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XMAS List for Globe Gobblers

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XMAS List for Globe Gobblers Empty XMAS List for Globe Gobblers

Post by vortexpuppy Tue Dec 11, 2018 8:33 pm

How about an Xmas list of presents for globe-gobblers? Top of my list would be:

1. A "Wackel-Globe"  - to put on your cockpit/dashboard like one of these little wobbly Elvis figures

2. A Meniscus measuring device - so that they can continue to delude themselves that this has some relevance to the level surface of large standing bodies of water.

3. A spherical ruler - so that they can very quickly erect that level shelf that the wife always wanted on the wall

4. 3D glasses - So they can better pretend that a mathematical 2D spherical surface is really a physical ball

5. Virtual reality software - since they are obstinately obsessed with denying the real world.

I'm sure I'm missing something though ...


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XMAS List for Globe Gobblers Empty Re: XMAS List for Globe Gobblers

Post by Real World Tue Dec 11, 2018 8:44 pm

I would add to this list a spherical keyboard, special for trolls.
They could found themselves more in what they actualy believe, maybe magic of gravity would hold keybord suspended in air so they could manifest Faith in Science Fiction. bounce

Last edited by Real World on Tue Dec 11, 2018 11:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
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XMAS List for Globe Gobblers Empty Re: XMAS List for Globe Gobblers

Post by jewry/trannywood Wed Dec 12, 2018 12:20 am

1.An authentic looking sheep outfit so they can really look like sheeple.
2.A cap with the slogan "I'm a religious fanatic of science." or alternatively "I'm a brain-dead sack of shit!" or "I believe a bath-bomb is Mars."
3.A fidget-spinner with a ball earth on it so they can simulate the spin of their ball.
4.Strong magnetic shoes so they can walk upside-down on metal surfaces, much like sheeple here in Oz.
5.Maybe a car that can travel faster than 1000 mph so they can actually reach destinations going against the spin of the ball.
6.A Risita mask so they can look the part when talking about scientific facts.


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XMAS List for Globe Gobblers Empty Re: XMAS List for Globe Gobblers

Post by observer Wed Dec 12, 2018 2:25 am

seriously tho, do you guys still celibrate this day?
You dont play along if they say they spinn on a ball.
You dont play along if they say they are a different gender than what they are.
Why would you buy gifts for someone just cause they belive in a fairy tail?
"xmas" needs to die with the rest of the lies.


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XMAS List for Globe Gobblers Empty Re: XMAS List for Globe Gobblers

Post by jewry/trannywood Wed Dec 12, 2018 2:55 am

Yes we know that mate. And so do my kids. But that doesnt stop us having fun at this time of year. Santa is a fairytale like Jesus but kids still love santa and why ruin their imagination, the jewish indocrination BS and smut already forces them quickly out of childhood


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XMAS List for Globe Gobblers Empty Re: XMAS List for Globe Gobblers

Post by observer Wed Dec 12, 2018 3:54 am

jewry/trannywood wrote:but kids still love santa and why ruin their imagination,
kids love everything, especialy if there is gifts involved. And their imagination can be stimulated in much beter ways.
Im not against celebrating but it should be for a different reason, in a different way, and with a different name.
Who is the kids sending their thanx to when they get gifts from santa? Lets mix the letters in "santa" and get satan.
The whole idea is to make the kids into materialists.
I also give my child a gift in this time, to not feel left out, but i state that i gave it out of love and not cause its christmas.

The apropiate celibration would be that the sun is starting its return jurney, imo. And should not involve gifts, gifts is for birthdays.


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XMAS List for Globe Gobblers Empty Re: XMAS List for Globe Gobblers

Post by observer Wed Dec 12, 2018 4:44 am

jewry/trannywood wrote:the jewish indocrination BS and smut already forces them quickly out of childhood
im fairly sure christmas is a jewish invention, meant to mess with childhood.


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XMAS List for Globe Gobblers Empty Re: XMAS List for Globe Gobblers

Post by Just Vital Wed Dec 12, 2018 2:57 pm

jewry/trannywood wrote: Lets mix the letters in "santa" and get satan.
The whole idea is to make the kids into materialists.

I remember this video of John Rose of last year, were he states that they tricked us in worshipping Nimrod during Xmas instead of the birth of Crist.

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XMAS List for Globe Gobblers Empty Re: XMAS List for Globe Gobblers

Post by observer Thu Dec 13, 2018 2:27 am

i would like to know what john roses opinion on potatos is, will he say that its not fit for human consumption or will he say to eat it raw? I get that you lose things by cooking it, but to claim my oven baked potatos are evil i feel is takeing it a bit to far.

Religion and hokus pokus aside, lets look at the obvious.
Is christmas supporting the jewish agenda?

All year around parents use christmas as a threat, if you are not nice santa will see it and you wont get gifts. Creating a good follower and awakens materialism.

