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Flat Earth Star Trails Explained

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Flat Earth Star Trails Explained Empty Flat Earth Star Trails Explained

Post by Admin Fri Jan 01, 2016 3:31 pm

NASA and modern astronomy claim that star-trails in the Southern Hemisphere rotate clockwise, while those in the North rotate counter-clockwise and provide this as proof positive of their spinning ball-Earth. In reality, however, the Earth is an extended flat plane and all the stars and other celestial bodies rotate East to West around Polaris, the only non-moving star in the sky situated perfectly in line directly above the North Pole. The so-called "South Pole" and South Pole star "Sigma Octantis" are both myths - complete fabrications to bolster their ball model. The following video exposes the entire hoax and explains in detail how star-trails work on the flat Earth model, and how they do NOT on the ball. Special thanks to My Perspective, Aaron Dover, David Kay, and all the other flat Earthers who have helped uncover the truth about this key issue.

Last edited by Admin on Sat Apr 06, 2019 6:36 am; edited 2 times in total

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Flat Earth Star Trails Explained Empty need camera for filming stars trails

Post by George Living Sun Nov 06, 2016 2:32 pm

Yo man great video, could you tell me the best camera to use
to film star trails, see im in Australia and want to film the star trails
made here in the outer hemisplane, im presuming it's just gonna
cruise by east to west,
George Living
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Flat Earth Star Trails Explained Empty Re: Flat Earth Star Trails Explained

Post by Admin Wed Jun 28, 2017 8:49 am


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Flat Earth Star Trails Explained Empty Re: Flat Earth Star Trails Explained

Post by Admin Fri Sep 22, 2017 4:48 am


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Flat Earth Star Trails Explained Empty Re: Flat Earth Star Trails Explained

Post by Admin Mon Nov 27, 2017 11:33 am


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Flat Earth Star Trails Explained Empty Re: Flat Earth Star Trails Explained

Post by Admin Sat Jun 30, 2018 10:45 am

Earth is a level motionless plane with the Sun, Moon and stars revolving over and around us just as you experience every day.  The North Pole is the magnetic mono-pole center-point with Polaris, the North Pole star situated directly above.  Polaris is the only motionless star in the heavens with all the other constellations revolving perfect circles over the Earth every night.  The so-called "planets," known to the ancients as "wandering stars," were named such because they were observed then as we can observe today to wander the heavens taking their own unique spirograph-like patterns making both forward and retrograde motions over and around the Earth during their cycles.  Meanwhile the "fixed stars" were named such because they were observed then as we can observe today to stay fixed in their constellation patterns night after night, year after year, century after century, never changing their relative positions.  If Earth was truly a tilting, wobbling, spinning space-ball as NASA and modern astronomy proclaim, rotating 1000mph on its axis, revolving 67,000mph around the Sun, spiraling 500,000mph around the galaxy, and shooting off several million more mph through the universe, the star patterns would never look the same two nights in a row, let alone be fixed in exactly the same constellations for thousands upon thousands of years!

The reality is that the Earth and Polaris do not move, while everything else in the heavens revolves over Earth and around Polaris East to West like in a planetarium dome.  Our Earth planetarium, however, is so vast that perspective won't allow any observer to see all the stars simultaneously from any one vantage point.  We can see Polaris, Ursa Major/Minor and other Northern constellations from every point North of the equator simultaneously, but conversely cannot see the so-called South Pole Star - Sigma Octantis, the Southern Cross or other outer constellations simultaneously from every point South of the equator, because they all sweep over a great southern arc from their rise in the evening to their setting in the morning.  Facing North, the stars turn counter-clockwise, from right to left, facing South they turn clock-wise, from left to right, facing East they rise in front and set behind, while facing West they rise behind and set in front.  So their apparent motion, angle and inclination changes depending where you are on Earth and what direction you are facing, but their actual movement is always East to West.

