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Warning For Religious People

Jack Aurora
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Warning For Religious People   - Page 5 Empty Re: Warning For Religious People

Post by Level_Logic Mon Jul 15, 2019 3:44 pm

All I can say is that I think religion should never be used to prove or disprove flat earth.
I think spirituality is a very personal thing, and people who are overly zealous publicly make me cringe.
Share it with close friends, relatives...not flat earth forums.

Learning about flat earth has increased my feeling of spirituality and connectedness with the creator. But
I would never dream of pushing my religion on anyone else, and I will never use scriptures to try to convince someone that the earth is flat.
For one, you don't need it. It's observable, demonstrative. It needs no ancient text to back it up.
We should focus on tangible evidence and observation.
And second, it makes the reality of flat earth look like a movement of religions nuts. So the association is not good.

Flat earth should be publicly preached without reservation because it deal with the hear and now, the world in front of us.
Religion should be kept private and not shoved down people's throats.
And I am religious.

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Warning For Religious People   - Page 5 Empty Re: Warning For Religious People

Post by cashtech Tue Jul 16, 2019 4:58 pm

I watched the video by "my perspective" that Schpankme posted. I was a JW for thirty years, my last meeting was soon after I read Eric's Flat Earth Conspiracy. I wrote a couple of letters about FE to the elders, never got a response back. I did more research and discovered that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society was built on borrowed Adventist theology with lots of Freemason symbols on their literature. The founder, Charles Taze Russell (who was also a Zionist), was buried in a Freemason cemetery near Pittsburgh, Pa. His followers erected a 4,000 lb pyramid monument with Freemason symbols on it, by the grave. Amazing how all this stuff is tied together. The cult, whose leaders can still be seen with Freemason rings on their fingers, demands total adherence to it's teachings, including Globe Earth. Any disagreement is punished by excommunication, with shunning required by all members towards the dissenter, or they too will be excommunicated and shunned. Someday I will get an invitation to a judicial hearing. Should be interesting.


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Warning For Religious People   - Page 5 Empty Re: Warning For Religious People

Post by Admin Thu Aug 01, 2019 4:55 am


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Warning For Religious People   - Page 5 Empty Re: Warning For Religious People

Post by Schpankme Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:53 am

Nick Havok
youtube /DWj0j2iUCpA

Nick, starts off this video by claiming that the State of Colorado is being GEO ENGINEERED. Why?  because he pulled up a Ten (10) day weather forecast showing thunderstorms;

 "They're going to give us a tiny bit of Sun on Saturday"?
 "were getting non-stop rain and snow"
 "their changing the weather around here [Colorado]"
 "were supposed to have 300 days of SUN"

Paraphrasing:  Like what they did to the Vietnamese by making it rain in the rain forest!

Take a look at the Map for Colorado and surrounding States.  Notice how West of of Denver we see Trees and Mountains; and East of Denver we see arid desert type climate in the plains, WITHOUT TREES AND WITHOUT MOUNTAINS?

The map provided, also shows the "current status of wildfires" in these Woodlands.  How can that be, with all that Rain and Snow destroying the scenery for all those folks living in Colorado?

This is the part where we ask the Questions:

What makes the TREES grow in these areas to the west?  Come on you can do it;  RIGHT!  it's called RAIN!  very good.

Ok, Ok, Ok, and what makes for wildfires?  RIGHT!  dead foliage at the bottom of the Tree covered land.

Now here's a hard one, take your time.  And what causes the wood to be DRY and BURN?   Sunshine and Dry conditions? 

Now stay with me here;  IF Colorado gets 300 days of Sunny Weather then that also means that they get 65 days of Not Sunny!   Smile

Warning For Religious People   - Page 5 Co_wil10

ref: wildfires

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Warning For Religious People   - Page 5 Empty Re: Warning For Religious People

Post by Admin Thu Aug 01, 2019 8:35 am

Thanks for the clarification Schpankme, I would've preferred he left out the irrelevant beginning commentary as well.

