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Flat Earth FAQ

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Flat Earth FAQ Empty Flat Earth FAQ

Post by Admin Fri Feb 24, 2023 6:45 pm

Flat Earth FAQ by Eric Dubay: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ericdubay

Flat Earth FAQ Best_o10

Flat Earth FAQ is the ultimate reference guide for concise, comprehensive answers to the most frequently asked flat Earth questions accompanied with detailed drawings, maps, memes, charts, and full-color photographs as helpful visual aids. Written by the President of the International Flat Earth Research Society and author of several other flat Earth books and documentaries, Eric Dubay recommends Flat Earth FAQ as both an ideal introduction to the subject for beginners, and a perfect coffee-table book for established flat earthers looking to tackle all the typical talking points.

Table of Contents:

1. How Do You Know Earth is Not a Spinning Globe?

2. How Do You Know NASA Faked the Moon Landings?

3. Why Would They Lie About Flat Earth?

4. Why are There No Flat Earth Whistle-Blowers?

5. Why are There No Photographs of the Flat Earth?

6. Why is Earth the Only Flat Planet?

7. Why Can't Everyone See Mount Everest on a Flat Earth?

8. Why isn't Polaris Visible from Australia?

9. Why Does the Moon Appear Upside-Down in the Southern Hemisphere?

10. Why Do the Sun/Moon Get Bigger Near the Horizon?

11. Ships Disappear Beyond Earth's Curvature?

12. Earth's Curvature Visible From Your Airplane Window?

13. Eratosthenes Experiment Debunks Flat Earth?

14. Cavendish Experiment Proves Gravity?

15. Foucault Pendulums Prove the Earth Rotates?

16. Coriolis Effect Proves Earth a Spinning Globe?

17. Mount Rainier's Shadow Proves the Globe?

18. The Lake Pontchartrain Bridge Shows Earth's Curvature?

19. How Do Maps, Compasses and Circumnavigation Work on Flat Earth?

20. How Do Flights Like Sydney-Santiago Work on Flat Earth?

21. How Does Gravity Work on Flat Earth?

22. How Do Sunrise and Sunset Work on Flat Earth?

23. How Do Seasons Work on the Flat Earth?

24. How Does the Midnight Sun Work on Flat Earth?

25. How Do Eclipses Work on Flat Earth?

26. How Do the Southern Stars Work on Flat Earth?

27. How Do Tides Work on Flat Earth?

28. How Do Volcanoes and Earthquakes Work on Flat Earth?

29. How Can Ushuaia Get 17 Hours of Daylight on a Flat Earth?

30. What is Above, Below, and Beyond the Flat Earth?

31. How Did You Personally Learn About Flat Earth?

32. Why is Flat Earth Important?

The beautiful custom designed cover art is by fellow flat earther and artist Dino. Dino is a self-taught artist, musician & teacher from Boston whose work can be found at www.ARTofDiNo.com (artofdino@gmail.com). Together with his wife Erin Sarah of www.ARTofErinSarah.com, they formed a 501c3 public charity known as Save eARTh (www.SaveeARTh.us) with the goal of Saving eARTh with Art and HeART forever. Each Artwork is designed to expand the minds of all people of all ages in order to help everyone envision the infinite realm of potential we are all collectively re-discovering. These visions are meticulously crafted and packed with interconnecting symbolism that weaves a timeless story based on the perceptions of the viewer.

Flat Earth FAQ is the culmination of over a decade's worth of deep research and writing on this most important subject jam-packed into an easily digestible reference book available in paperback, PDF and EPub/Kindle versions. As many of you know, I have vowed never to stop my activism until the NWO dies or I do, and I see flat Earth as the Achilles' Heel of the New World Order. This subject, supposedly the most crackpot of all conspiracy theories, mocked and ridiculed for centuries as being an ignorant unscientific worldview, is actually one of the most easily demonstrable and empirically evidenced facts of reality. When humanity finally wakes up to the truth of our flat Earth, it will usher in a veritable new age of enlightenment, a renaissance of common sense, and an opportunity to finally and forever expose and expunge these deceivers among us. As with all of my books, the contents will all soon be available FREE in article, video, and audiobook forms for those who cannot afford them. Thanks so much to everyone who has helped over the years to support me and my mission of spreading the flat Earth truth to the entire flat world by purchasing and giving away my books to anyone and everyone who will read them! http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ericdubay

