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The Top 20 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Globe

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The Top 20 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Globe Empty The Top 20 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Globe

Post by Admin Fri Sep 30, 2022 4:47 am

The Top 20 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Globe:

Flat Earth has long been denigrated, derided and disparaged as being the most crackpot of all conspiracy theories, marginalized, mocked and ridiculed for centuries as being an ignorant ancient unscientific worldview, but the facts of the matter are far from what you have been told. When thoroughly examined and diligently researched with an open-mind, any skeptical critical-thinker will find it is actually the tilting, wobbling, spinning space-ball Earth promoted by NASA and taught in schools that is truly ridiculous and unscientific. The following are 20 ways anyone can prove for themselves that Earth is a level stationary plane.

I have intentionally made this to be the most concise yet comprehensive introduction to the Flat Earth possible, packed with proofs and rebuttals to common objections, like an update to my original 200 Proofs. Please help share this documentary on your social medias and with all the globe-Earthers in your life.

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CajunPie, notdownunder, Nym, tycho_brahe, BreezusChrist, steevrumsey33, zeteticseparovich and like this post

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The Top 20 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Globe Empty Re: The Top 20 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Globe

Post by zeteticseparovich Fri Sep 30, 2022 5:34 am

Admin wrote:The Top 20 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Globe:  

Flat Earth has long been denigrated, derided and disparaged as being the most crackpot of all conspiracy theories, marginalized, mocked and ridiculed for centuries as being an ignorant ancient unscientific worldview, but the facts of the matter are far from what you have been told.  When thoroughly examined and diligently researched with an open-mind, any skeptical critical-thinker will find it is actually the tilting, wobbling, spinning space-ball Earth promoted by NASA and taught in schools that is truly ridiculous and unscientific.  The following are 20 ways anyone can prove for themselves that Earth is a level stationary plane.

I have intentionally made this to be the most concise yet comprehensive introduction to the Flat Earth possible, packed with proofs and rebuttals to common objections, like an update to my original 200 Proofs.  Please help share this documentary on your social medias and with all the globe-Earthers in your life.

This is a great introduction to the topic for newbies, straight to the point and filled with great information thanks Eric


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Admin, steevrumsey33, wtf1850s and Scoutpi1 like this post

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The Top 20 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Globe Empty Re: The Top 20 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Globe

Post by wtf1850s Mon Oct 03, 2022 6:41 pm

I have been sharing with people around me or as it's know here losing friends and alienating people.

The receptive ones complain about the poor quality of many and and trying to listen what the narrator is saying verses what the written text says, they find it frustrating, confusing even.

I like this condensed versions verse the 200 proofs, people around me have the attention of a fruit fly.

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Location : Dallas wtf1850s@proton?


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The Top 20 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Globe Empty Re: The Top 20 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Globe

Post by Admin Sun Sep 17, 2023 10:09 pm

Flat Earth and Occam's Razor:

Occam's Razor is a scientific and philosophical rule stating that entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily, or in other words, a principle purporting that the simplest of competing theories is preferred to the more complex. Occam's Razor suggests that explanations of unknown phenomena be sought first in terms of known quantities, without adding any extraneous postulations, assumptions, or conclusions. When applied to the current hot button topic of the flat vs. globe earth cosmologies, Occam's Razor time and again applies to only one side of this debate, whilst the other is constantly found "multiplying entities unnecessarily" in defense of their theory...

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The Top 20 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Globe Empty Re: The Top 20 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Globe

Post by Admin Sat Oct 14, 2023 10:28 pm

30 Flat-Earth Fallacies and Sphere-Earth Sophistry:

Sophistry is defined as "the use of fallacious arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving." Sometimes knowingly, and more often unknowingly, people use sophist, logically fallacious statements when arguing in favor or defense of various propositions. Without a basic understanding of formal logic and the logical fallacies commonly used, it is very easy to be persuaded by sophist arguments. During debates regarding the topic of geocentric flat Earth vs. heliocentric globe Earth cosmologies, a myriad of flat Earth fallacies and sphere Earth sophistry is often employed, and makes a good case-study for students of formal logic.

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The Top 20 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Globe Empty Re: The Top 20 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Globe

Post by NASA Wetsuit Company Sun Oct 15, 2023 10:28 am

I am capable of this type of counter arguments and calling out fallacies. I am not derailed or intimidated by angular perspective, telemetry, gravity, red shift/blue shift. I know all that crap because I was one of them. And I'm aware to identify self defence mechanisms in the debate. Usually the fallacies are unintentional and unwittingly protect the person you are speaking to from expending the magnitude of mental energy needed to reconsider a traditional world view.

Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.
An armchair astrophysicst, powered by the discovery channel and decent grades in school, way back when.

We are all exglobers, the best way to address the disparity between complex globetard arguments and simple explanations is to make the simple explanations self evident by asking complicated questions about heliocentrism.

Hold your own, know your shit, and try not to get snarky or laugh.
NASA Wetsuit Company
NASA Wetsuit Company

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The Top 20 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Globe Empty Re: The Top 20 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Globe

Post by NASA Wetsuit Company Sun Oct 15, 2023 1:35 pm

wtf1850s wrote:I have been sharing with people around me or as it's know here losing friends and alienating people.

The receptive ones complain about the poor quality of many and and trying to listen what the narrator is saying verses what the written text says, they find it frustrating, confusing even.

I like this condensed versions verse the 200 proofs, people around me have the attention of a fruit fly.

Ya, they have associated production quality with validity.  Home made is unworthy of consideration.  A drawing is not a graphically designed illustration.  

No matter how much truth is in the content, of it's low quality, to them, its invisible.

Flat earth is like anything, if you seek it, you find it.  If you don't seek, you won't find.

And no one can seek for you.  Ie, you can lead a horse to water but cannot make it drink.  Love mixing metaphors.
NASA Wetsuit Company
NASA Wetsuit Company

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The Top 20 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Globe Empty Re: The Top 20 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Globe

Post by Admin Sun Dec 03, 2023 3:46 pm

An awesome adaptation of the Top 5 FE Proofs

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