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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'

Just Vital
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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'

Post by Thinkforyourself Sat Jan 30, 2016 12:30 am

Posted by csp on 06/24/2015

Jun 24, 2015 2:47:03 GMT Admin said:
I certainly haven't seen any evidence that the Sun rises with the firmament towards the summer solstice, so that's an assumption, as is there being a "dome" at all. These are certainly possibilities but shouldn't be spoken of as though we have evidence. Peace

I'm certainly not trying to state anything as fact, however I could have worded it better I admit. What I was trying to convey is more the mechanics behind the movement of the sun, rather than it's movement we see from our limited perspective. Once I have it visualized a bit better, I think it will make more sense.

In regards to the dome, I started modelling this based on David Kay's previous stair trail perspective image (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B460_QGDkFgSXzVKbHg4LVJ5R1U/view) along with my interpretation of what I believe to be "heaven on earth" representations in many religious/government structures (along with the currently being built Vedic planetarium).

If you see the following images, you can immediately see the common themes:

  • [url=https://s1090.photobucket.com/user/KavirajG/media/Temple of the Vedic Planetarium/Final model/rendernew1_lg.jpg.html]Vedic Planetarium, India[/url]
  • Taj Mahal, India

  • Angkor Wat, Cambodia (Indian influence)

  • Temple Mount, Jerusalem

  • Berlin Cathedral, Germany

  • Imam Hussain Mosque, Iraq
  • Mosta Dome, Malta

  • Annunciation Cathedra, Russia
  • St Peter's Basilica, Vatican City

I personally theorize we are seeing some true representations of the "universal workings", some with a larger perspectives than others.

Hope this makes it a bit clearer as to my direction, and thought process!

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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'

Post by Thinkforyourself Sat Jan 30, 2016 12:30 am

Posted by penguin on 09/14/2015
I'm new to this whole flat earth theory thing, like a couple days new but so far I've seen it explain all kinds of anomalies with precision and accuracy that the globe model fails to do so. So as I've been learning more I've been testing things in Maya in a quick and dirty model I made. I need to make/find a lens shader that would replicate the human eye to really make a nice model that I plan to do some time in the future, but for now I've been using a shader that takes the scene and turns it into a panoramic, much like the cameras in the star trail images that we see. So I started with a super basic spinning dome over a flat disc plane and there is a light object in the scene because I made this when I first thought of how the model would work for seasons before I found information on how they do work.

Here is the scene set up as so:

Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 9OEOozb
Then I just grabbed the first (and worst, blech) lens shader I could on panoramics because that is the camera they use to achieve these impressive bi-polar star trails. Once I get a good lens shader set up I'll render out an animation to show how the moving planetarium would affect our perception and star trails. Until then this is the perspective render I got:

Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 OSvrFLn
As you can see I still need to play around with my camera a whole lot more, BUT it shows how easy it is to make a "south" pole appear to exist with just a simple lens. Much like using fish eye lenses on the horizon from high altitudes to give the appearance of a ball earth. Many don't realize the power of image and how easily our perception of our entire world can be distorted by a simple piece of curved glass.

I am tempted if I could find the time to make a simulation in a game engine,but I'm not a scientist I'm just an artist so it would take me a while. I also want to try and come up with an animation for both flat model and globe model and pin cameras on key cities and points on the globe and have a direct comparison between the two to show where the ball falls *flat* but I need to research much more before I get to that point. Anywho I just figured this quick demonstration could explain the photos we see all over of the "south pole" stars circling in a different direction.

And for the question regarding good animation software I can compile a list of free and paid software respectively in both 2d and 3d media for animating and video editing if you like. I know for sure Blender is a super good free 3D program and lots of people make plugins for it so with those it can do what the professional $6000 ones do (it's also a more stable program from my experience) I just use Maya because I know it better.

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'

Post by Thinkforyourself Sat Jan 30, 2016 12:31 am

Posted by penguin on 09/15/2015
Jul 20, 2015 2:05:22 GMT budnipper said:
Apr 20, 2015 16:16:49 GMT crybrd said:
Your pictorial is the best I've seen so far on this subject! Thanks.

star trails were the first thing i got. does any body know of some good software for animating or just making video in general. i think visual helps make the point?

Here's a list of a few programs that should work well and their prices and types. I'm not sure how artsy you'd want to get with it so I'm adding some artist favorites as well.