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Flat Earth FAQ Empty Re: Flat Earth FAQ

Post by Admin Sun Feb 26, 2023 7:31 pm


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Flat Earth FAQ Empty Re: Flat Earth FAQ

Post by Admin Mon Mar 27, 2023 6:58 am

Thanks so much to ArtBook Publishing, my new book Flat Earth FAQ is being translated into French and is now available to order for pre-sale here: https://www.flatearthfaq.fr/

Big thanks also to French conspiracy realist John Doe for doing the video voice-over:


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Flat Earth FAQ Empty Re: Flat Earth FAQ

Post by Admin Tue May 16, 2023 6:56 am


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Flat Earth FAQ Empty Re: Flat Earth FAQ

Post by Admin Sun May 28, 2023 6:02 pm

Flat Earth FAQ (Full Audiobook):

Flat Earth FAQ is the ultimate reference guide for concise, comprehensive answers to the most frequently asked flat Earth questions accompanied with detailed drawings, maps, memes, charts, and full-color photographs as helpful visual aids. Written by the President of the International Flat Earth Research Society and author of several other flat Earth books and documentaries, Eric Dubay recommends Flat Earth FAQ as both an ideal introduction to the subject for beginners, and a perfect coffee-table book for established flat earthers looking to tackle all the typical talking points: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ericdubay

Table of Contents, Timestamps, and Video Versions:
1. How Do You Know Earth is Not a Spinning Globe? (0:05:00) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7pd-TH-grI
2. How Do You Know NASA Faked the Moon Landings? (1:09:21) https://odysee.com/@EricDubay:c/20-Proofs-NASA-Faked-the-Moon-Landings:8
3. Why Would They Lie About Flat Earth? (1:32:25) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMzZrQc_eXI
4. Why are There No Flat Earth Whistle-Blowers? (1:45:26) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFfSDrJeb0c
5. Why are There No Photographs of the Flat Earth? (1:54:03) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pV2FBrUWWM
6. Why is Earth the Only Flat Planet? (1:58:07) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5UvtaFE-0k
7. Why Can't Everyone See Mount Everest on a Flat Earth? (2:01:30) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqvH0Y1L41s
8. Why isn't Polaris Visible from Australia? (2:04:40) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_RceH0-hSk
9. Why Does the Moon Appear Upside-Down in the Southern Hemisphere? (2:09:13) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AC9uOyg0eq4
10. Why Do the Sun/Moon Get Bigger Near the Horizon? (2:14:27) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_IVhEAudrc
11. Ships Disappear Beyond Earth's Curvature? (2:18:41) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrfFn-nZ3ns
12. Earth's Curvature Visible From Your Airplane Window? (2:23:17) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXebSjdH5G0
13. Eratosthenes Experiment Debunks Flat Earth? (2:27:57) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yH4PW0Y0wY8
14. Cavendish Experiment Proves Gravity? (2:31:31) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB-_A1AIEjo
15. Foucault Pendulums Prove the Earth Rotates? (2:34:18) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRVDS92LS04
16. Coriolis Effect Proves Earth a Spinning Globe? (2:39:11) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4Zge7YgON4
17. Mount Rainier's Shadow Proves the Globe? (2:45:01) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDH6a3TJqpA
18. The Lake Pontchartrain Bridge Shows Earth's Curvature? (2:48:56) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4i__Mh30PY
19. How Do Maps, Compasses and Circumnavigation Work on Flat Earth? (2:53:07) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRqr-eM5mTs
20. How Do Flights Like Sydney-Santiago Work on Flat Earth? (2:58:31) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kajiKy06bu0
21. How Does Gravity Work on Flat Earth? (3:05:26) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOeP7TrSeaQ
22. How Do Sunrise and Sunset Work on Flat Earth? (3:11:58) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkBlFTcBpFQ
23. How Do Seasons Work on the Flat Earth? (3:17:30) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xstKfD8qKY4
24. How Does the Midnight Sun Work on Flat Earth? (3:24:48) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hs3Xtb3Rr3Q
25. How Do Eclipses Work on Flat Earth? (3:30:50) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-N0TloYHr8
26. How Do the Southern Stars Work on Flat Earth? (3:34:55) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADNeFSuKnqM
27. How Do Tides Work on Flat Earth? (3:38:26) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylap1RRXoto
28. How Do Volcanoes and Earthquakes Work on Flat Earth? (3:54:08) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mw5Uq4M0yf0
29. How Can Ushuaia Get 17 Hours of Daylight on a Flat Earth? (4:01:17) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqr02ZmqRbQ
30. What is Above, Below, and Beyond the Flat Earth? (4:06:27) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qszn9d-NvYQ
31. How Did You Personally Learn About Flat Earth? (4:11:07) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXzNeCC9fTc
32. Why is Flat Earth Important? (4:21:29) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjV02VwfTwA

