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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Empty Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by Admin Fri Jan 01, 2016 4:20 pm

The idea that humans must consume animal flesh and excretions as part of a balanced diet is a monstrous myth that is quietly murdering billions of humans, animals and the environment. Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, Diabetes and the other 15 leading causes of human death have now been repeatedly verified and concluded through scientific meta-studies to be caused by the consumption of animal products. Furthermore, switching to a plant-based diet has proven to reverse almost all of them! The following documentary proves beyond any reasonable doubt that humans are NOT natural omnivores or carnivores, in fact every organ in our bodies is that of a frugivore/herbivore, and our choice to believe otherwise is slowly killing all of our friends, human and animal.

Last edited by Admin on Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:22 am; edited 2 times in total

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by Admin Fri Jan 01, 2016 4:23 pm

Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Tumblr_lm1mvgtEDq1qgitszo1_500

"Animals are my friends... and I don't eat my friends" ~George Bernard Shaw

"We all love animals. Why do we call some "pets" and others "dinner?" ~K.D. Lang

"Recognize meat for what it really is: the antibiotic- and pesticide-laden corpse of a tortured animal" ~Ingrid Newkirk

"Man is the only animal that can remain on friendly terms with the victims he intends to eat until he eats them" ~Samuel Butler

"For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love" ~Pythagoras

Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Einstein

"While we ourselves are the living graves of murdered beasts, how can we expect any ideal conditions on this earth?" ~George Bernard Shaw

"Truely man is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds theirs. We live by the death of others: we are burial places! I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look on the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men" ~Leonardo da Vinci

"As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields." ~Leo Tolstoy

"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet" ~Albert Einstein

"I have no doubt that it is a part of the destiny of the human race, in its gradual improvement, to leave off eating animals" ~Henry David Thoreau

Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  189593_10150126688808769_101225828768_6452732_3498980_n

"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages" ~Thomas Edison

"I think there will come a time, and this is down the road a great many years, when civilized people will look back in horror on our generation and the ones that have preceded it: the idea that we should eat other living things running around on four legs, that we should raise them just for the purpose of killing them! The people of the future will say, 'meat-eaters' in disgust and regard us in the same way that we regard cannibals and cannibalism" ~Dennis Weaver

"To a man whose mind is free there is something even more intolerable in the sufferings of animals than in the sufferings of man. For with the latter it is at least admitted that suffering is evil and that the man who causes it is a criminal. But thousands of animals are uselessly butchered every day without a shadow of remorse. If any man were to refer to it, he would be thought ridiculous. And that is the unpardonable crime." ~Romain Rolland

Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Kill_the_cow_vegan_vegetarian_sticker-p217368851279183229qjcl_400

"A man of my spiritual intensity does not eat corpses" ~George Bernard Shaw

"I venture to maintain that there are multitudes to whom the necessity of discharging the duties of a butcher would be so inexpressibly painful and revolting, that if they could obtain a flesh diet on no other condition, they would relinquish it forever" ~W.E.H. Lecky

"You have just dined, and however scrupulously the slaughterhouse is concealed in the graceful distance of miles, there is complicity" ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I think if you want to eat more meat you should kill it yourself and eat it raw so that you are not blinded by the hypocrisy of having it processed for you" ~Margi Clark

Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  15238624_400x400

"As soon as I realized that I didn't need meat to survive or to be in good health, I began to see how forlorn it all is. If only we had a different mentality about the drama of the cowboy and the range and all the rest of it. It's a very romantic notion, an entrenched part of American culture, but I've seen, for example, pigs waiting to be slaughtered, and their hysteria and panic was something I shall never forget" ~Cloris Leachman

"A human can be healthy without killing animals for food. Therefore if he eats meat he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral" ~Leo Tolstoy

"It is only by softening and disguising dead flesh by culinary preparation that it is rendered susceptible of mastication or digestion, and that the sight of its bloody juices and raw horror does not excite intolerable loathing and disgust" ~Percy Shelley

Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Luiz-Freitas-Bodybuilder-VEGETARIAN

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being. I should be unwilling to take the life of a lamb for the sake of the human body" ~Mahatma Ghandi

"To become vegetarian is to step into the stream which leads to nirvana" ~Gautama Buddha

