Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry
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Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry
Foreverlearning wrote:
Lyme Disease
[caused by tick bite]
I have seen two cases of Lyme Disease over the past 20 years, and they fit the symptoms and physical findings.
"Lyme disease, caused by the tick-borne bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. Lyme disease symptoms include fever, headache, and fatigue, and it’s characterized by a skin rash known as erythema migrans. The diagnosis of Lyme disease is based o nits symptoms, physical findings (e.g., the characteristic skin rash, which looks like a bull’s eye), and a history of being in an area where exposure to ticks is possible. Laboratory testing can be helpful if appropriate tests are used appropriately. In the case of Lyme disease, that usually includes a two-step process to test the blood for the presence of antibodies against the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, the first step being an enzyme immunoassay, which, if negative rules out Lyme disease. If the first step is positive or indeterminate, then an immunoblot test (Western blot) is performed, and results are considered positive only if both tests are positive. If not treated, Lyme disease can spread to cause meningitis, carditis, neuropathy, or arthritis. The usual treatment for Lyme disease is 2-4 weeks of antibiotics, which is highly effective."
"Chronic lyme disease" looks to be another fake medical diagnosis.
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry
Thank you Schpankme that's awesome!
I just became awhere of someone that has lyme disease, and this particular individual is experiencing lengthy seizures from the disease.
Is this disease considered an autoimmune deficiency issue?
I just became awhere of someone that has lyme disease, and this particular individual is experiencing lengthy seizures from the disease.
Is this disease considered an autoimmune deficiency issue?
Foreverlearning- Posts : 79
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Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry
Foreverlearning wrote:
lyme disease
Is this disease considered an autoimmune
IMO, this is where the scam of "Chronic Lyme Disease" rears it's ugly head. People cured of Lyme Disease start complaining years later that some of there symptoms have returned, when in fact "Autoimmune Conditions" may develop from the consumption of animal products, or the chemicals used to control sickness and disease.
Diet change & Fasting Heals Autoimmune Conditions
see: Eat To Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman
In those with an autoimmune condition, the immune system produces antibodies that end up attacking the body's own tissues instead of fighting infections in response to an unknown trigger. There are over 80 types of autoimmune diseases categorized primarily by the different area(s) of the body that they affect (e.g., psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease).
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry
That makes perfect sense Schpankme. I have had type one diabetes since the age of seven, and was told that I developed the disease due to an autoimmune issue with the Mumps virus.
The claim was that the antibodies fighting the virus attacked my pancreas. I was an infant when I contracted Mumps, and developed diabetes at the age of seven, my islets of langerhans in the pancreas shut down completely.
I appreciate the info Schpankme, and I will most definitely check out that book by Dr. Joel Fuhrman.
Thanks again!
The claim was that the antibodies fighting the virus attacked my pancreas. I was an infant when I contracted Mumps, and developed diabetes at the age of seven, my islets of langerhans in the pancreas shut down completely.
I appreciate the info Schpankme, and I will most definitely check out that book by Dr. Joel Fuhrman.
Thanks again!
Foreverlearning- Posts : 79
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Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry
Foreverlearning wrote:
I have had type one diabetes since the age of seven
was told that I developed the disease due to an autoimmune issue with the Mumps virus
Your "Type-1 Diabetes" was caused by your genetic disposition to animal products, consumption of which caused your own antibodies to attack and destroy the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. While "Type-1 Diabetes" isn’t curable, the risk of complications can be greatly reduced by eating a plant-based diet. In fact, people who switch to a plant-based diet, on average, reduce their insulin dependency by up to two thirds.
You will note in the "videos provided" that the Vegans with "Type-1 Diabetes" still eat High Carb Low Fat, but not processed sugar(s).
What I Eat In A Day *Vegan* Type 1 Diabetes
What I eat in a day! + How long should diabetics wait to eat after injecting? + Carb Counting
Type-2 diabetes is caused by humans eating an Animal Based Diet of High Fat and Cholesterol; I have personally cured my Type-2 diabetes in under 90-days by switching to a Plant-Based Diet.
If you like additional dietary assistance send me a PM or communicate your needs through the Topic: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)
The Starch Solution - John McDougall, MD
youtube /watch?v=4XVf36nwraw
Last edited by Schpankme on Mon Nov 27, 2017 9:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry
Its funny to me that you referred the book Eat To Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, because I was given one of his books "The End of Diabetes" months age and forgot I had it, so again thank you Schpankme for the reference.
Foreverlearning- Posts : 79
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Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry
Foreverlearning wrote:
you referred the book Eat To Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman
I was given one of his books "The End of Diabetes"
These heroes of human nutrition helped me reverse Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Type II Diabetes, Kidney Stones, Gout, Chronic Fatigue, and Prostate Issues.