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Warning For Religious People   - Page 5 Empty Re: Warning For Religious People

Post by Schpankme Thu Aug 01, 2019 1:52 pm

Admin wrote:
I would've preferred he left out the irrelevant beginning commentary as well.

It's my feeling, that the so purpose of that Video was to promote GEO ENGINEERING, so that other flat Earther's would repeat such nonsense and be labeled as conspiracy nuts, etc.

I'd also like to point you to unique writing style of Nick Havok, as seen in the video description:
 If you are too lazy to watch the video..
 the question is this.
 If you do not believe that water can wrap around to the outside of a spinning ball..
 how can you believe that Jesus walked across the top of it?
 Are we going with reality or fantasy?

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Warning For Religious People   - Page 5 Empty Re: Warning For Religious People

Post by Libertarian Tue Nov 12, 2019 7:47 pm

I agree 100 % to Eric in this matter. There must be some creator or designer, but all religions are man-made and their purpose is to control people. It's as simple as that. I also believe that questions of the type "who created us?" and "why/when were we created?" are irrelevant, because we will never be able to give answers to these questions. We just need to accept what we are, right here, right now.

I'm not familiar with the hundrets of niche religions, but the three major ones are bad enough. In Christianity especially the Catholic Church is a satanic child-molesting sect. Islam and Judaism are quite similar. Both hate everybody outside their own creed, both have a prejorative view on women, both torture animals, both have very specific eating habits, both mutilate the genitals of their children.

However, Judasim is kind of the "quiet" religion compared to Islam. Muslims pour in millions into the western countries to a) enjoy the social system without the need to work, and b) to become the majority by birth one day. Just arrived, they start demanding (religious freedom etc.), many get criminal (from knife attacts over rape to terrorist attacks), that's why I would call them the "loud" religion. Jews are by far outnumbered by muslims, and beside the neverending claims from the "holocaust", you don't notice them (I'm talking about the western countries but Israel). They work behind the scenes, but in the end they gain all their power through governments, i.e. state power. If the world was free, without states (no monopoly on violence), there would be no Jewish problem.

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Warning For Religious People   - Page 5 Empty Re: Warning For Religious People

Post by Just Vital Tue Nov 12, 2019 8:55 pm

Libertarian wrote: (from knife attacts over rape to terrorist attacks)

Those 'terrorists attacks by moslims' are most likely ALL staged, without exception. The events in Barcelona, Lille, London, Manchester, Germany (just to name a few) have all been fabricated. Same applies for the 'knife attacks' and 'rapes' of moslims you see and read about in the news - it's all about fear and putting people against each-other. Order out of chaos at it's finest.

Libertarian wrote:Jews are by far outnumbered by muslims, and beside the neverending claims from the "holocaust", you don't notice them (I'm talking about the western countries but Israel).

Came across this quote the other day: Those who want the remain in power, must not show it.

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Warning For Religious People   - Page 5 Empty Re: Warning For Religious People

Post by Libertarian Wed Nov 13, 2019 4:26 pm

Just Vital wrote:Those 'terrorists attacks by moslims' are most likely ALL staged, without exception. The events in Barcelona, Lille, London, Manchester, Germany (just to name a few) have all been fabricated. Same applies for the 'knife attacks' and 'rapes' of moslims you see and read about in the news - it's all about fear and putting people against each-other. Order out of chaos at it's finest.
I was expecting a reply like this, but you're totally wrong about it. Yes, most of the terrorist attacks are staged, but not all of them (remember that the Koran tells muslims to kill non-believers). The rapes and murders are real, you can check the police records. Are you really saying that the thousands of raped and murdered people by "refugees" in Western Europe in the last few years are just fake? That would be a slap in the face of the countless victims! And it's no wonder they are real because two incompatible cultures clash.

I know that this is exactly what the power "elite" wants, because they want to create order out of chaos. All the persons responsible for forced mass immigration should be hanged after a short, but fair trial. And this is what should make us different from the masses: We should direct our hatred against them, not the immigrants.

However, just because there is a highly criminal power "elite", we as truth seekers shouldn't ignore the other fatcs. And we cannot ignore that Islam and Judaism are highly aggressive religions. Just read their Scriptures!

