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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:50 pm

Posted by Admin on 05/17/2015
If you can survive without enslaving, torturing and murdering animals (and you can) then you should. Not only can you survive this way, but you thrive this way. The healthiest people on Earth eat a high-raw, high-carb, low-fat vegetarian/vegan diet. God designed the healthiest way for humans to eat, to also be the most compassionate way for humans to eat. It is win-win, or winfinity as Dr. Doug Graham would say. What is best for the environment, the animals, world hunger, and overall health and longevity is vegetarianism:

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Where do you draw the line? Well it seems right now you're not drawing the line at all and spouting as many excuses as you can think of. What about parasites? Kill them if you must, or just remove yourself (the host) and they will leave or die of natural causes. If you switch to a vegan diet and flush out your colon, you will not have worms/parasites living in you anymore because they cannot survive on just plant foods. Turn off your brain and turn on your heart man. Nature already has all the predators it "needs" and it doesn't "need" them anyway. If any animal becomes to prevalent in an area their natural food source will become depleted and their numbers will level out based on that. No need for humans to turn off their compassion, pretend their "predators," and go kill a bunch of innocent, defenseless animals because you decided there's too many. That's not your decision to make. How about I make the decision that there's too many humans and I want to start out by slaughtering you and your family Lobellver, how does that sound? Lobellver, you owe it to me and the animals to shut your mouth and open your heart for the next four minutes:

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:50 pm

Posted by on 05/17/2015
Animals are not food. One can make choices or be reduced to conditions that make resorting to using any animal friend as food maybe mean the difference between living and dying. But by the same token so can eating a plant-based diet make the same vital difference in one's life.

To reduce an animal to merely a "food source" cheapens everything and condemns the human come predator to perils far and beyond any lack of nourishment.

If you (meaning we) cannot and, worse, will not (even when prompted) consider any better purpose for an animal friend of any species than to torture, kill and eat them then we do not even deserve the name animal, let alone "Man".

That is, I would tell such a specimen to go f**k themselves but the fact is they have clearly already anticipated me.

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:51 pm

Posted by maiapleiades79 on 05/19/2015
I went vegetarian at age 16 and have been vegan a few years now. I forced myself to watch the entire Earthlings documentary. I will never understand how it is the very same people who can NOT sit through that documentary who are also the ones still eating meat, dairy, etc. The pure gluttony that goes on in the world today is beyond sickening. Maybe it's kind of like karma since the people who over induldge in meat and dairy are also morbidly obese, sick, cancer, etc. But not really because it's all part of the elite's plan. We become exactly what they want us to become.

I am glad some people are spreading the vegan message here on this forum. The meat and cheese substitutes out there have come a LONG way. 

There are so many vegan cookbooks too like "Betty Crocker Goes Vegan." Countless websites online to help with vegan substitutes, recipes, where to buy, PETA.org is a great place to start.

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:52 pm

Posted by fortuity on 05/25/2015
Dr. Robert Young talks about the importance of juicing when starting down the road to health. His program advocates alkaline foods. He says using a juicer daily could be one your most important steps to good health and longevity.


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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:52 pm

Posted by o on 05/25/2015

Since juicing mentions pH balancing, I would like to share this article I see a lot nowadays. The theorist is a hollow earther, but the general content is interesting.

By the way, exactly one year ago I went through a juicing detoxification for 7 days (around %90 vegetable, %10 fruit) which ended up with bleeding gums, shaking hands etc. besides positive reactions. Maybe I was over-juiced Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Smiley 

'Excellent work Shilo. I am a Sports Medicine Doctor. The earth is exactly like our human cells. The extracellular fluids that bathe the cells are controlled by Sodium chloride (in the earth's case as a "cell", NaCl-hygroscopic-is the controller of the oceans on the external surface).

The intracellular fluids (inside the cell) are fresh water controlled by Potassium chloride the main controlling mineral salt of chlorophyll (hence the "green paradise" inside the earth). In an osmotic process the NaCl moves thru the cell wall from outside and the KCl moves from inside out. This is called the Na-K pump. This causes electrolysis hence these cell salts are called electrolytes & you find them in Gatorade & other sports drinks.

