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Southern Radial

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Southern Radial Empty Southern Radial

Post by RileySlowWave Mon Dec 25, 2023 8:35 am

hey all, i have a genuine conundrum:

i was checking visibility coordinates/locations for Polaris [2ºN give or take] & Southern Cross [35ºS or so], & started seeing southern radius pictures [uh oh!?], which kind of baffles me...

i'll be tackling researching shortly, almost certainly, & am just curious what IFERS has to say on the subject of the southern radial(?)

Southern Radial 15283220928_3fa8658449_z

Southern Radial 6129506987_88f754360e_b

Southern Radial 9df8474f87f7f6bc8280c6fa0555ddcb

i've already seen that Polaris is BASICALLY stationary [within ~1º or so]

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Southern Radial Empty Southern radials

Post by Highland4000King Mon Dec 25, 2023 9:11 pm

You mean another pole star in the south ?


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Southern Radial Empty Re: Southern Radial

Post by maril Mon Dec 25, 2023 10:16 pm

There are some good videos on this site that try to explain it based on our limited visibility. I don't fully understand star movement in the south, however being able to see Polaris and southern radials at the same time is hard to fathom regardless of your model.


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Southern Radial Empty Re: Southern Radial

Post by RileySlowWave Tue Dec 26, 2023 4:09 am

Highland4000King wrote:You mean another pole star in the south ?

whether a star or axis, yea -- IF there is an axis in addition to the Northern one, it seems like an important consideration

i see on timeanddate.com's Night Sky [awesome feature, w/ grain of salt...] from Melbourne there appears to be an axis situated between Chameleon, Octans, Mensa, & Volans [constellations] looking south

Southern Radial Southern-Axis

thing is, day after day, month after month, Polaris [North Star] remains within about ~1º of the same coordinates; so that's a strong indication of its relative station

then for another fun brain-scratcher, we have photos purportedly from Ecuador looking like

Southern Radial SGU-From-pole-to-pole-West-1200x800-cp8

claiming to be a western-oriented view showing dual axes [cool site]

i've had some back-&-forthing on cosmology; lately definitely believing in 'flatness' [even read some Ptolemy to whet my palette], although dual-axels screams ISSUE

it's possible i'm seeing photo trickery, altho there's plenty said about southern lights, & seems to be a lot of photos/videos/content from the South w/ skies that do the vortex star-action

comically, Miles Mathis* just put out an article/paper calling Terrain Theory the Flat Earth of medicine [lol] -- saying it's an old psy-op that's being reused... http://mileswmathis.com/terrain.pdf

my conclusion so far is that i have more research to do

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Southern Radial Empty Re: Southern Radial

Post by RileySlowWave Tue Dec 26, 2023 8:51 am

maril wrote:There are some good videos on this site that try to explain it based on our limited visibility.  I don't fully understand star movement in the south, however being able to see Polaris and southern radials at the same time is hard to fathom regardless of your model.

i've been building out research over at my gloriously ad-free forum: https://flatearth.freeforums.net/thread/45/polaris-southern-cross-axis

this is the first challenge i've felt putting under 'Globe-Earth Evidence' is appropriate

admitting that timeanddate.com has some accuracy issues, their night-sky feature clearly demonstrates axes at both N/S poles; w/ Equatorial locales seeing basically 50/50 of each doing their rotations

like such
Southern Radial Quito-Ecuador-night-sky-SOUTH
Southern Radial Quito-Ecuador-night-sky-NORTH

which shows the same effect at Quito, Ecuador's occident: somewhere in the Indian Ocean near Colombo, Sri Lanka [i horoscoped this]

using 'Sky Tonight' [iOS] to spy Polaris [from N. America], i can stand in the same spot aiming at the same sky window & get a regular appearance of ol' Northy... given, it does seem to creep a bit, tho is close; so i consider it 'stationary' [& verify this using https://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/night/usa/seattle coordinates & altitude angles, which DO stay within ~1º] & have just tested turning opposite from Polaris & aiming at, yes, the 'Southern Axis' constellations -- WHETHER accurate...

so my previous understanding was that places too-far south could see Polaris; turns out it's around 2º N, wherein the star is about 2º up from the horizon

so i took that, figuring vantage point dictated some celestial shape & some other factor...

then [re]saw this dual radial, which blew me away

how about a video from equatorial regions:

shows the beginning of a direction-change [like a doppler-effect probably]


so that shows the spiral pretty close to the horizon at like 9º N [Sri Lanka]

let's try Ecuador

there's the jaw-dropper

Southern Radial Star-Trails-At-The-Equator-The-Universe-Is-A-Rotating-Ball-1
Southern Radial Star-Trails-At-The-Equator-The-Universe-Is-A-Rotating-Ball-2
specifically if those are real photos

pondering this from a flat-earth point of view raises some BIG questions

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Southern Radial Empty Re: Southern Radial

Post by TyrannicalSawdustRex Thu Dec 28, 2023 11:05 am

I recommend viewing this section of the forum .


Good place to start your research.


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Southern Radial Empty Re: Southern Radial

Post by RileySlowWave Thu Dec 28, 2023 10:03 pm

TyrannicalSawdustRex wrote:I recommend viewing this section of the forum .


Good place to start your research.

hey thanks,

if i’m gathering/interpreting this correctly, it’s that the apparent southern-radial is bogus(?), & that anyone sharing or promoting videos, etc. should be looked at suspiciously/peddling fraudulence(?)

in my own quest, i’d seen the ‘radial,’ then had made up my mind that it’s bogus & disregarded it — however, when answering genuine questions by thoughtful friends, i re-saw it, & as a potential death-knell/walloper to ‘flatness’

a trick has been to hold many contradictory points in mind & then let them “battle it out” for truth — which, knowing a few things about flat-Earth cosmogony, the southern radial has to be either fake or the other premises must be wrong… i’m somewhat relieved to see the dual-axes being challenged here

will keep investigating ✌

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Southern Radial Empty This video might explain it

Post by Truth Addict Wed Jan 03, 2024 5:02 pm

This is a possible explanation for what you're seeing, OP and it's evidence we live under a dome: https://youtu.be/zJ9z1hvkQLg?si=YQG379toeiQWd4WT

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Southern Radial Empty Re: Southern Radial

Post by RileySlowWave Sat Jan 20, 2024 7:18 pm

Truth Addict wrote:This is a possible explanation for what you're seeing, OP and it's evidence we live under a dome: https://youtu.be/zJ9z1hvkQLg?si=YQG379toeiQWd4WT

hey, this is a good video, thanks -- it might well be what we're seeing; it's just hard to say...

i've been thinking about this whole flat/globe issue [like most of us i'm sure] almost obsessively [or passionately might be a better term] & see the #1 PROOF/staple of flatness being Polaris, for reasons elaborated so much by the community here -- it bears repeating tho:

for there to be a heliocentric 'orbit,' Polaris would be varying wildly DAILY [really, use your fingers to draw objects in space & try to fix Polaris while accounting for seasonal wobble, etc. -- this is impossible(!!!)]

Polaris to me is the override/tell that i can build my house upon

if we were on a spaceball there would be an erratic spiral in the star-trail pictures

checking to see if i can find a wintertime, Arctic Circle Polaris star-trail picture/vid...

Southern Radial StartrailsViking_heden
from: https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap101224.html

for practical purposes, this does indicate that, even at it's "away from" stance, we STILL see circular star-trails around POLARIS, which means either that star is zooming through space [insane] to stay 'put,' or...

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