Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)
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Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)
From birth, the people are taught to eat an animal based diet, and to participate in "dis-ease management", under the guise of a service industry called Health-Care.
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Realearth- Posts : 322
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Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)
Has anyone seen Dr.McDougal of the Starch solution recently? He's aged really fast recently in the last two years and its making me question whether his starch based diet is good long term or not. Can anyone add any feedback to this to ease my mind bc I know that everything he teaches intuitively sounds right, but his deteriorating health makes me question the long term effects of his way of eating.
Amitchelld- Posts : 11
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Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)
Amitchelld wrote:
Dr.McDougal of the Starch solution
He's aged really fast
It looks like Dr. McDougall's hair has finally went gray, at age 71, it is also my understanding that he has lost a little weight when he removed Oil from his diet.
As for the benefits of the "Starch Solution", the Okinawan's are documented at being the longest lived people across the face of the Earth, their diet consists of cooked starch in the form of sweet potatoes, rice, grains and wheat, soy and legumes, fruits, nuts.
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)
Schpankme wrote:Amitchelld wrote:
Dr.McDougal of the Starch solution
He's aged really fast
It looks like Dr. McDougall's hair has finally went gray, at age 71, it is also my understanding that he has lost a little weight when he removed Oil from his diet.
As for the benefits of the "Starch Solution", the Okinawan's are documented at being the longest lived people across the face of the Earth, their diet consists of cooked starch in the form of sweet potatoes, rice, grains and wheat, soy and legumes, fruits, nuts.
I'm a Vegan
6' 4" 230 lbs
72 years young
Full head of hair, no grey
I eat fruits, vegies, starch, nuts, grains
Love life
Go Vegan
Realearth- Posts : 322
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Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)
I was going to start a new topic on fasting and perhaps discuss some other health topics. I think this is a very important topic to cover as it's yet another thing we've been told lies about. I will be embarking on a 7 day water fast followed soon after by a 3-4 week water fast. Eating a standard Western diet for 25 years of my life has been extremely damaging, so this will be my attempt at resetting and healing the body. I have been eating a meat and dairy free diet and eating one meal a day with very noticeable changes. I’ve done a few 3 day water fasts. It’s now time to pull out the big guns and give myself a chance to rest and heal proper.
We're told it’s damaging to our health to go without food. We’re told to eat 3-4 meals a day and you must not skip breakfast! We’re told our organs will fail and we will wither up and die if we abstain from eating food. As it turns out, this is perhaps the best thing you could do for your health and spirituality. If I had some serious health condition, I think fasting would be my first port of call. When your body is using around 70% of its energy to digest the stodgy goop we’ve been shovelling down it, it’s no wonder we get sick. We never allow the body to repair damaged cells, remove parasites and strengthen the immune system. Basically, what happens when you fast is your body goes into ketosis and starts removing harmful toxins stored in the body.
I’m no expert on fasting and relatively inexperienced but there is a wealth of information on this age old practice and from what experience I have gained, I can tell you there is something to this. I would highly recommend you check out Tim Shieffs channel “ifeeltruth” where he documented a 34 day water fast. Eric’s podcast “Solutions to the System” also had a profound effect on me and I have listened to it several times over the past few years. Dan McDonalds “liferegenerator” channel is another great source of general health truth as is Janne Reckerts “The Natural Way of Healing” channel. As far as books go, “Rational Fasting” by Arnold Ehret and “Man’s Higher Consciousness” by Hilton Hotema are a great read too.
Other things I practice are sleeping on a yoga mat on a hard floor. This has done wonders for my posture and strength. It’s often the simplest of things you need to fix a problem but we’ve all been brainwashed to think we need some complicated medical procedure and buckets of medication. I have dabbled with psilocybin in the past with good results and I fully intend to experience ayahuasca and hopefully learn some more things. As Eric said in his podcast, we can talk about conspiracies all day but what good is it if we don’t do something about it? To do that, we need our mental, physical and spiritual health first and foremost. Start inwards before we can work outwards. I know it all probably sounds a bit far out but this is where I’m at on my journey and thought I would share. If any of you have experience with fasting or found any other natural remedies beneficial I would love to hear your stories too.
