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Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry

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Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry - Page 3 Empty Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry

Post by lizardking Tue Jan 12, 2016 9:39 pm

Danish TV Documentary Exposes Gardasil Vaccines for Triggering Wave of Disease Among Young Girls

By Jonathan Benson
Global Research, August 05, 2015

The Danish news service TV2 recently aired a bold documentary calling into question the safety of the Gardasil vaccine for cervical cancer. Documenting dozens of cases of serious injury and disability among Danish girls following the three-part vaccination regimen, the video report highlights the Danish Health Authority’s negligence in properly responding to this wave of illness clearly linked to the vaccine, which is also widely promoted in the U.S.

Though the documentary treads somewhat lightly in fully implicating Gardasil as the definitive cause of these girls’ illnesses, it does bring to light how authorities at the highest levels of government routinely try to cover for this deadly vaccine, which SaneVax, Inc. notes has been linked to upwards of 40,000 total adverse events, including death, worldwide.

You can watch the documentary, entitled De vaccinerede piger, in its entirety on YouTube for free (with English subtitles):

Thousands of girls all report similar debilitating symptoms following Gardasil vaccine

Almost immediately following the documentary’s original airing back in March, many more injured girls came out of the woodwork to report their own experiences following vaccination with Gardasil, all with nearly the exact same story: They were healthy, vibrant, and athletic prior to the jab, but afterwards fell ill with chronic fatigue, migraine headaches, and are now unable to function as normal.

For Gardasil-injured Danish girls, their government’s Health Authority has thus far refused to help them. It also refuses to admit any problems with Gardasil, even though the symptoms following its administration are nearly universal among those afflicted, and typically occur within days or even hours following the shot.

“I’ve been studying this for 30 years, and I’ve never seen that combination of symptoms,” says Jesper Mehlsen, head of research and chief physician at the Frederiksberg Hospital Syncope Clinic in Denmark, one of the few places where Gardasil-injured girls have been able to find help. “They all tell the same story: That it emerged in close relation to their inoculation,” added Mehlsen, who is also a former Merck & Co. employee who admits to having tested later versions of the Gardasil vaccine.

Stay up to date on Gardasil news at Gardasil.news

Governments routinely cover for vaccine damage, denying evidence of harm

The documentary is replete with many sobering stories of injured girls who, abandoned by their own government health program, are having to seek alternative treatments from physicians like Dr. Damien Downing, who’s been helping girls recover from Gardasil damage with intense detoxification and fortification with vitamins, fats, minerals, and other nutrients that feed mitochondria, the energy centers of cells.

Such treatments, though, aren’t recognized by the government health apparatus as being valid, even though they’re reportedly helping many of the injured girls regain some semblance of normal life rather than be stuck in bed all day, or suffer from chronic fainting and other health problems. A common thread among nearly all the girls, it should be noted, is that they were very athletic and top achievers prior to being jabbed with Gardasil, and now their lives are essentially ruined.

Another Danish doctor who’s been helping Gardasil-injured girls, Louise Brinth, says she’s repeatedly warned the Danish Health Authority about problems associated with Gardasil. But her numerous emails to Henrick G. Jensen at the government unit have gone unanswered, as have multiple inquiries by TV2. It appears as though the Danish government, through the Health Authority, has chosen to cover for Gardasil, which Jensen admitted during an interview will continue to remain on the Danish vaccine schedule even if it’s determined that the vaccine is definitively responsible for harming girls.

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Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry - Page 3 Empty Food Conspiracies

Post by searching Sat Jan 16, 2016 5:36 pm

(Feel free to move this to another topic, or delete it entirely.  But please go easy on banning me.)

My wife (almost completely) swore off sugar some months ago, and the effects have been amazing.  Yesterday I googled what the "right" amount of sugar I should be eating each day, and my research led me down a mind-blowing rabbit hole about the dangers of high fructose corn syrup.  My research is still in its infancy, but I am convinced that HFCS is a highly addictive poison, and that those who peddle it have conspired to deceive the public, falsify studies, and pay off (or do worse to) anyone that stands in their way.

Years ago I remember watching the executives of the tobacco industry knowingly and blatantly lie about the addictive properties of cigarettes, and nicotine in particular.  Then I watched as they shifted their holdings more and more into foods, like Kraft for instance.  It was as if they were saying, "If we won't be allowed to have you be slaves to our cigarettes, we will find a way for you to be slaves to our food.  Either way, you will become our subscribers, and we will become rich off you, even if it means eventually killing you."

But I didn't realize at the time just how much food alteration could be done in order to cause real addictions.  Yes, I knew that salty foods, and fatty foods, and sweet foods have their base of "cravers".  (I have my own cravings.)  And I knew that the food industry fully understood what they were doing with caffeine, and why.  But now my eyes are open much more wide to the nefarious schemes that are in place to control media, influence scholarly "research", sway popular opinion, and adulterate the content of food.  I can see the deliberate devices that are used to mask HFCS and other harmful substances. I can see how we the people are led to believe the food we eat is healthy (or healthy enough), totally oblivious to what that food is doing to us, all the while conditioning us to want it more.

I can also -- in a very beyond-the-wall naive sort of way -- trace the money, and see just how powerful some of these uber-rich are.  I'm not against the rich.  But obviously not all wealth is honestly earned; and wealth has a way of corrupting those who have it or seek it, so that many throw away their integrity to amass more, using whatever mechanism is in their power -- or can be placed within their power -- and justifying any means, even if it means harming or killing innocent people, to get more.

The market is full of sickening garbage -- food pollution -- and the airwaves are saturated with enticing messages to consume that garbage.  I look around me and wonder how some of these people live, how they can allow themselves to become so overweight, so obese.  But then I look at myself and realize that it isn't always a question of discipline or will-power.  These people aren't pigs.  They're not gluttons.  They're just unwittingly eating foods and drinking beverages that alter the brain, that send invalid messages to the body, that develop and reinforce unhealthy addictions.

If you would have asked me a year ago if I believed the earth was flat, I would have laughed.  "Of course it's not flat."  But now I definitely know that it is.  I recognize in part the evil behind the great lie.  But I wasn't evil (at least I don't think I was) for believing that the earth was a globe.

The same can be said for people caught up in the lie -- fostered and promoted by a real conspiracy of greedy and powerful and downright evil men -- about the food we eat, the beverages we drink.  "Fat" people are mostly innocent people, who despite their real intentions (beginning every January first) are caught in an addictive trap.  Because they don't see what it is that is actually harming them, they fail to free themselves.

I post this with the hope that those in the know about food can 1) point out the lies we've been and are being told about food, and 2) show us how to eat healthy.

For instance, I now see that sugars are to be reduced in our diets, particularly refined sugars and especially poisonous HFCS.  What other harmful substances are in our foods?  What really is bad about GMOs, and how do we make sure we're getting the real stuff?

I can also see that going vegetarian would be a great thing.  I would love to do it.  But I have no idea how to really go about it.  I've tried (apparently not hard enough) several times, but it hasn't lasted very long.  I would love for there to be a topic/thread on how to do that, how to get started and how to maintain it.

And what about "organic"?  Sounds like a great idea, but I'm no millionaire.  Can it be done economically?  If it were just me, maybe.  But what about for an entire family?

Please don't get the impression that I'm some slobby slug that eats out of the garbage can.  I've always tried to eat healthy.  And for the most part (that might be overly generous), I've been able to do so.  But there are some humps I still have to get over, and I'm hoping this community can help me -- and everyone else -- do just that.


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Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry - Page 3 Empty Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry

Post by Thinkforyourself Sat Jan 16, 2016 5:56 pm

searching wrote:(Feel free to move this to another topic, or delete it entirely.  But please go easy on banning me.)

My wife (almost completely) swore off sugar some months ago, and the effects have been amazing.  Yesterday I googled what the "right" amount of sugar I should be eating each day, and my research led me down a mind-blowing rabbit hole about the dangers of high fructose corn syrup.  My research is still in its infancy, but I am convinced that HFCS is a highly addictive poison, and that those who peddle it have conspired to deceive the public, falsify studies, and pay off (or do worse to) anyone that stands in their way.

Years ago I remember watching the executives of the tobacco industry knowingly and blatantly lie about the addictive properties of cigarettes, and nicotine in particular.  Then I watched as they shifted their holdings more and more into foods, like Kraft for instance.  It was as if they were saying, "If we won't be allowed to have you be slaves to our cigarettes, we will find a way for you to be slaves to our food.  Either way, you will become our subscribers, and we will become rich off you, even if it means eventually killing you."

But I didn't realize at the time just how much food alteration could be done in order to cause real addictions.  Yes, I knew that salty foods, and fatty foods, and sweet foods have their base of "cravers".  (I have my own cravings.)  And I knew that the food industry fully understood what they were doing with caffeine, and why.  But now my eyes are open much more wide to the nefarious schemes that are in place to control media, influence scholarly "research", sway popular opinion, and adulterate the content of food.  I can see the deliberate devices that are used to mask HFCS and other harmful substances. I can see how we the people are led to believe the food we eat is healthy (or healthy enough), totally oblivious to what that food is doing to us, all the while conditioning us to want it more.

I can also -- in a very beyond-the-wall naive sort of way -- trace the money, and see just how powerful some of these uber-rich are.  I'm not against the rich.  But obviously not all wealth is honestly earned; and wealth has a way of corrupting those who have it or seek it, so that many throw away their integrity to amass more, using whatever mechanism is in their power -- or can be placed within their power -- and justifying any means, even if it means harming or killing innocent people, to get more.

The market is full of sickening garbage -- food pollution -- and the airwaves are saturated with enticing messages to consume that garbage.  I look around me and wonder how some of these people live, how they can allow themselves to become so overweight, so obese.  But then I look at myself and realize that it isn't always a question of discipline or will-power.  These people aren't pigs.  They're not gluttons.  They're just unwittingly eating foods and drinking beverages that alter the brain, that send invalid messages to the body, that develop and reinforce unhealthy addictions.

If you would have asked me a year ago if I believed the earth was flat, I would have laughed.  "Of course it's not flat."  But now I definitely know that it is.  I recognize in part the evil behind the great lie.  But I wasn't evil (at least I don't think I was) for believing that the earth was a globe.

The same can be said for people caught up in the lie -- fostered and promoted by a real conspiracy of greedy and powerful and downright evil men -- about the food we eat, the beverages we drink.  "Fat" people are mostly innocent people, who despite their real intentions (beginning every January first) are caught in an addictive trap.  Because they don't see what it is that is actually harming them, they fail to free themselves.

I post this with the hope that those in the know about food can 1) point out the lies we've been and are being told about food, and 2) show us how to eat healthy.

For instance, I now see that sugars are to be reduced in our diets, particularly refined sugars and especially poisonous HFCS.  What other harmful substances are in our foods?  What really is bad about GMOs, and how do we make sure we're getting the real stuff?

I can also see that going vegetarian would be a great thing.  I would love to do it.  But I have no idea how to really go about it.  I've tried (apparently not hard enough) several times, but it hasn't lasted very long.  I would love for there to be a topic/thread on how to do that, how to get started and how to maintain it.

And what about "organic"?  Sounds like a great idea, but I'm no millionaire.  Can it be done economically?  If it were just me, maybe.  But what about for an entire family?

Please don't get the impression that I'm some slobby slug that eats out of the garbage can.  I've always tried to eat healthy.  And for the most part (that might be overly generous), I've been able to do so.  But there are some humps I still have to get over, and I'm hoping this community can help me -- and everyone else -- do just that.

Hi, and welcome. 

This topic is a very important one. It is also important for me to point out that meat, dairy, seafood, eggs and all other animal products are just as dangerous and harmful as sugar, as well as being cruel to animals. Also, sugar is also mainly not vegan, because it is mixed with animal bone ash when it is produced on a large scale. 

Please read this thread for more info: http://ifers.123.st/t36-stop-eating-your-friends

I would suggest that you fully remove all sugar from your diet, and that if you need something sweet occasionally, have organic maple syrup or Sukrin (a natural sweetener made from pears, which diabetics can eat) instead. 

Over the coming weeks we will be posting more information from the old IFERS, so please check back, because we will be posting a lot of information about healthy and unhealthy foods. 

My other advice is that you only eat organic food, and that you avoid all chemicals and pesticides. The same is also true with regards to cleaning products, soaps, shampoo, bath foam, etc. Keep it organic and chemical free, and your body will thank you. Organic food is easily affordable when you don't have the expense of meat.

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry - Page 3 Empty Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 31, 2016 9:38 pm

98% Vaccinated Involved in Whooping Cough Outbreak
Vaccine Apocalypse Now
Is Media Misrepresenting ‘Anti-Vaxxers’?
CDC Wants to Infect Adults with Measles

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Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry - Page 3 Empty Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 31, 2016 9:40 pm

The Mnookin Virus Infects CBS and HuffPo

Seth Mnookin has spread his deceit to CBS and The Huffington Post, with the help of accomplices from both sources.

It is amazing just how much Seth Mnookin continues to be propped up as having credibility he simply does not possess. Now, thanks to two fellow opportunists - David Freeman and Neil Katz - we see that pharma’s censorship has taken over CBS and The Huffington Post, both of which have now welcomed the vaccine industry’s shameless pusher,Seth Mnookin. 

The latest example of this is a blog post he wrote for The Huffington Post’s new “Science” section comically titled:

The Autism Vaccine Controversy and the Need for Responsible Science Journalism

Seth Mnookin summed up the rant on his own blog:

In it, I talk about “the legacy of years of dispatches that created a false equivalency between verifiable facts and…outlandish allegations,” …

And given Seth Mnookin’s tendency to prefer outright lies to verifiable facts, it is not surprising what his biggest fear is:

I figure a worst-case scenario is the site uses the fig leaf of “balance” and posts another anti-vac screed in the next day or so…in which case, lesson learned.

The Atlantic Wire (a website of The Atlantic, edited by the nephew of John Stossel) ran a blog post celebrating Mnookin’s Huffington Post article, quoting Huffpo’s spokesman Mario Ruiz:

"We believe in providing a platform to bloggers from a variety of disciplines and points of view -- indeed, we welcomed Seth Mnookin’s critique, and regularly present multiple sides of hotly debated issues."

But Seth Mnookin tells a different story:

…I was somewhat surprised when a new HuffPo editor approached me about contributing to their about-to-be launched science section. It would be, he promised, a marked departure from what the site had featured in the past.

That editor, former WebMD writer David Freeman, was managing editor of CBS News’ “Health Channel” before joining HuffPo. Seth Mnookin has high praise for him according to The Atlantic Wire:

"[David] wanted me to contribute and was very vocal about the fact that this was going to be a pro-science section that adhered to strong standards. And David certainly has a good track record," Mnookin told us, adding that he'd worked with Freeman a bit a(sic) CBS. "From the first time we talked he's always struck me as someone who's incredibly smart and also very responsible. Again, my most optimistic reading is that Arianna wouldn't have hired someone like him if she wasn't interested in doing this the right way."

Last April, when Freeman “worked with” Mnookin at CBS, the network posted a talking point gallery on its website titled “10 deadly myths about childhood vaccines”:

What's the truth about childhood vaccines? Are they an effective way to safeguard kids against a range of potentially deadly illnesses? Or do they cause autism and other medical problems? Keep clicking as Seth Mnookin, the author of "The Panic Virus: A True Story of Medicine, Science, and Fear," separates vaccine fact from fiction with his list of common misconceptions. It's information that just might save a life.

Accompanying it was an article by Freeman’s colleague and then-cbsnews.com executive editor Neil Katz (just before he was hired by The Huffington Post as its new executive news editor). The title:

What autism, climate change and Obama's birth certificate have in common

It was posted on the very same CBS HealthPop blog that Freeman started and edited with Katz, to which Freeman also contributed biased blog posts riddled with vaccine industry talking points.

Katz’s hiring at HuffPo came right after David Kirby’s piece about the Pace Law Review – ignored by CBS - titled, High Rates of Autism Found in Federal Vaccine Injury Program: Study Says More Answers Needed. There hasn’t been another article like Kirby’s on HuffPo since. 

And New York Times writer Carl Zimmer, who I saw share a stage with Seth Mnookin in New York City last summer, blogged about Mnookin’s piece for Discover Magazine, in an entry titled “Huffington Post + Science. A New Leaf?” The implication being that The Huffington Post will become the latest addition to the vaccine industry’s collection of propaganda outlets.

Fiona Fox, director of the pharma-funded, UK-based Science Media Centre, championed the concept of justified censorship. (She not only denies a vaccine/autism link, she was also an outspoken denier of the Rwandan Genocide in which nearly one million people were systematically murdered with machetes in just 100 days.) Mnookin merely co-opted this concept of justified censorship to advance his newfound “science”-writing career, just as he co-opted every pharma talking point for his book. 

His lambasting of the true investigative journalism of Sharyl Attkisson is evidence of his bias. In his HuffPo piece, Mnookin smeared her for reporting evidence vaccines cause autism in a report for CBS five years ago. But since he claimed there was no proof, he said it therefore should not have been reported any more than a link between CBS News and rectal cancer.  Yes, “science writer” Seth Mnookin actually drew that parallel. A more accurate parallel would be if there were cases of rectal cancer that emerged in people after they swallowed their television sets as opposed to watching CBS News on them.

Given that Mnookin criticized Attkisson while he was under the editorial direction of two former CBS editors, it is now apparent that Attkisson took some flak for her cutting-edge reports at CBS. Even with Katz and Freeman gone, there are still those at CBS who would probably love to see her blockbuster reporting censored once and for all.

What Mnookin Considers “Responsible Science Journalism”

After booting me out of a public conference where he lied that I disrupted his past events, Seth Mnookin has lied about me yet again - this time claiming that he had nothing to do with my removal. In fact, in an interview he gave for a blog, he claims he might have preferred that I stayed:

I recently spoke at a medical research conference -- via Skype as my daughter had just been born -- and there was someone in the audience who was very vocally anti-vaccine, and who ended being taken out of the room for something I had nothing to do with, and in fact I probably would have preferred that he stayed -- but regardless, that was an upsetting incident to me.

That I was removed for something he “had nothing to do with” is not only a lie, but it was directly contradicted by the security guard who escorted me out of the hotel.

“You broke the rules! You were being disruptive!”

It was Mnookin who originally labeled me disruptive after I asked him a question during Q/A. Considering the fact that my presence was “upsetting” to Seth Mnookin is not a surprise, given two statements he has previously written about me online:

After the event, an audience member chastised me for ignoring the evidence that vaccines cause autism — and repeatedly cited Andrew Wakefield’s 1998…study in The Lancet as proof.

I would have preferred responding (& tried to), altho the person wanted to grandstand not talk at #PRIMR_AER11

The fact that those two statements are utter fabrications shows just how frustrated Seth Mnookin is by the points I made.

Interestingly, he never names me in his online writing; I am always “someone,” “an audience member” or “the person,” but never Jake Crosby. To Seth Mnookin, I’ve become a real-life Voldemort – the evil sorcerer in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter novels – who must not be named.

I am not convinced Mnookin “would have preferred that stayed,” but I think he knows that cutting me off, shutting me up and kicking me out did not reflect well on him. And this is probably why he latched onto a story later that month in The New York Times that profiled the lives of two adults with Asperger Syndrome. Mnookin wrote three posts on his blog gushing over the article and then he even interviewed the author so as to write a fourth blog post.

The funny thing is, before the article came out, there were no posts about Asperger Syndrome on either of Mnookin’s blogs. In fact, The New York Times article he lauded was only the second in a series by Amy Harmon about adults with Asperger Syndrome, the first of which Mnookin paid no attention to. It looks like he was trying to rescue his image after throwing an individual with Asperger Syndrome out of his own event.

This is not the first time Mnookin has resorted to such a tactic. When news broke that Kim Stagliano’s daughter was being physically abused on the school bus earlier this year, Mnookin wrote a blog post professing sympathy for Kim’s daughter. Yet he did not sign or even link to Kim’s petition against the appeal of the school bus driver who allowed Kim’s daughter to be abused.

Then in an act of utter inappropriateness that revealed his true lack of empathy for Kim’s daughter, Seth Mnookin posted an addendum trying to justify his non-endorsement of Kim’s petition, suggesting it could be a prank like that by the pharma-funded Cato Institute’s senior fellows Penn & Teller. Mnookin explained that the magician duo had convinced environmental activists to sign a fake petition banning water. That is the extent of seriousness with which Seth Mnookin treats the abuse faced by children with autism.

Seth Mnookin’s empathy for people with autism is as false as his claim that he had nothing to do with my removal from his event last month.