John McDougall, MD - The Starch Solution
T. Colin Campbell, PhD - The China Study
Michael Greger, MD -
Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD - Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease
Neal Barnard, MD - Program for Reversing Diabetes
Joel Fuhrman, MD - Eat To Live, The End of Diabetes
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry
I have no doubt in my mind that healthy eating can reverse most diseases, or at least benefit the individual quality of life.
Foreverlearning- Posts : 79
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Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry
This thread is amazing! : )
I didnt see these ones here yet though: ( for some people who like to watch n listen more than read maybe )
Dr. Suzanne Humphries(I saw 1 of hers here) but this one also goes over how scurvy is still alive and well...
In our bones docs call it osteoporosis and in our hearts *heart disease. because of lack of vit.c
She gives pub med site references for all the data they have collected and tests, and goes over dosing and how she has used it to cure many things even in tiny babies. ( and also not just natural vit c found in foods, but with high doses of sodium ascorbate and or liopsomal vit. C.
so sometimes pharma is useful. they also saved my life already with antibiotics because I had peritonitis, so we see obviously there is useful ness in some of pharma. But alot of it is harmful as we can see right in front of us if we look what they are doing to babies and people in hospitals when there are so many better ways to treat and even CURE people! )
Maybe until we get control of it back, we need to see what is useful and harmful out of it.
and This one is great for going over how the DSM is fictional.
I think some of us get that *mental disorders are way more complex of a thing than just some schooled up con artists drugging everyone..
I didnt see these ones here yet though: ( for some people who like to watch n listen more than read maybe )
Dr. Suzanne Humphries(I saw 1 of hers here) but this one also goes over how scurvy is still alive and well...
In our bones docs call it osteoporosis and in our hearts *heart disease. because of lack of vit.c
She gives pub med site references for all the data they have collected and tests, and goes over dosing and how she has used it to cure many things even in tiny babies. ( and also not just natural vit c found in foods, but with high doses of sodium ascorbate and or liopsomal vit. C.
so sometimes pharma is useful. they also saved my life already with antibiotics because I had peritonitis, so we see obviously there is useful ness in some of pharma. But alot of it is harmful as we can see right in front of us if we look what they are doing to babies and people in hospitals when there are so many better ways to treat and even CURE people! )
Maybe until we get control of it back, we need to see what is useful and harmful out of it.
and This one is great for going over how the DSM is fictional.
I think some of us get that *mental disorders are way more complex of a thing than just some schooled up con artists drugging everyone..
MaryMoon- Posts : 128
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Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry
MaryMoon wrote:
Dr. Suzanne Humphries
scurvy is still alive
In our bones docs call it osteoporosis
In our hearts *heart disease
because of lack of Vit.C
Let me be the first to call BULLSHIT, and draw your attention to the Perversion that the Meat and Dairy industries sell to humans through the advertisement called the Food Pyramid.
Osteoporosis, is caused by the excess acid and protein content of the Western diet. How does one turn their Alkaline body Acidic? By consuming Meat, Dairy, and Oil. It's nothing personal, it's just business.
Heart Disease, is actually a misnomer, it should be called Artery Disease; recognized as the number one epidemic for people eating the Western diet. Through advertisement and religion people consume a diet of High Fat and Cholesterol, this coats the arteries causing Type II diabetes, and other Blood related Diseases, and by the age of 21 the Arteries are showing 60% blockage, which causes what is termed Heart Disease.
The Human animal has long-intestines just like all plant eaters, and this includes weak stomach acids. Humans should NEVER allow religion or advertisement to dictate what they consume as a Spices Appropriate Diet.
Which religion do you claim for your nutritional advise:
Atheist - Scientism says, you came down from the Trees as Apes, to cook your meat and dairy, exchange cooking recipes, and worship Theory (pretend).
Theist - God says, you ate the fruit of the forbidden Tree, so now you must cook your meat and dairy, exchange cooking recipes, and worship Faith (pretend).
Almost all dis-ease of the human body is caused by eating Meat, Dairy and Oil.
Clogged Arteries for Dummies
Heart Disease Starts in Childhood
The Starch Solution - John McDougall, MD
Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease - Caldwell B Esselstyn, Jr, MD
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry
I think the relation to the vitamin C thing and what you have posted, schpank me, is related because if we ate a diet of raw fruits and vegs mainly we we would not have such low vit c levels
MaryMoon- Posts : 128
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Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry
MaryMoon wrote:
if we ate a diet of raw fruits and vegs mainly we we would not have such low vit c levels
Unfortunately, Dr. Suzanne Humphries like most so called doctors, misunderstands the cause of Diabetes and High Blood Pressure by preaching the corporate motto "high fat and cholesterol"; she then puts her Scientism Spin on the issues by claiming that Vitamin C is an "ELECTRON DONOR", which fixes the damage done by allowing the body "to make use of the FAT that we eat".
