Warning For Religious People
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Warning For Religious People
I wanted to make this post because the amount of religious zealots we're getting on this forum (most of whom turn out to be shills) is getting out of control. This is the International Flat Earth RESEARCH Society, where we are NOT "Anti-Christ" as I've been accused of, but rather Pro-Evidence, Pro-Proof, Pro-Fact, Pro-Reasoning, Pro-Logic, and Pro-Discernment. If you join the forum and start rambling on about your absolute "belief" and "faith" in Jesus, Allah, Bible, Koran etc. you can expect to be banned because I have made this forum for RESEARCH. I'm interested in facts, evidence, corroborating sources - If you have verification from outside your Holy book to substantiate claims made within it, this is acceptable and will be debated based on its faults/merits. However, to come here and pronounce yourself a blind faith Christian and go on trying to convince/convert everyone else will not fly. Saying "Every word in the King James Bible (or any other "Holy" book) is 100% true and from God" is an unproven and unprovable claim made by zealous cult fanatics not researchers. All books are just books, and they were written by people, not God. All religions are just pre-packaged boxes of beliefs which also came from earlier humans, not gods, and they are not evidence/fact-based, empirical or proven in any way. Ancient spiritual texts like the Gita, Bible, Koran etc. should be read with a critical eye, not blindly worshiped on faith alone and toted about as "absolute truth every word from God."
Once you "accept as truth every word" that someone else has said, especially someone you've never met who may or may not have ever lived over 2000 years ago, you have given away your intellectual sovereignty. I recommend you retain your intellectual sovereignty, don't "accept as truth every word" written or said by anyone, remain critical and skeptical and continue using your own intuition and discernment. The only reason you would "accept as truth every word" Jesus said is because of the existential THREAT Christianity presents people with, namely, "accept as truth every word" and go to heaven, or don't accept and spend an eternity in hell.
As I said in Asbestos Head:
Asbestos is very concerned about religion so he tries attending the local God’s Anonymous meetings every week where every weak soul sits in rows, mouth closed, listening to some guy’s interpretation of twelve guy’s interpretations of some guy’s metaphorical teachings from two thousand years ago. He finds this as useful as a hole in the head only more damaging to his brain, so he starts studying theology, philosophy, and the history of metaphysics for himself and finds that it’s this manner of introspection, this questioning of the unanswerable that expands his spiritual awareness and fills him with what some call God’s love, some call peace of mind, and others call crawling from the allegorical cave and seeing the light.
For him the light manifests as a series of realizations regarding the nature of knowledge. Mainly that he knows nothing, and neither does anyone else; including priests, mathematicians, scientists, and all other people using God, Numbers or Formulas to magically boost their ideas from subjective interpretations to Objective Truths.
Asbestos decides it’s his spiritual responsibility to study the thoughts and beliefs of everyone around him and throughout recorded history, because arbitrarily choosing a church or simply inheriting religion is lazy, limiting, and inconsiderate. It’s lazy because you leave spirituality up to genetics or geography. It’s limiting because you loose faith in anything outside your pre-packaged box of beliefs. And it’s inconsiderate because by choosing any exclusive religion you make the decision that all others are wrong.
Even members of the few religions that encourage open practice of other religions are bound to their group identity like poster-children, constantly defending the individuality in their collective faith. But that’s like bragging how modest you are. If you wish a collective relationship with some group’s conception of God, go find the next Holy place, read it’s Holy text, perform some Holy rituals then go home alone feeling like Holy shit, spitting out someone else’s existential excrement. If you wish a personal relationship with God, there’s no religion to follow, no group to join, and no book to read. There’s nothing to do but wander the world ever wondering why, and never decide.
Ultimately, any system that gives answers to metaphysical questions is suspect because it grants Truth to things We can’t know through experience. A more educated approach to the unknown is utter agnostic apostasy: accept you don’t know and couldn’t even know you’re right if you knew it. Spiritual questioning is best left unanswered and simply explored throughout Our lives as We all exist in the mystery.
Asbestos decides the library is his church. All its texts are holy and worthy of worship. Its eloquent architecture is awe-inspiring. He feels a strong sense of communion with everyone in the building - hundreds of life’s parishioners seeking answers, entertainment, and each other. Coming together, honoring the Authors by reading them, then creating their own holy rituals to revere them: some taking their wisdom and passing it on in dinner discussions, others writing in their own ideas and continuing the scriptures.
There is a reason that such things are "blasphemous" and "heretical" to fundamental Christianity because they expose the origins of the spiritual symbology that so many Christians take literally. If people are convinced Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, Buddha or other avatars were historical personages I suggest they spend some time perusing the following articles/videos:
Astrotheology Part 1
Astrotheology Part 2
Astrotheology Part 3
Gnosticism, Gnostics, Gnosis and the Jesus Myth
Jesus Christ: Man or Myth?
The Bible's Hidden Meanings
Jesus Christ the Magic Mushroom Part 1
Jesus Christ the Magic Mushroom Part 2
Santa Claus the Magic Mushroom
Mushroom Mythologies
The Multi-Faceted Magic Mushroom
The Jewish God of the Old Testament is a Psychopath. Psychopaths are always looking for victim-minded co-dependent people who are easy to manipulate and turn into "faithful servants" as Jesus (good cop) and his Father (bad cop) have done with the Bible. Scare the shit out of everyone then promise them eternal heaven if they promise to shut off their critical faculties for the rest of their life. Just blindly believe in every word this big black book says and you'll have all the best things in life/afterlife and none of the terrible things we just scared you with.
God just wants us to be Go-od, the D-evil wants us to be Evil, that's all. I guarantee God prefers good non-believers over evil believers any day. Not only that, but a God that gave us individuality, critical faculties and free will surely wants us to use those in determining our metaphysics instead of just having everyone parrot the same book allegedly dropped down from heaven (how many of these God-written books are there anyway?)
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Re: Warning For Religious People
In reading the Bible cover to cover it has become increasingly clear to me that these holy scriptures were meant to be taken symbolically, not literally or historically. Things like talking snakes and bushes, virgins giving birth, eating the body of Christ, staffs turning into serpents, and many other biblical "miracles" are all actually ancient spiritual symbolisms, found in many cultures/traditions around the world, thousands of years older than the Bible, referring to psychological phenomena, not historical events. Of course snakes and bushes cannot talk, of course virgins cannot give birth, Christ isn't a cannibal, wooden staffs cannot turn into living serpents, water cannot magically turn into wine, breads/fish cannot magically manifest from the aether, and humans cannot survive for days inside whale's bellies.
2 Corinthians 3:6 clearly says the scriptures should NOT be read literally. Matthew 13:34 says Jesus never spoke unless it was in parables. He said people who took the word literally were like those who looked but could not see! Modern fundamentalist Christians who read the Bible literally with their over-active left-brains are missing the whole point. The reason Jesus cast nets to the right side, sits on the right side of God, and builds the door to the temple on the right side, is because he is leading us out of our lower left brains and into our holistic, symbolic, higher brainon the right.
This is what the Exodus of slaves out of lower Egypt is all about, a manual for spiritual enlightenment, not a literal slave revolt. There is no history of 600,000 slaves leaving Egypt for Israel because it never happened, and Israel never used to be an actual place! It was just three names of gods - Isis - Ra - Elohim, shortened to Is-ra-el. The real promised land Moses spoke of exists between your ears! Acts 7:48 says, "The most high dwelleth not in temples made with hands." The only temples not built by human hands are the two temples behind your eyes, in front of your ears. As said in 1 Corinthians 3:16, "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you?"
In Matthew 6:22 Jesus says, "The lamp of the body is the eye, if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." Genesis 32:30 states that, "Jacob called the place Peniel (Pineal), saying 'it is because I saw God face to face.'" In other words, Jesus and Jacob are referring to the Pineal gland, the "third-eye," meditation point which lies at the geometric center of our brains. When you slow your brain waves through meditation, sensory-deprivation, entheogens or other methods, your usually over-active left-brain eases off and allows access to the higher, holistic right brain and through to the pineal gland, which the Bible calls the dwelling place of God, and Descartes called the seat of the soul.