Before Mnookin: A Variety of Views on CBS News

CBS Investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson followed the money that funded the front groups and talking heads of the vaccine industry – such as the AAP, Every Child By Two, and millionaire vaccine industrialist Dr. Paul Offit. And for that, unsurprisingly, the vaccine industry struck back.

There are people connected to the vaccine industry within CBS who do not care for Attkisson’s honest reporting. CBS Evening News medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook – also a HuffPo contributor, insisting vaccines are safe - relies on the vaccine industry as the source for his reporting.

Dr. LaPook has, in the past, skirted the Hannah Poling decision that her shots caused her autism, skirted safety concerns about the HPV vaccine, blamed the autism community for concerns about the H1N1 vaccine during the swine flu scare and said the autism omnibus decisions in vaccine court – designed to shield drug companies from litigation – should put a rest to this controversy, but won’t.

One year ago, when BMJ accused Dr. Andrew Wakefield of an “Elaborate Fraud,” Dr. LaPook tweeted:

Media fueled fears after Wakefield's '98 MMR-autism study. Media must now publicize the BMJ report that the study was doctored by the doctor.

A few months later, Seth Mnookin was allowed to contribute to the CBS News website “[i]10 deadly myths about childhood vaccines.”

But perhaps most telling was whom Dr. Jon LaPook interviewed following The Lancet’s retraction of Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s paper in 2010 - Columbia University Medical Center’s (CUMC) Anatomy Department Chairman, Dr. Michael Gershon.

Dr. Gershon said Dr. Wakefield’s paper shouldn’t have been published and that autism is genetic. What wasn’t said, however, is that Dr. Gershon’s wife Anne developed the chicken pox vaccine for Merck. Dr. Anne Gershon is a professor of pediatric infectious diseases at CUMC.

And Dr. LaPook is associate professor at the very same institution where the Gershons work. In fact, for as long as Dr. Michael Gershon has been on the faculty at CUMC, Dr. Jon LaPook has been either on the faculty, or a student at Columbia University’s College of Physicans and Surgeons.

So while it is not surprising that Dr. LaPook would interview his conflicted colleague at the university where they both teach, it is extremely ironic that the very source Dr. LaPook uses to justify his position - Dr. Michael Gershon - is the type of source Sharyl Attkisson would have exposed as a paid talking head for the vaccine industry.

Dr. LaPook has contributed to Katz and Freeman’s CBS [i]HealthPop
 blog, even coauthoring a piece with Katz himself. But perhaps most telling of all was that in early 2010, Dr. LaPooke became a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists (AHCJ), where Seth Mnookin is also a member as is his old college chum, Ivan Oransky, treasurer of AHCJ.

Scott Pelley + Pfizer + CBS Evening News = No More Sharyl Attkisson?

Lately, we haven’t heard from Sharyl Attkisson, CBS Evening News’ most fearless investigative journalist. Certainly, her reporting runs counter to the vaccine industry talking points used by other CBS writers Dr. Jon LaPook and Ryan Jaslow as well as former CBS editors Neil Katz and David Freeman. But her recent silence might also be due to major changes within CBS Evening News itself.

One change in television news that garnered much less attention than it deserved was the replacement of Katie Couric as anchor of CBS Evening News with 60 Minutes correspondent Scott Pelley. Within weeks of the announcement that Couric would be leaving CBS to become a correspondent for ABC, CBS posted Seth Mnookin’s talking point gallery along with Neil Katz’s complementary article. 

Pelley’s journalism on vaccine-related topics is troubling to say the least. Hosting 60 Minutes, he played a major part in inflating the swine flu scare. And that is reflected in the program’s sponsorship. Before the 60 Minutes report even begins, you have to stare at nothing but a Pfizer logo for seven seconds.

In the 60 Minutes segment itself, Pelley is taken on a friendly tour through Sanofi-Pasteur’s H1N1 vaccine plant and does not challenge a government official on weighing the risks of the virus with the risks of the vaccine. When the official likened the benefits of the vaccine to wearing a seatbelt – ignoring the vaccine’s risks altogether – Pelley let it go unchallenged.

Bill Maher challenged Pelley’s coverage of this on The Huffington Post arguing that swallowing the seatbelt – rather than strapping it over your chest – would be a more apt analogy. Indeed, it would be.

But most disturbing of all is Pelley’s personal relationships. He sits on the board of directors of the International Rescue Committee, a non-profit organization which is, in-part, dedicated to the vaccination of children in the third world. Sitting on the board of directors with Pelley is Susan Susman, director of external relations for Pfizer, which sponsored Pelley’s 60 Minutes report on H1N1 vaccine production.

Katie Couric possesses no such ties and did not stop Sharyl Attkisson from conducting her dogged investigations. In contrast, no reports from Attkisson on autism and vaccines have come out since Pelley took over in June, while vaccine industry talking points were regularly parroted on the CBS website by Neil Katz and David Freeman before they took their bias to HuffPo.

Neil Katz + David Freeman + HuffPo + AOL = No More David Kirby?

But Neil Katz and David Freeman’s roles on HuffPo do not just reflect their contempt for Sharyl Attkisson, but now represent HuffPo’s autism-vaccine coverage in general.

While David Kirby remains a contributor to the site for which he has written an article as recently as November, he has not contributed a single piece on the vaccine-autism controversy since Neil Katz became executive news editor. In fact, no thorough investigations of this debate have run on the site since Katz’ hiring. There has been nothing from Jenny McCarthy or Age of Autism’s managing editor, Kim Stagliano. It was McCarthy’s past contributions to HuffPo which were lambasted in Mnookin’s hit piece.

David Freeman is now editor of the new  “Science” section, which he says will run content that was very different from what was run in the past. I take this to mean that pharma essentially has its own section dubbed “Science” in the HuffPo. Given that the site has already allowed plenty of industry voices to blog, including millionaire vaccine industrialist Paul Offit and vaccine industry original go-to guy Arthur Allen, it appears this deviation Freeman speaks of will be the addition of HuffPo “Science” to the vaccine industry’s collection of propaganda outlets at best. At worst, the entire site will be a new bastion of total censorship that prevents skilled journalists from contributing to this debate. Hopefully, that won’t be the case.

The takeover of the successful Huffington Post by AOL was probably the trigger for the hiring of editors like Katz and Freeman. AOL had a history of being friendly to the vaccine industry which continues to be shielded from vaccine liability by federal law.

Seth Mnookin’s Lies Unsustainable

Of course, if HuffPo and CBS choose to censor genuine journalism like that of David Kirby andSharyl Attkisson in favor of agenda-driven pseudo-journalism and blatant lies by vaccine industry pushers like Seth Mnookin, then that is CBS and HuffPo’s choice. But positions like Mnookin’s are unsustainable and bound to fail. The concept of justified censorship that he co-opted from Fiona Fox, denier of the Rwandan Genocide, may work for people conspiring to cover up vaccine injury, but not for journalists who want to maintain long-term credibility. But then again, how many credible journalists get their assignments from their Uncle Bob?

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Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry - Page 3 Empty Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 31, 2016 9:59 pm

"Lewis also reports that BMJ editor Godlee has previously acknowledged the BMJ Group receives funding from the two manufacturers of the MMR vaccine, Merck and GlaxoSmithKline, and has testified in a Parliamentary inquiry that peer-reviewed medical journals are “the marketing arm of the pharmaceutical industry."

Deer's response to this was to state that Fiona Godlee did not actually say this. Deer is correct. What Godlee actually told the Science & Technology Select Committee in May 2011 was infinitely WORSE!! Brian Deer can't change history; neither can Godlee!!

From the UK Parliamentary transcripts of the meeting:-

"Mayur Amin: Our guidelines are all about total transparency and total disclosure about any such sponsorship. That is what it clearly states. There must be total transparency."

"Dr Godlee: I think we enter a very tricky area here. We have to acknowledge, and I am sure my colleagues on this panel will be willing to acknowledge this, that the publishing industry has a number of revenue streams, one of which, certainly in medicine, is the pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical industry, for every good reason and lots of bad reasons, wants to get their results out into the public domain. The journals provide them with a very efficient route to do that. Depending on their rigorous attempts to prevent this, journals are variously used by the pharmaceutical industry, the devices industry and other industries to get their points across. That is not to say that there aren't hugely wonderful things going on in the pharmaceutical industry that need to be disseminated, and perhaps we could do a better job where those are concerned, but there are also extremely dubious practices. The journals are largely naïve on them. We do our best. 

I don't know the extent to which this happens in biomedicine as opposed to clinical medicine, but it is certainly a major problem in clinical medicine. Sponsored publications can be very blurring at the edges. The reader may not be aware that this has been conjured up within industry and then sold to a publisher to publish to clinicians and others. Even if the publisher tries to make it obvious, it may not be as obvious as they think.

Even on the peer-reviewed side of things, it has been said that the journals are the marketing arm of the pharmaceutical industry. That is not untrue. To a large extent, that is true. Much as I hate to say this and much as it distresses me, we, as a publishing industry, have to acknowledge that and must have many more better systems for making that clear to clinicians and preventing it from happening on the scale that it is happening at the moment." 

Dr. David Lewis, a member of the National Whistleblower Center Board of Directors and Director of its Research Misconduct Project, former senior-level research microbiologist for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the only EPA scientist to ever publish first-authored research articles in Lancet and Nature and whose research published in Lancet and Nature Medicine on the inadequacy of CDC guidelines to prevent transmission of HIV in dentistry prompted the current heat sterilization standard for dentistry in the mid-1990s - whose environmental research published in Nature received the Science Achievement Award by the EPA Administrator in 2000 and who was rated by Editors at Annals of Internal Medicine in the top 10 percent of reviewers in 2010, with accomplishments in medical and environmental research that have been widely covered in professional, scientific and popular publications and broadcasts including Nature, Science, Lancet, JAMA, National Geographic, Reader's Digest, Voice of America, Paul Harvey News, Time, Newsweek, U.S. News & World Report, Forbes, NY Times, Washington Post, London Times, NPR’s All Things Considered, PBS Healthweek, PBS Technopolitics, CBS Evening News, ABC's Primetime Live, and BBC Panorama, reported for the National Whistleblower Center.

The report concludes: “Altogether, the evidence contained in Wakefield's files suggested to me that the BMJ's fraud theory was more tabloid news than science.”

Lewis also reports that BMJ editor Godlee has previously acknowledged the BMJ Group receives funding from the two manufacturers of the MMR vaccine, Merck and GlaxoSmithKline, and has testified in a Parliamentary inquiry that peer-reviewed medical journals are “the marketing arm of the pharmaceutical industry."

Also from Dr. Lewis: “Apparently scientists who question certain government policies and industry practices can be destroyed for a price. If so, this kind of tabloid science poses a genuine threat to public health.”

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Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry - Page 3 Empty Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:00 pm

Whistleblower Scientist Accuses British Medical Journal of Institutional Research Misconduct

Actions of BMJ Editor and Reporter “More Tabloid News than Science” According to Dr. David Lewis, and “a Genuine Threat to Public Health”

WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 9, 2012 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Dr. David Lewis, internationally known whistleblower and respected expert on institutional fraud, released a report today calling for a formal investigation into the practices of the British Medical Journal (BMJ), and specifically into the actions of its editor, Dr. Fiona Godlee, and Brian Deer, a reporter she hired to write a series of articles which appeared in the journal beginning on January 4, 2011.

The BMJ articles accuse Dr. Andrew Wakefield of committing scientific fraud in a 1998 Lancet publication he co-authored that brought global attention to a link many parents and physicians suspect may exist between autism and children who are genetically predisposed to adverse reactions from the Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR) vaccine.

The BMJ, Deer, and Godlee alleged that Wakefield fabricated a diagnosis of colitis in most of the 12 children described in The Lancet article — calling Wakefield’s work an "elaborate fraud" intended to create an "MMR scare" — so Wakefield could profit from a patent related to his research.

“Documents recovered from Dr. Wakefield's files during my investigation at the National Whistleblowers Center (NWC) - www.researchmisconduct.org - reveal that a pathologist associated with the study, Dr. Andrew Anthony, interpreted a number of the children's biopsies as evidence of colitis,” explained Dr. Lewis. “Altogether, the evidence contained in Wakefield's files suggested to me that the BMJ's fraud theory was more tabloid news than science.”

According to documents Lewis filed with Sir John Tooke, Vice-Provost for Health at the University College London (UCL) where The Lancet study was done, BMJ Editor Godlee responded to the Lewis revelations by “cherry-picking the evidence and coming up with a grand conspiracy theory involving ‘institutional research misconduct’. Alleged fraudsters now include University College London (UCL) administrators, the Royal Free Hospital, and all 13 co-authors of the Lancet study.”

UCL President Malcolm Grant notified Lewis that, because his charges were “so serious,” he urged Dr. Lewis to inform Dr. Godlee and Deer “at the earliest opportunity.”

Lewis also reports that Godlee has previously acknowledged the BMJ Group receives funding from the two manufacturers of the MMR vaccine, Merck and GlaxoSmithKline, and has testified in a Parliamentary inquiry that peer-reviewed medical journals are “the marketing arm of the pharmaceutical industry.” Lewis added: “Apparently scientists who question certain government policies and industry practices can be destroyed for a price. If so, this kind of tabloid science poses a genuine threat to public health.”

On January 3, 2012, Dr. Wakefield filed suit against the BMJ and Brian Deer (http://www.courthousenews.com/2012/01/04/BritMedJ.pdf ). Last September, Columbia University published a major study supporting the link Dr. Wakefield established between autism and enterocolitis ( http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3174969/ ).

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Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry - Page 3 Empty Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:04 pm

We bring to the attention of our readers this incisive and carefully documented 2005 article by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. published by Rolling Stone, first posted on Global Research in July 2009. 

The article sheds light on the collusion between Big Pharma and the US government and the dangers associated with vaccines produced by major pharmaceutical companies. In 2009 this article was of particular relevance to the debate on the H1N1 swine flu virus and plans by the WHO, The Obama Administration and Big Pharma to develop a swine flu vaccine.

The article by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. documented ”the government’s efforts to conceal alarming data about the dangers of vaccines.”

This article is of  particular relevance in the light of recent revelations concerning CDC and Merck Vaccine Research Fraud. 

Michel Chossudovsky

Vaccinations: Deadly Immunity
Government Cover-up of a Mercury/Autism Scandal
by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Rollingstone.com, 20 July 2005

In June 2000, a group of top government scientists and health officials gathered for a meeting at the isolated Simpsonwood conference center in Norcross, Georgia. Convened by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the meeting was held at this Methodist retreat center, nestled in wooded farmland next to the Chattahoochee River, to ensure complete secrecy. The agency had issued no public announcement of the session — only private invitations to fifty-two attendees. There were high-level officials from the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration, the top vaccine specialist from the World Health Organization in Geneva and representatives of every major vaccine manufacturer, including GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Wyeth and Aventis Pasteur. All of the scientific data under discussion, CDC officials repeatedly reminded the participants, was strictly “embargoed.” There would be no making photocopies of documents, no taking papers with them when they left.

The federal officials and industry representatives had assembled to discuss a disturbing new study that raised alarming questions about the safety of a host of common childhood vaccines administered to infants and young children. According to a CDC epidemiologist named Tom Verstraeten, who had analyzed the agency’s massive database containing the medical records of 100,000 children, a mercury-based preservative in the vaccines — thimerosal — appeared to be responsible for a dramatic increase in autism and a host of other neurological disorders among children. “I was actually stunned by what I saw,” Verstraeten told those assembled at Simpsonwood, citing the staggering number of earlier studies that indicate a link between thimerosal and speech delays, attention-deficit disorder, hyperactivity and autism. Since 1991, when the CDC and the FDA had recommended that three additional vaccines laced with the preservative be given to extremely young infants — in one case, within hours of birth — the estimated number of cases of autism had increased fifteenfold, from one in every 2,500 children to one in 166 children.

Even for scientists and doctors accustomed to confronting issues of life and death, the findings were frightening. “You can play with this all you want,” Dr. Bill Weil, a consultant for the American Academy of Pediatrics, told the group. The results “are statistically significant.” Dr. Richard Johnston, an immunologist and pediatrician from the University of Colorado whose grandson had been born early on the morning of the meeting’s first day, was even more alarmed. “My gut feeling?” he said. “Forgive this personal comment — I do not want my grandson to get a thimerosal-containing vaccine until we know better what is going on.”

But instead of taking immediate steps to alert the public and rid the vaccine supply of thimerosal, the officials and executives at Simpsonwood spent most of the next two days discussing how to cover up the damaging data. According to transcripts obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, many at the meeting were concerned about how the damaging revelations about thimerosal would affect the vaccine industry’s bottom line. “We are in a bad position from the standpoint of defending any lawsuits,” said Dr. Robert Brent, a pediatrician at the Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children in Delaware. “This will be a resource to our very busy plaintiff attorneys in this country.” Dr. Bob Chen, head of vaccine safety for the CDC, expressed relief that “given the sensitivity of the information, we have been able to keep it out of the hands of, let’s say, less responsible hands.” Dr. John Clements, vaccines advisor at the World Health Organization, declared that “perhaps this study should not have been done at all.” He added that “the research results have to be handled,” warning that the study “will be taken by others and will be used in other ways beyond the control of this group.”

In fact, the government has proved to be far more adept at handling the damage than at protecting children’s health. The CDC paid the Institute of Medicine to conduct a new study to whitewash the risks of thimerosal, ordering researchers to “rule out” the chemical’s link to autism. It withheld Verstraeten’s findings, even though they had been slated for immediate publication, and told other scientists that his original data had been “lost” and could not be replicated. And to thwart the Freedom of Information Act, it handed its giant database of vaccine records over to a private company, declaring it off-limits to researchers. By the time Verstraeten finally published his study in 2003, he had gone to work for GlaxoSmithKline and reworked his data to bury the link between thimerosal and autism.

Vaccine manufacturers had already begun to phase thimerosal out of injections given to American infants — but they continued to sell off their mercury-based supplies of vaccines until last year. The CDC and FDA gave them a hand, buying up the tainted vaccines for export to developing countries and allowing drug companies to continue using the preservative in some American vaccines — including several pediatric flu shots as well as tetanus boosters routinely given to eleven-year-olds.

The drug companies are also getting help from powerful lawmakers in Washington. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, who has received $873,000 in contributions from the pharmaceutical industry, has been working to immunize vaccine makers from liability in 4,200 lawsuits that have been filed by the parents of injured children. On five separate occasions, Frist has tried to seal all of the government’s vaccine-related documents — including the Simpsonwood transcripts — and shield Eli Lilly, the developer of thimerosal, from subpoenas. In 2002, the day after Frist quietly slipped a rider known as the “Eli Lilly Protection Act” into a homeland security bill, the company contributed $10,000 to his campaign and bought 5,000 copies of his book on bioterrorism. The measure was repealed by Congress in 2003 — but earlier this year, Frist slipped another provision into an anti-terrorism bill that would deny compensation to children suffering from vaccine-related brain disorders. “The lawsuits are of such magnitude that they could put vaccine producers out of business and limit our capacity to deal with a biological attack by terrorists,” says Dean Rosen, health policy adviser to Frist.

Even many conservatives are shocked by the government’s effort to cover up the dangers of thimerosal. Rep. Dan Burton, a Republican from Indiana, oversaw a three-year investigation of thimerosal after his grandson was diagnosed with autism. “Thimerosal used as a preservative in vaccines is directly related to the autism epidemic,” his House Government Reform Committee concluded in its final report. “This epidemic in all probability may have been prevented or curtailed had the FDA not been asleep at the switch regarding a lack of safety data regarding injected thimerosal, a known neurotoxin.” The FDA and other public-health agencies failed to act, the committee added, out of “institutional malfeasance for self protection” and “misplaced protectionism of the pharmaceutical industry.”

The story of how government health agencies colluded with Big Pharma to hide the risks of thimerosal from the public is a chilling case study of institutional arrogance, power and greed. I was drawn into the controversy only reluctantly. As an attorney and environmentalist who has spent years working on issues of mercury toxicity, I frequently met mothers of autistic children who were absolutely convinced that their kids had been injured by vaccines. Privately, I was skeptical.

I doubted that autism could be blamed on a single source, and I certainly understood the government’s need to reassure parents that vaccinations are safe; the eradication of deadly childhood diseases depends on it. I tended to agree with skeptics like Rep. Henry Waxman, a Democrat from California, who criticized his colleagues on the House Government Reform Committee for leaping to conclusions about autism and vaccinations. “Why should we scare people about immunization,” Waxman pointed out at one hearing, “until we know the facts?”