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Warning For Religious People   - Page 5 Empty Re: Warning For Religious People

Post by Just Vital Wed Nov 13, 2019 6:47 pm

Libertarian wrote:you're totally wrong about it. Yes, most of the terrorist attacks are staged

Of all the 'terrorist attacks by muslims' in Europe, which one did actually happen according to you? At this point a really can't see any.  

Libertarian wrote:Are you really saying that the thousands of raped and murdered people by "refugees" in Western Europe in the last few years are just fake? That would be a slap in the face of the countless victims!

So because the police records say it, those rapes and murders are real? Let me point out that according to those records the terrorist attacks are real as well, so why would this be a reliable source? Nobody can say for sure or these rapes and murders are actually happening, but I dare to say that it are not thousands of them. Those 'countless victims' are most likely fictional persona. Or do you actually know one of the countless victims, or do you know a person who knows one of the countless victims? Me personally, I do not. I did however knew a couple that was killed in the MH17 Boeing-777 on 17-7-2014(7), so I can say for sure that sometimes people do die or disappear.

I also disagree with your statement that we should direct our hatred on them, because that is also exactly what they want. Most members of these 'aggressive religions' are also just players in the game without them knowing it. Hatred is only going to backfire.
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Warning For Religious People   - Page 5 Empty Re: Warning For Religious People

Post by Libertarian Wed Nov 13, 2019 8:19 pm

Just Vital wrote:I also disagree with your statement that we should direct our hatred on them
I think I made it clear that I meant the power elite with "them". And yes, I plead guilty by saying that I really hate families like the Rothchilds, Rockefellers and Soros. I won't go into details about the rapes and murders because this is not the right topic, maybe you're living in the country and don't know how the cities have changed. Sweden was one of the safest countries in the world, but since the government decided to transform it into a multicultural nation in the 1970's, crime has been constantly risen and now it has the highest rape rate in the world. Same applies to Germany, France and also Netherlands where you come from.

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Warning For Religious People   - Page 5 Empty Re: Warning For Religious People

Post by Just Vital Wed Nov 13, 2019 10:55 pm

Libertarian wrote:maybe you're living in the country and don't know how the cities have changed.

This is indeed not the topic to discus this matter. I will leave it by saying that I was indeed born in a small village, and now live in the city of Rotterdam for many years - a city with over 50%(!) immigrant. The only stories of rapes/abuse I know of happened in small towns of Christian Reformed Church communities, by family members of the victims or associates of the church. Murder is very, very rare and almost exclusively happen in the drugscene. I also know the stories and figures of cities being more unsafe than ever before, but I don't see this from my own experience. Of course this doesn't debunk anything, but for me this is reason the be very skeptic about the image the media paints of our 'unsafe society'.

In the end unsafe cities promotes fear, so people are more willing to new laws that will 'make the city safer' - but in fact will only extend the control of the system on the population.
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Warning For Religious People   - Page 5 Empty Re: Warning For Religious People

Post by The Flat Man Mon Dec 16, 2019 5:52 pm

This is what it says in my dictionary under religion.
Religion.. A man made creation designed for the gain of power, control and wealth.
Religion.. A man made disease that's killed more people than any other.

The Flat Man

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Warning For Religious People   - Page 5 Empty Re: Warning For Religious People

Post by wiggelpuppy Mon Dec 14, 2020 1:56 pm

What if there is a God?


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Warning For Religious People   - Page 5 Empty Re: Warning For Religious People

Post by benfree Sun May 09, 2021 10:56 pm

Perhaps this is not the best topic for my first post - but then again, maybe it is the perfect one...

In any case, having read all of the first page, I have to say that although the criticisms stick and apply to a lot of the orthodoxy of organized religions, they are a bit of a blanket generalisation and miss a bit of nuance. They don't seem to leave room for people who are heretical within their own tradition.

Just as the FES may do FE a disservice and we should not judge the merits of FE theory by the presentations of FES, so too we should avoid judging Christianity by just the low-hanging fruit of the obviously corrupt Vatican and the nonsensical orthodox position on hell.

