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The Globe Earth Lie

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The Globe Earth Lie Empty The Globe Earth Lie

Post by Admin Mon Jan 04, 2016 8:58 am

The Globe Earth Lie Globe-earth-lie

The Globe Earth Lie Wolf-sheeps-clothing

Wolves in sheep’s clothing have pulled the wool over our eyes.  For almost 500 years, the masses have been thoroughly deceived by a cosmic fairy-tale of astronomical proportions.  We have been taught a falsehood so gigantic and diabolical that it has blinded us from our own experience and common sense, from seeing the world and the universe as they truly are. Through pseudo-science books and programs, mass media and public education, universities and government propaganda, the world has been systematically brain-washed, slowly indoctrinated over centuries into the unquestioning belief of the greatest lie of all time.    

The Globe Earth Lie Gf-solar-system_planets

“Children are taught in their geography books, when too young to apprehend aright the meaning of such things, that the world is a great globe revolving around the Sun, and the story is repeated continuously, year by year, till they reach maturity, at which time they generally become so absorbed in other matters as to be indifferent as to whether the teaching be true or not, and, as they hear of nobody contradicting it, they presume that it must be the correct thing, if not to believe at least to receive it as a fact. They thus tacitly give their assent to a theory which, if it had first been presented to them at what are called ‘years of discretion,’ they would at once have rejected.  The consequences of evil-teaching, whether in religion or in science, are far more disastrous than is generally supposed, especially in a luxurious laisser faire age like our own. The intellect becomes weakened and the conscience seared.”  -David Wardlaw Scott, “Terra Firma: The Earth Not a Planet Proved From Scripture, Reason, and Fact” (26)

The Globe Earth Lie Mason-signs

For 500 years an elite cabal of Sun-worshippers has propagated this nihilistic, atheistic cosmology / cosmogony unquestioningly believed by the vast majority of the world.  We have been taught, contrary to all common sense and experience, that the seemingly motionless, flat Earth beneath our feet is actually a massive moving ball spinning through space at over 1,000 miles per hour, wobbling and tilted 23.5 degrees on its vertical axis, while orbiting the sun at a blinding 67,000 miles per hour, in concert with the entire solar system spiraling 500,000 miles per hour around the Milky Way and careening across the expanding universe away from the “Big Bang” at an incredible 670,000,000 miles per hour, but that you feel and experience none of it!  We have been taught that a mysterious force called “gravity,” a magical magnetism responsible for keeping everything from falling or flying off the spinning ball-Earth, is just strong enough to hold people, oceans, and the atmosphere tightly to the surface, but just weak enough to allow bugs, birds and planes to take off with ease!  

The Globe Earth Lie Space9_2260491k

“Whilst we sit drinking our cup of tea or coffee the world is supposedly rotating at 1,039 mph at the equator, whizzing around the Sun at 66,500 mph, hurtling towards Lyra at 20,000 mph, revolving around the centre of the 'Milky Way' at 500,000 mph and merrily moving at God knows what velocity as a consequence of the 'Big Bong.' And not even a hint of a ripple on the surface of our tea, yet tap the table lightly with your finger and ... !" -Neville T. Jones

The Globe Earth Lie Star1_mini

“I remember being taught when a boy, that the Earth was a great ball, revolving at a very rapid rate around the Sun, and, when I expressed to my teacher my fears that the waters of the oceans would tumble off, I was told that they were prevented from doing so by Newton’s great law of Gravitation, which kept everything in its proper place.  I presume that my countenance must have shown some signs of incredulity, for my teacher immediately added - I can show you a direct proof of this; a man can whirl around his head a pail filled with water without its being spilt, and so, in like manner, can the oceans be carried round the Sun without losing a drop.  As this illustration was evidently intended to settle the matter, I then said no more upon the subject.  Had such been proposed to me afterwards as a man, I would have answered somewhat as follows - Sir, I beg to say that the illustration you have given of a man whirling a pail of water round his head, and the oceans revolving round the Sun, does not in any degree confirm your argument, because the water in the two cases is placed under entirely different circumstances, but, to be of any value, the conditions in each case must be the same, which here they are not.  The pail is a hollow vessel which holds the water inside it, whereas, according to your teaching, the Earth is a ball, with a continuous curvature outside, which, in agreement with the laws of nature, could not retain any water.”  -David Wardlaw Scott, “Terra Firma: The Earth Not a Planet Proved From Scripture, Reason, and Fact” (1-2)

The Globe Earth Lie SolarSystem

We have been taught that the ball-Earth spins at a constant velocity perfectly dragging the atmosphere along so we cannot feel the slightest bit of motion, perturbation, wind, or air resistance.  They say we cannot feel any of this motion because the magical velcro of gravity pulls the atmosphere precisely along, and we cannot measure any of this motion because the stars are so incredibly far away that over a hundred million miles of supposed annual orbit around the Sun amounts to not a single inch of relative parallax change!  How convenient!?