We're told it’s damaging to our health to go without food. We’re told to eat 3-4 meals a day and you must not skip breakfast! We’re told our organs will fail and we will wither up and die if we abstain from eating food. As it turns out, this is perhaps the best thing you could do for your health and spirituality. If I had some serious health condition, I think fasting would be my first port of call. When your body is using around 70% of its energy to digest the stodgy goop we’ve been shovelling down it, it’s no wonder we get sick. We never allow the body to repair damaged cells, remove parasites and strengthen the immune system. Basically, what happens when you fast is your body goes into ketosis and starts removing harmful toxins stored in the body.
I’m no expert on fasting and relatively inexperienced but there is a wealth of information on this age old practice and from what experience I have gained, I can tell you there is something to this. I would highly recommend you check out Tim Shieffs channel “ifeeltruth” where he documented a 34 day water fast. Eric’s podcast “Solutions to the System” also had a profound effect on me and I have listened to it several times over the past few years. Dan McDonalds “liferegenerator” channel is another great source of general health truth as is Janne Reckerts “The Natural Way of Healing” channel. As far as books go, “Rational Fasting” by Arnold Ehret and “Man’s Higher Consciousness” by Hilton Hotema are a great read too.
Other things I practice are sleeping on a yoga mat on a hard floor. This has done wonders for my posture and strength. It’s often the simplest of things you need to fix a problem but we’ve all been brainwashed to think we need some complicated medical procedure and buckets of medication. I have dabbled with psilocybin in the past with good results and I fully intend to experience ayahuasca and hopefully learn some more things. As Eric said in his podcast, we can talk about conspiracies all day but what good is it if we don’t do something about it? To do that, we need our mental, physical and spiritual health first and foremost. Start inwards before we can work outwards. I know it all probably sounds a bit far out but this is where I’m at on my journey and thought I would share. If any of you have experience with fasting or found any other natural remedies beneficial I would love to hear your stories too.
tristancobane- Posts : 31
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Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)
tristancobane wrote:
3-4 week water fast
IMO - there is no reason to water fast when you can Juice Fast and stay active.
Currently, I am 18 of 30 days into a -- "Heirloom Watermelon" Juice Fast -- the reason, to cleanse myself from eating a plant based diet of cooked food.
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)
tristancobane wrote:I was going to start a new topic on fasting and perhaps discuss some other health topics. I think this is a very important topic to cover as it's yet another thing we've been told lies about.
Yes... Natural Health Topics... Very Important...
I have thoroughly studied the differences between Naturopathic Medical Treatment Health Care Systems and Allopathic (standard) Medical Treatment protocols which are Non Health Care Systems.
Everyone should know the differences of these two Medical Care systems inside and out but unfortunately 'Dr Kildare' and ER and Grey's Anatomy rule the day and the masses fall in line behind the lies of the existing medical/political establishment who have, as usual, crushed the truth.
To understand true Naturopathic Medical and Health Systems in detail I would suggest reading the work of Herbert M. Shelton...Natural Hygiene System of Health Books and Volumes of true Naturopathic Health Care Systems Info...
Yes... I have water fasted up to 21 days... But I did that at the (now gone) Herbert Sheldon San Antonio Natural Hygiene Health Institute in Texas a number of decades ago where the health care staff there carefully started my water fast and carefully ended it in a very slow and gentle manner. There were about 40 people water fasting there when I was there water fasting too. Many thousands of people water fasted at the Texas Health Institute and also at home after studying Natural Hygiene.