Ferrum Phosphate is the mineral salt controlling the cell wall. The electrolysis releases DC current which magnetizes the Fe (iron) and causes a magnetic North & South on the cell & a resting potential of 80-90 millivolts on average (organ-muscle-nerve cells differ slightly).

All body generation warmth is caused by the ignition of phosphorus in the presence of oxygen.

Like striking a match head (which has phosphorus) causes a flame. Iron Phosphate (Ferrum Phos in the Health Food stores) is the pre-eminent Biochemic Tissue salt of the 12 discovered by Dr W G Schuessler in 1888.

DC current from Electrolysis flowing thru iron causes the iron to become magnetic. Magnetism spun in a circle causes electricity (like a dynamo on a child's bike causes the headlight to light up).

Imagine the earth like a bucket with water in it and holes in its side rotating at speed. The water will be forced out the sides. The same with the earth.

Volcanoes usually happen when acid lands meet alkali lands (e.g. the still above sea-level ramparts of the ancient land of Lemuria in the Pacific ocean - an old alkali land - meeting the emerging young acid American Continent = San Andreas Fault).

As the white hot rocks become exceedingly fluid the water pressure from underneath makes its pathway up to the top of the new forming "mountain" and creates another eternal spring flowing down a mountain. Nearly all our permanent rivers are formed this way-Nile-Amazon-Orinoco-Zambesi-Danube etc. There are saltwater streams and fresh water streams under the earth as every water drilling rig will tell you.

The release of the energy of electrolysis in a cell tags nicely onto the proposed explanation of the energy released from the rims of the holes at the poles of the earth instead of from the Solar Stream. There is so much more but that will do for now.



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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:54 pm

Posted by Admin on 05/25/2015
All animals on Earth have "species specific" diets. Male animals don't have different nutritional needs than females. Fair-furred dogs don't have different nutritional needs from dark-furred dogs. Green eyed cats don't have different nutritional needs than brown eyed. Bears of one blood type don't have different nutritional needs than another (even though they have more various blood types than humans!) All these unscientific claims of "Yin Yang" diets and "fair-skin" suggestions or whatnot is more subjective, irrelevant, and unconfirmable than horoscopes and fraud psychics. As has been shown with voluminous evidence throughout this thread, the best diet for ALL humans regardless of eye color, hair color, skin color, blood type, gender or any other such irrelevant consideration is a whole food plant-based diet, high-raw, high-carb, low-fat in approximately 80/10/10 proportion of Carbs/Fat/Protein:


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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:55 pm

Posted by fortuity on 05/26/2015
Here is a true chart by Dr. Robert O. Young of foods and liquids that are alkaline. The only exception on the list is Dr. Young recommends that you drink your nuts and seeds as nut or seed milk.

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:56 pm

I love this video Fortuity Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Smiley A beautiful compassionate thoughtful child not yet brainwashed by modern meat culture. And I agree about the importance of alkalinity and soaking your nuts/seeds before eating them which makes them bio-available and easily digestible. We're not big into nut milks, but we use soaked cashews and other nuts to make nut-based dressings and many of them like our ceasar salad dressing tastes even better than the original. You can see it on the lower left:

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:56 pm

Posted by fortuity on 05/27/2015
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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:56 pm

Posted by ancientjon on 05/30/2015
I have been a vegetarian for about 7 years now. I started out after an LSD experience where I fasted for a day and realized how disgusting meat was the next day, and made the choice not to eat it ever again. That was the first time in my life I had probably ever actually questioned to myself whether meat should be a food. Soon afterward I read "The Omnivore's Dilemma" by Michael Pollan, and began my journey into the world of healthy eating. Pretty soon after that I got turned on to the raw food diet and basically have been mostly raw ever since then.