We have been taught that the apparent orbit of the Sun, planets, and stars (but not the Moon!) around the Earth are all optical illusions, that it is in fact the Earth beneath our feet which moves, and our eyes that deceive us.  Special exception is made for the Moon, however, which is said to revolve around Earth just as it appears.  Since we only ever see one side of the Moon, we have been taught this is because the Moon’s supposed 10.3 mph West to East rotation combined with its 2,288 mph orbit of Earth just happens to be the EXACT motion and speed necessary to perfectly cancel out the Earth’s supposed 1,000 mph East to West rotation and 67,000 mph orbit of the Sun, thereby creating the perpetual dark side of the Moon illusion!  Oh really!?

The Globe Earth Lie Sun-and-moon-Same-Size-in-Sky

Though the Sun and Moon appear to be relatively small equal-sized bodies revolving around a stationary Earth, we have been taught that this too is an optical illusion, and they are in fact thousands of miles divergent in diameter!  They say the Sun is actually a whopping 865,374 miles across, 109 times wider than the Earth, and, contrary to all experience, experiments, and common sense, that we revolve around it!  They say the Moon is 2,159 miles across, a quarter the size of the Earth, and why they appear the same size is because the Moon is “only” 238,000 miles away, while the Sun is an unfathomable 93,000,000 miles away from the Earth, and these just happen to be the EXACT diameters and distances necessary for a viewer from Earth to “falsely” perceive them as being the same size!  You don’t say!?

The Globe Earth Lie Upside-down-world-earth-grass-sky1-250x300

“A sphere where people on the other side live with their feet above their heads, where rain, snow and hail fall upwards, where trees and crops grow upside-down and the sky is lower than the ground?  The ancient wonder of the hanging gardens of Babylon dwindle into nothing in comparison to the fields, seas, towns and mountains that pagan philosophers believe to be hanging from the earth without support!”  -Lacantius, “On the False Wisdom of the Philosophers”

“I confess that I cannot imagine how any human being, in his proper senses, can believe that the Sun is stationary when, with his own eyes, he sees it revolving around the heavens, nor how he can believe that the Earth, on which he stands, is whirling with the speed of lightning around the Sun, when he feels not the slightest motion.”  -David Wardlaw Scott, “Terra Firma” (66)

The Globe Earth Lie Nasa-mason-signs

We have been taught that those tiny pin pricks of light in the night sky known as planets, or wandering stars, are actually physical, globular, Earth-like habitations millions of miles away.  We have even been shown supposed video footage of the one called Mars.  We have been taught that the tiny pin pricks of light in the night sky known as the fixed stars, are actually distant suns trillions of miles away each complete with their own solar systems, orbiting moons, and Earth-like planets which potentially harbor alien life!

The Globe Earth Lie Astro-nots

We have been taught that the Moon has no light of its own but is merely a reflector of the Sun’s light, that some Masons from NASA actually walked on the Moon, that some other Masons from NASA sent rovers to Mars, that satellites and space stations are incessantly spinning in suspended animation above the earth, that Hubble telescopes are taking snapshots of distant planets, galaxies, stars, quasars, black holes, worm holes, and other fantastic celestial phenomena.  We have been taught that our ignorant ancient ancestors for millennia falsely believed the Earth to be the flat, immovable center of the universe, but thanks to modern “science” and its Masonic prophets like Copernicus, Newton, Galileo, Collins, Aldrin and Armstrong we now believe the world to be a giant whirling sea-earth globe careening through infinite space.

The Globe Earth Lie People%2Bon%2Bopposite%2Bsides%2Bof%2Bthe%2Bearth

“Modern astronomical teaching affirms that the world we live on is a globe, which rotates, revolves and spins away in space at brain-reeling rates of speed; that the sun is a million and a half times the volume of the earth-globe, and nearly a hundred million miles distant from it; that the moon is about a quarter the size of earth; that it receives all its light from the sun, and is thus only a reflector, and not a giver of light; that it attracts the body of the earth and thus causes the tides; that the stars are worlds and suns, some of them equal in importance to our own sun himself, and others vastly his superior; that these worlds, inhabited by sentient beings, are without numbers and occupy space boundless in extent and illimitable in duration; the whole of these interlaced bodies being subject to, and supported by, universal gravitation, the foundation and father of the whole fabric.  To fanciful minds and theoretical speculators, the so-called ‘science’ of modern astronomy furnishes a field, unsurpassed in any science for the unrestrained license of the imagination, and the building up of a complicated conjuration of absurdities such as to overawe the simpleton and make him gape with wonder; to deceive even those who truly believe their assumptions to be facts.”  -Thomas Winship, “Zetetic Cosmogeny” (iii)