Many fundamentalist Christians insist that things like meditation or entheogens are "evil" and open you up to "demons," but in reality, meditation is just sitting still and doing nothing, and those God-created entheogenic plants just grow that way. If sitting still doing nothing for a while every day is so negative, why does it have so many positive physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits!? And if entheogens are so negative, why do they also have so many positive physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits? Basically, these people locked in their left-brain literal thinking, see anything that helps stimulate their right-brain lateral thinking as against their rigid beliefs.
Romans 2:29 says, "He is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter." It doesn't get any clearer than that. The Bible is saying circumcision is of the heart, not the penis! To focus on the spirit (the symbolic), not in the letter (the literal)! And that Jews are anyone who is inwardly focused, those who seek God within, meditators, prayers, not a race or religion! God doesn't choose a race of people over others, God's "chosen people" are simply devoted meditators.
These secrets of meditation were well known to many ancient civilizations the world over including Indian Yogis and Saddhus who integrated meditaiton, yoga and spiritual symbology into their holy scriptures as well. Even the Atlantean mythos, one of the oldest known religious stories, encodes this ancient spiritual knowledge of "Kundalini Yoga." For instance, in the Atlantean myth, Atlas, the King of Atlantis, held up the entire world upon his shoulders. He had seven daughters, the Hesperides, who spent their days dancing around the Tree of Life. Coiled around the tree, and guarding its golden apples of immortality lived Ladon, the serpent. The kingdom of Atlantis was shaped as three concentric circles of land separated by two concentric circles of water with the "Temple of Poseidon," residing in the very center, where sacred bulls roamed around freely, and sacrificial bulls blood was poured over the exterior of the temple.
The actual medical term for the top 33rd vertebrae of the spine which holds up your skull is called "Atlas." So when it is said that Atlas holds the world upon his shoulders, it is your head/mind which he holds up, and your skull, when viewed from above, perfectly resembles Atlantis or a "bulls-eye." The bulls-eye at the center is your third-eye which "roams around freely" in a chamber of cerebro-spinal fluid. This is surrounded by the cerebral cortex, which itself is covered by a layer of constantly flowing/pumping (sacrificial bull's) blood, and enclosed by the skull cap: Three concentric circles of solid separated by two concentric circles of liquid.
The Tree of Life with Atlas' seven dancing daughters and a serpent coiled around, is similar to symbolism found in the Bible and many other religions throughout history the world over. In the ancient Indian yogic tradition, long pre-dating the Bible, the Tree of Life was your spine with seven "chakra" nerve/energy centers and transformational "kundalini serpent energy" coiled at the base. Through yoga and meditation the kundalini serpent travels up the spine opening and illuminating the chakras one by one. This is why Numbers 8:2 says, "Speak to Aaron, and say unto him, when thou lightest the lamps, the seven lamps shall give light over against the candlestick." The candlestick is your spine and the lamps your chakras (note: "chakra" means "wheel of light"). In Exodus 7:10, "Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did so as the Lord had commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, and before his servants, and it became a serpent." Again, Aaron's rod is his spine, and the serpent is kundalini. The Egyptian Pharaohs were also well aware of this spiritual symbology, as their traditional headdress was none other than a cobra hood with a serpent coming out their third-eye! Revelation 5:1 reads, "And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals," just like your spine, your backside, sealed with seven chakras.
Here where I live in Thailand, "Buddha" is their "Jesus," and many believe he performed several similar literal miracles as Jesus, like walking on water, over 500 years prior. Buddha was said to have been born, and instantly began walking, taking seven steps forward, after each step a lotus flower appearing on the ground under his feet. Then after his seventh step, he stopped and shouted, "I am chief of the world!" Now, of course newborn babies cannot talk or walk out of the womb, and lotus flowers cannot magically blossom under one's feet, but the majority of Buddhist literalists here in Thailand, if asked, would agree these things are impossible for anyone else, but make special exception for Buddha! Likewise, the majority of Christian literalists around the world, when asked, agree these things are impossible for anyone else, but make special exception for Jesus!
In another tale, taken literally by most Buddhists, Buddha was meditating under a tree when it began to rain heavily. From behind him a huge king cobra came and coiled his body seven times around Buddha's body to keep him warm and placed his hood over Buddha's head to protect him from the rain. After seven days, the rain stopped and the snake turned into a young man who thereafter became one of Buddha's followers. If you asked the average Christian if they believed these Buddhist miracles they would laugh at the idea of a snake turning into a man, but at the same time believe Moses and Aaron's staffs turned into snakes!
The number 7 appears an incredible 735 times in the Bible, more than any other number. In Revelations alone there are 54 sevens including the 7 seals, 7 churches, 7 trumpets, 7 personages, 7 vials, 7 woes, 7 angels, 7 thunders, 7 plagues, 7 glories, and 7 blessings. There are the 7 deadly sins, the 7 days of creation, 7 circles around the wall of Jericho, 7 years building the temple of Solomon, again and again the number 7 is given incredible significance over any other number in the Bible. Christians say the number seven denotes "spiritual perfection" and "divine fullness, completeness, totality." But is that all, what is the real meaning of these, what is the origin of this numerology?
It is the same as Atlas' seven daughters dancing around the Tree of Life. It is the same reason seven lotus blossoms appeared under Buddha's feet. After the 7th day of creation, God had a millennial rest period of a thousand years, because the 7th crown chakra is known as the 1,000 petaled lotus! These myths long pre-dated the Bible and were purposely encoded as symbolic keys to spiritual enlightenment. They were never meant to be read literally or historically! The reason Jesus lived 33 years, is the same reason the first temple of Solomon stood pristine for 33 years, Kind David ruled for 33 years, Leah had 33 children, Freemasons have 33 degrees, and Atlas is your 33rd vertebrae. The spiritual numerology and symbolism in the Bible are there for those with eyes to see, but hidden under literal translation and interpretations by the very left-brained prisoners Jesus sought to free.
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'Flat Earth Diva'
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Re: Warning For Religious People
The Globus Cruciger - They hold the ball-Earth and cross in their hands as a symbol of their power over the world.
The ball-Earth and Christianity - Their two most successful psy-ops ever.
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'Flat Earth Diva'
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Re: Warning For Religious People
"They hold the ball earth and the cross in their hands as a symbol of their power over the world."
Well said and excellent point. It is not until you get it, do you get it lol!
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'Flat Earth Diva'
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Re: Warning For Religious People
May 7, 2015 17:59:36 GMT @tele said:
I'm not sure if the empirial globe represents the planet. This symbol has been around for at least 1500 years or so, at a time, when everybody thought the earth is flat. Other than the papacy, no worldly king claims sovereignty over the whole earth. In German, it's called Reichsapfel, realm apple. Could it be that this actually represents knowledge of good and evil or the fruit of life or inceptional egg of the nation's genes or something similar? Are there other definitions from older times than what's said on Wikipedia?
The stick (don't know the proper English term, Zeptar in German) in his other hand, may represent the male genital, while the globe represents the female egg?
Don't forget the Masons have been pushing the Global Earth theory since Pythagoras (thousands of years ago), at least.
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Re: Warning For Religious People
To me, there is a higher power than myself. if I believed there were none that would put me above all else. Since I could never create the heavens and earth nor as divine a creature as man/woman or the wonders of this earth I am not above all else.
I have experienced the other plane of existence and this one pales in comparison. There was some force there I can not explain with mortal words. Deep in my soul I know this to be the Creator of my world.
We are here for a reason. Everything in this life happens for a reason. I lost 62% of my blood volume for a reason. I was resuscitated for a reason. I clicked Eric's link for a reason. My veil was lifted for a reason.
We all are individual and experience life individual of each other. Individually we learn differently, believe differently, process information differently.
I respect everyone here for their individuality.
Peace and Love, Indeed!
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Re: Warning For Religious People
Yes, there is clearly a higher-power / intelligent-designer, but this has nothing to do with religion, blind faith or belief. The truth is that intelligence, life, consciousness, the intricate detail and complexity of nature is not and cannot be the result of blind chance evolution. We are clearly living in an intelligently designed universe, purposefully created by a purposeful creator, not accidentally "evolved" from some random cosmic explosion. The truth is that even if scientists placed all the chemical substances necessary for life in a tank, applied to them any processes of their choice, and waited for billions of years, not a single living cell could or would ever form.