"People think of animals as if they were vegetables, and that is not right. We have to change the way people think about animals. I encourage the Tibetan people and all people to move toward a vegetarian diet that doesn't cause suffering" ~The Dalai Lama

"Intellectually, human beings and animals may be different, but it's pretty obvious that animals have a rich emotional life and that they feel joy and pain. It's easy to forget the connection between a hamburger and the cow it came from. But I forced myself to acknowledge the fact that every time I ate a hamburger, a cow had ceased to breathe and moo and walk around. There are viable (and usually better) alternatives to the use of animals for food, sport, clothing, & experimentation. I beg you to discontinue any actions that might cause or condone animal torture, abuse, or destruction" ~Moby

Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  5058170326_316bd29ba7

A veteran USDA meat inspector from Texas describes what he has seen: "Cattle dragged and choked... knocking 'em four, five, ten times. Every now and then when they're stunned they come back to life, and they're up there agonizing. They're supposed to be re-stunned but sometimes they aren't and they'll go through the skinning process alive. I've worked in four large [slaughterhouses] and a bunch of small ones. They're all the same. If people were to see this, they'd probably feel really bad about it. But in a packing house everybody gets so used to it that it doesn't mean anything." ~Slaughterhouse 1997

"Vegetarianism serves as the criterion by which we know that the pursuit of moral perfection on the part of humanity is genuine and sincere ... If he be really and seriously seeking to live a good life, the first thing from which he will abstain will always be the use of animal food, because ... its use is simply immoral, as it involves the performance of an act which is contrary to the moral feeling -- Killing" ~Leo Tolstoy

"If a group of beings from another planet were to land on Earth -- beings who considered themselves as superior to you as you feel yourself to be to other animals -- would you concede them the rights over you that you assume over other animals?" ~George Bernard Shaw

Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Many-Hindus-worldwide-are-Vegetarian


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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by Admin Fri Jan 01, 2016 4:26 pm

EARTHLINGS is the single most powerful and informative documentary about society's horrific, unforgivable use and abuse of other animals, narrated by vegan actor Joaquin Phoenix with soundtrack by vegan musician Moby. This multi-award winning film is a must-see for anyone who truly desires peace and wishes to make the world a better place.

"Ignorance is the speciesist's first line of defense, yet it is easily breached by anyone with the time and determination to find out the truth. Ignorance has prevailed for so long only because people do not want to find out the truth. 'Don't tell me, you'll spoil my dinner' is the usual reply to any attempt to tell someone just how that dinner was produced. Even people who are aware that the traditional family farm has been taken over by big business interests, that their clothes come from slaughtered cows, that their entertainment means the suffering and death of millions of animals, and that some questionable experiments go on in laboratories, still cling to a vague belief that conditions cannot be too bad or else the government or the animal welfare societies would have done something about it. But it is not the inability to find out what is going on as much as a desire not to know about facts that may lie heavy on one's conscience that is responsible for this lack of awareness." -Earthlings

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Last edited by Admin on Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:23 am; edited 1 time in total

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by Admin Fri Jan 01, 2016 4:33 pm


The idea that humans must consume animal flesh and excretions (meat and dairy) as part of a balanced diet is a monstrous myth long symbolized and propagated by our unhealthy FDA food pyramid.


The entire top three levels of the regular pyramid (meat, dairy, refined fats/sugars) are not by any means necessary or conducive to good health. There is not a single vitamin, mineral, nutrient, phyto-nutrient, amino-acid, fatty-acid, protein-chain, omega, or any other such elusive vital ingredient to health, not a single thing found in meat or dairy products that cannot be found, in greater abundance and more optimally, in the plant kingdom. For instance there are more omegas in seaweed than in fish, over twice as much protein in spinach than steak, and four times more calcium in sesame seeds than in milk. An actual healthy food pyramid would look something like this picture.


Meat and dairy products are highly acidic, fattening, cholesterol-laden, artery-clogging, lymph-clotting, mucus-forming, constipating, difficult to digest, and full of worms, parasites, bacteria, metabolic waste, hormones, and chemicals. Eggs are actually unfertilized avian menstrual cycles, otherwise known as chicken periods. Milk is the puss and hormone-filled mammary excretions of a female cow and meant to nourish her young. None of these animal bits and pieces are beneficial or necessary for human consumption.