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry
oohh hmm, i didnt make the connection with the electron donor thing!
So that is why they say it is an antioxidant? So antioxidant talk is bunk?
Oh boyess, I still have lots of homework to do, I know this.
She still goes over some good info though and where you can see the pub med docs to see the tests they have done. and shes antivax too and shares lots on that as well. I like how she is open to learning more.. SHe also seems like a newb in some things of course, because went to medical school so long.
Good to know that electron thing...Still learning how the medical bits are all connected.
I dont trust any doc, I dont go and I dont even have Canada health care because I refuse to do the paperwork.
I know from my end of personal experience, I take really high doses of vitamin C ( i mix myself with bak soda and ascorbic acid) because i know what i should eat (uh,maybe I mean..)
but i dont eat it all the time- I also like to not eat and just chain smoke n drink tea O_o)
and I had root canals that poisoned me really bad...So In between my own fkd up diet of pisces ness, I chug down the high doses of Vitamin C, thinking that it is somehow helping fight this infection that I think is probably deep into my bones from those root canals.
Also I take alot of weed oil when I feel like it is progressing too bad ( Those root canals were in my face since I was a child , smashed out teeth at age 10 then got the root canals, and age 24 i was so sick , I knew it was from those root canals,, So i looked a bunch of stuff up online that convinced me, and went and got them removed.
Now I try my best to eat good food ,when I feel like eating...but yah...eating,meh..
I have to be in the mood.
I receive lectures from many friends about how it is probably not the best thing sometimes..And I have many brilliant friends.. *funny enough most all agree that diet of raw fruits and veg is best*
But meh again, I think the high doses of vit C keeps me from getting sick and its not hurting me.
So until someone can prove to me otherwise, I will take it.
In massive doses too.. like 2000mg or more, every hour or so all day long.
Also when I stop taking it I feel like shit, so at this point I
I know alot of health things but I also find myself pushing the limits of everything unhealthy
Cant bring myself to purchase animal product stuff or eat it though..EXCEpt i do eat an egg once in awhile from the chickens that are here.
So that is why they say it is an antioxidant? So antioxidant talk is bunk?
Oh boyess, I still have lots of homework to do, I know this.
She still goes over some good info though and where you can see the pub med docs to see the tests they have done. and shes antivax too and shares lots on that as well. I like how she is open to learning more.. SHe also seems like a newb in some things of course, because went to medical school so long.
Good to know that electron thing...Still learning how the medical bits are all connected.
I dont trust any doc, I dont go and I dont even have Canada health care because I refuse to do the paperwork.
I know from my end of personal experience, I take really high doses of vitamin C ( i mix myself with bak soda and ascorbic acid) because i know what i should eat (uh,maybe I mean..)
but i dont eat it all the time- I also like to not eat and just chain smoke n drink tea O_o)
and I had root canals that poisoned me really bad...So In between my own fkd up diet of pisces ness, I chug down the high doses of Vitamin C, thinking that it is somehow helping fight this infection that I think is probably deep into my bones from those root canals.
Also I take alot of weed oil when I feel like it is progressing too bad ( Those root canals were in my face since I was a child , smashed out teeth at age 10 then got the root canals, and age 24 i was so sick , I knew it was from those root canals,, So i looked a bunch of stuff up online that convinced me, and went and got them removed.
Now I try my best to eat good food ,when I feel like eating...but yah...eating,meh..
I have to be in the mood.
I receive lectures from many friends about how it is probably not the best thing sometimes..And I have many brilliant friends.. *funny enough most all agree that diet of raw fruits and veg is best*
But meh again, I think the high doses of vit C keeps me from getting sick and its not hurting me.
So until someone can prove to me otherwise, I will take it.
In massive doses too.. like 2000mg or more, every hour or so all day long.
Also when I stop taking it I feel like shit, so at this point I
I know alot of health things but I also find myself pushing the limits of everything unhealthy
MaryMoon- Posts : 128
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Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry
Farming soil throughout the world is being slowly depleted more and more by pumping nitrogen into the soil and then claim this is what plants need to survive and thrive. I’m sure many people on IFERS already know that organic fertilizer is the way to go but I’m going to focus on one important mineral that most people are lacking in their diet and that is Boron. Borax is a great place to get boron as well as boric acid is as well. Borax is alkaline(pH between 9 and 10), and the boron in it is essential for good bone and teeth health. In farming there is agricultural grade borax that is used to help bring the acidity of soil up to the correct pH and is also gets broken down by plants so we can digest boron right from the plant directly(as it is meant to be). “In plants as well as animals boron is essential for the integrity and function of cell walls, and the way signals are transmitted across membranes.” (1) There are many other additional uses for borax which I will be going over later. Using pesticides, insecticides, and additional chemicals on plants limits the ability of plants to uptake boron from the soil. The amount of chemicals put on plants is becoming more and more over time and this means most people are getting none to very little boron in their diets.