“The likelihood of the spontaneous formation of life from inanimate matter is one to a number with 40,000 zeros after it … It is big enough to bury Darwin and the whole theory of evolution. The beginnings of life were not random; they must have been the product of purposeful intelligence. From my earliest training as a scientist, I was very strongly brainwashed to believe that science cannot be consistent with any kind of deliberate creation. That notion has had to be painfully shed. At the moment, I can’t find any rational argument to knock down the view which argues for conversion to God. We used to have an open mind; now we realize that the only logical answer to life is creation - and not accidental random shuffling.” -Astrobiologist Chandra Wickramasinghe
Consciousness, life, the beautiful diversity, complexity and interconnectedness of nature and the universe simply could not be the result of some random coincidental physical phenomenon. If the likelihood of life forming from inanimate matter is 1 x 10^40,000 power, then those are precisely the magnificent odds against which the universe could be unintelligently designed! Even the simple formation of DNA and RNA molecules are similarly beyond the reach of chance to come together, equivalent to 1 x 10^600 power, or 10 with 600 zeros afterwards! Such a mathematical improbability actually so closely borders the impossible that the word “improbable” becomes misleading. Mathematicians who regularly work with these infinitesimally small numbers say anything beyond 1 x 10^50 powers should be considered, for all intents and purposes, impossible.
God, Brahma, Tao, Void, Infinite Consciousness, Oneness
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'Flat Earth Diva'
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Re: Warning For Religious People
I'm the biggest anti-Religious man you will every meet, it should be understood that everything as we know it
is not random.
Defense of religious faith has demonstrated throughout history that the more unprovable a belief the more
savagely men will fight to defend it.
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'Flat Earth Diva'
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Re: Warning For Religious People
May 10, 2015 23:00:50 GMT davidkay said:
I know the church organizations are all full of shit, I haven't got the slightiest delusions about it. I just have this one hope that behind all of this there actually is a wonderful and benevolent being that will make everything allright someday. But right now I'm kinda cynical and tired. That's how I feel. Not trying to convince anybody or anything. Just felt like sharing some thoughts.
I know the church organizations are all full of shit
Then you already know the truth but refuse to accept it.
I just have this one hope that behind all of this there actually is a wonderful and benevolent being that will make everything allright someday.
There most certainly "is a wonderful and benevolent being" but you're holding on to "hope" that this is the same being called "God" in the Bible. It Is Not.
But right now I'm kinda cynical and tired.
Me too. It's high time to unchain ourselves from slaving to exclusive books and religions! The idea that only the Bible, or only the Koran, or only the Gita, or only the Tao, or only the Torah, or only the Talmud or only any some one book is the final ultimate authority on God/life/everything is completely retarded. The idea that only Christianity is correct, or only Islam is correct, or only Judaism is correct is also so childish that it's insulting. We were created with individuality, free-will, intuition and discernment yet instead of using them, people allow themselves to be turned into robots and herded like cattle by "believing" and "having faith" in one of the many unproven/unprovable/highly-symbolic and often-contradictory exclusive religions/books.
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'Flat Earth Diva'
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Re: Warning For Religious People
I can not justify "religion" either. However, spirituality I have experienced so I know there I find truth.
I have felt the greater power so this I can not deny either. My personal journey has been turned upside down with that experience.
It is my individual belief system and I learn from it daily. It is not my place to convince others they also are mandated in such a way, since as it is mine alone.
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'Flat Earth Diva'
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Re: Warning For Religious People
What is your evidence that Jesus was a real person? What is your evidence that he was "God" in human form? Aren't we ALL God in human form? Why should one guy with an unconfirmable existence from 2000+ years ago be "God's only son?" What are the rest of us, chopped liver? I find the Bible, like all Holy texts to be an interesting read. I even find characters who I very much admire, respect and agree with about most things like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Arjuna, and Lao-Tzu. They are all wonderful, great reads, worth pondering, spiritually-expanding, but do you know what is absolutely spiritually crushing and stagnating? Picking just one of these book/characters/religions and claiming it has superiority and validity over anyone else's conception of the divine. You are clearly doing this with the Jesus myth. Why? Is it because you're scared of hell and enticed by heaven? Why do you think there's some human named "Jesus" who is better than us, like the golden child of some Narcissistic father, and he needs EVERYONE to recognize and bow down to his ultimate authority?
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'Flat Earth Diva'
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Re: Warning For Religious People
May 12, 2015 7:45:16 GMT adamslepton said:
Did Jesus "exist" as a man? Yes and no.
No and No. Did Superman or Batman exist? No. Jesus is an ancient "Superman" just like Krishna, Buddha, Dionysus, Attis and other ancient superheroes. The original Christians, the Gnostics, left the orthodox church claiming Rome was "setting up the fraud of historical Christianity" and that "their Jesus could never take human form." In other words, he's a mythological character, a personification of a fully enlightened human being demonstrating "Christ/Krishna Consciousness," NOT some magic miracle man that actually lived! It would be tantamount to people watching the X-Men movies 2000 years from now and thinking they were real! Read these links, watch the videos, drop your "faith," and start researching evidence Adam. Peace
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'Flat Earth Diva'
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Re: Warning For Religious People
May 12, 2015 11:00:23 GMT adamslepton2 said:
What you pointed out in your last two posts IS the very conspiracy I was pointing out as well--that the Kenite-Edomite-Masonic-Marrano -Jesuits-Church of Rome etc have intentionally overlaid the Babylonian Mysteries on to the life of Jesus . Dec 25 th birth and Friday crucifixion are also lies. Jesus was Born on Feast of Trumpets 3 BC and not on Dec 25 when SEmiramis celebrated Nimrods birth to coincide with Saturnalia/Satan Worship. Jesus had Passover Last Supper Tuesday, was crucified on Wednesday (not Friday) , the next day Thursday was Feast of Unleavened Bread ( a "High annual Sabbath"), the weekly Sabbath on saturday (three days and nights in teh tomb) and arose on Resurrection Sunday (NOT "easter") He was and is Son of God (and yes we are all sons of God) but in this world Jesus, more than any other man ever born, fully expressed the Christ (our spiritual origin and spiritual destination) more than any other man who has existed in this "dream reality"--this state of consciousness.
None of this is substantiated. You simply believe the "Kenite-Edomite-Masonic-Marrano -Jesuits-Church of Rome etc" have turned a man into a myth, when what they actually did is turn a myth into a man! And this is backed with abundant proof (see the OP). You say "He was and is Son of God"... Dude... what does that even mean!? Guess what? I'm the second cousin twice removed of God bro, worship me! You're clearly another zealot here to spread your irrational beliefs in the imaginary man that absolves your sins, not through works, honest effort and personal growth, no! By simply believing! That's all "God" wants is for you to "believe" his "son" "died for your sins" and then you "go to heaven." The ambiguity in this metaphysics is astounding! Yet people by the billions give their brains away to it.
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'Flat Earth Diva'
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Re: Warning For Religious People
So you didn't read or refer to my article I linked you on Gnosticism, and instead "broke down" some other random article on Gnosticism? Nice. Thanks for that. I'm sure Acenci will enjoy having both adamslepton1 and 2 over on the shill forum. Peace
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Re: Warning For Religious People
Why do the chronological events describing the supposed life of Jesus Christ in the New Testament run perfectly parallel to the ancient allegorical understanding of the Sun’s journey through the houses of the zodiac? John 14:2 says that in the Father’s house there are many rooms or many mansions; 12 to be more precise – the 12 houses or rooms of the zodiac. There are also 72 extra-zodiacal constellations known as the paranatellons. This is why Jesus is said to have officially had 12 servants with 72 others that also carried the message. The 72 angels on Jacob’s ladder and the 72 nations in Genesis also relate to these 72 decans, 1 for every 5 degrees of the zodiac. It serendipitously takes 72 years to move 1 degree through the zodiacal precession of the equinoxes. Hence Confucious (6th century BC - China) had 72 initiated disciples and Set (ancient Egypt) had 72 accomplices in the death of Osiris.