It was only after reading the Simpsonwood transcripts, studying the leading scientific research and talking with many of the nation’s pre-eminent authorities on mercury that I became convinced that the link between thimerosal and the epidemic of childhood neurological disorders is real. Five of my own children are members of the Thimerosal Generation — those born between 1989 and 2003 — who received heavy doses of mercury from vaccines. “The elementary grades are overwhelmed with children who have symptoms of neurological or immune-system damage,” Patti White, a school nurse, told the House Government Reform Committee in 1999. “Vaccines are supposed to be making us healthier; however, in twenty-five years of nursing I have never seen so many damaged, sick kids. Something very, very wrong is happening to our children.”

More than 500,000 kids currently suffer from autism, and pediatricians diagnose more than 40,000 new cases every year. The disease was unknown until 1943, when it was identified and diagnosed among eleven children born in the months after thimerosal was first added to baby vaccines in 1931.

Some skeptics dispute that the rise in autism is caused by thimerosal-tainted vaccinations. They argue that the increase is a result of better diagnosis — a theory that seems questionable at best, given that most of the new cases of autism are clustered within a single generation of children. “If the epidemic is truly an artifact of poor diagnosis,” scoffs Dr. Boyd Haley, one of the world’s authorities on mercury toxicity, “then where are all the twenty-year-old autistics?” Other researchers point out that Americans are exposed to a greater cumulative “load” of mercury than ever before, from contaminated fish to dental fillings, and suggest that thimerosal in vaccines may be only part of a much larger problem. It’s a concern that certainly deserves far more attention than it has received — but it overlooks the fact that the mercury concentrations in vaccines dwarf other sources of exposure to our children.

What is most striking is the lengths to which many of the leading detectives have gone to ignore — and cover up — the evidence against thimerosal. From the very beginning, the scientific case against the mercury additive has been overwhelming. The preservative, which is used to stem fungi and bacterial growth in vaccines, contains ethylmercury, a potent neurotoxin. Truckloads of studies have shown that mercury tends to accumulate in the brains of primates and other animals after they are injected with vaccines — and that the developing brains of infants are particularly susceptible. In 1977, a Russian study found that adults exposed to much lower concentrations of ethylmercury than those given to American children still suffered brain damage years later. Russia banned thimerosal from children’s vaccines twenty years ago, and Denmark, Austria, Japan, Great Britain and all the Scandinavian countries have since followed suit.

“You couldn’t even construct a study that shows thimerosal is safe,” says Haley, who heads the chemistry department at the University of Kentucky. “It’s just too darn toxic. If you inject thimerosal into an animal, its brain will sicken. If you apply it to living tissue, the cells die. If you put it in a petri dish, the culture dies. Knowing these things, it would be shocking if one could inject it into an infant without causing damage.”

Internal documents reveal that Eli Lilly, which first developed thimerosal, knew from the start that its product could cause damage — and even death — in both animals and humans. In 1930, the company tested thimerosal by administering it to twenty-two patients with terminal meningitis, all of whom died within weeks of being injected — a fact Lilly didn’t bother to report in its study declaring thimerosal safe. In 1935, researchers at another vaccine manufacturer, Pittman-Moore, warned Lilly that its claims about thimerosal’s safety “did not check with ours.” Half the dogs Pittman injected with thimerosal-based vaccines became sick, leading researchers there to declare the preservative “unsatisfactory as a serum intended for use on dogs.”

In the decades that followed, the evidence against thimerosal continued to mount. During the Second World War, when the Department of Defense used the preservative in vaccines on soldiers, it required Lilly to label it “poison.” In 1967, a study in Applied Microbiology found that thimerosal killed mice when added to injected vaccines. Four years later, Lilly’s own studies discerned that thimerosal was “toxic to tissue cells” in concentrations as low as one part per million — 100 times weaker than the concentration in a typical vaccine. Even so, the company continued to promote thimerosal as “nontoxic” and also incorporated it into topical disinfectants. In 1977, ten babies at a Toronto hospital died when an antiseptic preserved with thimerosal was dabbed onto their umbilical cords.

In 1982, the FDA proposed a ban on over-the-counter products that contained thimerosal, and in 1991 the agency considered banning it from animal vaccines. But tragically, that same year, the CDC recommended that infants be injected with a series of mercury-laced vaccines. Newborns would be vaccinated for hepatitis B within twenty-four hours of birth, and two-month-old infants would be immunized for haemophilus influenzae B and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis.

The drug industry knew the additional vaccines posed a danger. The same year that the CDC approved the new vaccines, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, one of the fathers of Merck’s vaccine programs, warned the company that six-month-olds who were administered the shots would suffer dangerous exposure to mercury. He recommended that thimerosal be discontinued, “especially when used on infants and children,” noting that the industry knew of nontoxic alternatives. “The best way to go,” he added, “is to switch to dispensing the actual vaccines without adding preservatives.”

For Merck and other drug companies, however, the obstacle was money. Thimerosal enables the pharmaceutical industry to package vaccines in vials that contain multiple doses, which require additional protection because they are more easily contaminated by multiple needle entries. The larger vials cost half as much to produce as smaller, single-dose vials, making it cheaper for international agencies to distribute them to impoverished regions at risk of epidemics. Faced with this “cost consideration,” Merck ignored Hilleman’s warnings, and government officials continued to push more and more thimerosal-based vaccines for children. Before 1989, American preschoolers received eleven vaccinations — for polio, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and measles-mumps-rubella. A decade later, thanks to federal recommendations, children were receiving a total of twenty-two immunizations by the time they reached first grade.

As the number of vaccines increased, the rate of autism among children exploded. During the 1990s, 40 million children were injected with thimerosal-based vaccines, receiving unprecedented levels of mercury during a period critical for brain development. Despite the well-documented dangers of thimerosal, it appears that no one bothered to add up the cumulative dose of mercury that children would receive from the mandated vaccines. “What took the FDA so long to do the calculations?” Peter Patriarca, director of viral products for the agency, asked in an e-mail to the CDC in 1999. “Why didn’t CDC and the advisory bodies do these calculations when they rapidly expanded the childhood immunization schedule?”

But by that time, the damage was done. At two months, when the infant brain is still at a critical stage of development, infants routinely received three inoculations that contained a total of 62.5 micrograms of ethylmercury — a level 99 times greater than the EPA’s limit for daily exposure to methylmercury, a related neurotoxin. Although the vaccine industry insists that ethylmercury poses little danger because it breaks down rapidly and is removed by the body, several studies — including one published in April by the National Institutes of Health — suggest that ethylmercury is actually more toxic to developing brains and stays in the brain longer than methylmercury.

Officials responsible for childhood immunizations insist that the additional vaccines were necessary to protect infants from disease and that thimerosal is still essential in developing nations, which, they often claim, cannot afford the single-dose vials that don’t require a preservative. Dr. Paul Offit, one of CDC’s top vaccine advisers, told me, “I think if we really have an influenza pandemic — and certainly we will in the next twenty years, because we always do — there’s no way on God’s earth that we immunize 280 million people with single-dose vials. There has to be multidose vials.”

But while public-health officials may have been well-intentioned, many of those on the CDC advisory committee who backed the additional vaccines had close ties to the industry. Dr. Sam Katz, the committee’s chair, was a paid consultant for most of the major vaccine makers and was part of a team that developed the measles vaccine and brought it to licensure in 1963. Dr. Neal Halsey, another committee member, worked as a researcher for the vaccine companies and received honoraria from Abbott Labs for his research on the hepatitis B vaccine.

Indeed, in the tight circle of scientists who work on vaccines, such conflicts of interest are common. Rep. Burton says that the CDC “routinely allows scientists with blatant conflicts of interest to serve on intellectual advisory committees that make recommendations on new vaccines,” even though they have “interests in the products and companies for which they are supposed to be providing unbiased oversight.” The House Government Reform Committee discovered that four of the eight CDC advisers who approved guidelines for a rotavirus vaccine “had financial ties to the pharmaceutical companies that were developing different versions of the vaccine.”

Offit, who shares a patent on one of the vaccines, acknowledged to me that he “would make money” if his vote eventually leads to a marketable product. But he dismissed my suggestion that a scientist’s direct financial stake in CDC approval might bias his judgment. “It provides no conflict for me,” he insists. “I have simply been informed by the process, not corrupted by it. When I sat around that table, my sole intent was trying to make recommendations that best benefited the children in this country. It’s offensive to say that physicians and public-health people are in the pocket of industry and thus are making decisions that they know are unsafe for children. It’s just not the way it works.”

Other vaccine scientists and regulators gave me similar assurances. Like Offit, they view themselves as enlightened guardians of children’s health, proud of their “partnerships” with pharmaceutical companies, immune to the seductions of personal profit, besieged by irrational activists whose anti-vaccine campaigns are endangering children’s health. They are often resentful of questioning. “Science,” says Offit, “is best left to scientists.”

Still, some government officials were alarmed by the apparent conflicts of interest. In his e-mail to CDC administrators in 1999, Paul Patriarca of the FDA blasted federal regulators for failing to adequately scrutinize the danger posed by the added baby vaccines. “I’m not sure there will be an easy way out of the potential perception that the FDA, CDC and immunization-policy bodies may have been asleep at the switch re: thimerosal until now,” Patriarca wrote. The close ties between regulatory officials and the pharmaceutical industry, he added, “will also raise questions about various advisory bodies regarding aggressive recommendations for use” of thimerosal in child vaccines.

If federal regulators and government scientists failed to grasp the potential risks of thimerosal over the years, no one could claim ignorance after the secret meeting at Simpsonwood. But rather than conduct more studies to test the link to autism and other forms of brain damage, the CDC placed politics over science. The agency turned its database on childhood vaccines — which had been developed largely at taxpayer expense — over to a private agency, America’s Health Insurance Plans, ensuring that it could not be used for additional research. It also instructed the Institute of Medicine, an advisory organization that is part of the National Academy of Sciences, to produce a study debunking the link between thimerosal and brain disorders. The CDC “wants us to declare, well, that these things are pretty safe,” Dr. Marie McCormick, who chaired the IOM’s Immunization Safety Review Committee, told her fellow researchers when they first met in January 2001. “We are not ever going to come down that [autism] is a true side effect” of thimerosal exposure. According to transcripts of the meeting, the committee’s chief staffer, Kathleen Stratton, predicted that the IOM would conclude that the evidence was “inadequate to accept or reject a causal relation” between thimerosal and autism. That, she added, was the result “Walt wants” — a reference to Dr. Walter Orenstein, director of the National Immunization Program for the CDC.

For those who had devoted their lives to promoting vaccination, the revelations about thimerosal threatened to undermine everything they had worked for. “We’ve got a dragon by the tail here,” said Dr. Michael Kaback, another committee member. “The more negative that [our] presentation is, the less likely people are to use vaccination, immunization — and we know what the results of that will be. We are kind of caught in a trap. How we work our way out of the trap, I think is the charge.”

Even in public, federal officials made it clear that their primary goal in studying thimerosal was to dispel doubts about vaccines. “Four current studies are taking place to rule out the proposed link between autism and thimerosal,” Dr. Gordon Douglas, then-director of strategic planning for vaccine research at the National Institutes of Health, assured a Princeton University gathering in May 2001. “In order to undo the harmful effects of research claiming to link the [measles] vaccine to an elevated risk of autism, we need to conduct and publicize additional studies to assure parents of safety.” Douglas formerly served as president of vaccinations for Merck, where he ignored warnings about thimerosal’s risks.

In May of last year, the Institute of Medicine issued its final report. Its conclusion: There is no proven link between autism and thimerosal in vaccines. Rather than reviewing the large body of literature describing the toxicity of thimerosal, the report relied on four disastrously flawed epidemiological studies examining European countries, where children received much smaller doses of thimerosal than American kids. It also cited a new version of the Verstraeten study, published in the journal Pediatrics, that had been reworked to reduce the link between thimerosal and autism. The new study included children too young to have been diagnosed with autism and overlooked others who showed signs of the disease. The IOM declared the case closed and — in a startling position for a scientific body — recommended that no further research be conducted.

The report may have satisfied the CDC, but it convinced no one. Rep. David Weldon, a Republican physician from Florida who serves on the House Government Reform Committee, attacked the Institute of Medicine, saying it relied on a handful of studies that were “fatally flawed” by “poor design” and failed to represent “all the available scientific and medical research.” CDC officials are not interested in an honest search for the truth, Weldon told me, because “an association between vaccines and autism would force them to admit that their policies irreparably damaged thousands of children. Who would want to make that conclusion about themselves?”

Under pressure from Congress and parents, the Institute of Medicine convened another panel to address continuing concerns about the Vaccine Safety Datalink Data Sharing program. In February, the new panel, composed of different scientists, criticized the way the VSD had been used in the Verstraeten study, and urged the CDC to make its vaccine database available to the public.

So far, though, only two scientists have managed to gain access. Dr. Mark Geier, president of the Genetics Center of America, and his son, David, spent a year battling to obtain the medical records from the CDC. Since August 2002, when members of Congress pressured the agency to turn over the data, the Geiers have completed six studies that demonstrate a powerful correlation between thimerosal and neurological damage in children. One study, which compares the cumulative dose of mercury received by children born between 1981 and 1985 with those born between 1990 and 1996, found a “very significant relationship” between autism and vaccines. Another study of educational performance found that kids who received higher doses of thimerosal in vaccines were nearly three times as likely to be diagnosed with autism and more than three times as likely to suffer from speech disorders and mental retardation. Another soon-to-be published study shows that autism rates are in decline following the recent elimination of thimerosal from most vaccines.

As the federal government worked to prevent scientists from studying vaccines, others have stepped in to study the link to autism. In April, reporter Dan Olmsted of UPI undertook one of the more interesting studies himself. Searching for children who had not been exposed to mercury in vaccines — the kind of population that scientists typically use as a “control” in experiments — Olmsted scoured the Amish of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, who refuse to immunize their infants. Given the national rate of autism, Olmsted calculated that there should be 130 autistics among the Amish. He found only four. One had been exposed to high levels of mercury from a power plant. The other three — including one child adopted from outside the Amish community — had received their vaccines.

At the state level, many officials have also conducted in-depth reviews of thimerosal. While the Institute of Medicine was busy whitewashing the risks, the Iowa legislature was carefully combing through all of the available scientific and biological data. “After three years of review, I became convinced there was sufficient credible research to show a link between mercury and the increased incidences in autism,” says state Sen. Ken Veenstra, a Republican who oversaw the investigation. “The fact that Iowa’s 700 percent increase in autism began in the 1990s, right after more and more vaccines were added to the children’s vaccine schedules, is solid evidence alone.” Last year, Iowa became the first state to ban mercury in vaccines, followed by California. Similar bans are now under consideration in thirty-two other states.

But instead of following suit, the FDA continues to allow manufacturers to include thimerosal in scores of over-the-counter medications as well as steroids and injected collagen. Even more alarming, the government continues to ship vaccines preserved with thimerosal to developing countries — some of which are now experiencing a sudden explosion in autism rates. In China, where the disease was virtually unknown prior to the introduction of thimerosal by U.S. drug manufacturers in 1999, news reports indicate that there are now more than 1.8 million autistics. Although reliable numbers are hard to come by, autistic disorders also appear to be soaring in India, Argentina, Nicaragua and other developing countries that are now using thimerosal-laced vaccines. The World Health Organization continues to insist thimerosal is safe, but it promises to keep the possibility that it is linked to neurological disorders “under review.”

I devoted time to study this issue because I believe that this is a moral crisis that must be addressed. If, as the evidence suggests, our public-health authorities knowingly allowed the pharmaceutical industry to poison an entire generation of American children, their actions arguably constitute one of the biggest scandals in the annals of American medicine. “The CDC is guilty of incompetence and gross negligence,” says Mark Blaxill, vice president of Safe Minds, a nonprofit organization concerned about the role of mercury in medicines. “The damage caused by vaccine exposure is massive. It’s bigger than asbestos, bigger than tobacco, bigger than anything you’ve ever seen.”

It’s hard to calculate the damage to our country — and to the international efforts to eradicate epidemic diseases — if Third World nations come to believe that America’s most heralded foreign-aid initiative is poisoning their children. It’s not difficult to predict how this scenario will be interpreted by America’s enemies abroad. The scientists and researchers — many of them sincere, even idealistic — who are participating in efforts to hide the science on thimerosal claim that they are trying to advance the lofty goal of protecting children in developing nations from disease pandemics. They are badly misguided. Their failure to come clean on thimerosal will come back horribly to haunt our country and the world’s poorest populations.

NOTE: This story has been updated to correct several inaccuracies in the original, published version. As originally reported, American preschoolers received only three vaccinations before 1989, but the article failed to note that they were innoculated a total of eleven times with those vaccines, including boosters. The article also misstated the level of ethylmercury received by infants injected with all their shots by the age of six months. It was 187 micrograms – an amount forty percent, not 187 times, greater than the EPA’s limit for daily exposure to methylmercury. Finally, because of an editing error, the article misstated the contents of the rotavirus vaccine approved by the CDC. It did not contain thimerosal. Salon and Rolling Stone regret the errors.

An earlier version of this story stated that the Institute of Medicine convened a second panel to review the work of the Immunization Safety Review Committee that had found no evidence of a link between thimerosal and autism. In fact, the IOM convened the second panel to address continuing concerns about the Vaccine Safety Datalink Data Sharing program, including those raised by critics of the IOM’s earlier work. But the panel was not charged with reviewing the committee’s findings. The story also inadvertently omitted a word and transposed two sentences in a quote by Dr. John Clements, and incorrectly stated that Dr. Sam Katz held a patent with Merck on the measles vaccine. In fact, Dr. Katz was part of a team that developed the vaccine and brought it to licensure, but he never held the patent. Salon and Rolling Stone regret the errors.

CLARIFICATION: After publication of this story, Salon and Rolling Stone corrected an error that misstated the level of ethylmercury received by infants injected with all their shots by the age of six months. It was 187 micrograms ? an amount forty percent, not 187 times, greater than the EPA’s limit for daily exposure to methylmercury. At the time of the correction, we were aware that the comparison itself was flawed, but as journalists we considered it more appropriate to state the correct figure rather than replace it with another number entirely.

Since that earlier correction, however, it has become clear from responses to the article that the forty-percent number, while accurate, is misleading. It measures the total mercury load an infant received from vaccines during the first six months, calculates the daily average received based on average body weight, and then compares that number to the EPA daily limit. But infants did not receive the vaccines as a ?daily average? ? they received massive doses on a single day, through multiple shots. As the story states, these single-day doses exceeded the EPA limit by as much as 99 times. Based on the misunderstanding, and to avoid further confusion, we have amended the story to eliminate the forty-percent figure.

Correction: The story misattributed a quote to Andy Olson, former legislative counsel to Senator Bill Frist. The comment was made by Dean Rosen, health policy adviser to the senator. Rolling Stone and Salon.com regret the error.
Copyright: Rolling Stone and Salon, 2005

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Post by lizardking Sun Jan 31, 2016 11:03 pm



Robert F. Kennedy Jr. responds to a reader's scrutiny of key quotations in his article "Deadly Immunity." Plus: Grateful readers thank Kennedy.

The article “Deadly immunity” by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. centers around the June 2000 CDC meeting at Simpsonwood, the transcript of which supposedly reveals that a CDC study shows that thimerosal was the cause of childhood autism. However, many of the central and most damning statements in the article are mischaracterizations of some participants’ statements.

The most egregious error occurs in the article’s lead-in summary, and again on the first page of the piece. The article lead-in states, in part: “When a study revealed that mercury in childhood vaccines may have caused autism in thousands of kids, the government rushed to conceal the data.”

And the article elaborates, on Page 1: “According to a CDC epidemiologist named Tom Verstraeten, who had analyzed the agency’s massive database containing the medical records of 100,000 children, a mercury-based preservative in the vaccines — thimerosal — appeared to be responsible for a dramatic increase in autism and a host of other neurological disorders among children.”

These two statement are false. Here is the direct quote by Mr. Verstraeten from the transcript of the conference regarding his study’s findings on a link between thimerosal and autism (Page 44): Tom Verstraeten: “This is the result for autism, in which we don’t see much of a trend except for a slight, but not significant, increase for the highest exposure. The overall test for trend is not statistically significant.”

Regardless of the validity of other parts of the article, the primary claim made in the article that the transcripts of the Simpsonwood conference show that Dr. Verstraeten asserted that “thimerosal … appeared to be responsible for a dramatic increase in autism” is simply false. Not only does Dr. Verstraeten never state that thimerosal is responsible for a “dramatic increase” in the disease as you claim he does, he does not even draw a relationship between thimerosal and a risk factor for autism. To be clear, on the correlation between thimerosal exposure and autism, he states, “The overall test for trend is not statistically significant.”

I take issue with other parts of your article as well.

Article, Page 1: “Dr. John Clements, vaccines advisor at the World Health Organization, declared flatly that the study ‘should not have been done at all.'”

