I'm tired of life
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I'm tired of life
I'm tired of this, I just feel like I can't live on this world like this anymore, its a rage that is consuming me, a rage combined with sadness, desperation and a bunch of other feelings that I just can't control anymore and I feel like at some point I will just end my life myself.
I feel trapped on hell like this world is hell, sometimes I feel like I am on this prison because of something I did previously on another life if reincarnation is a thing, I just don't know but I feel like this place and this thing called life is a prison and I hate it.
I despise life, I despise humans and I wish this thing just ended, there is nothing good in the material world, it's an abomination.
zherot- Posts : 29
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Re: I'm tired of life
How can you get trough this phase is easy: 1) Try new things to get out of this phase as doing so you will find like minded people.
2) Not all people are bad and don't understand things. There are lot of people who are open minded you can have wonderful conversations and discusion
3) Just break free of your chains and live life for yourself other people will understand things sooner or later if not in this lifetime then in next.
As I said before just go out and do stuff and you will see that its really great place with lot of opportunities.
Sowello- Posts : 5
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Re: I'm tired of life
All entertainment is poisoned with this sickness, books, schools, public opinion, the government, and everyday gets stronger and we get weaker... everything is centralized now, you can not be annonymous THEY have to know who you are, if you get silenced you can not just make another account on any platform because you are now identified via phone, via IP, via your credit card, your ID etc.
I remember an interview with a dude that I forgot his name but he was killed by the controllers and he said that in the future they would not have the need to kill you, they will just turn off your chip... and that is already happening, they are killing us this way, they will just cancel us until we die or we kill ourselves...
A few years ago I would have never imagined that the NWO was the JewWorldOrder but even less that when they said that people would ask for the JWO and they would want it they meant this woke,leftist,cultural marxism dissease would poison the minds of people and help them stablish this fucking tyrany...
zherot- Posts : 29
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Re: I'm tired of life
You have done it , you have freed yourself nothing else to do
You should have literally no desire to fit in
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Re: I'm tired of life
electricforestchemtrails- Posts : 3
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Re: I'm tired of life
zherot wrote:This would have been good advice a few years ago, the issue is every day the walls come closer, you can not do anything without the woke police cancelling you, there is no space that they have not yet conquered, I can not speak freely anymore, wherever I go I get cancelled or have to endure the woke tyrany in some way or the other, on the news there is always something woke happening, I am watching 24/7 the world and society going downfall, going into complete degeneration and if I don't agree then I am bad and must be canceleed and destroyed.
All entertainment is poisoned with this sickness, books, schools, public opinion, the government, and everyday gets stronger and we get weaker... everything is centralized now, you can not be annonymous THEY have to know who you are, if you get silenced you can not just make another account on any platform because you are now identified via phone, via IP, via your credit card, your ID etc.
I remember an interview with a dude that I forgot his name but he was killed by the controllers and he said that in the future they would not have the need to kill you, they will just turn off your chip... and that is already happening, they are killing us this way, they will just cancel us until we die or we kill ourselves...
A few years ago I would have never imagined that the NWO was the JewWorldOrder but even less that when they said that people would ask for the JWO and they would want it they meant this woke,leftist,cultural marxism dissease would poison the minds of people and help them stablish this fucking tyrany...
Don't give up man, be strong.. you should read the bible, i know is not liked here, but can help a lot of people like you, the things that happens nowadays were predicted there. They wouldn't have the NWO forever, don't stress out about anything, remenber that you are here for a short time
John- Posts : 36
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Re: I'm tired of life
I have totally dropped my notions on religion, and fully accepted that it is all, for the lack of a better word, Spiritual. It is eternal, no beginning and no end.
There are things we don't know...
And eventually through experience, they become the things that we do know.
But... There are things we will NEVER know...
This is how I found God inside.
I became silent. I accepted the Christos consciousness as I.
I have picked up the Book again, after 25 odd years of not accepting what is written.
I see the light. I accept the Divine Creator as all. Light and Darkness. Balanced.