“According to legend, Jesus was born in a stable between a horse and a goat, symbols of Sagittarius and Capricorn. He was baptized in Aquarius, the Water-Bearer. He chose his first disciples, fishermen, in Pisces, the sign of the fishes. He became the Good Shepherd and the Lamb in Aries, the Ram. Jesus told the parables of the sowing and tilling of the fields in Taurus, the Bull. In Cancer, ‘the celestial Sea of Galilee,’ he calmed the storm and waters, spoke of backsliders (the Crab), and rode the ass and foal in triumph into the City of Peace, Jerusalem. Jesus was the Lion in Leo. In Libra, Christ was the true vine in the Garden of Gethsemane, the ‘wine press,’ as this is the time of the grape harvest. Jesus was betrayed by Judas, the ‘backbiter,’ or Scorpio. In Sagittarius, Jesus was wounded in the side by the Centaur, or centurion.” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (115-6)
Luke 22:10 reads: “Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you bearing a pitcher of water … follow him into the house where he entereth in.” This is the symbol of Aquarius – a man bearing a pitcher of water, the end of the age of Pisces. Pisces, our current age, is symbolized by 2 fish. This is why Jesus befriends 2 fishermen when he begins his ministry. In Matt 4:19 Jesus says to Peter, “I will make you fishers of men.” In Matt 14:17 Jesus feeds them with fish saying “We only have five loaves of bread and 2 fish.” Virgo (the House of Bread) is the fifth sign of the zodiac, giving us five loaves of Virgo and 2 Piscean fish. The Piscean dual-fish symbol is found in many old Christian churches and artwork. This is also why we have the Jesus-fish symbol seen on every born-again Christian’s bumper. The word Nun is Hebrew for fish, and if you look closely, turned horizontally, the Pope’s headdress is actually a big fish-head.
“The Christian Mythos coincided with the Age of Pisces. This is the reason why there is much in the way of water symbolism in the New Testament. There is the mention of Baptism, the fact that the disciples were mostly fishermen. Then there is the walking on the water, the washing the feet of the disciples, the feeding of the five thousand with two fish, etc,. The Christians still use the symbol of the fish to symbolize Jesus. The letters of the word Jesus Christ the Savior of the World, in Latin, give the word for fish. The Pope wears the "Ring of the Fisherman," and the Pope's headdress is a fish head, from the side. The early Christians were called the "Little Fishes." In the Old Testament we read about the prophet Jonah being swallowed by the whale or the great fish. All the imagery of the chapters and verses of the New Testament can be related to the Precessional phenomena, as that is what it was composed for in the first place. It was never meant to be a biography.” -Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”
The Precession of the Equinoxes is a 25,920 year cycle the Earth goes through and corresponds with the twelve signs of the zodiac. Each sign or “age” spans 2160 years. We are currently in the Piscean age, transitioning into the Aquarian. The fact that knowledge of a 25,920 year astrological precession was known to ancient peoples spanning from South America to India suggests both advanced civilization and worldwide travel/communication in prehistoric times. The fact that this knowledge is written into our religions, but suppressed and kept from public view, shows how the Brotherhood continues to conceal information from the masses, and reserves it for only a chosen few, just like in ancient Egypt.
Before the Age of Pisces was the Age of Aries (symbolized by the ram) which is related in the Bible as ending just at the time of Jesus (2160 BC – 0 AD). The Hyksos Pharaohs and priests of Egypt were called the “good shepherds” and their “flocks” were the stars, of which they had great knowledge. Christ is also known as the good shepherd, often depicted carrying a lamb, and there is always a lamb in the nativity scene. Lamb’s blood was smeared on all the doors, meaning the doors to the houses of the zodiac. The sheep/shepherd analogy is also astrological in origin; In fact the genus/species classification for sheep is Ovis Aries.
“Is it a coincidence that Yahweh, God of Old Testament Israel, provided a ram as a substitute for Abraham’s offered sacrifice of his son Isaac? Is it likewise coincidental that rams, in one context or another, are referred to in almost every book of the Old Testament (entirely composed during the age of Aries) but not a single book of the New Testament? And is it an accident that the advent of the Age of Aries, shortly before the beginning of the second millennium BC, was accompanied in Ancient Egypt by an upsurge in the worship of the god Amon whose symbol was a ram with curled horns?” -Graham Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods
Before the Age of Aries was the Age of Taurus (symbolized by the bull) which spanned from 4320 – 2160 BC ending around the time of Moses. Moses, the new Aries/ram figurehead, represented in Michelangelo’s “Moses” with horns, comes down from Mt. Sinai furious to see everyone worshipping a golden Taurus/calf. In the Bible, Moses is the lawgiver, bringing God’s Ten Commandments down from Mount Sinai. In Egypt, Mises carried stone tablets with the laws of God written on them. In India it was Manou and in Crete it was Minos sent to Mount Dicta where Zeus gave him the sacred laws. The exact same story existed in many cultures of the ancient world with Ten Commandments themselves all taken directly out of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. In Persian mythology their Aries age hero, Mithra, slays the Taurus bull. And it was also during this precessional epoch that the Bull-cult of Minoan Crete flourished. (Graham Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods)
Before the Age of Taurus was the Age of Gemini (symbolized by the twins) which spanned from 6480 – 4320 BC. The transitional period between Gemini and Taurus is where we get the mythological creature, half-bull half-man, the Minotaur. The labyrinth he guards also relates to astrology and the zodiac. Back even further, the Sphinx correlates with the Age of Leo from 10,800 – 8640 BC. Every morning during the Age of Leo, the Sphinx watched the sunrise in its mirror constellation Leo the lion. The religious iconography flows with astrology because those who propagate it still secretly worship the sun.
“The early Church fathers prohibited astrology and the Great Council of Toledo banned it forever. Nevertheless six hundred years later the dates of the Pope's coronation were determined by the zodiac, the church hierarchy employed their own astrologers; and signs of the zodiac appeared all over Church furnishings, tiles, doorways, manuscripts and baptismal fonts. The 'Church' was sure that the study of astrology would undermine its religion if people thought that the sun, the moon, the stars, the signs of the zodiac and the planets, hold life and death at their own pleasure ... and that they rule and govern both the bodies and souls of man. In this scenario the planets and stars should be adored and worshiped as gods, which they are of course. Astrology survives in our western culture because Christianity embraced it with one hand, while condemning it as a devilish art on the other.” -Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”
One needs look no further than the etymology of Christian words to dis-cover the Astrotheological origins. Disc-iples and A-post-les have been explained as astrological terms. Pastor comes from Pa-stor, Pa meaning great or father, Stor or Aster meaning Star. Thus Pastor means the Great Star or the Father Star, our Sun God. Minister and Ministry come from Min and Aster. Min was the common ancient term and root of Moon whereas Aster, Stir, Stor all relate to Star. Thus Minister is Moon-Star. Monastery, monk, and month have the same origin. This is also where we get “Minute.”
“It is a title that derives from the lunar and stellar cults. This explains why there is a minute hand on a watch. The three hands of a watch relate to the three planets associated with time. The slow hand is the hour hand, meaning Horus, the sun. The minute hand is for Min, the moon and the swift ticking hand is for Mercury, the planet which rotates fastest of all, both round the sun and on its own orbit. This is why the figure of the god Mercury was depicted with wings on his shoes or feet.” -Michael Tsarion, Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology
The word Church comes from the Greek Goddess of deception Circe, who lured men into her lair and transformed them into pigs. The word Amen used at the end of prayer by Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Jews comes from the Pharaoh Amenhotep and the Egyptian God Amen-Ra. Amen was known as “the hidden one” in Egyptian beliefs and could change into other Gods like Osiris and Set at will. Through the solar, lunar, and stellar cults Amen-Ra has found his way into the prayers of billions. As Jordan Maxwell often points out, by ending a prayer with Amen, you are essentially saying “let it be hidden, let it remain unseen.” Amen’s consort was called Ament, which is where we get the New and Old Test-Ament. The obelisk is one symbolic representative of Amen-Ra, found at the Vatican, Washington DC, London, and many other places around the world.
The word Vatican comes from Vaticinia which means “place of divinations” or “place of the sorcerers.” The Vatican actually funds and controls every astronomical telescope and observatory in the world and all findings run through the Vatican before both the public and the scientific communities. Mass derives from the Egyptian Mes, an annual sacred cake ritually baked with Nile riverbank clay. Yule shares roots with the word Wheel, and a Yule log at Winter Solstice represents the full-turn of the zodiacal wheel. The Roman title/name Julius derived from Yule which explains why Julius Caesar was crowned under the God Jupiter at the Winter Solstice. The word Arch in Arch Bishop and Arch Deacon refers to the Sun’s Arch across the sky. Bishop literally means “one who knows the sky,” and Deacon comes from Decan, the three 10 degree sections divided into each of the 12 signs of the zodiac.