The beautiful custom designed cover art is by fellow flat earther and artist Dino. Dino is a self-taught artist, musician & teacher from Boston whose work can be found at www.ARTofDiNo.com (artofdino@gmail.com). Flat Earth FAQ is the culmination of over a decade's worth of deep research and writing on this most important subject jam-packed into an easily digestible reference book available in paperback, PDF and EPub/Kindle versions. Thanks so much to everyone who has helped over the years to support me and my mission of spreading the flat Earth truth to the entire flat world by purchasing and giving away my books to anyone and everyone who will read them! http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ericdubay

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Flat Earth FAQ Empty Re: Flat Earth FAQ

Post by Admin Tue Aug 08, 2023 11:11 pm

Thanks so much to our German translator Johannes, Flat Earth FAQ is now available in German here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3mv026zt51krek62mdyop/FAQ-deutsch-18.07.2023-final-version.pdf?rlkey=9o9d4kr1bvb5ya1b5nlhsepg4&dl=0

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Flat Earth FAQ Empty Re: Flat Earth FAQ

Post by WatchTheCollapse Sun Sep 17, 2023 5:49 am

awesome to see people supporting you and translating dude!


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Flat Earth FAQ Empty Re: Flat Earth FAQ

Post by Admin Wed Oct 18, 2023 9:13 pm

Thanks so much to our French translator Anne, we now have a French videobook version available for free:


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Flat Earth FAQ Empty Re: Flat Earth FAQ

Post by Admin Sun Dec 03, 2023 5:24 pm

Erasing the Globe from our Vocabulary:

Once you have done your due diligence in deeply researching both heliocentric and geocentric cosmologies, the idea that Earth is a globe, tilting, wobbling, and spinning with magical bendy oceans and upside-down people in Australia, soon becomes the most absurd and far-fetched concept; you start to wonder how you could have ever believed it in the first place. The main reasons are because everyone else around you unquestioningly believed it, and it was originally introduced to you around the same time you were being introduced to Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. Cartoons and imagination were your reality at the time, and imaginative cartoons like these Earth globes capture and captivate children’s minds. As if under a stupefying spell, many adult-children steeped in confirmation bias, unwilling or unable to exercise true skepticism, remain forever duped by NASA’s Freemasonic charade...

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Flat Earth FAQ Empty Re: Flat Earth FAQ

Post by Admin Sat Dec 30, 2023 6:06 pm

Is Flat Earth a Cult?

This past decade there has been a revival, a resurgence, and a veritable renaissance surrounding the topic of cosmology. Tens of millions of people have done personal experiments, read ancient texts, and found inconsistencies and discrepancies with conventional teachings. By delving deeper into these issues and exposing hidden truths contained therein, a great number of lies and deceptions have also surfaced causing a polarizing rift in perspective and paradigm. These people who have endeavored to explore outside the box (or more accurately, outside the ball) are now being labeled “Flat Earthers,” and called by many a cult. But is this idea of a level plane Earth and people who advocate for it truly cultish? What actually defines a cult, cult behavior, cult ideology, and does Flat Earth fit the bill?