Months before christmas the kids start wishing and dreaming of toys. Creating materialism, greed, and possible dissapointment.

At christmas the parents lie to their kids, saying a fat red guy with a name awfully close to satan is the one bringing the gifts and thats who gets thanks for the parents spending. The lie of santa is broken at early age makeing some kids wonder, why would they lie to me. Causing disstrust towards their own parents.

Thats general stuff, extra damage is caust on lonely and poor ppl.
Ever spent christmas alone? Not a nice feeling really, and that feeling starts long before christmas with all the media advertising.
Ever stod empty handed on christmas cause you couldnt buy your kid a present? Or maybe even bought something cheap that will dissapoint them? I dunno whats worse.
Or we flip it, ever been dissapointed cause you got crappy gifts?
Or have you ever sat as a child on christmas looking at that kid who is a few years younger while he oppen his many huge expensive packeges and you sit there with a small box of shit?
To some kids there comes a christmas where you start getting noticebly less, this can make them feel less loved or like they are no longer considerd a cute child.

And i dont even think you have to be that poor to have problems, you are expected to buy gifts for everyone, how is that even possible unless you have to much money. Forced gifting should be restricted to 1 gift per person that loves you on your birth day.

we also have some stupid idea of bringing a tree indoors and let it die, and surely animal sacrifices has to be on the christmas plate. (sorry for messing up your thread vortexpuppy)


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XMAS List for Globe Gobblers Empty Re: XMAS List for Globe Gobblers

Post by Marcus Triton Thu Dec 13, 2018 5:49 am

Awesome thread.

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XMAS List for Globe Gobblers Empty Re: XMAS List for Globe Gobblers

Post by jewry/trannywood Thu Dec 13, 2018 12:52 pm

observer wrote:
jewry/trannywood wrote:the jewish indocrination BS and smut already forces them quickly out of childhood  
im fairly sure christmas is a jewish invention, meant to mess with childhood.

Context is everything though.

My kids know:
The Jews are the controllers, that Hitler was neither evil nor wanted to gas the Jews.
The Earth is flat.
That Hollywood is full of Jewish trannies.
That Jesus is a Jewish invention.

And they are far from materialistic. They are the only ones in their classes that dont own mobile phones.
They also ask for maybe one or two things. Last year my daughter asked for a jar of pickles and bottle of ketchup.
Im not saying Christmas isnt used by Jews to push materialism. But in my own context, my kids are immune to any of that shit.
So why would I not try to convince them there is a Santa and he brings gifts? In fact I try to convince them that Sanat lives at the North Pole not far from Mount Meru and he gives gifts to the kids to make up for the Jews stealing their childhood and forcing their parents to slave at work to pay ever increasing bills.
Anagram for Satan, sure. But guess what there is no such thing as God or Satan so it matters no a f$%king bit!
Oh yeah and the tree, we have a fake tree with lights and we spend hours and hours as a family making decorations by hand to hang on it.
Context is everything my friend.


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XMAS List for Globe Gobblers Empty Re: XMAS List for Globe Gobblers

Post by observer Thu Dec 13, 2018 8:29 pm

jewry/trannywood wrote:

My kids know:
The Jews are the controllers, that Hitler was neither evil nor wanted to gas the Jews.
The Earth is flat.
That Hollywood is full of Jewish trannies.
That Jesus is a Jewish invention.

So why would I not try to convince them there is a Santa and he brings gifts? In fact I try to convince them that Sanat lives at the North Pole not far from Mount Meru and he gives gifts to the kids to make up for the Jews stealing their childhood and forcing their parents to slave at work to pay ever increasing bills.

Anagram for Satan, sure. But guess what there is no such thing as God or Satan so it matters no a f$%king bit!
obviosly its not my busines or wish to tell you how to parent, so pls dont take this the wrong way. But i am curious to hear where and why you draw the lines.
You find it important to tell them the truth about, hitler, flat earth, trannys, religion, but find it fair to lie about santa, why? Why is this lie ok but the others arent?

And we can see on things like the rice experiment and water experiments that invisible things like words, thoughs, intentions, focus, vibrations, or whatever to call the stuff we dont see, sure do have effects even if we dont see it.

You say why shouldnt we lie about santa, i say why should we? I see absolutly no good reason.


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XMAS List for Globe Gobblers Empty Re: XMAS List for Globe Gobblers

Post by observer Sat Dec 15, 2018 1:28 am

and a special merry christmas to you all, from trump, bush and obama, who thinks that black words maters. Will you accept? Or can you be merry without it.


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XMAS List for Globe Gobblers Empty Re: XMAS List for Globe Gobblers

Post by Alpha Fri Dec 20, 2019 9:54 pm

Seasons greetings everyone. I don't really celebrate Christmas, but I hope you are all well and get to spend as much time as possible with your loved ones. Wishing happiness and joy to you all.


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