“The cardinal points are a direct reference to the astrological colures. The Cardinals surround the Pope as the cardinal points surround the sun. The sun casts its rays on the Houses as it passes, turning them crimson. The color worn by the physical Cardinals is red, to symbolize that they are illuminated by their proximity to the Pope, the representative of God on earth. The word Pope, may also be a derivative of the word in Egyptian for the evil serpent Apep, Apophis or Apopsa (See Poop Deck and Pupa, and Pepsi, Pepsid, Dr. Pepper, Sgt. Pepper, etc,).” -Michael Tsarion, Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology
Even the largest Christian Evangelical TV network is called Daystar Corporation. The astrological symbolism, numerology, etymology and mythology is all-pervasive and thoroughly understood by the initiated few.
“What has happened to the ubiquitous celestial mythos? How is it that this information, so widely known in ancient times, is almost completely hidden from the masses today? The answer is that it has been deliberately suppressed, so that the masses would never realize the connection between their cherished gods and the celestial bodies. As demonstrated by Paine, the Masons have known very well the true meaning and importance of astrology, which was considered a sacred science … Astrology and astrotheology were not only known in the ancient world but have constituted an enormous portion of human civilization. Time and again, massive edifices around the globe have been built that are encapsulations of the heavenly story, serving as stellar ‘computers.’ But this astrotheological Masonry was corrupted, as the power mongering historicizers drove its true meaning and religion underground in a vicious quest to subjugate the world and acquire its wealth.”
“Imagine the power you would have to advance an Agenda and manipulate the human race if you knew the cycles of energy from the Sun and other planets and how they were likely to affect human consciousness. You would know when people would be more prone to anger, aggression, fear, doubt and guilt, and therefore when to have your wars, economic collapses and so on. The Brotherhood have always had this knowledge and they use it to great effect today as I shall document.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (56)
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Re: Warning For Religious People
it is not necessary to be christian or whatever to believe in god... dont waste your time with religion, religion is like NASA, a huge SCAM...
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'Flat Earth Diva'
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Re: Warning For Religious People
For people posting Chris White videos saying they "debunk Zeitgeist," please give me a break. Read the articles and watch the videos in the opening post of this thread and you'll see "Zeitgeist Debunked Debunked!" Christ White-Knight is just a modern biblical literalist apologist trying to defend the historicity of a mythical character. I've seen the entire supposed debunking and any of the few points he makes are far from "debunking" anything. Here's some real debunking:
Jesus Christ Never Existed
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Re: Warning For Religious People
“The Christian church is an encyclopedia of prehistoric cults.” -Fredrick Nietzsche
The beginnings of Christian history were almost nothing like the picture propagated by the priesthood. Christianity actually began as an amalgamation of many ancient beliefs and originally branched off from Gnosticism. Gnosticism was and is a school of religious existentialism that seeks intuitive understanding of God through attaining Gnosis, or “knowledge of the Divine within.”
“The Gnostics claimed to have an intuitive understanding of the mysteries of God and Earth. It was an understanding that resulted from rigorous training, initiation, and intuitive experiences, not simply intellectual study. The church found Gnostics particularly dangerous, for they disdained the need for a hierarchy of priestly officials to interpret the word of God. Far from dangerous heretics, these passive Christians claimed to be the keepers of secret knowledge as indicated by the Gnostic papyrus books discovered at Nag Hammadi in 1945. It was this discovery which first afforded any view of Gnosticism other than the damning rhetoric of the church …Gnostics seek to know the ‘secrets’ of God, looking for answers within the sacred texts of whatever religion they accept. They seek the understanding of existence through interpretation of what they perceive as deeper meaning within the symbology of religious literature … Gnosticism flourished until declared a heresy by a council of bishops of the Roman church in A.D. 325. Gnosticism was an integral part of the Ancient Mysteries since both involved the belief that only personal inner enlightenment could bring understanding.” -Jim Marrs, “Rule by Secrecy” (346-7)
Constantine publicly outlawed Gnosticism in 325AD and since then the Brotherhood has privately kept its secrets only for the initiated few. In Freemasonry, Gnosticism is the third “G” after God and Geometry represented by their symbolic “G” within the compass/square. According to the Masonic philosopher Manly P. Hall, "This knowledge of how man's manifold constitution could be most quickly and most completely regenerated to the point of spiritual illumination constituted the secret, or esoteric, doctrine of antiquity."
The Gnostics claimed to be the original Christians and they were fervently anti-material, believing in “Christ Consciousness” and the Kingdom of God within. The Gnostics focused on attaining “gnosis” or spiritual knowledge. They refuted claims of blasphemy from the orthodoxy, stating they were the blasphemers. They said the orthodoxy did “not know who Christ is” and read the Bible, especially Genesis too literally, missing the deeper meaning. Orthodox Christians insisted that Jesus Christ was an historical personage who came in the flesh, had 12 apostles, performed miracles, died on the cross, and was resurrected. The Gnostics insisted that their Christ could never take human form.
“Christianity began as Gnosticism, refaced with falsehoods concerning a series of facts alleged to have been historical, but which are demonstrably mythical. By which I do not mean mythical as exaggerations or perversions of historic truth, but belonging to the pre-existant Mythos … It is obvious that the Roman Church remained Gnostic at the beginning of the second century, and for some time afterwards. Marcion, the great Gnostic, did not separate from it until about the year 136 A.D. Tatian did not break with it until long after that. In each case the cause of quarrel was the same. They left the Church that was setting up the fraud of Historic Christianity.” -Gerald Massey, “Gnostic and Historic Christianity”
“So Gnosticism was around long before so-called Orthodox Christianity. The conspirators used the word ‘Docetism’ to refer to those who refused to believe in the incarnation of Jesus. The earliest Gnostic-Christians were not even aware of claims that the Christ incarnated in Jesus.” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (48)
Unbeknownst to the Gnostics, so-called Orthodox Christians like Pliny, the Roman Piso family and others began to propagate the idea that Jesus Christ was a real person. Soon under Roman law the greatest heresy became the unacceptance of Jesus as being a historical figure. Bishop and patriarch of Alexandria, St. Athanasius wrote, “should we understand sacred writ according to the letter, we should fall into the most enormous blasphemies.” In other words, it is a most enormous sin to read the Bible literally!
“The Docetae sects, for example, are supposed to have held that the transactions of the gospel narrative did occur, but in a phantasmagoria of unreality. This, however, is but a false mode of describing the position of those who denied that the Christ could be incarnated and become human to suffer and die upon the cross. The Christians who report the beliefs of the Gnostics, Docetae, and others, always assume the actual history and then try to explain the non-human interpretation as an heretical denial of the alleged facts. But the docetic interpretation was first, was prehistorical.” -Gerald Massey, “Gnostic and Historic Christianity”
Exactly what “phantasmagoria of unreality” these Docetae were referring to will be further explored in [url=http://www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/search/label/Magic Mushrooms]the Magic Mushroom chapter[/url]. The Brotherhood created the term “Docetism” to pigeon-hole Gnostics and Pagan practitioners inside the kingdom. The Old Testament stories had long existed all over the ancient world but were understood to be metaphorical. For instance the Bible’s first man was “Adam,” while in Egypt “Atum” was the first man, in Babylon he was “Adamu,” in India he was “Adima” and he was always warned against eating the fruit of immortality from the Tree of Life. Like the Bible’s “Eve,” in Tahiti, the first woman “Ivi,” was made from the first man’s bones. Like the Bible’s Cain and Abel, the Tonga creation story says “the son of the first man killed his brother.”
“The Hindu version of the first couple was of Adima and Heva, hundreds if not thousands of years before the Hebraic version, as has been firmly pointed out by Hindus to Christian missionaries for centuries.” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (131)
Just like the Tower of Babel, there is a site in Fiji where Fijians claim to have built a tower to the moon to see if it was inhabited. Other versions of the Tower of Babel story are found the world over from Mexico to India. The creation myth as known to the Marquesans in Polynesia mirrors the Biblical version with a serpent, Tree of Life, the fall, and everything. The Polynesians have been cut off from the rest of the world for over 12,000 years, yet their story is almost identical.