There is not a single chronic disease or deficiency exclusive to vegans. However, heart disease, cancer, tumors, cysts, MS, diabetes, and many other major health problems have all been cured by switching to a 100% vegan diet. Some of the strongest animals in nature like gorillas, elephants, moose, rhinos, hippos, and giraffes are all vegetarians. The idea that you need to eat another animal's flesh to be strong is a ridiculous superstition. Shaolin martial monks, arguably the toughest men on the planet, are all strict vegetarians.


Our human anatomy is undeniably designed to subsist on plant foods and not on animal flesh; literally every aspect of our bodies proves we are herbivore/frugivores and not carnivore/omnivores.


To begin with, humans and other natural vegetarians have 4x longer, convoluted intestinal tracts perfect for slow digesting fruits and starches, whereas omnivore/carnivores have 4x shorter intestines to quickly push out the acidic, putrefying animal flesh they eat.

Humans have alkaline saliva ptyalin to pre-digest grains, alkaline urine, and weak stomach acid whereas all omnivore/carnivores have acidic saliva, acidic urine, and 10-1000x stronger hydrochloric stomach acid essential for digesting meat.

All natural flesh-eaters also secrete the enzyme "uricase" necessary to metabolize the uric acid in meat, but uricase is not produced by our human bodies.


Humans have lateral jaw movement and flat molars for grinding grains and vegetables whereas natural flesh eaters have no lateral jaw movement and scores of huge fangs for biting and ripping. Humans have short, weak fingernails whereas carnivores and omnivores have long, strong, sharp claws for cutting through skin and flesh. Humans must take in Vitamin C from our food whereas all carnivores and most omnivore's bodies produce their own Vitamin C. Natural omnivores and carnivores also have a microbial tolerance far higher than humans. For example the botulinum toxin which is deadly to humans but is easily and safely digested by natural flesh-eaters.


Humans eating a high fat diet become obese, lazy, and diseased whereas natural flesh eaters stay trim, energetic and absolutely thrive on their high fat diet. Human vision is easily able to differentiate various colors making it simple to discern ripe from unripe plant foods, whereas the color vision of most omnivore/carnivores is far less discerning. Humans sleep only 6-12 hours a day like most herbivore/frugivores, whereas most omnivore/carnivores sleep 18-20 hours a day. Humans sweat from pores all over our bodies whereas all carnivores and most omnivores release perspiration from their tongues. Humans have single births and two mammary glands whereas most all omnivores and carnivores birth litters of several babies have have rows upon rows of mammary glands.


Again, there is not a single chronic disease or deficiency exclusive to vegans, nor a single vitamin, mineral, nutrient, phyto-nutrient, amino-acid, fatty-acid, protein-chain, omega, or any other such elusive vital ingredient to health, not a single thing found in meat (or dairy) products that cannot be found, in greater abundance and more optimally, in the plant kingdom. Put simply, humans are biologically built vegetarians.


"In using comparative anatomy to determine what man was 'meant' to eat, we should look at the species most similar to man, namely the anthropoid apes - chimpanzees, gibbons, gorillas, and orangutans. Of all animals, man's digestive organs and teeth most closely resemble these apes. In captivity, some of these animals will eat meat if forced to rather than starve to death. But in the wild, all eat a vegetarian diet. Another strong clue that man is naturally a vegetarian is the fact that vegetarians in general are much healthier than omnivores. The American Dietetic Association has acknowledged that vegetarians are less at risk for a number of chronic diseases, including heart disease, some types of cancer, obesity, high blood pressure, and adult-onset diabetes ... Eating a healthy diet goes far beyond cutting back a bit on red meat. In a recent study of 6,500 Chinese, Dr. T. Collin Campbell of Cornell found that even though the Chinese overall eat only a fraction of the animal protein Americans do, those who ate the least animal protein nonetheless had lower risk of disease than the average Chinese. Dr. Campbell concludes, 'We're basically a vegetarian species and should be eating a wide variety of plant foods and minimizing our intake of animal foods.'" -Glen Kime, president, Vegetarian Society of Washington, D.C.