Now if I feel 'off' or have an physiological issue I water fast that day or for a few days and that is a not hard once one has reduced a lot of one's toxic load otherwise one should go very slow and be very gentle with themselves and be very moderate to be wise in their water fasting as it is a physical state requiring rest and wise action.
Water fasts do require rest while being conducted and lowered personal activity and should be done wisely and with intuitive care. They should be broken SLOWLY (if more than 2-3 days) with one or two days of juices so your system can gently re-start its engines so to speak.
Hope some of this is helpful...
Bro- Posts : 72
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Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)
Schpankme wrote:tristancobane wrote:
3-4 week water fast
IMO - there is no reason to water fast when you can Juice Fast and stay active.
Currently, I am 18 of 30 days into a -- "Heirloom Watermelon" Juice Fast -- the reason, to cleanse myself from eating a plant based diet of cooked food.
A juice fast is very healing particularly with watermelon being a fantastic flusher. That's good going and I'm sure you're reaping the benefits from it. How are you feeling so far? Has your sleep changed much? I’ve done a few juice fasts but only for a maximum of 7 days and there’s no arguing how good I felt during and after that time. I felt light, clean, mentally sharp and had consistent energy levels. I guess it depends on how much healing you feel you need to do. I don’t claim to know if one is better than the other and I appreciate prolonged water fasting seems a bit extreme and uneccessary but it’s something I feel would benefit me based on my own research. Are you documenting your experience? I for one would be interested to hear what noticeable changes you report. Wish you the best of luck with it anyway and hope you get the results you're after. Not long to go now.
tristancobane- Posts : 31
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Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)
Bro wrote:Now if I feel 'off' or have an physiological issue I water fast that day or for a few days and that is a not hard once one has reduced a lot of one's toxic load otherwise one should go very slow and be very gentle with themselves and be very moderate to be wise in their water fasting as it is a physical state requiring rest and wise action.
Water fasts do require rest while being conducted and lowered personal activity and should be done wisely and with intuitive care. They should be broken SLOWLY (if more than 2-3 days) with one or two days of juices so your system can gently re-start its engines so to speak.
Thank you for your reply. I’m glad you agree with me on that. I think we have arrived at the same conclusion after researching the healthcare and medicine available and not available to us. In Wikipedias brief description of naturopathy, we see the word “pseudoscientific” jump out at us. We see these same tactics employed in every other area of life too where they portray the truth as stupid, far-fetched or snake oil. They use the powerful tool of media and propaganda to bolster their shit. Thankfully some of us have the courage to think for ourselves.
I have read some of Herbert Sheltons literature on fasting and it has been very influential on me. I fully intend to check out the rest of his work starting with the link you have sent. I appreciate this very much friend.
I wish there were institutes like that near me as it would be encouraging to fast along with other people and helpful to have someone there to monitor the situation. The fact that many thousands of people water fasted in that place and others like it shows that it is not as dangerous as we’ve been told. That said, we must still err caution, be responsible and do our homework.
This is precisely the reason I am water fasting. I’m very in tune with my body and I have been feeling a bit “off” (fatigue, nausea, skin rashes) in recent months. I couldn’t agree with you more. Once you’ve done a few days water fasting, it’s a lot easier the next time around. I find now I actually look forward to it! But yes, wise action is very much required. It is important not to put yourself under any physical or mental stress while fasting. Much like you say, I would usually go for a nice watermelon to break my fast, preferably juiced.
Good advice and it’s very helpful indeed
tristancobane- Posts : 31
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Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)
Real World wrote:
The Secret Reason We Eat Meat
Human Carnivorism stems from what the people believe to be fact and fiction.
1928 - "A Chicken in every Pot", political ad for President elect Herbert Hoover
1933 - Edgar Wood, a lawyer representing the maker of Chicken Dinner Candy, settled a labor dispute between the employees and the company. Wood proclaimed the mutual beneficial settlement as “Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner.”