In the Hindu Somadeva Bhatta, Saktideva was swallowed by a huge fish, and eventually came out unhurt. In the Grecian myth, Hercules is said to have been swallowed by a whale and laid for three days in his entrails before emerging. Do these remind you of Jonah and the whale? Did you know Sumerian tablets speak of E.DIN as “The Abode of the Righteous Ones” just as the Bible’s Garden of Eden? King Sargon of Sumeria was said to have been set adrift in a basket down a river by his mother 4500 years ago. This is the same story the Bible tells about Moses, but unbeknownst to most Christians, the same goes for Mises in Syria, Minos in Crete, Manou in India, and many more.
“‘Mises’ is found in Syria, where he was pulled out of a basket floating in a river. Mises also had tablets of stone upon which laws were written, and a rod with which he did miracles, including parting waters and leading his army across the sea. In addition, ‘Manes the lawgiver’ took the stage in Egypt, and ‘Minos’ was the Cretan reformer. Jacolliot traces the original Moses to the Indian Manou: ‘This name of Manou, or Manes . . . is not a substantive, applying to an individual man; its Sanskrit signification is the man, par excellence, the legislator. It is a title aspired to by all the leaders of men in antiquity.’” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (169)
“There is no historical evidence for the existence of a man called Moses except in the texts produced by the Levites and other writings and opinions stimulated by those texts … the official background to ‘Moses’ and his name have no historical basis. Nothing was known about the ‘Moses’ story, or the ‘plagues’ inflicted upon the Egyptians, until the Levites of Babylon wrote Exodus centuries after it was supposed to have happened. All the animals of Egypt were killed three times according to the story! What did they do, die and immediately remanifest? There was no murder of the first born of Egypt and so the Feast of the Passover has no historical basis, it was created as a result of a story invented by the Levites. Their references to the lamb’s blood on the doors is code for the ancient symbolism of the lamb. There is no official book in Hebrew which makes any mention of the Pentateuch (the laws of Moses) before the Levites went to Babylon. As for the Israelites being captive in Egypt, even Deuteronomy describes them as ‘strangers’, not slaves, in this period. So where did the name Moses come from? Every initiated person who attained the highest rank in the Egyptian mystery schools was called a Muse, Mose or ... Moses. Manetho, the Egyptian historian of the third century BC, quoted by the Jewish historian, Josephus, says that he was a priest at Heliopolis or ON (Place of the Sun), and that afterwards he took the name of Mosheh or Moses. The word Moses means: he who has been taken away, he who has been put out from the waters, who has been made a missionary, an ambassador, an apostle. The Chief Priest in the Egyptian temples was called EOVE or EOVA, hence the emergence of the name Jehovah, and the Hebrew language is really the sacred language of the Egyptian mystery schools.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (83-4)
Long before the Christian era the Greek god Dionysus was said to turn water into wine as well. The Scandinavian god Odin and Marsyas of Mindanao were said to be hung on a tree and stabbed with a spear just as Jesus was said to be crucified and stabbed by Longinus’ spear. Vishnu, Wittoba, and Adonis were all crucified saviors stabbed in the side as well. Christ, meaning “the anointed one” was a term applied to Attis, Adonis, Tammuz, Osiris, Krishna and many other pre-Christian gods. Even the name “Christ” is a variation on KRST (Horus, The Anointed One) or Krishna (commonly spelt “Christna” or “Christos” in Bengali) thousands of years before Jesus supposedly walked the Earth.
“The word Kristo and its derivations, Krst, Krist, Kristo, Khyst, and Krish-na, all appeared in every ancient religious system and showed the original Kristo concept was believed to be the personal and invisible mediator and guide between God and everything spiritual in man. The Krist concept has been an ancient religious tradition continually suppressed by the Catholic church through the centuries.” -Tony Bushby, “The Bible Fraud”
“At the Council of Nicea were not only Christian leaders from Alexandria, Antioch, Athens, Jerusalem and Rome but also the leaders of the many other cults, sects and religions, including those of Apollo, Demeter/Ceres, Dionysus/Bacchus/Iasios, Janus, Jupiter/Zeus, Oannes/Dagon, Osiris and Isis, and ‘Sol Invictus,’ the Invincible Sun, the object of Constantine’s devotion. The purpose of this council was to unify the various competing cults under one universal or ‘catholic’ church, which, of course, would be controlled by Constantine and Rome. As noted, Rome claimed the ultimate authority because it purported to be founded upon the ‘rock of Peter.’ Thus, the statue of Jupiter in Rome was converted into ‘St. Peter,’ whose phony bones were subsequently installed in the Vatican. In a typical religion-making move, the gods of these other cults were subjugated under the new god and changed into ‘apostles’ and ‘saints’ … As stated, it is maintained that during the Nicene Council the names Jesus and Christ were put together for the first time in the phrase ‘Jesus Christ’ or ‘Christ Jesus,’ uniting two of the major factions, with Jesus representing the Hesus of the Druids, Joshua/Jesus of the Israelites, Horus/Iusa of the Egyptians and IES/Iesios of the Dionysians/Samothracians, and Christ representing the Krishna/Christos of India, the Anointed of the Jews and KRST of Egypt, among others. It is thus alleged that the phrase ‘Jesus Christ,’ which had never been a name, does not appear in Greek or Latin authors prior to the first Council of Nicea.” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (236-7)
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Re: Warning For Religious People
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Re: Warning For Religious People
Exactly Eschaton, "Why do you have to go through a middle man and the church to get to God? Christ is definitely an Archetype ("Christ Consciousness") but to say that one man that lived 2,000 years ago was the only one plugged into that level of consciousness is foolish in my mind."
Jericanman, you're saying you are "well versed in the information I have presented" which is a joke, because if you were you would be just as confident, matter-of-fact, and straight-forward about the clear mythological existence of Jesus Christ and the non-existence of such a literal person in history.
Statements like this are just intellectually dishonest: "if it wasn't for that personal experience with the lord i would probably be agreeing with what you are saying. but my eyes where opened that day and i just knew. i cant prove it to you." I come from a family and community of devout literalist Christians so I'm well aware of your kind of rhetoric. They are always talking about their "relationship with Jesus Christ," or as you said, "your personal experience with the lord." This is a ridiculous figment of your imagination that allows you to think you have a "relationship" or "personal experience" with some invisible-friend-ghost-god-man from 2000 years ago. You don't. You're praying to yourself. You have a relationship with yourself, and the church/bible has taught you be split-minded, form an altar consciousness, so you think you're talking to your favorite invisible friend when you're really just talking to yourself. I should know, I was taught to do so since I can remember and continued this "personal relationship with Jesus Christ" through my teens until I began researching the true history of Christianity. You say your "eyes were opened that day and you just knew, but you cannot prove it to me." Well through actual research and evidence, my eyes have been opened as well, and I just know, AND I CAN prove it. Not to you though, because you are clearly a zealot apologist, repeating the same excuses the earliest church apologists said back in the 2nd century.
You said, "if i was great deceiver who just happened at one time to be with god and probably knew the plan and everything down to a tea before it even happened id be setting up a very cleaver dis info campaign before god even got his chess pieces on the board. maybe make some of the chess pieces look like copy's of the ones i knew god would lay down in the future???" So "Satan" got here first and created 16 other religions all over the world, thousands of years earlier, which copied the story of the one true God, Jesus Christ, who would come later, by making a myth out of him before he even existed?
“No scholar believes that Osiris or Jupiter or Dionysus was an historical person promoted to the rank of a god, but exception is made only in favor of Jesus.” -Edouard Dujardin, “Ancient History of the God Jesus”
Justin Martyr (100–165AD) was the first and most distinguished Roman Catholic “apologist” of Christianity. The doctrines of the new religion were so disliked and resisted at its conception, apologists tried to smooth the waves. In “The First Apology of Justin,” he argues that Christianity should be accepted because it is already so similar to existing religions.
