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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by markwilson Wed Mar 18, 2020 7:40 pm

Sheep bleating from their self-imposed pens?


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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by susie Wed Mar 18, 2020 9:41 pm



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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by markwilson Thu Mar 19, 2020 5:27 pm

The following was written in Atlantic Magazine, December, 2016, under the heading "How a Pandemic Might Play Out Under Trump." Trump of course was sworn in January 2017:

"Bioethicist Art Caplan from the New York University School of Medicine envisages a quick slide towards isolation and authoritarianism. In a blog post that can only be described as pandemic fan-fiction, he imagines that a lethal mutant strain of H7N9 flu emerges in China and spreads to America. A hypothetical President Trump responds with a quick succession of moves: He seals the borders with Canada and Mexico; he quarantines sick Americans; he declares martial law, builds detention-style camps for quarantine-defiers, and uses epidemic conspiracies to launch a trade war with China. ... Future years will reveal whether the story is prophetic or far-fetched."

See https://www.realhistorychannel.org/bill-gates-and-the-corona-conspiracy

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by markwilson Thu Mar 19, 2020 6:16 pm

A very generous allowance of 20 sheets per poop. If, say, we rationed that down to a still generous 10 sheets per poop, we're still living the life of luxury as our family of four shats 182 times a day, now over 28 days, instead of the original 14 days; assuming they all have the squirts from that nasty "common cold"(1) death-virus now threatening to destroy all of mankind.

Or, instead of shatting 182 times a day over the 28, we may allow our family the luxury of shatting 364 times a day over the 14 days of quarantine.

Personally, and in these most austere of times, I use only 3 sheets per shat. I'm all set to weather the storm. Who'd of thunk that Q's "Storm" would be one of toilet paper??

Never let a good crisis go to waste.

CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Screen10

(1) The 1989 American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by markwilson Thu Mar 19, 2020 7:33 pm

A "Cornoavirus" patent (i.e., a "chemical synthesis," synthetic, lab-created organism):


My Apple Dictionary says of "synthetic,"

"adjective, (of a substance) made by chemical synthesis, especially to imitate a natural product...." (emphasis added)

Thesis, antithesis, synthesis.

"We Jews have put issue upon issue to the American people. Then we promote both sides of the issue as confusion reigns. With their eye's fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is behind every scene. We Jews toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse." —Harold Wallace Rosenthal, https://rense.com/general66/rosen.htm

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Corona Virus

Post by Sienokupeta Thu Mar 19, 2020 11:10 pm

Hello there everyone,

I don't want this to be a statement but rather a discussion so please comment, and feel free to criticize everything i say...
Lets start with: I come from a family of medics, and also myself am involved in the fight against the main killer of humans all over the world called "heart disease" . There is one thing that baffles us... The corona virus has been there for decades, so why did it, all of a sudden, get so much attention??... Because if you look at the statistics as they are it does not seem to be a bigger deal than the flu.... On the other hand if you listen to people from Italy, they are saying that this "epidemic" is worse than "they" are telling us... In other words:

1. If the COVID-19 is exactly what the world health organization claims it to be, then there is a 2% to 3% death rate which kinda means that only the old and the weakest have a potential to die. In other words its exactly the same as the flu(I know that a bit of fever and coughing can be a nuisance, but does it require a worldwide shutdown of everything?). So if that's the case there is absolutely no incentive for any government nor organisation to act that way that they are acting right now, except if they have something really major to disguise... What do you think that could be? The financial crisis? The refugees at the border of Greece? A preparation of war against Russia and China? Tell me what you think!!!

2. If the COVID-19 is something way worse than the wold health organisation claims it to be, then it only can be a weaponization attempt or a side effect of something, that makes the corona virus dangerous, because naturally it is not more dangerous than the flu. The main theory i have heard in this case is that g5 waves activates the corona virus in such a way that it makes the air unbreathable inflicting death by asphyxiation, which would explain why "they" would have us sitting in our homes while they are adjusting the frequency. Could this be true? What do you think?

Have a nice day!


