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Corporate/Government Chemical Manipulation Through Products

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Corporate/Government Chemical Manipulation Through Products Empty Corporate/Government Chemical Manipulation Through Products

Post by susie Fri Jun 12, 2020 9:40 pm


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Corporate/Government Chemical Manipulation Through Products Empty Re: Corporate/Government Chemical Manipulation Through Products

Post by susie Thu Jun 18, 2020 4:22 pm

Fluoride Court Case You Wont See On TV.

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Corporate/Government Chemical Manipulation Through Products Empty Re: Corporate/Government Chemical Manipulation Through Products

Post by Oliver_Bestfall Fri Jun 19, 2020 9:32 pm

I have a weed problem.

Like so many other compliant sheeple, I took the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity to maximize my consumption of food, alcohol and mind-numbing streaming entertainment. March melted into April; April washed away and suddenly it was May. I stepped outside my suburban home and realized -- I have a weed problem.

Dandelions had popped up all over, thick, dense and tall. The proud yellow blooms turned into white fluffy paratroopers ready for deployment. Dandelions in my lawn were never uncommon -- but these were monstrously prolific.

I shook a defiant fist at Monsanto and refused to buy Round-Up or any other defoliant. I'm no naturist or activist, I'm just a cheapskate.

I mowed the dandelions down, leaving my lawn looking like the pocked scalp of the Jolly Green Giant with dandruff. Within days, most of the sprigs had regrown, dense and twisted. I tried a forked weeder tool, to extract the taproots and hopefully allow my Centipede grass to compete with hundreds of broad leaves out of the way.

Working outside in the warm sun felt good and I filled several lawn bags with dandelion roots and the broad leaves. And it worked well-enough, for about three weeks. The Centipede grass was doing well, but the dandelions adapted. The dandelions stalks were twisting together like Rat Kings and the broad leaves that usually lay flat against the ground were now growing upward, looking more like upside-down soup ladles.

Hmm. My weed problem was back. I looked up more natural dandelion remedies and high-strength 75% white vinegar seemed promising as a one-shot one-kill dandelion bullet, but the pricing was about the same as Round-Up -- did I mention I'm a cheapskate?

Mowing again, fork-weeding again, I dealt in sweat equity to combat the problem. Now it's late-June and I took an evening walk through the neighborhood and I'm not trying to besmirch my neighbors, but this dandelion crap is everywhere now. So, even if I get my dandelion salad bowl under control, all of their fluffy paratroopers are going to storm my placid green turf by July 4th, I guarantee.

Now, what I found out next, truly floored me -- my weed problem is part of yet another Conspiracy.

Taraxacum Koksaghyz, also known as a Russian Dandelion, has become an efficient replacement for the natural rubber tree liquid latex. https://phys.org/news/2009-09-dandelion-rubber.html

A fungal blight has posed a significant threat to natural rubber trees for more than a century. https://academic.oup.com/aob/article/100/6/1125/125277

There is a focused, agricultural and industrial effort to cultivate and refine dandelion latex for use as a viable substitute for natural rubber tree latex and rubber products. Bridgestone and Continental have emerged as the industrial leaders in Dandelion Rubber.




What does this have to do with my weed problem?

Well, well, well, wouldn't you know it, there's a big ol' humongous Bridgestone Tire Factory about 40 miles from my house. I hope they're proud of themselves. I wonder if I could bag up these dandelions and sell them to Bridgestone.

Would that make me a shill?


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Corporate/Government Chemical Manipulation Through Products Empty Re: Corporate/Government Chemical Manipulation Through Products

Post by Admin Sat Jun 20, 2020 4:29 am

Did you know there is lead in most lipsticks and mercury in most mascaras!? Did you know that cancer-causing phthalates, banned from use in children’s toys, are one of the most common ingredients in many skin products? Did you know the FDA has no regulatory control over cosmetics companies, and allows them to decide their own safety standards? They don’t even have to fully label ingredients!

It is hard to believe, but it is a fact that experts say is becoming increasingly clear: most mainstream cosmetic and personal care products contain at least one hazardous chemical compound, and many contain far more than that. There are between 5,000 and 10,000 ingredients currently being used in everything from eyeliner and lipstick to shampoos and deodorants that are synthetic, unnatural, man-made chemical compounds. Many of these are assumed to be safe, but many more have been tested and proven to be dangerous and toxic. The National Institute of Occupational Safety, for example, has identified almost 900 personal care chemicals that are toxic in one way or another. Some cause cancer. Others cause hormone disruption. Some are neurotoxins. Others cause organ damage. In Europe, 1100 of these dangerous materials have been banned from consumer products. In America only 10 have been banned. Check out this excellent, comprehensive website CosmeticsDatabase.com to find exactly what chemicals are in your personal care products and exactly what health risks have been linked to each.

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