Unity, disguised as Duality.
All things arise from the Source
And all things return to the Source
Jack Aurora- Posts : 29
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Re: I'm tired of life
ApostleK- Posts : 3
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EthericData2- Posts : 47
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Re: I'm tired of life
ellie- Posts : 24
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Explore your own superpowers, their matrix is a depressing lie
zherot wrote:I don't know if I am alone on this but this day an age where everything is "offensive" and the "woke" mob rule everything I just feel trapped... alone and nowhere to go, everyday is just another unfair day where either something happens to me or someone else or I get info about someone else suffering the woke opression.
I'm tired of this, I just feel like I can't live on this world like this anymore, its a rage that is consuming me, a rage combined with sadness, desperation and a bunch of other feelings that I just can't control anymore and I feel like at some point I will just end my life myself.
I feel trapped on hell like this world is hell, sometimes I feel like I am on this prison because of something I did previously on another life if reincarnation is a thing, I just don't know but I feel like this place and this thing called life is a prison and I hate it.
I despise life, I despise humans and I wish this thing just ended, there is nothing good in the material world, it's an abomination.
Ignore the circus of the matrix. Do you know what you are capable of ? Explore your extraordinary supernatural powers, learn what lies dormant in you. I can shapeshift into mammal bodies & meet ascended beings for help, healing, info. Rolling Thunder Sun Bear Roberta Black Goat & more, became my mentors & friends here, first we met in spirit, then they arrived came & met me in 3D. Everything manifest in spirit, call for help from good enlightened masters, even ones who have passed, ask it will be given. I am telepathic, heightened senses, ie; when my grandfather died my home filled with the scent of jasmine his favorite flower.Quiet the monkey mind, turn off the TV. Watch Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, The Secret Movie, we create our lives. We are meant to experience here in 3D it's a beautiful gift, that is multi layered, deep. Ask Creator to show you the Mysteries of the Universe, explore, ponder the awe & wonder of this creation. At oe point I was reading Rumi the Sufi Mystic & Dancing with the Sufis events, shortly during that experience dreaming I climbed Mt Meru the Magnetic mountain in the center of flat earth, which is under the North Star Heaven High Ascension is there. Eric has a video ancient map of flat earth have a look at that video. I also unlocked a Tibetan Quartz Recorded crystal after studying the Buddhist teachings, I was curious, wondered about female buddhas, Green Tara came out of the crystal her skin was green she was 10 ft tall, she danced out the 7 deadly signs that is her teaching, it was such a wonderful experience for me. I have seen my Buddha relics at a Buddhist relic showing, I saw I taught through arts, how to live & ascend, I was showered with love during that experience. Believe me, look explore & ask, ponder, you will find your high purpose & regain your supernatural powers. We co-create we open to our higher purpose here, ask, you will be astounded. You will fly right over [THE MONSTERS] low vibe, open up yourself & find those on the high path of enlightenment, ascension, it's a wonderful journey, your here with IFERS why, because you know this is true information about our creation. See what is hidden, elegant majestic beauty. Explore & learn, listen to Kyron on YT this is all true, you will see your past lives, you are meant to learn your superpowers, use them, enjoy the journey, it is truly magical, when you discover them you will Know it is true & you will be directed to your paths, I say paths because we have many. Look to enjoy your life dream imagine what you want your life to be. Many of us are ascending remembering what we are Divine Beings with superpowers, don't let the losers bring you down move away, raise up, love your beautiful life into existence.
Whitestonewonders- Posts : 1
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Re: I'm tired of life
Ernie Snuggs- Posts : 4
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Re: I'm tired of life
...and B -- do not care what idiots declare; they'll follow you when you prove there's good reason to.
Good luck, buddy.
kwalker332- Posts : 1
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Re: I'm tired of life
It took a while for me to really grab what he meant by that.
March to the beat of your drum buddy. Speak your mind. If someone has a problem with it, well that’s their fucking problem not yours. So relax. The world is not as bad as the news makes it seem. I promise.