All omnivores and carnivores eat their meat raw, tearing through fur/skin, and lapping up the nutrient-rich blood with their tongues. A true omnivore like a bear will take a fish out of the water and swallow it whole, uncooked, scales, bones, fins, head and everything. When a lion kills an herbivore for food, it tears right into the stomach area to eat the raw stomach, liver, intestines, and other organs that are filled with blood and nutrients. They will NOT eat cooked meat. For most humans, the smell and taste of raw bloody meat is putrid, so in order to consume it they must first clean, cook, season and marinate the flesh in various vegetarian herbs and spices to make it palatable.


"The final point I would like to make on how we as humans were not meant to eat meat is this. All omnivorous and carnivorous animals eat their meat raw. When a lion kills an herbivore for food, it tears right into the stomach area to eat the organs that are filled with blood (nutrients). While eating the stomach, liver, intestine, etc., the lion laps the blood in the process of eating the dead animals flesh. Even bears that are omnivores eat salmon raw. However, eating raw or bloody meat disgusts us as humans. Therefore, we must cook it and season it to buffer the taste of flesh. If a deer is burned in a forest fire, a carnivorous animal will NOT eat its flesh. Even circus lions have to be feed raw meat so that they will not starve to death. If humans were truly meant to eat meat, then we would eat all of our meat raw and bloody. The thought of eating such meat makes one’s stomach turn. This is my point on how we as humans are conditioned to believe that animal flesh is good for us and that we were meant to consume it for survival and health purposes. If we are true carnivores or omnivores, cooking our meat and seasoning it with salt, ketchup, or tabasco sauce would disguise and we as humans would refuse to eat our meat in this form." -Dr. Akilah El


Finally, plain moral decency and ethics should be reason enough to end this animal holocaust. Can you imagine if aliens came to Earth and treated humans the way we treat cows, pigs, and chickens? If aliens kept us locked together in tight cages, fattened us up, cut our noses and balls off, raped our women, chained down our children, then killed and ate us when we were the most tasty, would you see anything wrong with that? And for the anti-war meat-eaters out there: Need I point out the hypocrisy? If you kill innocent, defenseless animals every day just because you like the taste, then go around pretending you're "anti-war," you're only fooling yourself.



Last edited by Admin on Mon Jan 22, 2018 3:08 pm; edited 4 times in total

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by Admin Fri Jan 01, 2016 4:38 pm

Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Us50759846

Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  430192_353843081382528_857643312_n

Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  65618_10151641961829414_1534425491_n

If you want to stay sexy, fit, and healthy into your seventies then eating a raw vegan diet (or as close to it as possible) combined with exercise and a positive mental attitude has proven time and again to work wonders. Compare these raw vegan senior citizens to your average cooked meat-eater and see for yourself the difference diet makes:

Annette Larkins has been eating a raw vegan diet consisting of nothing but fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds grown by herself for almost three decades and she claims she has found the fountain of youth. Annette is perfectly healthy, fit and beautiful for a middle-aged woman... but she is not a middle-aged woman, in fact she is over 70 years old! Watch this video and see why eating raw living foods, not dead cooked sub-par sustenance, is truly the key to health, wellness, strength, beauty, energy, and longevity.

Mimi Kirk has been eating a vegetarian diet (then vegan, and now raw vegan) for 40 years now and she recently won a "Sexiest Vegetarian over 50" award. Mimi, though fit, healthy, beautiful, and says she wakes up everyday feeling 20, is actually over 70 years old!

Jim Morris is a former Mr. America who has been bodybuilding for over 50 years, still trains 6 days a week, is strong as an ox, and looks about half his age at an amazing 72 years old! Is Jim eating steaks, hamburgers, pizza, whey protein and creatine everyday? No, Jim's diet, like many raw vegan bodybuilders', consists of nothing but nuts, beans, fruits and vegetables.