This quote is erroneous on several levels. First, it says that Dr. Clements ‘DECLARED FLATLY that the study ‘should not have been done at all.'” This is false; he says (Page 247): ” … PERHAPS this study should not have been done at all.” Your intentional deletion of the word “perhaps,” which permits your inaccurate characterization of the statement as a “flat declaration,” dangerously undermines your credibility.

Further, you truncate the end of Dr. Clements’ quote in a way that radically alters its meaning. Here is the full quote (Page 247): John Clements: “And I really want to risk offending everyone in the room by saying that perhaps this study should not have been done at all, BECAUSE THE OUTCOME OF IT COULD HAVE, TO SOME EXTENT, BEEN PREDICTED [emphasis added]…”

You also cut-and-paste other quotes of Dr. Clements in order to create a new stream of speech that never existed. You wrote, “Dr. John Clements, vaccines advisor at the World Health Organization … warned that the results ‘will be taken by others and will be used in ways beyond the control of this group. The research results have to be handled.'”

This joins together two utterances that were actually distinct and separated, and, more perniciously, it also reverses their order of appearance to create the false impression that the second sentence refers to the first. Also, the word “other” is missing in the quote in the article (“used in OTHER ways”).

Here’s the real quotation from the transcript:

“But there is now the point at which the research results have to be handled [note — no italics], and even if this committee decides that there is no association and that information gets out, the work has been done and through freedom of information that will be taken by others and will be used in other ways beyond the control of this group.”

You may feel that the meaning is unaltered; I feel quite differently. But that’s not the point: The question is, why did you feel it necessary to distort the text, rather than letting readers see the unaltered original quotation?

Article, Page 1: “All of the scientific data under discussion, CDC officials repeatedly reminded the participants, was strictly ’embargoed.’ There would be no making photocopies of documents, no taking papers with them when they left.”

This statement is terribly misleading. Here is the actual quote from the transcript (Page 256): Dr. Bernier: “I don’t think we can set a rule here because some people have gotten these documents. For example, some of the manufacturers were privileged to receive this information. It has been important for them to share it within the company with the experts there, so they can review it. Some of you may have questions. You may have been given a copy, but I think if we all just consider this embargoed information, if I can use that term, and very highly protected information, I think that was the best I can offer. If anyone else wants to make a suggestion, but I would say consider it embargoed and protected until it is made public on June 21 and 22 at the ACIP. There is a plan to do that.”

There is no explicit prohibition in this passage against making copies or taking papers from the conference. Most importantly is this statement: ” … consider it embargoed and protected UNTIL IT IS MADE PUBLIC ON JUNE 21 and 22 at the ACIP. There is a plan to do that.” That planned public release date was a mere two weeks after the conference. This puts the statements regarding embargoing the information in a radically different light than that implied, whereby the government was attempting to permanently conceal the study.

Article, Page 1: “But instead of taking immediate steps to alert the public and rid the vaccine supply of thimerosal, the officials and executives at Simpsonwood spent most of the next two days discussing how to cover up the damaging data.” This statement is false. A reading of the transcript proves that almost the entire two days of the conference consisted of the presentation of findings, discussion of the study, and discussion of next steps to investigate the issue further. In fact, the consensus was to perform further research and investigation, not to suppress the results and terminate the line of inquiry.

I do not dispute that some unsettling comments were made at the conference, and the greatest irony is that the results that Dr. Verstraeten presents do implicate thimerosal in several childhood neurological developmental disorders — but not autism. This is tragic, because your flagrant errors will now have the effect of neutralizing some of the very important information that is coming to light on this issue. The issue under examination is of high importance, and you have now donated ammunition to those that would discredit the anti-immunization crowd. In this case, sadly, you may well deserve discrediting.

— Daniel Kirchheimer

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. replies:

We published the link to the Simpsonwood transcript, along with my article, so that readers could see the discussion for themselves. Mr. Kirchheimer is entitled to his interpretation. I disagree with it.

My piece didn’t state that Tom Verstraeten said he’d found “statistically significant” links between autism and thimerosal exposure at Simpsonwood, but that the Simpsonwood meeting was convened to discuss his earlier research, which did find a link. Verstraeten had been studying the Vaccine Safety Datalink database (compiled by health maintenance organizations to track reports of medical complaints, illnesses and other data related to vaccinations) to see whether there was evidence of a connection between exposure to thimerosal in childhood vaccines and a range of neurological disorders, including autism. Six months prior to Simpsonwood, in December 1999, Verstraeten sent his CDC colleagues findings showing a statistically significant association between thimerosal and many of those disorders, including autism. One Verstraeten e-mail alerting his CDC colleagues to his findings contained the now-infamous subject line, “it just won’t go away …” He attached a summary of data sets showing a troubling 7.62-fold increase in the incidence of autism associated with babies’ first Hep B shot. Later, in a February 2000 report, Verstraten found that at 3 months, fully vaccinated infants had received 62.5 micrograms of thimerosal, and their relative risk of autism was 2.48 — which would be considered a statistically significant association if presented in a court of law.

As my article noted, Verstraeten continued to work on the data, pre- and post-Simpsonwood, and over time the link to autism diminished, mainly because Verstraeten added and subtracted different population groups from his study. However, in the paper he presented at Simpsonwood in June 2000, “Risk of neurological and renal impairment associated with Thimerosal-containing vaccines,” he found a statistically significant association between exposure to the mercury-based preservative and a host of problems, including “unspecified developmental delay, tics, speech delay, attention-deficit disorder and neurodevelopmental delay in general.” He also found a “slight, but not significant increase” in autism in infants exposed to thimerosal, but he did note at Simpsonwood — on Page 43 of the transcript — that the data probably understated the true problem, because many of the children considered in the study were “just not old enough to be diagnosed” (autism is typically not diagnosed until age 3 or 4).

To Mr. Kirchheimer’s other points: The way I used the Clements quote did not change its meaning. I regret that two sentences of the quote were inadvertently transposed. The papers discussed at Simpsonwood were clearly embargoed - Verstraeten’s paper was stamped “Do not copy or reproduce” on every page - and there’s no evidence that the material was actually released two weeks later. Again, it’s a matter of interpretation how much of the time spent at Simpsonwood was devoted to advancing scientific inquiry and how much to “handling” Verstraeten’s troubling data. History has proven the CDC was more interested in making the data “go away” than getting to the bottom of it.

In fact, Verstraeten himself was troubled by the reaction to his work. In an e-mail to Harvard epidemiologist Phillippe Grandjean a month after the Simpsonwood meeting, he complained: “I have witnessed how many experts,looking at this thimerosal issue, do not seem bothered to compare apples to pears and insist that if nothing is happening in these studies then nothing should be feared of thimerosal. I do not wish to be the advocate of the anti-vaccine lobby and sound like being convinced that thimerosal is or was harmful, but at least I feel we should use sound scientific argumentation and not let our standards be dictated by our desire to disprove an unpleasant theory.”

I’m happy that my article has contributed to greater public awareness of what transpired at Simpsonwood and afterward, and I hope the CDC will heed the public’s call for more transparency.

— Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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Post by lizardking Sun Jan 31, 2016 11:04 pm

Was Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s “Deadly Immunity” Retracted from Salon by Arthur Allen’s Wife and Her Brother?

By Jake Crosby

If the co-opting of CBS and HuffPo by liars-for-hire like Seth Mnookin was unfortunate, what happened at Salon was even worse. A year ago, the website decided to retract Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s piece, Deadly Immunity which exposed the government cover-up of harm caused by the mercury-based vaccine preservative thimerosal. Salon’s editor-in-chief, Kerry Lauerman, wrote at the time:

…subsequent critics, including most recently, Seth Mnookin in his book “The Panic Virus,” further eroded any faith we had in the story’s value. We’ve grown to believe the best reader service is to delete the piece entirely.

The retraction followed a rumor started by Seth Mnookin that Rolling Stone (Illustration by Ed Sorel from original RS article) which also ran the article, deliberately pulled it from the magazine’s website without telling anyone – the only “subsequent” criticism of Kennedy’s article in Mnookin’s book that Salon could have been referring to. It didn’t take long after Salon’s retraction of “Deadly Immunity” for Mnookin’s rumor to be dispelled by Rolling Stone, which told readers the link to Kennedy’s article was inadvertently broken during the website’s redesign. However, Mnookin’s false rumor that the article was purposefully removed from Rolling Stone led to its permanent removal from Salon.

Despite the thimerosal cover-up accomplices’ best efforts pick apart Kennedy’s article, no one has ever been able to disprove what it uncovered, as letters by Kennedy responding to hostility towards his article clearly show. IOM President Harvey Fineberg went so far as to libel Kennedy by accusing him of fabricating quotes. Dr. Fineberg even lied that none of the IOM panelists had any ties to the pharmaceutical industry or the CDC. (Fineberg himself has chaired a review committee for CDC since the 1980s, according to his C.V.). Yet, he couldn’t even refute the fact that his institute’s panel, and its chairwoman Marie McCormick, came to a preconceived conclusion at the behest of the CDC – namely that the IOM would never come down that autism is a true side effect of vaccines.

It’s no surprise then that Rolling Stone Magazine stands by the story, even after Salon pulled it. So what happened at Salon that did not happen at Rolling Stone? What does Salon have that Rolling Stone does not? The answer: close familial ties to Arthur Allen, the thimerosal cover-up’s original media accomplice.

David Talbot: CEO and Founder of Salon, Brother-in-Law of Arthur Allen
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The retraction of Deadly Immunity came shortly after Salon Media Group appointed a new editor-in-chief – Kerry Lauerman. But his boss, Salon Founder and CEO David Talbot, who also happens to be brother-in-law to the vaccine industry’s original go-to guy Arthur Allen, may have planned the retraction even before Lauerman’s nomination. And Allen’s wife who is also Talbot’s sister, Margaret Talbot, was most likely the chief architect.

When Arthur Allen returned to the United States in 1995 after a career in foreign reporting for the Associated Press, his brother-in-law David Talbot started up Salon.com and became its editor-in-chief. The newly founded website was a nice little safety net for Arthur Allen while he restarted his career. Starting in 1996, he contributed dozens of articles to Salon. Just recently, Allen made his first contribution to Salon in nine years. In fact, there are perhaps few publications Allen has contributed to since 1995 that his wife had not previously contributed to, or that her brother had not previously edited and/or founded. Much of Allen’s success, it seems, has come from riding on the coattails of his more accomplished family members.

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Arthur Allen’s Wife, Margaret Talbot

Arthur Allen rekindled “his undergraduate interest in biology by becoming a science writer,” according to his defunct HuffPo bio. He makes it sound like he was a seasoned science writer, but that wasn’t at all the case. After his return to the United States, he completely depended on the newly founded website of his brother-in-law, David Talbot. Allen’s best career move was marrying Talbot’s sister, Margaret Talbot - staff writer for The New Yorker.

An interviewer witnessed the couple’s off-balance power dynamic firsthand when he arrived at their home. Allen’s wife was so angry at the interviewer's visit that she kicked the two of them out of the house to go do their interview elsewhere. In his conversation with me, the interviewer summed up their marriage in one sentence:

“She wears the pants in that relationship.”

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Arthur Allen’s Flip-Flop

If Talbot was angry about an interview Allen gave in 2008, one could only imagine her rage in 2005. That year, David Kirby’s book “Evidence of Harm: Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic, A Medical Controversy” was published, which plugged Allen’s 2002 New York Times Magazine Article critical of thimerosal, “The Not-So-Crackpot Autism Theory.” Allen himself also wrote Slate’s obituary for the late vaccine expert Dr. Maurice Hilleman that year, praising the late vaccinologist for warning the FDA about thimerosal, which the agency took no action to address.

Just months later, the website Margaret Talbot’s brother founded ran Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s exposé of the thimerosal cover-up and Congress’ attempts to shield its manufacturer, Eli Lilly, from related litigation. Two months after Kennedy’s article ran, Arthur Allen responded in Slate, this time coming out strongly in favor of the neurotoxic substance. But what caused Margaret Talbot to influence Arthur Allen when she did?

Margaret Talbot is not just a Staff Writer for The New Yorker, but is also a Senior Fellow for the “New America Foundation,” a think tank that “that invests in new thinkers”. New America is deeply entrenched in the vaccine industry. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is among its biggest financial backers, and a McKinsey Senior Partner, Lenny Mendonca, sits on New America’s board of directors. McKinsey’s connections to the vaccine industry are numerous andrun deep. One could only imagine the pressure New America Senior Fellow Margaret Talbot was under when David Kirby’s book came out, followed by “Deadly Immunity” on Salon.

So this pressure on Margaret Talbot, in turn, must have translated to pressure on her husband Arthur Allen who went from exposing vaccine risks to covering them up.

The professional jealousy Allen felt towards David Kirby after his book came out may have also played a role in pushing him to the other side.  Evidence of Harm became a New York Times bestseller and won Kirby an appearance on Meet The Press with journalism legend Tim Russert, while Allen’s own book Vaccine was still in development. This jealousy was overtly expressed in Allen’s Slate piece now defending thimerosal, in which he dismissed Kirby’s book as “written from the perspective of SafeMinds,” while Allen elevated himself as the first person to write about the thimerosal debate in-depth. Though Kirby’s book plugged Allen’s 2002 thimerosal piece, the star of Allen’s article – former Advisory Council on Immunization Practices member Dr. Neal Halsey – complained that the title misrepresented him as being open to the possibility that thimerosal could cause autism. In fact, he never was.

Dr. Halsey was more accurately represented in Kennedy’s piece as another congressionally reprimanded policymaker who held conflicts of interest. Allen’s article also played down the incrimination of the Simpsonwood Meeting of government officials seeking to cover-up evidence of harm from thimerosal, which was instead represented as scientists just looking over their shoulders while they work. The incriminating information about Dr. Halsey and Simpsonwood in Kennedy’s article was not in Allen’s 2002 article and could have only served to remind him that his New York Times Magazine article lacked the investigative depth of Kennedy’s.

To top it off, The New York Times, which originally ran Allen’s 2002 piece that gave some credence to thimerosal concerns, ran an article in 2005 by ethically bankrupt Gardiner Harris and his junior colleague Anahad O’Connor backing the CDC’s cover-up of thimerosal’s harm. The article, titled “On Autism’s Cause: It’s Parents vs. Research,” was plugged in Allen’s Slate defense of thimerosal, “Why Thimerosal is Safe.” Perhaps Harris’ hit piece was the final development that sent Allen over to pharma’s side.

The publications in which Allen defended thimerosal possessed the same conflicted ties as his wife’s think tank. Gates’ company, Microsoft, originally founded Slate - one of the websites Allen wrote for. It was eventually bought by The Washington Post, but not before Melinda Gates joined the paper’s board of directors. The Washington Independent, another website Allen contributed heavily to, was owned by the Center for Independent Media. But the think tank was anything but independent, because serving on its board is none other than Eric Braverman – McKinsey Partner since 1997.

New America Foundation – Not a New Problem

Just recently, Allen’s old stomping grounds, Slate, posted an article by another New America Fellow named Evgeny Morozov saying that vaccine injury should be covered up in Internet searches, using public health as a pretense. But this was hardly the first time the think tank has publicly backed the vaccine injury cover up.

The New American Foundation has been a supporter of CDC’s cover-up for a long time. New American Foundation Senior Fellow Dr. Atul Gawande included the malicious hit piece, “On Autism’s Cause: It’s Parents vs. Research” in the Best American Science Writing 2006. (Four years later, an editor with pharmaceutical ties included Amy Wallace’s Wired Puff Piece for Paul Offit, “An Epidemic of Fear,” in the Best American Science Writing 2010 edition.)

Just last November, Joe Colucci - primary blogger for New America’s New Health Dialogue blogwrote:

The overwhelming majority of anti-vaccine messages (claims that the MMR vaccine caused autism) were based on junk science, and posed an irresponsible risk to public health.

Arthur Allen’s Thimerosal Defense – A Look Back

Since 2005, Arthur Allen has vigorously defended thimerosal’s perceived safety. On a televised debate in 2007 with David Kirby, Allen claimed that a survey by the CDC showed that only 2% of childhood vaccines contained thimerosal by early 2002 as evidence that thimerosal was removed quickly and has no relationship to the increasing rates of autism in young children reported in California’s and the Department of Education’s autism statistics.

“Well, I’d like to see it,” Kirby responded skeptically.

What Allen didn’t say was that it was data from a convenience sample of a tiny fraction of pediatric clinics scattered throughout the country, merely recorded into the minutes of a public meeting held by the Advisory Council on Immunization Practices. Since convenience samples cannot be generalized, and since the clinics most convenient for the CDC to inspect for thimerosal-containing vaccines were likely the most convenient for the CDC make sure was free of thimerosal, Allen’s numbers are as good as useless.

The Council of State Governments’ 2005 Vaccine Safety Brief conceded that thimerosal was still in routinely recommended childhood vaccines as late as early 2004. In 2001, the American Academy of Pediatrics published recommendations of early screening for children with developmental disabilities – thus driving down the age of diagnosis. The policy was later revised in 2006 to demand children be specifically screened for autism spectrum disorders at 18-24 months, undoubtedly driving down the age of diagnosis eve more so and artificially driving up the prevalence in younger children – the premature increase of which was continuously used to defend the neurotoxin. The California Department of Developmental Services similarly published guidelines in 2002 for the early evaluation and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders. In spite of all this, Dr. Mark and David Geier published research that suggested the increase in autism cases in California were starting to slow down following thimerosal’s removal. Similarly, one of the coauthors behind the fudged Danish research attempting to show no correlation privately admitted to her colleagues (including indicted fraudster Poul Thorsen) of the autism statistics following thimerosal’s removal:

“I need to tell you that the figures in the manuscripts do not include the latest data from 2001. I only have these figures as a paper version and they are at work......(redaction).... But the INCIDENCE AND PREVALENCE ARE STILL DECREASING (emphasis added) IN 2001. …the incidence and prevalence are still decreasing in 2001.”

Meanwhile, the latest CDC figures of 1 in 110 having autism are in children born entirely before thimerosal’s phase-out.

Allen’s blunders didn’t stop there. In his 2008 article in Mother Jones Magazine (for which his brother-in-law David Talbot used to be senior editor), “Vaccine Skeptics Vs. Your Kids,” Allen complained that the concerns voiced by protesters at the Washington, D.C. “Green Our Vaccines” Rally that too many shots are given too soon was a new concern. (Mother Jones since did something similar to Salon’s retraction by posting an “Editor’s Note” denying a vaccine-autism link to an old 2004 story about thimerosal).

Allen concluded that the rally’s “too many too soon” argument represented a shift away from presumably older concerns like those about thimerosal. What Arthur Allen either forgot to mention or lied about was that eight years earlier, he had written a Salon article saying that Congressman Dan Burton believed his grandson’s autism was caused by too many vaccines given at once:

Burton believes that a combination of 11 shots overwhelmed the immune system of his grandson Christopher, causing him to become autistic.

Congressman Burton was also one of the featured speakers at the rally, held in front of the capital where he once held 
congressional hearings on vaccine safety.

Salon After Kennedy: a Mouthpiece, a Crony and a Gawker

The Talbot connections suggest Kennedy’s exposé was the first and last honest article about vaccine risks that Salon ran. As more evidence built up against the vaccine industry, Salon defended it more vigorously. Following the leaked Hannah Poling decision by David Kirby, AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) Fellow Dr. Rahul Parikh surfaced at Salon, claiming that the government should unseal the child’s confidential medical records. The following year, David Talbot’s longtime Salon colleague, Mary Elizabeth Williams, expressed her bizarre obsession with Jenny McCarthy by attacking her in every article Williams wrote about this controversy.

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And finally, following the retraction of Kennedy’s article, Salon writer Alex Pareene – who previously wrote for the gossip site Gawker –promoted the IOM’s latest whitewashed report. Gawker’s founder, editor and chief proprietor, Nick Denton, runs the operation out of his SoHo apartment in New York City, and has covered this debate from the vaccine industry’s perspective since 2008, the same year Seth Mnookin began working on his book defending the vaccine industry.

In old photos from a party held by Gawker in 2006, Seth Mnookin (L in photo) can be seen having a drink with Denton (R in photo). In the same article where the photo was posted, Gawker wrote that the only difference between the two was that Mnookin was able to kick his drug habit. Gawker, which heavily promoted Mnookin’s novel upon its release and called him a “Gawker pal,” seemed to imply that its own editor was on drugs.

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Seth Mnookin – From Criminal Creds to Salon Credibility

Gawker’s pal is Salon’s friend. That’s what Salon editor Kerry Lauerman called Mnookin following the retraction of Kennedy’s article. Lauerman disclosed that he considers Mnookin a “friend” of his as well as a friend of Salon’s. It was at Salon where Mnookin got his start as a journalist, ironically by writing about his troubled past dealing drugs, committing burglary and biting a police officer. His article “Harvard and Heroin” won him respect at Salon, which included it among its “Best of 1999” series.

