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Horizon Rises To Eye Level

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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 11:13 pm

Posted by Admin on 03/29/2015
One of the best proofs of a Flat Earth is the fact that the horizon rises to the eye of the observer all the way up and remains flat all the way around.

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 11:13 pm

Posted by Admin on 03/30/2015
If we were on a ball-Earth no matter how big, even if it were a million miles in circumference, the horizon of any ball Earth by necessity must remain exactly where it is! A horizon which rises to the eye of the observer can only be an extended flat plane. If it were a ball, no matter how big, you would have to look DOWN more and more the higher you ascended. Think about it, no matter how big the ball is, if you rose off it in a hot-air balloon and stared straight ahead the whole time, you should be staring off into the "outer-space" beyond the curvature! In reality however, you will be staring directly at the horizon the entire way up without ever tilting your head downwards a single degree.

Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Horizon-line

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 11:14 pm

Posted by jimmytamp on 06/01/2015
From my recent trip over Atlantic ocean...NO curvature & flat horizon is ALWAYS at eye's level... Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Cool

Horizon Rises To Eye Level   OgUDUQDeV6hTJtQd2Agr

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 11:15 pm

Posted by vortexkitten on 06/06/2015
With the sun on the horizon, NASA's DC-8 flies over Antarctica's Weddell Sea during a mission to map sea ice and underfly the European Space Agency's CryoSat-2 satellite.
( another non-existent Satellite ) 

Horizon Rises To Eye Level   5KLTbqZWvoVWWuSxSuOw

And below the NOT so incredible photograph taken from the cockpit by an airline captain named Karim Nafatni who does oil paintings.

Horizon Rises To Eye Level   JfFTPnCldvht21Lio7Zq

Aye it’s hard to believe alright☺

“Well he must have been wearing fish eye Google Goggles when he was painting ”. 
This was shot during sunrise, flying at 35000 feet above the indian ocean towards the city of Trivandrum. 

NASA the games a Bogey.
If I was on a spinning ball-Earth I would fall on my arse all the time but I never do.

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 11:15 pm

Posted by gnosticwarrior on 06/19/2015
The horizon constantly rising to eye level, for me, is THE smoking gun on all of this. 

Eric says it best; even if the Earth were a MILLION miles around, the horizon would NOT behave in the way we observe! It's truly amazing how proposers of Scientism demand visual proof, but will then argue in circles (pun fully intended) when shown multiple video proofs of a flat Earth from 80km up - from various unrelated amateur balloon experiments. There is no questioning of contradiction between what NASA claims, and what we're seeing from people all over (not around) the world. Yet, low and behold, they claim they already "know the truth" - despite contradictory evidence to what they are claiming. Last time I checked, that's your cue to start reinvestigating your foundational axioms...

The fallacy of authority is in full swing here (I blame gravity! Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Tongue ). It's very hard to take people seriously whom simply begin with name calling and ad hominem attacks. The fact that so many fallaciously conflate authority with credibility and "truth" is where the source of this issue arises.

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by Realearth Sun Mar 05, 2017 2:42 am

My Perspective (Rory Cooper) - Flat Earth and the Horizon Gatekeepers


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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by Admin Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:46 am


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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by Sceolme5 Fri Jun 02, 2017 4:01 am

Yeah. I think that so.

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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by Schpankme Fri Jun 02, 2017 5:15 am

Perspective dictates absolutely everything your eyes see and your mind translates, this means STRAIGHT LINES from ever conceivable angle, converging at the vanishing point on the horizon.

Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Perspe13

Last edited by Schpankme on Fri Mar 29, 2019 6:23 am; edited 1 time in total

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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by Admin Mon Jan 15, 2018 10:42 am

Whether at sea-level, the top of Mount Everest, or flying over a hundred thousand feet in the air, the always horizontal horizon line always rises up to meet the eye-level of the observer and remains perfectly flat. You can test for yourself on a beach or hilltop, in a large field or desert, aboard a hot-air balloon or helicopter; you will see the panoramic horizon ascend with you and remain completely level all around. If the Earth were actually a big ball, however, the horizon should sink as you ascend, not rise to your eye-level, and it would dip at each end of your periphery, not remain flat all around. Standing in a rising balloon, you would have to look downwards to the horizon; the highest point of the ball-Earth would be directly beneath you and declining on each side.

