A Flat Earth Awakening Story
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A Flat Earth Awakening Story
Thanks to Rene J. Nadeau from Boston for writing the following 62-page flat Earth introductory book and sharing it for free with IFERS, "A Short Story of Creation: As Told by a Wondrous Man's Earthly Evolutionary Travel Into a World of Wonderland." Please download and pass this ebook along to anyone you think might benefit from its contents: A Short Story of Creation PDF You can also contact the author at rene.nadeau@gmail.com
I had never in my wildest dreams ever doubted the authenticity of the Moon landings. After all, I’d watched them live on TV network news broadcast programs. What often got me thinking was what I hadn't seen. After reportedly having men travel an unbelievable 287,000 miles (1969-1972 to the Moon and then back safely several times) apparently with far less computer power than you and I hold in our hands today, even with our vastly improved technology, we still hadn’t been back to the Moon. Manned space travel had not progressed but in fact had regressed to reportedly an International Space Station, a mere 200 miles high up in Earth’s orbit. So after nearly 50 years, man was staying ever closer to Earth, not exploring outer space as you’d reasonably expect progress would dictate. (7)
I've recently and proudly been able to self-diagnose one of my mental illnesses, and I’m happy to report with self-therapy, I'm on my way to a full recovery. Flat vs Spherical Earth: I believe is a form of wide-spread global mental illness, contributing to declines in everyone's overall health. As an ordinary critical-thinking human-being, I have come to the conclusion that this mental illness should be identified as “Round Earth Taught Anal Retention Disorder Syndrome,”or simply R.E.T.A.R.D.S., as determined by evidence that retarded my own eyes, preventing me from seeing the plane truth on the horizon, victimized by indoctrination experiences that all student inmates have been subjected to. (17)
By the system teaching: Women can be Men and Men can be Women with everything equal. Women: are duped into not wanting to be bothered with being mothers anymore and to act more like men. Feminism is not a grassroots movement but started by the powers that be (the system), in order to brainwash, not to help, but to eliminate women, leading women to believe they were oppressed, when in fact the opposite is true, and they were the most privileged class in all of recorded history. Not having to work outside the home, they were able to partake in the most rewarding job of all: raising their children in the safety of suburbs with their husbands having full job security. Now stay-at-home moms raising children are nearly extinct with others often shaming them into getting jobs. Tricked by the system into believing they were oppressed, these women now must work even harder for a system screwing them out of the natural order of family and life's renewal, in its place working heartless empty corporate wage-slave jobs, burdened with student loan debt, and often raising a child, no longer needing a male role model with assistance of the system, often finding themselves alone or with cats in place of children and family, believing this was all their own idea. They have no clue what hit them but will defend the very system that now enslaves them, as their fertility expires, often ending up lonely, highly educated, (brainwashed) highly medicated, highly in debt, depressed expiring cat owners, with litter boxes to clean, duped again that they can do anything, only to find themselves having to do everything, ending up with nothing but cats rubbing against them and dogs humping their legs, sagging fading tattoos, and a lifetime of rainbows of unnatural hair dye (the likes of scary circus clowns) of blue, green, red and orange (unattractive to men), and more dates with Ben and Jerry including Dr. Feel Good, in order to distract them from the reality of failure. With all these created movements of fat acceptance, debt acceptance, STD acceptance, abortion acceptance, birth control acceptance, age acceptance, poor health acceptance, diabetes acceptance, etc… It all boils down to DEATH acceptance! Women are being liberated right out of existence with the system knowing the way to control anyone's mind is to lead them to believe they’re free and liberated when they’re not! And thereby reducing the population… Sadly, women are no longer in control of their minds and failing to see the obvious on the horizon. (24)
Men: are being conditioned that masculinity is no longer a desirable trait with everyone equal and encouraged to act more like women, trending towards being conditioned to live more of a metrosexual lifestyle, even taught by the system and media that they can grow up to be women. In its wake, such men are becoming less and less attractive to women. Women acting like women are increasingly ever more difficult to meet, instead acting more like drag queens causing increased rejection from men’s attempts to meet them. This, along with most of the good-paying manufacturing jobs gone forever that gave men agency, has caused men’s instinctual drive to provide and protect to greatly diminish, and for them to no longer have resources and/or status to attract a woman. The men that do have resources are in ever greater numbers unwilling to enter into marriage contracts or even relationships with women as that leaves them vulnerable to financial and emotional destruction. Women are also in ever greater numbers becoming no longer attractive to men. The fat acceptance movement has tricked women that poor health, tattoos, and circus clown appearances is the new sexy and that it’s all men’s fault in not finding them attractive. It has been insanely vocalized in media that men should love every inch of an obese woman's unhealthy body. This would be like having a male bum sitting on a street corner holding a sign up attempting to attract women saying “you should love me for every penny I have.” Marriage has been made unsafe ground and a recipe for total financial and emotional destruction. “No fault divorce laws” have given preference to women in a life’s contract, including family courts are most always in favor of women while enriching lawyers and judges, where on a whim a woman can toss a man out of his own house, have his children taken away and then be forced to pay child support. Men are conditioned that relationships with women are now to be avoided, with movements encouraging them to just go their own way, the ones that do choose to swim with the sharks practicing catch and release. Many men now never leave home, watching internet porn and playing video games in their parent’s basements. Family life is put on hold or never happens leading to failure to be able to pair-bond with women to produce the next generation. This leads to death/failure as a result of both men and women being unable to see the obvious on the horizon. The system is hell-bent on destroying the nuclear family. (25)
Last edited by Admin on Fri Apr 05, 2019 7:26 am; edited 1 time in total
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Re: A Flat Earth Awakening Story
Rene Nadeau was a 62-year-old grandfather and life-long devout atheist when he stumbled upon the most incredible revelation of his lifetime, a revelation so fundamental and Earth-shattering that it awakened his long-dormant spiritual side and caused him to become a firm proponent of intelligent design. In the hopes that others might benefit, Rene is sharing his story of learning at the ripe age of 62 that our Earth is not at all what we've been taught to believe. Please share this video with the atheists you know and help spread the truth about our flat, motionless Earth.
Rnade2002 and WILLIAMBEEBY like this post
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