Problems with not getting enough boron in your diet are: “causes the parathyroids to become overactive, releasing too much parathyroid hormone which raises the blood level of calcium by releasing calcium from bones and teeth. This then leads to osteoarthritis and other forms of arthritis, osteoporosis and tooth decay. With advancing age high blood levels of calcium lead to calcification of soft tissues causing muscle contractions and stiffness; calcification of endocrine glands, especially the pineal gland and the ovaries; arteriosclerosis, kidney stones, and calcification of the kidneys ultimately leading to kidney failure. Boron deficiency combined with magnesium deficiency is especially damaging to the bones and teeth.”(1) In addition to these problems boron deficiency causes cell membranes to deteriorate which is commonly associated with the start of cancer. It also has a role and increasing calcium uptake into bones and teeth when converting Vitamin D into its active form. When boron is not in someone’s diet it can cause soft tissue to calcify which will cause muscle tightness, joint stiffness, and over time it limits the ability to flush the calcification out. Mainstream claims we are born with certain flexibility in tendons and ligaments, but anyone who has practiced yoga for a few months can quickly dispel this myth. I believe boron deficiency is causing additional inflexibility due to the calcification of muscles which is in turn making people lazier and lazier due to the pain of stiffness throughout their bodies.
“In the 1960's Rex Newnham, Ph.D., D.O., N.D, developed arthritis. At that time he was a soil and plant scientist in Perth, Western Australia. Conventional drugs did not help, so he looked for the cause into the chemistry of plants. He realized that plants in that area were rather mineral deficient. Knowing that boron aids calcium metabolism in plants he decided to try it. He started taking 30 mg of borax a day, and in three weeks all pain, swelling and stiffness had disappeared.”(1) Fast forward 5 years and he was now selling 10,000 bottles a month. He could no longer keep up with demand so he decided to go to the pharmaceutical companies in the hope of getting this cheap effective treatment out there for patients. The pharmaceutical companies refused as this would replace their more expensive drugs and reduce their profits. In 1981 Australia instituted a regulation that made all compounds of boron considered poison which lead to Rex Newnham being fined $1000 and stopped his movement dead in the tracks. During the time it was legal he published many scientific papers showing the benefits of boron in people’s diets. “One was a double-blind trial in the mid 1980's at the Royal Melbourne Hospital which showed that 70% of those who completed the trial were greatly improved. Only 12% improved when on placebo. There were no negative side-effects, but some reported that their heart ailment had also improved, and there was better general health and less tiredness.”(1) Another study of his showed that animals and humans halved the recovery time of broken bones and fractures while supplementing borax. Later in his life he mainly focused on researching between soil boron levels and arthritis. One of the most interesting things he found was Israel which has some of the highest boron content in their soil in the world has the lowest rate of arthritis which is between 0.5-1%. Comparing this to Jamaica which has one of the lowest rates of boron in their soil has a rate of 70% for arthritis. Mainstream tells us that we are not getting enough calcium in our diets and we need to drink more milk as well as telling old women to supplement calcium. Increased calcium intake without boron will lead to increased long term issues. Increased calcium intake with boron deficiency will lead to cell membrane damage which eventually will kill the cell and could lead to cancer. This is exactly why none of these people decrease arthritis and their bones do not become stronger. They still have brittle bones.
Uses for borax: Decalcifying the pineal gland, and decalcifying soft tissue. If using boron for the purpose of decalcification it is also recommended that one supplements magnesium for maximal benefits. Antifungal benefits which borax can be applied tropically for conditions such as athletes foot or orally which will also work for many fungal conditions. Detoxifying fluoride and filtering it out of one’s body. Acts as an anti-inflammatory. Acts as anti-bacterial although it is not that strong in this aspect. It is much stronger as an anti-fungal. Regulates sex hormones which includes estrogen and testosterone. Effective on many types of arthritis and osteoporosis. Effective on muscle tightness, swelling, and pain of joints.
Borax is illegal to purchase as a supplement in the U.S. and Australia. You can however purchase it as a laundry detergent such as 20 Mule which has a purity over 99%. This cost $3.99 for 64 oz at target for example. You can also purchase agricultural grade borax which is in the price range of $100-200 per ton. Borax is illegal in the EU except for Switzerland, but can be ordered through pharmacies and online(at your own risk). It is also illegal in many Asian countries except of uses as poison for ants and cockroaches.
