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Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite

Mathew belliveau
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Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite Empty Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite

Post by susie Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:38 pm

Here is a video discussing 1000 years that have been misrepresented on Calendars.  Discussing the notation for "before Christ" in old literature and how it has been misread to represent a "1" before dates.  
This could be the missing years we suspected have occurred.

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Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite Empty Re: Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite

Post by csp Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:10 am

Great video Susie, she makes some very good points.

Even though I wouldn't trust some of her source (e.g. Isaac Newton, Jesuits).

I think I'll start by transcribing the scrolling text so I can investigate each a bit further and see what else I can dig up.

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Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite Empty Re: Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite

Post by csp Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:53 pm

So it appears in the YT description of the video, the author provides a great website listing the sources, as they are very difficult to read even when pausing the video due to the background image and white text.



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Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite Empty Re: Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite

Post by Mathew belliveau Sun May 01, 2016 1:39 am

I had a question not too long ago if we used to have a 360 day year since it would be based on a circle so I've been looking up when did we change the calendar or if we have changed the calendar and it seems like we have the information of course is based on the elliptical orbit of the earth and all that nonsense a 365-day year seems to go with orbit of the Earth which we know is BS my question is those five days do we really need them? Or would it throw everything off? I'm going to keep looking myself but if anybody has any answers on this please let me know

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Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite Empty Re: Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite

Post by Jenee Sun May 01, 2016 9:14 pm

There have been many calendars throughout history that keep track of the year in different ways.  The 360 day calendar was just an easy way to divide the year into twelve uniform months. However, since the year is actually 365.25 days long, a culture utilizing a 360 day calendar would have to work in those remaining 5.25 days somehow in order to synchronize the calendar with the seasons.  The actual length of the year is not based on the earth's supposed orbit around the sun, but rather the number of days it takes for the sun to return to its original starting position in its annual circuit from tropic to tropic and back again.

Dividing a circle into 360 degrees is arbitrary. You can divide a circle into as many sections as you like, it doesn't change the length of a year.

I may be oversimplifying the purpose of the 360 day calendar.  I dug a little further and found an interesting article at www(dot)webexhibits(dot)org/calendars/calendar-ancient(dot)html which describes the following concerning ancient calendars:

"In the eighth century B.C.E., civilizations all over the world either discarded or modified their old 360 day calendars. The 360 day calendars had been in use for the greater part of a millennium. In many places, month lengths immediately after that change were not fixed, but were based instead upon observation of the sky..."

"...By observing the movement of Sirius, Egyptians came to grips with the fact that the year was more than five days longer than their venerable 360-day calendar. This resulted in a change to their method of approximating year length that had been in use for nearly a millennium. But it also caused them to wonder where the additional days came from. In order to account for these additional days, Egyptians created a myth about their sky-god, Nut..."

"...Usually at a date later than the mid-eighth century B.C.E., many other peoples who had previously considered the year to be 360 days in length reluctantly returned to a calendar of twelve 30-day months, but added five days to the end of their year. These additional days were considered to be very unlucky or unpropitious..."

Now what happened in the 8th century BCE that caused civilizations all over the world to change a calendar method that was relied upon for close to a thousand years? Why would the Egyptians not know "where the additional days came from"? Why would the five additional days added to the 360 day calendar be considered unlucky? It would seem to imply a catastrophe that somehow lengthened the year by more than five days.  This could all be misinformation since we are coming to find that virtually EVERYTHING we've been taught has been a lie.  I personally believe the year has always been 365 days and cultures around across the world were trying different methods of time keeping in order to develop an accurate calendar.

The same article describes the Babylonian calendar and states " The Jewish adoption of Babylonian calendar customs dates from the period of the Babylonian Exile in the 6th century B.C.E. ".  I find this to be further proof that Judaism is based on Babylonian religious beliefs.  There's more to this concerning Babylonian Satanism, Satan = Saturn = Chronos = Father Time, but I don't want to go into that.  

