How to Quit Your Slave Job (and Live Your Dream Life!)
16 posters
How to Quit Your Slave Job (and Live Your Dream Life!)
If every day you go to someone else’s establishment, work on their schedule, do everything they say, and make money for them, then I’m sorry to bear bad news, but you might be a slave. If you often awake to an alarm clock smothering your dreams to death with a pillow then you very well might be a slave. If you went into debt so you could spend the best years of your life qualifying for a piece of paper to qualify for a salary-wage job, then you’re likely a slave. Even if you work in a fancy high-rise building, a compartmentalized neck-tie drone in some sociopathic hierarchy, you might still just be an office slave, an expendable rung on the corporate ladder.
No matter how attractive the position, whenever you work for someone else, your financial means of subsistence, your ability to provide food, water, and shelter for your family, is completely in the hands of another person. Regardless of pension promises or signed contracts, the real fact of the matter is there is no “job security” in working for someone else. If at any time for any reason the boss has a problem with you, the market goes south, your contract’s over, the clientele fades, the account goes red, or the business goes belly-up, then you’re high and dry on your way to becoming an unemployment statistic. Tenures get overturned, pensions get sucked away, and promises of rich retirements are rarely worth the wait. Real job security and financial freedom means owning your own business (and refusing to pay any taxes, fees or fines from the mafia government that wants to keep you their slave).
The only true success that exists is when we find a way to make a living doing exactly what we want. When you wake up every morning and create your day exactly how you dream it to be, that is success. When your passion and your work are aligned, when you would do your job for free because you like it so much, that is success. The root of “work” and “worship” are the same, and if you’re living your dreams aligned with your passions, doing what you were placed here on Earth to do, then your work really is like your worship, your service to the world.
Slave jobs are great for when you need quick reliable short-term income to get back on your feet or gather start-up capital for your next venture, but remaining someone’s slave for too long, even high-paid lap-dogs will eventually wish to leave their master. No matter how attractive the position, whenever you work for someone else, you will always be selling your time wholesale to someone who is profiting from you retail. No boss can afford to pay any employee the amount of money which that employee brings to the company, as that would cause the business to bankrupt. The only way to run a profitable business is to pay employees less than they're worth, usually far less. So if you are working for someone else, your financial stability is completely in their hands, and it is guaranteed that they are paying you less than you are worth.
You can’t just up and quit your slave job without some serious planning and hard work though. There are several steps that all wage slaves must take before riding the entrepreneurial underground railroad to financial freedom.
The first step to quitting your slave job and manifesting your dream lifestyle is getting a clear picture of your life’s purpose. What were you born to do? What makes you happy? What is your true passion? What would you like to spend your days doing? If money wasn’t an issue, what would you do with your life? Once the answers to those questions form a clear image in your head, step two is imagining and creating a product or service aligned with your purpose. For instance, if your absolute favorite thing in life is skateboarding, always has been and always will be, it makes you happy and it’s your favorite way to spend your time, then your step one is simple and complete. Your step two would be deciding what marketable aspect of your passion appeals most to you. Would you like to open a skate shop? Would you like to manufacture skateboards? Would you like to design them? Would you like to teach skating? Would you like to make skating videos or start a skating magazine? How would you most like to express your passion and how can you use it to enrich, inspire, empower and add value to others?
Once your vision is clear, step three is to get free of all debt. If you quit your slave job but still owe debts to the bank or anyone else, then you are no less of a slave. So it is crucial that you pay off all your debts (and don’t take on any more!) To pay off your debts, you must make sure your monthly expenditures always remain lower than your monthly slave income. If your expenditures are too high you must find ways to thriftily cut corners so that you can always stay in the black. Calculate your slave salary minus your monthly expenses equals the amount you can put away each month towards your debt. Also note that if you are able to pay ahead on the principle (and not just the monthly minimum) you can exponentially cut down the total interest due.
Once you are debt free, step four is to take the difference between your slave salary and your monthly expenditures and start saving it! You will need to save up enough money to cover two important costs: the start-up expenses for your entrepreneurial venture, and a savings safety net to fall back on. To calculate your start-up costs add up all the expenses you will need to create and get your product or service on the market. This includes things like materials, advertizing, transportation, consultations, shipping, rentals, any and all potential expenses necessary to start your venture. Beyond this you will also need a savings safety net, enough money to cover your living expenses for several months kept away as an emergency fund in case any unexpected problems arise (which they will). Calculate your average monthly living expenses and save at least 3-12 times that for use if you’re ever having trouble living off your business’ income alone.