Toxicity of Borax: Borax has a toxicity rate of 2.66 g/kg for a rat. For a comparison table salt has a toxicity rate of 3 g/kg for a rat. Not nearly as toxic as advertised. Another claim is long term use of borax will cause cancer. I’m still yet to find one paper that shows this. They just say this and people believe it like many other things.
I have been supplementing borax in the my diet for about 7 months now. Some results I’ve had are skin tags and moles scabbing then just completely falling off with no sign of them ever being there, muscle tightness relief, ankle arthritis gone, almost full range of motion back in my shoulder where I had surgery, and dreams almost every night. My girlfriend has also supplemented it for the same time as me. Her results have been decreased cellulite, nerve pain relief, and a fungal infection gone with no sign of scarring. We both feel that we have harder bones, but this is hard to quantify. For more backstory on the fungal infection she had it for about 3 years. She went to different doctors and even tried Alex Jones’ anti-fungal but nothing seemed to work. She would get some temporary relief then it would come back and continue to slowly spread. She had a skin condition similar to the attached photo. It started near her solar plexus then slowly spread outward. After a week it was reduced to a small spot near her solar plexus. After about a month it was completely gone and hasn’t came back since. She is an Occupational Therapist and mainly works as a hand therapist. Her patients who have arthritis she recommends that they supplement borax into their diet. Many do not listen as they believe what the doctors tell them, but those who do see immediate results such as decreased swelling and pain relief. If you have any chronic conditions like arthritis that nothing seems to be helping I would recommend trying this. I make the borax into capsule pills and take with meals as well as adding borax to my potted plants.
![Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry - Page 8 Fungal-infections-on-chest-skin-fungus-on-chest-treatment-search-results-canonian-photos-500x375](
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional so all recommendations are taken at your own risk.
Problems with not getting enough boron in your diet are: “causes the parathyroids to become overactive, releasing too much parathyroid hormone which raises the blood level of calcium by releasing calcium from bones and teeth. This then leads to osteoarthritis and other forms of arthritis, osteoporosis and tooth decay. With advancing age high blood levels of calcium lead to calcification of soft tissues causing muscle contractions and stiffness; calcification of endocrine glands, especially the pineal gland and the ovaries; arteriosclerosis, kidney stones, and calcification of the kidneys ultimately leading to kidney failure. Boron deficiency combined with magnesium deficiency is especially damaging to the bones and teeth.”(1) In addition to these problems boron deficiency causes cell membranes to deteriorate which is commonly associated with the start of cancer. It also has a role and increasing calcium uptake into bones and teeth when converting Vitamin D into its active form. When boron is not in someone’s diet it can cause soft tissue to calcify which will cause muscle tightness, joint stiffness, and over time it limits the ability to flush the calcification out. Mainstream claims we are born with certain flexibility in tendons and ligaments, but anyone who has practiced yoga for a few months can quickly dispel this myth. I believe boron deficiency is causing additional inflexibility due to the calcification of muscles which is in turn making people lazier and lazier due to the pain of stiffness throughout their bodies.
“In the 1960's Rex Newnham, Ph.D., D.O., N.D, developed arthritis. At that time he was a soil and plant scientist in Perth, Western Australia. Conventional drugs did not help, so he looked for the cause into the chemistry of plants. He realized that plants in that area were rather mineral deficient. Knowing that boron aids calcium metabolism in plants he decided to try it. He started taking 30 mg of borax a day, and in three weeks all pain, swelling and stiffness had disappeared.”(1) Fast forward 5 years and he was now selling 10,000 bottles a month. He could no longer keep up with demand so he decided to go to the pharmaceutical companies in the hope of getting this cheap effective treatment out there for patients. The pharmaceutical companies refused as this would replace their more expensive drugs and reduce their profits. In 1981 Australia instituted a regulation that made all compounds of boron considered poison which lead to Rex Newnham being fined $1000 and stopped his movement dead in the tracks. During the time it was legal he published many scientific papers showing the benefits of boron in people’s diets. “One was a double-blind trial in the mid 1980's at the Royal Melbourne Hospital which showed that 70% of those who completed the trial were greatly improved. Only 12% improved when on placebo. There were no negative side-effects, but some reported that their heart ailment had also improved, and there was better general health and less tiredness.”(1) Another study of his showed that animals and humans halved the recovery time of broken bones and fractures while supplementing borax. Later in his life he mainly focused on researching between soil boron levels and arthritis. One of the most interesting things he found was Israel which has some of the highest boron content in their soil in the world has the lowest rate of arthritis which is between 0.5-1%. Comparing this to Jamaica which has one of the lowest rates of boron in their soil has a rate of 70% for arthritis. Mainstream tells us that we are not getting enough calcium in our diets and we need to drink more milk as well as telling old women to supplement calcium. Increased calcium intake without boron will lead to increased long term issues. Increased calcium intake with boron deficiency will lead to cell membrane damage which eventually will kill the cell and could lead to cancer. This is exactly why none of these people decrease arthritis and their bones do not become stronger. They still have brittle bones.