I’m at the point where I have absolutely no interest in fitting in with any crowd. Fuck’em.
You’ll get there. It just takes a while.
Tsaltsrif- Posts : 7
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Re: I'm tired of life
travma- Posts : 5
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Re: I'm tired of life
- Throw away your radio
- Use your TV only for good, non-political comedies
- Be proud to be different
- Feel a little pity for the sheep that believe everything their government tells them
Libertarian- Posts : 64
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zherot- Posts : 29
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Re: I'm tired of life
It is really hard for me to understand how people can fall for the woke leftist crap but whenever I see one of this they always have this weird looking crazy eyes, they look like they are completely damaged, they truly look crazy, it's like they are either crazy, possesed or being mentally manipulated by some sort of signal, I don't even know...
But I also never expected this fight against logic,reason and intellect, they truly want people forget about the objective world and make us believe that nothing is real and that facts don't exist, everything is just subjective, just like relativism or the new "quantum physics" crap, they truly want to mess with our minds and completely lose it so they can implant whatever the fuck they want us to believe.
zherot- Posts : 29
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Re: I'm tired of life
Ernie Snuggs- Posts : 4
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Re: I'm tired of life
DenISI wrote:www.bfb.lu/bfb-en
I read this webiste and I appreciate the efforts of this people to make things more fair to everyone BUT...
Democracy is bad and it has been demonstrated for a long time now, democracy is just: "The mayority tyranny" is basically mob mentallity and this is EASY to control, people as whole are a bunch of idiots and we as a social species we rely on our social structure, we have this weakness of needing to belong thus it is easier to go and think like the others because we want to belong and we obviously will adopt the mayority opinion because we want to belong to the LARGER group, we don't really want to belong to the losing side or the side with less people and that is less popular. Also we immediately believe that something is true or it isn't because of how much people believes or not believes in something, humans as a mob are really just a bunch of fallacious imbeciles that care little about facts and just want to belong, be popular, feelings etc.
Certainly it is possible to surpass this primal instincts, this needs to belong or this non intelectual state of mind but not all people can do it, in fact most people won't do it at all, and this democracy is an excelent weapon for control, look at all social media, or even this forum we are right now, all operate with likes, dislikes or some sort of "score" that is based on how many people agree with you as if somehow facts are now dictated by the mob. The mob decides what is correct and what isn't and that is your precious democracy, is just mob rule.
Also democracy is a system that is easily cheated, look at the resent US election, I am from Mexico and here we have suffered the same for a long time so for us it was pretty clear what they did on the US because we have decades of experiencing fake elections or rigged ones.
Is just too easy to win on a democratic system, all you need to do is own the media and the narrative and if you have that you can have the result you want, just manipulate everyone with the media, guide them towards your objectives and they will fall for it and obviously if you also own the economic system then you can put a nice show on so people believe that there was an actual election when in fact there was none.
We need actual leaders and a system that elects this leaders by merits not by mob rule or by favors, our leaders need to pass actual tests of physical,intelectual and spiritual nature, we don't want fat motherfuckers anymore or retards that don't know what the fuck they are talking about, we don't need "muh feelings" people either that don't have balls to do anything and we also need an actual death penalty if you betray your vows once you are elected, no more bullshit protections for "elected officials" and all that criminal nonesense.
zherot- Posts : 29
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Re: I'm tired of life
Ernie Snuggs wrote:Sounds like you could use some drugs. Smoke some weed. Drop some acid with a loved one. Go camping and take some E. Take a break from truth shit for a while. I have to take breaks and decompress occasionally. I think everyone needs to. There definitely a fatalistic sort of mindset that comes with being aware of reality. The world is ruled by evil and everything they tell us is a lie. You just have to accept it and live your life. If you let it control your emotional state then they are winning. That's part of [their] plan too, ridicule anyone who dissents. Don't let them win this time. Take some time for yourself and go relax. Do whatever you need to do in order to relieve your anxiety. Except dangerous drugs, that's not what I mean
Too much marihuana is dangerous.. look into it, even too much water has killed people, everything in excces is bad
John- Posts : 36
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Re: I'm tired of life
zherot wrote:
Can you elaborate more on this? this sounds interesting.