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Flat Earth FAQ Empty Re: Flat Earth FAQ

Post by Admin Fri Jan 19, 2024 8:01 pm

Flat Earth FAQ is now available in Italian language here:


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Flat Earth FAQ Empty Re: Flat Earth FAQ

Post by Admin Sun Feb 25, 2024 5:11 pm

Flat Earth FAQ (Full Videobook):

Please help me share far and wide this free full videobook presentation of Flat Earth FAQ, the ultimate reference guide for concise, comprehensive answers to the most frequently asked flat Earth questions:

Table of Contents and Timestamps:

1. How Do You Know Earth is Not a Spinning Globe? (0:05:00)
2. How Do You Know NASA Faked the Moon Landings? (1:09:18)
3. Why Would They Lie About Flat Earth? (1:32:15)
4. Why are There No Flat Earth Whistle-Blowers? (1:45:12)
5. Why are There No Photographs of the Flat Earth? (1:53:43)
6. Why is Earth the Only Flat Planet? (1:57:42)
7. Why Can't Everyone See Mount Everest on a Flat Earth? (2:01:00)
8. Why isn't Polaris Visible from Australia? (2:04:04)
9. Why Does the Moon Appear Upside-Down in the Southern Hemisphere? (2:08:31)
10. Why Do the Sun/Moon Get Bigger Near the Horizon? (2:13:39)
11. Ships Disappear Beyond Earth's Curvature? (2:17:47)
12. Earth's Curvature Visible From Your Airplane Window? (2:22:18)
13. Eratosthenes Experiment Debunks Flat Earth? (2:26:53)
14. Cavendish Experiment Proves Gravity? (2:30:20)
15. Foucault Pendulums Prove the Earth Rotates? (2:33:02)
16. Coriolis Effect Proves Earth a Spinning Globe? (2:37:49)
17. Mount Rainier's Shadow Proves the Globe? (2:43:32)
18. The Lake Pontchartrain Bridge Shows Earth's Curvature? (2:47:22)
19. How Do Maps, Compasses and Circumnavigation Work on Flat Earth? (2:51:26)
20. How Do Flights Like Sydney-Santiago Work on Flat Earth? (2:56:44)
21. How Does Gravity Work on Flat Earth? (3:03:33)
22. How Do Sunrise and Sunset Work on Flat Earth? (3:09:59)
23. How Do Seasons Work on the Flat Earth? (3:15:26)
24. How Does the Midnight Sun Work on Flat Earth? (3:22:39)
25. How Do Eclipses Work on Flat Earth? (3:28:39)
26. How Do the Southern Stars Work on Flat Earth? (3:32:39)
27. How Do Tides Work on Flat Earth? (3:36:05)
28. How Do Volcanoes and Earthquakes Work on Flat Earth? (3:51:41)
29. How Can Ushuaia Get 17 Hours of Daylight on a Flat Earth? (3:58:44)
30. What is Above, Below, and Beyond the Flat Earth? (4:03:47)
31. How Did You Personally Learn About Flat Earth? (4:08:21)
32. Why is Flat Earth Important? (4:18:50)

Flat Earth FAQ is the culmination of over a decade's worth of deep research and writing on this most important subject jam-packed into an easily digestible reference book available in paperback, PDF and EPub/Kindle versions. The beautiful custom designed cover art is by fellow flat earther and artist Dino at www.ARTofDiNo.com. Thanks so much to everyone who has helped over the years to support me and my mission of spreading the flat Earth truth to the entire flat world by purchasing and giving away my books to anyone and everyone who will read them! http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ericdubay

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Flat Earth FAQ Empty Re: Flat Earth FAQ

Post by Admin Sun Mar 03, 2024 5:32 pm

Is Flat Earth a Government Psyop?

One claim I hear constantly made but rarely backed by any evidence is that the recent resurgence of the modern Flat Earth movement was actually a planned government psychological operation...

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Flat Earth FAQ Empty Re: Flat Earth FAQ

Post by Admin Sun May 05, 2024 1:53 am

Flat Earth FAQ translations in Galician and Spanish now available below!

Flat Earth FAQ Galician: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bh3wnq3d9qp3x107g84et/GAL_TERRA-PLANA-CUESTI-NS-FRECUENTES-FINAL.pdf?rlkey=x4d47jy11vvyl2espx3dws8yx&st=w1n7l1b9&dl=0

Flat Earth FAQ Spanish:  https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gyx1fyqn7m5fcua1bs5au/ES_TIERRA-PLANA-CUESTIONES-FRECUENTES-FINAL.pdf?rlkey=ycvm9z4lbr3xvxydgqr5jtojl&st=owvirma6&dl=0


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Flat Earth FAQ Empty Re: Flat Earth FAQ

Post by Sponsored content

Sponsored content

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