1970 - "Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner", also used on the Vegas Strip
From birth, you are indoctrinated to worship the man-made construct of Heaven and Space (Fiction), through the State sponsored religions called Atheist and Theist.
Jesuit (see crypto Jew), founded in 1534
1931 - Jesuits invent Big Bang theory (aka, Cosmic Egg or Primeval atom)
The Jesuits, invented Big Bang, Spaceballs, and you an Ape like creature who requires the consumption of Flesh and Blood, to grow your intelligence, and evolve beyond your animal cousins.
The Jesuits, instruct you to obey God in Heaven for HE has given you every Clean and Unclean animal to be your food, for it is the creation of the Flesh and Blood that makes you one with God.
Almost all dis-ease of the human body is caused by eating Meat, Dairy and Oil. Obesity is a sign of sickness.
75% of Native Hawaiians are Obese.
75% of Mexican-Americans are Obese.
75% of Native American Indians are Obese.
75% of Black Women within North America are Obese.
The two greatest lies ever propagated on humankind are Spaceball Earth and Jew Savior, both taught by the priesthood, and both made possible by an ejaculation into the Virgin source.
Last edited by Schpankme on Tue Sep 25, 2018 3:30 am; edited 2 times in total
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)
The power of water. And why nearly everyone is dehydrated inside and out.
Torus_Ouroboros- Posts : 34
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Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)
We can see the effects of Veganism on the meat and dairy industries because there are droves of people now on YT making claims that they have been Vegan for at least 10 years and have been hospitalized and their health has been compromised due to being Vegan!
It is apparent to me that these people are really just being paid by these meat and dairy industries to spread dis-info to protect their bottom line because I'm sure they can see their sales are dropping dramatically!
One particular individual on YT who claims they've been Vegan for 12 years basically criticized most fruits and vegetables and plant-based foods! Someone asked "If all those foods are bad for you, what should we eat?" the answer was "meat and dairy". A clear indication of motive!
It is apparent to me that these people are really just being paid by these meat and dairy industries to spread dis-info to protect their bottom line because I'm sure they can see their sales are dropping dramatically!
One particular individual on YT who claims they've been Vegan for 12 years basically criticized most fruits and vegetables and plant-based foods! Someone asked "If all those foods are bad for you, what should we eat?" the answer was "meat and dairy". A clear indication of motive!
Foreverlearning- Posts : 79
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Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)
Foreverlearning wrote:
We can see the effects of Veganism on the meat and dairy industries
One particular individual on YT
claims they've been Vegan for 12 years
This woman also claims to have switched to Vegan starting 2002 from reading magazine articles, "long before the internet" (this begins her lie); yet, no one in the vegan community knows this woman, nor has she ever commented on a Vegan YouTube channel.
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)
Schpankme wrote:Foreverlearning wrote:
We can see the effects of Veganism on the meat and dairy industries
One particular individual on YT
claims they've been Vegan for 12 years
This woman also claims to have switched to Vegan starting 2002 from reading magazine articles, "long before the internet" (this begins her lie); yet, no one in the vegan community knows this woman, nor has she ever commented on a Vegan YouTube channel.
You know whom I'm speaking about? She maybe fooling the unaware, but to a true Vegan she just looks like a dis-info agent clearly! This woman claims to be a nurse if I remember correctly?!
Foreverlearning- Posts : 79
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Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)
interesting use of tecnology.robot spy animals.
what i am recommending is the whole documentry, its very interesting if you like animals, sadly i only find short clips of it on yt. I watched it on tv.
what i am recommending is the whole documentry, its very interesting if you like animals, sadly i only find short clips of it on yt. I watched it on tv.
Last edited by observer on Wed Oct 24, 2018 10:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
observer- Posts : 54
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Veganflat earther men are awesome! I wish I actually knew some single ones!