3D Animating/Modeling Software:

*note almost all paid 3D software will be owned by Autodesk, don't do free trial it's only 30 days. Get the educational licence*

Maya - by Autodesk and is a 3D modeling and animating program, I'm most familiar with this program, student version lasts at least 2 years for free, after that it's $123 per month or $4000+ for a perpetual license. These prices are for the basic kit, if you want the nice tools you are looking at a double in price almost.

3ds Max - Also by Autodesk, does the same things Maya does but slightly different interface. Same price. So far the only difference I've seen just they have slightly different tools, but you can get plug-ins for both and can do the same things.

Mudbox - Again, Autodesk. Not so much an animating program, but it is great for sculpting if you wanted to get artsy with things. It links up with Maya so you can send objects between programs and work on them in both at the same time. $10 a month or $500 perpetual licence.

Zbrush - By Pixologic. Does EVERYTHING and is an all time favorite for many serious artists in the industry. It overcomes a lot of the polygon road blocks you'd see when using other programs. it's $800 with lifetime free updates.

Google Sketchup - I see this used a lot more by 2D artists for blocking out scenes, it's $700 and has quite a different interface than other programs I've used. It's quite popular and works well.

Sculptris - By Pixologic, and it's FREE! It's just a sculpting program that you'd use if you wanted to make irregular objects. No clean meshes, no render engine, no modeling tools. Just start with a base shape and use the dynamesh to create whatever you need. It does crash a LOT though, but it's free.

Blender - The last one on my list, it's free to download and is open source. Since it is open source the entire community makes updates to make it run smoother than anything I've tried by Autodesk. I think I've only crashed it once, and that's because I was trying. The community also make lots of plugins that are super easy to install and free. With enough of those you can do ANYTHING with this program, it even has built in sculpting capabilities I do believe. You can download it here

2D Animating Programs:

Photoshop - By Adobe. This program can do almost everything. You can animate, make 3D models, edit videos, edit photos, paint, etc. There are also lots of plugins you can get for it as well to work with 3D software creating bump maps, tangent space normals, etc. This software is great for making diagrams or animating anything in 2D as well. You can do simple animations as well as more complex ones if you have the abilities. It's $20 per month for the most recent, but they should still have some of their older version up for free use now. I'm not sure how much you can do with CS2 or CS3 though.

Flash - By Adobe. It's free and quite standard with many professional entertainment and web browser games. Also $20 per month. It is very unstable and can corrupt scenes. It also doesn't make sense half the time and rarely does what it's supposed to. I watched one person just try and make a cactus "bounce" by shrinking it vertically for one key frame and it turned into spaghetti. To be honest, unless you wanted to make interactive web browser games or info panels I'd steer clear of this one.

Pencil - A free program that has a wide range of options and good reviews. I'm just not sure of it's availability at the moment because their domain is up for sale now.

Synfig - Open source. It has good reviews from what I've seen. You can look at their website here and it has most of the same functionality as Pencil, just a little less user friendly at first.

CreaToon - Free, and much simpler than the previous options. If you are looking for simple animations this would be a good option. You can download it here

Ajax Animator - Also free and although created by a 6th grader to replace the expensive Adobe Flash software it is considered a fully functional animation program despite it's simple appearance. It's quite a popular alternative from what I've seen. You can download it here

Video Editing Software:

I'll keep this one brief, but Autodesk has two video editing softwares Premier and After Effects. After effects is better for short videos, custom video graphic animations, and if you like having lots of control at the cost of quick and easy interface. Premier is better for longer video clip editing and has a lot more pre-set transition and FX options. Both are great, it just depends on what you are doing. Both are $20 per month.

Corel has good video editing software for $65 for a perpetual licence. It also has great capture options and I find is a nice hybrid between the simple interface of windows movie maker and the versatility of Adobe programs. They also have other programs, but I haven't seen a good 2D animation program from them. They do have a 3D one, but I'm not sure how well it works. Could be something to look into.

There aren't many free and reliable video editing software options. Most crash upon opening or are incredibly unstable. BUT Blender (the 3D software I mentioned earlier) does have very stable video editing options and is a favorite among many.