Uses for borax: Decalcifying the pineal gland, and decalcifying soft tissue. If using boron for the purpose of decalcification it is also recommended that one supplements magnesium for maximal benefits. Antifungal benefits which borax can be applied tropically for conditions such as athletes foot or orally which will also work for many fungal conditions. Detoxifying fluoride and filtering it out of one’s body. Acts as an anti-inflammatory. Acts as anti-bacterial although it is not that strong in this aspect. It is much stronger as an anti-fungal. Regulates sex hormones which includes estrogen and testosterone. Effective on many types of arthritis and osteoporosis. Effective on muscle tightness, swelling, and pain of joints.
Borax is illegal to purchase as a supplement in the U.S. and Australia. You can however purchase it as a laundry detergent such as 20 Mule which has a purity over 99%. This cost $3.99 for 64 oz at target for example. You can also purchase agricultural grade borax which is in the price range of $100-200 per ton. Borax is illegal in the EU except for Switzerland, but can be ordered through pharmacies and online(at your own risk). It is also illegal in many Asian countries except of uses as poison for ants and cockroaches.
Toxicity of Borax: Borax has a toxicity rate of 2.66 g/kg for a rat. For a comparison table salt has a toxicity rate of 3 g/kg for a rat. Not nearly as toxic as advertised. Another claim is long term use of borax will cause cancer. I’m still yet to find one paper that shows this. They just say this and people believe it like many other things.
I have been supplementing borax in the my diet for about 7 months now. Some results I’ve had are skin tags and moles scabbing then just completely falling off with no sign of them ever being there, muscle tightness relief, ankle arthritis gone, almost full range of motion back in my shoulder where I had surgery, and dreams almost every night. My girlfriend has also supplemented it for the same time as me. Her results have been decreased cellulite, nerve pain relief, and a fungal infection gone with no sign of scarring. We both feel that we have harder bones, but this is hard to quantify. For more backstory on the fungal infection she had it for about 3 years. She went to different doctors and even tried Alex Jones’ anti-fungal but nothing seemed to work. She would get some temporary relief then it would come back and continue to slowly spread. She had a skin condition similar to the attached photo. It started near her solar plexus then slowly spread outward. After a week it was reduced to a small spot near her solar plexus. After about a month it was completely gone and hasn’t came back since. She is an Occupational Therapist and mainly works as a hand therapist. Her patients who have arthritis she recommends that they supplement borax into their diet. Many do not listen as they believe what the doctors tell them, but those who do see immediate results such as decreased swelling and pain relief. If you have any chronic conditions like arthritis that nothing seems to be helping I would recommend trying this. I make the borax into capsule pills and take with meals as well as adding borax to my potted plants.
![Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry - Page 8 Fungal-infections-on-chest-skin-fungus-on-chest-treatment-search-results-canonian-photos-500x375](
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional so all recommendations are taken at your own risk.
Lightning_Peasant- Posts : 83
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Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry
MSM is nothing but a giant propaganda machine... Caveat, I don't agree with everything Black Child says in the video; this is to just show all the MSM bullshit out there.
lotuseater- Posts : 63
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Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry
Excellent article regarding unknown diseases and mass vaccination, I suggest everyone give this a read:
Some excerpts:
What dramatically changed in 1976?
Some excerpts:
I used Pubmed to estimate, per yer, the number of studies and papers discussing diseases and conditions of unknown origin. I search for the term “unknown causes”, and also for the term “journal” to get some idea of the percentage of studies, papers and editorials discussing disease of unknown causes.
Looking at a trend of topics per year, one has to correct for some estimate of the total number of articles published, because a mere count would, in part, reflect the overall trend in the explosion of total articles published. I chose as my control term the word “journal”, because many titles of publications include that term (e.g., “Journal of Nephrology). wrote:
Next I searched for “Unknown Causes”, and calculated the number of articles citing unknown causes per 10,000 articles (again, relative denominator term).
Because the studies in Pubmed include all sorts of journals studying all sorts of things, the actual number is not as important as the trend. The signature is undeniable. Something changed dramatically in 1976. To the skeptic: the increase is greater if one does not correct for total publications.
What dramatically changed in 1976?
What changed was national mass vaccination against influenza.
csp- Posts : 424
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Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry
csp wrote:
What changed was national mass vaccination against influenza
Why, is the long-intestine Human, who has been taught through dogma to eat meat, getting infected with viruses from other animals?
Do you hear banjo music?
According to medical science, duck, chicken, and other avian flu viruses lack the genetic code to dock with Human cells, denying the virus the ability to replicate itself within the cell.
Can you squeal like a pig?
