May 24, 2015 at 9:49am
We do need to warn new members away from Acenci's Shill nest, and the other Shill forums like Serendipitous and Concave Earth Lord Steven Christ.

I think that we should have some form of official warning, just so that no-one gets caught up in their Shill nonsense.

I said this a few weeks ago about Serendipitous, but it applies to Acenci's new forum as well:

''To all of the IFERS members who don't know, 'Serendipitous' is just the flashy name of a false front 'forum', created by Shills who were banned from IFERS. Don't fall for their pretence or their advertising banner; as the old saying goes 'you can't polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter'. Their advert and forum are simply the glitter, and members like Acenci are the turds in the punch bowl.

Do not even bother looking at their forum unless you don't mind feeling queasy. Looking at the roaches pretending to argue and debate with each other is enough to put me off my dinner, and I see that they are also now spreading their 'don't be anti-Semetic' nonsense, revealing their true intentions in the process.''

Maybe you could write something, so that everyone knows that they are paid Shills, who had to be banned from IFERS, who are simply trying to mislead us, waste our time, and spread NWO/Zionist lies.

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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:03 am

Post by Admin on May 24, 2015 at 8:13pm
Note: This is a forum By Flat Earthers For Flat Earthers. If you're a "baller" or "unconvinced," do not start threads or you will be banned. Feel free to read all the hundreds of proofs / evidence gathered on the forum and if you have any questions find a relevant existing thread to ask.

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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:04 am

Post by Admin on Jun 1, 2015 at 12:33pm
Important Update! It appears IFERS is under some type of attack or malfunction where members in good standing are trying to log in and about 50% of the time successfully entering, but the other 50% of the time getting a message claiming they have been banned from the forum! So if you get a message saying you're banned it may not be true.

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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:12 am

Post by thinkforyourself on Jun 1, 2015 at 1:12pm
If this is intentional, it just goes to show how desperate they are getting. Over the last few days, we have had far less Shills. Maybe they are changing their tactics?

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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:14 am

Post by dan on Jun 1, 2015 at 6:37pm
No problems at all today logging in. It must have been an attack of some kind I guess as I have been a member of living in cebu forums for many years and never had a problem logging in. admittedly LINC is never gonna attract shills lol. I actually clicked on the banner of ascenci's forum a few days ago out of curiosity to see what they are on about. It asked me to create an account and I wouldn't bother as it is 5 minutes of my time that I would never get back to read ridiculous bullshit like I have read at the FES. I have noticed this forum growing steadily each week since I have been reading here months before I joined and it seems to attract critical thinkers and people who think outside their programmed box and people far more intelligent than I am in fields that I know nothing about (26 year factory worker here).

The way you blokes( and girls LK) handle the argumentative idiots is bloody beautiful and it will encourage new members to post as they will not be concerned about getting attacked. The more genuine members posting the stronger this forum will be.

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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:15 am

Post by rebecca on Jun 1, 2015 at 10:35pm
From what I see on YouTube and comments from my other truthers friends this Flat Earth is going viral! and loads people are talking about it. One interview I listened to.....unfortunately it has vanished from my folder in YouTube......the guy was saying he is getting a thousand hits per day on this subject.
If they can't snuff this out this is going to get very interesting!
I am still away. If anyone wants me to look up anything in this subject in the British Library let me know. Just give me as much details as possible.
Eric not surprised you are being attacked. But we will keep searching for the truth. Once you get a taste of it you cannot stop!
Light and love

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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:16 am

Post by shengcun on Jun 2, 2015 at 12:33am
hello, i check youtube everyday on flat earth videos sorted by upload date, what i can say, the debunkers are not able to come after new flat earth videos Wink

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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:16 am

Post by Joe on Jun 2, 2015 at 5:21am
Very Happy So nice to know I'm not alone in doing that ! Must admit I've dropped off a bit because I feel like I've reached saturation point though . Debunking videos always follow the same pattern , never actually debunking anything . Its also very telling how, for every Eric Dubay, there's like 30 concave/helios/flat earth shills... Very telling indeed.

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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:17 am

Post by susie on Jun 2, 2015 at 5:56am
I know I get likes on my FE posts on FB now. Although, people can not understand why this information is important.
Crikey they are really cognitively dissonant about it. How about, your entire life is a lie and youve bought into it and given money hand over fist to these paedos to kill more kids and promote hate and fear.

Nothing like abetting the enemy.
Stealing your labor treating you like a slave feeding you bullshit. Controlling your every thought.
Sounds rather important to me.