Yes. The essence of "Interdependent Origination" describes the process of turning suffering into wisdom.
If a person can identify which stage of suffering they are experiencing in that present moment, they can consciously choose to break the chain and ascend towards their highest good. The accumulative effect of doing this leads to the destruction of outflows and greater self-fulfillment.
The sooner a person can break the cycle, the less intense their suffering is. The longer a person stays ignorant of their suffering, the greater the intensity and likelihood of exacerbating the conditions that repeat the same mistakes.
Difficulties breaking the cycle are caused by an underlying attribute of suffering; an addiction to intensity. People will practice escapism by constantly distracting themselves with the temporal reliefs of pleasure rather than endure through the perceived permanence of pain.
Ignorance and a lack of mastery over our lower nature cause people to be human doings rather than human beings. The universe is a patient teacher. It will repeat the lessons until the wisdom is understood.
If a person feels depressed while detaching themselves from the matrix, they are likely going through an "intensity addiction" withdrawal.
If an aspirant keeps going along the path of spiritual ascension, the closer aligned their being will be with the universal one, and the greater the realization that separation is just an illusion. What replaces this subjectivity is an unwavering sense of belonging. To be in the world but not of the world.
Integrating the concept of interdependent origination can help to identify the suffering experienced by others. We learn how to respond with wise reflection, compassion, or skillful conduct.
Instead of being burdened by the suffering in the world, we discover that it's the creator's invitation to be closer in its likeness.
EthericData2- Posts : 47
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The Nebraskan Cornfeild
zherot wrote:I don't know if I am alone on this but this day an age where everything is "offensive" and the "woke" mob rule everything I just feel trapped... alone and nowhere to go, everyday is just another unfair day where either something happens to me or someone else or I get info about someone else suffering the woke opression.
I'm tired of this, I just feel like I can't live on this world like this anymore, its a rage that is consuming me, a rage combined with sadness, desperation and a bunch of other feelings that I just can't control anymore and I feel like at some point I will just end my life myself.
I feel trapped on hell like this world is hell, sometimes I feel like I am on this prison because of something I did previously on another life if reincarnation is a thing, I just don't know but I feel like this place and this thing called life is a prison and I hate it.
I despise life, I despise humans and I wish this thing just ended, there is nothing good in the material world, it's an abomination.
I often feel exactly the way you do and no, it's never any fun. You just have to understand that, even though it seems like "the woke mob" rules everything, that's only in appearance. Long ago when I was only an insightful teenager, I would sit back with my friends while I drank my Natty Daddies and scream about how political correctness would someday rule the world. A few thought I was crazy but there were a couple of them that agreed with me. Those few who agreed with me are now spewing that SJW garbage. I mention this because as a truther, one can often find themselves on a lonely path. Sometimes it can feel like a path of universal derision but even though there will be those out there who detest you and want to stifle your speech and freedom of expression. You gotta just stick that middle finger in their face and turn up the volume. Speek the truth even louder, the things you believe, the things that you know to be true. Scream it all out loud. My friend, I feel for you and it actually pains me to know that one of our flat earth siblings is suffering this much. If you take yourself from this world then you have effectively let them silence you and we can't have that. Wether you realize it or not, you are absolutely precious. Not many people left in the world are able to think freely for themselves. Sometimes the gift of mental freedom can be a curse. To know the truth and be hated for uttering it is like the ultimate gaslight. It can really suck sometimes but you gotta just hang in there. I'm sure that the truth is going to be exposed within our lifetimes and I want you to be there to see it. In the meantime, you should try to find other like-minded people to hang around with. There's a lot more of us out there than people think, most of the time we just don't speak up in fear of being ridiculed but it's time that we all make ourselves known. I sincerely hope that you find a way to make yourself feel better, lord knows I'm still looking. Natty Daddies just don't work on me like they used to. Anyway, if you ever need to talk you can message me on here. I'm always down to talk truth or anything else for that matter and you'll never have to worry about me being offended.