“When we say that he, Jesus Christ, our teacher, was produced without sexual union, was crucified and died, and rose again, and ascended into heaven, we propound nothing different from what you believe regarding the sons of Jupiter.” -Justin Martyr, “The First Apology of Justin”
Entire volumes have been written by Christians comparing Christianity with other Pagan religions. Here Justin Martyr admits the metaphorical (not literal) story of Jesus Christ is precisely analogous to pre-existing beliefs regarding Jupiter.
“And if we even affirm that He was born of a virgin, accept this in common with what you accept of Perseus. And in that we say that He made whole the lame, the paralytic, and those born blind, we seem to say what is very similar to the deeds said to have been done by Aesculapius.” -Justin Martyr, “The First Apology of Justin”
Through the course of the book, Justin Martyr admits that Jesus is analogous to the sons of Jupiter, Mercury, Aesculapius, Bacchus, Hercules, Dioscuri, Perseus, and Bellerophon. He admits their immaculate conceptions, miracles, untimely deaths, and ascents into heaven as symbolically purporting the same thing. He also admits Christianity teaches the same things as poets and philosophers citing Plato, Menander, Sibyl, Hystaspes, and Stoics. Since its inception Christianity never claimed to be historical, biographical, or even original. But what is the excuse they give for how all these similar religions could pre-exist the one true religion!? Satan did it! Same as Jericanman. First of all, who/what the heck are you claiming "Satan" is that he could come here first and create all these religions? Is he an immortal physical being that surreptitiously did this all himself? Or are you saying Satan is a kind of force/energy which works through people and had those people create these religions? And if you're saying the latter, then why don't you agree with Eschaton and I that Jesus Christ (Christ Consciousness) is also a kind of force/energy which works through people, and is NOT a literal physical immortal being? If you're saying the former, then why has nobody in history ever met these Satan/Jesus literal physical immortal guys?
Saying that "Satan" (whether a force or actual being) came here first and purposely created several similar religions all over the world, thousands of years earlier, all to discredit the coming one true religion, the 17th crucified savior god-man... is illogical, irrational, absolutely impossible, ridiculous to even consider and suggest, but here I am having to treat this like it's even worthy of debate because you've come here and told me that, "you just know, but you can't prove it to me."
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Re: Warning For Religious People
Thanks, yes please do that, as I'm only interested in research/evidence, not admittedly "improbable and unprovable" speculations about "Azezell and the fallen angels" (who/whatever you're claiming that is). Peace
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Re: Warning For Religious People
Atheism and Theism are like two opposite modes of control. The universe is clearly intelligently designed which means intelligence/consciousness pre-exists the material world. Problems start to arise, however, when you start calling this intelligence/consciousness "God," write "inspired" books about what "God" wants, tell people "God" has 10 things he doesn't want you to do, "God" created you with "original sin," He talks through burning bushes, and other such non-sense. Whatever experience you had, Jericanman, likely involved (as do most of what people term "religious" experiences) an altered-state of consciousness, a momentary glimpse of this higher internal realm, then you likely became convinced it was "Jesus" or some Christian conception of the divine. I have had many such experiences during lucid dreams, meditation, yogic kundalini awakening, and on various entheogens, which have shown me clearly that the ultimate reality, the One infinite consciousness that pre-exists and created the material world, is far beyond any religious conception and consolidation of it, and no middle man like Jesus or the Pope is necessary to access it.
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Re: Warning For Religious People
I think this settles it. I have loked up what the Historians have to say about the Bible but what really closed the case were the arguments from the Jews. And I didn't even see that one coming. In short: this really turns out to be a big bag of bullcrap.
I was a Christian for ten years. I have read the whole bible many times. I have read many books and attended numerous lectures, schoolings and sermons. I have been preaching and teaching for five years as I was helping to develop a small Christian community in my town. I can say that I have better than avarege knowledge and understanding on the subject of Christianity. I was able to easily refute and prove every claim that I found erratic and false. But I am not able to refute the historians, when they show clear errors and misrepresentations of the history in the bible. And I cannot refute the Jews who show how Christianity has nothing to do with the old testament. I can't refute them because I see that they are right. Some of those things are so obvious that you don't need any knowledge of theology or history to see them.
I remember when I first started reading the new testament. It was stating that this or that happened as a fulfilment of the old testament prophecy. I thought "Really? That would be cool!" And than I went to look it up. And after reading the passage I said to myself "Boy that looks farfetched... It doesn't even sound like a prophecy. It sounds as if it was talking about something irrelevant. If the bible didn't tell me that this was a prophecy I would never figure that out. It's good we have the bible to let us know about it..." And I dropped the subject because I assumed that after I learn more I will understand that it's not the bullshit that it seems. But after 10 years of studies I read the same passages that contain supposed prophecies again and I can see clear that it is in fact absolute bullshit.
I can't say I'm very surprised though. I'm actually surprisingly quite cool with it. I am more relieved by the fact that I don't have to deceive myself anymore.
So if anybody else has a wish to be ultimately disilussioned, just watch the videos above.
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Re: Warning For Religious People
There were dozens of historians who lived in the Mediterranean throughout the supposed life of Jesus, Mary and Joseph: Aulus Perseus, Columella, Justus of Tiberius, Livy, Lucarus, Luctus Florus, Petronius, Phaedrus, Philo Judaeus, Phlegon, Plutarch, Pomponius Mela, Rufus Curtius, Quintillan, Quintus Curtius, Seneca, Silus Italicus, Theon of Smyrna, Valerius Flaccus, Valerius Maximus - None of them so much as mentioned Jesus, his family or his followers. Wouldn’t you think someone who was immaculately conceived, who performed miracles, was revered by thousands and hated by thousands more, someone who was crucified for all our sins then resurrected from death, wouldn’t he be mentioned at least once outside the bible?
“There is no credible evidence whatsoever for the existence of Jesus. No archaeological evidence, no written evidence, nothing. So it is with Solomon, Moses, David, Abraham, Samson and countless other biblical ‘stars’. All we have are the Levite texts and the Gospel stories in their various versions. So desperate did the religious manipulators become to cross reference ‘Jesus’ that they inserted a pathetically obvious addition into the works of the ‘Jewish’ historian, Josephus, to support the unsupportable. More than 40 writers are known to have chronicled the events of these lands during the alleged time of Jesus, but they don’t mention him. A guy who did all the things that he was supposed to have done and no-one records it? Philo lived throughout the supposed life of Jesus and wrote a history of the Judeans which covered the whole of this period. He even lived in or near Jerusalem when Jesus was said to have been born and Herod was supposed to have killed the children, yet he doesn’t record any of this. He was there when Jesus is said to have made his triumphant arrival in Jerusalem and when he was crucified and rose from the dead on the third day. What does Philo say about these fantastic events? Nothing.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (100)
“We don’t want to be unkind, but we want to be factual. We don’t want to cause hurt feelings, but we want to be academically correct in what we understand and know to be true. Christianity just is not based on truth. We find that Christianity was nothing more than a Roman story developed politically.” -Jordan Maxwell, “Zeitgeist”
“No scholar believes that Osiris or Jupiter or Dionysus was an historical person promoted to the rank of a god, but exception is made only in favor of Jesus.” -Edouard Dujardin, “Ancient History of the God Jesus”
Justin Martyr (100–165AD) was the first and most distinguished Roman Catholic “apologist” of Christianity. The doctrines of the new religion were so disliked and resisted at its conception, apologists tried to smooth the waves. In “The First Apology of Justin,” he argues that Christianity should be accepted because it is already so similar to existing religions.
“When we say that he, Jesus Christ, our teacher, was produced without sexual union, was crucified and died, and rose again, and ascended into heaven, we propound nothing different from what you believe regarding the sons of Jupiter.” -Justin Martyr, “The First Apology of Justin”
Entire volumes have been written by Christians comparing Christianity with other Pagan religions. Here Justin Martyr admits the metaphorical (not literal) story of Jesus Christ is precisely analogous to pre-existing beliefs regarding Jupiter.