Nowadays I follow the principles of LifeFood. LifeFood is seasonal, organic fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, sea vegetables, some greens, herbs and some mushrooms, and cultured foods and beverages. It is food that has some semblance of itself growing wild in nature, and has the ability to reproduce itself, aka it is not sterile (seedless) or excessively hybridized - foods like banana, cashew, date, pineapple, beet, carrot, grains, etc. contain runaway sugars that can't be processed by your liver. For the most part I live of blended beverages and cultured seed pates and vegetables, and fruits. I also fast regularly, and extend my morning fast until at least 12 pm before I break-fast. I use a lot of herbs and wild foods in my diet and love making fermented, non-alcoholic (or very low alcohol) beverages with tonic adaptogenic herbs and local wild plants. I also have my own chocolate company and make raw organic vegan stone-ground chocolate with wild maple sugar and spagyric herbal extracts. I think there are a lot of ways to feed your body mind and spirit other than food, which are often more powerful and energizing: sunlight, music/sound, deep breathing, time in nature/hiking, laughter, earthing, sleeping outside, art/creativity, exercise/dance/martial arts, meditation, high vibe beverages, and much more. Here is some beginning info about LifeFood:


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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:57 pm

Posted by Admin on 05/30/2015
Smile Great info Jon, glad to have you on the forum! I used that "electric mushroom" picture in Spiritual Science as well. This "Kirlian Photography" illustrates very well the difference between living and dead food (literally and energetically)

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:58 pm

Posted by ziming on 06/08/2015
I don't know where else to post this but it relates to food. According to Dr. Emoto's research the thoughts towards the water you drink has a significant effect depending on the good and bad intentions you direct to it. This has been proven in several tests done by users on Youtube who tried it with rice. 

Eric has already gone over Dr. Emoto's research in his "The Universal Consciousness" article.

It's interesting to learn that most people who first learn they have any type of cancer go into a downward spiral of negativity. The medical establishment tells you from the start the only treatment is chemotherapy & surgery, then to make matters worse gives you nutrient deficient food while they treat you. All this combined often leads to a slow and miserable experience until you die or if you're lucky enough go into remission. (Cancer often returns even with remission) To combat cancer effectively you have to do a complete lifestyle change like the person below does:

Here is a video that explains why the mainstream medical establishment uses chemotherapy and surgery. 


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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:58 pm

Posted by spo580 on 06/14/2015
I've been doing a little research on becoming a vegan/ vegetarian. One issue I'm finding right now is cholesterol, I understand your body makes it, but from what I understand you need to also take some in. I'm also aware that vegetarians use eggs to supplement their cholesterol intake. My question is how do vegans get their cholesterol levels to adequate levels? Some people believe that we want low cholesterol levels, but a lot of research is saying that's really bad for brain function. The reason being is that the majority of our brain is made of cholesterol.

Posted by Admin on 06/14/2015
Hey, the only forms of exogenous cholesterol come from animals products and this is commonly known as your "bad cholesterol level." So-called "good cholesterol" is endogenous, and maintains levels best on a plant-based diet. No chicken periods necessary. Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Smiley

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:59 pm

Posted by mitch on 06/15/2015
Ive been vegan for 3 months and feel healthier for it however im having difficulty converting my wife. We've been through all the arguments against meat consumption but she's labouring under a fair bit of cognitive dissonance/programming. The main point is she feels that she "needs" and "craves" meat (particularly red meat) during menstruation. She says nothing else will help her feel better. Can anyone help?

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:00 pm

Posted by Admin on 06/16/2015
My vegan fiance says, "that's clearly just an excuse, as there are millions of menstruating vegetarians around the world doing just fine." The cravings are natural just like the withdrawal symptoms experienced with drugs, the same is temporarily experienced with flesh-eating. But your entire chemistry including your taste-buds change over the course of time and those craving withdrawal symptoms will completely disappear IF you are eating enough carbohydrate calories every day to stay satiated. This is one of the biggest mistakes new vegetarian/vegans make is under-eating, or over-eating on fat, and this is why Harley Johnstone's book "Carb the Fuck Up" is so great, or the more scholarly 80/10/10 by Dr. Doug Graham (also see The Starch Solution by Dr. McDougall) because these get to the root of what/how we are supposed to eat as humans. High-raw, high-carb, low-fat vegan is the healthiest and highest performance lifestyle, and plain and simple, the way humans are meant to eat.