While in the saving phase, now is the time to start your business. If you quit your job first then try to start your venture, it will likely fail to bring in enough reliable income to sustain you, since building a reliable, sustainable income usually takes time. So you will essentially have to work two jobs for a while; your slave job from 9-5, and your dream job from 5-9 (and make sure to get enough sleep in there somewhere). If your business sells a product then you will need to start manufacturing, advertizing, and making sales whenever possible in your down-time. If your business sells a service you will need to refine, advertize and start providing your service on nights and weekends (or whenever you are free). This process of promotion and building a loyal customer base could feasibly take anywhere from a couple months to a couple years.
Advertizing and self-promotion is usually the most difficult, most time and money-consuming part of growing a successful business, but it is also the most important, because without finding some reliable and effective advertizing methods, you will never secure a stable customer base. Once word spreads and repeat sales start coming in, the final step to financial freedom is growing the monthly income from your business until it exceeds your monthly living expenses. When you’re making all the money you need to sustain yourself from your own business then you’re ready! It’s time to quit your slave job and live your dream life!
Life is too beautiful to waste living for someone else. Work and play are too important to be separated. If you love your job so much that you would do it for free then you are certainly on the right path, but anything less than that is selling yourself short. When people say “there just aren’t enough good jobs,” or when governments and corporations act like they’re economic saviors by “creating jobs” for us, I can’t help but laugh at the fact that there are, have always been, and always will be just as many “jobs” as there are people on the planet! If you have two functioning arms and half a brain then there will always be work that you can do. What the governments and corporations won’t tell you is that it’s up to you to create your own job, find your own niche passion, add value to the market, and that’s the reality of “job creation.” Being “employed” means being a slave, so don’t worry about the ever-rising “unemployment rate.” In a perfect world every single person would be unemployed (and unemployable!) because they are already making an income doing exactly the work that they worship.
Last edited by Admin on Sat Apr 13, 2019 6:07 am; edited 2 times in total
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TerrestialJones- Posts : 21
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Re: How to Quit Your Slave Job (and Live Your Dream Life!)
We need more information on this thread! How did you get to Thailand exactly? How did you know that there was a community there that you could just "join"? How did you get an extended VISA? What kind of paperwork do I need if I want to just drive and travel from San Diego to Costa Rica and explore the coastline and the different communities along the way. I need help getting out of the American System... The electro-magnetic radiation, the poison in the food and water and yeah you pretty much get where I'm coming from. I like this thread but there has got to be a better way than just starting my own business. Anybody's thoughts are welcome and encouraged. This is only my second post on the IFERS site but I have been on it just about everyday for the last 4 months or so and I am thoroughly familiar with the majority of topics on here, now it's time to take action people. Anybody with me? Lets figure something out as a group or get the fuck out as a group and go live and work together in peace and harmony, ideally in a warm climate under the sun;) ... I feel like anything's possible if we all want to start working together.
But I digress and will get ready for work tomorrow. Today the Principle called me into her office and told me I wasn't allowed to discuss flat earth with the students anymore because the Science teacher complained... Lovely. What ever happened to freedom of speech? Get me the fuck out, asap. Haha.
Mac Acker
425 533 4542
Baseball Coach/PE Teacher
Also, looking for a mentor or someone to talk to about this stuff. Feel free to reach out to me on my cellphone.
But I digress and will get ready for work tomorrow. Today the Principle called me into her office and told me I wasn't allowed to discuss flat earth with the students anymore because the Science teacher complained... Lovely. What ever happened to freedom of speech? Get me the fuck out, asap. Haha.
Mac Acker
425 533 4542
Baseball Coach/PE Teacher
Also, looking for a mentor or someone to talk to about this stuff. Feel free to reach out to me on my cellphone.
ackerm- Posts : 5
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Re: How to Quit Your Slave Job (and Live Your Dream Life!)
Hey Ackerm, welcome to the forum. I came to Thailand back in 2004 after graduating college and selling everything I owned that didn't fit in 2 suitcases and a carry-on, with no job, and very little money. There is/was no "community" to "join" and it was a great (but fun) challenge to build a life for myself half-way across the world. I taught myself the Thai language, got my CELTA teaching certificate, interviewed and started working at a language school then eventually, a year later, interviewed for and got a job teaching at the most prestigious University in the country. It is a gargantuan task to move, live, and actually thrive somewhere else but also very rewarding and fulfilling. If you're looking to come to Thailand, the visa info is all covered at and the best site for finding work as a foreigner is Peace
Re: How to Quit Your Slave Job (and Live Your Dream Life!)