About the Egyptian calendar from the same article:

"The earliest Egyptian calendar was based on the moon’s cycles, but the lunar calendar failed to predict a critical event in their lives: the annual flooding of the Nile river. The Egyptians soon noticed that the first day the "Dog Star," which we call Sirius, in Canis Major was visible right before sunrise was special. The Egyptians were probably the first to adopt a mainly solar calendar. This so-called ‘heliacal rising’ always preceded the flood by a few days. Based on this knowledge, they devised a 365-day calendar that seems to have begun in 4236 B.C.E., the earliest recorded year in history.

They eventually had a system of 36 stars to mark out the year and in the end had three different calendars working concurrently for over 2000 years: a stellar calendar for agriculture, a solar year of 365 days (12 months x 30 + 5 extra) and a quasi-lunar calendar for festivals. The later Egyptian calendars developed sophisticated Zodiac systems, as in the stone calendar at right. According to the famed Egyptologist J. H. Breasted, the earliest date known in the Egyptian calendar corresponds to 4236 B.C.E. in terms of the Gregorian calendar."

Since the sun, moon and stars all rotate around us at different rates, this would be the reason that the Egyptians had three different calendars based on the movements of these bodies. Notice they seem to have had a 365 day calendar more than 6000 years ago, a good 3000 years before other cultures started to abandon the 360 day calendar.

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Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite Empty Re: Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite

Post by Admin Thu Apr 11, 2019 10:48 am

Another subtle yet devastating aspect of the global conspiracy is their manipulation of calendars, clocks, and our perception of time. We are being enslaved by man-made mechanisms and systems for keeping time. Not only are we wage-slaves to bankers, governments, bosses, and land-owners, but we are also time-slaves to our watches, clocks, and calendars. We slave to 9-5 school and work days. We slave to 5-day school and work weeks. We are spiritual slaves to Greenwich Mean Time, the Gregorian calendar, and an unnatural 7-day week.

Read the Full Article Here: https://ericdubay.wordpress.com/2018/07/05/time-manipulation/

Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite Astrology--1024x768

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Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite Empty Re: Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite

Post by Admin Mon Nov 11, 2019 6:43 am

The following video is taken from a chapter in my book "The Atlantean Conspiracy" available here:

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Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite Empty Is Our Calendar Wrong?

Post by Tree Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:55 am

This is not my video. I found a guy who made a 360 day calendar with 5 holiday days. It seems like it fits so much better:
1. 30 days in a month (no more 28 some days..)
2. Six days in a week. (Shorter work week! Lol. Seriously is good reason actually, we work too much).
2. No “leap year” days (I think?)
3. 5 Holidays on the change of the seasons instead of randomly placed (so more in tune with nature and changes. 2 holidays on winter solstice)
4. It seems our calendar was changed by the Pope and Caesar. I don’t know why but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was bad reasons.
5. 360 = 360 degrees in a circle. The face of the earth is a circle. This can’t be just a coincidence, right? What is the mainstream reasoning? Do they say that the dividing of a circle was based off the calendar? That’s the only excuse I could think of.
6. Maybe you’ve heard the old argument that “if you found a watch in the forest you would assume there must be a watch maker”. Well, if the whole world is a giant clock then there must be a God size watch maker! Might be why they changed it?
This theory affect the zodiacs? Would it change them?
Slightly different question: I’ve heard talk of a 13th zodiac. Is there any validity (historically, that is, as I understand the zodiac is not hard science but has other parts of truth).
I haven’t studied this much so what are you’ll see thoughts on it’s validity?


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Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite Empty Re: Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite

Post by Ifersgold Sat Jun 26, 2021 2:17 am

Why would calendars be manipulated? Could it be to hide the known cataclysmic cycles of the earth? So we can not see astrologically where we are in the procesion of time? Are historical cover ups done to hide cyclical cataclysmic events in more recent times?