Pig cells, however, do have the genetic code to dock with both avian and human influenza viruses. Once inside the pig, these viruses are free to replicate where they can jump species back to Human; the virus can then be spread by coughing, sneezing, and through the transfer of body fluids.
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry
Thanks Eric ![Smile](
Have any of you read "The Facts of Nutrition" and "Man's Higher Consciousness" by Hilton Hotema? Two great books I would recommend checking out if you haven't already.
I've been ravaged by big pharma. Autism spectrum, having been a victim of their vaccines and that's just where it started. I'm lucky in that it's negligible but trying to reverse the damage using natural methods. If any of you have any good information on how to treat this, I would be most grateful. Psilocybin is said to initiate neurogenesis and I'm hoping with continued microdosing, that this will be of benefit to me.
Have any of you read "The Facts of Nutrition" and "Man's Higher Consciousness" by Hilton Hotema? Two great books I would recommend checking out if you haven't already.
I've been ravaged by big pharma. Autism spectrum, having been a victim of their vaccines and that's just where it started. I'm lucky in that it's negligible but trying to reverse the damage using natural methods. If any of you have any good information on how to treat this, I would be most grateful. Psilocybin is said to initiate neurogenesis and I'm hoping with continued microdosing, that this will be of benefit to me.
tristancobane- Posts : 31
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Realearth- Posts : 322
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Torus_Ouroboros- Posts : 34
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Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry
SIBO- Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth. Long story short... This is perhaps the most under-diagnosed disease that has ever existed. What is happening is that due to the high carb, high processed food diets throughout the world, as well as other factors like trauma, stress, vaccines, etc, people have been alkalizing their small intestines. What happens when the small intestine is alkaline is that it becomes susceptible to invading bacteria from the stomach and large intestine. Without proper amounts of acid to fight off the bad bacteria and keep the good ones, we're being infested.
For example, one side effect of SIBO is heartburn. Heartburn means your body wants acid. Next time you've heartburn try drinking a couple tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, it will go away immediately and you will feel better.
Basically, the bacteria in our small intestine is poisoning us and we're being treated to avoid them, so we keep becoming infected and poisoned until we've cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disease, Alzheimer, etc. Also, due to how it's all connected, most people probably have some form of leaky gut as well. These things throw the spine out of alignment, which is another thing to add on to the bodies stress. You can look and feel perfectly healthy and still have some form of SIBO. I've sent this info off to some podcasters so hopefully word gets out.
![Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry - Page 8 All-disease-begins-in-the-gut-300x169](
For example, one side effect of SIBO is heartburn. Heartburn means your body wants acid. Next time you've heartburn try drinking a couple tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, it will go away immediately and you will feel better.
Basically, the bacteria in our small intestine is poisoning us and we're being treated to avoid them, so we keep becoming infected and poisoned until we've cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disease, Alzheimer, etc. Also, due to how it's all connected, most people probably have some form of leaky gut as well. These things throw the spine out of alignment, which is another thing to add on to the bodies stress. You can look and feel perfectly healthy and still have some form of SIBO. I've sent this info off to some podcasters so hopefully word gets out.
![Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry - Page 8 All-disease-begins-in-the-gut-300x169](
lotuseater- Posts : 63
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The War on Chiropracty
If you didnt know - modern medicine is trying to make you ill and keep you ill. Why?...well why first focus on motive? lol. An unclear motive never lessened a crime! Uncover the crime, do the research, then ponder on motive.
I cannot entirely vouch for the channel , as yet, (have a look?) but this report on the AMA's war on Chiro' rings true in the light of its war on effective cancer cures (many).
Here in Europe ,alternative medicine practitioners not only get shut down like in America but also get prison sentences!
...Plenty of Miracles of Chiropracty on Youtube eg Dr Rahim channel.
The Houston chiropractor- low on content but the AMA,American Medical Association and TMA -texas- are sidelining chiropractors...looks like they are trying to stop Americans seeing them direct ,so that they can only be used if by referral from your doctor.
This is another amazing miracles of chiropracty channel!
This is Joe Rogan. He always tows the main stream media (MSM) line and gains popularity because he uses street language using "this is fucking obvious" type paint strokes over all his statements.
Listen to the content of what he and his government-shill guest say (!) ie Chiro' does not work!, while sounding very credible they default to this street talk, "fuck-that" etc mask of reason.
Eric called out Joe Rogan as a government shill after Mr Rogan's sudden sell out a few years ago with a 180 degree flip on The Moon Landings from being a loud outspoken Hoax advocate to suddenly kissing up to Niel deGrasseTyson.
Joe Rogan, ironically is a great source of truth because *the reverse of what he says is true*!!!
Wikipedia also tows the Chiropracty doesnt work and is unproven line.