Thanks Eric, appreciate the information my dude. And it's nice to know someone is listening and that I can somewhat talk to people/a person who get where I'm coming from. But I have tons of respect for what you did and are doing over there and I can imagine how challenging but also rewarding that might have been to go on that journey and to try and find some sense of freedom and some sense of peace. I guess my next question for you might be about that. How much Freedom do you feel like you have living in Thailand, and how has the overall journey changed you're feelings of being at peace with the way the world "is" and you're feelings of how you're existing in it? Also, most importantly actually is what countries would you recommend other than Thailand for places where you can live freely and happily without all the bureaucratic bullshit? There has to be tons of these place out there that we just don't here about? Everybody acts like Hawaii is the best place on earth.... Peace n Love, my friend.
ackerm- Posts : 5
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Re: How to Quit Your Slave Job (and Live Your Dream Life!)
Anybody who has read this post and is craving more information should read the book "Think and get rich" by Napoleon Hill.
Yes it will teach you to get rich financially, but by doing so will also teach you the method of attracting anything you desire into your life.
Since reading it 18 months ago everything has come into place for me. I've figured out my life purpose, am no longer plagued with fear and have begun communicating with the source.
Reading this book will put you on the path to enlightenment
Yes it will teach you to get rich financially, but by doing so will also teach you the method of attracting anything you desire into your life.
Since reading it 18 months ago everything has come into place for me. I've figured out my life purpose, am no longer plagued with fear and have begun communicating with the source.
Reading this book will put you on the path to enlightenment
Re: How to Quit Your Slave Job (and Live Your Dream Life!)
green wrote:Since reading it 18 months ago everything has come into place for me. I've figured out my life purpose, am no longer plagued with fear and have begun communicating with the source.
Reading this book will put you on the path to enlightenment
How are you communicating with the source? What is the source? What is your life purpose? Just curious if you are interested in sharing.
thugnastylol- Posts : 39
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Re: How to Quit Your Slave Job (and Live Your Dream Life!)
thugnastylol wrote:green wrote:Since reading it 18 months ago everything has come into place for me. I've figured out my life purpose, am no longer plagued with fear and have begun communicating with the source.
Reading this book will put you on the path to enlightenment
How are you communicating with the source? What is the source? What is your life purpose? Just curious if you are interested in sharing.
For the benefit of the thread I'll keep it brief. PM me if you're interested in hearing more!
The source is all there ever is and all there ever has been, it's the dot in the center of the infinite universe. - My developing theory.
I'm communicating with it through meditation and prayer. The source is trying to communicate with everybody, we must open its channel; which has been blocked by our oppressors.
My life purpose is to assemble and serve a group of talented individuals. I believe this group of individuals will create a piece of educational material which will turn the tide towards the mass awakening.
I feel that I have recently moved from being highly aware to beginning the journey of enlightenment.
Re: How to Quit Your Slave Job (and Live Your Dream Life!)
I've just heard that I am about to be a grandad for the first time! I am really happy. But what also bothers me is that I am only too aware at this later stage in life (53yrs) that the young one when born will be open to the doctrination of the whole system that I've grown weary of.
How do I manage the balance of my new found beliefs so as not to alienate my family and become ex-communicated. Well, my family loves and knows me only too well, they are comfortable with who I am and where I think I am going, it's going to continue to be a good journey.
How do I manage the balance of my new found beliefs so as not to alienate my family and become ex-communicated. Well, my family loves and knows me only too well, they are comfortable with who I am and where I think I am going, it's going to continue to be a good journey. Posts : 6
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Re: How to Quit Your Slave Job (and Live Your Dream Life!)
Congratulations brother! I wouldn't worry too much about the indoctrination brother, the whole system is going to be cracked wide open within a few years. Sounds like you've got the family balance pretty nailed on, think positive to achieve positive! wrote:I've just heard that I am about to be a grandad for the first time! I am really happy. But what also bothers me is that I am only too aware at this later stage in life (53yrs) that the young one when born will be open to the doctrination of the whole system that I've grown weary of.