Last edited by Admin on Sat Apr 06, 2019 6:36 am; edited 1 time in total

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Flat Earth Star Trails Explained Empty Stars

Post by patrick jane Tue Jul 24, 2018 8:12 pm

Flat Earth Southern Stars - Solved - Part 1

3 minutes

Flat Earth Southern Stars - Solved - Part 2

3 minutes
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Flat Earth Star Trails Explained Empty Re: Flat Earth Star Trails Explained

Post by vivektodmal Thu Aug 30, 2018 12:13 am

Hello, Eric i do understand almost all the other concepts discussed here but i have still not seen anyone discuss about Seasonal Constellations and how they would work on the Dome model? Why do some stars appear only during certain seasons? Like the Orions Belt . I did not see this in any other video or thread so just Curious . Thanks


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Flat Earth Star Trails Explained Empty Re: Flat Earth Star Trails Explained

Post by Admin Sun Sep 02, 2018 4:53 am

Hey Vivek, so called "seasonal constellations" have not changed positions or moved anywhere, they are simply not visible during certain times because they are close to and being blocked out by the Sun. Sidereal time vs. Solar time being 4 minutes divergent causes the slow cycle, and whichever constellations are near the Sun during that time will be invisible due to being whited out by the Sun's light. Constellations like Ursa Major and Minor can be seen all year round from the North Hemisphere because they are close to the Pole where the Sun never reaches. "Seasonal" Constellations are positioned closer to the Tropics where the Sun's path is and can be blocked by it. Peace

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Flat Earth Star Trails Explained Empty Re: Flat Earth Star Trails Explained

Post by vivektodmal Sun Sep 02, 2018 2:47 pm

Hey thanks !! I just wanted to make sure i have complete facts before i debate with anyone about this. Thanks for the info i will research further on this


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Flat Earth Star Trails Explained Empty Re: Flat Earth Star Trails Explained

Post by Mr. Electric Fri Jan 07, 2022 7:48 am

K.K.W.L.A.A. Von Brandis 1879 from the internet archive The Library of Congress.

Central Ether

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Flat Earth Star Trails Explained Empty Re: Flat Earth Star Trails Explained

Post by maril Sat Jun 11, 2022 11:13 am

I still don't get the star trails after watching the videos.

The star trails in the southern hemisphere that I can find always seem to have a swirl of some sort at the 'southern pole'.  In other words, some stars going the opposite direction.  I can imagine a slowdown as a consequence of perspective, but vertical movement or opposite direction I don't get.

It could be that the videos listed here that were removed explains this :-o


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Flat Earth Star Trails Explained Empty Re: Flat Earth Star Trails Explained

Post by tycho_brahe Sat Jun 11, 2022 7:46 pm

maril wrote:I still don't get the star trails after watching the videos.

The star trails in the southern hemisphere that I can find always seem to have a swirl of some sort at the 'southern pole'.  In other words, some stars going the opposite direction.  I can imagine a slowdown as a consequence of perspective, but vertical movement or opposite direction I don't get.

It could be that the videos listed here that were removed explains this :-o

Did you see the inserted video posted above?  It completely answers all your question and why Sigma Octanis / Polaris Australis appears not to move like the North Star.

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Flat Earth Star Trails Explained Empty Re: Flat Earth Star Trails Explained

Post by maril Sun Jun 12, 2022 6:01 am

I watched that video completely.  The convergence and the slowdown part makes sense.  The canopy of stellar luminaries should have a constant radial speed, or increasing linear velocity, so the video doesn't really cover that.

The video also doesn't cover how the swirl could form, or claim to explain whether the star trails that appear to move opposite the direction of the rest of the stars are a perspective issue or faked or what.  antiCrepuscular rays don't have a swirl effect, just the convergence.

I'll watch the videos a few more times... Maybe I am just having trouble visualizing.


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Flat Earth Star Trails Explained Empty Found a video that could possible explain souther star's roations around an axis.

Post by Truth Addict Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:08 pm

I watched the videos too and still had trouble understanding southern star's rotation around an axis. Later i found this video which makes perfect sense and is evidence that earth is enclosed with a dome: https://youtu.be/zJ9z1hvkQLg?si=V1n2rq24ih8RnK7k i

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