Seth Mnookin’s Rolling Stone Rumor – The Perfect Pretense

Seth Mnookin’s rumor helped give Salon the excuse it needed to strike Kennedy’s article from its website.

Though Mnookin brought nothing to the table that could discredit “Deadly Immunity,” he did make one finding that he was able to distort in his favor – a distortion he used in his book. In early 2010, the Rolling Stone website was undergoing some major housekeeping. In this process, Kennedy’s article was accidentally deleted from the website and later became available online only to subscribers.

But Seth Mnookin suggested more conspiratorial mechanisms – that Rolling Stone was ashamed of the piece and secretly deleted it from the website (perhaps his only original contribution in his entire book of pre-existing pharma talking points). As Mnookin’s manuscript reviewer, Arthur Allen no doubt vetted this rumor.

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Kerry Lauerman’s Retraction – Payback For His Promotion?

Margaret Talbot’s brother David was not CEO at the time RFK Jr.’s article was retracted, but David Talbot still played a major role in Salon’s affairs. As the site’s founder, he served on both Salon Media Group’s board of directors and the nominating committee – the committee that nominates Salon employees like Lauerman to high-ranking positions. Eight Months after Lauerman’s appointment to editor-in-chief, Talbot become CEO of Salon Media Group – a position he held for the first decade of the online news enterprise’s existence. Lauerman was the first to hail his master’s return as Chief Executive Officer, perhaps because of Talbot’s role in Lauerman’s promotion.

And so, following his promotion, Lauerman posted an official retraction of Kennedy’s piece in a possible effort to mimic The Lancet’s now-discredited retraction of Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s paper the year before. And Salon’s reason for doing so was what it cited as the new criticisms of Seth Mnookin, which was actually just the Rolling Stone Rumor that he had started.

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Joan Walsh, Demoted Editor-in-Chief, Tries to Restyle Her Salon Career

Kennedy was not the only one who suffered from Lauerman’s new appointment. When he was promoted to Salon’s new role as editor-in-chief, his predecessor Joan Walsh was demoted to editor-at-large. She had been editor-in-chief of Salon at the time of Deadly Immunity’s publication, and she stood by the story even after Harvey Fineberg and friends tried to nitpick every canard in the article they could find, but could not undermine the exposé. Much of the supposed criticism boiled down to the age-old accusation that Kennedy dishonestly quoted “out-of-context” for providing succinct quotes rather than the entire paragraph-long passages from which they originated – an impossible expectation for any magazine article.

Even after a 2007 Senate “investigation” by Senator Mike Enzi – who received the bulk of his campaign contributions from the healthcare/pharmaceuticals industry – attempted to whitewash the corruption that happened at places like Simpsonwood, Salon stood by the story.

Only after Walsh suffered professionally did she claim to regret publishing Kennedy’s piece. In an apparent attempt to make her demotion look voluntary, she had said she was going to work on a book.

Rolling Stone Sets The Record Straight, Dispels Seth Mnookin’s Rumor

Weeks after the retraction of Deadly Immunity (which took place five days after the release of Seth Mnookin’s book), Rolling Stone Magazine posted a clarification that dealt a stunning blow to the credibility of Salon’s retraction. Rolling Stone posted an editor’s note dispelling Mnookin’s rumor that the magazine secretly retracted Kennedy’s article. Rolling Stone stood by the story, saying that the site was undergoing a makeover and that the article was deleted by accident:

Editor’s Note: The link to this much-debated story by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was inadvertently broken during our redesign in the spring of 2010. (We did not remove the story from the site, as some have incorrectly alleged, nor ever contemplated doing so.) The link to the original story is now restored, including the corrections we posted at the time and the subsequent editorial we published about the ensuing controversy.

Seth Mnookin took credit for starting the rumor, but showed no remorse when it was disproved:

I’m pretty sure I’m the “some” who were “incorrectly alleged” that the magazine had removed the piece — or at least I haven’t found anyone else who brought it up.

But Mnookin seemed to have found a new pretense for why Rolling Stone should still retract the article - the recent suspension of Dr. Mark Geier’s medical license by the Maryland Board of Physicians, even though the brief mention of him in the article had nothing to do with the reasons cited for his suspension. And later that year, the medical board that suspended him came under fire from the state legislature, which accused the board of flouting fairness statutes for doctors.

Nonetheless, Mnookin still tried to breathe whatever life he could back into his old rumor that Rolling Stone secretly deleted the story, by sending the magazine some “questions” about the piece’s inadvertent removal. One read:

*Why did it take four months from the time when Salon retracted the story (and I pointed out its absence from rollingstone.com) for the magazine to re-post it online?

Had he bothered the read the date on the editor’s note, he’d know that it was not posted four months after Salon retracted the article. It was posted mere weeks later. Stunningly, Seth Mnookin just didn’t notice it until four months later.

But pitiful pretenses aside, it is quite comical that Seth Mnookin thinks he holds any sway at all with a magazine that recently published a clarification to specifically dispel a rumor that he created. Though with all the attention he’s received already, it’s easy to see how Mnookin could delude himself into thinking he can influence any media publication he wanted.

Yet while Mnookin may have a bubble of cronies within mainstream media that will promote him at every turn, his credibility outside that bubble is practically non-existent. Arguably, nothing demonstrates Mnookin’s lack of influence among outside journalists better than Rolling Stone’s courageous defense of Kennedy’s article following its retraction by the website run by Arthur Allen’s brother-in-law.

Will Seth Mnookin Allow His Own Credibility to Be Sacrificed like Arthur Allen’s Was?

If history is any indicator, Seth Mnookin’s bubble might soon pop.

At first glance it’s hard to believe that Arthur Allen, thrown under the bus on national televisionby the Department of Health and Human Services, was the number one media accomplice to vaccine-injury cover-up. But for years, Allen’s purpose has been to defend HHS honchos like Sebelius and keep them out of trouble. So he did the only thing he could do – nothing, allowing her to wreck his credibility. When I emailed him asking if the statement he attributed toKathleen Sebelius was true in which she encouraged media censorship of vaccine damage– a statement her people claimed not to remember her saying - he ignored my email altogether.

But would Seth Mnookin, who has undoubtedly taken on Arthur Allen’s role in this controversy, allow his own credibility to be sacrificed in order to defend powerful people like Sebelius? Having met Mnookin, questioned him, and been thrown out of a public conference by him, I can attest that he does not take well to having his credibility undermined. If anything, he will go to desperate lengths to make himself seem credible. Whether it’s trying to prove he loves autistic people after booting one out of his own event or lobbying a magazine to retract an article after falsely claiming it was retracted by the publication, one has to wonder what Mnookin won’t do to boost his public image.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Thimerosal Article Still Stands

Despite the efforts by Arthur Allen, Seth Mnookin, Kerry Lauerman, Joan Walsh and the Talbots to undermine Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s thimerosal article, his exposé is as valid today as it was upon publication in Rolling Stone and Salon over five years ago. That Salon would retract the article based on a rumor spread by Mnookin about a national magazine - with no fact checking by Salon to verify if it was correct – shows how special interests trump the truth, and how far Salon.com and the people behind it are willing to go to cover-up vaccine injury. Rolling Stone continues to value facts and is not under the conflicted influence of the thimerosal cover-up’s accomplices.

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Post by lizardking Mon Feb 01, 2016 12:31 am

The Death of Public Discourse and the Heavy Snow of Plausibility

“WARNING: This Site is Hazardous to Those Who Promote Censorship”

It is becoming apparent that all of the internet activity around vaccines and autism is frustrating those who support the “scientific consensus” that there is no connection between vaccines and autism.

On January 23, Evgeny Morozov wrote an article for Future Tense called “Warning: This Site Contains Conspiracy Theories” which proposes the notion that search engines should label and flag websites that engage in discourse about the potential link between autism and vaccines. Morozov suggests that Google and Bing install a “pop up message” advising readers to “check a previously generated list of authoritative resources before making up their minds.” Morozov’s support for censorship is particularly ironic given that he has written extensively on how authoritarian regimes have used the internet to further oppression. This article was followed up by Commentary by Dr. Kevin Pho on KevinMD.com in an article titled “Should Google censor anti-vaccine claims?” Dr. Pho described Morozov’s article as “fascinating.”

Is censorship really “fascinating”? History doesn’t usually record it that way. In fact, censorship is usually accompanied by oppression – as Morozov notes. I suspect that those who have suffered oppression – and censorship – do not sit around wondering how fascinating the experience was.

That the concept of censorship is so comfortably proposed by seemingly main stream people is of profound concern to me. It seems that those who support the vaccine program have convinced themselves that the program is above discussion and public discourse. Vaccines are all good and unquestionably safe. Those who make them, administer them and supply them are all beyond reproach. Bringing up the radioactive ‘autism’ thing really throws them into a tizzy. Not only is discussion of vaccines and autism found to be against “scientific consensus” but it is now supposed to be described as a “fringe theory.” If you talk about this issue, you are a member of a lunatic fringe. You are out there in the woods, looking for Bigfoot.

But are descriptions of vaccine injury associated with autism really crazy? Should discussion of vaccine injury and autism be verboten?

The vaccine program is a complex, multi-layered government and corporate program. It is a big part of Public Health Policy. As someone who works for a local government, it is my belief that Public Health Policy issues involve the public. That means conversation – what we used to call ‘public discourse.’ But with this program, no one is supposed to ask questions and the lecturers are above answering them. In fact, it has become fashionable to remove those who pose tough questions from lectures about how to promote the vaccine program. Dr. Paul Offit, a vaccine industry spokes person who has made significant income from vaccines, has had a young journalist named Jake Crosby removed from two of his lectures and has called Mr. Crosby a “stalker.” Apparently, asking hard question gets you labeled a criminal and shown the door.

Interesting how censorship is immediately followed by oppression, isn’t it?

Back in May, you might recall that Mary Holland, Robert Krakow, Lisa Colin and I published a paper in the Pace Environmental Law Review called Unanswered Questions From the Vaccine Injury Compensation: A Review of Compensated Cases of Vaccine-Induced Brain Injury (http://digitalcommons.pace.edu/pelr/vol28/iss2/2/0). The paper showed that the US Government has been compensating children within the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) for over twenty years for vaccine injuries that involved brain damage and seizures. And quite remarkably, many of these children also suffered from the behavioral disorder that DSM-IV - but maybe not DSM-V - calls “autism.”

Isn’t it interesting that the US Government established a compensation program to deal with vaccine injuries? Some public discourse must have prompted Congress to do this back in the 1980’s. And in this government program, the Department of Health and Human Services has quietly acknowledged that vaccine injuries sometimes “include” autism and “autism-like symptoms.”

It seems that over the past twenty four years that when Dr. Geoffrey Evans, Director of the HHS Division of Vaccine Injury Compensation, and his staff sit down and screen all the claims filed in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and look into individual cases, the “fringe belief” isn’t so fringe anymore. The cold, hard fact is that vaccine injury is indelibly linked to autism not because of the internet or because of conspiracy theories but because of the reality of vaccine injury. We found that there were a significant number of children compensated for vaccine injury who also had autism. This had been going for years before Dr. Andrew Wakefield, blamed by Dr. Offit for the creating the controversy, ever appeared on the scene. I find it “fascinating” that Dr. Evans didn’t think that this information should be disclosed during the Omnibus Autism Proceedings, the multi-year proceeding aggregating over 5,000 claims of vaccine-induced autism. Maybe Dr. Evans feared censorship and oppression.

All those compensated cases speak loudly and clearly to plausibility and against vaccine-induced autism being a “fringe belief.” And all of those vaccine injured children with autism have family members who talk about what happened to their children.

Interestingly, we found that Unanswered Questions was censored as well. The article was given to many, many mainstream news outlets. Many ignored the peer-reviewed article, but we also received feedback that indicated that reporters and journalists were instructed not to report on the findings. As one highly placed journalist told me, “I am stunned by what you found and what is going on here…but I am not allowed to cover this story.”

And now I read and article in the Vancouver Courier that Drs. Chris Shaw and Lucija Tomljenovic of the University of British Columbia (UBC) are beginning to draw fire from Dr. Offit for their recent work. Their November 2011 article in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry describes correlations and possible causal links between increased exposures to aluminum adjuvants in vaccines and increased neurological problems. Dr. Offit has informed a reporter that the peer-reviewed paper “should never have been published.” He then went on to vent his spleen about Dr. Wakefield and the MMR controversy. The message was clear: the vaccine program is above question. And if you are inclined to ask questions, remember Dr. Wakefield.

Green College of UBC planned to have a lecture series on vaccine safety. But it seems that the criticism from Dr. Offit and his crew is having its usual chilling effect. The lecture series appears to be in jeopardy and may not run. Public discourse be damned. The vaccine program must remain above inquiry.

And now it seems that those who cloak themselves in “scientific consensus " want censorship brought to the internet as well. They will try to sell it as a reasonable measure at first – nothing more obnoxious than a pop-up statement. But that is just the beginning. And history tells us that it will not be too long before censorship’s next of kin – oppression – is on display. That is what those with “scientific consensus” really want. They want contrary research retracted, rebellious doctors sanctioned, and those who ask uncomfortable questions silenced. They want websites shut down and investigative journalists run out of town. They even want to end the epidemic by un-diagnosing the thousands that they finally got “better at diagnosing” over the past twenty years. They want all discourse about vaccine injury to end. And they will claim that “scientific consensus” permits them to do so.

But there is a problem. And it is a big one.

It has to do with the fact that people – parents – are observing their children getting sick and regressing after vaccination. Some of these children go on to develop autism. These experiences are real, important, and hugely worthy of investigation. And family members will talk about what they experience no matter what the censors do.

Last year some Young men came knocking at my door after the tenth snowfall of the winter and asked if they could make a few dollars shoveling my driveway. I wanted to ask them where they had been for blizzards one through nine but I censored myself and happily agreed to have them do the job instead of me. While they were out there, one of my sons with autism went out and played in the snow and began playing with them as well. The young men were great with my son and I made a point of thanking them for being such gentlemen and good neighbors.

Then one of them said, “I have a cousin with autism so I know what this is all about…You know my aunt swears that a vaccine made him that way.”

Try censoring that.

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Post by lizardking Mon Feb 01, 2016 2:25 am

Vaccination – A Call for Parental Caution and Industry Reform

Please give careful attention to the following studies and references:


Institute of Medicine (as pro-vaccine as they come) report comparing various types of mercury exposure: www.iom.edu/~/media/Files/Activity%20Files/PublicHealth/ImmunizationSafety/Lucier.ashx. Note the “conclusions” section, in which it is recommended that ethylmercury (also know as thimerosal preservative, used in many vaccines, although less so than in the past) exposure be considered equivalent to methylmercury in neurotoxicity.

When rats were administered ethylmercury by injection, after 3 to 10 days brain concentrations of inorganic mercury were higher than in those injected with methylmercury, with diffuse concentrations in multiple organs, particularly damaging the kidneys. With a 20% increase in ethylmercury dose, ganglion damage and coordination disorders exceeded those of the methylmercury-treated rats (this accords with the IOM conclusion noted above) – See www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/4091651

Also see www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3264864/, which suggests the exitotoxicity pathway by which injected ethylmercury may cause such brain damage. More research is needed to establish the chemistry and altered protein synthesis involved, but much is already known. – ije.oxfordjournals.org/content/41/1/79.full

The results are similar with infant monkeys -http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16079072, with dramatic results for motor coordination and root, snout, and suck reflexes -http://fedgeno.com/documents/delayed-neonatal-reflexes-in-primates-receiving-thimerosal.pdf

Then there’s this to make sense of the above: 

The aforementioned studies and video are more than sufficient to convince an open-minded researcher of the neurotoxic potential of thimerosal, particularly when administered in multiple doses. 

Some fetuses, infants, children, and even adults are more prone to an inflammatory response or to the types of epigenetic miscue that lead to dysfunction for a number of reasons, not limited to:

- Timing in relation to fetal/neural/organ development;
- Genetic predispositions including poor methylation of key genes (see www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/the-role-of-methylation-in-gene-expression-1070);
- Inability to effectively detoxify metals through feces, urine and skin.

Unfortunately, elimination of toxins and other epigenetic triggers before damage takes place is impossible for some of the compounds in vaccines. An observer may not see or otherwise detect the damage; perhaps it is too diffuse to critically affect one organ or system, or the individual in question has more of a vital amino acid, protein, or enzyme necessary to bond with and neutralize a particular contaminant. But that does not mean that damage – in the form of persistent inflammation and/or autoimmunity that will vary for every person – has not occurred.

One major problem with epidemiological studies of toxicological exposures is that they simply do not examine tissues in the lab, and no one – doctor, scientist, or parent – can predict which organ, system, or tissue will be most affected when an inflammatory or autoimmune response is induced, whether by vaccine or environmental toxin. Nevertheless, because of the prevalence of such toxins, we find ourselves in the midst of a pandemic of neurological damage and other serious health problems that affect nearly everyone in highly vaccinated populations, and the diverse nature of many of the diseases and syndromes related to such toxic exposures has often prevented direct implication of vaccines as a causative factor.

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Post by lizardking Mon Feb 01, 2016 2:29 am

All the Vaccines Are Contaminated – Every Last One of Them

By S. Edmonson for Salem-News.com

 “The chief, if not the sole, cause of the monstrous increase in cancer has been vaccination” 
– Dr. Robert Bell, once Vice President International Society for Cancer Research at the British Cancer Hospital

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Have you been rushing out to get a yearly flu vaccine or diligently taking your children for the 40 or so mandated childhood vaccines?

That’s really a shame because you have unwittingly been trading a run-of-the-mill flu or just the measles, for loading up your or your children’s bodies with cancer and other deadly viruses, a destructive bacteria, a chemical selected to damage fertility, and with synthetic DNA that threatens to damage your own DNA – the biologic code for your existence.

Who is saying the vaccines are contaminated?

None other than the (now deceased) head of vaccines at Merck, Dr. Maurice Hillerman, who on camera  admitted that Merck’s Hepatitis B vaccines, contaminated with a virus, caused the AIDS epidemic in the US. He went on to say that all of Merck’s vaccines are contaminated with cancer and other viruses. (The US government has conceded the HEB B vaccine causes Lupus. That vaccine is mandated for every infant in the US on the day of birth, and is associated with MS as well.)

For Jews who have almost religiously believed in medical authorities about vaccines and poo-pooed those worried about the safety of vaccines, they might want to notice that Hillerman was Jewish.

Or they might recognize that so is Dr. Larry Palevsky, a board certified NY pediatrician, who for ten years routinely gave vaccines to his patients until he noticed them losing eye contact and then began looking into the vaccines he had blindly trusted. He found that they are ALL contaminated with viruses that are so small they can never be removed. He no longer gives any vaccines. He now treats his young patients for autism and other neurologic injuries from vaccines.

Donald W. Scott, the editor of The Journal of Degenerative Diseases and the co-founder of the Common Cause Medical Research Foundation, links vaccines to AIDS (as did Hillerman) and to US bio-weapons research, and says they are contaminated with mycoplasma, a primitive bacteria that takes apart cell walls.

Perhaps the highest scientific authority saying vaccines are contaminated is Garth Nicolson. He is a cell biologist and editor of the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Metastasis, and the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. He is one of the most cited scientists in the world, having published over 600 medical and scientific peer-reviewed papers, edited over 14 books, and served on the editorial boards of 28 medical and scientific journals. He is not just saying that vaccines are contaminated with mycoplasma but is warning the US that they are. Nicolson goes further and says that we are all being damaged by them and contracting chronic degenerative diseases that.

That damage translates into lifelong patients (and thus life-long profit) for the pharmaceutical industry making the vaccines and he says doesn’t appear to be accidental.

Read the entire article here.

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Post by lizardking Mon Feb 01, 2016 2:39 am

US Government Concedes Hep B Vaccine Causes Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Here we present the US Federal Court’s decision and order in full below.
The claimant in this case was dead when the damages were awarded. Tambra Harris died on November 9, 2009. Tambra’s mother and Administratix of her estate, Louvonia Deniece Harris, was substituted as petitioner, and an amended petition was filed on October 15, 2010.
Hepatitis B vaccine is given to US infants at birth for a disease which they are not at risk of.
Why? At risk groups are intravenous “recreational” drug abusers and those who practice unsafe sex – which rules out new born babies.
Whilst the risk factors for babies have changed little, there is now impressive evidence that for a preventive measure, hepatitis B vaccine is remarkable for the frequency, variety and severity of complications from its use. The toxicity of this vaccine is so unusual that, even if crucial data are regrettably concealed or covered by Court order, scientific evidence is already far higher than normally needed to justify severe restrictive measures.