Be bold, be loud, be proud and walk whatever path you want, eggshells be damned.
DonGaffney- Posts : 5
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Re: I'm tired of life
I have been going through exactly the same thing you have written about...almost exactly!!!
It's great to know that I am NOT the only one! So many people have already replied to you (and I) that they too, have gone through this REAL awakening or are doing it now. Imagine how many more are experiencing the same thing but do not respond as "we" have here! I'll bet there are sooo...many, that "IF" we were to count everyone, "we" would be more than 66% of...ALL!!!
In "other words" we ARE the majority!!!
But, since we do not step on other people's feet and do not "floss" our knowledge and/or opinions, we really are the "silent Majority!"
It's the reason "they" must keep us divided and distracted and in the dark about the truth. Exactly what is the truth? I have no idea. But, I do know that "most" of what we have been told (as history and/or "scientific facts") are all false!
So much so, that I figured like you, I am not a part of this World. I certainly don't "fit in!" Right! I would like to hear from those amongst us (that are not us) that I am on the right path. And then, for them to explain to where, what, when, how and why...that "path" really is! "IF" there is a path?
OR...I was going to say, "OR, if there is anything after this life?" But then, I need to remember that Jesus said, "...those who do not follow me Will never know what it is to be truly...alive!" (paraphrased)
There isn't much of anything else I can say that hasn't already been said here. Bottom-line is, continue to share with "us" and others what you have discovered. Whether they believe you or not, doesn't matter to you or I. Such as "Flat Earth!" WE know its flat, they "believe" they are whirling through space! We already know "Why?" they think the way they do as we "used too" think as they do. They simply haven't learned the truth, yet. Eventually, they too Will know the Earth to be...Flat!
btw...It may seem "as if" the woke mob (and others) are getting stronger but in reality, they are not! Soon, you Will see the video recordings of the Cabal being "hung" in Washington D.C. earlier this year. Not to mention, the REAL tabulation of the 2020 election Will be released in which Trump WON every State by a landslide (except one?). Biden Will be removed from Office (and hopefully "hung" as well) and Trump Will once again be President of the Republic of the United States of America! In June of 2020, Trump made a speech in which he said that, "...most medical procedures Will be obsolete..." (paraphrased). No one picked up on this statement and therefore, no questioned it as to what he was referring too. Therefore, I Will clarify what he was talking about. He is referring to the "Med Beds" that work on "Resonance" energies and are capable of repairing an individuals body at the "genetic" (DNA) level. These Med Beds have been around for a loooong...time! Long before anything you can possibly think of. "Electricity" is NOT the most powerful OR useful energy around! The Earth we live on is definitely...FLAT! Our existence on this (possibly) infinite plane consumes a very small circle bounded by the Antarctic Ice Wall which is approx. 122,000 miles in circumference. There are many other areas on this plane where life abounds and have been here for a much longer time in complete contradiction to any accepted lengths of time. The "Big BANG!" theory is nothing more than a "joke" published in Scientific American and was never to be taken as a serious theory. However, if you want to "think" that the beginning of time started 3 billion years ago (3 or 4 or whatever length of time is hypothesized) you would be so far off, it isn't even funny! 3 Billion years in reality is NOTHING when compared to REALITY!!!
Like someone said in a previous post, "We Will learn things that we already know!" I "KNOW" that 3 billion years is...NOTHING! in the real scheme of things. I don't believe we have the capacity to comprehend what "time" really is OR How to measure it as it is much more complex than anyone can imagine.
Forgive me as I have gone off on another tangent. Suffice it to say, "things" are going to change for the better even though it seems like the evil side is winning!!!
BobWise- Posts : 2
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