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Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite Empty Re: Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite

Post by siriusrising Sat Jun 26, 2021 1:00 pm

Just finished reading this interesting article about the manipulation of time:


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Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite Empty Re: Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite

Post by Ifersgold Sat Jun 26, 2021 9:27 pm

Hey siriusrising, this is is awesome. I just read it. I also reread some of Eric Dubay's articles on calendar manipulation.
I already agree with a lot of what both authors are seeing. There is a lot of evidence of hiding history and scientific knowledge, and spiritual knowlegde.

What I liked most about the  article was the day of the lord being about apocalyptic events, and jesus or the christic references are associated with true astrological conjunctions.
The bible seems to be an old muddled esoteric roadmap. A guide to finding truth in regards to the true nature of the self. And an astrotheology reference. As well as a reference to frequent cataclysmic destructions at certain points on the true star calendar.
There is another message or theme that goes along with this.  It's a shamanic graduation event known in many cultures throughout time. The phenomena is known as the sacred union phenomena. Aka the heiros gamos, the conjunctionato, the great rite, the great work, the great mystery, the devine right of kings, the holy grail, the unicorn, the twin headed phoenix, the dao, the perennial philosophy, the universal philosophy, the kabala, the mystery of the golden lotus, the christic phenomena, the sun cross,
the alchemical marriage,  unification of opposites, balance of opposites, it is the crowned teaching of most esoteric societies and exoteric religions. because the phenomena is linked with the sun, I believe the swastica is also a reference to the sacred union. Both nazi and non nazi swasticas. It is also seen in masonic teachings, mormon teachings, rosecrucianism, Jungian psychology, Hinduism, Budism, tantra, is Gnostic in that it most certainly comess only through Gnosis. It is the fruit of the tree if life. It is who performs the atonement. It is the atonement. It is hygea. It is balance. It is how the whole system sustains itself. Without it the algorithm of life does not sustain itself and it dies. The union makes our conciousness in form factory antifragile. It's breeding. It's procreation, but way more than procreation.

In babylonian times these couples are refrenced as sacrificial animals. They sacrificed in the similitude of the christic couple. Now the tradition was to sacrifice one goat and let another goat run into the wilderness. The idea is the goat that is let go is to ensure the wild goat herds continue. But continue with the desired traits. The goats in this ritual are referencing a human phenomena.  Why this is important is because it appears humanities populations are also being managed for desirable traits by some unseen force. The city population is sacrificed in the cataclysm while the people or couples that are led to safety start a new human tree, a new civilization. It's common in historical and theoligical literature for couples to be called out of the cities right before some war, or famine, or fire, or destruction.

What I believe we are waking up to is a world that makes more sense with the awareness of frequent cataclysmic destruction. Like filters only letting some life through but not all. It reminds me of the reproductive process. Most sperm are killed off. One or two may continue through to the next transition of form and conciousness.

The union is refrenced in Sumerian tablets And was at the heart of their culture. The ritual invokes or invites the true gnosis. The king and queen perform a sexual ritual that calls down the divine male and divine female gods to use the king and queens bodies as avatars in this world. Sharing conciousness in union not only with each other in bodies but with the god within. In this way and from this event is what guarantees a family and civilizations survival. It was known to insure fertility and abundance throughout the land.
There is much older evidence than summer. It's replete in babylon, egypt, greece, rome, and in today's society. It is one of the most common subjects if all art throughout history in all cultures and it is one of the most popular subjects of movies in our time.  

The phenomena is 1+1=3
The phenomena is the Hagelian dialectic.
Man woman child. Or trinity.
It is how all life in the observable world functions, i.e. in the form of biology. In the form of electricity. In the form of psychology and our perceptions and cognitive bias.
It is simple and yet defies true understanding.

Since this is at its basis a shamanic phenomena it is often accompanied by high levels of synchronicity, clairvoyance, other expanded knowledge and senses. These couples, this shaman king is who my ancestors carefully saught out to rule their people.