“And if we even affirm that He was born of a virgin, accept this in common with what you accept of Perseus. And in that we say that He made whole the lame, the paralytic, and those born blind, we seem to say what is very similar to the deeds said to have been done by Aesculapius.” -Justin Martyr, “The First Apology of Justin”
Through the course of the book, Justin Martyr admits that Jesus is analogous to the sons of Jupiter, Mercury, Aesculapius, Bacchus, Hercules, Dioscuri, Perseus, and Bellerophon. He admits their immaculate conceptions, miracles, untimely deaths, and ascents into heaven as symbolically purporting the same thing. He also admits Christianity teaches the same things as poets and philosophers citing Plato, Menander, Sibyl, Hystaspes, and Stoics. Since its inception Christianity never claimed to be historical, biographical, or even original.
“The doctrine of the divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity.” - US President John Adams
“It has served us well, this myth of Christ.” - Pope Leo X
“This whole affair of which we speak and preach, and which is called Gospel, has no reference at all to any person that ever existed, or events that ever occurred upon earth” - Rev. Robert Taylor, “The Devil’s Pulpit”
“The traditional history of Christianity is hopelessly inadequate to the facts. From our research into ancient spirituality it has become obvious that we must fundamentally revise our understanding of Christian origins in the most shocking of ways. Our conclusion, supported by a considerable body of evidence in our book, The Jesus Mysteries, is that Christianity was not a new revelation. It was a continuation of Paganism by another name. The gospel story of Jesus is not the biography of an historical Messiah. It is a Jewish reworking of ancient Pagan myths of the dying and resurrecting Godman Osiris- Dionysus, which had been popular for centuries throughout the ancient Mediterranean.” - Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy, “The Original Jesus”
Characters are often interchangeable within the Bible itself. Joseph in the Old Testament is analogous to Jesus in the New Testament. Joseph was born of a miracle birth, had 12 brothers, one of whom, Judah, suggests the sale of Joseph for 20 gold pieces. Jesus was born of a miracle birth, had 12 disciples, one of whom, Judas, who suggests the sale of Jesus for 30 gold pieces. They both began their work at 30. Are we to believe these are literal people living remarkable, coincidental, analogous existences? Or are they personifications, symbols, metaphors representing the ancients’ wealth of astrological knowledge?
“Jews do not accept Jesus as the Christ or the Messiah. They were the ones in the Middle East; it was their country, their language and their book. If they don't accept the story, there must be a reason why.” -Jordan Maxwell, “Matrix of Power”
“Nay, not only are there no proofs of the twelve tribes of Israel having ever existed, but Herodotus, the most accurate of historians, who was in Assyria when Ezra flourished, never mentions the Israelites at all…How is this possible?” -Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, vol. 3
“It is quite exciting, incidentally, to know that the Genesis account of the creation of mankind through its first parentage in Adam and Eve bears the marks of derivation from the primary Egyptian symbolic depiction.” –Alvin Boyd Kuhn, “Ultimate Canon of Knowledge”
Genesis was an ancient sidereal myth taught to Nile temple initiates The very word Genesis means “Genes of Isis,” Isis being the Egyptian version of Mary. The word “Bible” comes from “Buka” reeds used to make papyrus (paper) which grew on the banks of the Nile in Egypt. Another name for Buka was Biblos and this is where we get Book and Bible. The similarities between the Christian and Egyptian religions are practically endless:
The incarnate trinity of Osiris, Horus and Ra, are the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of Christianity. The carnate trinity Seb, Isis-Meri, and Horus are analogous to Joseph, Mary, and Jesus. Isis and Mary were both virgin mothers commanded to take their sons to Egypt for safety. Seb and Joseph were both carpenters. Seb was the custodian of the mummified dead and Joseph of Arimathea was the keeper of the Corpus Christi. Horus was born in Annu, the place of bread; Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the house of bread. Horus is the gracious child, one of five brethren, brother of Set the betrayer; Jesus is the child full of grace, one of five brothers including Judas the betrayer. Anna came with S’men who held Horus in his arms; Anna the prophetess came with Simeon who held Jesus in his arms. Anup the baptizer was the precursor of Horus, John the Baptist was the forerunner of Jesus. Horus and Jesus were both baptized at age 30; both called the good Shepard, walked on water and cured the blind. Seven Hathors minister to Horus; seven women minister to Jesus. Horus ascends to heaven from Bakhu, the Mount of the olive tree; Jesus ascends to heaven from Mount Olivet. Horus was the word-made-flesh who giveth light by means of his own body and Jesus the word-made-flesh was the light of the world.
Set and Horus were enemies like Satan and Jesus. Set and Horus contended in the desert on the Ben-Ben Pyramidion; Jesus and Satan contended in the wilderness on the pinnacle. Horus was carried off by Set to the summit of Mount Hetep and Jesus was spirited away by Satan into high mountains. Osiris, whom Horus loved, prays he may be buried speedily, sleeps in and is raised from the tomb in Annu; Lazarus, whom Jesus loved, begs his death be effected quickly, sleeps in and is raised from the tomb in Bethany. Then the mummy Osiris is bidden to come forth by Horus like the mummy Lazarus is bidden forth by Jesus. Petar or Petra was the Egyptian revealer to Horus; Peter was the revealer to Christ. There’s Hermes the scribe and Hermas the scribe, Mati, the registrar and Matthew, the clerk, Herrut the slayer of younglings and Herod the murderer of the innocents. Both religions symbolize the dove as the bird of the Holy Spirit. The Egyptian Mysteries are the miracles. The ritual book of resurrection is the book of Revelation. On and on it goes; the similarities between the Egyptian and Christian religions are endless: Baptism, afterlife, judgment, virgin birth, resurrection, crucifixion, ark of the covenant, circumcision, saviors, communion, flood, Easter, Christmas, Passover.
“Egyptian culture was highly influential in the creation of Judaism and Christianity, both of which carnalized and historicized much of the mythos and ritual in their scriptures. Indeed, many scholars have insisted that the Bible is entirely Egyptian …The entire Christian bible, creation legend, descent into and exodus from Egypt, ark and flood allegory, Israelite history, Hebrew prophecy and poetry, Gospels, Epistles and Revelation imagery, all are now proven to have been the transmission of ancient Egypt’s scrolls and papyri into the hands of later generations.” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (266)
“In reality, Christianity was the product of a multinational cabal composed of members of a variety of brotherhoods, secret societies and mystery schools, and was designed to empower and enrich such individuals and to unify their empire. To do so, these conspirators took myriad myths and rituals of virtually all the known cultures and combined them into one, producing a godman to beat them all.” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (289-90)
Jesus Christ: Man or Myth?
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Re: Warning For Religious People
Jun 20, 2015 3:07:01 GMT antjraf said:
What's the format? Is it to accept as normative when someone states there is "zero" evidence of something when obviously that statement cannot be taken as fact by anyone who desires honest discourse.
There are "experts" who say there is "zero" evidence for the flat earth theory; are we to use the same rules for that as well?
I am here because I do not fall for conventional thinking; most people would think it more far-fetched to believe in the flat earth than to believe Jesus never existed. However, I do not care what most people think on any subject, hence why I came to this forum.
If anyone feels disrespected by the offering of informative, in-depth and legit opposing views on this or any subject, how can honest discourse be had?
It seems I would have the same type of response if I defended flat earth theory on a "scientific" forum where the same knee-jerk vitriol is spouted by the hard-line "globe-heads".
I am merely here to learn and share what I can; I am a truthseeker above all else. I hope I remain welcome.
Eric has made his opinion extremely clear regarding the discussion of religion on this forum, and the discussion Global Earth theories. We do not allow the promotion of NWO nonsense on this forum.
Eric has single handedly revived the flat earth truth movement, and he relaunched IFERS. If he doesn't want the discussion of certain topics, that is his decision, and if you don't like it, you can leave the forum.
If you actually bother to read through the threads on this forum, you will find hundreds of conversations and debates on many different topics. We do consider and disprove every single Global Earther lie that is thrown at us, and if you cannot see that, then this forum may not be the place for you.
Please have the respect and decency to not criticise the rules of this forum without properly understanding them, and without properly investigating the forum archives.
I myself have had many interesting debates and disagreements with many other members. We do have free speech here, as long as you don't try to promote the Global Earth lie, and as long as you don't disagree with our belief in a Flat Earth. After all, this is a Flat Earth research forum.
We are not here to get bogged down in one debate after the other with NWO Shills or deluded, brainwashed, close-minded and ignorant people who refuse to see the truth in Eric's work.
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