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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by MMDC Sat Mar 28, 2020 7:42 pm

Very nice and interesting to hear that, Bro.

Right, Herbert M. Shelton, basically the "founder" of this "movement." he's mentioned in the presentation.
When I came across this, I was baffled by its simplicity yet holistic take on health.
The presentation and knowledge of T.C. Fry on this subject is so pure. totally in his comfort zone. His insight in the practises of the medical system is priceless.

After spending a lot of time searching, i came to the conclusion that the practise of natural hygiene combined with the germanic new medicine can give you a good grasp on what dis-ease actually is.  

In this interview T.C. Fry explained a variety of topics like the germ theory, contagion theory and viruses. very telling.    

With the below link, people can find the "toxemia explained" pdf  

toxemia explained - John H. Tilden

and the pdf of germanic new medicine, just in case.

germanic (new) medicine - Ryke Geerd Hamer


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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by markwilson Sat Mar 28, 2020 7:48 pm

My own personal experience is that since I stopped consuming meat in January 2017, I have not once had indigestion, nor have I had any acid reflux. Not once. I've thrown out the Tums, don't need them. I used to routinely have both indigestion and acid reflux, and I still vividly remember the constant discomfort; not to mention the peace of mind that I now revel in knowing I'm no longer a part of the senseless slaughter of sentient beings never intended by nature to be consumed by myself. Like all the other lies we've been inculcated into, bodies designed herbivore/frugivore consuming slaughtered animals, which is antithetical to health, is yet one more.

Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 Screen11

Beginning at roughly 31 minutes:

"It is most critical that we eat combinations that are enzymatically compatible.

Indigestion is created when we eat from the four food groups simultaneously, beginning in early childhood and continuing on throughout adulthood.

Proteins and carbohydrates require two different chemical mediums to digest properly in the stomach.

PROTEINS require an acid medium.
CARBOHYDRATES require an alkaline medium.

When eaten together the body must produce the acid juices and the alkaline juices at the same time.

Simple chemistry states that acid and alkaline neutralize one another. Therefore, in this case, digestion has been severely retarded causing the proteins to begin to putrefy and the carbohydrates to begin to ferment.

This leads to the condition of indigestion and disease."

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by mitch Sun Mar 29, 2020 12:48 am

markwilson wrote:
Proteins and carbohydrates require two different chemical mediums to digest properly in the stomach.

Legumes and veg have both protein and carb content, so is it advisable to eat a meal of rice and beans, for example, separately and say 30mins between each?

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by markwilson Sun Mar 29, 2020 1:32 am

mitch wrote:
markwilson wrote:
Proteins and carbohydrates require two different chemical mediums to digest properly in the stomach.

Legumes and veg have both protein and carb content, so is it advisable to eat a meal of rice and beans, for example, separately and say 30mins between each?

For myself, so long as I'm not eating meat I pay no attention to what order my plant-based diet is consumed; i.e., fruits, veggies, nuts, etc. Greger, in his book How Not to Die, Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease, mentions beans 184 times, rice 62 times, legumes 45 times. Good food no matter the combination, imo.

"The plant starts out with low-energy electrons and, using the energy of the sun, charges them up into high-energy electrons. In this way, plants store the sun’s energy. When you then eat the plant (or the animals who ate the plant [a barbaric practice of the Jew and those who have yet to discover the truth about the proper diet of bodies designed herbivore/frugivore]), these electrons (in the form of carbohydrates, protein, and fat) are delivered to all your cells. Then your mitochondria take the plant’s power-packed electrons and use them as an energy source—that is, as fuel—and slowly release their energy." -Michael Greger

See also, "Humans have alkaline saliva ptyalin to pre-digest grains, alkaline urine, and weak stomach acid whereas all omnivore/carnivores have acidic saliva, acidic urine, and 10-1000x stronger hydrochloric stomach acid essential for digesting meat." The Meat/Dairy Myth, https://ericdubay.wordpress.com/2018/06/25/the-meat-dairy-myth/

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by markwilson Fri May 15, 2020 7:19 pm

I couldn't find a separate source outside of Facebook, so unfortunately you will have to visit Facebook to watch. More reason to go vegan. https://tinyurl.com/yayxqavz

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by Wondering Man Mon Jun 01, 2020 9:48 pm

Don't over complicate things unless you're extremely sensitive and already having problems. Vegan 12 years now and I regularly eat "poorly combined" foods. Even plant based sources can be overly complicating things so they can be positioned as an authority on the subject.

