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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Empty Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

Post by lizardking Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:45 pm

Posted by Admin on 05/01/2015
Debunking "The Flat Earth Truth or Lies?" Documentary about Eric Dubay, by Eric Dubay

The documentary opens with a bunch of CGI pictures/videos of the "spinning ball-Earth," then an explanation of how the Earth is supposedly spinning 1000mph, while revolving around the Sun at 67,000mph and we feel NOTHING because it all just happens at such a perfectly constant velocity that we don't feel anything (We are also supposedly rotating 500,000mph around the Milky Way and shooting 670,000,000mph away from a Big Bang creationary explosion at the beginning of time, but they don't bother to mention that). This is not a proof, however, just a convenient excuse in attempt to explain away why we cannot see, hear or feel any of this alleged motion. In actual fact, the Earth is completely stationary and this has been scientifically proven in several experiments and is confirmed by our every day experience:

Earth is the Center of the Universe

The Earth is Not Moving

They then claim that the Flat Earth model does not explain the Sun's movement over and around the stationary Earth, which of course it explains far better than the ridiculous heliocentric model. The Sun and Moon luminaries revolve around the flat Earth once every 24 hours illuminating like spotlights the areas over which they pass. The Sun’s annual journey from tropic to tropic, solstice to solstice, is what determines the length and character of days, nights and seasons. This is why equatorial regions experience almost year-round summer and heat while higher latitudes North and especially South experience more distinct seasons with harsh winters. The heliocentric model claims seasons change based on the ball-Earth’s alleged “axial tilt” and “elliptical orbit” around the Sun. Their flawed current model even places us closest to the Sun (91,400,000 miles) in January when its actually winter, and farthest from the Sun (94,500,000 miles) in July when its actually summer throughout much of the Earth. They say due to the ball-Earth’s tilt, different places receive different amounts of direct sunlight and that is what produces the seasonal and temperature changes. This makes little sense, however, because if the Sun’s heat travels over ninety million miles to reach the ball-Earth, how could a slight tilt, a mere few thousand miles maximum, negate the Sun’s ninety million mile journey, giving us simultaneous tropical summers and Antarctic winters?

Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Pbucket

“The earth is a stretched-out structure, which diverges from the central north in all directions towards the south. The equator, being midway between the north center and the southern circumference, divides the course of the sun into north and south declination. The longest circle round the world which the sun makes, is when it has reached its greatest southern declination. Gradually going northwards the circle is contracted. In about three months after the southern extremity of its path has been reached, the sun makes a circle round the equator. Still pursuing a northerly course as it goes round and above the world, in another three months the greatest northern declination is reached, when the sun again begins to go towards the south. In north latitudes, when the sun is going north, it rises earlier each day, is higher at noon and sets later; while in southern latitudes at the same time, the sun as a matter of course rises later, reaches a lesser altitude at noon and sets earlier. In northern latitudes during the southern summer, say from September to December, the sun rises later each day, is lower at noon and sets earlier; while in the south he rises earlier, reaches a higher altitude at noon, and sets later each day. This movement round the earth daily is the cause of the alternations of day and night; while his northerly and southerly courses produce the seasons. When the sun is south of the equator it is summer in the south and winter in the north; and vice versa. The fact of the alternation of the seasons flatly contradicts the Newtonian delusion that the earth revolves in an orbit round the sun. It is said that summer is caused by the earth being nearest the sun, and winter by its being farthest from the sun. But if the reader will follow the argument in any text book he will see that according to the theory, when the earth is nearest the sun there must be summer in both northern and southern latitudes; and in like manner when it is farthest from the sun, it must be winter all over the earth at the same time, because the whole of the globe-earth would then be farthest from the sun!!! In short, it is impossible to account for the recurrence of the seasons on the assumption that the earth is globular and that it revolves in an orbit around the sun.” -Thomas Winship, “Zetetic Cosmogeny” (124-125)

The next part is the best, where they take a clip from my documentary show the actual straight horizon line then draw in a completely arbitrary curved line underneath and call it the "curvature line!" What!? Then they pause my documentary again while the horizon is curving due to the movement/tilt of the camera and say "Look, see the curve!?" If you un-pause the documentary, the next second you will see the curve invert and constantly switch back and forth from convex to concave until the cameras motion settles, and then guess what? The horizon remains perfectly flat 360 degrees. It's so ridiculous that this is the kind of stuff they're resorting to... CGI spinning balls and random curved lines under the horizon Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Smiley

The horizon is completely flat as you can see, and remains flat all around as high as any amateur balloon/rocket has ever gone:

The Always Horizontal Horizon Proves Earth Flat

Around 14:45 they then go on to show fish-eye wide-angle lens video from balloons and keep cutting every time the horizon is about to level out! Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Smiley Next up, The Young Turks give thecontrolled opposition Flat Earth Society bullshit fake flat Earth argument of "Universal Acceleration" of the flat-Earth disc constantly accelerating upwards to account for gravity. This same ridiculous false flat-Earth argument also appears on Wikipedia and the FES homepage. It is provably wrong as the "upwards accelerating disc" would smash into all helicopters, planes and hot-air balloons making sustained flight of any kind impossible, but they purposely promote these strawman arguments so flat Earth neophytes will rightly laugh off their dumb explanations, and then following suit, write off the entire subject. In reality, Gravity Does Not Exist, and everything purported to be explained by gravity is in fact a property of Density.