Last but not least, meet the first supermodel in the world, actress and long-time raw vegan Sunny Griffin. She came from an overweight family and was always sick as a young woman, but after finding raw foods, she never again had problems controlling her weight or staying healthy. Now at 70 years old, the owner of her own raw cosmetics company, Sunny says "if you want to look good in your 70s and 80s, start in your 20s! For me, eating raw was like hitting the sweet spot on a tennis racket. I never felt better in my life. Everything felt great, I felt full of energy, my skin glowed, my eyes got clear. It really worked wonderfully for me." Compare these and other raw vegans with your average 70 year-old and I think the distinction is quite clear Smile

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  532899_10151615479724414_2042810071_n


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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by Admin Fri Jan 01, 2016 4:43 pm

Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Danny+david+raw

Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Joel

Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Robert-cheeke-vegan-strong

Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Tofutanks

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Vegan-gorilla

Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Tumblr_lgtsnnTeAV1qbngs0o1_500

Do you think eating a plant-based diet means being super skinny and sickly? Think you need to murder innocent, defenseless animals just to get enough protein? Nothing could be farther from the truth. A proper raw/high-raw, high carb, low-fat vegan diet is hands-down the healthiest, most nutritious and most biologically appropriate diet for humans. There is more usable protein in leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale than in steak, chicken or fish. Some of the biggest, strongest animals in the world (gorillas, elephants, hippos, rhinos, moose) are all raw vegans! Patrik Baboumian, Germany's strongest man and pro bodybuilder is vegan! Watch the videos below and see how the world has been duped by the protein/meat myth.


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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by Admin Fri Jan 01, 2016 4:46 pm

Dr. Michael Greger, Director of Public Health for the US Humane Society and founder of NutritionFacts.org is now touring the country giving the above lecture entitled "Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death." He and his team have collected and examined all the published and peer reviewed medical literature (including controls and double-blind studies) pertaining to the top 15 causes of death among Americans. Amazingly Dr. Greger's team found that a simple change in diet prevented, and also usually reversed, 14 of them! The only cause of death unaffected by this dietary change was "accidental death," which by definition is impossible to prevent anyway. So what is this simple dietary change which can prevent and even reverse the leading causes of premature death!? Eliminate all animal products and consume only plant, or "vegan", foods. It's that simple.


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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:13 pm

Not responding is a response - we are equally responsible for what we don’t do.

—Jonathan Safran Foer, Eating Animals

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:51 pm

Posted by Admin on 03/28/2015
Here is Bill Hicks' great bit about the People Who Hate People Party. "People who hate people, come together! ...No...":

I'm also a proponent of vegan/vegetarian lifestyle after coming from a background of S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) with multiple coffees throughout the day. I tried the Paleo/Atkins style diet in my early twenties which made me gain weight and gave me a severe case of tonsillitis. Having experimented with various nutrition recommendations I have found a high-raw, high-carb, low-fat vegan/vegetarian diet is optimal, as outlined by Dr. Doug Graham, Dr. Micheal Greger and many others. As for coffee, when I first went off it after years of addiction, it was very difficult to wake up and function early in the morning, and going "cold turkey" gave me intense headaches for a week. After the week of withdrawal however, I haven't craved or wanted it because I switched to drinking copious amounts of water, fruit and vegetable juice instead which provides more of a sustained energy boost than caffeine ever could. Sodas, especially "diet" sodas with aspartame are terrible for your health and among the most acidic things people ingest. Daily coffee drinking also leads to adrenal problems and eventually adrenal failure among other critical issues. A couple years ago I had a cup of coffee for fun and it caused me to sweat and shake (slightly) uncontrollably for hours, made my mind feel strung out, and even though I'd drank it early in the afternoon I had real problems getting to sleep that night. Since then I haven't even been tempted, it never used to effect me like that at all when I was a daily drinker.

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:54 pm

Posted by schpankme on 04/04/2015
Almost all dis-ease of the human body is caused by eating Meat, Dairy and Oil.  Keep re-reading this line until it sinks in.

Clogged Arteries for Dummies

Heart Disease Starts in Childhood

Lets look at those in the population who have been taken off their natural, plant-based-diets, and now eat large amounts of animal 
Fat and Cholesterol:

75% of Native Hawaiians are Obese.
75% of Mexican-Americans are Obese.
75% of Native American Indians are Obese.
75% of Black Women within North America are Obese.

Bonus:  Almost 75% of the United States population are Obese.

Cattle: Mad Cow, Measles - Killed about 200 million people worldwide, and another 300,000 yearly.

Camel: Smallpox - Killed 300 million, and 90% of the North American Indians; it also kills another 200,000 yearly.

Pigs: Whooping Cough, meningitis

Chickens: Typhoid Fever (Typhoid Mary)

Ducks: Influenza (bird flu, west nile, NEXT?)