Keep as much of your food home made as you can and you can't go far wrong. Rice etc is often cheap although that can depend on where you live. Rice is cheap in most places, unless it's somewhere like Japan with government price regulated, or live in a food desert with little access to affordable fresh ingredients.

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by FiachraW Sun Jan 24, 2021 4:09 pm

Almost completed Veganuary
A testament
After viewing Erics wonderful documentary Stop Eating Your Friends, a telling account of what actually happens in this industry opened my eyes. FE was one thing, but I always felt scared of the vegan diet. What about my long sought after gains, bulking season and of course where will I get my protein? Pffft eating animals is the way to go because you know reincarnation and it's what the animals are for, and my dog is cute but that cow sure does look yummy. Not raw tho, just the flesh please medium well and some spices for the flavour. Living in a meat eating community for so long led me to believe it was imperative, and the vegan community were just a bunch of soy boy easily offended wimps who were privileged enough to have this opinion.
I often retorted the vegan argument with "It's inconvenient" or "What about who made your clothes? Some five year old in China who barely gets paid a dime for their days work and you get to complain about the animals? Pfffft. Give me a break."
Learning about FE can be isolating, especially when you are eating dead flesh.
On Christmas Day last month there I was sitting down eating Turkey, getting drunk and pondering nihilistic dystopian fantasies of the future under the totalitarian NWO.
After a few days I stumbled upon Erics doc ( Stop Eating Your Friends) and thought screw it why not, question everything.
After about 30 minutes I felt sick. Thinking about all the times I lombassed people, proudly ate dead flesh like it was right and probably infected my body with all these parasites. I knew I couldn't commit to this diet anymore.
Over the next few days I didn't have any meat. The following Sunday I had some lamb and it tasted awful. It was like my taste buds had lost any appetite for dead rotting flesh, and rightly so.
Fast forward to today

I always liked fitness. Today I ran 5 miles and shaved 5 minutes off my time by hitting 40 mins rather than my previous 45 minute record two months prior. I have lost about 5kg even though I am skinny as is. I have a newfound appreciation for the world, Gods plane and want to make it a better place.
The vegan diet doesnt make you lose gains, in fact if you do it right and go as raw as possible imo you will get far better results. I have a high fruit diet from morn to afternoon then make a salad generally with chopped veg, grains, beans and some dressing. It's not impossible, in fact the diet has cut my costs of food in half and I feel much healthier. Preparation is key.
Guys stay strong! This community is a powerful place and I love the freedom of discussion here.
@Marymoon if you are reading this I love your content! I am Irish myself and the video you shared on Brehon law is magical! Also all the information about Astrology is so intriguing! I am a Pisces and I feel I deeply affiliate with John Dunsworth's creative sense!


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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by Simon7 Mon Feb 15, 2021 10:50 am

Dominion 2018 is an excelent film. very similar to Earthlings 2005

Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 V1-dominion-2018-full-documentary-official


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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by Just Vital Fri Feb 19, 2021 11:21 pm

FiachraW wrote:Almost completed Veganuary
A testament

Thanks for sharing. I can relate to most of your story.
Just Vital
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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by FiachraW Fri Feb 19, 2021 11:30 pm

Just Vital wrote:
FiachraW wrote:Almost completed Veganuary
A testament

Thanks for sharing. I can relate to most of your story.
Yeah I feel I was high writing that post, eating a high fruit diet can make you a bit delusional.


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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by FiachraW Sat Feb 20, 2021 6:23 pm



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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by pitagoras Tue Nov 29, 2022 8:40 am

"Dr. Nun S. Amen Ra is a living testament to the power of intermittent fasting."
What do you guys think?