They next explain their "red-shifting" non-sense color method of determining distances to stars! Modern astronomy's highly "scientific" way of determining the distances to the stars is by matching the color of light coming from the star on the electro-magnetic spectrum with an alleged distance starting with the closest star being 25 trillion miles away! In actuality you can watch stars twinkle and change color regularly, and if they have never even been to the closest star, then measuring based on the color of light is complete speculation. Geocentrists for centuries, however, have used sextants and plane trigonometry to determine the distance of the celestial bodies and found them to be within a few thousand miles from the surface of the Earth, NOT a ridiculous 25+ trillion miles away!

Next they strawman my ISS zero G explanations by claiming everything is done aboard zero G planes when this is only one of 3 methods they use to fake the ISS shots. At 29:00 they outright lie that "Eric Dubay claims these two pieces of footage are 'indistinguishable' from each other," which I have never said. The two are clearly different, the left is on-board a zero G plane and the right is done with green screen and harnesses. Please see my ISS Hoax documentary which shows how laughable these strawman supposed "debunkings" are:

At 30:00 they admit the "early" Bedford Level Experiments proved the Earth to be perfectly flat, but claim later experiments 'debunked' this, which is another lie exposed here.

Next they show video of a rotating Jupiter with it's stormy eye and orbiting moons claiming this clear CGI actually came from "an amateur telescope." In reality, looking at the wandering star Jupiter through a telescope will give you an image like this:

Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Hqdefault

Please see my complete debunking of NASA's Fake CGI Ball Planets here:

Next up "Eric Dubay claims that all satellites in space are not real. If there were not any satellites in space, you could not be watching this video." No. All supposed "satellite" technology is done via ground-based towers and technologies. Fibre-optic cables running across the oceans are responsible for worldwide internet (as shown in my video below) NOT satellites. Google images of satellites and you'll find nothing but cartoons and photoshop bullshit. Not to mention, the components in satellites would completely melt in the thermosphere where they're said to exist. The lights you see moving across the sky are planes, drones, stars, or other unidentified flying objects, NOT "satellites" or space stations "floating" in the vacuum of infinite space (which as I've explained in every interview, is philosophically/physically impossible).

Next they lie again and claim that I claim that "there are no flights to the South Pole." I've never claimed this, I'm well-aware and speak of the guided tourist photo-ops they make to an arbitrary point along the antarctic ice and call the "South Pole." It's just a red/white barbershop pole with a ball-Earth on top they encircled with the flags of all the sell-out nations that signed the Antarctic treaty. This is provably NOT the South Pole though:

[size=13]Next they insult my Flat Earth Conspiracy Documentary as best they can without addressing any of the evidence/proofs provided, calling it an "ultra low quality 360p film quickly hacked together without any real care for the presentation (or facts for that matter). Obviously didn't invest any real time, effort, or money of his own into his production. Even someone with no budget at all could have created a higher quality film, especially if it were to be viewed as 'documentary evidence.' So ask yourself, why would someone hack together the lowest quality flat Earth film possible if they were truly attempting to 'show evidence.'" Interesting how they don't bother actually addressing any of the proofs in it! Watch for yourself and see why they're so scared of you seeing this film:

Next is a clip of Matthew Boylan talking about his "freaky fetish" of watching people's reactions when presented with side-by-side photos and photo-realistic paintings. As a hyper-realist multi-media artist, it makes sense that he would "get off" on watching people's reactions to the realness of his artwork. The whole pleasure of photo-realistic painting is making it as realistic as possible, and if people cannot even tell the difference between your incredibly realistic painting and an actual photograph, then that understandably is quite an exciting moment for the artist. Next, they list Aristotle's lame round Earth "proofs" I will debunk:

1) "All Earthly substances move towards the center and therefore must eventually converge into a sphere," a ridiculously false claim, otherwise everything in existence would be spherical and constantly moving towards this hypothetical center-point. As I have already proven above, the Earth is NOT moving, nor is it spherical. I'd like to know what "Earthly substances" Aristotle was thinking of!? Liquid mercury next to a magnet maybe? Lol.

2) "When you travel North or South the stars change location in the sky which is only possible on a curved surface." Another patently false claim. Things change their location in the sky based on their movement in the sky, which has nothing to do with the curve/flatness of the surface beneath! 

3) Another favorite “proof” of ball-Earthers is the appearance from an observer on shore of ships’ hulls being obfuscated by the water and disappearing from view when sailing away towards the horizon. Their claim is that ship’s hulls disappear before their mast-heads because the ship is beginning its declination around the convex curvature of the ball-Earth. Once again, however, their hasty conclusion is drawn from a faulty premise, namely that only on a ball-Earth can this phenomenon occur. The fact of the matter is that the Law of Perspective on plane surfaces dictates and necessitates the exact same occurrence. For example a girl wearing a dress walking away towards the horizon will appear to sink into the Earth the farther away she walks. Her feet will disappear from view first and the distance between the ground and the bottom of her dress will gradually diminish until after about half a mile it seems like her dress is touching the ground as she walks on invisible legs. The same happens with cars speeding away, the axles gradually get lower and the wheels vanish until it appears as if the car is gliding along its body. Such is the case on plane surfaces, the lowest parts of objects receding from a given point of observation necessarily disappear before the highest. 

Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos YuHg2uic8EGuNCG9n75V

“This law of Perspective meets us on every hand; and cannot be gainsaid. If, in a straight line, we look at a frozen lake from a certain distance, we shall observe people who appear to be skating on their knees, but, if we approach sufficiently near, we shall see them performing graceful motions on their feet. Farther, if we look through a straight tunnel, we shall notice that the roof and the roadway below converge to a point of light at the end. It is the same law which makes the hills sink, to the horizon, as the observer recedes, which explains how the ship's hull disappears in the offing. I would also remark that when the sea is undisturbed by waves, the hull can be restored to sight by the aid of a good telescope long after it has disappeared from the naked eye, thus proving that the ship had not gone down behind the watery hill of a convex globe, but is still sailing on the level of a Plane sea.” -David Wardlaw Scott, “Terra Firma” (75)

Not only is the disappearance of ship’s hulls explained by the Law of Perspective, it is proven undeniably true with the aid of a good telescope. If you watch a ship sailing away into the horizon with the naked eye until its hull has completely disappeared from view under the supposed “curvature of the Earth,” then look through a telescope, you will notice the entire ship quickly zooms back into view, hull and all, proving that the disappearance was caused by the Law of Perspective, and not by a wall of curved water!

“On any frozen lake or canal, notably on the ‘Bedford Canal,’ in the county of Cambridge, in winter and on a clear day, skaters may be observed several miles away, seeming to glide along upon limbs without feet--skates and boots quite invisible to the unaided eye, but distinctly visible through a good telescope. But even on the sea, when the water is very calm, if a vessel is observed until it is just ‘hull down,’ a powerful telescope turned upon it will restore the hull to sight. From which it must be concluded that the lower part of a receding ship disappears through the influence of perspective, and not from sinking behind the summit of a convex surface.” -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Zetetic Astronomy, Earth Not a Globe!” (216)

4) Another assumption and supposed proof of Earth’s shape, heliocentrists claim that lunar eclipses are caused by the shadow of the ball-Earth occulting the Moon. The idea is that the Sun, Earth, and Moon spheres perfectly align like three billiard balls in a row so that the Sun’s light casts the Earth’s shadow onto the Moon. Unfortunately for heliocentrists, this explanation is rendered completely invalid due to the fact that lunar eclipses have happened and continue to happen regularly when both the Sun and Moon are still visible together above the horizon! For the Sun’s light to be casting Earth’s shadow onto the Moon, the three bodies must be aligned in a straight 180 degree syzygy.

“According to the globular theory, a lunar eclipse occurs when the sun, earth, and moon are in a direct line; but it is on record that since about the fifteenth century over fifty eclipses have occurred while both sun and moon have been visible above the horizon.” -F.H. Cook, “The Terrestrial Plane”

As early as the time of Pliny, there are records of lunar eclipses happening while both the Sun and Moon are visible in the sky. The Greenwich Royal Observatory recorded that “during the lunar eclipses of July 17th, 1590, November 3rd, 1648, June 16th, 1666, and May 26th, 1668 the moon rose eclipsed whilst the sun was still above the horizon.” McCulluch’s Geography recorded that “on September 20th, 1717 and April 20th, 1837 the moon appeared to rise eclipsed before the sun had set.” Sir Henry Holland also noted in his “Recollections of Past Life” the April 20th, 1837 phenomena where “the moon rose eclipsed before the sun set.” The Daily Telegraph recorded it happening again on January 17th, 1870, then again in July of the same year, and it continues to happen during lunar eclipses to this day. Therefore the eclipsor of the Moon cannot be the Earth/Earth's shadow and this is not proof of anything but their creativity and the public's gullibility. The actual eclipsor is known as Rahu or the Black Sun.

And lastly, they put the "Top Ten Reasons the Earth is Round" video in for good measure, which I have already previously debunked and will post under this Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Ninja Peace

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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Empty Re: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

Post by lizardking Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:47 pm

Posted by Admin on 05/02/2015

Flat Earth Theory And Why It’s Not Real

10. All other planets are round

9. Time Zones

8. The Coriolis Effect 

7. Triangles

6. The Sun

5. Stars change going north or south

4. Magellan navigated the Earth

3. The Horizon

2. Lunar Eclipses

1. Photographic Evidence

10. Planets are round, not spherical, just like Earth. And even if they were square, that doesn't mean the Earth under your feet is a square. Earth is a plane, not a planet. They just added a "T" and everyone fell for it.

9. Time Zones are caused by the Sun's motion over and around the Flat Earth. The Sun brings noon-time to each successive 15 degree demarcation point 24 times a day as it passes directly overhead. That time-zones are caused by the Sun's movement and not the supposed motion of the ball-Earth is proven by flight times and several experiments shown here:

8. Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis performed several experiments showing the effect of kinetic energy on rotating systems, which have ever since become mythologized as proof of the heliocentric theory. The “Coriolis Effect” is often said to cause sinks and toilet bowls in the Northern Hemisphere to drain spinning in one direction while in the Southern Hemisphere causing them to spin the opposite way, thus providing proof of the spinning ball-Earth. Once again, however, just like Foucault’s Pendulums spinning either which way, sinks and toilets in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres do not consistently spin in any one direction! Sinks and toilets in the very same household are often found to spin opposite directions, depending entirely upon the shape of the basin and the angle of the water’s entry, not the supposed rotation of the Earth. 