When I first encountered Eric Dubay's output, I assumed he would at least be sympathetic to religion because of the greatest implications that stem OUT OF a FE worldview. But I just watched the compilation video 'Jesus Never Existed' and then read the first page of this thread, and I have to say, the same rigour is not being applied to these topics as with the Globe Earth model.

Please don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

If I get banned for this, then so be it. I hope it will be received with the charity and goodwill it was composed.


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Warning For Religious People   - Page 5 Empty Re: Warning For Religious People

Post by Simon7 Thu May 27, 2021 7:43 pm

Oh that bru moment when admin is a devil


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Warning For Religious People   - Page 5 Empty The Living Breathing Word

Post by Jack Aurora Sun Aug 01, 2021 11:34 pm

Religion is humans taking the Living Word, literally and historically.
We are the stories we tell ourselves, and believe.... right?

BEING Spiritual IS the Living Word...
The Living Word is called Dark Sayings
It says so in the Living Word
They are parables and metaphor, codes and keys, scrambled up and encoded. So that NO MAN(mind) may attain the wisdom and knowledge of Source.

If you believe what is WRITTEN seriously, literally, and in a historical context, you will never find God inside you.

But if you go inside...be still and know... you WILL SEE the parabolical and metaphorical NATURE of SOURCE.

Understand what parable is. Understand what metaphor is.
And you will become the Master Builder of the Temple of God.
You ARE God!
Realise this and start building a temple for YOUR SELF.

You are truly loved... All of you
And so it is 🌀
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Warning For Religious People   - Page 5 Empty Re: Warning For Religious People

Post by Jack Aurora Sun Aug 01, 2021 11:58 pm

First, they dis-member you from You...God Inside with the invention of media (medieval symbolic magic)... the satanic culture of Rome (there are more, but Rome became HQ) flip their mask, and call it religion, becoming the master and user of the media tool.

For about 1000 years, relatively speaking, starting around 400-500AD this tool worked wonderful and fulfilled it's purpose. But it isn't the end yet.

The same religious cult, roughly 500 years ago, inserted what is known today as theoretical sciences. NOT TRUE SCIENCE. True science is imperical and observational. You can SEE what it is. You don't need imagination.

Using exactly the same tool, media, they implant satanic symbolic gestures into our minds.
Remember that these forces cannot EVER interfere with Free Will.
We choose to be controlled or not.
Slavery IS a choice.

Thank you for being a Lighthouse to humanity, Eric.
God knows your true Name.
Because of you, I have found God inside, and accept the Christos inside as the Light and Saviour of my Soul.

God IS blessings ALL of you... Eternally...
And so it is...
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Warning For Religious People   - Page 5 Empty Re: Warning For Religious People

Post by daride Sat Feb 26, 2022 11:22 am

Some points to consider:

Who are the most evil people in the world? It's clearly Jews. They are wicked psychopaths. However, if evolution is not true, then doesn't that imply they were created this way? Perhaps the creator put Jews on earth to test people.

Jews really hate Jesus. In their satanic Talmud, he's in hell, being tortured for eternity. Jews also curse Jesus's name whenever they can.

Jews, when they create their new world order, will implement their "Noahide laws." The Noahide laws state that worship of Jesus/Christianity is punishable by death. Other religions are acceptable, for the most part, including Islam. New age beliefs are fine too, as is atheism (which is the preferred religion for non-Jews in the NWO).

Now, if the creator let humans evolve for at least tens of thousands of years, you could argue that Jews' psychopathy simply evolved genetically. But if you believe in a younger earth, you'd have to assume that they were created to be evil, to be a test for people.

I also remembered that Jesus talks a lot about "secret societies" with obelisks, who conspire in private but lie in public. That certainly describes Freemasons.

None of this implies that Christianity is true, but it might be a reason to look in that direction.