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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by susie Fri Mar 20, 2020 12:44 pm

NEW: After assuring the public about the government's coronavirus preparedness, Senate Intel chair Richard Burr, in one day, sold off up to $1.6 million is stock.

A week later, the market began its fall.

His committee was receiving daily briefings.
‪ https://www.propublica.org/article/senator-dumped-up-to-1-6-million-of-stock-after-reassuring-public-about-coronavirus-preparedness‬

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by susie Fri Mar 20, 2020 12:59 pm

5g & Corona.  Which topic would it go in??
Umm, I think I touched on this correllation before

Since posting this I spoke with my friend in WA state who has noticed tech vans at the schools in his area. Installing microwave transmitters I am sure. So heavy metal contamination in the body from all this shit they subject us to then microwaves in the air. Is metal and microwaves compatible with life? I can see why thousands of doctors and scientists said NO. No

Last edited by susie on Sun Mar 22, 2020 7:37 pm; edited 2 times in total

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Russian Blue Cat Fri Mar 20, 2020 6:00 pm

Viruses don't exist

1. People are not buying all the food off the shelves even when they don't need it, their buying because they need to feed children that are no longer in public school. The stores aren't being sent the normal amount of food because it causes more online buying, fake scarcity allows for increased prices.
2. The virus hoax creates fear of the air and touching anything by saying "it can live in the air for hours and on surfaces for days" also it creates fear of others I.E. encouraging social distancing because of a unseeable, undetectable, [D]evil that only the jewish owned pharmaceutical companies can save us from. [similar to religious leaders back in the day saying that those that died because of sickness were sinful and to pray and tithe more and you'll be saved.]
3. When the nonexistent [D]evil stops it'll be proof of the vaccines effectiveness and how smart and superior jews are.
CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 0c310a10
4. Creating constant fear for weeks on end to weaken people's immune systems and then injecting them with what is essentially poison, to further dumb down and kill people.
5. Shutting down of schools, sporting events, etc. Encouraging use of paperless money, practice of 'social distancing' and 'self quarantining' are ways of testing to see how much control they have by inventing a nonexistent problem and solving it with toxic solutions.
6. Demonization of anyone that questions the validity of the official narrative or the virus theory all together. I.E. name calling and gas lighting like Crazy conspiracy theorist, anti vaxxer, etc
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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by markwilson Fri Mar 20, 2020 10:08 pm

Agree or disagree with him and his assessment of the so-called "coming storm" (it's always "coming," never arriving), Mike King makes some very excellent points as to how psychological warfare is now, and has historically been waged against us, by The Lobby. It always comes back to the same group.

For who do we find that may not be questioned or criticized lest they remind us that those whom they detest are "anti-semitic," as they themselves roam throughout the plane throwing into prison cells any they are able, and in the emasculated populations too fearful to revolt* against the out-and-out tyranny of those jailing the people whose words do not comport with those of the despicable jailers? Their mythological animal-slaughtering war-criminal god chose only them, isn't that precious. We've found the same sentiments being promoted here in IFERS in fact; devil people in one class, chosen-of-god in the other; i.e., only two all-encompassing groups. Jew (chosen) vs. goy (cattle).

Who, in Trump's tweet the other day, in which he declared "The world is at war with a hidden enemy. WE WILL WIN!," ---who is that hidden enemy he avoids identifying? We here at IFERS know who the hidden enemy is. It's always them.


Are we seeing practical evidence of freedom marshaling its forces, currently, in this staged earth-wide theatrical production? Or are we not rather seeing the noose of tyranny being placed around our necks (à la Boston Marathon holly-wood smoke-bomb trial run psyop) while these cretins go about ruining everything they touch as they presume to command us to empty the streets and stop living the life of freedom as our Creator intended?

* revolt, verb, refuse to acknowledge someone or something as having authority.... —Apple Dictionary

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Just Vital Sat Mar 21, 2020 12:16 am

Russian Blue Cat wrote:Viruses don't exist
4. Creating constant fear for weeks on end to weaken people's immune systems and then injecting them with what is essentially poison, to further dumb down and kill people.

This is one of the best post I have read on the Coronavirus since the start of the show.