“While the premise makes sense - that the earth’s eastward spin would cause the water in a toilet bowl to spin as well - in reality, the force and speed at which the water enters and leaves the receptacle is much too great to be influenced by something as miniscule as a single, 360-degree turn over the span of a day. When all is said and done, the Coriolis effect plays no larger role in toilet flushes than it does in the revolution of CDs in your stereo. The things that really determine the direction in which water leaves your toilet or sink are the shape of the bowl and the angle at which the liquid initially enters that bowl.” -Jennifer Horton, “Does the Rotation of the Earth Affect Toilets and Baseball Games?” Science.HowStuffWorks.com

The Coriolis Effect is also said to affect bullet trajectories and weather patterns as well, supposedly causing most storms in the Northern Hemisphere to rotate counter-clockwise, and most storms in the Southern Hemisphere to rotate clockwise, to cause bullets from long range guns to tend towards the right of the target in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. Again, however, the same problems remain. Not every bullet and not every storm consistently displays the behavior and therefore cannot reasonably be used as proof of anything. What about the precision of the sight aperture, human error, and wind? What about Michelson-Morley-Gale’s proven motion of the aether’s potential effect? Why does the Coriolis Effect affect most storms but not all? If some storms rotate clockwise in the North and counter-clockwise in the South, how do those storms escape the Coriolis force? And if the entire Earth’s spin is uniform, why should the two hemispheres be affected any differently? Coriolis’s Effect and Foucault’s Pendulum are both said to prove the Earth moves beneath our feet, but in reality only prove how easy it can be for wolves in sheep’s clothing to pull the wool over our eyes.

7. The mathematical principle he references is correct but there has never been an experiment done with someone walking 30,000km while turning 3 right angles and coming back where he started as claimed. He just says it happens with no evidence/proof whatsoever.

6. The Eratosthenes shadow experiment is assuming the Sun is 93 million miles away with light rays all coming in at the same angle, but they do not. The Sun's rays disperse from a center-point above the clouds which has been measured with sextants to be between 700-3000 miles away, NOT 93 million.

[size=13]5. This has been fully explained in the following thread.

4. One of heliocentrist’s favorite “proofs” of their ball-Earth theory is the ability for ships and planes to circumnavigate, to sail or fly at right angles to the North Pole and eventually return to their original location. Since the North Pole and Antarctica are covered in ice and guarded “no-fly” zones, however, no ships or planes have ever been known to circumnavigate the Earth in North/South directions, only East/West; And herein lies the rub, East or West-bound circumnavigation can just as easily be performed on a flat plane as it can a globular sphere. Just as a compass can place its center-point on a flat piece of paper and trace a circle either way around the “pole,” so can a ship or plane circumnavigate a flat-Earth. The only kind of circumnavigation which could not happen on a flat-Earth is North/South-bound, which is likely the very reason for the heavily-enforced flight restrictions. Flight restrictions originating from none other than the United Nations, the same United Nations which haughtily uses a flat-Earth map as its official logo and flag! 

“Circular sailing no more proves the world to be a globe than an equilateral triangle. The sailing round the world would, of course, take very much longer, but, in principle, it is exactly the same as that of the yachtsman circumnavigating the Isle of Wight. Let me give a simple illustration. A boy wants to sail his iron toy boat by a magnet, so he gets a basin, in the middle of which he places a soap-dish, or anything else which he may think suitable to represent the Earth, and then fills the basin with water to display the sea. He puts in his boat and draws it by the magnet round his little world. But the boat never passes over the rim to sail under the basin, as if that were globular, instead of being simply circular. So is it in this world of ours; from the extreme South we can sail from East to West or from West to East around it, but we cannot sail from North to South or from South to North, for we cannot break through intervening lands, nor pass the impenetrable ramparts of ice and rocks which enclose the great Southern Circumference.” -David Wardlaw Scott, “Terra Firma” (68)

“A very good illustration of the circum-navigation of a plane will be seen by taking a round table, and fixing a pin in the centre to represent the magnetic pole. To this central pin attach a string drawn out to any distance towards the edge of the table. This string may represent the meridian of Greenwich, extending due north and south. If now a pencil or other object is placed across, or at right angles to the string, at any distance between the centre and the circumference of the table, it will represent a vessel standing due east and west. Now move the pencil and the string together in either direction, and it will be seen that by keeping the vessel (or pencil), square to the string it must of necessity describe a circle round the magnetic centre and return to the starting point in the opposite direction to that in which it first sailed.” -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Zetetic Astronomy, Earth Not a Globe!” (226)

3. The flat horizon which rises to the eye of the observer as high as you rise proves the flat Earth not the ball as this idiot claims.

2. Another assumption and supposed proof of Earth’s shape, heliocentrists claim that lunar eclipses are caused by the shadow of the ball-Earth occulting the Moon. The idea is that the Sun, Earth, and Moon spheres perfectly align like three billiard balls in a row so that the Sun’s light casts the Earth’s shadow onto the Moon. Unfortunately for heliocentrists, this explanation is rendered completely invalid due to the fact that lunar eclipses have happened and continue to happen regularly when both the Sun and Moon are still visible together above the horizon! For the Sun’s light to be casting Earth’s shadow onto the Moon, the three bodies must be aligned in a straight 180 degree syzygy.