The Globe Earth Lie Darwin-Theory-Bible-Monkey

We have been taught that “science” books like Newton’s Principia Mathematica which propound the spherical heliocentric myth are the bearers of truth while backwater “religious” books like the Holy Bible which propound a flat, geocentric Earth are merely outdated myths.   We have been taught that the universe was unintelligently designed and randomly created in a cosmic coincidence of nothing inexplicably becoming everything!  We have been taught that through millions upon millions of years of accidental “evolution” and happenstance the Big Bang universe began manifesting suns, moons, planets, then water, then somehow out of dead, inert elements, single-celled conscious organisms came to life, grew and multiplied and mutated into larger, different organisms which continued to grow, multiply and mutate gaining diversity and complexity (and losing credibility) to the point where amphibians crawled up on land, replaced gills with lungs, started breathing air, maturated into mammals, became bipedal, grew opposable thumbs, evolved into monkeys, then in one final fluke adaptation a hybrid monkey-man was made and the rest is human history.

The Globe Earth Lie Monkeys

“Put together all the imaginary exploits in the air specially written to interest the young, add to this all the wonderful adventures of air-ships recorded in the ‘Daughter of the Revolution,’ and tack on to this all the wild and impossible things  found in current libraries of fiction, and I venture to say that the grand total will record nothing so utterly impossible or so supremely ridiculous as this modern scientific delusion of a globe spinning away in space in several different directions at the same time, at rates of speed which no man is able to grasp: with the inhabitants, some hanging heads down and others at various angles to suit the inclination.  Write down all the swindles that ever were perpetrated; name all the hoaxes you ever heard of or read about; include all the impostures and bubbles ever exposed; make a list of all the snares that popular credulity could ever be exposed to, and you will fail in getting within sight or hearing of an imposture so gross, a hoax so ingenious, or a bubble of such gigantic proportions as has been perpetrated and forced upon unthinking multitudes in the name of science, and as proved incontrovertible fact, by the expounders of modern astronomy.  Again and again have their theories been combated and exposed, but as often have the majority, who do not think for themselves, accepted the popular thing.”  -Thomas Winship, “Zetetic Cosmogeny” (66)

The Globe Earth Lie Flat_earthqq

We have been taught that the height of stupidity and naivety was when our ignorant ancestors believed the Earth to be flat, and that if any man somehow still thinks the Earth to be the immovable center of the universe, that they must be the most primitive kind of ignoramus.   Nowadays the label “Flat-Earther” has become literally synonymous with “moron” and is a common cliché derogatory term for insulting someone’s intelligence.  Upon seeing a book titled “The Flat Earth Conspiracy” your ingrained instinct was likely to laugh, mock the messenger, and deny the very possibility.

The Globe Earth Lie T-O_Mappa_mundi_z

“What strikes you as being some thoughts that people would have if - in the short space of a few weeks - the universally held conviction that the Earth rotates on an axis daily and orbits the sun annually were exposed as an unscientific deception? Keep in mind that a rotating, orbiting earth is not counted as a mere hypothesis or even a theory anywhere in the world today. Oh no. Rather, this concept is an unquestioned 'truth'; an established 'fact' in all books and other media everywhere, church media included. Copernicanism, in short, is a concept that is protected in a bunker under a 50 foot thick ceiling of solid 'scientific' concrete. It is meant to be impregnable. It is a concept that has become ensconced in men’s minds as the indestructible cornerstone of enlightened modern man’s knowledge. Virtually all people everywhere have been taught to believe - and do believe - that this concept is based on objective science and dispassionate secular reasoning." -Marshall Hall, "Exposing the Copernican Deception"

“Ninety-nine people out of a hundred would give the same answer to the interrogation; and that same answer would be to the effect that ‘the earth is a globe which revolves round the sun.’ The ninety-nine who makes this reply would do it because they ‘know it is the case.’ (!!!) ‘How do they know it?’ Let this question be put to them, and they will bestow upon you a withering smile of pity at what they conceive to be an imbecility of mind on your part, and answer you in something like the following style: ‘It always has been so. We learnt it at school. Clever men say so; and look how astronomers can foretell eclipses;’ and then lose their temper at ‘the very idea’ of the globular theory being incorrect, and a haughty ‘ there can’t be a doubt about it,’ will close all they have to say on the subject. Now, if the ears of these ninety-nine could only be gained, they would be shown in an irresistible manner that the philosophy which would speak of a round and revolving world is a false philosophy.”  -B. Chas. Brough, “The Zetetic” Volume 1 Number 1, July 1872


Last edited by Admin on Wed Apr 10, 2019 10:32 am; edited 2 times in total

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The Globe Earth Lie Empty Re: The Globe Earth Lie

Post by Schpankme Tue Mar 15, 2016 3:23 am

Another fail for the Heliocentric Model occurs during the Winter Solstice (December), notice that North America is now showing MIDNIGHT and not Noon.