Then the king killers came along and all that ancient knowledge about the divine right went underground again. Only for those who are struck by lighting via direct gnosis or those who inherit it through family lines are intimate with it's significance. Otherwise you will only hear about it in esoteric traditions. These societies can prime you to experience it via ritual, but can not induce it. Having said all that, it's extremely rare and is most likely less than 1% of people who actually experience the phenomena.

Anyway, the heiros gamos seems to have seasons or times when couples bloom in larger numbers. This is where a lot of bible harvest refrences come in. It seems like it's linked heavily with the conjuctions of Saturn and jupiter.
Now that I've given you a brief introduction of  the union phenomena, and that it is a historical theme that we can't ignore at the least, and at the most a real phenomena.

What I want to say about it is linked to the procession of the stars. It is linked to true astrological phenomena. And perhaps this is another reason natural procession is hidden by calendar time. This is where the phenomena crosses paths with politics. The christic phenomena of rulership is a direct threat to the incumbent power to of corruption. The bible tells stories of kings who had astrological charts and preists telling him his successor has just been born in x town. Then the king kills all the babies of that age in an attempt to keep him and his family in power.

The longest most stable period of egypt we can see was obsessed with balance. They had strict laws on art and writings so they always invokes and evoked a sense of balance. They did this by educating the populace about balance of opposites. The union phenomena is a balancing and sustaining and empowering phenomena. So if there is a force out there that seeks to cause imbalance, unsustainability, and disempowerment, it will be at odds with the couple, and seek them out to corrupt them or destroy them.

The books I think best illustrate the sacred union is Boris Moraviev's GNOSIS all 3 books.

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Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite Empty Re: Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite

Post by siriusrising Sun Jun 27, 2021 3:17 pm

Hey Ifersgold,
Here is an excellent podcast about the New Chronology which supports many of the good points you are making.
Also, check out the work of Stephen Sorensen who is interviewed in that podcast:


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Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite Empty Re: Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite

Post by siriusrising Mon Jul 05, 2021 9:01 am

This is a link to one of the better video documentaries on time manipulation or the New Chronology. It's in Russian with English subtitles. The Russians are doing a lot of great work on this including this excellent site:
Check out their forum using Google translate if you need it in English:


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Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite Empty Manipulation of Time

Post by Jack Aurora Wed Sep 22, 2021 9:18 am

Here is a thought to ponder on...

Here is how I see where the manipulation of time starts.
It is written that "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth..."
And we all believe, or are governed to believe that "In the beginning" refers to a time period.
In the beginning when it happened. Back then millions of years ago. Right?

Literally... maybe
As a parable... impossible...
For time is just a manifestation for the existence of eternity.
And if time and eternity are the same, then there is only eternal now. Time and eternity IS now.

In the beginning.
Beginning is eternal now.
Beginning is always constantly happening, Now.
And creation is inside the beginning.
Inside the eternal now.

Inside the beginning.
In the beginning.
And also the word "created" should read in the present tense "creates".
Inside the beginning God creates the heaven and earth.

We can also read it as Taoism.

In the Tao, God created the heavens and the earth...

Creation is constantly happening and we are inside of it. Literally speaking.

There are many ways of interpretation of the very first line in the Bible. So many words that can change grammatical values into so many variations of understanding.

I'm just reading the first three words, and this is what comes of it. Just my thoughts.

What do you think about this?
Jack Aurora
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Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite Empty Re: Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite

Post by Alpha Thu Mar 17, 2022 1:10 am

I don't put much stock in Jeff Berwick but it was great to hear him give Eric a shout out & play some of his The Manipulation of Time video.


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Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite Empty Re: Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite

Post by susie Fri Jul 01, 2022 9:39 pm

Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite Dates_10
Adding 1000 years onto facade of buildings. ive seen jon levi point this out before.