Water Buffalo: Leprosy

Horses: Common Cold

Monkey: HIV (if you fail the Patented test they will give you Patented drugs, which can cause more than 50 diseases,  any one of which will kill you.)

The Starch Solution - John McDougall, MD

The China Study - T. Colin Campbell, PhD

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease - Caldwell B Esselstyn, Jr, MD

The current state of Humanity is reflected by those who perished through Virus and Plague, created through the ignorance 
of Carnivorism. Human is a refuge of disease not natural selection.

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:58 pm

Posted by Admin on 04/17/2015
Two more essentials:

Recommend the books Starch Solution and 80/10/10, also Carb the Fuck Up and the Banana Girl Raw Til 4 Lifestyle:


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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:58 pm

Don't forget your hemp seeds - the most nutritious, balanced and easily digested protein source known. Here's the facts -

* Hemp, a complete plant-based protein, hasn't been genetically modified yet can be grown affordably and sustainably in almost every environment.

* Hemp contains all 21 known amino acids, including the 9 essential ones adult bodies cannot produce (including the rare GLA - gamma linoleic acid). A far more complete amino acid profile than common sources of proteins such as meats, nuts, spinach, milk, eggs and soy. 

* The proportions of linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid in one tablespoon (15 ml) per day of hemp oil easily exceeds daily requirements for EFAs. Shown to help with skin & hair health, hormone balancing, inflammation, cholesterol maintenance, and overall heart health.

* Full of good fats - Omega 3 & Omega 6. (The World Health Organization recommends an Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio of 4:1. Hemp has the closest to ideal at 3.75:1).

* Packed with magnesium - “mother nature’s muscle relaxant.” Magnesium has been shown to help reduce headaches, constipation, stress, cramps, and more.

* Hemp is also a good source of iron, a mineral that’s especially important for prenatal nutrition, athletes, and children.

* Additionally, rich in nutrients such as fibre, phosphorous, and folate acid; and, low in unnecessary carbohydrates.

* Hemp is highly digestible and can be consumed as a whole food (i.e. raw shelled hemp seeds), as an oil, as a protein powder, or made into a non-dairy beverage or nut-free spread. Enjoy it plain or sprinkled on fish, salads, yogurt, etc.

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:00 pm

Posted by kostas on 04/30/2015
We wonder, about the wrong world we live in!

What if we can fix our dysfunctional schizophrenic brain in first place?

I think that we can change the world, but only if we can start right now, from himself.

I am vegan more than 20 years, my children vegans too.

I have started from myself, and people around me started change their habits.

My children do not understand how people can eat meat,they love animals,from birth they never tasted animal flesh nor chicken or fish.. When they smell meat they close their noses, the smell of flesh to them is disgusting. Month ago teacher in kindergarten told me that my daughter didn't eat vegetables , which she likes. Teacher wonder why, she realised that on that plate was sandwiches with meat , and child made connection for himself, that vegetables are polluted. It was surprise for me, because we never told to her that way, that food in same plate with meat can be polluted, and you must do not eat that.

A Mother's Love:  

To get rid of parasites who controls society, first we must get rid from own parasites inside our body, and if you think that parasites don't affects your brain, or your cravings, think again! 

Who is not convinced yet ? watch this: 

Last edited by lizardking on Mon Jan 25, 2016 3:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:02 pm

Posted by Admin on 04/30/2015
The last President of IFERS and his wife, Charles Johnson and Marjory were also both, like myself, my fiance (naturalfirst) and Adolf Hitler, compassionate vegetarians and anti-vivisectionists. After TPTB kill me like Hitler and burn my house down like Johnson, they'll probably try to paint me as the most evil person in history too. Eric Dubay, Vegetarian, Voluntaryist, Flat Earther,Holocaust Denier, told people they were God: the most terrible human being of the 21st century. Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Rofl Peace

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:08 pm

Posted by Admin on 04/30/2015
Thanks for the thread Kostas, the animals appreciate your compassionate choice!

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Vegetarianism is the first step to true spirituality and living a life of compassion.