The Four Seasons of 2016:

SPRING EQUINOX ..... March 20 ....... 12:30 A.M. EDT

SUMMER SOLSTICE .. June 20 ............ 6:34 P.M. EDT

FALL EQUINOX ........ September 22 .. 10:21 A.M. EDT

WINTER SOLSTICE .. December 21 ..... 5:44 A.M. EST

The Globe Earth Lie Solarday

Solar Analemma proves the Flat Earth with the Southern loop much wider then the Northern loop.

The Globe Earth Lie SOLAR_ANALEMMA

Last edited by Schpankme on Wed Dec 28, 2016 5:47 am; edited 1 time in total

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The Globe Earth Lie Empty Re: The Globe Earth Lie

Post by ABalancedKarma Sat Nov 19, 2016 10:19 am

Schpankme wrote:Another fail for the Heliocentric Model occurs during the Winter Solstice (December), notice that North America is now showing MIDNIGHT and not Noon.

they "solved" it this way: the bullshit explanation is that the earth rotates 361° (or is it 359?  Laughing ) a day, so after 180 days, voilà, no 180° inversion.

I can't believe people buy these bullshits.

for more free laughters, look at solar year vs sidereal year and solar day vs sidereal day.

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The Globe Earth Lie Empty Re: The Globe Earth Lie

Post by reluctantsparrow Sun Feb 26, 2017 9:04 pm

I just thought of a simple experiment anyone who flies regularly can perform. Make sure you get a window seat. Then, before take off, if you find yourself with a good view of the horizon, look over at the window and place a small piece of tape on the window directly on the horizon line....(sit up straight). Then, at 35,000 feet or whatever, sit up straight again and look at the tape....is it still directly on the horizon line?


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The Globe Earth Lie Empty BREAKING NEWS

Post by Safesteef Tue Apr 18, 2017 11:59 pm

Curvature test the Netherlands and Lithuania

Did I post this document in the right topic. I'm not good in posting on forums. Maybe someone can download and upload this PDF in the right way.
Thanks, Stephan

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The Globe Earth Lie Empty Re: The Globe Earth Lie

Post by Admin Mon Mar 12, 2018 2:10 pm


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The Globe Earth Lie Empty Re: The Globe Earth Lie

Post by Schpankme Mon Mar 12, 2018 3:00 pm

Admin wrote:
Big Bang, Evolution yeah right

One of my favorite Balltard "isms" is informing those who cling to spinning Spaceballs, "that the Big Bang was invented by the Jesuits", this same group who indoctrinated the people to worship the man-made constructs of Heaven and Space (Fiction).

  Jesuit, see crypto Jew

Jew Creation Stories:

  Theoretical Science, THEO means God:  God Science
      Space  (Big Bang)  ATOM, remove Electron create Explosion

  Creation Science, CREATION means God:  God Science
      Heaven  (Holy Spirit)  ADAM, remove Rib create Women

see: Who Invented Space

The Globe Earth Lie Blue_m11

Defense of religious faith has demonstrated throughout history that the more unprovable a belief the more savagely men will fight to defend it.

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The Globe Earth Lie Empty Re: The Globe Earth Lie

Post by ChompOnThis12589 Mon Nov 12, 2018 3:52 pm

Thank you sooo much for posting all this information. I just began getting into this and learning about this. Now I’m addicted and want to learn everything I can about flat Earth. Very interesting stuff guys!


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The Globe Earth Lie Empty Re: The Globe Earth Lie

Post by Admin Wed Apr 10, 2019 11:10 am


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The Globe Earth Lie Empty Re: The Globe Earth Lie

Post by Ruth441 Mon May 16, 2022 11:28 pm


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The Globe Earth Lie Empty Re: The Globe Earth Lie

Post by Colinuk77 Fri May 27, 2022 3:08 pm

At certain times of the month I’ve seen the moon waning and the sun in the sky at the same time. This shouldn’t happen as supposedly the earth cast a shadow on the moon. Also the stars prove we’re not travelling through the galaxy at ridiculous speeds.


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The Globe Earth Lie Empty Re: The Globe Earth Lie

Post by Ruth441 Sun Mar 03, 2024 9:29 pm



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The Globe Earth Lie Empty Re: The Globe Earth Lie

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