This list is really just a starting point. I tried to be thorough and give links to the more obscure/free web sites as well as list the most popular ones. A lot of the 2D programs and sculpting programs will be difficult to use if you don't have a drawing tablet though, but they are still usable. If you don't like these just add "Open Source" to whatever type of program you are looking for and search for what you are looking for. I find that gives you links to actual programs and less viruses. There are LOTS of tutorials you can find for all of these.

My personal suggestion is definitely blender because you can just BUILD the flat earth model and since it is correct you don't need any artistic trickery like you do with the globe model. If you do have the money perhaps invest in Corel Video Studio. It's a solid program in my opinion and gives lots of options that you can dive into.

I hope this helps!

All about Shillaphobia

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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'

Post by Thinkforyourself Sat Jan 30, 2016 12:31 am

Posted by Admin on 09/17/2015
Interesting possibility to ponder:

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'

Post by revealeddreams Wed Mar 16, 2016 2:10 am

Thinkforyourself wrote:That is an interesting video. Do you think that the meteorites could be falling 'stars'? If not, do you think that the meteorites are simply parts of the dome breaking off and falling from the sky?

I am sure that the Director was hiding something in plain sight when he had the word Sirius written on the falling object. I wonder what that means and what is has to do with the actual Sirius star? 

The Sirius reference may relate to the Great Pyramid which has four shafts - 2 from the Kings chamber and 2 from the Queens chamber - which are aligned to various stars/contellations. One of the shafts from the Queens chamber is aligned to Sirius (and still is today). And/or it may relate to the "helical rising" of Syrius each year which heralded the flooding of the Nile river. Or maybe I'm just letting my imagination run wild?

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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Empty Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'

Post by Beashambassador Wed May 18, 2016 7:41 pm

Perfect Circles - how can these star trails be possible


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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'

Post by Beashambassador Mon Jul 04, 2016 4:53 pm

Anti Crepuscular Sun Rays are KEY to Southern Star Rotation FLAT EARTH


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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Empty Slow moving meteor event over western US

Post by damnice Thu Jul 28, 2016 7:38 am


This JUST happened an hour ago as I was driving my daughter's friend home at 10:40 PM MDT over Salt Lake City, 9:40 PDT in Vegas. Saw it with our own eyes. I even got some video of it on my cell phone but my android's camera SUUUCKS. There are a ton of videos going up now on twitter from Nevada, UT and California at that link above, thought I'd share it since it was incredibly intriguing. We thought it looked like very slow moving gigantic fireworks, doesn't look like any meteor I've ever seen, WAAAAY too slow moving and burned the entire way across the sky from the west horizon to the east horizon.

UPDATE: Supposedly this was caused by a Chinese CZ-7 R/B rocket re-entering the atmosphere. Looks identical to the video of the Columbia shuttle when it exploded and burned up. Here's the story from local news: http://fox13now.com/2016/07/28/space-debris-lights-up-utah-sky/

I find it curiously funny how space junk always looks like long burning fireworks moving at an almost perfectly straight trajectory without the apparent curve down you'd expect to witness from an object slowing AND falling due to air resistance and "gravity". Still very interesting to see it with my own eyes.

Here's the Columbia disaster footage, practically identical in speed/trajectory/appearance.

Last edited by damnice on Thu Jul 28, 2016 9:46 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Found out it was "space junk"...right.)

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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'

Post by RickFE Thu Mar 23, 2017 7:17 am

I have seen many star trail videos on youtube lately. Some are showing southern star trails. Proof it is a globe......not. If you look at these videos, they all share the same flaws. Perspective is not in play. The real time lapses show perspective. The farther stars paths are more elliptical while the closer ones are more circular. This is because the stars opposite of you and across polaris are further from view. These south videos, always perfect circles which show it is artificial and done with after effects. One is so obvious, they show the original recording of the stars and milky way going horizontally across the sky, then they supposedly speed it up and now they seem to go in circles? A lot of people believe the star trails proofs as being undeniable proof the south pole star is real, hence must be a globe we live on. I did read through the topic and didn't see anyone mention the differences between the real star trail and the fake.

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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'

Post by ZeusThunderer Thu Mar 23, 2017 7:25 am

Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Four-Camera-Sky-Gif

Stars rotate both clockwise and counter-clockwise depending if you are facing North or South.


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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'

Post by Schpankme Thu Mar 23, 2017 11:49 am

ZeusThunderer wrote:
Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Four-Camera-Sky-Gif

Stars rotate both clockwise and counter-clockwise depending if you are facing North or South.