I am a vegan woman who loves this forum, would love to meet a vegan Flat earther. They are rare I know, but I would love it just the same. I like to go out under the stars and find the Pole Star every night or most nights and see how the constellations change slightly, imagining how it must look like directly under Polaris. I would like to travel to the ancient sites, the lay lines, grow alot more of my own food, and meet a vegan flatearther man.
I love it on this site, as reading about all the research and contemplations on the flat earth is my favorite thing to do. It is mind blowing to think about the dome above us and wonder about the watery, rainbow like stars in the firmament.
I love Eric too, and support his book writing on Lulu Publishing site.
Kim aka RisinHorizon
I am a vegan woman who loves this forum, would love to meet a vegan Flat earther. They are rare I know, but I would love it just the same. I like to go out under the stars and find the Pole Star every night or most nights and see how the constellations change slightly, imagining how it must look like directly under Polaris. I would like to travel to the ancient sites, the lay lines, grow alot more of my own food, and meet a vegan flatearther man.
I love it on this site, as reading about all the research and contemplations on the flat earth is my favorite thing to do. It is mind blowing to think about the dome above us and wonder about the watery, rainbow like stars in the firmament.
I love Eric too, and support his book writing on Lulu Publishing site.
Kim aka RisinHorizon
RisinHorizon- Posts : 10
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Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)
RisinHorizon wrote:Hi,
I am a vegan woman who loves this forum, would love to meet a vegan Flat earther. They are rare I know, but I would love it just the same. I like to go out under the stars and find the Pole Star every night or most nights and see how the constellations change slightly, imagining how it must look like directly under Polaris. I would like to travel to the ancient sites, the lay lines, grow alot more of my own food, and meet a vegan flatearther man.
I love it on this site, as reading about all the research and contemplations on the flat earth is my favorite thing to do. It is mind blowing to think about the dome above us and wonder about the watery, rainbow like stars in the firmament.
I love Eric too, and support his book writing on Lulu Publishing site.
Kim aka RisinHorizon
No picture. No age. You're doing it wrong.
By the way—some of us are vegetarian and not vegan.
Dual1ty- Posts : 61
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Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)
Dual1ty wrote:
some of us are vegetarian
What does VEGetarian mean: Do you still nurse the breast and eat the DNA of another animal?
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)
"I am vegan/vegitarian"i dont like these lable words, if i have to say it i just say something like, i dont eat animals or i dont suck cow tits.
Same with "flat earther", its not something i am, but how i see the world.
Why this mass misstake of "i am" infront of what we do? police, teacher, and so on? Could it be a mind trick to make us define our selfs as anything other than an individual?
Same with "flat earther", its not something i am, but how i see the world.
Why this mass misstake of "i am" infront of what we do? police, teacher, and so on? Could it be a mind trick to make us define our selfs as anything other than an individual?
observer- Posts : 54
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Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)
I don't use it as a label—I use it as a broad term, which it is.
Dual1ty- Posts : 61
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I'm a young long time vegan at 62 yrs.old- rice, other grains, fruits, and lots of raw veggies
I am trying to post a picture and want to thank Admin for the Okinawan comment. I may need some help posting this, I joined Servimg and the link (s) are below.
To your compassion, health and open minds, salud!
I am trying to post a picture and want to thank Admin for the Okinawan comment. I may need some help posting this, I joined Servimg and the link (s) are below.
To your compassion, health and open minds, salud!
RisinHorizon- Posts : 10
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Location : Pinehurst, NC
Beyond Meat is helping.
I've been cooking beyond Meat vegan burgers for my non- vegan friends. They are blown away and are buying it instead of cow flesh.
RisinHorizon- Posts : 10
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Re: Stop Eating Your Friends! (Go Vegan)
I found this article today and found it interesting, thought you lads and lasses would do too. My news feed seems to be filled with articles in the same vein.
Sent from Topic'it App
I found this article today and found it interesting, thought you lads and lasses would do too. My news feed seems to be filled with articles in the same vein.
Sent from Topic'it App
Dab_Tsog- Posts : 29
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