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:09 pm

Posted by Admin on 04/30/2015
Here's a "Christian" perspective on vegetarianism and the Essene Jesus from the apocryphal "Essene Gospel of Peace" which presents a unabashedly and passionate vegetarian Jesus Christ:

The Essene Gospel of Peace

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:11 pm

Posted by mark on 05/06/2015

Eric, Just curious; would you agree that the 80/10/10 diet, and/or Banana Girl's (both basically the same, I believe), are the proper diet?

If not the 80/10/10 diet, what material/links would you recommend? 


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Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:12 pm

Posted by schpankme on 05/06/2015

I do 80/10/10 based on the Starch Solution and the China Study, meaning:  80% Carbs, 10% Fat, 10% Protein.

If you eat Whole Food, Plant Based, No Oil, Cooked or Raw, you will average about 7% Fat and Protein.

Use CRON-O-METER to track your progress.

"The fat you eat is the fat you wear." ~ Dr John McDougall

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Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:12 pm

Posted by Admin on 05/06/2015
Hey Mark, my research and experience has led me to the same conclusions as Schpankme. I recommend reading 80/10/10, the Starch Solution, the China Study, and yes Harley and Freelee are excellent examples of a healthy high-raw, high-carb, low-fat vegan diet. They post their blood tests online yearly for everyone to see. I basically eat as many bananas and other fruit as possible in the mornings, then lunches and dinners consist of some combination of rice, potatoes, corn, pasta, bread, beans, nuts, seeds, sprouts, juice, veggies and more fruit. 

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Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:14 pm

Posted by kostas on 05/08/2015

I like this man: Durianrider from Adelaide.

here is his YouTube channel:


Every year he goes to Thailand and run the RawTill4 Thai Fruit Festival in Chiang Mai, Thailand. It's the world's largest FREE vegan festival. Just turn up and learn and train with the best. Eat unlimited ripe fruit in Thailand and enjoy incredible Thai vegan food for CHEAP!

80/10/10 fundamentals. Raw Vegan 101. The basic stuff. #173


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Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:15 pm

schpankme on 05/08/2015

May 7, 2015 19:03:56 GMT kostas said:
80/10/10 fundamentals. Raw Vegan 101. The basic stuff. #17

This is my favorite video of Harley.

Harley Johnstone, (Durianrider), FAF - CTFU ebook
John McDougall, MD - The Starch Solution
T. Colin Campbell, PhD - The China Study
Michael Greger, MD - NutritionFacts.org
Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD - Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease
Neal Barnard, MD - Program for Reversing Diabetes

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Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:17 pm

Posted by schpankme on 05/08/2015


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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:18 pm

Posted by schpankme on 05/08/2015

May 7, 2015 22:56:36 GMT eschaton said:

 Our brains are 60% fat so we do need to consume healthy fats which usually come from some type of oil.

The brain cannot use long-chain fatty acids for  energy  because they  are  completely  albumin-bound  and  cannot 
cross the blood–brain barrier. The Brain requires 20% of the calories you eat in the form of Carbohydrates.

When glycogen is not available in the cells, the lower state process of Lipolysis forces the body to convert fat stores 
into glycogen, in an attempt to survive; this process is called  beta-oxidation; forcing the body to enter Ketosis.

Ketosis is a sign of sickness,  where elevated levels of  ketone bodies  form when liver  glycogen  stores are depleted,
at this point the body starts using fatty acids instead of glucose.

Almost all dis-ease of the human body is caused by eating Meat, Dairy and Oil.

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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:19 pm

Posted by schpankme on 05/08/2015

May 7, 2015 23:29:10 GMT eschaton said:
I was just making a distinction between different types of oils.
Canola, cotten seed, vegtable (soy) and or deep frying should defiantly be avoided.
If you say having avocados and coconut oil as part of your diet will cause dis-ease though
you are just spreading the "fear porn" you seem to hate so much.

avocado is not an Oil

Do you know the definition of a liquid product called OIL?

If you squeeze an item to get the OIL do not put the OIL in your mouth.


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Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)  Empty Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:20 pm

Posted by Admin on 05/08/2015
Oil pulling is very good for your dental health, so I recommend putting coconut oil in your mouth for that, but I agree with Schpankme that you shouldn't swallow it. Oils and other foods that are so high in fat (like avocados, something like 80-90% fat) are NOT "healthy" and should be used sparingly if at all. I recommend you guys watch the following meta-study presentation and the necessity for a high-carb, low-fat, plant-based diet should become obvious.

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