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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by Admin Tue Nov 29, 2022 9:38 am

I have also been eating one meal a day for the past 5 years or so and have found it very beneficial. I occasionally eat a small second meal a few hours later if still hungry, but usually just one meal around 2pm. I will actually be uploading a video next week about What I Eat in a Day as a 15-Year Vegan.

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by Admin Sat Dec 03, 2022 6:53 pm

What I Eat in a Day as a 15-Year High-Carb Vegan:

For the past 15 years I have been eating a high-raw, high-carb, low-fat vegan diet and reaping the benefits daily. Before switching to eating plant-based I had chronic acid reflux since childhood and would regularly get strep or sore throats, colds or flus nearly every few months. I had actually accepted this state of constant disease as normal until doing more research and experimentation for and on myself. After changing what I eat to a diet consisting of all plants and no animal products, both my chronic acid reflux and other regular ailments completely disappeared. In fact, I haven't fallen sick once in the past 15 years and have energy for days.

For more information please visit:

Markus and Cara Rothkranz:
https://www.youtube.com/ @MarkusRothkranz

Freelee the Banana Girl:
https://www.youtube.com/ @freeleeTheBananaGirl
https://www.youtube.com/ @TheFrugivorediet

Stop Eating Your Friends!

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by Slowbutsure Fri Apr 07, 2023 7:04 pm

You guys have any thoughts on why the creator needed to create meat eating animals? All i can think of is population controll. Any other thoghts/ideas?


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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by nowhereelsetogo Tue May 16, 2023 12:27 pm

This is an intensely interesting video about fats.

I appreciate that many here are vegan but you should still know how good or bad these are and what part industry has had in diets.


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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by Koubenakombi Fri Nov 03, 2023 12:10 pm

I live in the city... i know no cows to call them friends... in fact I would be surprised if I see a cow in the same level a dairy farmer would be surprised meeting a crackhead in an elevator. So far, until I get to know a cow, I will keep eating burgers (now and then - it's a case of liking, not loving). I consider the vegan appeal at the same level as human instinct and nature as being the representation of a true-self. Nevertheless, I do believe we have a common enemy... the group telling us to eat bugzzz... maybe it would be easier for you ... simply stop washing your vegetables and leaves and eat them together... but I would not want to have sesame seeds look-a-like crawling over my burgers. affraid


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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by Slowbutsure Mon Dec 04, 2023 6:33 pm

Koubenakombi wrote:I live in the city... i know no cows to call them friends... in fact I would be surprised if I see a cow in the same level a dairy farmer would be surprised meeting a crackhead in an elevator.  So far, until I get to know a cow, I will keep eating burgers (now and then - it's a case of liking, not loving). I consider the vegan appeal at the same level as human instinct and nature as being the representation of a true-self. Nevertheless, I do believe we have a common enemy... the group telling us to eat bugzzz... maybe it would be easier for you ... simply stop washing your vegetables and leaves and eat them together... but I would not want to have sesame seeds look-a-like crawling over my burgers. affraid

Like em or love em don't really matter, if you give it some honest and logical thoughts, it's from what I have seen not possible to find an answer that gives you the moral right to do it. Unless you are in some kind of special survival situation or something, but i doubt you are. Give it some more thought and try to morally justify your actions and tell us how you did it, we will see how honest you really are.


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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by Koubenakombi Mon Dec 04, 2023 6:51 pm

Nah! I don't do PC.  Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 1f357 . Specially with people unable to laugh.


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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by Slowbutsure Wed Dec 06, 2023 10:37 pm

Koubenakombi wrote:Nah! I don't do PC.  Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 1f357 . Specially with people unable to laugh.

All I'm saying is that if you honestly and logically think about it, you will reach the conclusion that what we are doing is objectively wrong. If you don't care about right and wrong when it comes to death and suffering of others, that's on you I guess.

If you are willing to treat others that way, you might just deserve to be treated the same. So might be worth considering before you go complaining about how evil the ppl that want to control your movement, force vaccinate you and put crap over your breathing holes are.

If death and suffering is what makes you laugh tho, im surley wasting my time.


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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  - Page 17 Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

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