Last edited by Admin on Thu Apr 04, 2019 6:23 am; edited 1 time in total

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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by Foreverlearning Sun Jun 24, 2018 3:40 pm


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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by Admin Sun Dec 02, 2018 2:13 am


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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by markwilson Tue Jan 08, 2019 7:57 pm

Excellent video by Dwayne Kellum using an infrared camera, with wonderful contrasts showing mountains, sectioned farming lands, etc, and highlighting the truth that the horizon rises to eye level no matter how high the eye goes.

High Altitude Balloon 18 (Infrared Camera)

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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by Samar527 Thu Mar 28, 2019 8:29 pm

Hey guys, I came across this : https://roundearthsense.blogspot.com/2016/03/the-horizonalways-rises-to-eye-level-of.html

Here he shows an experiment which "supposedly shows" that the horizon does not rise to eye level and falls with increase in altitude.
Can anybody help point out some errors in that experiment ?

One thing I have thought of is , even if I do assume the horizon does fall by the amount he is showing in those rigged screenshots, where he goes up to a height of 5600 ft, then at heights attained at the high altitude balloon footage, the horizon must not be visible at all! But we do see the horizon in such cases as shown in the videos we have in this subsection.

But I would have liked it if the horizon did not fall at all in his shown experiments. Should I assume that the experiment being performed is rigged ? Can anybody help give a more concrete argument ?


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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by markwilson Thu Mar 28, 2019 8:38 pm

Samar527 wrote:
Can anybody help point out some errors in that experiment ?

His first photograph in the article should have clued you in. Look at the horizon in the distance. Is it centered in the frame? Yes, it is. He superimposed lines suitable to his Darwinian/Copernican prevarications, showing those lines a little bit above the horizon in the distance.

He's a charlatan. Look at the picture again. If we were on a ball of 24,901 miles circumference the ball's surface would certainly be seen in that pic falling away from the viewer at that height. That's not what we see though.

The proof of his error is right there in his first photograph!

Rory Cooper (My Perspective) has done excellent videos juxtaposing ball/plane and the appearance each gives. Check out his stuff.

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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by markwilson Thu Mar 28, 2019 8:48 pm

Samar527 wrote:
Can anybody help point out some errors in that experiment ?

His stuff is so superficial I'm surprised you can't easily see through it. He says,

"The horizon always rises? No, it doesn't. What do you think the horizon is, some mythical creature?"

Why do you suppose he interjects "some mythical creature," assigning that to his zetetic opponents?! And he does so immediately after a big fat lie. The horizon DOES always rise to eye level!

Have you watched the Baumgartner Red Bull jump? Do you see the horizon when the door opens? Yes, you do. The horizon always rises to eye level. What about the many weather balloons we've seen with the horizon risen to the eye level of those balloons?! How many videos do you suppose Eric has shared showing visual proof that the horizon always rises to eye level?

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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by Samar527 Thu Mar 28, 2019 9:01 pm

markwilson wrote: His first photograph in the article should have clued you in. Look at the horizon in the distance. Is it centered in the frame? Yes, it is. He superimposed lines suitable to his Darwinian/Copernican prevarications, showing those lines a little bit above the horizon in the distance.

Yes, I realized that, he could have messed up the lines' meeting point to suit his own purpose.

markwilson wrote: He's a charlatan. Look at the picture again. If we were on a ball of 24,901 miles circumference the ball's surface would certainly be seen in that pic falling away from the viewer at that height. That's not what we see though.
Yes, I agree, but I am not sure whether the angular amount it would face away from us would be perceptible.

markwilson wrote: Rory Cooper (My Perspective) has done excellent videos juxtaposing ball/plane and the appearance each gives. Check out his stuff.
I will surely look into this, Thanks.

What about that video with the red fluid ? Rigged as well ?