“The Newtonian hypothesis involves the necessity of the Sun, in the case of a lunar eclipse, being on the opposite side of a globular earth, to cast its shadow on the Moon: but, since eclipses of the Moon have taken place with both the Sun and the Moon above the horizon, it follows that it cannot be the shadow of the Earth that eclipses the Moon, and that the theory is a blunder.” -William Carpenter, “100 Proofs the Earth is Not a Globe” (57)

“That the eclipsor of the moon is a shadow at all is assumption--no proof whatever is offered. That the moon receives her light from the sun, and that therefore her surface is darkened by the earth intercepting the sun's light, is not proved. It is not proved that the earth moves in an orbit round the sun, and therefore, by being in different positions, conjunction of sun, earth, and moon, 'Day some-times occur.’ The contrary has been clearly proved--that the moon is not eclipsed by a shadow; that she is self-luminous, and not merely a reflector of solar light, and therefore could not possibly be obscured or eclipsed by a shadow from any object whatever; and that the earth is devoid of motion, either on axes or in an orbit through space. Hence to call that an argument for the earth's rotundity, where every necessary proposition is only assumed, and in relation to which direct and practical evidence to the contrary is abundant, is to stultify the judgment and every other reasoning faculty.” -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Zetetic Astronomy, Earth Not a Globe!” (301)

“According to the globular theory, a lunar eclipse occurs when the sun, earth, and moon are in a direct line; but it is on record that since about the fifteenth century over fifty eclipses have occurred while both sun and moon have been visible above the horizon.” -F.H. Cook, “The Terrestrial Plane”

As early as the time of Pliny, there are records of lunar eclipses happening while both the Sun and Moon are visible in the sky. The Greenwich Royal Observatory recorded that “during the lunar eclipses of July 17th, 1590, November 3rd, 1648, June 16th, 1666, and May 26th, 1668 the moon rose eclipsed whilst the sun was still above the horizon.” McCulluch’s Geography recorded that “on September 20th, 1717 and April 20th, 1837 the moon appeared to rise eclipsed before the sun had set.” Sir Henry Holland also noted in his “Recollections of Past Life” the April 20th, 1837 phenomena where “the moon rose eclipsed before the sun set.” The Daily Telegraph recorded it happening again on January 17th, 1870, then again in July of the same year, and it continues to happen during lunar eclipses to this day. Therefore the eclipsor of the Moon cannot be the Earth/Earth's shadow and another explanation must be sought. Ancient cosmologies have referenced "Rahu" or "the Black Sun" as being a 3rd dark body like the Sun/Moon which obscures them during eclipses.

1. The photographic 'evidence' is fake.


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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Empty Re: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

Post by lizardking Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:49 pm

Posted by planetruth on 05/02/2015
Globalists claim the Moon rotates on its axis at 10.5 mph over nearly the exact same number of days (28) as it takes to rotate around the Earth at over 2,300 mph (what are the odds?), yet we never see the backside of the Moon due either "Synchronicity" with Earth rotating at 1,000 mph (huh?) or because the Moon rotates like a clock face that always is facing us, depending on different scientists.

So if the clock rotates in a circle, like a clock face, to explain its rotation and why we never, ever see the backside, this would lead to confirmation that the Moon is a disc and not a globe.

If the Moon is grey, the least reflective color next to black, how does it reflect so well that it lights up even a forest a night on a full moon some 238,000 miles away?

How does a round sphere reflect evenly from a flat surface? Shine a flashlight on a round ball and the reflection will only be directed at the point nearest to flashlight.

If the Moon is so reflective, how the heck did Astronots even be able to see on the surface of the Moon? Would they not of been blinded but such a radiant Sun with no atmospheric filter plus the mirror-like reflection of the moons surface?

And if the Moon's surface in sunlight reaches over 200 degrees, and they only were on the moon during the daytime, when they went for hours on their alleged Moon walks, how hot was the LEM when they got back inside after baking in the intense heat of the Sun? 

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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Empty Re: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

Post by lizardking Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:51 pm

Posted by Admin on 06/03/2015
Refuting "Flat Earth & NASA Hoax Debunk SLAMDUNK"

Point 1. The Moon's phases cannot be caused by the Sun and do not work in the ball-Earth spinning around the Sun model:

Point 2. The Moon does not "tidal lock" the ocean's due to non-existent gravity as I prove in detail here.

Point 3. Lunar eclipses are provably NOT caused by the "Earth's shadow" as shown here.

Point 4. The Moon is provably a translucent flat disc and not a solid sphere as you can see through it and everyone always sees only the one face at various inclinations.

Point 5. Star trails do NOT simply travel one way in the Northern Hemi'sphere' and the other way in the South. This is an over-simplification to bolster their ball-model, just as the "inverted Moon in opposite hemispheres" excuse was shown incorrect in Point 4's link.

Point 6. The ship over the horizon footage they used was fake, and the "Coriolis Effect" video was incorrect as shown here:

This favorite “proof” of ball-Earthers is the appearance from an observer on shore of ships’ hulls being obfuscated by the water and disappearing from view when sailing away towards the horizon. Their claim is that ship’s hulls disappear before their mast-heads because the ship is beginning its declination around the convex curvature of the ball-Earth. Once again, however, their hasty conclusion is drawn from a faulty premise, namely that only on a ball-Earth can this phenomenon occur. The fact of the matter is that the Law of Perspective on plane surfaces dictates and necessitates the exact same occurrence. For example a girl wearing a dress walking away towards the horizon will appear to sink into the Earth the farther away she walks. Her feet will disappear from view first and the distance between the ground and the bottom of her dress will gradually diminish until after about half a mile it seems like her dress is touching the ground as she walks on invisible legs. The same happens with cars speeding away, the axles gradually get lower and the wheels vanish until it appears as if the car is gliding along its body. Such is the case on plane surfaces, the lowest parts of objects receding from a given point of observation necessarily disappear before the highest. 

Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos YuHg2uic8EGuNCG9n75V

“This law of Perspective meets us on every hand; and cannot be gainsaid. If, in a straight line, we look at a frozen lake from a certain distance, we shall observe people who appear to be skating on their knees, but, if we approach sufficiently near, we shall see them performing graceful motions on their feet. Farther, if we look through a straight tunnel, we shall notice that the roof and the roadway below converge to a point of light at the end. It is the same law which makes the hills sink, to the horizon, as the observer recedes, which explains how the ship's hull disappears in the offing. I would also remark that when the sea is undisturbed by waves, the hull can be restored to sight by the aid of a good telescope long after it has disappeared from the naked eye, thus proving that the ship had not gone down behind the watery hill of a convex globe, but is still sailing on the level of a Plane sea.” -David Wardlaw Scott, “Terra Firma” (75)

Not only is the disappearance of ship’s hulls explained by the Law of Perspective, it is proven undeniably true with the aid of a good telescope. If you watch a ship sailing away into the horizon with the naked eye until its hull has completely disappeared from view under the supposed “curvature of the Earth,” then look through a telescope, you will notice the entire ship quickly zooms back into view, hull and all, proving that the disappearance was caused by the Law of Perspective, and not by a wall of curved water!

“On any frozen lake or canal, notably on the ‘Bedford Canal,’ in the county of Cambridge, in winter and on a clear day, skaters may be observed several miles away, seeming to glide along upon limbs without feet--skates and boots quite invisible to the unaided eye, but distinctly visible through a good telescope. But even on the sea, when the water is very calm, if a vessel is observed until it is just ‘hull down,’ a powerful telescope turned upon it will restore the hull to sight. From which it must be concluded that the lower part of a receding ship disappears through the influence of perspective, and not from sinking behind the summit of a convex surface.” -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Zetetic Astronomy, Earth Not a Globe!” (216)

Point 7. Weather, wind and temperature patterns make more sense on the flat Earth Azimuthal Equidistant map than the globe.

Point 8. Those fake clouds on that clearly fake spinning CGI ball Earth may move miniscule amounts but the same general patterns remain for the entire 24 hour time-lapse, when in reality, clouds change shape move and/or completely disappear within 5 minutes and behave nothing like those.

Point 9. None of the the so-called "Polar routes" take a straight line path across thus cannot be said to have "circumnavigated Antarctica," this is a lie just like the lie of the "South Pole" and the "South Pole Star" neither of which exist. 

Point 10. The ISS, "outer-space," the Moon and Mars landings, the spinning ball Earth and everything from NASA is just lies and video trickery:


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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Empty Re: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

Post by lizardking Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:51 pm

Posted by Admin on 06/05/2015
I've started a Liveleak account and been uploading videos to there. I will upload the NASA Fake CGI Ball Planets video and put a link here later today Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Smiley

Here it is: www.liveleak.com/view?i=fb8_1433482270

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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Empty Re: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

Post by lizardking Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:51 pm

Posted by Admin on 06/10/2015
More flat Earth debunking debunked:


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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Empty Re: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

Post by lizardking Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:52 pm

Posted by Admin on 06/20/2015
Geoshifter made a good flat Earth debunking debunking video today:


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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Empty Re: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

Post by lizardking Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:53 pm

Posted by susie on 07/28/2015

Have at it!

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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Empty Re: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

Post by lizardking Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:53 pm

Posted by vortexpuppy on 07/29/2015

Jul 27, 2015 17:28:44 GMT susie said:
Have at it!

Sure ....

The FE map is an Azimuthal Equidistant Projection. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azimuthal_equidistant_projection

It features special properties relevant for the central point alone
From a globe model view, all straight lines touching it (the central point) are geodesics, and the angle between any two of those lines is the same as on Earth.

Both distance and direction are only accurate from the central point of projection (in this case the North Pole)

You can play around and move projection points here

Or make your own, choosing the projection point here

... Done

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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Empty Re: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

Post by lizardking Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:54 pm

Posted by Admin on 07/31/2015
Mahrai Ziller is a terrible potty-mouthed shill who deserves none of our attention and has already been debunked by Rory and others. The suggestions that we should be able to see NYC from Africa is asinine, not "interesting," and has already been addressed more than once on the forum: ifers.boards.net/post/13660/thread Matt Boylan has also proved himself to be a shill and it is not "unfortunate" that this has been exposed: ifers.boards.net/thread/574/matt-boylan-jew-apologist-shill

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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Empty Re: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

Post by lizardking Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:54 pm

Posted by Admin on 08/22/2015

Wow, they are in complete damage-control mode now. That is clearly not the Sun in that very sophisticated CGI video. Look how it stays exactly the same shape including the rays the entire time. Half of the clip the fake Sun was completely covered as well. Compare this with video of the Arctic Midnight Sun and you can tell which is real/fake:

Posted by Admin on 08/22/2015
The time-lapse footage they've taken is clearly all within the space of an afternoon with fake Sun and cloud lighting effects added. The clouds at the beginning around :58 move far slower than the clouds in the rest of the video. Also they're claiming the Sun stays above the horizon 24 hours a day from late October to late February!? At comparable latitudes in the North the midnight Sun phenomenon only lasts for several days/weeks, certainly not 4 months! This doesn't even make sense on their spinning ball.

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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Empty Re: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

Post by Admin Sat Mar 12, 2016 6:11 am

So glad to have this great thread back up, big thanks to the admin team for your hard work.