Annette Larkins has been eating a raw vegan diet consisting of nothing but fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds grown by herself for almost three decades and she claims she has found the fountain of youth. Annette is perfectly healthy, fit and beautiful for a middle-aged woman... but she is not a middle-aged woman. Annette is 70 years old! Watch this video and see why eating raw LIVING foods, not dead cooked sub-par sustenance, is truly the key to health, wellness, strength, beauty, energy, and longevity.

Mimi Kirk has been eating a vegetarian diet (then vegan, and now raw vegan) for 40 years now and she recently won a "Sexiest Vegetarian over 50" award. Mimi, though fit, healthy, beautiful, and says she wakes up everyday feeling 20, is actually 71 years old! Still not convinced that RAW LIVING VEGAN foods are the best suited for the human species?

Last but not least, meet the first supermodel in the world, actress and long-time raw vegan Sunny Griffin. She came from an overweight family and was always sick as a young woman, but after finding raw foods, she never again had problems controlling her weight or staying healthy. Now at 70 years old, the owner of her own raw cosmetics company, Sunny says "if you want to look good in your 70s and 80s, start in your 20s! For me, eating raw was like hitting the sweet spot on a tennis racket. I never felt better in my life. Everything felt great, I felt full of energy, my skin glowed, my eyes got clear. It really worked wonderfully for me." Compare these and other raw foodists with your average 70 year-old and I think the distinction is quite clear. 

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:01 pm

Posted by maiapleiades79 on 06/16/2015
Check out this video on youtube where this fitness guy shows in 10 minutes what he eats on a daily basis 100% vegan. 

It's titled, "My life as a binge eater" because he shows how much you can eat on a vegan diet and feel healthy and never hungry. He also says, "Carb the fuck up!"

PS: When your wife has a craving, you must do whatever you can to take her mind off the craving. That is the only way to make it go away. If she continues to focus on it, it will grow and grow until she gives in. The more she fights each craving, the stronger SHE will become, and the WEAKER the cravings will become.

Do not walk by tempting places where there is food she will crave. Avoid commercials at all costs!!!! Good luck and dont give up. Even if she manages to go months without craving and then she might slip up, that doesnt mean you have to return to same old bad eating habits.

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:01 pm

Posted by haritz on 06/18/2015
There are so many good posts on this page...consider them all "liked".

For anyone who wishes to improve health further, you might consider these three groups of foods, if you haven't already:

1. Adaptogenic herbs...ancientjon mentions these...these are foods that reduce stress, help you adapt to new conditions, and contribute to overall health. Some of the most famous are ginseng, gingko, and reishi mushroom.

This site provides a good list of them (scroll down the page):

2. Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) foods, i.e. high antioxidant foods. Basic yet important.

Here a list of the top 100:

3. Foods high in mono-atomic (m-state or ormus) elements, which allegedly increase superconductivity in brain/nerve centers, especially the pineal gland in the brain, and contribute directly to spiritual as well as physical health:


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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:02 pm

Posted by Admin on 06/26/2015

This should be mandatory viewing for all nutritionists, doctors, and people who don't want to get sick and die young. Dr. Michael Greger's meta-study of causes/experimentation done on the world's top 15 killers, linking almost all of them to consumption of meat and dairy products. And showing how eliminating meat and dairy products reverses most of them.