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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by Samar527 Thu Mar 28, 2019 9:08 pm

markwilson wrote:
His stuff is so superficial I'm surprised you can't easily see through it. He says,
"The horizon always rises? No, it doesn't. What do you think the horizon is, some mythical creature?"
Why do you suppose he interjects "some mythical creature," assigning that to his zetetic opponents?! And he does so immediately after a big fat lie. The horizon DOES always rise to eye level!

Yeah, that's why I straight away said there must be something wrong in his explanation, the manner of his argument felt a bit off. I just wanted some help in disproving the accompanying experiment.

markwilson wrote:
Have you watched the Baumgartner Red Bull jump? Do you see the horizon when the door opens? Yes, you do. The horizon always rises to eye level. What about the many weather balloons we've seen with the horizon risen to the eye level of those balloons?! How many videos do you suppose Eric has shared showing visual proof that the horizon always rises to eye level?
Good point.

I did say that even if I believe what he showed to be true, we shouldn't be able to see what we do see from the balloon experiments. I never had a doubt about the horizon rising to the eye level, I just wanted help in methodically dismantling his argument, which you did help ! Thanks Smile


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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by Schpankme Thu Mar 28, 2019 11:29 pm

markwilson wrote:
first photograph
horizon in the distance
Is it centered in the frame


...and the truth shall set you free!

The Law of Perspective dictates that there can never be curvature on the Horizon.

Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Wtc-li11

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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by Admin Fri Mar 29, 2019 3:50 am


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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by Sienokupeta Tue Apr 16, 2019 10:02 am


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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by Level_Logic Thu Jul 18, 2019 6:26 pm

markwilson wrote:
Samar527 wrote:
Can anybody help point out some errors in that experiment ?

His stuff is so superficial I'm surprised you can't easily see through it. He says,

"The horizon always rises? No, it doesn't. What do you think the horizon is, some mythical creature?"

Why do you suppose he interjects "some mythical creature," assigning that to his zetetic opponents?! And he does so immediately after a big fat lie. The horizon DOES always rise to eye level!

Have you watched the Baumgartner Red Bull jump? Do you see the horizon when the door opens? Yes, you do. The horizon always rises to eye level. What about the many weather balloons we've seen with the horizon risen to the eye level of those balloons?! How many videos do you suppose Eric has shared showing visual proof that the horizon always rises to eye level?

Yeah, those globers are trying to pull a fast one.
Red's Rhetoric did a video recently claiming to show that the horizon drops. Only problem is that his footage shows a greater drop from 0-300 feet than it does from 300-1600 (and that's as high as it goes). And based on the footage, a weather balloon from 25 miles up should show at least a 50 degree drop.

The difficult thing about it is that degrees are very hard to measure unless you have the right tools and you use them correctly. You cannot physically measure things that far away from you with exactness. You can only be consistent. Holding your pointer finger out in front of you is about 1 degree. Holding your fist sideways is about 10 degrees. But everyone's hands are different sizes. And what happens when people take photos and video footage? They could zoom in or out and angle it up or down slightly. These all can affect the perception of angles and apparent angular size.

Generally, the flat horizon rises to eye level. But even on a flat surface, as you rise, eventually you will start to see a drop ever so slightly. But I'm sure you'd have to go pretty high. The fact that there is no drop or virtually no drop at all is an undeniable proof that we live on a flat plane.

So there is obvious trickery/deception going on with those trying to debunk flat earth.
That's why I think independent rocket and weather balloon launches are some of the best proof of flat earth.
They are not trying to prove or disprove anything. They just want to launch something up and film it for everyone to see. So most are not editing anything to suit a narrative.

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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by Admin Tue Dec 17, 2019 4:34 am


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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by Admin Mon Mar 09, 2020 6:35 am


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Horizon Rises To Eye Level   Empty Re: Horizon Rises To Eye Level

Post by zeteticseparovich Tue Sep 20, 2022 3:22 am

Perlan Project send up high altitude gliders and is capturing amazing footage of our flat earth and the Horizon being eye level. Compare the reality to what the globe model predicts here http://walter.bislins.ch/blog/index.asp?page=Curvature+App%3A+Simulation+von+Globus-Erde+und+Flat-Earth


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