Its stearing us to physically sick monkeys on a spinning ball!
Here is the establishment view. No "scientific basis" !!!
The establishment line is:
Ignore the chiropractic quacks , maybe have some physiotherapy, but most of all take our drugs!
More research required.
I suspect Chiropracty thus shoved into "alternative medicine" as a profession is heavily attacked on MSM (Idk ,I have no television). Mostly however I imagine it is simply ignored, unreported - what isn't mentioned on MSM is alarming!
Also I suspect Chiropractic "quacks" proper, those few rogues that are money grabbing, have weird off base methods and sell snake oil, are never shut down and possibly helped covertly by the medical establishment!
Lest we forget, any field of human endeavour only has humanity to work with(!) and will attract corrupt practices.
...people are not bad but they are hypnotised into -YOLO monkeys on a spinning ball- and from there can become psychotically self centred - Chiropractors are no exception ; all spheres of human efficacy will always be tainted.
There you go.
Love to all
I cannot entirely vouch for the channel , as yet, (have a look?) but this report on the AMA's war on Chiro' rings true in the light of its war on effective cancer cures (many).
Here in Europe ,alternative medicine practitioners not only get shut down like in America but also get prison sentences!
...Plenty of Miracles of Chiropracty on Youtube eg Dr Rahim channel.
The Houston chiropractor- low on content but the AMA,American Medical Association and TMA -texas- are sidelining chiropractors...looks like they are trying to stop Americans seeing them direct ,so that they can only be used if by referral from your doctor.
This is another amazing miracles of chiropracty channel!
This is Joe Rogan. He always tows the main stream media (MSM) line and gains popularity because he uses street language using "this is fucking obvious" type paint strokes over all his statements.
Listen to the content of what he and his government-shill guest say (!) ie Chiro' does not work!, while sounding very credible they default to this street talk, "fuck-that" etc mask of reason.
Eric called out Joe Rogan as a government shill after Mr Rogan's sudden sell out a few years ago with a 180 degree flip on The Moon Landings from being a loud outspoken Hoax advocate to suddenly kissing up to Niel deGrasseTyson.
Joe Rogan, ironically is a great source of truth because *the reverse of what he says is true*!!!
Wikipedia also tows the Chiropracty doesnt work and is unproven line.
Its stearing us to physically sick monkeys on a spinning ball!
Here is the establishment view. No "scientific basis" !!!
The establishment line is:
Ignore the chiropractic quacks , maybe have some physiotherapy, but most of all take our drugs!
More research required.
I suspect Chiropracty thus shoved into "alternative medicine" as a profession is heavily attacked on MSM (Idk ,I have no television). Mostly however I imagine it is simply ignored, unreported - what isn't mentioned on MSM is alarming!
Also I suspect Chiropractic "quacks" proper, those few rogues that are money grabbing, have weird off base methods and sell snake oil, are never shut down and possibly helped covertly by the medical establishment!
Lest we forget, any field of human endeavour only has humanity to work with(!) and will attract corrupt practices.
...people are not bad but they are hypnotised into -YOLO monkeys on a spinning ball- and from there can become psychotically self centred - Chiropractors are no exception ; all spheres of human efficacy will always be tainted.
There you go.
Love to all
Captain Rocketblast- Posts : 5
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Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry
Guys I'm still kind of new to all this stuff and I'm no scientific genius so can someone please tell me all there is to know about emulsifiers. I would type it into Google or Youtube but I don't trust any mainstream or alternative platform anymore. This is literally the first place I go for all my information now. Are they to be avoided completely?
EDIT: Sorry no need to tell me all there is to know, just if they need to be avoided or not.
Thanks again
EDIT: Sorry no need to tell me all there is to know, just if they need to be avoided or not.
Thanks again
Jonny1989- Posts : 6
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Re: Big Pharma and the Medical Health Industry
Jonny1989 wrote:Guys I'm still kind of new to all this stuff and I'm no scientific genius so can someone please tell me all there is to know about emulsifiers. I would type it into Google or Youtube but I don't trust any mainstream or alternative platform anymore. This is literally the first place I go for all my information now. Are they to be avoided completely?
EDIT: Sorry no need to tell me all there is to know, just if they need to be avoided or not.
Thanks again![]()
Unsure about all of them, but I would definitely avoid soy lecithin. It recently snuck its way into a lot of processed products that don't have a need for it so that was a bit of a red flag for me.
There are studies showing the hormone disrupting properties of soy and its derivatives so I would just stay clear of it.
Probably the best thing in general is don't eat something if you don't know what it is. If you're unsure about an ingredient's possible side effects, are you really going to put blind trust in a big corporation when it comes to your health?
Hope this helps because there will be so much controversy over all these suspicious ingredients that it's probably safer and more sensible to stick to whole foods when possible.
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