How do I manage the balance of my new found beliefs so as not to alienate my family and become ex-communicated. Well, my family loves and knows me only too well, they are comfortable with who I am and where I think I am going, it's going to continue to be a good journey.
Re: How to Quit Your Slave Job (and Live Your Dream Life!) wrote:I've just heard that I am about to be a grandad for the first time! I am really happy. But what also bothers me is that I am only too aware at this later stage in life (53yrs) that the young one when born will be open to the doctrination of the whole system that I've grown weary of.
How do I manage the balance of my new found beliefs so as not to alienate my family and become ex-communicated. Well, my family loves and knows me only too well, they are comfortable with who I am and where I think I am going, it's going to continue to be a good journey.
First congratulations. Just like Pavlov's dogs who were conditioned into programmed responses (much like our mass population) the continuing programming of the dogs behaviour in response to a stimulus was a success. The Pavlovian institute continues to this day in London, Russia and other cities to perfect the conditioning techniques of Pavlov's research. There is one piece of information that doesn't get that much press or coverage with regards to Pavlov and his conditioning experiments. In a controllers dream, the discoveries of pavlov's research was enough for them to do their dirty work on mass populations. But here's what they don't promote. There was one thing that destroyed the conditioning, interrupted the programming and overwrote any pre-programmed stimulus/response that had been hard-wired at that point into the dogs mind over days, weeks and months and that was... If the bell was ringing, the dog would typically salvate as everyone mostly knows. However, when the dogs real master walked into the room at the same time - the response failed and the dog went to it's master proving that the natural love the dog had for it's master, overcame any programming or 'mind control' the dog had succumbed to. Love indeed, shone it's light to destroy any mechanistic programs that had been induced in it. SO other than making them aware of the world and your beliefs (which you can or cannot) forget about beliefs, the content and anything else and just love them with all your heart. It will permeate any mental conditioning by the matrix and will be strong enough.
exo- Posts : 10
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Re: How to Quit Your Slave Job (and Live Your Dream Life!)
Shoutout to the world's fastest clapper clip toward the end of the video. Nobody can say that dude can't clap! NOBODY
Pretentieux- Posts : 1
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Re: How to Quit Your Slave Job (and Live Your Dream Life!)
So quitting my slave job is certainly in the pipeline. But in the meantime, does anyone have a guide on how to lawfully opt out of paying taxes in the UK without any serious repercussions? I've listened to Eric's "Solutions to the System" podcast dozens of times over and it's great to adopt as many of these suggestions into your own life. Stress is the enemy and this state of anxiety they try to keep us in, makes us weak and prevents us from ascending. As you begin to make these changes in your life, one by one or all at once, it empowers you even more.
tristancobane- Posts : 31
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Re: How to Quit Your Slave Job (and Live Your Dream Life!)
I also would like to know how someone can become self-employed and 'refuse to pay taxes' without consequence. Please explain because i must be missing something. I would love to know the secret.
Bravenough2see- Posts : 7
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Re: How to Quit Your Slave Job (and Live Your Dream Life!)
Bravenough2see wrote:I also would like to know how someone can become self-employed and 'refuse to pay taxes' without consequence. Please explain because i must be missing something. I would love to know the secret.
If you live inside this system then you cannot not pay taxes. You can however, start a business (there is something you are good at, or desire, if you think about it hard enough) and then you can reduce the amount of taxes you pay using the rules of the system. Kerry Packer, in Australia, owned TV stations, magazines, started a new cricket series because he didn't like the rules to regular cricket and owned many more businesses. His personal taxable income one year was about $200. From the moment I saw that in the news I was really angry. I set out to start my own business and to make every possible deduction I could legally get away with. I was a bookkeeper and then set about learning about every deduction I could and then taught all my clients how they could also do the same. If I was that post office and someone left a receipt for stamps or stationery on the counter I would pic it up. If they paid with a card I would toss it, if they paid cash, then the tax office could not prove it was not mine. Too many postage stamps in a week for my little business? Advertising. They could not do anything when audited. I was determined to play their game with their rules and for me to take advantage of it. They actually hate it when you learn how to play their own games, instead of them just playing and us being taken advantage of.
If you ever get in a place of being debt free (or losing everything in divorce will do it too) then you can buck the system and refuse to pay taxes and refuse to take part in the system, but that takes a brave person to do so and would be best done in communities for support. There are communities in Gympie Australia that do not pay land rates (taxes) to the council, there are others waking up and refusing to have drivers licenses and take fines by telling cops they do not recognise their corporation as an authority.