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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Empty Re: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

Post by lizardking Sat Mar 12, 2016 7:06 pm

Admin wrote:So glad to have this great thread back up, big thanks to the admin team for your hard work.  
Thanks Eric, it's no problem. Smile

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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Empty Re: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

Post by Beashambassador Wed Jul 13, 2016 6:17 pm

Debunking Stephen Hawking PBS Video


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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Empty Re: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

Post by Admin Fri Aug 12, 2016 6:34 am

On the flat Earth map (as in reality) it is no more than 7,000 miles straight line shot from the southern-most tip of South America to the southern-most tip of New Zealand. The average commercial airliner traveling 600mph for 12 hours will have covered 7,200 miles, hence it is exactly as expected on a flat Earth. What strawman are you trying to set up saying it would take 3 days on a flat Earth!? You will notice these southern-hemisphere flights all come up into the northern-hemisphere and then back down, never simply staying along the same line of latitude as they should on a ball Earth. This is because on our flat Earth, the most direct path is not to simply stay along the same latitude. The 3 "proofs" in this video are all debunked in my video 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball.

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Post by Admin Sat Dec 03, 2016 4:10 am

I usually don't care for this guy's sense of humor and don't understand his Powerland fanboying, but this V-Sauce rebuttal was quite good.  Nice one Jake.

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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Empty Re: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

Post by firemanrainman Fri Apr 14, 2017 10:04 pm

Okay so I'm new here and I've read and agreed to the rules of this forum and I've been into FE for the last 18 months and I as well subscribe to this belief and reject the Globe bullshit... Now the reason I have this post on the forum is because I had found this blog daimonie .com in 2015 where a writer who's got a M.S. in Physics claimed to have debunked the book '200 proofs the Earth is Flat' ( the blog post doesn't provide any info on the writer... first sign of suspicion ) and I wanted someone to help me debunk it.. I searched through ifers but never came across any thread that debunked it so that's why I'm posting it here.. I did make contact with Dave Moor ( who is another Flat Earther but he never tried to debunk I either so I just wanted you guys to help me out with this please...
And I just wanna say I'm not a Jew-Mason-Atheist-GlobeEarther or something stupid like that, I just want this Physics Grad to be proved wrong and teach him humility as he arrogantly keeps attacking Eric in his post. So please don't ban me for posting this here, I've always wanted to be a part of ifers and I'm not a shill. I'm just a 19 year-old Indian who thinks critically and shares your beliefs and just needs help now because I know how credible this Society is as I've seen you guys destroy those 'Midnight Sun in Antartica videos' and those 'Flat-Earth Theory Debunked videos'. This will be my last post here as I don't want the admin to block me for silly posts. Thank you.


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Post by mitch Sat Apr 15, 2017 12:02 pm

Here's the post in question but there's no means of responding:



I don't do facebook but he's on there with an noteworthy avatar



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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Empty The most cringeworthy comments/questions you get in FE discussions (with globe believers)

Post by Emeraldacid Fri Jun 16, 2017 5:09 pm

1. I just have one question for you, WHERE IS THE EDGE?!?! (they proudly drop this one like it's going to be a conversation ender)

2. Why does it matter what shape it is? How does it affect me?

3. Oh yeah? How do you explain the southpole?

4. Anything and everything to do with Admiral Byrd. Whether you agree with me or not. If I hear "admiral byrd" I will immediately do the splits and use your nuts for a speedbag.

5. Russia and china have space programs bro...

Last edited by Emeraldacid on Fri Jun 16, 2017 9:23 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Empty Re: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

Post by Schpankme Fri Jun 16, 2017 5:36 pm

Emeraldacid wrote:


1. I just have one question for you, WHERE IS THE EDGE?!?! (they proudly drop this one like it's going to be a conversation ender)

2. Why does it matter what shape it is? How does it affect me?

3. Oh yeah? How do you explain the southpole?

4. Anything and everything to do with Admiral Byrd. Whether you agree with me or not.

5. Russia and china have space programs bro...

Don't bring BALLTARDISM to this forum, you've been here less than 30-days and CLEARLY can't be bothered to read the forum.

Only a balltard would claim these silly ass questions are "CRINGE WORTHY".

1.  Antarctica surrounds the flat Earth, beyond that is mountainous terrain and the dark frozen unknown.

2.  From birth, you are indoctrinated to worship the man-made construct of Heaven and Space (Fiction).

Jew Creation Stories:

Theoretical Science, THEO means God
 God Science
   Space   (Big Bang)  ATOM, remove Electron create Explosion

Creation Science, Creation means God
 God Science
   Heaven (Holy Spirit)  ADAM, remove Rib create Women

People get their nutritional advice from one of these creation stories (Fiction):

Scientism says, you came down from the Trees as Apes, to cook your meat and dairy, exchange cooking recipes, and worship Theory.

God says, he made the Tree you weren't supposed to eat from, but you did, so now you must cook your meat and dairy, exchange cooking recipes, and worship Faith.

Which of these Fictional stories do you PURCHASE?

3.  There is no South Pole, there is No South Pole Star, and there is no Imaginary South Celestial Axis.  POLARIS means Pole Star

4.  Admiral Byrd claimed to live on a spinning Spaceball, you can't take anything he says seriously.

5.  The space ENTERPRISE was created by the NAZI (NAtional ZIonst Jews)

As the story goes, Leó Szilárd wrote a letter that was signed by Albert Einstein (Atomic JEW Savior), which they sent to the United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt on August 2, 1939. The letter warned that Germany might develop atomic bombs and suggested that the United States should start its own nuclear program.

1939 - NAZI are the first to think about making Atomic Pretend
1942 - NAZI claim to put the first rocket into the man-made construct of Space
1945 - NAZI start Russian and American space Enterprise

Listen up, you should not be offering to debate Balltards with your limited flat Earth knowledge.