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Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:02 pm

Posted by hiilikeourbeard on 06/29/2015
"disease" is nothing more than acidosis. it's all base chemistry. your body is made up of literally 2 fluids, and cells. nothing more. the two fluids being blood and lymph. lymph makes up 75% of your interstitial fluids. the lymph system is the most important system in the body. it's your septic system. when you eat shit like meat, cheese, grains, proteins, animal proteins, acids, processed garbage etc your body can't get rid of the cell waste and you build up lymph fluid throughout the body causing all of mans ailments, cancers, autoimmune problems, tumors etc. switch to a high raw fruit diet and watch your "disease" vanish as that stagnant mucus throughout your body starts moving again. tumors disappear, aches go away, hair grows back etc. humans are frugivores! fruit baby Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Grin

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Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:03 pm

Posted by schpankme on 06/30/2015
World Health Organization recommends a diet low in saturated fat, sugar, and salt and high in fruit and vegetables.


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Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:04 pm

Posted by zarlodious on 06/30/2015
You can show your nutritionist the full blood panel results:

Also for inspiration, if it can change eye color to a prettier color:


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Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:04 pm

Posted by csp on 07/01/2015

May 26, 2015 9:32:37 GMT fortuity said:
From the mouth of children ALL truth shall be known and the truth will set you free!

(video has been removed)

Wow, I don't crack a tear very often when watching a video - but that is profoundly beautiful.

I've been looking at a path to improve my diet and as I've been a meat eater all my life, I'm looking at gradual steps as suggested.

Considering I've never been much of a vegetable eater (more of a meat/potatoes and fish family), I'm looking at some suggestions of different vegetables to try? I enjoy carrots, onion and tomatoes, but I've never enjoyed things like lettuce/leafy greens, broccoli, cabbage, cucumber etc - maybe I need to take a trip to the market and just randomly grab a bunch of things to try, but if anyone has been in my shoes, some suggestions would be great.

I also wanted to get a clarification on oats, they are produced from grain right? and grain is bad for us? or are we only talking processed grain here? Dr Greger seemed to put a positive spin on oats at some point in the video (I can't seem to find the exact spot now - ill update once I rewatch) - I also see whole grains listed on the chart listed here - I'm assuming whole grains are the go, so rolled oats are good?

Also, I love fruit - so I was thinking of juicing some fruits and vegetables together to start getting more vegetables into my diet earlier rather than later. Is there anything I should be aware of with juicing? Or is this advised against?

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Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:05 pm

Posted by Admin on 07/01/2015
Fruits are great, juicing fruits and vegetables is great, whole grains are quite good, definitely just go to the produce area and grab all the best looking (organic ideally) stuff and try different things. Your taste buds change and re-generate over the course of only a few weeks too, so as you start eating healthier you'll find yourself enjoying the taste of healthier foods more than you used to. Most people's taste-buds are constantly over-loaded with so many flavors and spices, the simple tastes of fruits/veggies etc. are lost on their de-sensitized palates.

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Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:05 pm

Posted by csp on 07/01/2015
Thanks all, ate some bananas, dried fruit/nuts mix, pineapple, carrot, snow peas along with drinking water and green tea today and not at one point did I even feel slightly hungry. Which is strange for me, as I'm usually internally struggling against being hungry all the time.

I also had a burning sensation in my mouth most of the day, it's settled now but it was a little unpleasant - has anyone experienced this?

I've recently gone off coffee (before joining these forums) due to adrenal gland issues, so I was drinking black tea and now I'm onto green tea - is tea OK? I understand it has less caffeine than coffee and most places I read says its the "best" type of tea to drink - love to hear peoples thoughts here on the matter.

On another note, I just spent 45 minutes speaking to my grand mother (she is 67 and going strong), who has been a "healthy" person most of her life, after learning about Vegan/Raw here I instantly thought of her. She's been pro "fruit, veg & excercise" her whole life and used to tell us grand kids to stop eating sugar and red meat incessantly. The one thing she does eat though is chicken - so I rang her and told her I'll be popping in tomorrow evening to show her this video and while I'm there I think I might apologize for being so arrogant when I was younger!

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:05 pm

Posted by hiilikeourbeard on 07/02/2015
if you want to get serious about spirituality or your health you have to eliminate animals from your diet and their fluids Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 3 Smiley

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