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Warning For Religious People   - Page 5 Empty Re: Warning For Religious People

Post by Xander Sat Apr 30, 2022 7:06 pm

My two cents: It's important to understand religion because our satanist controllers seem to be THE most religious people out there. It's completely possible they are delusional and brainwashed themselves, but I want to understand them so I need to understand religion. I think from that context it's interesting.

It depends on the day you ask me but sometimes I think the whole satanism thing is another psyop - candy for the conspiracy theorists. They're probably laughing at us from their literal ivory towers. I think this could well be an actor based reality. Ed Chiarini is certainly right on many things. The thing that stops me going full in is that I know the gender bender agenda is very real and that does relate back to satan. #MindFucked


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Warning For Religious People   - Page 5 Empty Re: Warning For Religious People

Post by Lombard Sat Sep 10, 2022 8:44 am

Religion is a construct created from the days of Babylon to ensnare, blackmail and torture humanity. To have a religion as a construct - using whatse name's  "from a video game perspective" there must be players in the construct to tantalize and give hope. It also must have an enemy to fear. In Christianity there are the Jesus figure - believe and you will be saved and the devil figure - fear me, fight me but look, look I always win on earth. Then prayers for protection abounds to the "god of peace" and sighs for the speedily return for this saviour whilst they sit in blood after horrific evil things and still say "I forgive them for they know not different". There is no Jesus, and there is no "satan". Both manmade gods. There is but one God and Creator. And all interactions and life are only between Him and man and man and man. There are no "other" players in this game. You and Him, humanity and Him. When He made  man, we came with a prepackage with what is  good and what is evil. Simple laws of nature with the first one  - do not harm others. Most people want to know who is God. How to find Him if you want to find and know Him is your choice. Most people never consider what is a true God. Religion is the snare to prevent you from searching, researching, questioning, understanding and reaching out to others. I am so tired that in every movement or group about our freedom and choices there are screams of 'jesus jesus' and if you do not echo this, confess that he is the saviour of the world, you divide, you are a jew or muslim or agent or shill or troll. Most groups about vaccinations, medical tyranny, freedom and flat earth have ben infiltrated by religious zealots of Christianity. A breath of fresh air to find a place, I hope, just to have an opinion and is accepted as is with no push to convert but merely to inform, give another perspective or to correct. And a lot of corrections are needed for those that have the "bible" as guidance of which I use the one part that stood the test of time despite centuries of rabbis' effort to manipulate change and pervert the original clear message.


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Warning For Religious People   - Page 5 Empty Amen ????

Post by IamOsoGorgeous Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:30 pm

Lombard wrote:Religion is a construct created from the days of Babylon to ensnare, blackmail and torture humanity. To have a religion as a construct - using whatse name's  "from a video game perspective" there must be players in the construct to tantalize and give hope. It also must have an enemy to fear. In Christianity there are the Jesus figure - believe and you will be saved and the devil figure - fear me, fight me but look, look I always win on earth. Then prayers for protection abounds to the "god of peace" and sighs for the speedily return for this saviour whilst they sit in blood after horrific evil things and still say "I forgive them for they know not different". There is no Jesus, and there is no "satan". Both manmade gods. There is but one God and Creator. And all interactions and life are only between Him and man and man and man. There are no "other" players in this game. You and Him, humanity and Him. When He made  man, we came with a prepackage with what is  good and what is evil. Simple laws of nature with the first one  - do not harm others. Most people want to know who is God. How to find Him if you want to find and know Him is your choice. Most people never consider what is a true God. Religion is the snare to prevent you from searching, researching, questioning, understanding and reaching out to others. I am so tired that in every movement or group about our freedom and choices there are screams of 'jesus jesus' and if you do not echo this, confess that he is the saviour of the world, you divide, you are a jew or muslim or agent or shill or troll. Most groups about vaccinations, medical tyranny, freedom and flat earth have ben infiltrated by religious zealots of Christianity. A breath of fresh air to find a place, I hope, just to have an opinion and is accepted as is with no push to convert but merely to inform, give another perspective or to correct. And a lot of corrections are needed for those that have the "bible" as guidance of which I use the one part that stood the test of time despite centuries of rabbis' effort to manipulate change and pervert the original clear message.


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