This IMAGE is fake, even though it was created in the northern regions of Michigan State, with the camera focused on the Pole Star - Polaris.  As we read the authors detailed account below it will become apparent that his camera exposure time was limited to about 3-hours, that his actual finished product is a composite of ground panoramas and night sky; and that he used software tricks to "stack images of stars", "stitch panoramas together", and create "time-lapse sequences of star trails".

Planetary Panoramas
by Christopher Jobson

While experimenting with different photography tricks and techniques back in 2012,
I was shooting 360 degree panoramas in the daytime
and long exposures of the stars streaking in the sky at night.

I created a custom rig of 4 cameras with fisheye lenses to capture the entire night-sky in motion.

Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 4-way-11

Thus the images show the stars rotating around the north star,
rising in the east,
setting in the west,
as well as the effect of the southern pole.

The 4 lenses are wide enough to capture the entire night sky and a 360 degree panorama of the scene on Earth.
Each camera is doing nonstop long exposures, typically about 1 minute consecutively for the life of the camera battery.
Usually about 3 hours.
I then made a script to stitch all the thousands of these panoramas into this time-lapse.

I created my rig in January of 2013 while in my final semester at Lansing Community College before receiving an associates degree in photography.
Given it was winter in Michigan, I didn't get to chase the notorious clear moonless night sky as much as I had hoped as the region has lots of cloud cover that time of year.
Though I was ready on the rare night to go experiment.
After graduating in May I had built up quite the urge to hit the road.
My rig has taken me to firefly parties in Missouri, dark eerie nights at Devils Tower, through Logan Pass at Glacier National Park, up the mountains of British Columbia, and around the amazing arches and sandstone monuments in the Great American Southwest.

Software used in the making:
Magic Lantern: A firmware hack to use the intervelometer in camera.
StarStax: Appropriately named software used to stack images of stars.
PTGui: Used to manually stitch panoramas together.
LR Time-Lapse: For smoothing out the time-lapse sequences via xmp files.
Adobe Photoshop CC: For all the photoediting fun and to create time-lapse sequences.
Adobe Premiere Pro: For slopping the whole video together.

Scenes as they appear:
0:12 - Delicate Arch, Utah
0:27 - Double Arch, Utah (outside)
0:41 - Double Arch, Utah (inside)
0:57 - Landscape Arch, Utah
1:14 - Turret Arch, Utah
1:28 - Balanced Rock, Utah
1:42 - Logan Pass, Glacier National Park, MT
1:55 - Lake of the Ozarks, MO
2:08 - Kootenay Lake, British Columbia
2:19 - Valhalla, British Columbia
2:30 - Kootenay Lake, British Columbia
2:41 - Badlands, South Dakota
2:51 - Windows/Turret Arch - Utah (Lunar Eclipse)
3:00 - Garden of Eden - Utah
3:10 - Monument Valley - Utah
3:26 - Totem Poles, Monument Valley - Utah
3:39 - Sleepy Hollow, Michigan

ref:  http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2014/06/a-multi-camera-360-panoramic-timelapse-of-the-stars-by-vincent-brady/

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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'

Post by Scientific Moderator Mon Mar 27, 2017 7:12 pm

this topic is astonishing and critical for me to understand

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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'

Post by Just Vital Thu May 11, 2017 10:04 pm

Any thoughts on this 'south pole star trail', which Joe Rogan retweeted:

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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'

Post by Schpankme Thu May 11, 2017 10:12 pm

Just Vital wrote:
Any thoughts on this 'south pole star trail', which Joe Rogan retweeted

Why don't you tell us what you think about these fake Star Trails:

Is there a South Pole Star on the flat Earth?
Is there a South Pole on the flat Earth?
What stars can be seen south of the Equator, facing South?
What makes it possible to capture a Southern Star Trail?

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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'

Post by Just Vital Thu May 11, 2017 10:46 pm

Schpankme wrote:
Just Vital wrote:
Any thoughts on this 'south pole star trail', which Joe Rogan retweeted

Why don't you tell us what you think about these fake Star Trails:

Is there a South Pole Star on the flat Earth?
Is there a South Pole on the flat Earth?
What stars can be seen south of the Equator, facing South?
What makes it possible to capture a Southern Star Trail?

No; No; A lot; Don't know.