Quote from French expert Dr. Marc Girard.  See CHS article below for full details: UK Government Caught Lying On Baby Hep B Vax Safety.  Whilst other evidence is embargoed by the French Courts, Dr Girard has been able to publish a scientific review of the unembargoed evidence from the French Courts of the vaccine’s hazards (Autoimmun Rev 2005; 4: 96-100). Dr Girard shows that French health authorities suppress studies demonstrating serious risks. Hepatitis B vaccine has been shown in many peer reviewed research papers [including from Harvard University – detailed references at end] to be associated with numerous infant deaths in the USA and Europe, multiple sclerosis and numerous chronic auto-immune disorders [see below for more details].

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Post by lizardking Mon Feb 01, 2016 2:42 am

UK Government Caught Lying On Baby Hep B Vax Safety

The British Government has been caught lying this week in news reports in two British Sunday newspapers about a proposal to give 8 week old British babies Hepatitis B vaccinations.
A Department of Health spokesman was quoted claiming:-
The safety of children is always paramount whenever decisions are taken regarding what vaccines are included as part of the child vaccination programme.“: New vaccination fears over plan to give hepatitis jabs at eight weeks old Mail on Sunday 12th April 2009, Vaccination fears over plan for Hepatitis B jabs for babies : Sunday Telegraph 12 Apr 2009.

Only cost and not safety is legally permitted to be an objection under the UK New Labour Government’s new law in effect from April 1 this year[full details below].  Whilst 8 week old babies are not at risk from Hepatitis B, they are from the vaccine [full details below].  And six five EU Hepatitis B vaccines have lost their marketing authorisations since 2000, the latest being last week – GlaxoSmithKline’s Hepatitis B Energix Bvaccine [full details below].
Hepatitis B vaccine has been shown in many peer reviewed research papers [including from Harvard University – detailed references at end] to be associated with numerous infant deaths  in the USA and Europe, multiple sclerosis and numerous chronic auto-immune disorders.  These latter include Guillain-Barre syndrome, lupus, rheumatism, blood disorders and chronic fatigue.  The only potential claimed infant risk group is alleged to be babies born in the UK to mothers from countries with claimed-to-have high rates of infection.  Around 2000 British born infants are already being vaccinated annually in the UK.  At risk groups are intravenous “recreational” drug abusers and those who practice unsafe sex – which rules out 8 week old babies.
There has been a criminal judicial investigation in France into the adverse effects of this vaccine.  France was the first country to introduce universal Hepatitis B vaccination and saw effects  which included the first ever seen and harrowing cases of childhood multiple sclerosis in France.
Research also shows that the prevalence of Hepatitis B is low in the UK, consistent with previous estimates and suggesting that many infections were acquired outside the UK. This all suggests Government should concentrate its efforts on effective treatment rather than vaccination of infants against a disease which does not affect them. Proponents of the vaccination claim rates of Hepatitis B infection are “spiralling” but based on “estimates”. Regrettably “estimates” can be “pulled” in one direction or another depending on which direction those responsible for the “estimates” are more interested in seeing them move.  And in these circumstances, they can never be justification for vaccinating all babies to protect adult drug abusers and practitioners of unsafe sex.
Additionally, UK and EU authorities have withdrawn marketing licences for 6 5 Hepatitis vaccines claiming a lack of efficacy in some cases, voluntary withdrawal by the applicant in others and denying in one case [Hexavac] any association with 6 infant deaths in Germany. The deaths were reported in a 2005 research paper as possibly caused by the vaccine: “Unexplained cases of sudden infant death shortly after hexavalent vaccination.” Zinka B, Rauch E, Buettner A, Rueff F, Penning R. – Vaccine. 2005 May 18.
The most recent vaccine to lose its authorisation was last Last week the UK Medicines  and Healthcare Products regulatory Agency withdrewrequired recall of a batch of GlaxoSmithKline’s Hepatitis B Engerix Bvaccine marketing authorisation with Professor Kent Woods, chief executive of the MHRA stating:-
The safety of the vaccine is not in question, but it is suspected to be ineffective.” MHRA recalls GSK’s Hepatitis B vaccine – 07 Apr 2009 – Regulatory Affairs – Hays Pharma News

The other most recent vaccine to lose its European marketing authorisation was  Quintanrix [also from GSK] in August last year. The other vaccines are: Infanrix [GSK], Hepacare [Celltech] and Primavax [Aventis Pasteur].
So if ‘The safety of children is always paramount’ why the British Department of Health is even contemplating such a vaccine for 8 week old babies is beyond comprehension.”

And do vaccines cause autistic conditions?  If you read nothing else we strongly recommend you read this: PDF Download – Text of May 5th 2008 email from US HRSA to Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News].  In it the US Health Resources Services Administration [HRSA] state to CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson
We have compensated cases in which children exhibited an encephalopathy, or general brain disease. Encephalopathy may be accompanied by a medical progression of an array of symptoms including autistic behavior, autism, or seizures.

After the Hannah  Poling story broke in the USA in February 2008 [see CHS article here] under the media spotlight numerous US health officials and agencies conceded on broadcast US nationwide TV news from CBS and CNN. Full details with links to the original sources can be found in this CHS article: Vaccination Causes Autism – Say US Government & Merck’s Director of Vaccines. Hannah developed an autistic condition after 9 vaccines administered the same day.
But there is worse to come and it shows the UK’s New Labour Government has been irresponsible handing recently from 1st April 2009 legal power to dictate vaccination policy exclusively to the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation: UK Government Hands Drug Industry Control of Childhood Vaccination.  The JCVI regrettably has a demonstrable track-record of recklessness on safety up to and including the present day, as shown in FOI documents: British Government’s Reckless Disregard for Child Health Safety and UK Government Hands Drug Industry Control of Childhood Vaccination.
The DoH statement published in The Mail on Sunday is also untrue because:-

  • Under the new law The Health Protection (Vaccination) Regulations 2009 which came into effect on 1st April for England only, the Secretary of State has no power on the grounds of safetyto refuse to implement or reverse any Joint Committe on Vaccination and Immunisation recommendation

  • the JCVI expressly has no remit to take safety into account in its decision-making
    • [that role is supposedly the MHRA’s but regrettably they seem to rubber stamp a great deal of what the drug industry come up with – as has been shown time and again and not just with vaccines, but drugs like Seroxat – the “anti-depressant” shown not to work compared to placebo in some trials and which causes adolescents to be 3 times more likely to commit suicide in others.]

  • the only consideration the Secretary of State can take into account in rejecting JCVI recommendations is cost-effectiveness – not safety
  • contrary to the UK Department of Health claims, no childhood vaccines used on British children have ever been tested according to the gold standard of evidence – randomised placebo controlled clinical trials.
  • health officials refuse to ensure large scale studies of total health outcomes between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals are carried out.  These should show differences in overall health between these groups and some medical professionals believe this is because the studies would reveal the unvaccinated are healthier overall and high levels of chronic diseases in vaccinated individuals.
  • there is no clinical benefit to infants from Hepatitis B vaccine but infants are put at risk of the known and unknown adverse effects
  • this also means doctors and nurses are being expected to behave unethically and possibly criminally – because no caring parent will consent to a vaccine administered to an 8 week old baby on being told there are risks but no benefits

The main reason for the new drive to more and more vaccines – and this is well published in the trade press – is that the drug industry has been changing its business model.  The financial markets have known for many years the old model would fail – that of patented “blockbuster” drugs:-

  • the drug industry have made vaccines the new growth area because they are highly lucrative
    • they are drugs everyone gets – it is the same business model of Bill Gates’ Microsoft – pretty much everyone has to have Windows software – pretty much 
    • everyone gets vax’d
    • and the drug industry has been working hard behind-the-scenes to pursuade everyone – especially legislators – that they are vital when they are not and lobbying for changes in law just like this new law – which was introduced without Parliamentary debate and appears to be unlawful per se: UK Government Hands Drug Industry Control of  Childhood Vaccination

Dr Marc Girard, a specialist in the side effects of drugs and commissioned as a medical expert by French courts in the French criminal investigation into the introduction of universal Hepatitis B vaccination in France, suggests that even in high-endemic countries, the risk/benefit ratio of what he describes as “this unusually toxic vaccine” must be carefully re-assessed.
Regarding the health situation in the UK Dr Girard says the conclusion not to vaccinate is obvious. France was the first country to implement universal hepatitis B vaccination in 1994.
Whilst other evidence is embargoed by the French Courts, Dr. Marc Girard has also been able to publish a scientific review of the unembargoed evidence of the vaccine’s hazards (Autoimmun Rev 2005; 4: 96-100). Dr Girard shows that French health authorities suppress studies demonstrating serious risks.
Dr Girard has previously said:
Whilst the risk factors for babies have changed little, there is now impressive evidence that for a preventive measure, hepatitis B vaccine is remarkable for the frequency, variety and severity of complications from its use. The toxicity of this vaccine is so unusual that, even if crucial data are regrettably concealed or covered by Court order, scientific evidence is already far higher than normally needed to justify severe restrictive measures.

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Post by lizardking Mon Feb 01, 2016 3:05 am

Study: Vaccinated Children Have 2 to 5 Times More Diseases and Disorders Than Unvaccinated Children

A German study released in September 2011 of about 8000 UNVACCINATED children, newborn to 19 years, show vaccinated children have at least 2 to 5 times more diseases and disorders than unvaccinated children.

The results are presented in the bar chart below; the complete data and study results are here. The data is compared to the national German KIGGS health study of the children in the general population. Most of the respondents to the survey were from the U.S.

Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry - Page 3 Vaccine-chart

The data was collected from parents with vaccine-free children via an internet questionnaire by vaccineinjury.info and Andreas Bachmair, a German classical homeopathic practitioner. The website is not a pretty one (including Google ads for vaccines) but the actual data is what counts. The independent study is self-funded and is not sponsored by a large “credible” non-profit or government health organization with political and financial conflicts of interest. Each one of the 8000 cases are actual cases with medical documentation. Three other studies had similar results according to Bachmair and are reported below.
No study of health outcomes of vaccinated people versus unvaccinated has ever been conducted in the U.S. by CDC or any other agency in the 50 years or more of an accelerating schedule of vaccinations (now over 50 doses of 14 vaccines given before kindergarten, 26 doses in the first year). Most data collected by CDC is contained in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database. The VAERS is generally thought to contain only 3 to 5 percent of reportable incidents. This is simply because only some immediate reactions are reported by doctors; but many are not admitted to be reactions to the vaccine. Most importantly, the VAERS numbers are only immediate reactions, which I would place with a few hours to a few weeks. Long-term vaccine-induced diseases and disorders are not recognized by parents or doctors when these conditions develop perhaps a few months to five years or more and would never be realized to come from multiple vaccinations. In other words, many children and adults have diseases and disorders that are vaccine induced and they never suspect they are from the vaccines, as this study indicates.
Download and read the IAS1992study now.

Vaccinated Kids Have 2-5 Times More Diseases Than Unvaccinated


A recent study has come been completed and the results offer us information that should really make us question how we are approaching the health of our children early on in life.

A German study completed by Andreas Bachmair, who is a homeopathic practitioner, concluded that children who are vaccinated at birth have 2 – 5 times more diseases than those who do not receive any vaccines. The data for the study was collected from parents with vaccine-free children by means of an internet questionnaire at vaccineinjury.info. This study is an independent study that was self funded so no hidden agendas, bias or financial gains are at hand. Each one of the 8000 cases are actual cases with medical documentation. Three other studies had similar results according to Bachmair.

After all the data was collected and verified, it was compared against the national German KIGGS health study of children within the general population.

In the United States, no study on health outcomes of vaccinated people versus unvaccinated has ever been conducted by CDC or any other agency in the 50 years or more it has been administering an ever accelerating schedule of vaccinations. (Now over 50 doses of 14 vaccines given before kindergarten, 26 doses in the first year).

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database is generally thought to contain only 3 to 5 percent of reportable incidents. This is the case because only some immediate reactions are reported by doctors. Many of the adverse reactions remain hidden and not linked to the results of vaccines being admitted. Most importantly is the fact that the VAERS numbers are only immediate reactions. (A few hours or a week at most) More long-term vaccine-induced diseases are often not realized by doctors or parents as being the fault of the vaccines. Simply put, many children and adults have vaccine induced diseases but they are not being linked to vaccines being the cause.

The chart below indicates the results of the study completed.
Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry - Page 3 Vaxunvaxstudy

It is clear that there is a link between what we are injecting into our children and the onset of these diseases. The process is quite simple. The vaccines act in a way you would put a virus into a computer. Only this virus is a potentiality that can play out should the necessary conditions form. By putting all these potentials into the body and basically destroying the human immune system right at birth, the body is much more susceptible to what is thrown at it later in life. The purpose of the vaccines is not only to create disease and an unhealthy immune system but also to keep an individual very grounded into this world. Afterall, we can’t have kids walking around that would be a threat to the current system we have in place by thinking and being different.

Another study has also been done in africa that showed very similar results but in this case dealing with infant mortality rates.
The study performed in Guinea-Bissau, shows a doubling of the mortality rate among infants vaccinated with a single dose of DTP vaccine. The mortality rate more than quadrupled after the second and third dose.

According to Age of Autism:

“VAERS data also show high infant mortality in the U.S. after DTP vaccination (much higher than from pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus together, hence it is clear that DTP vaccine is harming more children than saving.”

Due to the blatant facts, a safety panel is convening in Japan to investigate the connection between two widely used vaccines — Pfizer’s Prevenar and Sanofi Pasteur’s ActHIB — and the deaths of five children in the past month. At this time, Japan’s health ministry has ordered doctors to stop immunizing infants with the vaccines until full investigations are done and a conclusion is made.

The report of these findings first aired on BBC news in January 2011. The next time the story was aired on BBC in that same week, a massive attack and smear campaign began on the doctors involved in the study. Needless to say, no other media outlets aired or picked up the story which lead to no coverage in other countries including North America.

The following was written in an article outlining the story of the findings introduced by Dr. Aaby and his team. As you can see, the story is not available online any longer

“… [A] team of Danish and African medical sleuths have pieced together evidence that could change public health care forever. They have discovered that vaccines and vitamin supplements have unexpected effects – good and bad – on the immune systems of children.

It’s the first time a British journalist has visited the Bandim health surveillance unit, where Dr Peter Aaby and his team has toiled for more than 30 years – through wars, natural disasters and epidemics… Their health detective work has generated more than 600 scholarly articles in the world’s leading medical journals, and been responsible for the withdrawal of a potentially deadly measles vaccine by the World Health Organization.

But the WHO has not acted on the most explosive findings yet coming from Guinea Bissau.

They show that the world’s most commonly used vaccines can strengthen – or weaken – a child’s immune system in the long term, and affect their ability to fight off disease. The results directly challenge the WHO’s global health advice, followed by most countries in the developing world, and could mean that thousands of young lives, in Africa and beyond, are needlessly at risk.

We’ll hear from some of world’s most respected public health scientists who back Aaby’s findings. The documentary also asks why the WHO has not yet acted on the evidence generated so far. And whether safety tests for new vaccines and vitamin supplements, heavily promoted by donor agencies and pharmaceutical companies alike, are sufficiently far-reaching.”

As Dr.Mercola states on his website about vaccines and vaccine safety:

“A number of things are clear:

[1]There are risks inherent with all vaccines
[2]Long-term health outcomes post-vaccination are typically not studied
[3]When you or your child is injured by a vaccine, the risks are 100 percent, and you will have to deal with the consequences on your own, because those who make and give vaccines are protected from liability in civil court, and federal vaccine injury compensation is very difficult to get.

What’s worse, a U.S. Supreme Court recently decided to give drug companies total liability protection for injuries and deaths caused by government mandated vaccines.”

On a more positive note, many of us are beginning to shift quite drastically within our own lives and the effects these vaccines have on us and our newborns is lessening. Still, we may want to look into avoiding vaccines both for ourselves and our children as they are born.



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Post by lizardking Mon Feb 01, 2016 3:10 am

Secret British MMR Vaccine Files Forced Open By Legal Action

Despite all the lies and deceit by health officials worldwide, the question “do vaccines cause autism” was answered when the Hannah Poling story broke in the USA [see CHS article here]. Hannah developed an autistic condition after 9 vaccines administered the same day. Under the media spotlight numerous US health officials and agencies conceded on broadcast US nationwide TV news from CBS and CNN. Full details with links to the original sources can be found in this CHS article: Vaccination Causes Autism – Say US Government & Merck’s Director of Vaccines. [Blue Text added 10 April 2011]

If you read nothing else we strongly recommend you read this: Text of email from US HRSA to Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News]. In it the US Health Resources Services Administration [HRSA] state to CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkission

"We have compensated cases in which children exhibited an encephalopathy, or general brain disease. Encephalopathy may be accompanied by a medical progression of an array of symptoms including autistic behavior, autism, or seizures.”

The main false accusation levelled in February 2004 was that Wakefield made his disclosures in a medical paper published in The Lancet medical journal because he wanted to make money being an expert witness in Court.  But few people know the following [and there is naturally full documentation on this].

Crispin Davis, the Chief Executive of Reed-Elsevier, the owners of “The Lancet”, had a few months earlier in the July [2003] been brought onto the Board of Directors of MMR litigation Defendants’ parent company GlaxoSmithKline.

[Global publishing giant Reed-Elsevier owns 2,460 scientific journals, including the magazine New Scientist and earns substantial funds from the drug industry in advertising revenue.  Corruption in medical publishing is rife.  Elsevier was paid by drug  giant Merck to publish a fake medical journal with articles favourable to Merck’s drugs: [Merck published fake journal – Bob Grant – The Scientist – 30th April 2009].  Drug maker Wyeth flooded medical journals with some 40 ghostwritten articles penned by prominent physicians who sold their name for cash, in an all-out effort to offset the scientific evidence linking its female hormone replacement drug, Prempro, to breast cancer: [Judge orders Wyeth papers unsealed– Associated Press – July 25, 2009].  Reed-Elsevier’s former chairman, Jan Hommen, attended the secretive annual Bilderberg conference in 2007 and 2010.  Bilderberg was described to senior British politician Lord Ashdown as ‘fifty people who run the world and twenty hangers on’: The Ashdown Diaries – Volume One 1988-1997; Penguin – 2000 – ISBN 0 14 029775 8 – pp.42-44]  [Blue text added 29 May 2011]].

Merck vaccine fraud exposed by two Merck virologists; company faked mumps vaccine efficacy results for over a decade, says lawsuit

According to Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski, both former Merck virologists, the Merck company engaged in all the following behavior:

• Merck knowingly falsified its mumps vaccine test results to fabricate a "95% efficacy rate."

• In order to do this, Merck spiked the blood test with animal antibodies in order to artificially inflate the appearance of immune system antibodies. As reported in CourthouseNews.com:

Merck also added animal antibodies to blood samples to achieve more favorable test results, though it knew that the human immune system would never produce such antibodies, and that the antibodies created a laboratory testing scenario that "did not in any way correspond to, correlate with, or represent real life ... virus neutralization in vaccinated people," according to the complaint. (www.courthousenews.com/2012/06/27/478...)

• Merck then used the falsified trial results to swindle the U.S. government out of "hundreds of millions of dollars for a vaccine that does not provide adequate immunization."

• Merck's vaccine fraud has actually contributed to the continuation of mumps across America, causing more children to become infected with mumps. (Gee, really? This is what NaturalNews has been reporting for years... vaccines are actually formulated to keep the outbreaks going because it's great for repeat business!)

• Merck used its false claims of "95 percent effectiveness" to monopolize the vaccine market and eliminate possible competitors.

• The Merck vaccine fraud has been going on since the late 1990's, say the Merck virologists.

• Testing of Merck's vaccine was never done against "real-world" mumps viruses in the wild. Instead, test results were simply falsified to achieve the desired outcome.

• This entire fraud took place "with the knowledge, authority and approval of Merck's senior management."

• Merck scientists "witnessed firsthand the improper testing and data falsification in which Merck engaged to artificially inflate the vaccine's efficacy findings," according to court documents (see below).

US government chose to ignore the 2010 False Claims Act!
Rather than taking action on this false claims act, the U.S. government simply ignored it, thereby protecting Merck's market monopoly instead of properly serving justice. This demonstrates the conspiracy of fraud between the U.S. government, FDA regulators and the vaccine industry.