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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Empty Re: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

Post by Emeraldacid Fri Jun 16, 2017 6:04 pm

Schpankme wrote:
Emeraldacid wrote:


1. I just have one question for you, WHERE IS THE EDGE?!?! (they proudly drop this one like it's going to be a conversation ender)

2. Why does it matter what shape it is? How does it affect me?

3. Oh yeah? How do you explain the southpole?

4. Anything and everything to do with Admiral Byrd. Whether you agree with me or not.

5. Russia and china have space programs bro...

Don't bring BALLTARDISM to this forum, you've been here less than 30-days and CLEARLY can't be bothered to read the forum.

Only a balltard would claim these silly ass questions are "CRINGE WORTHY".

1.  Antarctica surrounds the flat Earth, beyond that is mountainous terrain and the dark frozen unknown.

2.  From birth, you are indoctrinated to worship the man-made construct of Heaven and Space (Fiction).

Jew Creation Stories:

Theoretical Science, THEO means God
 God Science
   Space   (Big Bang)  ATOM, remove Electron create Explosion

Creation Science, Creation means God
 God Science
   Heaven (Holy Spirit)  ADAM, remove Rib create Women

People get their nutritional advice from one of these creation stories (Fiction):

Scientism says, you came down from the Trees as Apes, to cook your meat and dairy, exchange cooking recipes, and worship Theory.

God says, he made the Tree you weren't supposed to eat from, but you did, so now you must cook your meat and dairy, exchange cooking recipes, and worship Faith.

Which of these Fictional stories do you PURCHASE?

3.  There is no South Pole, there is No South Pole Star, and there is no Imaginary South Celestial Axis.  POLARIS means Pole Star

4.  Admiral Byrd claimed to live on a spinning Spaceball, you can't take anything he says seriously.

5.  The space ENTERPRISE was created by the NAZI (NAtional ZIonst Jews)

As the story goes, Leó Szilárd wrote a letter that was signed by Albert Einstein (Atomic JEW Savior), which they sent to the United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt on August 2, 1939. The letter warned that Germany might develop atomic bombs and suggested that the United States should start its own nuclear program.

1939 - NAZI are the first to think about making Atomic Pretend
1942 - NAZI claim to put the first rocket into the man-made construct of Space
1945 - NAZI start Russian and American space Enterprise

Listen up, you should not be offering to debate Balltards with your limited flat Earth knowledge.

What are you talking about?? Do you realize I am making fun of questions ball earth people ask me when I am trying to talk about FE? You've been here how long and you can't read???

And why are you constantly trying to chase people off of these forums anyways?? Are you some kind of unofficial mod? Do we need your permission to discuss certain topics here??

I could care less how long you've been here or how many buddies you've made, got it? I will drop this entire forum and everyone associated with it the minute I think it gets overrun with creeps like yourself. Thankfully, most people here, Eric included, seem to be a little more open minded than you. I'm just curious why they tolerate you constantly trying to chase off new members who don't share your exact view of how all this unfolded. What gives you such an inflated sense of importance here?? You divisive, egotistical cunt with your dumb eagle logo. Stop triangulating with the guy who sexts my wife.


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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Empty Re: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

Post by Schpankme Fri Jun 16, 2017 6:11 pm

Emeraldacid wrote:
Do you realize
I am making fun of questions ball earth people ask me
you can't read???

why are you constantly trying to chase people off of these forums anyways??
creeps like yourself
Thankfully, most people seem to be a little more open minded than you

I'm just curious why they tolerate you constantly trying to chase off new members who don't share your exact view of how all this unfolded
You divisive, egotistical cunt

You said, " The most cringe worthy comments/questions you get in FE discussions

NO, you made no mention that these Balltard comments, in the "Topic: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos", were meant as a JOKE.
kk thx

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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Empty Re: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

Post by Emeraldacid Fri Jun 16, 2017 9:10 pm

Schpankme wrote:
Emeraldacid wrote:
Do you realize
I am making fun of questions ball earth people ask me
you can't read???

why are you constantly trying to chase people off of these forums anyways??
creeps like yourself
Thankfully, most people seem to be a little more open minded than you

I'm just curious why they tolerate you constantly trying to chase off new members who don't share your exact view of how all this unfolded
You divisive, egotistical cunt

You said, " The most cringe worthy comments/questions you get in FE discussions

NO, you made no mention that these Balltard comments, in the "Topic: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos", were meant as a JOKE.
kk thx

No one needs to run anything by you or get your approval so it's irrelevant to begin with, that's the point. You didn't realize it was a joke because you jumped the gun and didn't read it.

I lurked here for a while before posting and took note of a couple weirdos with agendas and you were and are at the top of that list. As far as I'm concerned you give this place and the entire movement a bad name. We clear? You and I are not buddies. KK thx


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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Empty Re: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

Post by Schpankme Fri Jun 16, 2017 9:46 pm

Emeraldacid wrote:
You didn't realize it was a joke

I lurked here for a while before posting
took note of a couple weirdos with agendas
you were and are at the top of that list
you give this place and the entire movement a bad name

Your comment: "The most cringe worthy comments/questions you get in FE discussions"
In the Topic: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

If you meant "cringe worthy comments" as a JOKE, then please except my response as SARCASM.

As to your Comment: "weirdos with agendas ... you were and are at the top of that list"

What do you mean by weirdo?

What do you mean by agenda?

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Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos Empty Re: Debunking 'Flat Earth Debunked' Videos

Post by Emeraldacid Sat Jun 17, 2017 4:41 pm

I'm not derailing the thread any further with this conversation nor am I going to psychoanalyze you here in front of anyone. They can make up their own minds.


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