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Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite Empty Re: Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite

Post by comradelevelplane Fri Dec 23, 2022 11:02 pm

Tree wrote:This is not my video. I found a guy who made a 360 day calendar with 5 holiday days. It seems like it fits so much better:
1. 30 days in a month (no more 28 some days..)
2. Six days in a week. (Shorter work week! Lol. Seriously is good reason actually, we work too much).
2. No “leap year” days (I think?)
3. 5 Holidays on the change of the seasons instead of randomly placed (so more in tune with nature and changes. 2 holidays on winter solstice)
4. It seems our calendar was changed by the Pope and Caesar. I don’t know why but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was bad reasons.
5. 360 = 360 degrees in a circle. The face of the earth is a circle. This can’t be just a coincidence, right? What is the mainstream reasoning? Do they say that the dividing of a circle was based off the calendar? That’s the only excuse I could think of.
6. Maybe you’ve heard the old argument that “if you found a watch in the forest you would assume there must be a watch maker”. Well, if the whole world is a giant clock then there must be a God size watch maker! Might be why they changed it?
This theory affect the zodiacs? Would it change them?
Slightly different question: I’ve heard talk of a 13th zodiac. Is there any validity (historically, that is, as I understand the zodiac is not hard science but has other parts of truth).
I haven’t studied this much so what are you’ll see thoughts on it’s validity?

1.The Spring Equinox marks the beginning of the new astrological year when the sun enters Aries, the first sign of the zodiac.
2.The sun has always and will always return to its vernal equinox at the cusp of Aries, therefore SHALL be the Prime Meridian from which Right Ascension is calculated.
3.Precession does NOT exist.

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Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite Empty Re: Calendars Are Manipulated By The Elite

Post by Ricend Wed Jan 10, 2024 3:18 pm

First of all, I would like to compliment Jenee for this statement: The actual length of the year is not based on the earth's supposed orbit around the sun, but rather the number of days it takes for the sun to return to its original starting position in its annual circuit from tropic to tropic and back again.  Dividing a circle into 360 degrees is arbitrary. You can divide a circle into as many sections as you like, it doesn't change the length of a year.

I love that statement!  One point of difference I have further in the thread is the reference to early Egyptian “anything” being from 4236 BCE.  But, who am I to criticize J.H. Breasted.  We’re here to learn.  I only know that we have the records of time back to Adam, not before.  Briefly (all dates Anno Mundi): Adam 1; Methuselah 687; Noah 1056;  Great flood 1656; Abraham leaves Ur 2082; the exodus 2513; Rome established 3246; Command to rebuild Jerusalem 3557; Jesus born 750th year of Rome 3996; crucifixion 4029.  This brief snippet of history should be enough to establish that we now find ourselves in the modern era calendar (being now 2024).  

We have the records of these births and deaths of our earliest progenitors.  Time does not go back any further.  All time is known.  Few records of any civilizations survived the year long flood.  The only records brought forth were from Noah, who carried them through the flood.  That is why we have them - they survived.  This flood occurred in 1656A.M.   According to chronologist Prof. J.B. Dimbleby, historical data before 1700 A.M. is unreliable, with the exception of earliest Hebraic records.  From his teaching is my information derived. YMMV.

I would refer all seekers of truth to acquire the book “All Past Time” by Prof. J.B. Dimbleby.  Also, the book “Is the Bible from Heaven, Is the Earth a Globe” by Alex Gleason seems to contain the book “All Past Time” as a bonus within.  So, if the flat earth and the chronology of time matter to you, you will find the book leaps above many other treatises on the subject - and is difficult to contest.  It was written in the mid-late 19th century.  The copy of the book that I downloaded was stamped “discarded” from some seminary.  Their loss I say!  It is loaded with information.  We are here to learn all we can, right?  The professor gave suggestions for our modern calendar to sync back together correctly, but the powers that be didn’t do it. Why have order when you can have chaos and confusion?


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