Obviously this can't be the Southern pole star, but I'm just curious how they can fake this? They claim this trail is made in Australia, so it can't be the northern pole star right?
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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'

Post by Schpankme Thu May 11, 2017 11:16 pm

Just Vital wrote:
Obviously this can't be the Southern pole star
I'm just curious how they can fake this

They claim this trail is made in Australia
so it can't be the northern pole star right?

They use software to generate these fake star trials; the Observatory is also added to the fake star trails.

"The earth is a plane, with a northern center, over which the stars move in concentric courses at different radial distances from the northern center; with the southern parts of the earth seeing the stars move from the east towards the west, and they are satisfied. Another thing is certain, that from and within the equator the north pole star, and the constellations Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, and many others, can be seen from every meridian simultaneously; whereas in the south, the remarkable constellation of the Southern Cross cannot be seen simultaneously from every meridian, showing that all the constellations of the south sweep over a great southern arc and across the meridian, from their rise in the evening to their setting in the morning." ~ Samuel Birley Rowbotham, 1881


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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'

Post by EthericData2 Wed Jul 17, 2019 8:06 pm

Is the only reason why the concepts of meteors exist is because it used to propagate the false dinosaur extinction narrative?

For example, is the Perseid meteor shower fabricated?



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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'

Post by brazzinho Sun Feb 09, 2020 3:58 pm

Thinkforyourself wrote:Posted by davidkay on 04/19/2015

I got this! I have figured out how this fucker works! The sky! The stars! The circles! I know how this photo fits with flat earth! I have sat for couple of hours sketching this from multiple angles and perspectives! And I found it! PLease check this out if this is plausible or is it just me. I'm no expert in any of the sciences so this will surely need validation, but my take on this one is here is here! I spent last hours making this in inkscape to make it as much clear and simple as posible. It's very rushed and inaccurate, but I think I'm very close! Here's the link!!!:


Hey Guys,

Is it poosible to have a look at the illustrations of davidkay? The link doesn't work unfortunately.

Thanks a lot.


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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Empty Southern Star

Post by sonicwarrior5 Mon Mar 08, 2021 1:20 am

Question: Can the southern cross be seen simultaneously from South America, Africa and Australia on a globe? Globe believers say it can yet i have seen no evidence of this.


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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'

Post by Admin Tue Mar 09, 2021 6:36 am

“Another thing is certain, that from within the equator the north pole star, and the constellations Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, and many others, can be seen from every meridian simultaneously; whereas in the south, from the equator, neither the so-called south pole star, nor the remarkable constellation of the Southern Cross, can be seen simultaneously from every meridian, showing that all the constellations of the south – pole star included – sweep over a great southern arc and across the meridian, from their rise in the evening to their setting in the morning. But if the earth is a globe, Sigma Octantis, a south pole star, and the Southern Cross, a southern circumpolar constellation, they would all be visible at the same time from every longitude on the same latitude, as is the case with the northern pole star and the northern circumpolar constellations. Such, however, is not the case.” -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Zetetic Astronomy, Earth Not a Globe!” (286)


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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'

Post by spinningwaterrockhaha Fri Aug 27, 2021 6:07 pm

brazzinho wrote:
Thinkforyourself wrote:Posted by davidkay on 04/19/2015

I got this! I have figured out how this fucker works! The sky! The stars! The circles! I know how this photo fits with flat earth! I have sat for couple of hours sketching this from multiple angles and perspectives! And I found it! PLease check this out if this is plausible or is it just me. I'm no expert in any of the sciences so this will surely need validation, but my take on this one is here is here! I spent last hours making this in inkscape to make it as much clear and simple as posible. It's very rushed and inaccurate, but I think I'm very close! Here's the link!!!:


Hey Guys,

Is it poosible to have a look at the illustrations of davidkay? The link doesn't work unfortunately.

Thanks a lot.
I second that. Does anyone still have these?



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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Empty A little confused…..

Post by amorellerner Mon Sep 26, 2022 4:23 am

So I’m trying to figure out why stars rotate counter clockwise in the north- and clockwise in the south. I’ve watched some videos but find them hard to understand- I’m gonna shelf the issue for now- but if someone can really dumb it down for me (put the cookies on a lower shelf)- I’m all ears. Thanks


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Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'   - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Trails In The Northern And Southern 'Hemisphere'

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