There are ways to do it.
Last edited by debonair on Sun Sep 30, 2018 7:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
debonair- Posts : 6
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Re: How to Quit Your Slave Job (and Live Your Dream Life!)
I thought I'd share the below site and also ask ifersers their opinion about it. I find it very organised and well planned.
Research the background of the founder:
Ronald Bernard
Research the background of the founder:
Ronald Bernard
RelearningLogic- Posts : 18
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Re: How to Quit Your Slave Job (and Live Your Dream Life!)
RelearningLogic wrote:I thought I'd share the below site and also ask ifersers their opinion about it. I find it very organised and well planned.
Research the background of the founder:
Ronald Bernard
Government = Tyranny
Realearth- Posts : 322
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Re: How to Quit Your Slave Job (and Live Your Dream Life!)
Hi all,
An interview of John Harris; who was active on the topic of being "free man" by understanding the language used in legislation. You might have seen it before, but I didn't and thought to share.
-he explains the difference between the "person" (fiction) and the human being.
Like Eric has already mentioned before, on birth you are given a sort "contract" to represent your "person" but he more or less says it is an invitation to join the program. Which you can decline, like any of the invitations to represent your "person" by paying or ...
-Any violation of the "person" are judged in a "commercial" court... the corporation which is your "person".
Natural/common law violations (stealing, damaging, killing - the only real violations) are held in another court.
-Money bills being a "promise" by the bank to return its value when demanded. But as it is not backed up by anything anymore it became more and more meaningless. the only real thing of value is the work being brought forth by humans.
-He also mentions something interesting about the internet being the most powerful tool we have, which mimics the way humans should be communicating. We can use it to share anything, governments can only vulture upon what is released. So it is damage control 24/7 for them, as they have to censor the stuff we put out after it has already been in the open. the internet doesn't get shut down as it would raise suspicion (heavily censored though) but they have become dependant on it. As their money system, etc is connected to it.
at the end the question is asked "why people are not revolting, why we are not reaching the masses" he replies "we don't need to reach the masses, you just need individuals" I find this interesting, as with the flat earth and individuals like Eric Dubay spreading the word to other individuals. like minded individuals who will find out that truth doesn't necessarily comes from higher authority, but from fellow honest individuals sharing their experiences and findings. Humans still identifying themselves with a group or belief are going to have a harder time accepting a different view on things.
Sadly enough, it says that he killed himself...
"rational" wiki quite likes to destroy what he stood for, which seems to be indicating that he was on a right track.
Take care,
The Compassionate Cynic likes this post
Re: How to Quit Your Slave Job (and Live Your Dream Life!)
Look up how to create a private complex trust. Get a 98 EIN number for your trust and learn how to live out of that.
As long as you have a SSN you’re a corporate slave. It’s a public number. Public as in - the federal government owns that number. You, the private wo/man do not own it. Therefore you are subject to all of their rules and regulations.
Public is governed by legislation
Private is governed by contracts
As long as you have a SSN you’re a corporate slave. It’s a public number. Public as in - the federal government owns that number. You, the private wo/man do not own it. Therefore you are subject to all of their rules and regulations.
Public is governed by legislation
Private is governed by contracts
Tsaltsrif- Posts : 7
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Re: How to Quit Your Slave Job (and Live Your Dream Life!)
This a great topic and may be the most important topic on here to give people more time to research and learn the truth.
It is hard to be able to sit here and learn and watch and read when you know that this time can be spent making more money! ha
I really want to make my own business but I believe I am over thinking it. I have no idea what to do but I am more than willing to do whatever that is. I am debt free other than my car payment and have a good amount of credit to leverage to try to make a successful business.
But again. I just have no idea what that business would be. I do not know what venture to gamble on. Any information or helpful stories or advice would be much appreciated and attentively read.
It is hard to be able to sit here and learn and watch and read when you know that this time can be spent making more money! ha
I really want to make my own business but I believe I am over thinking it. I have no idea what to do but I am more than willing to do whatever that is. I am debt free other than my car payment and have a good amount of credit to leverage to try to make a successful business.
But again. I just have no idea what that business would be. I do not know what venture to gamble on. Any information or helpful stories or advice would be much appreciated and attentively read.
The Compassionate Cynic- Posts : 31
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