Also the claim that the capacity of hospitals is not sufficient enough and that they are overflowing with CV patients is BS. Only if you look at the numbers of the patients in every country you know this is bullshit - because how can those few claimed patients cause overcapacity? The working pressure of all health employees seem to have gone to the roof though, but that's only because hospitals started with outrageous protocols that makes their jobs much harder. Simple things like consistently changing your 'protective' suits when visiting patients costs a lot of extra time during the day.

And now they even dare to claim that the Cotton swabs are running out, so they can't test anyone no more! So this makes people believe that there are probably even more people infected, but are unable to get tested. I can't remember a hoax so laughable as this - but still (too many) people buy everything of it.
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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by notdownunder Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:11 am

The State of Denmark has enacted a law to forcibly vaccinate their serfs against Corona Virus (COVID19).

Unlike the United States there is no Bill of Rights in place to protect them.

American people are under a greater threat from the Zionist Operated Government of America than from any other threat. But Sheeple will believe anything.

This entire hoax is for the introduction of mandatory vaccination (POISON) and the New World Order.

This isn’t a storybook. The world is controlled by the most evil creatures in existence…Jews (and Hillary).

☞ https://killthelawyersfirst.wordpress.com/2020/03/20/vaccines-mandate/ ☑

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Russian Blue Cat Sun Mar 22, 2020 1:37 am

The sociopath will always accuse you of what they are guilty of themself

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by markwilson Sun Mar 22, 2020 3:08 am

Susie shared this in the GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G thread. I share here to help insure wide distribution.

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by markwilson Sun Mar 22, 2020 3:48 am

Russian Blue Cat wrote:The sociopath will always accuse you of what they are guilty of themself

Confirmation bias? A word search for "supremacists weaponize coronavirus"?!

"Confirmation bias occurs from the direct influence of desire on beliefs. When people would like a certain idea or concept to be true, they end up believing it to be true [and will do word searches looking for confirmation of a bias that has no basis in reality]. They are motivated by wishful thinking. This error leads the individual to stop gathering information when the evidence gathered so far confirms the views or prejudices one would like to be true." https://tinyurl.com/y9m2hwen

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by markwilson Sun Mar 22, 2020 4:42 am

"Electroporation, or electropermeabilization, is a microbiology technique in which an electrical field is applied to cells in order to increase the permeability of the cell membrane, allowing chemicals, drugs, or DNA to be introduced into the cell (also called electrotransfer)." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electroporation

CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Screen47

See beginning at 00:20:20, the technology to force-medicate by means of an external application "allowing chemicals, drugs, or DNA to be introduced into the cell," in conjunction with the use of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) energy. In other words, a synchronous application of two events designed to do that which the unsuspecting individual is not even aware of; the involuntary introduction of "chemicals, drugs, or DNA" into one's own body sans a conscious consent to have his person violated by such means. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=26&v=7slqRa9pOpc&feature=emb_logo

Medicating another secretly, against his will, is criminal conduct.

In contractual law, two or more parties must have, "Mutual Agreement. All parties to the contract must have reached a "meeting of the minds." That is, one party must have extended an offer to which the other parties have agreed." https://www.thebalancesmb.com/what-is-a-legal-contract-462462

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by markwilson Sun Mar 22, 2020 10:38 am

Spotify just threw up an uninvited message, interrupting my pleasant morning listening to Spirit Level while pondering everything but some corrupt government agency promoting fraud, and the message was something or other phony common cold raging through the plane right now in people's minds only.

Didn't bother reading the crap; but did notice a big button, you couldn't miss it, to go to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). I didn't find an x to get out of it, and became convinced the "CDC" button was the only button on the screen.

I refused. Force closed the app. Opened app. No more propaganda.

If I missed it, and somebody else has had the same thing happen, let me know if I just had a brain fart and didn't see the exit button that would avoid going to the CDC.

The fact that Spotify displayed that disgusting piece of Edward Bernays' pure and unadulterated propaganda, makes my blood boil.