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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:19 am

Post by thinkforyourself on Jun 2, 2015 at 8:11am
Well said; I could not agree more. They are letting the NWO get away with it, because they don't have the guts to look at themselves in the mirror and realise that they have been lied to by evil people.

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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:19 am

Post by Admin on Jun 3, 2015 at 8:41am
Douglas has noticed another type of attack/malfunction: "each and every time that I log in I am told that my password is no good and I have to make a new one, I am using the same password every time. This happened a lot at first and I thought that I wasn't remembering the password." Has this been happening to anyone else? Peace

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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:20 am

Post by jimmytamp on Jun 3, 2015 at 10:03am
Eric, after read your post, I logged out from the forum, cleared all histories & cookies, and when I logged back in, no problem at all.


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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:25 am

Post by steviec on Jun 7, 2015 at 5:11pm
I just signed up as a forum member and had six attempts at a username.Any combination I tried alpha / numerical was rejected as invalid at my second keystroke.I had to close the page and come back in. Such is life.

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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:26 am

Post by Admin on Jun 7, 2015 at 5:13pm
Sorry to hear that, glad you made it on the 7th try though! Welcome

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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:28 am

Post by Admin on Jun 19, 2015 at 8:58pm
Please, one more time, DO NOT START NEW THREADS WITH A QUESTION. And do not start them without significant evidence/content, like one sentence and a video for example does not warrant its own thread. If you're going to start a new thread, please put some effort into it, otherwise just reply somewhere else. I even put a link to these forum rules in everyone's welcome message to the forum, but yet every day I have to ban several people (many of whom turn out to be genuine, but didn't bother to read) for going against IFERS 5 simple rules.

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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by inerratic Wed Dec 14, 2016 9:02 pm

Hello Eric, I just saved a few pages from IFERS.123.ST on the Internet Archive, in what is called, "The Wayback Machine". Here is the address: https://archive.org/   It saves internet pages for the future. If you are unaware of it you might want to investigate. Also you can search for what pages they already have, by typing ifers.123.st in the box called "Wayback Machine" sunny

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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by PiratetTanker75 Wed Jan 25, 2017 2:43 am

I can comply with these reasonable terms! Thanks


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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by csp Mon Feb 20, 2017 11:43 pm

Benjamin-L wrote:May I suggest, to improve credibility, you remove the anti-debate term. Scientists are not afraid to defend their ideas or be wrong about things. If you want flat-earth to be taken seriously, you should do the same. A good example of this is Darwin. He would specifically look for things which did not agree with his ideas, and write those down. The idea is to find truth, not to confirm existing ideas. Science has been proven wrong about things over and over again. Why should "flat earth" people think themselves above being wrong about things?

This forum is full of evidence that the earth IS flat.
This forum is full of evidence that NASA/ESA/etc ARE faking space.

There are debatable topics here (just take a read of some of the threads), but the earth is flat and space is nothing but a mental construct.

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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by MrBobSapp3 Thu Apr 27, 2017 3:06 pm

Admin wrote: If you cannot find an appropriate thread to ask your question, please ask in the Few Questions About the Flat Earth Model thread.

This is exactly what I did, and I got banned, twice. Can you give me a reason please?


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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by Admin Thu Apr 27, 2017 3:15 pm

This is a forum by flat Earthers, for flat Earthers. You are not a flat Earther, and your only purpose here is to waste our member's time asking questions that already have entire threads devoted to answering them. If you are a genuine truth-seeker then get reading and stop spamming your ignorance all over the forum.

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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by Peter Toepfer Tue Jan 16, 2018 7:01 am

Hi! Clear rules. Relevant for me is number 1. Ok!
Peter Toepfer
Peter Toepfer

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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by TalkieToaster Fri Feb 23, 2018 7:58 pm

Just a thought...it could be helpful to both newcomers and admin if these rules were included in the FIRST email that is sent out to newbies in case they've missed it. Given that there is so much one can get lost in when you visit the forum for the first time...I know I would have appreciated it and I'm sure it would save everyone a lot of time and frustration.

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Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES Empty Re: Read This Before You Get Banned! FORUM RULES

Post by superuserdo Mon Apr 09, 2018 4:46 pm

Admin wrote:Post by Admin on Jun 1, 2015 at 12:33pm
Important Update! It appears IFERS is under some type of attack or malfunction where members in good standing are trying to log in and about 50% of the time successfully entering, but the other 50% of the time getting a message claiming they have been banned from the forum! So if you get a message saying you're banned it may not be true.

I'm guessing that may have happened to me a few years ago because I don't feel that I talked out of turn in any way and I didn't start any threads.


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