Chatom Primary Care sues Merck for Sherman Act monopolization, breach of warranty, violation of consumer protection laws
Following the unsealing of this 2010 False Claims Act, Chatom Primary Care, based in Alabama, smelled something rotten. Three days ago, Chatom filed a lawsuit against Merck. That lawsuit record is available here:

It alleges, among other shocking things:

[Merck engaged in] ...a decade-long scheme to falsify and misrepresent the true efficacy of its vaccine.

Merck fraudulently represented and continues to falsely represent in its labeling and elsewhere that its Mumps Vaccine has an efficacy rate of 95 percent of higher.

In reality, Merck knows and has taken affirmative steps to conceal -- by using improper testing techniques and falsifying test data -- that its Mumps Vaccine is, and has been since at least 1999, far less than 95 percent effective.

Merck designed a testing methodology that evaluated its vaccine against a less virulent strain of the mumps virus. After the results failed to yield Merck's desired efficacy, Merck abandoned the methodology and concealed the study's findings.

...incorporating the use of animal antibodies to artificially inflate the results...

...destroying evidence of the falsified data and then lying to an FDA investigator...

...threatened a virologist in Merck's vaccine division with jail if he reported the fraud to the FDA...

...the ultimate victims here are the millions of children who every year are being injected with a mumps vaccine that is not providing them with an adequate level of protection. And while this is a disease that, according to the Centers for Disease Control ('CDC'), was supposed to be eradicated by now, the failure in Merck's vaccine has allowed this disease to linger, with significant outbreaks continuing to occur.

Chatom Primary Care also alleges that the fraudulent Merck vaccine contributed to the 2006 mumps outbreak in the Midwest, and a 2009 outbreak elsewhere. It says, "there has remained a significant risk of a resurgence of mumps outbreaks..."

This investigation is only beginning
NaturalNews has only begun to investigate this incredible breaking news about Merck and the vaccine industry. We are pouring through the court documents to identify additional information that may be relevant to this case, and we plan to bring you that information soon.

For the record, Merck denies all allegations. Is anyone surprised?

Bayer and US Government Knowingly Gave HIV to Thousands of Children

What if a company that you thought you could trust, knowingly sold you a medicine for your child that they knew had the potential to give your child HIV? How would you react? What if a government agency that claims the responsibility for protecting you from such treachery, not only looked the other way, but was complicit in this exchange?

Everyone has heard of Bayer aspirin, it is a household name. Bayer AG also manufactures numerous other products, from pesticides to medicine for hemophiliacs called Factor 8.

In 1984 Bayer became aware that several batches of this Factor 8 contained HIV. They knew this because there was an outbreak of HIV among hemophiliac children, and this outbreak was traced back to Bayer.

Unable to sell their Factor 8 in the US, Bayer, with the FDA’s permission, (yes that’s right, the FDA allowed Bayer to potentially kill thousands) sold this HIV infected medicine to Argentina, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore after February 1984, according to the documents obtained by the NY Times. The documents showed how Cutter Biological, a division of Bayer, shipped more than 100,000 vials of unheated concentrate, worth more than $4 million, after it began selling the safer product.

The result of this sale of HIV tainted medication ended up infecting tens of thousands and killing thousands. Thousands of innocent children and adults have died at the hand of this corporation and no punitive action has been taken against them. The health department leaders in Argentina, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore were all imprisoned, while the US FDA continues down its hellish path.

When asked about the sale of the tainted Factor 8, Bayer responded, ”Decisions made nearly two decades ago were based on the best scientific information of the time and were consistent with the regulations in place.” This can be interpreted as Bayer asking the FDA for permission to murder children for profit and the FDA giving its approval. According to the NY Times, the Food and Drug Administration’s regulator of blood products, Dr. Harry M. Meyer Jr., asked that the issue be ”quietly solved without alerting the Congress, the medical community and the public.”

No one in the government nor Bayer have been charged with anything in regards to this matter. Bayer continues to sell its Factor 8 medication to this day.

Fetal Deaths up 4000% after pregnant mothers took Flu Vaccine

Documentation received from the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW) states that between 2009 and 2010 the mercury-laden combined flu vaccinations have increased Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Systems (VAERS) fetal death reports by 4,250 percent in pregnant women. Eileen Dannemann, NCOW’s director, made abundantly clear that despite these figures being known to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the multiple-strain, inactivated flu vaccine containing mercury (Thimerosal) has once again been recommended to pregnant women as a safe vaccination this season.

Outraged by the CDC’s total disregard for human life, Ms. Dannemann accused the CDC of ‘willful misconduct,’ saying that they are responsible for causing the deaths of thousands of unborn babies. She stated that the CDC deliberately misled the nation’s obstetricians and gynecologists and colluded with the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (AJOG) to mislead the public by advertising the flu vaccine as a safe vaccine for pregnant women when they knew fully well that it was causing a massive spike in fetal deaths.

In a letter to Dr. Joseph Mercola, Ms. Dannemann wrote:
“Not only did the CDC fail to disclose the spiraling spike in fetal death reports in real time during the 2009 pandemic season as to cut the fetal losses, but also we have documented by transcript Dr. Marie McCormick, chairperson of the Vaccine Safety Risk Assessment Working Group (VSRAWG) on September 3, 2010, denying any adverse events in the pregnant population during the 2009 Pandemic season.” [1]

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Post by lizardking Mon Feb 01, 2016 3:12 am

Dozens of Children Dead After UN Gives Tainted Vaccine in “Rebel” Held Syria

87 Published Works on Vaccines and Adverse Health Concerns 

Vaccines and Monsanto’s RoundUp Cause Autism: MIT Scientist Exposes Consequence of Glyphosate and Aluminum Cocktail

By 2025, half the kids born in the U.S. will be diagnosed with autism, according to Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She, like many others says autism isn’t just genetic – it is almost surely due to environmental factors. Just a couple of those factors are Monsanto’s RoundUp (glyphosate) and heavy exposure to a cocktail of heavy metals, including aluminum.

BMJ investigation exposes corruption and conflicts of interest within the World Health Organization

This has come to a head today, on the publication in the British Medical Journal of a report and accompanying editorial [1,2] which focus on this issue. The report alone is voluminous, but here is a paragraph extracted from it that neatly sums up the issues:

‘A joint investigation by the BMJ and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism has uncovered evidence that raises troubling questions about how WHO managed conflicts of interest among the scientists who advised its pandemic planning, and about the transparency of the science underlying its advice to governments. Was it appropriate for WHO to take advice from experts who had declarable financial and research ties with pharmaceutical companies producing antivirals and influenza vaccines? Why was key WHO guidance authored by an influenza expert who had received payment for other work from Roche, manufacturers of oseltamivir, and GlaxoSmithKline, manufacturers of zanamivir? And why does the composition of the emergency committee from which Chan sought guidance remain a secret known only to those within WHO? We are left wondering whether major public health organisations are able to effectively manage the conflicts of interest that are inherent in medical science.’

How the Government’s Vaccine Policy is Infected by Corruption

Regarding corruption surrounding the recommendation of influenza vaccines; there are no restrictions with regard to conflicts of interest for the employees of the CDC or for those of the FDA (Kuehn, 2010). Each employee of either agency is allowed to own stock in drug companies. There is of course the revolving door. The most blatant example of revolving door corruption may be the action of the former director of the CDC, Julie Gerberding. Gererding blocked the CDC's planned retraction of their recommendation for HPV vaccine after significant numbers of girls had died or been rendered paralyzed by the HPV vaccine. Soon after blocking the retraction, Gerberding was offered and took a position at Merck, the manufacturer of Gardasil, the world's best selling HPV vaccine, as head of Merck Vaccines Department (Reuters, 2009). It is a level of corruption that we would expect to see in only third world countries.

In 1993, the Comprehensive Childhood Immunization Act was signed into law by President Clinton. Among the various provisions of the law is one that provides for between $50 and $100 to be paid by the CDC to school districts for every 'Fully vaccinated' child in their district. Here again, we see the opportunity for corruption. Vaccine manufacturers, their shareholders, including government employees, and school districts have the opportunity to make money for themselves, or for their departments. Certainly employees of school districts won't be 'getting fat' on the CDC's $50 to $100, but clearly there is a greater likelihood that they may lose their job due to cuts if the coercion to have students vaccinated ceases.

As well as this, one of the few peer review studies comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated in an infected population concluded "according to reliable evidence the usefulness of vaccines in the community is modest" (Jefferson et al, 2005). Yazbak (2013) states "The fact that the number of influenza-related deaths among the elderly kept increasing while the flu vaccination coverage in that particular group was improving steadily and substantially -from about 20% in 1980 to around 65% in 2001- seemed to intrigue the lead author of the study, Lone Simonsen, Ph.D., a senior epidemiologist at the Institute," and "The following findings were noted:

For people 85 and older, the mortality rate did not change throughout the 33 yearly flu seasons
In those 65 to 74 years of age, the mortality rate remained the same between 1980 and 2001
The "flu-related mortality" in the elderly remained always less than 10 percent of the total number of winter deaths."

Lyme Disease Community Blows the Whistle on Corruption Within the CDC 

A pre-marketing campaign for the vaccine is already apparent. The New York Times editorial board heavily promoted the Baxter vaccine in a recent editorial. The article referenced an Op-Ed by Dr. Stanley Plotkin, who was described as a "leading vaccine expert" and "professor of pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania," in which Plotkin said that he had been trying to "persuade manufacturers to make a new vaccine to help prevent some of the 300,000 new infections each year." He urged patients and physicians to write to the CDC and remind them of the need for a new Lyme vaccine, which would likely be recommended for a large part of the population of the United States. The editorial board concluded by saying, "It’s time to start writing those letters."

What the editorial board neglected to mention is that Dr. Stanley Plotkin is actually an "emeritus professor" at the University of Pennsylvania. His primary position is working as an executive adviser at the pharmaceutical firm Sanofi Pasteur, which is the largest company in the world devoted entirely to human vaccines. In addition, he's a consultant to most of the major vaccine manufacturers.

While news outlets like the Times receive funding through advertising from Big Pharma, the CDC is ostensibly an independent government agency acting to protect the public. Why would they have a financial stake in the vaccine? 

The New York Times best selling author Dr. Joseph Mercola says, "Conflicts of interest are rampant in the vaccination infrastructure. The same people who are regulating and promoting vaccines are also evaluating vaccine safety.

The CDC: A Truly Corrupt and Dangerous Organization

Flu Vaccines, pharma fraud, quack science, the CDC and WHO -- all exposed by Richard Gale and Gary Null

Last edited by lizardking on Mon Feb 01, 2016 3:20 am; edited 3 times in total

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Post by lizardking Mon Feb 01, 2016 3:14 am

WHO scandal exposed: Advisors received kickbacks from H1N1 vaccine manufacturers

A stunning new report reveals that top scientists who convinced the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare H1N1 a global pandemic held close financial ties to the drug companies that profited from the sale of those vaccines. This report, published in the British Medical Journal, exposes the hidden ties that drove WHO to declare a pandemic, resulting in billions of dollars in profits for vaccine manufacturers.

The report was authored by Deborah Cohen (BMJ features editor), and Philip Carter, a journalist who works for the Bureau of Investigative Journalism in London. In their report, Cohen states, "...our investigation has revealed damaging issues. If these are not addressed, H1N1 may yet claim its biggest victim -- the credibility of the WHO and the trust in the global public health system."

Mega Corruption Scandal At The WHO

"For the past 6 months, one could barely switch on the television in the Netherlands without seeing the face of famed virus hunter Albert Osterhaus talking about the swine flu pandemic. Or so it has seemed. Osterhaus, who runs an internationally renowned virus lab at Erasmus Medical Center, has been Mr. Flu. But last week, his reputation took a nosedive after it was alleged that he has been stoking pandemic fears to promote his own business interests in vaccine development. Last week, his reputation took a nosedive after it was alleged that he has been stoking pandemic fears to promote his own business interests in vaccine development. As Science went to press, the Dutch House of Representatives had even slated an emergency debate about the matter." 

Vaccine Corruption

83 Cases of Autism Associated with Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensated in Federal Vaccine Court

The peer-reviewed study looked at cases of vaccine injury that have been monetarily compensated by the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. It was published today in the Pace Environmental Law Review. The study investigated approximately 1300 cases of childhood brain injury as a result of vaccines in which the Special Masters ruled for the plaintiffs, looking for references to autism, symptoms of autism or disorders commonly associated with autism. It reports that twenty-one cases actually stated “autism or autism-like symptoms” in the court records. The researchers then identified and contacted 150 more compensated families to find out whether the children had autism. They were able to find an additional 62 cases (greater than 40% of their sample) for a total of 83 cases of autism. In 39 cases (47%) there was confirmation of autism beyond parental report.

White House admits staging fake vaccination operation to gather DNA from the public

The White House has officially admitted that fake vaccination programs have been used by the United States as a cover for covertly stealing DNA samples from the public as part of the so-called "war on terror." The aim of the scheme, carried out in the Middle East, was to use DNA analysis to identify suspected terrorists who would then be targeted to be killed by the United States.

Tetanus vaccines found spiked with sterilization chemical to carry out race-based genocide against Africans

Tetanus vaccines given to millions of young women in Kenya have been confirmed by laboratories to contain a sterilization chemical that causes miscarriages, reports the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, a pro-vaccine organization.

A whopping 2.3 million young girls and women are in the process of being given the vaccine, pushed by UNICEF and the World Health Organization.

Merck falsified its mumps vaccine efficacy results, say former employees

Merck knowingly falsified its mumps vaccine test results to fabricate a "95% efficacy rate" say former Merck virologists Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski in their shocking False Claims Act document.

Merck, of course, denies the claims, just like all the drug companies deny ever engaging in bribery, or using children for medical experiments, or ghostwriting "scientific" studies that get published in science journals, or conspiring to suppress competing generic drugsand so on. Yet, as history has shown, all the top drug companies areroutinely engaged in widespread criminal behavior, including conspiracy, fraud, bribery and more.

Government vaccine compensation payouts prove autism link

"What we did is we looked at the people who the government said are clearly vaccine injuries and awarded them compensation," said Lou Conte, the vaccine compensation recipient who helped coordinate the study.

"We asked the next question and that question was: Do some of these people also have autism?" said Conte. "We found that in 83 of the cases we were able to locate, the families report that their children have autism and symptoms of autism." (www.myfoxdc.com/dpp/health/new-study-...)

CDC scientific fraud: an update on Dr. Poul Thorsen who authored fraudulent study 'disproving' vaccine-autism connection and stole millions of dollars

One such liar is Dr. Poul Thorsen, a Danish scientist who was indicted for stealing millions of dollars from the CDC and using it to cover up vaccine dangers. Thorsen, as you may recall, was heavily involved in producing a stream of fraudulent studies that supposedly "disproved" the now-evident link between vaccines and autism. The CDC has also continually cited Thorsen's studies as "evidence" that vaccines are safe, declaring the debate to be over in light of their findings.

But, one by one, these and various other studies, including a prominent one published in the journal Pediatrics, are being called into question due to fraud and author conflicts of interest. And to make matters worse, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has yet to even follow through with its indictment of Thorsen, who continues to produce phony studies from his cozy position at Sygehus Lillebaelt Hospital in Kolding, Denmark.

Thorsen was later caught stealing money from the CDC and using it in his home country of Denmark to produce the infamous "Denmark Study," the holy grail that supposedly settled, once and for all, the vaccine-autism debate. Except it didn't. Thorsen was indicted by a federal grand jury in Atlanta, Georgia, on charges of wire fraud, money laundering and defrauding research institutions of grant money.

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Post by lizardking Mon Feb 01, 2016 3:37 am

Bill Gates Henry Kissinger Depopulation Africa: Paralyzing Vaccine Deaths 47,500 With 50 More Children Recently Paralyzed With Bill Gates Meningitis Vaccine!

U.S., Italian Courts Award Millions for Vaccine-Autism Cases 

in Italy, a court has ruled that in an MMR-autism case, the evidence "has conclusively established that the young child is suffering from AUTISTIC DISORDER ASSOCIATED WITH MEDIUM COGNITIVE DELAY ascribed with reasonable scientific probability due to the administration of the vaccine MMR." See HERE.

Here is a link to the settlement document.

List Of Peer Reviewed Vaccine Research

No Studies Vaccinated VS Unvaccinated:

"The whole of this mass of medical testimony (and more) was known to the Royal Commission. Indeed, on page 617 of the Sixth Report, Mr. II. II. Taylor, F.R.C.S., handed in a table, on 4th May, 1892, which gives a list of nearly a thousand cases and deaths from the invaccination of syphilis."

This table (3) gives a terrible record of the great increase in deaths from this horrible disease following upon the compulsory infliction of vaccination on the people.    It shows that the deaths from syphilis amongst the babies increased six-fold, whilst the population only increased one-quarter, in other words, the death-rate from syphilis amongst babies was increased four-fold. Nor is it likely that this table in the least degree exaggerates the deaths from infantile syphilis. The tendency amongst medical men would rather be to name some other disease as the cause of death, if it were possible to do so with accuracy. The facts given in this table are sufficient of themselves to condemn vaccination, and, indeed, the system of vaccination which had been practised for one hundred years is now universally condemned and aban­doned in the British Isles........It is hardly possible to avoid the conclusion that this slaughter of the innocents was in a great measure due to vaccination.
-[1921] Vaccination and the State By Arnold Lupton MP.

"Dr. Creighton found that in 1884, more than 1,733 of the vaccinated infants DIED OF SYPHILIS!"
TM Schippell ND

"It was long denied by medical men that syphilis can be communicated by vaccination; but this is now universally admitted, and no less than 478 cases of vaccine-syphilis have already been recorded."
-Alfred Wallace (1889)

"It is not now denied by the medical profession that vaccination is an exciting cause of infantile syphilis, and, according to the Registrar-General’s returns, Vaccination Mortality, No. 433, dated 1877, and Infant Mortality, No. 392, dated 1880, the increase in Infantile Syphilis, since vaccination has been compulsory, is fourfold."
-William Tebb

"Smillie (1952) related how in Rialta in Italy in 1861 no fewer than 46 children and twenty nurses were infected with syphilis from a donor who formed the start of a series of arm-to-arm vaccinations."

-Sir Graham Wilson (p107)

"First, that the danger of transmitting syphilis by vaccination is real and important, and cases of the kind not very uncommon; second, that inasmuch as a syphilitic vaccinifer may betray no sign of the disease, and that admixture of blood is not essential to infection, we as yet know of no safeguard against arm-to-arm infection; third, that it is possible for wholesale syphilisation by vaccination to go on "without even exciting a vaccinator's suspicions "—a fact which somewhat detracts from the value of the assurance of public vaccinators, who have vaccinated thousands and never seen a bad result, and who, as a rule, lose sight of their patients after the eighth day. ...............Mr. Hutchinson, be it understood, is a "firm advocate of compulsory vaccination," so that his evidence is the more unassailable ; yet he opines :—"there can be no doubt that the danger of transmitting syphilis is a real and very important one." His first series of cases he summarises thus:—"Twelve persons, mostly young adults, vaccinated from a healthy-looking child. Satisfactory progress of the vaccination in all. Indurated chancres on the arms of ten of the vaccinated in the eighth week. Treatment by mercury in all. Rapid disappearance of the primary sores; constitutional symptoms in four of the patients five months afterwards, the vaccinifer showing condylomata at the age of six months."  These cases, Mr. Hutchinson states, were brought to the notice of the medical officers of the Privy Council, and Dr. Seaton requested that he should investigate them. I call attention to this to disprove a widely current inaccuracy, an example of which I extract from Mr. Ernest Hart's  "Truth," to the effect that "No case of syphilis caused by vaccination has ever been discovered by the Medical Department of the State during the twenty years that it has supervised the vaccination of the kingdom."(The Truth about Vaccination," by Ernest Hart. 1880.)
-William J. Collins, M.D., B.S., B.Sc. 1883

"LYMPH, a colourless nutritive fluid in animal bodies" (Chambers’ Dictionary). How misleading to apply this term to a product of disease, used to produce another disease, and now admitted to be capable of transmitting some of the most horrible diseases which afflict mankind—syphilis and leprosy!"
-Alfred Wallace

"Depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World."
- Henry Kissinger

“If you proved vaccines were bad, a zillion-dollars would be spent to prove you wrong. If that didn’t work, more would be spent to discredit you, bury your intelligence beneath hundreds of pages of GOOGLE search results; and then there is always “COINTELPRO”–a top secret commercial enterprise that generates “Controlled Opposition” to whatever Madison Avenue wants you to believe.”
- Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz

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Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry - Page 3 Empty Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry

Post by lizardking Mon Feb 01, 2016 3:53 am

Gardasil quotes
[2014 April] Gardasil: Are you paying for your own bullet? 'I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times because at some point in time, the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine has absolutely no effect on cervical cancer and that all the very many adverse effects which destroy lives and even kill, serve no other purpose than to generate profit for the manufacturers.'