No doubt, and like the statistics they keep on which songs I listen to, I would imagine the Masters have harnessed the stats database to register how many, like me, refused to follow their link. Spotify will dutifully forward that information to them, just as they dutifully agreed to defecate all over their own product by sending me uninvited propaganda for which I'm now looking for another music provider.

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by susie Sun Mar 22, 2020 12:57 pm

Coronavirus Kung Flu
Dr Thomas cowan MD explains Virus.
Electric Virology

This is also posted in 5g thread because its the electric CORONA causing the sickness.

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by markwilson Sun Mar 22, 2020 7:12 pm

Apparently we are descending into a martial law state in which anybody who wants to wander free (a pretended "free") must have their papers proving to our beneficent Masters that we have authorization to do that which we previously needed no papers to do.


If you have your papers we will not arrest you. Promise. Because we're the good guys who only do these things because we love you. This is not about depriving you of your unalienable right to freedom of movement on this plane. Trust us.

The above link provides suggested walking papers for Hogan Lovells US LLP, both "TRANSPORTATION EMPLOYEE," and "FOOD/AGRICULTURE EMPLOYEE," bold font in the original.

Seaboard Foods has also apparently fielded the same recommended format to give their employees the appearance of (i.e., mere color of law) being able to do what those without paper cannot do; move freely about, but only if given the legal (not to be confused with lawful) permission to do so, signed by a corporate benefactor granting said gift of travel to the corporate employee.

Seaboard Foods' version of it was posted to Facebook, though the wife and I can't seem to get back to the original post. She did a screen shot of an alleged letter giving employee(s) permission to move when others seemingly can not.

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by susie Sun Mar 22, 2020 10:15 pm

notdownunder wrote:The State of Denmark has enacted a law to forcibly vaccinate their serfs against Corona Virus (COVID19).

Unlike the United States there is no Bill of Rights in place to protect them.

American people are under a greater threat from the Zionist Operated Government of America than from any other threat. But Sheeple will believe anything.

This entire hoax is for the introduction of mandatory vaccination (POISON) and the New World Order.

This isn’t a storybook. The world is controlled by the most evil creatures in existence…Jews (and Hillary).

☞ https://killthelawyersfirst.wordpress.com/2020/03/20/vaccines-mandate/ ☑

Killery is a cousin of all the other potus weve ever had.  yep, billy was her cousin.  so shes just as ashkenazi as the rest of the f'ckers.

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Russian Blue Cat Mon Mar 23, 2020 1:48 am

markwilson wrote:
Russian Blue Cat wrote:The sociopath will always accuse you of what they are guilty of themself

Confirmation bias? A word search for "supremacists weaponize coronavirus"?!

"Confirmation bias occurs from the direct influence of desire on beliefs. When people would like a certain idea or concept to be true, they end up believing it to be true [and will do word searches looking for confirmation of a bias that has no basis in reality]. They are motivated by wishful thinking. This error leads the individual to stop gathering information when the evidence gathered so far confirms the views or prejudices one would like to be true." https://tinyurl.com/y9m2hwen

Markwilson i didn't word search for "supremacists weaponize coronavirus" i went on bing homepage and they have the news on the bottom and that was the first news article i sawCoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 62a15810

Last edited by Russian Blue Cat on Mon Mar 23, 2020 1:59 am; edited 1 time in total
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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Russian Blue Cat Mon Mar 23, 2020 1:52 am

DOJ Wants to Suspend Certain Constitutional Rights During Coronavirus Emergency

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by markwilson Mon Mar 23, 2020 4:20 am

Russian Blue Cat wrote:
Markwilson i didn't word search for "supremacists weaponize coronavirus" i went on bing homepage and they have the news on the bottom and that was the first news article i saw
And because it was the "first news article I saw," it naturally fell to me to share it in a thread at IFERS. Because what would my fellow researchers have thought should I have neglected my duty to share with them the first thing I saw on Bing?

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Post by Admin Mon Mar 23, 2020 2:36 pm


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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 2 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Just Vital Mon Mar 23, 2020 2:59 pm

Medical dummies being used on Italian TV. https://mobile.twitter.com/BasedPoland/status/1240796198065364993

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