Marcella Piper-Terry shared: "You know how we've been told all those serious adverse reactions to Gardasil are "coincidence" and would have happened anyway?  B.S.   Merck used the aluminum adjuvant as the "control" in their clinical trials. There was no placebo. Of 7 clinical trials, only one used a placebo (saline solution) and the number of subjects was 594. In comparison, 15,706 subjects received Gardasil and 13, 023 subjects were injected with the aluminum adjuvant. They compared the number of serious adverse events between the Gardasil group ("experimental") and the adjuvant group ("control"). Not surprisingly, there was no significant difference between the number or severity of adverse events between the groups. That's because aluminum is a neuro-immune toxin and subjects who received the aluminum "control" were disabled, had seizures, developed autoimmune disorders and died at nearly identical rates to those who received the Gardasil vaccine.  The serious adverse events are being caused by the aluminum. They are not "coincidence" and they would not have occurred naturally.   Take home message: There is no safety data for Gardasil - and this is the status quo for vaccine manufacturers. Do you REALLY think they care about your health? Hint: the 3-shot series is nearly $400. Per person.   No wonder they want to vaccinate little boys and infants, too.  Just say NO."

[2010 Nov. Gardasil testimony. MS. BOYCE] Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting Transcript My daughter was actually sterilized by the vaccine....My daughter recently tested sterile at age 21, although she is still getting a relatively normal period.  Could it be that Merck intentionally developed this vaccine thinking it would affect a small number of individuals with PK deficiencies?  Is this what their intent was when they developed their recently approved fertility drug Aleva, which was just passed for European use?  I wonder if Merck and other big pharmas have intentionally taken advantage of genetic deficiencies.  I believe they have, and I believe this is what has happened many, many times over. ...After recent tests my daughter had done, I can now positively confirm that my daughter tested post-menopausal as it relates to her hormone levels, with no family history of early menopause.  She is no longer ovulating and she has hormone levels of a 50-plus-year-old woman.  My worst nightmares have come true.....I am pretty certain doctors aren’t even aware of the myriad of side effects they are saying are caused by PK deficiency.  Remember, it’s relatively new, only discovered in 1996.  It is horrifying to see previously perfectly healthy children now having seizures, migraines, pneumonias, personality disorders, fatigue, menstrual issues, vomiting, diarrhea, and the list goes on, post-Gardasil.  This vaccine needs to be pulled immediately.  Over 20,000 families are now begging for help, and no one is answering their desperate pleas.

"Just look at child vaccines. The more pornography and sexology increase juvenile sexual activity, the more big pharma can step in with an Hepatitis B vaccine for infants. HepB is a sexually transmitted disease, and there is no reason to give the vaccine to babies. But big pharma has been making a fortune on it ever since states have begun mandating that all of our little darlings, with their wee tiny hearts and lungs and no immune system functioning, be shot up with it (and recently small girls with Human Papilloma Virus, HPV vaccines) all in the name of protecting them. What we don’t want to do is turn off the pornography flood (no administration has chosen to do that) because it fuels so many other things. And in the wings are vaccines for syphilis and gonorrhea and a whole host of other sexually transmitted diseases.  [pdf 2007 Interview] Judith Reisman

"She says data available for Gardasil shows that it lasts five years; there is no data showing that it remains effective beyond five years. "[2009 Aug] Gardasil Researcher Speaks Out

"One of their teenage daughters became severely ill after her first dose of Gardasil. Dr. Ratner says she’d have been better off getting cervical cancer than the vaccination. “My daughter went from a varsity lacrosse player at Choate to a chronically ill, steroid-dependent patient with autoimmune myofasciitis. I’ve had to ask myself why I let my eldest of three daughters get an unproven vaccine against a few strains of a nonlethal virus that can be dealt with in more effective ways.”[2009 Aug] Gardasil Researcher Speaks Out

The hoax of modern medicine and its toxic medications by Viera Scheibner 

The latest scandal is the cervical cancer vaccine. Very soon after its mass administration to very young girls, it transpired that it caused very serious reactions such as syncope, fainting, anaphylaxis, ascending paralysis (Guillain Barre syndrome) and even death. An epidemic of denials mushroomed despite many of these reactions being added to the list as post-marketing reports. Sure, the usual meaningless disclaimer accompanies the list, namely that the causal link to the offending vaccine has not been proven without qualifying what they would consider the evidence and proof of the causality. Yet, the reactions to vaccines fulfill all nine criteria of Bradford Hill, the father of medical statistics. Why would they be listed if the girls just imagined them? By the way, many girls were threatened with being admitted to a mental institution if they continued claiming that their observed serious reactions to Gardasil were caused by the vaccine. Who should be admitted into mental institutions? Surely not the girls experiencing the reactions, but those doctors and health officials who are accusing them of just imagining the experienced reactions while denying the PI listed reactions.

Merck has demonstrated that they are more than willing to gamble our children’s health on an unproven vaccine in return for immense profits. This magnitude of evil is rare, even for a drug company. VACCINES, “The HPV Scandal” by Dr. Julian Whitaker

As of today, the Gardasil vaccine has never been proven to decrease the actual incidence of cervical cancer."...In fact, according to the text Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology, "In most studies, HPV status was not a strong independent prognosticator of outcome in cervical cancer patients; however there appears to be a trend for HPV-negative tumors to do worse …those tumors containing HPV DNA tend to be of an early stage and low grade."4 This suggests that if the goal is to reduce deaths from cervical cancer the target should not be HPV at all because the tumors without HPV actually "do worse."  ---- Gardasil - the Cervical Cancer Vaccine? April 18, 2007

"A 17 year old was vaccinated with Gardasil when she was about one week pregnant.  A subsequent ultrasound revealed that the fetus was positive for neural tube defect (a serious birth defect of the brain and spinal cord).  A 20 year old female was vaccinated with her first dose of Gardasil during pregnancy and had a spontaneous abortion 10 days later."  Vaccine Safety Manual  by Neil Z. Miller. p375

First of all why would you give young girls a vaccine, when they are 10 to 12 years old before they have even entered puberty? They are pre-puberty age. Why would you give it girls who are not even sexually active? It would make much more sense to give it to them once they became sexually active. It is so widespread I suspected right away that it was possibly an agent for sterilizing these women. It doesn’t make sense. It also makes these young women sick sometimes; there is a reaction to it. 
It certainly hasn’t been tested adequately. So, why is there this big rush? I’d like to read something. This is also from Bertrand Russell’s book, The Impact of Science on Society, and this was published in 1952. He said the Nazis were more scientific then the present rulers of Russia. If they had survived they would probably have soon taken to scientific breeding. Any nation which adopts this practice will, within a generation, secure great military advantages. The system, one may surmise, will be something like this: Except possibly in the governing Aristocracy all but 5% of males and 30% of females will be sterilized. The 30% of females will be expected to spend their years from 18 to 40 in reproduction in order to secure adequate cannon fodder. As a rule, artificial insemination will be preferred to the natural method.  That’s Bertrand Russell’s own words. Medical doctors and insiders today have told me that “wild reproduction” is not a desirable outcome in the future. Already we have terrible infertility problems in men and women. He also told me that in the near future the only way people will be able to get pregnant is to go into a hospital. Interview: Lauren Moret Population Control [whale.to]  [SeeLeuren Moret]

The first problem is that there are over 100 strains of HPV, only 30 of which are even theoretically linked with cervical cancer.  In addition, HPV is present in at least half the normal population,  almost never causing any disease or problems whatsoever. Indeed, HPV has never been proven as a pathogen for any disease. 

    ....All that has ever been shown is that HPV is sometimes present in cervical cancer tissue, but as we know it's also present in half the normal population. There is a total lack of evidence that cervical cancer appears in women with HPV more often than in women without it. And yet this will be the focus of the vaccine: to pretend to eliminate this ubiquitous virus from the body. 

   The second enormous impediment to credibility is that the average age for cervical cancer is 50 years.  But the plan is to mandate Gardasil to 12 years olds. And the manufacturer is only claiming efficacy for 5 years. So using their own statistics, this makes the vaccine worthless in the long run, because by the time most females need immunity, it will have worn off long ago. 

 ....The original phrase used by Merck to link HPV with cervical cancer was "there is a strong connection."   How that phrase got transformed to 'is the cause of' in the past two years is more a matter of marketing than of science. 

    Gardasil's not been evaluated for carcinogenicity or impairment of fertility. That's great. They want to vaccinate all American 12 year olds with a vaccine for cancer and they don't even know for sure whether or not it causes cancer, or makes the recipients infertile. Yeah, sign my kid up for that one.  HPV - The First Cancer Vaccine Dr Tim O'Shea

   In the area of the iris that corresponds to the uterus, in three of the girls he saw tissue damage, and in the fourth he saw drug residue. In each of the four cases, on reporting back to the patient what he was observing, he was informed that the girl had recently received the cervical cancer vaccine. All were virgins. 

     Tissue damage in the uterus is what he sees in women who have had such things as abortions and prolapses, and can be a precursor to cancer. It can also cause infertility - as it can prevent the embryo from being able to hold on to the uterus wall. It also often results in lack of sensitivity with sexual intercourse, pain, discomfort and/or frequent discharges. Gardasil shot implications

She said that vaccinating little girls now is not going to protect them later. Since it can take a decade or more to even manifest itself as dysplasia, the HPVs against which this vaccine works may infect a little girl at the age she needs the vaccine most - meaning she will have to have a booster at the right point in time or she will not be protected. And, remember, it won't work at all if she was positive for the virus when she was inoculated in the first place.

    Merck knows this, Harper said. "To mandate now is simply to Merck's benefit, and only to Merck's benefit," she said.[March 2007] HPV Vaccine Researcher Blasts Marketing

 The  pharmaceutical-supported mainstream media, and the Merck-supported Public  Broadcasting Service uncritically accept the claim that human papillomavirus is  the cause of cervical cancer in women, despite the absence of supporting medical  evidence.  There's also no discussion of the one pharmaceutical merchandise  (i.e.: feminine hygiene products) that is the most likely cause of this  cancer. Is Human Papillomavirus the Real Cause of Cervical Cancer? Memo on the mandating  of HPV vaccine in NYS.By Gary Krasner, CFIC

 It seems illogical and too simplistic that a vaccine can prevent cancer. I suggest that this vaccine is another delusional hope for reducing the risk of cancer, and a great generatorof revenue for the vaccine inventors and manufacturers. [pdf 2007] Cervical Cancer Vacine Deception by Patricia Bohackyj

It is a frustrating time when our young girls and women are being lined up and jabbed with a vaccine that has the potential to affect their future fertility - HPV (Gardasil) vaccine - and that may be the least of the problems. Anyone with a HPV infection (and they are common), who is given the vaccine risks immune system shutdown or autoimmune disease. "Purpura vaccinatoria" - an abnormal immune system response has been recorded following vacination with smallpox and other vaccines when the vaccine recipient is already incubating the same infection. They are not testing for wart virus infection prior to vaccination. In the trials for this vaccine they were careful to exclude anyone with a wart virus or who developed a wart virus infection. They chose women who were not likely to have more than one sexual partner, thereby minimising this risk. THIS IS AN UNKNOWN RISK FACTOR but when you read the reports already in from overseas you will see that once again vaccination is not rocket science, unless you equate it with the ones that explode and obliterate! How Safe is Gardasil ? - Extracted from the Immunise Australia Literature

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Post by lizardking Mon Feb 01, 2016 4:03 am

The Greater Harm ~ by Shawn Siegel

Whether vaccines can, and do, cause severe, irreparable damage is not up for debate. The U.S. government’s table of recognized vaccine injuries (1) includes anaphylaxis, a severe, whole-body reaction to vaccine ingredients; encephalopathy, brain damage; brachial neuritis, a degree of loss of sensation to the shoulders, arms, hands, and chest, which can be accompanied by chronic pain, lasting years; chronic arthritis; Thrombocytopenic purpura, a loss of blood platelets resulting in “increased tendency to bleed”, an autoimmune disorder caused by the production of antibodies against platelet antigens (2); and:

“Any acute complication or sequela (including death) of an illness, disability, injury, or condition referred to above which illness, disability, injury, or condition arose within the time period prescribed.”

Some, but far from all, of the acute complications for which our humble Special Masters have awarded close to $2.8 billion in compensation (3) include: Guillain-Barré Syndrome; radial nerve injury; transverse myelitis; Kleine-Levin Syndrome, a neurological disorder characterized by recurring periods of excessive amounts of sleep and altered behavior; sepsis, a potentially fatal whole-body inflammation; demyelinating condition, which damages the myelin sheath protecting the transmission of signals in neurons – nerve cells – resulting in loss of sensation, movement, cognition, or other functions, depending on which nerves are involved; Opsoclonus Myoclonus Syndrome, a neurological disorder that appears to be the result of an autoimmune process involving the nervous system, some of the symptoms of which are unpredictable eye movement and impairment of speech and of comprehension of speech (4); Bilateral Symmetric Diaphragmic Palsy, which affects the nerves that provide both sensory and motor function to the diaphragm, controlling respiration; multiple sclerosis; Bell’s palsy; cardiac arrest; and death. (5)

Crucifying the Vaccine Heretics. ~by Roman Bystrianyk

Let’s look at some things that are never discussed when talking about these perfectly harmless and only flawlessly beneficial magic wands. Unlike Mr. Krulger’s article the following information comes from historical and scientific sources that are listed at the bottom of this article for anyone who wishes to do more research. To keep the article reasonably short I’ll stick to a single disease – measles.

During the 1800s into the early 1900s measles, like all infectious diseases, was a big killer. The measles vaccine was introduced in the United States in 1963. By this date using United States statistics the measles death rate had declined by over 98%. (2) Similarly, the measles vaccine was introduced in England in 1968. Since England began keeping statistics in 1838 we can get a much better idea of just how bad measles was during the 1800s – it was a big killer. Phenomenally, the death rate for measles had declined by almost a full 100% before the introduction of the vaccine in England. (3) (Take a look at the graphs in the reference section to see the dramatic decline in deaths.)

Something you may have never been told was that by the time of the vaccine introduction measles was considered generally a mild disease. This was written about in the medical literature at the time just before the vaccine was introduced in the late 1950s. (4)

Alexander Langmuir, MD, is known today as “the father of infectious disease epidemiology.” In 1949 he created the epidemiology section of what became the CDC. Even Langmuir knew that by the time vaccine was developed, measles mortality in the United States had already declined to minimal levels when he described measles as a “. . . self-limiting infection of short duration, moderate severity, and low fatality . . .” (5)

When the vaccine was introduced in 1963 out of 6 New England states there were only 5 deaths attributed to measles. (6) Bottom line – measles was not much of a threat by the time the measles vaccine was introduced.

Without really understanding the immune system, vaccinologists began injecting people with various types of vaccines since the mid-1900s. And what was even known at about the time the measles vaccine was being introduced was that antibodies weren’t even needed for a full recovery from measles!

One of the most disconcerting discoveries in clinical medicine was the finding that children with congenital agamma-globulinaemia, who could make no antibody and had only insignificant traces of immunoglobulin in circulation, contracted measles in normal fashion, showed the usual sequence of symptoms and signs, and were subsequently immune. (9)

50 Reasons Not To Vaccinate Your Children

The CDC of USA, the vaccine watchdog, has publicly admitted that its much-publicized 2003 study denying any link between vaccines and autism is flawed. The Chief of CDC Dr Julie Gerberding (now head of the Vaccine Division of Merck) has confessed to the media (CNN) that vaccines can cause “autism like symptoms”. The Autism epidemic is found in all countries that have allowed mass vaccinations.

Autistic children also suffer from severe bowel disorders. As per Dr Andrew Wakefield, a reputed gastroenterologist of the UK, this is due to the vaccine strain live measles virus in the MMR vaccine. Many children become fully autistic after the MMR shot, as reported by the parents and the doctors treating the children. Dr Wakefield found the vaccine strain measles virus in the blood, guts, tissue and the Cerebro-Spinal Fluid (CSF) of autistic children. This finding has been confirmed by many other studies published since then (Dr Timothy Buie, Dr V K Singh, Kawashima et al, Dr James Walker Smith et al). However in a politically motivated move Dr Wakefield was pulled up for his finding and disgraced by the UK Government which had introduced the MMR vaccine, his licence to practice in the UK was cancelled and his case study pulled out of the Lancet. He now practices in The Thoughtful House in the USA where he treats autistic children. As per a recent study the MMR vaccine has an adverse effect on the vital mucosal immune system. The very basis of trying to prevent childhood Mumps and Measles has been questioned in this study.

It is also known that it is the use of green monkey serum in vaccines that has led to the transfer of the Simian Immune deficiency Virus (SIV) from monkeys into humans. As per Dr Robert Gallo, the discoverer of the Human Immune deficiency Virus, the SIV and the HIV that causes AIDS are indistinguishable.

As per the Institute Of Medicine, USA, vaccine research for a probable link between vaccines and autism should not be conducted. The Institute of Medicine in its last report on vaccines and autism in 2004 said that more research on the vaccine question is counterproductive: Finding a susceptibility to this risk in some infants would call into question the universal vaccination strategy that is a bedrock of immunization programs and could lead to widespread rejection of vaccines. The IOM concluded that efforts to find a link between vaccines and autism “must be balanced against the broader benefit of the current vaccine program for all children”. However inherently biased studies that try to disprove a link between vaccines and autism have been allowed and funded by the CDC. The Principal Coordinator of many of these studies (referred to as The Danish Studies) Dr Paul Thorsen, has recently been in the news for money laundering and fraudulently misappropriating a huge chunk of research funds channeled towards these studies calling into question the veracity of the conclusion reached in these studies. The CDC study done by Dr Thomas Verstraeten manipulated data as revealed by RTI activists. Dr Verstraeten later joined a vaccine MNC. (Early in his study, the lead author, CDC’s Dr. Thomas Verstraeten, found statistically significant associations between the amount of mercury (thimerosal) exposure children got from their childhood vaccines, and a wide range of brain disorders. However, the published version of the study (the one the authors say is accurate) found no evidence of a link to autism. Not disclosed was that Dr. Verstraeten had left CDC midstream during the study and had gone to work for Glaxo, a vaccine manufacturer).

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Post by lizardking Mon Feb 01, 2016 4:04 am

"Did you know that the research information contained in the Physicians' Desk Reference the pharmaceutical bible used by M.D.s is supplied by the drug manufacturers themselves? Did you know that the FDA approves drugs not by actually doing the testing, but simply by reviewing studies submitted by the drug manufacturers? Did you know that a drug manufacturer needs to submit only two studies showing satisfactory results to get a drug approved by the FDA even if there are even more studies showing the drug causes adverse reactions in an unacceptably high number of cases? 

 Did you know that most of the articles discussing the efficacy of drugs that are published in medical journals are studies paid for by the drug manufacturer? And that often, as the New York Times reported last summer, the academic scientists listed as lead authors are often just "window dressing, to lend credibility to papers that are really the work of drug companies. The academic scientists' main role in such studies is to recruit patients and administer experimental treatments. The scientists or their universities are paid for this work."

And did you know that a study conducted by USA Today found that more than half of the experts hired to advise the government on the safety and effectiveness of medicine had a direct financial interest in the drug or topic were asked to evaluate?"
-Burton Goldberg 


The March 1999 ‘Vaccines’ feature in Parenting magazine provided all propaganda one would expect from a subsidiary of Time, Inc. Time-Warner, Inc., the parent company, is a corporate member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Time's president, Richard D. Parsons, and the Editor-in-Chief of TIME, Norman Pearlstine, are longstanding CFR members. One CFR published policy objective is substantial worldwide depopulation including half of the current U.S. population being targeted. This population reduction program is largely funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Merck Fund, both financially and administratively linked to the Merck pharmaceutical company--the world's leading vaccine manufacturer.
-Dr. Len Horowitz, “Parenting with Deadly Timely Propaganda”

"A single vaccine given to a 6 pound infant is the equivalent of giving a 180 lb. adult 30 vaccines in one day."
-- Dr. Boyd Haley

'The (vaccine autism) evidence is now overwhelming, despite the misinformation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Institute of Medicine."
-Dr. Bernard Rimland, Ph.D. (2006)

Last edited by lizardking on Mon Feb 01, 2016 4:11 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by lizardking Mon Feb 01, 2016 4:09 am

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Post by lizardking Mon Feb 01, 2016 4:13 am

Posted by Admin on 06/29/2015
This thread's awesome Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry - Page 3 Smiley AboveTopSecret, GodlikeProductions, Lunatic Outpost, DavidIcke Forum, and all the other conspiracy boards don't even lift brah. They're just gettin' jelly and 'mirin our aesthetics:


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